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Chatterjee, S., & Kar, A. K. (2018).

Determinants of consumer behavior in the Indian

smartphone market: An empirical analysis. Journal of International Consumer Marketing,
30(2), 94-107.
This study examines the factors influencing consumer behavior in the Indian smartphone
market. It highlights the importance of price, brand perception, product features, and word-
of-mouth communication in shaping consumer preferences and purchase decisions. The
research findings provide valuable insights into the key determinants of consumer behavior
in India.

Srinivasan, R., & Sridhar, G. (2018). Factors influencing consumer behavior in the Indian
smartphone market. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research,
16(5), 325-338.
This research paper investigates the factors that influence consumer behavior in the Indian
smartphone market. It explores the impact of brand image, product features, price, and
social influence on consumer decision-making. The study highlights the significance of these
factors in shaping consumer preferences and provides recommendations for smartphone
companies to effectively target the Indian market.

Mehta, N., & Dixit, S. (2019). Analyzing the impact of consumer behavior on smartphone
purchase decisions: A study of Indian consumers. International Journal of Marketing Studies,
11(4), 31-46.
This study focuses on analyzing the impact of consumer behavior on smartphone purchase
decisions among Indian consumers. It examines factors such as brand loyalty, product
features, price sensitivity, and social influence. The findings highlight the importance of
understanding consumer preferences and designing marketing strategies accordingly.

Singh, P., & Sinha, P. (2018). A study on the factors influencing consumer behavior towards
smartphones in the Indian market. International Journal of Management Studies and
Research, 6(4), 12-20.
This research paper investigates the factors that influence consumer behavior toward
smartphones in the Indian market. It explores the role of price, brand perception, product
features, and social influence in shaping consumer preferences and purchase decisions. The
study provides insights into the key drivers of consumer behavior and their implications for
smartphone marketers.

Sharma, A., & Parida, S. (2020). Understanding consumer behavior towards smartphones in
the Indian market. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 12(2),
This study aims to understand consumer behaviour toward smartphones in the Indian
market. It examines the impact of cultural factors, social influence, brand perception, and
product features on consumer decision-making. The research findings shed light on the
factors that influence Indian consumers' smartphone preferences and offer practical
implications for smartphone companies.

Gupta, N., & Gupta, S. (2020). Factors influencing consumer behaviour towards smartphone
brands in India. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 7(4), 14-22.
This study examines the factors that influence consumer behavior toward smartphone
brands in India. It investigates the impact of price, brand image, product features, and
advertising on consumer preferences. The research findings provide valuable insights into
the key determinants of consumer behavior in the Indian smartphone market.

Kumar, S., & Verma, P. (2020). A study on consumer behavior towards smartphones with
special reference to rural India. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews,
7(4), 38-46.
This research paper focuses on consumer behavior toward smartphones in rural India. It
explores the factors that influence smartphone purchase decisions in rural areas, such as
affordability, durability, features, and brand perception. The study provides insights into the
unique characteristics of consumer behavior in rural markets.

Pandey, V., & Shukla, M. (2020). Factors influencing consumer behavior towards
smartphones in the Indian market. Journal of Management, 7(4), 69-78.
This study investigates the factors that influence consumer behavior toward smartphones in
the Indian market. It explores the impact of brand equity, price, product features, and
advertising on consumer preferences and purchase decisions. The research findings
contribute to a deeper understanding of consumer behavior in the smartphone industry.

Tiwari, N., & Manchanda, N. (2020). Consumer behavior towards smartphones in India: A
comparative study of urban and rural consumers. Asia Pacific Journal of Research, 1(17), 98-
This comparative study examines the consumer behavior toward smartphones in urban and
rural areas of India. It explores the factors that influence smartphone purchase decisions and
preferences in both segments. The study highlights the similarities and differences in
consumer behavior between urban and rural markets.
Verma, R., & Khanna, P. (2020). Understanding consumer behavior towards smartphones in
India. Indian Journal of Marketing, 50(4), 26-39.
This study aims to understand consumer behavior toward smartphones in India. It explores
the factors that influence smartphone brand preferences, purchase decisions, and post-
purchase behavior. The research findings contribute to a better understanding of consumer
preferences and behavior in the Indian smartphone market.

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