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Aldrin M.



Task 1. Picture Analysis
1. About the COVID 19 VACCINE
2. The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued recommendations for
prioritizing COVID-19 vaccination to those who are most at risk of severe illness
and death. Priority should be given to healthcare workers, the elderly, people with
underlying medical conditions, essential workers, and other high-risk groups.
Prioritizing those at greatest risk of severe illness and death can help to reduce
the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations and prevent the virus from
spreading further. It is important to note that the priority of COVID-19 vaccination
may vary depending on the unique situation and resources of each country.
3. Yes, getting vaccinated has many advantages, including protecting oneself from
COVID-19 and reducing the virus's spread to others. COVID-19 vaccines have
been shown to be highly effective in preventing severe illness, hospitalization,
and death from the virus, as well as reducing virus spread.

Task 2.
• "Make an informed choice, and protect yourself and others with the COVID

1. The government is attempting to obtain COVID-19 vaccines for a variety of
reasons, including public health, economic recovery, social stability, and
international relations. Vaccines are critical tools for protecting individuals from
the virus and limiting its spread, and the government is working to vaccinate as
many people as possible in order to control the virus's spread and protect public
health. Vaccines provide a means of controlling the virus's spread and allowing
businesses to reopen safely. The pandemic has disrupted social stability, and the
government is working to obtain vaccines in order to restore social stability and
contribute to international efforts to control the virus's spread.
2. Persons living with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) are vulnerable to
diseases such as SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) due to a
weakened immune system, underlying health conditions, and potential barriers to
healthcare. People living with HIV are more likely to have pre-existing medical
conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and respiratory illnesses, which can
increase the risk of severe illness if infected with SARS-CoV-2. People living with
HIV should take extra precautions to protect themselves from COVID-19 and
seek medical attention as soon as they suspect they are infected.
3. By following public health guidelines, encouraging others to do the same,
volunteering in their communities, advocating for equitable access to healthcare,
and practicing self-care, young people can make a significant impact in providing
and reducing the spread of COVID-19. Wear a mask, practice social distancing,
and wash your hands frequently according to public health guidelines. Encourage
others to follow the rules by disseminating accurate information from reliable
sources and engaging in conversations with friends and family. Volunteer in their
communities to help vulnerable populations, advocate for equitable healthcare
access, and practice self-care.


• Anamae is facing a dilemma between risking her health and providing for her
family. To help her make an informed decision, she should explore alternative
sources of income, prioritize safety, seek financial assistance, and seek
emotional support. The decision will depend on her individual circumstances and
personal values, and should prioritize both her health and the well-being of her

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