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1) How can we compare "society" and "culture" to a mobile phone?

2) Softwares are updated. Do you think that "culture" can be updated too?
3) What's the difference between "society" and "culture"? Explain in your own words.
Optional: provide examples.
4) What's a "community"?
5) What kind of "shared values, beliefs and practices" do we have?

1) Society is the structure or the hardware of the phone (the
physical part that you can touch) and culture are the apps
the vulture is the aps or the rules that are is constantly
being “updated” (the part that cannot be touched)

2) Yes, I think that cultures are “updated” with every

generation of people and over time. For example, things
that were seen wrong or bad in the past are normal now
Very good!

3) Culture is what differentiates one group or society from the

next (for example Languages, Festivals, Rituals &
Ceremony, Holidays, Pastimes, Food and Architecture)
Society represents the people who share those beliefs
and practices (for example Civility, Norms, Laws &
Regulations, Rights & Freedoms, Family, Culture, Politics
and Accountability) Good

4) A community is a group of people living in the same place

or having a particular characteristic in common Good!

5) Shared values: transcendental, cultural/societal,

communal, group, deliberated and other-regarding values,
and value to society
Beliefs: Meta, Perceptions, Opinions and Predictions
Practice: is a group of people who share a concern or a
passion for something they do, and learn how to do it
better as they interact regularly Wrong answer: you were
supposed to talk about your own culture and provide your
own examples. Please send me this answer on an audio
as soon as you possible. Thank you!

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