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The following text is for questions 1 - 2.

Well, the eight or more hours of work are all about back-to-back meetings. A doctor’s bread and
butter is seeing patients, and each appointment is essentially a meeting with a client. You check
the details of the case, try and get a sense of what’s going on, and then figure out the medicines–
often trying to do this within a half hour.

The thinking process is a lot like troubleshooting a broken device, only it’s from a foreign
manufacturer. You possess thousands of different but crude tools, and you can only try to fix the
device so many times. When someone comes in with a complaint, you think of a bunch of things
it could be (your differential diagnosis) and then ask questions to try and narrow it down and
separate it from similar problems. Then you choose your tests and hope that you can pin down
the source of the problem to something in particular (your diagnosis). Then you figure out if the
problem is fixable.

The finer details of the job depend on the work setting. If you work in a hospital on a medical
team, it’s like being an officer in the military, or a middle manager in a large company. Middle
managers don’t do the grunt work–you’re paid to figure out what work needs to be done, make
sure that the work is done, and bear the responsibility of right and wrong decisions. It is
accomplished by a lot of paperwork–meeting patients to find out their issues, documenting your
findings and your thinking process, writing orders, communicating those orders to other
healthcare professionals to act on them.

If you work in a clinic, it’s more like being a small business owner. The work is the same, but
you have a bit more autonomy and control over the setup, though you aren’t able to get your
results or make changes quite as quickly. We spoke to some doctors to understand what their
routine is to better understand the point in question. (

1. What is the main idea of the text?

A. A doctor and his/her patients
B. A doctor takes care the patient
C. A daily routine of a doctor
D. A life of patient
2. 'The thinking process is a lot like troubleshooting a broken device, ... (Paragraph 2).
The bold word has the same meaning with .......... in the text.
A. complaint
B. problems
C. separate
D. figure out
This Text is for question no. 3.

Indonesian students study 15 subjects on average for each semester. These subjects include Arts,
Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Languages, Literature and so on. A subject may
be repeated once or twice each week.

The language used in classroom is Bahasa Indonesia, known as Indonesian Language. However,
some schools in rural areas may use local language due to some limitation understanding of
Bahasa Indonesia. Also, private schools may use a both English and Bahasa Indonesia while
international schools use English entirely. https://factsofindonesia-com.
3. What is the topic of the second paragraph?
A. Some languages are used in classroom
B. Only Bahasa Indonesia is used in classroom
C. Private schools may use a both English and Bahasa Indonesia
D. Some schools in rural areas may use local language.
The following text is for questions 4-7:

A new study suggests housework is not the quality form of exercise many people consider it to
be. The report even went as far as saying that those who did the most housework were usually
those most overweight. The study is called, "Does doing housework keep you healthy? The
contribution of domestic physical activity to meeting current recommendations for health". It
questions whether physical activities such as do-it-yourself, gardening and housework are such
good exercise. It acknowledges that any activity is better than none, but says, "there is a danger
that those undertaking domestic 'chores' may assume that this activity is moderate intensity" and
wrongly count it as proper exercise.
A total of 4,563 adults participated in the survey, which was based on participants' weekly
physical activity. The analysis from this research showed that people who included housework as
part of their weekly exercise tended to be heavier. Research leader professor Marie Murphy said:
"Housework is physical activity and any physical activity should theoretically increase the
amount of calories [burnt]. But we found that housework was inversely related to leanness,
which suggests that either people are overestimating the amount of moderate intensity physical
activity they do through housework, or are eating too much to compensate for the amount of
activity undertaken." (

4. Which statement is not true based on the text above?

A. People who do the most housework tend to gain more weight.
B. Based on the study physical activity does not always burn calories.
C. People think that doing a lot of housework can make them slim.
D. The study found that housework made people lose weight.
5. The word participated is closest in meaning to the word....
A. partied
B. celebrated
C. took part
D. followed
6. A new study suggests housework is not the quality form of exercise many people
consider it to be. It means that ...
A. housework is not the quality form of exercise many people consider it to be is
suggested by a new study.
B. housework is not the quality form of exercise many people consider it to be was
suggested by a new study.
C. housework is not the quality form of exercise many people consider it to be
suggested a new study.
D. housework is not the quality form of exercise many people consider it to be
suggests by a new study.
7. housework is not the quality form of exercise many people consider it to be suggests
by a new study. ; ........ doing chores is not an exercise, many people still think that it
A. however
B. therefore
C. although
D. since
This text is for quetions no. 8 & no. 9:

Yogyakarta (JP)- National flag carrier Garuda Indonesia has temporarily diverted its flights
intended for Adi Sucipto Airport in Yogyakarta to Adisumarmo Airport in Surakarta, Central
Java, after one of its planes overshot an Adisucipto runway lane on Wednesday night.
“All of Garuda Indonesia flights heading toward Yogyakarta, for a total of 34 flights, now will
[be diverted] to Surakarta,” Garuda Indonesia VP of corporate communications Benny S. Butar -
butar said in an official statement on Thursday.
The flights include 10 coming from and going to Jakarta, three to and from Denpasar, Bali, two
to and from Makassar, South Sulawesi, and one flight from Surabaya, East Java.
The airline would provide a bus at Adisumarmo Airport to transport passengers to Yogyakarta.
Garuda Indonesia is still evacuating the Boeing 737-800 NG, which slipped on the runway and
overshot a lane on Wednesday night. It carried 123 passengers, none of whom were harmed.
Garuda aims to finish evacuating the aircraft on Thursday afternoon. (bbn) Taken from :
8. What is the text about?
A. Redirect flights of Garuda Indonesia from Yogyakarta to Surakarta because of
runway accident.
B. Slipped plane accident in Adisucipto runway lane
C. Evacuation of Garuda Indonesia after its accident
D. Confirmation of Garuda Indonesia VP of corporate communication about
overshot accident
9. It can be concluded from the text that ….
A. Adisucipto Airport will be closed after the incident
B. Because of the incident, Garuda Indonesia redirected Yogyakarta flights to
Surakarta permanently
C. Garuda Indonesia supplied bus to support passengers from Surakarta to
D. Garuda Indonesia had been finished evacuating its plane when this news was

The following text is for questions no 10 - 11 :

Taufik Hidayat quitting national badminton team after 13 years of service, which culminated in
an Olympic gold medal, shuttler Taufik Hidayat announced Friday his resignation from the
national training camp in Jakarta.
“My decision to resign is final. It’s not an impulse or emotional decision. I’ve been thinking
about quitting the national team since 2004, after I won at the Athens Olympics,” he said.
“However, people kept on encouraging me to stay in the national team, considering my potential
and my youth. Therefore, I stayed until 2008.” In 2001, Taufik threatened to quit the training
camp because of Mulyo’s exclusion. Mulyo is his mentor. He only joined the national team after
the head of PBSI Djoko Santoso has agreed to restore Mulyo. In 2004, Taufik made yet another
threat to quit, and again backed down from it. “It’s time for younger players to take the baton.
I’m giving way to them. It’s all about regeneration in Indonesian badminton,” he said (By 2008)
10. How many years has Taufik Hidayat played badminton with the national team?
A. 14 years
B. 15 years
C. 2008
D. 13 years
11. It’s all about regeneration in Indonesian badminton,” he said (last paragraph). The word “he”
refers to …
A. Taufik hidayat
B. Djoko santoso
C. Mulyo
D. Agung gumelar

The following text is for question number 12 to question number 14.

The blooming of the cherry trees in Washington, D.C. is an annual tradition which has come to
symbolize the natural beauty of America's capital city. The famous trees herald Washington's rite
of spring with a vivid explosion of life and colour that blankets the city's open spaces in a sea of
fragrant white and pale pink blossoms.

The first cherry trees were presented as a gift of friendship from the Japanese people to the
people of the United States in the early twentieth century. 3,020 cherry trees of different varieties
were planted in March 1912, with just over half of the trees being Yoshino Cherry trees.

In Japan, the cherry tree, or "Sakura," is a plant which is valued highly. It is a powerful symbol
which represents the transformation of Japanese culture throughout the ages.

Cherry blossom blooming peaks anywhere from mid-March to mid-April, depending on weather
conditions. The peak bloom date is defined as the day when seventy percent of the Yoshino
Cherry blossoms are open.

Hundreds of thousands of people from around the world visit Washington D.C. every spring, to
enjoy seeing the Japanese flowering cherry trees in full bloom.

12. Which of these statements about the text is not true?

A. The festival is a local event.
B. Cherry blossoms are pink and white.
C. Washington D.C. is America's capital city.
D. Cherry trees are mean a lot for the Japanese.
13. The word "vivid" is closest in meaning with the word ....
A. massive
B. tremendous
C. pure
D. bright
14. Cherry blossom trees ..........over a hundred years ago.
A. are planted
B. were planted
C. have been planted
D were being planted

This text is for quetion no. 15:

Air pollution consists of chemicals or particles in the air that can harm the health of humans,
animals, and plants. It also damages buildings.

People experience a wide range of health effects from being exposed to air pollution. Short-term
effects, which are temporary, include illnesses such as pneumonia or bronchitis.They also
include discomforts such as irritation to the nose, throat, eyes, or skin. Long-term health effects
from air pollution include heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases such as
emphysema. (

15. Air pollution does not lead to

A. Gastro-intestinal diseases
B. Cancer
C. Respiratory diseases
D. Damage to buildings

The following text is for quetion no.16:

Wild animals usually come into cities to look for food. In Cape Town, South Africa, baboons
sometimes come into the suburbs. They eat fruit from gardens and go into people's kitchens and
take food from cupboards and fridges! Baboons are strong animals and sometimes they scare
children and fight with pet dogs. Many people do not like them, but the city can be dangerous for
baboons too. Sometimes, baboons are hurt in car accidents and the sugar in human food can be
very bad for their teeth. The city council in Cape Town has a team of Baboon Monitors. Their
job is to find baboons in the city and take them back to the countryside. This makes the city safer
for people and it is healthier for the baboons. The problem is that a lot of baboons will come
back to the city to find food again.In Berlin in Germany, groups of wild pigs sometimes come
into the city to look for food. Pigs have come into the city for hundreds of years, but now the
winters are warmer, there are more pigs than in the past. Pigs eat flowers and plants and dig in
gardens and parks in the city. They also walk in the street and cause traffic accidents. Some city
residents like the pigs and give them food. But the city council is worried about the traffic
accidents. They have told people to stop giving the pigs food and have put up fences to stop the
pigs entering the city. In Moscow in Russia, there are 35,000 wild dogs. They live in parks,
empty houses, markets and train stations. Some of the dogs were pets that people did not want so
they left them on the streets. Others were born on the streets and have always lived there. Some
dogs live alone and others live in packs (a pack is the name for a group of dogs). In 2010,
scientists studied the dogs. They found some very interesting facts:

• Packs have leaders. The leaders are the most intelligent dogs and not the biggest or strongest
• Dogs know that it is safer to cross the street with people and some dogs understand traffic
• Dogs have learnt that people give more food to small, cute dogs than to big ones. The cutest
dogs in a pack wait on the street for people to give them food. When they have got some food,
they share it with the other dogs in the pack.
• Some dogs have started travelling on the Moscow underground trains.What do the people in
Moscow think of the dogs? A lot of people like them and are used to seeing them on the streets.
They give the dogs food and water to drink. The winter in Moscow is very cold with lots of snow
and temperatures of -10ºC. It can be hard for dogs to survive but some city residents have built
small huts. (

16. Which statement is true based on the text above...

A. The Baboon Monitors feed the baboons.
B. There are more pigs in Berlin now because people give them food.
C. Baboons and pigs sometimes cause traffic accidents.
D. People are more generous to big dogs.

The following text is for questions 17 to 20.

The technology and services it provides for sending and receiving electronic messages (called
"letters" or "electronic letters") over a distributed (including global) computer network. In terms
of the composition of elements and the principle of operation, electronic mail practically repeats
the system of regular (paper) mail, borrowing both terms (mail, letter, envelope, attachment, box,
delivery, and others) and characteristic features — ease of use, message transmission delays,
sufficient reliability and at the same time no guarantee of delivery. The advantages of e-mail are:
easily perceived and remembered by a person addresses of the form user_name@domain_name
(for example,; the ability to transfer both plain text and formatted, as
well as arbitrary files; independence of servers (in the general case, they address each other
directly); sufficiently high reliability of message delivery; ease of use by humans and programs.
Disadvantages of e-mail: the presence of such a phenomenon as spam (massive advertising and
viral mailings); the theoretical impossibility of guaranteed delivery of a particular letter; possible
delays in message delivery (up to several days); limits on the size of one message and on the
total size of messages in the mailbox (personal for users).
17. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To describe advantages and disadvantages of email
B. To persuade people to use email
C. To explain the importance of email
D. To discuss about email’s problems
18. Paragraph 2 tells us about ….
A. The advantage of email
B. The disadvantage of email
C. The usage of email
D. The way to use email
19. How many advantages of email are mentioned in the text?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
20. “The advantages of e-mail are: easily perceived and …” (par.1)
The underlined word means ….
A. Loss
B. Damage
C. Harm
D. Benefit

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