CHAPTER 6 Key Terms

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CHAPTER 6 Key Terms

Cervix; The lower part of the uterus that widens/ dilates when a woman
is in labour.

Dilate: To widen or open.

Contraction: The tightening and releasing of the muscles of the uterus.

This is also a sign of labor.

Epidural: popular means for pain relief during labor., administered in the
lower back, usually by an anesthesiologist

fetal monitoring: The watching of an unborn baby’s heart rate for

indications of stress.

Fontanel: An open space found on the baby's head where the bones are
not yet joined.

Normal birth position: head down

Breech position: bottom first

caesarean birth: Also known as a caesarean section or C-section, it is the

delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen.

cord blood: The blood left behind in the umbilical cord and placenta
following birth.

stem cells: Cells capable of producing all types of cells.

Lanugo: Fine, downy hair growing on newborns’ foreheads, backs, and


Vernix: A thick, white, pasty substance made up of the fetus's old skin
cells and the secretions of skin glands.

Milia: Tiny white bumps on a baby's nose, chin or cheeks (baby acne)

Apgar scale: A system of rating the physical condition of a newborn baby.

Jaundice: Occurs when bilirubin builds up faster than a newborn's liver

can break it down and pass it from the body.
Bilirubin: A substance produced by the breakdown of red blood cells.

Incubator: A special enclosed crib where the oxygen supply,

temperature, and humidity can be closely controlled.

Colostrum: A high-calorie, high-protein early breast milk. neonatal period

The first month after the baby is born.

lactation consultant: A professional breastfeeding specialist who shows

mothers how to encourage adequate milk production and how to position
babies properly so that they can nurse.

rooming-in: When that the baby remains with the mother in her room
during the hospital stay; it can be a full-time or part-time arrangement.

Bonding: The act of forming emotional ties between parents and child.

Neonatal Period: first month after baby is born

postnatal period: The time following the baby’s birth.

Baby Blues: feelings of sadness that you may have in the first few days
after having a baby

postpartum depression: A condition in which new mothers may feel very

sad, cry a lot, have little energy, feel overly anxious about the baby or
have little interest in the baby, and, in extreme cases, think of harming
the baby.

Rooting reflex: reflex-when a newborn's cheek is stroked, the head turns

and the mouth opens to search for the object

Palmar/ Grasp Reflex-When pressure is applied to an infant's palms, the

fingers curl in a strong enough grasp to support the infant's own weight

Moro/Startle Reflex-A loud noise or jolt causes infants to extend their

arms and then bring them back toward the body

Pitocin: a manufactured form of the hormone oxytocin, produced by a

woman’s body to cause contractions

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