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VGU 61ECE208 - Electromagnetics 4 July 2022

Electrical and Computer Engineering Study Program


Udo Klein

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.1
Spring 2022

Lecture Topic 12

Magnetic Materials and

Magnetic Circuits

Udo Klein

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.2
Spring 2022

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VGU 61ECE208 - Electromagnetics 4 July 2022

Course Contents
• Coulomb’s law and electric fields
• Electric field energy and electrical potential
• Potential gradient and electric dipoles
• Electric flux density and Gauss’s law
• Application of Gauss’s law and divergence
• Conductors
• Dielectric Materials
• Capacitance and the Laplace’s & Poisson’s equations
• The steady magnetic field
• Magnetic flux density and magnetic potentials
• Magnetic forces
• Magnetic materials and magnetic circuits
• Self-inductance and mutual inductance
• Time-varying fields
Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.3
Spring 2022

Magnetic Materials
Materials are characterized according to their configurations of − and
interactions between − atomic magnetic moments.
On the atomic or molecular scale, magnetic moments are associated with
electron orbital configurations, electron spin, and (to a lesser extent) nuclear
The diagram shows contributions to
the total magnetic moment of an atom
that arise from the electron orbit (morb)
and electron spin (mspin), in which the
latter vector may add to or subtract
from the orbital moment. In addition,
electrons occurring in pairs will have
equal and opposite spin momenta.
The magnetic flux density, B0, is
externally applied. positive or negative

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.4
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In this case, the summation of all orbital and spin
magnetic moments associated with all electrons in a
single atom is precisely zero, with the atom in its
unperturbed state.
Application of a magnetic field leads to an
outward radial force Fm on the orbiting
electron shown here, resulting in a
a rough sketch of what is going on in an
decrease in its orbital velocity in order to atom (greatly oversimplified!)
maintain a balance of Coulomb and
magnetic forces.
The velocity reduction will result in a
lessening of the orbital magnetic moment, thus (acting to partially cancel
producing a very small net magnetic moment in the the orbital contribution)
direction of the spin moment; i.e., in the opposite
direction to the applied field.
Examples of diamagnetic materials: metallic bismuth,
So a net decrease in the copper, gold, silicon, germanium, graphite, sulfur.
magnetic flux density will occur.
Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.5
Spring 2022

In this case, the summation of all orbital and spin
magnetic moments associated with individual atoms
is not zero, but is very small. Because of random
orientations of adjacent atoms, however, the
average magnetic moment in the material is zero.
Application of a magnetic field on the non-
zero moments introduces a torque on the
ensemble which results in the partial
alignment of the moments of adjacent atoms.
(adding to the orbital
This strengthens the overall magnetic flux contribution, or not
density. completely cancelling
However, the diamagnetic effect, in addition to the it if negative)
tendency toward random orientations due to
molecular activity (increasing with temperature)
reduces the net increase in B.
Examples of paramagnetic materials:
So a net increase in the B field will be
potassium, tungsten, rare earth elements
seen, but this increase is very small.
Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.6
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In ferromagnetic materials, fairly strong
atomic or molecular magnetic moments
exist. Moments of adjacent molecules
interact to cause partial alignment of
moments within small regions known as
domains. Magnetic moment orientations
from domain to domain are random, thus
resulting in a zero overall magnetic
moment for the material.

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.7
Spring 2022

Ferromagnetism (cont.)
Application of a steady magnetic field produces
greater torque on magnetic moments that are closer
to alignment with B0. Average alignment throughout
the material thus increases, but does so through the
enlargement of the nearly-aligned domains, at the
expense of those that are not aligned with B0.
A significant increase in the overall magnetic flux
density occurs.
Ferromagnetic elements: iron, nickel, cobalt
(room temperature), gadolinium, dysprosium
(low temperature).
Another manifestation is found in superparamagnetic
materials, consisting of ferromagnetic particles
suspended in a non-ferromagnetic matrix (magnetic
recording tape is the most common example).
Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.8
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In certain materials, and at low temperatures, adjacent magnetic moments
are oriented in opposite directions, this being the lowest energy state for the
ensemble. The application of an external field produces no change in the net
flux density.

Example of antiferromagnetic materials: manganese oxide,

nickel oxide, ferrous sulfide, cobalt chloride

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.9
Spring 2022

In certain materials, the lowest energy configuration involves adjacent
magnetic moments that are oriented with opposing orientations, but with
different magnitudes as shown.
The application of an external field produces a significant change in the net
flux density, but not as strong as in ferromagnetic materials. The most
important materials in this class are the ferrites, distinguished by having low

Example of ferrimagnetic materials: iron oxide magnetite,

nickel-zinc ferrite, nickel ferrite

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.10
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Magnetic Material Summary

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.11
Spring 2022

Magnetic Dipole Ensembles

Consider a bound current, Ib, surrounding a
differential area, dS. The magnetic moment is

Then, if several such moments exist within a

volume Δv, then the total magnetic moment
within that volume will be the vector sum of the
contributors, or:

where n is the dipole volume density (dipoles

per unit volume).

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.12
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The magnetization is the dipole moment per
unit volume, in the limit as the volume shrinks
to a point:

Units are dipole moment per unit volume, or A/m.

If all dipoles are identical, each having moment

m, and if they all have the same orientation,
then the magnetization simplifies to:

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.13
Spring 2022

Bound Current Formulation

Consider an arrangement of identical magnetic moments, oriented at angle θ
to a large closed path, along which they are arranged. The local path
orientation is given by differential length, dL, shown below for a small
segment of the path. The closed path defines a surface that intersects the
charge orbits.

upward current contribution

surface defined through surface
by closed path

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.14
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Bound Current Formulation (cont.)

The dipoles arranged around the loop will be contained within a tube whose
volume over a differential length will be

The number of dipoles within that volume will therefore be:

(three are shown here)

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.15
Spring 2022

Differential Bound Current

Now, the differential bound current, crossing the surface along length dL will

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.16
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Bound Current Over a Closed Path

The net bound current is found by integrating the differential current over the
entire closed path; i.e.

This equation says that if we go around a closed path and find dipole
moments going our way more often than not, there will be a corresponding
current composed of, for example, orbiting electrons crossing the interior

This equation has a decided resemblance to Ampere’s Circuital Law:

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.17
Spring 2022

Relation Between B and H

The total current in a general medium will consist of the sum of bound and
free currents
Defining B as the fundamental magnetic field quantity, Ampere’s Circuital
Law for the total current becomes:


… and finally:

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.18
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Current and Related Current Densities

We have:

in which: Stokes’ theorem

bound current:

total current:

conduction current:

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.19
Spring 2022

Magnetic Susceptibility and

Relative Permeability
The increase in magnetization with increasing applied H is governed by:

magnetic susceptibility function

(frequency domain)

so now …

where the relative permeability is: values of χm are negative

for diamagnetic materials;
positive for all the rest.

… so that the permeability is now:

and consequently:

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.20
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Example 1
Given a ferrite material that we shall specify to be operating in a linear
mode with B = 0.05 T, let us assume µr = 50, and calculate values for χm ,
M, and H.

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.21
Spring 2022

Anisotropic Media
In certain crystalline materials, structural constraints may result in the induced
magnetization vector oriented in a different direction than the applied H field.
In such cases, the B field is constructed according to a tensor relation,
expressed in the following matrix form:

… in shorthand form, this is:

permeability tensor
Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.22
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Magnetic Field Boundary Conditions

Consider an interface between two media that have different permeabilities.
We want to find the relationship between magnetic fields at the boundary, on
either side. This is done by considering separately the normal and tangential
components of the field.

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.23
Spring 2022

Boundary Condition for the

Normal Component of B
In this case, we use Gauss’ Law for the magnetic flux density:

… and apply this to the circular cylinder as



so that:

The normal component of B is continuous across a boundary.

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.24
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Boundary Condition for the

Tangential Component of H
In this case, we allow for the possibility of a surface current density, K, at the
boundary, as shown.
Ampere’s Circuital Law states:

… and over the indicated path, this becomes:


More generally:

Obviously, if no surface current exists, then the two tangential fields are equal
at the boundary!
Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.25
Spring 2022

Example 2

Given a configuration for which:

Find B2.

First, we work with the normal components:


Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.26
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Example 2 (cont.)

Next, we work with the tangential components:

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.27
Spring 2022

Example 2 (concluded)

Summarizing, we have:

… so finally:

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.28
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E and H ̶ and Related Potentials

electric field ̶ electric potential relation:

magnetic field ̶ scalar magnetic potential relations:

Vm is the magnetomotive force, or mmf.

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.29
Spring 2022

Ohm’s Law and Current Analogies

point form of Ohm’s Law for the electric field:

current flux:

analogy to Ohm’s Law for the magnetic field:

B assumes the role of
current density
magnetic “current” flux:

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.30
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Reluctance as an Analogy to Resistance

In large scale form, Ohm’s Law is:

A similar rule can be constructed that relates mmf to magnetic flux:

This is the analogous
equation for Ohm’s Law
in a magnetic circuit.
where ℜ is the reluctance of the medium, in direct analogy to resistance.

For a straight wire of uniform conductivity, we found that:

For a similar medium of uniform permeability, it follows that:

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.31
Spring 2022

Analogy to Source Voltage

In an electric circuit, Kirchoff’s We will later call this quantity

Voltage Law is expressed as: the electromotive force, or emf,
when it is related to a time-
varying magnetic flux ̶ in which
case it is not equal to zero.
The magnetic analogy is
expressed as Ampere’s
Circuital Law:

Generally, the closed path integral of H may include N turns of wire,

leading to:

This quantity is the mmf around a

closed path, which we use as Vm in our
magnetic circuit equation.
Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.32
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Application of Reluctance:
A Simple Magnetic Circuit
To see how reluctance is used, consider
this example, involving a toroid of rectangular x x x
cross-section, in which the inner and outer radii x x
satisfy the condition − ≪ . x
. . . . . x
x . . x
In this case, we can approximate the . .
reluctance as: x . . C
. .
x . . x
. . . . . x
… so that the flux becomes:
x x
x x x

… and finally:

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.33
Spring 2022

Two Ways of Finding H

Note that this result:
x x x
x x
… is the same as that found using Ampere’s x
. . . . . x
circuital law at the mean radius, giving the x . . x
magnetic field at that location:
. .
x . . C
. .
x . . x
. . . . . x
x x
x x x

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.34
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A More Exact Solution for the Flux

Suppose now that the core is of larger area, in
which the approximation ( − ) ≪ may no x x x
longer be valid. x x
The radial dependence in the flux density x
. . . . . x
must then be included, and we can no longer x . . x
assume a uniform density over the core area. . .
x . . C
From Ampere’s Circuital Law, in which the . .
x . . x
closed path is taken along a circle of general
. . . . . x
radius, we have:
x x
x x x

Finding the flux in the core would then

involve integrating B over the cross-section:

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.35
Spring 2022

Comparing to the Previous Result

We now have the “exact” solution for the flux:
x x x
x x
. . . . . x
x . . x
… which is to be compared to the . .
approximate solution that we found x . . C
assuming a uniform field: . .
x . . x
. . . . . x
x x
x x x

… leading to:

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.36
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Comparing the Two Solutions



The series expansion for the log function is:

… so the approximate solution is equivalent to using only the first term in

the series.

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.37
Spring 2022

The Exact Solution in Expanded Form

We now have:

The correction terms can be evaluated using the first two of these only, as
the series rapidly converges.

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.38
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Error in Assuming a Uniform Field

As an example, suppose = 2 (an extreme case!)
We get the following values for the expansion terms:

The percent error in using the uniform field approximation is then:

Not bad! ̶ considering the large difference in this case between b and a.

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.39
Spring 2022

Toroid with Air Gap

Suppose that an air gap exists in x x x
the core, having thickness t, x x
as shown. x
. ...
The reluctance of the magnetic x .. . x
circuit will be the series combination . .
. x
of the core reluctance and that of . .
the air gap: x .. . x
. . .. x
x x
x x x
The core permeability is:

… with which the total reluctance is now:

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.40
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Approximations for Ferromagnetic Core

If the core is ferromagnetic, the x
x x
relative permeability will be on the x x
order of several thousands, in which x
. ...
case the air gap contribution to the
reluctance may dominate, even x . x
though the gap dimension is very small.
. .
. x
. .
x .. . x
. . .. x
x x
If t is even a small fraction of the core x x x
circumference, the net reluctance can often
be taken as that of the air gap.

Another assumption is that the gap thickness

is small enough so that fringing magnetic fields
can be neglected. Formulas exist that allow for
this effect when necessary to include.
Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.41
Spring 2022

Magnetic Field in Core and Air Gap

We assume ≫ 1… so that the net reluctance approximates as:

The magnetic flux density is the same in the core and

in the air gap (remember the boundary condition for
B normal to an interface)

The magnetic field strengths in each region are now:

core material:

air gap:

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.42
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Including the Nonlinear Relation

between B and H
In ferromagnetic materials, B increases with increasing H, but in a
nonlinear manner as shown in the typical curve below.

So we really don’t know

what the actual permeability
is until we have definite
knowledge of B or H.

Magnetization curve of a
sample of silicon steel sheet.

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.43
Spring 2022

Procedure for Including the

Nonlinear B-H Characteristic
Consider again the toroid with mean radius ρm and air gap of thickness t.

We already found that:

… so the problem is this:

… and that:

The procedure is to assume a value for

B, solve the equation for μr, and then
use that result to find Hc, using the
actual B-H curve.
given unknown assumed

This, along with: … must satisfy Ampere’s Circuital Law:

If not, try again with a corrected value for B, over as many iterations as needed.
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A Further Complication: Hysteresis

Domain wall shifting in ferromagnetic materials
introduces semi-permanent magnetization states Increasing H to high positive values lines up all
that are slow to respond to changes in applied magnetic moments, and a single domain is left (in the
extreme case). The core is thus in saturation. Further
magnetic fields. The resulting magnetization
increase in H leads to an increase in B through the
curve demonstrates the hysteresis phenomenon free space permeability.
as shown here.

Decreasing the applied H field to zero

leaves many dipoles still aligned, and we
have the remanant magnetic flux density,
Br. The material has become a permanent Coercive field in transistioning B from negative
magnet. to positive values.

The remanant flux density is reduced to

zero by applying an opposing magnetic
field strength, -Hc known as the coercive
field (or coercive force). Remanant magnetic flux density, for increasing
H field from negative to positive values.
Increasing H to high negative
values again leads to saturation

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.45
Spring 2022

Magnetic Circuit in Rectangular Geometry

Given the magnetic circuit below, assume B = 0.6 T at the midpoint of the
left leg and find (a) Vm,air; (b) Vm,steel; (c) the current required in a 1,300-
turn coil linking the left leg.

This problem is
handled in the same
way as before, except
that the perimeter is
constructed using the
mean distances, L1
and L2 .

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1. Two small cavities are cut in a large ferromagnetic material with a relative
permeability of μr = 200. Cavity A is a thin disk-shaped cavity with flat faces
perpendicular to the direction of the uniform magnetic flux density vector B
in the ferromagnetic material. Cavity B is a long needle-shaped cavity with
its axis parallel to the direction of B in the ferromagnetic material. The
cavities are filled with air. If the magnitude of the magnetic flux density in the
ferromagnetic material is B = 2 T, find the magnitude of the magnetic field
intensity H at the centre of cavity A and at the centre of cavity B.
2. A uniformly magnetized bar with a volume of 0.01 m 3 has a total magnetic
dipole moment of 500 Am2. If the magnetic flux density in the bar is B = 50
mT, what is the value of the magnetic field intensity H in the bar?

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.47
Spring 2022

3. A ring has a cross-sectional area of 200 mm2 and a mean path length of 350
mm. Two thirds of the length of the ring is composed of ferrite with a relative
permeability of μr = 1000 and the remaining one third of mild steel with a
relative permeability of μr = 2000. Find the total magnetic flux in the ring if it
is wound with a coil of 750 turns carrying 100 mA. Consider that the two butt
joints between the ferrite and the steel sections are equivalent to an air gap
of 100 µm.
4. A toroidal core has a rectangular cross-section with an outer diameter of the
toroid of 150 mm, an inner diameter of 100 mm, and a width (or height) of
the toroid of 25 mm. An air gap of a length of 1 mm has been cut into the
toroidal ring. The toroidal core is composed of mild steel with a relative
permeability of μr = 2000. If a coil with 100 turns is wound onto the toroidal
core, what is the current required in the coil to establish a magnetic flux
density in the air gap of B = 20 mT. You can use the mean length of the
steel core along the centre of the toroid and neglect any fringe fields or
Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.48
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End of Lecture 12

Udo Klein Adapted from W. Hayt’s & J. Buck’s Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th Ed. ©2012, McGraw-Hill 61ECE208 – 12.49
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