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Operation Manual


1.Product description ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Electrical performance .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Basic operation panel ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Controller interfaces ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.4 Dimensions for mechanical installation.................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Electrical wiring diagrams ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.6 Explanations to terminals ......................................................................................................................... 6
2. Operation and display .................................................................................................................................. 10
2.1 Operation interface flow chart ................................................................................................................ 10
2.2 Explanations to operating on LC display interface................................................................................. 11
2.2.1 Jump between interfaces .................................................................................................................. 11
2.2.2 Methods of viewing and modifying parameter ................................................................................ 11
2.3 Initialized interface ................................................................................................................................. 13
2.4 Main page ............................................................................................................................................... 14
2.5 Manu page .............................................................................................................................................. 14
2.6 failure record ........................................................................................................................................... 15
2.7 Curent time ............................................................................................................................................. 17
2.8 Parameter setting .................................................................................................................................... 17
2.9 Browse of common parameters .............................................................................................................. 17
2.10Major failure alarm display ................................................................................................................... 19
3. Parameter lists & explanation ...................................................................................................................... 19
3.1 Parameters under “Control setting”(Table 3.1) ................................................................................... 19
3.2 Parameters under “Operation parameters”(Table3.2) .......................................................................... 21
3.3 Parameters under “Customer parameters” (Table3.3) ......................................................................... 22
3.4 Parameters under “Element calibration” (Table3.4) ............................................................................ 24
4. Control principle .......................................................................................................................................... 24
4.1 Main machine control ............................................................................................................................. 24
4.1.1 Local control..................................................................................................................................... 25
4.1.2 Remote control ................................................................................................................................. 25
4.1.3 Remote control with communication ............................................................................................... 25
4.2 Fan motor control ................................................................................................................................... 25
5. Air compressor normal operation status & failure status ............................................................................. 25
5.1 Normal operation status .......................................................................................................................... 25
5.2 Minor failure warning ............................................................................................................................. 27
5.3 Major failure shutdown........................................................................................................................... 27
Appendix˖Serial port communication protocol ............................................................................................. 30
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1. Productdescription
1.1 Electrical performances
Working power˖ AC24V(-5%/+15%), 30WDŽ
Ambient temperature˖0-50ćDŽ
1.2 Basic operation panel

8 6

1 2 3 4
1ǃ Start˖when in main screen,press this key to start compressor; and used as OK key in a
specific operation mode.

2ǃ Manually forced load˖when in unloaded operation press this key to load compressor.

3ǃ Manually forced unload˗when in loaded operation press this key to unload compressor.

4ǃ Stop˖In any screenpress this key to stop compressor.

5ǃ Liquid crystal(LC)functions˖perform operation according to hint in display.

6ǃ Up/Down arrow˖used to scroll screen and to modify parameter.

7ǃ Power-on indicator lamp˖it is lighting when controller is powered normally˗

8ǃ Run indicator lamp˖it is lighting when compressor is running normally;

9ǃ Alarm indicator lamp˖it will flash when a system alarm occurs; and will be lighting when a
serious failure occurs.

10ǃCommunication indicator lamp˖It will light when remote communication exists

2 .7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ

1.3 Controller interfaces

gpower input terminal˖
gD/I digital quantity signal input terminal˄18 points total˅˖
303-314ˈDC24V supplied by controller internally.
201-206ˈ201 are COM terminalˈDC24Vis supplied by external power through 301ǃ302
gA/I Analog quantity signal input terminal˖
6-route 4-20mA signal˖ 701-709ˈ1001-1009 ˈDC24V supplied by controller internally
6-route PT100 temperature signal˖ 710-715ˈ1010-1015DŽ
1-route PTC signal˖ 401,402DŽ
gD/O digital quantity signal output terminal˖
501-507ˈ6-point contact-type output˖10A 220VDŽ
601-612ˈ6-point contact-type outpu˖8A 220V, separate output
gA/O 2-route analog quantity signal output terminal˖901-904ˈ4-20mADŽ
gRS485 communication terminal 2-route RS485 comm. interface˖801-803ˈ1101-1103DŽ
1.4 Mechanical installation dimensions diagram

.7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ 3

1.5 Electrical wiring diagram

4 .7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ

1.6 Description of terminals

Power lead-in terminal
number Name Function defined note
24VAC 24VAC lead-in terminal
103 GND Common terminal

External digital quantity inout

number Name Function defined note
201 COM Common terminal DC24V -
202 E-STOP Emergency stop
Hi-voltage starter box N.O/non-source
overload /failure connection
Hi-voltage starter box; N.O/non-source
204 SPARE Hi-voltage switch open/close connection
205 SPARE reserved
206 SPARE reserved
301 24VDC-
24VDC lead-in terminal
302 24VDC+
303 M shock feedback
304 S-D shock feedback
305 Main motor overload
306 F.MOTOR O/L Fan motoroverload
307 Temperature switch
308 RE.LOAD ENABLE Remote loading enable
309 RE.LOAD/UNLOAD Remote load/unload
310 RE.STOP Remote stop
311 RE.START Remote start
312 OIL FIL ˄option˅oil filter

.7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ 5

313 SEP FIL ˄option˅oil separator
314 AIR FIL ˄option˅air filter

PTClead-in terminal
number name Function defined note
PTC PTC resistance lead-in terminal

Analog quantity input terminal

number Name Function defined note
501 M.C Main motro contactor signal
502 S-D.C Start-delta contactor signal
503 F.C Fan motro contactor signal
504 LOAD Loader valve signal
505 MODU Regulator valve signal
506 DR.V Drain valve signal
507 COM Common terminal
RUN Run signal
ALA Alarm signal
REM Remote control signal
PORO PORO signal

6 .7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ

WAR Warning signal
FRONT connection
Front bearing high temp.alarm signal
BEARING ALA N.O/non-source

Analog quantity input terminal

No. name Function defined note
701 RTD4+
702 RTD4- Airend disch. temp. sensor terminal P̐100 RTD
703 GND
704 RTD5+
705 RTD5- Packge disch. temp. sensor terminal P̐100 RTD
706 GND
707 RTD6+
P̐100 RTD
708 RTD6- Front bearing temp. sensor terminal
709 GND
710 +24V 4̚20mA current
Package disch.pressure P1 sensor terminal
711 P4 SIG Pressure transducer
712 +24V 4̚20mA current
Sump pressure P2 sensor terminal
713 P5 SIG Pressure transducer
714 +24V 4̚20mA current
Backup pressure P3 sensor terminal
715 P6 SIG Pressure transducer

Serial communication input port 2

No. name Function defined note
801 RS485+
802 RS485-

Analog quantity output terminal

No. name Functions defined note
901 DISC.P 4̚20mA
Package pressure PWM
902 GND Current output
903 DISC.T 4̚20mA
Airend temperature PWM
904 GND Current output

Backup analog input

No. name Function defined note
1001 RTD1+ Backup temp.sensor terminal P̐100 RTD

.7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ 7

1002 RTD1-
1003 GND
1004 RTD2+
1005 RTD2- Backup temp.sensor terminal P̐100 RTD
1006 GND
1007 RTD3+
1008 RTD3- Backup temp.sensor terminal P̐100 RTD
1009 GND
1010 +24V 4̚20mA current
Backup pressure.sensor terminal
1011 P1 SIG Pressure transducer
1012 +24V 4̚20mA current
Backup pressure sensor terminal
1013 P2 SIG Pressure transducer
1014 +24V 4̚20mA current
Backup pressure sensor terminal
1015 P3 SIG Pressure transducer

Serial comm. Input port 1

No. name Function defined note
1101 RS485+
1102 RS485-
1103 GND GND

8 .7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ

2ǃOperation and display

2.1 Operation interface flow chart
This flow chart shows the messages displayed in the controller’s main screen to
facilitate users to get familiar with this interface and check for the message he

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.7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ 9

2.2 Liquid crystal display operation

2.2.1 Jump between interfaces

Contents displayed in three units on the last line of the screen are correlative to 3 keys on
control panel, and press a relevent key according to hint , a jump between interfaces or
operation can be made.
In upper right corner of the screen in most pages an arrow will appear in three different
directions showed as˖ ĀĻā ǃĀĹā ǃĀĽā. The direction of such arrow indicates that pressing Āͪā
orĀƸākey on controll panel can turn over pages(scroll).

When modifying a parameter the key in upper right corner will disappear. Pressing keyĀͪā
orĀƸāat this time to change parameter value.

0.56 Mpa -op para- Ļ

32ć unload press. 0.71Mpa
shutdown load press. 0.60Mpa
return set
2.2.2 Method of viewing and modifying parameters

Quick browse of common parameters˖ EnterĀcommon parameterāin main manu to browse

common parameters available.

Āparameter setting” must be entered to modify parameter and change its value as steps
describered below.

Parameters are classified in two categories as numeric parameter and functional parameter.
Take setting ofĀunload pressureāandĀload pressureāunder content “operation parameters)ˈand
Ālocal/remoteāandĀcontrol modeāunder “control parameter for example to explain methods to
modify parameters in these two categories.

ķǃTo modify numeric parameters

With password 1010 to enter the manuĀparameter settingāto highlight “operation parameters”ˈ
then press key “select” to entercontrol parameter setting page as showed below (figure 2.2.2)DŽ

0.56 Mpa -op para- Ļ

32ć unload press. 0.71Mpa
shtdown load press. 0.60Mpa
return setting
Figure 2.2.2
For the sameˈpress keyĀͪāorĀƸāto highlight other parameterˈand when the second line
is highlighted press keyĀͪāorĀƸāˈand the screen will be turned to the next parameter
setting page.

WithĀload pressureāhighlighted, press keyĀsettingā ˈand parameter on this line comes in a

changeable statusˈwhile parameter value start to flash from the last digit, showing a hint display

10 .7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ

as figure 2.2.3 below

0.56 Mpa -op para- Ļ

32ć unload press. 0.71Mpa
shtdown load press. 0.60Mpa
return setting
Figure 2.2.3
Every pressing keyĀshift leftāˈthe flashing digit will shift left by one digit. When it arrives
the first digit, press again the keyĀshift leftāˈthe flashing digit will return to the last digit.
Pressing up or down key when a certain digit is flashing will increase or decrease the value on
this digit by 1.

When completing parameter modification press key ĀO.Kā to save the new value and
quitthe modification status. If you want to cancel the change just press keyĀcancel”. After that
the parameter value will remain as it was and quit modification status.

ĸǃTo modify functional parameters

With the password1010to enter the manuĀparameter settingāto highlight “control parameter”ˈ
then press the key“select” to enter Ācontrol parameterāscreen (figure2.2.4).

0.56 Mpa -control setting- Ļ

32ć local/remote local
shutdown control mode ON-OFF
return setting

As the same, after pressing the key “setting”ˈ“ON-OFF” will flashˈmessage on the key
changes to as shown in figure2.2.5.
0.56 Mpa -control setting-
32ć local/remote local
shutdown control mode ON-OFF

return O.K

Figure 2.2.5
At this timeˈpressing upper or down key will change the parameter to “remote”or“remote
with comm.”(figure2.2.6ˈfigure2.2.7)

0.56 Mpa -control setting- 0.56 Mpa - control setting -

32ć local/remote remote 32ć local/remote remote w.comm
shutdown control mode ON-OFF shutdown control mode ON-OFF
returen O.K return O.K

Figure 2.2.6 Figure 2.2.7

.7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ 11

When pressing the key “O.K”ˈthe parameter value will be changed to currently displayed
value and quit the change mode˗when pressing key “cancel”ˈparameter value will remain as it
was and quit the change mode.

2.3 Initialized interface

Once the controller is poweredˈthe power-on indicator will light and system enters an
initialized page˄figure 2.3.1˅; and 8 second after that the system main screen appears.

This initialized page includes such messages ascontroller part numberˈand software version.

Thank you for your using

Ingersoll-Rand Compressor

Controller CPN: 19067875 version:BG-V101

Figure 2.3.1
2.4 Main page
After entering the main pageˈpress up and down keys to scroll through to view status

In op. 0.67 Mpa Ļ 1 3

ON-OFF A/E disch.temp. 50 ć 2 4
In op. PORO local control 5 6 7
manu 8

Figure 2.4.1 Figure 2.4.2

Compare the figure 2.4.2 to 2.4.1ˈthe numbers in figure 2.4.2 correspond to the text position
in figure 2.4.1.

Position1˖such operation status as standby, in operation

Position2˖current control mode˄ON-OFF/ACS/MOD˅DŽ

Position3ǃ4˖such readings as current pressureǃtemperature, running hours etc. Operator

presses up or down key to scroll through to view other readings.

Position 5˖compressor current status˄including loadǃunloadǃstopǃsleepˈand minor failure

warning etc.˅

Position 6˖when˄PORO˅ is enabledˈit will displayĀPOROāˈotherwise left blank.

Position 7 ˖ right side on this line displaysthe the system current control method
˄local/remote/remote with comm.˅.

Position 8˖display in each of 3 units is respective to that on 3 LC control function keys

Select an operation required according to the hint.

Status parameters which the main page can display are˖

12 .7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ

ƒpackage pressure˗ƒairend disch. temp.˗ƒrunning hours˗ƒsump pressure˗ƒfront bearing temp.˗

ƒpackage disch temp˗ ƒambient temp.˗ ƒair inlet vacuum˗ ƒair filter run hour˗ ƒair filter
remaining time˗ ƒoil filter run hour˗ ƒoil filter remaining hour˗ ƒseparator run hour˗
ƒseparator remaining hourDŽ

2.5 Manu pages

In any page of the main screenˈpressing key “manu” to enter the manu page (figure
2.5.1).The manu page includes˖common parameters, parameter settingˈfailure record, current
time , 4 pages total.
0.56 Mpa -main manu-
32ć comm.para para setting
shutdown fail. record currt. time
return select

Figure 2.5.1
The part with white letters in black background is the chosen item, and pressing up or down
key can choose different items in order.

Whenever you choose a certain item and press the “select” key, then you can enter the
respective option.

2.6 Failure record

“failure record” is used to display recorded message of system status when a major failure(s)
occurred. When this is used for a current record without failure, see figure 2.6.1 below:

0.56 Mpa -failure record-

32ć failure alarm record
shutdown no major fail. recorded
Figure 2.6.1
When a failure alarm record exists, the screen displays as figure 2.6.2 following

0.56 Mpa -failure record-

32ć failure alarm record
shutdown Mstarter failed
return record
When multiple alarm record exists, the screen displays as figure 2.6.3 and 2.6.4.

0.56 Mpa - failure record - 0.56 Mpa - failure record - Ļ

Ļ 32ć failure alarm record 1 32ć failure alarm record 2
shutdown Mstarter failed Shutdown fanmotor overload shu1down
return record return record
Figure2.6.3 Figure 2.6.4

.7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ 13

Up to 15 events can be recorde. A max. 5 major failure alarm records between the last
shutdown and next start are allowed. If there are more than 5 major failure alarms in such
interval, they will be only displayed, but not recorded. 5s after a machine re-starting, then a new
failure will be recorded.

When an alrm record appears, press key “record” to check compressor system status at the
time of failure occurring., as shown in figure 2.6.5.

0.56 Mpa -failure record- Ļ

32ć 0.56Mpa
shutdown pack. disch. temp 34 ć
Figure 2.6.5

Pressing Up or Down key to check more information. Currently recorded system status are˖
package pressureˈpackage discharge temperatureˈairend discharge temperatureˈfront bearing
temperatureˈsump pressureˈambient temperatureˈair inlet vacuumˈtime of afilure occurring.

Press key “return” to go back to the upper level.

2.7 Current time

Under title “current time” date and time on a real-time basis are displayed as shown in (figure
2.7.1). How to modify the current time will be described in section 3.3.

0.56 Mpa -current time- Ļ

32ć date : 0729
shutdown time: 00:00:00
Figure 2.7.1

2.8 Parameter setting

Highlight the content “parameter setting” in main manuˈif press key “select”ˈa password
requiring screen will spring out˄figure 2.8.1˅DŽ

The password is classified in two gradesˈthey are customer password˄default to˖1010ˈ

changeable˅and manufacturer code˄****˅DŽ

0.56 Mpa -enter password-

32ć key value:0000
shutdown code:0000
return shift let O.K
Figure 2.8.1
14 .7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ

Note˖“key value” here will be used for code updating.

Enter the correct password to enter the content “parameter setting”. There are 4 sub-options
under the content “parameter setting”˖control settingˈoperation parametersˈcustomer parametersˈ
and element calibration˄figure 2.8.2˅.As the sameˈpressing key “select” will enter the chosen

0.56 Mpa -parameter setting-

32ć control setting op para
shutdown cust.para elem.calib.
return select
Figure 2.8.2
Refer to section 2.2.2 for steps to view or modify parameter

2.9 Browse of common parameters

The contents in “common parameter” are settings for part of common parameters under the
current system status. Here the parameters can only be viewed, but not modified.
They are˖
 ƽunload pressure˗ ƽload pressure˗ ƽshutdown delay˗ ƽ XQORDG GHOD\ ˗
ƽFRQWUROPRGH˗ ƽsleeping time˗ ƽload delay˗ ƽPORO warning time˗

2.10Major failure alarm display

When a major failure alarm occurs in the ststem,it will directly jump into following page
(figure 2.10.1)DŽ
0.56 Mpa major fail. alarm ʽ
32ć Emergency stop
return O.K

Figure 2.10.1
Having entered the major failure alarm screen, from which you cannot quit,unless the cause
for such major failuris removed.

Once the cause is removedˈpress key “O.K” twice in1second to quit this alarm pageˈat the
same time this alarm output signal is cancelled.

.7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ 15

3ǃParameter lists and explanations

3.1 parameters under the content “control setting” (Table 3.1)
Table 3.1

Name Unit Range note
y setting
local/remote —— local
Control mode —— ON-OFF,ACS,Modulation ON-OFF ƿ
Sleeping function —— ON/OFF ON function
Sleeping time Min 2~60 6
Sec 10~100 20
Lag machine
—— 1~24 1
Baud rate bps 7200,9600,14400, 9600
Oil filter
Oil filter run hour h 100~3000 2000
alarm time
Oil sep.
Oil sep. run hour h 100~3000 2000
alarm time
Air filter run hour h 100~3000 2000 filteralarm

Note˖“ƿ” indicates it can be modified during operation

z Local/remote

This parameter sets up a method for cotrolling the equipment,including localˈremoteˈ

remote with communication.

Local control˖To control an equipment through operating on panel of the machine itself.

Remote control˖To control an equipment through a switch quantity input terminal

Remote control with comm.˖To control an equipment through a communication port using the
lead machine.

z Control mode

This equipment has following control modes including˖ON-OFFǃMODULATIONǃACSDŽ

ON-OFF control mode˖The normal load/unload operation mode used on this air compressor.˗

Both MODULATION and ACS mode is the auxiliary function to the ON/OFF modeˈby
enabling regulator valve function to make compressor’s output pressure smooth and satisfy
customer’s air demands in exactly required capacity.

16 .7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ

MODULATION action logic is as shown in the following table˖

Modulation function Regulator valve

System status
setting Output status

shutdown OFF
In operation OFF

Remaining status OFF

Continuosly operating loaded more than 10
ACS action logic is as shown in the following table˖
Regulator valve
ACS function setting System status
Output status
shutdown OFF
In operation OFF
shutdown ǃunloadedǃsleeping OFF
Run hour=<10Min Run status OFF

Load/unload cycle
<3 within 3 min.
Run hour>10Min
Load/unload cycle
3 > within 3 min.ˈ ON
and during loading

ACS Continuosly operating more than 1hour OFF

z Sleeping functionǃsleeping time

When “sleeping function” is set to ONˈthe sleeping function is enabledDŽWhen equipment

starts to unload and then remains in such mode until reaching the “sleeping time” settingˈthe
machine will come into a sleeping shutdown status.

z PORO function andǃPORO warning time

WhenĀPOROāis set to ĀONāˈthe PORO function is enabledˈwhile the operator shall jump
the display to main page after this setting is completed. Once you see the hintĀPlease
confirmāappears on the screenˈpress the keyĀstartāand then the PORO function is active.

After this function enabled, and if the equipment lost power during operation and then
re-gains it, the machine will automatically come into a starting process through a “PORO warning

If the equipment was in normal shutdown before power-offˈthe machine will not automatically
re-start after re-gaining the power.

After a major failure alarm, a confirmation needs to be made in the main page and then this
PORO function can be further used.

.7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ 17

Lag machine address

This is address of an equipmeng used as a lag machine in a interlock control mode.

z Baud rate

Baud rate for RS485 communication port

z Oil filter timeˈoil separator timeˈair filter time

Set alarm time respectively for Oil filterˈoil separator and air filterDŽWhen their service time
reaches the time setting the equipment will give out alarm.

3.2 Parameters under the content “operation parameters” (Table 3.2)

Table 3.2

name unit range note
Unload pressure Mpa 0.5~1.40 0.75
Load pressure Mpa 0.65
Load delay Sec 0~10 2 ƿ
Unload delay Sec 0~10 2 ƿ
Stop delay Sec 10~60 20
Stop & restart Sec 10~600 20
Water draining
Sec 90~300 120 ƿ
Water drain falve
Sec 0~10 0 ƿ
Fan motor start ć 75~85 80 ƿ
Fan motor stop ć 65~75 70 ƿ
Y-starting time Sec 6~15 10 
Front bearing alarm ć 80~130 105 
Note˖“ƿ” indicates that it can be changed during operation.
z Unload pressure
When machine is operating with a discharge pressure equal to or higher than the unload
pressure setting, and continues until reaching the unload delay setting, then the machine will
come into unloading status.
Unload pressure can be set within 0.5~1.4MPaDŽ
z Load pressure
When machine is operating with a discharge pressure equal to or lower than the load pressure
setting, and continues until reaching the load delay setting, then the machine will come into
loading status.
z Load delay
To prevent frequent loadingˈthe equipment requires a certain delay process before coming
into loading status. User shall set it as required within a range 0~10sDŽ
z Unload delay
To prevent frequent unloadingˈthe equipment requires a certain delay process before coming
into unloading status. User shall set it as required within a range 0~10sDŽ
z Stop delay
Press keyĀstopāwhen machine is in a load or unloadstatusˈthe equipment will stop after a

18 .7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ

Āstop delayātime.
z Stop and re-start
z The machine will reserve a certain length of delay time after a stopping or a major failure
occurrenceˈonly after passing through this ĀStop and re-startātime the equipment can be
re-startedDŽAt this time the display indicatesĀwaiting for startāwith a time countdownDŽ
Turning on the equipment electric power again also can delet this waiting status.
z Water draining valveǃ water valve opening

T1 T
As shown above: T1——valve opening intervalˈduring which the valve is open
T ——valve closing intervalˈduring which the valve is closed
z Fan motor startǃfan motor stop
For an energy saving purpose˖fan motor will start when nachine temperature reachesĀfan
motor startātemp. setting˗fan motor will stop when nachine temperature reachesĀfan motor stopā
temp. setting
z Y-starting time
The main motor’s star-starting time.
z Front bearing alarm
Alarm setting for excessive frong bearing temperatureDŽThis alarm value can be effective only
after enabling theĀfront bearing temperature alarmāfunction.

3.3 parameters under the content “customer parameters” (Table 3.3)

Table 3.3

unit range Ex-factory note

Unit for pressure —— Mpa,Psi,Bar Mpa ƿ
—— Temporarily only Chinese
Language selection
Chinese/English Chinese available
Date —— —— ——
Time —— —— ——
Oil filter run —— —— ——
Oil sep. run hr.reset —— —— ——
Air filter run hr reset —— —— ——
Customer password —— 0~9999 1010
Restore factory
—— —— ——
Factory settingˈonly for
Trial use function —— ON/OFF OFF manufacturer
Factory settingˈonly for
Trial use time h 300 manufacturer
Factory settingˈonly for
Rated pressure Mpa 0.75 manufacturer
Pressure differential Factory settingˈonly for
Mpa 0.30 manufacturer
warning 0.00~1.00
Saved as factory Factory settingˈonly for
setting —— —— —— manufacturer

.7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ 19

Front bearing temp. Factory settingˈonly for

alarm manufacturer
Factory settingˈonly for
Air inlet vacuum —— ON/OFF manufacturer
Factory settingˈonly for
PTC fault —— ON/OFF manufacturer
Note˖“ƿ” indicates that it can be modified during operation.
z Unit for pressure
This equipment provides three units for customer selection,including˖MPaǃBarǃPSIDŽ
z Language selection
The equipment provides two language interfaces(Chinese and English)˄currently only
Chinese available˅DŽ
z Dateǃtime
When a real time correction is required, it can be done here.
z Reset oil filter run hour,oil separator run hour and air filter run hour
After the user completed filters maintenance, the run hour of such three filters need to be
reset here.
z Customer password
The customer password factory setting is˖1010DŽThe user can change it as required.
z Restore the factory setting
Restore various parameters to its factory setting. After the restoration is done, cut the power
off and then restore it.
z Trial use functionǃtrial use time
“Trial use function” and “trial use time” are only visible and changeable for manufacturer.
When “trial use time” deducts run hour less than 200 hours, the equipment will give out a
“trial use time ends” countdown warning

When the equipment’s use time reaches this Ātrial use timeā settingˈthe “trial use time ends”
alarmˈand the machine can not be used further.
z Rated pressure
Only visible and changeable for manufacturer
z Pressure differential warning
z When sump pressure—package discharge pressure > Pressure differential warning setting
ˈthe controller will give out a Āoil separator pluggedāwarningDŽ
z Saved as factory setting
Set the current parameter value to factory setting.
z Front bearing temperature alarm
z When “Front bearing temperature alarmā is set to ONˈcontroller will give out an alarm and
shut the machine down if front bearing temperature is excessive.
When it is set to OFFˈthe front bearing temperature will not be tested and front bearing
temperature sensor is allowed not connected in, at the same time the front bearing temperature is
displayed as Ā--- ćā
z Air inlet vacuum
WhenĀAir inlet vacuumāis set to ONˈif the vacuun becomes abnormalˈan alarm will occur and

20 .7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ

machine shutdown
When it is set to OFFˈthe vacuum will not be testedˈand the vacuum sensor is allowed not
connected in, at the same time the vacuum is displayed asĀ-.-- MPaā
z PTC fault
WhenĀPTC faultāis set to ONˈalarm will occur if PTC is short circuitDŽ
When it is set to OFFˈPTC short circuit will not be testedDŽ

3.4 Parameter under the content “element calibration” (Table 3.4)

Table 3.4

Name Range default Name Range Default

Package press. slope -5~+5 0 Package press. zero -5~+5 -2

Sump press. slope -5~+5 0 Sump press. zero -5~+5 -2

Inlet vacuum slope -5~+5 0 Inlet vacuum zero -5~+5 -2

Package temp. slope -5~+5 -2 Package temp. zero -5~+5 0

Airend temp.slop -5~+5 -2 Airend temp. zero -5~+5 -2

Front bearing temp.
-5~+5 -2 Front bearing temp. zero -5~+5 -2
slop -5~+5 0 zero -5~+5 -2

Disch.temp slope -5~+5 0 Disch.temp. zero -5~+5 -2

Power voltage slope -5~+5 0 Power voltage zero -5~+5 -2

4ǃcontrol principle
4.1 Main machine control mode
There are three start/stop control modes for this compressor˖local controlǃremote controlǃ
and remote with communication controlDŽ
In a machine shutdown statusˈcompressor control mode can be selected through controller
In any control mode you can press “Stop” key on control panel of the machine to stop it to
deal with any emergency possible.
4.1.1 Local machine control
When set toĀlocal controlāmode, and with controller displaying the main page, press “start”
key and then compressor system will start operation˗When compressor system is in operation
status, and with controller displaying the default main pageˈpress “stopt” key and then
compressor system will operate unloaded for a delay setting time before finally stopping.
4.1.2 Remote control
Basicaly as same as local controlˈexcept for that equipment can be started or stopped by a
remote switch
When set toĀremote controlāǃor after initial power-onǃor after a failure eventˈthe “start”
key on the panel must be pressed to confirm.

.7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ 21

When compressor is in aĀremote controlāˈĀremote controlāstatus signal will be output.

4.1.3 Remote control with communication
When it is set toĀremote control with comm.āǃor after initial power-onǃor after a failure
eventˈthe “start” key on the panel must be pressed to confirm.
When the controller is set toĀremote control with comm.ā modeˈthe serial comm. Input port
1 receives remote control and monitorˈand a net-link control can be realizedDŽSee appendix for
the communication protocol.
When compressor is in aĀremote controlāˈĀremote controlāstatus signal will be output.
4.2 Fan motor control
Fan motor control is depending on temperature of the airend at the time it is startedˈwhen the
airend stops, fan motor naturally shutdown tooDŽ
After fan motor startedˈwhich will keep running as far as the airend discharge temperature
remains above the target temperature˗When airend discharge temperature drops below the stop
temperature setting,the fan motor will stop automatically.

5. Air compressor working statuss and failure status

5.1 Working status

The compressor working status is shown in figure 5.1.1and 5.1.2:

Normal run 0.67 Mpa Ļ 0.56 Mpa -main manu-

ON-OFF A/E disch.temp. 50 ć 32ć fail.record currt.time
In loading PORO local control shutdown para.setting comm.para
manu return select

1ǃ Shutdown˖
Without any alarm or failure ˈ run indicator lamp out ˈ status column displays
Ācompressor in shutdownā

2ǃ Starting˖
$IWHUSUHVVLQJ6WDUWNH\ˈcompressor is started in a star-delta typeDŽRun indicator
Star-delta switching time can be set by the user.
3ǃ Load˖
Compressor is in a operation loaded statusˈrun indicator lamp is onˈstatus column displays
ĀIn loadingā DŽ
4ǃ Unload˖
Compressor is in a operation unloaded statusˈrun indicator lamp is onˈstatus column displays ĀIn
5ǃ Sleeping operation˖
Compressor is unloading so long as to reach a sleeping shutdown time setting, then machine
sleep-stopsˈrun indicator lamp is onˈstatus column displaysĀIn sleepingāDŽ
6ǃ Delayed stop˖
Press Stop key during operationˈthe compressor is in a delayed stopping statusˈrun indicator

22 .7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ

lamp is outˈstatus column displays Ādelayed stopāDŽ

7ǃ Manually forced loading˖
Press key “Manually forced loading” in operationˈcompressor will loadˈrun indicator lamp is onˈ
status column displays ĀLocally controlled loadingā˗
When package discharge pressure is greater than unloading pressureˈmanually forced loading
8ǃ Manually forced unloading˖
Press key “Manually forced unloading” in operationˈcompressor will unloadˈrun indicator lamp is
onˈstatus column displays ĀLocally controlled unloadingā˗
When machine stops or press the key “Manually forced loading”ˈmanually forced unloading
9. Remote loading
When machine is in operationˈand “remote loading” is enabledˈcompressor is in a remote
loading/unloading statusDŽThe remote loading key is 1ˈwhile compressor is operating loadedDŽRun
indicator lamp is onˈstatus column displaysĀremote loadingā˗when package discharge pressure
is greater than the unloading pressureǃ”remote loading” is disenabledǃand when you press the key
“remote unloading” ǃthe machine will stop and the remote loading ends.
10. Remote unloading
When machine is in operationˈand “remote loading” is enabledˈcompressor is in a remote
loading/unloading statusDŽThe remote loading key is 0ˈwhile compressor is operating unloaded.
Run indicator lamp is onˈstatus column displaysĀremote unloading”; when ”remote loading” is
disenabledǃand you press the key “remote loading”, the machine will stop and the remote
unloading ends.
11Modulation operation
In MOD control modeˈcompressor is operating loaded in a maodulation statusˈRun
indicator lamp is onˈstatus column displaysĀmodulation operation”;
This operation function˄MODULATION˅is an auxiliary function to the load/unload
regulationˈand enabling this regulator valve function makes compressor delivery pressure stable
and smoothˈand better serves customer with exact air demands.
12ǃPORO function
If power-off occurs in machine operation with the PORO function enabledˈand then power is
obtained again, the compressor will restart automatically after a PORO delay time.
5.2 Minor failure warning
The controller’s LC status column will alternatively display relevent minor failure messages
without stopping the machineDŽHowever, hint(s) will be given that compressor requires
maintenance serviceDŽ

Minor failure warning list˖

No. Description Controller hint Cause(s) of failure

Air filter time setting is up˗

1 Air filter warning Pligged air filter Air filter is plugged with dirt or foreign

.7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ 23

Too low an air filter time setting

Oil filter time setting is up˗

Oil filter is plugged with dirt or foreign

2 Oil filter warning Pligged oil filter

Too low an oil filter time setting

Oil separator time setting is up˗

Sump pressure — package

Oil separator disch.pressure > 0.3MPa
3 Plugged oil separator
warning Oil separatorr is plugged with dirt or
foreign material˗

Too low an oil separator time setting

High discharge High discharge Airend disch. tempıWHPSZDUQLQJ

Temp. warning Temp. warning YDOXH

Trial use time over Remaining trial use Trial use period will be over, contact the
warning time ***hour manufacturer.

5.3 major failure shutdown

Compressor shutdown due to major failureˈwhile the controller interface displays a message
of the currently occurred major failureˈand the machine can not be re-startedDŽRemove the cause
of the failureˈthen press the key “O.K” twice to quit the major failure warning page.

Major failure shutdown warnings list˖

No. Description Controller’s hint Cause(s) of failure

1ǃmotor high temp.
1 Motor PTC high temp. Motor PTC high temp.
Restore it to 2.1KȍDŽ
2ǃopen contact

1ǃDefective PTC resistor

2ǃPTCresistance in
op.=<50ȍ,restore it to 150ȍ
2 Motor PTC fault PTC fault
3ǃPTC resistance at
power-on=<140ȍ,restore it
to 150ȍ

24 .7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ

4ǃcontact short circuit

Airend temp. equal to or
High disch. temp. High disch. temp.
3 graeter than
shutdown shutdown
the protection setting
4 Check air inlet control Check air inlet control Plugged air filter
Main motor overload Main motor overload Main motor current
shutdown shutdown overload
Fan motor overload Fan motor overload
6 Fan motor current overload
shutdown shutdown

1.SD/M contactor close at

7 Starter SD/M fault Starter SD/M fault
2.SD/M contactor open at

1. SD contactor close at
8 SD starter fault SD starter fault
2. SD contactor open at

1. M contactor close at
9 M starter fault M starter fault
2. M contactor open at

Wrong phase order Wrong phase order

10 Wrong motor phase order
shutdown shutdown
Pack. disch. pressı
11 Excessive disch. press. Excessive disch. press.
protection setting
Sump Press.İprotection
12 Too low sump pressure Too low sump pressure
Too low unloaded sump Too low unloaded sump unloaded sump pressureİ
pressure pressure protection setting
14 Trial use time over Trial use time over
Remote start switch failedˈ
15 Remote start alarm Remote start alarm
(out of N.C state)

16 Remote stop alarm Remote stop alarm Remote stop switch failedˈ

.7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ 25

(out of N.O state)

Press. sensor short circuitǃ

17 P1sensor fault P1 sensor fault
broken circuit
Press. sensor short circuitǃ
18 P2 sensor fault P2 sensor fault
broken circuit
Press. sensor short circuitǃ
19 P3 sensor fault P3 sensor fault
broken circuit
Temp. sensor short circuitǃ
20 T1 sensor fault T1 sensor fault
broken circuit
Temp. sensor short circuitǃ
21 T2 sensor fault T2 sensor fault
broken circuit
Temp. sensor short circuitǃ
22 T3 sensor fault T3 sensor fault
broken circuit
Emergency stop button is
23 Emergency stop Emergency stop
24 Control power fault Check control power
Excessive front bearing Excessive front bearing
temp. temp.

26 .7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ

Appendix˖Serial port communication protocol

This controller provides a RS485-2(801-803 terminal˅ comm. interfaceˈusing
MODBUS comm. protocolDŽUser can realize a centralized control through computer
or PLCˈto set controller operation ordersˈmodify or read out relevant control
parametersˈand view the controller working status etc.
A RTU mode is usedˈincluding 8 digital positionǃwithout position for
calibration and 1 digit stop.
Calibration style˖use CRC calibration.
Modbus memory list
memory(40hhh) variable Read/Write scope Note
001 Control status R/W
003 Pack.disch. press. R
004 Sump pressure R
007 Airend temperature R
064 Run hour(hr) R
065 Loading time(hr) R
066 Run hr(10k hr) R
067 Loadin time(10k hr) R
097 Measuring unit R

112 Unloading pressure R/W
113 loading pressure R/W
114 Control mode R/W
115 star—delta starting time R
116 Sleeping time R/W
119 Remote switch R
121 PORO enable switch R 0/1
122 PORO time R/W 10~120
134 Machine address R
254 Software version R
255 No. of warning R warning
256~270 No. of warning record R warning

.7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ 27

40001control state˖
Bit0˖ Bit6˖warning(R)
Bit1˖run/stop (R/W) Bit7˖warning(R)
0˖stop 0˖no
1˖run 1˖yes
Bit2˖load/unload (R/W) Bit8˖
0˖unload 0˖non On/Off
῵ᓣ mode
1˖load 1˖On/Off mode
Bit3˖regulator valve(R) Bit9-12˖
0˖valve not works
1˖valve works
Bit5˖long idle(R) Bit13-15˖
0˖out of long idle
1˖in long idle

Machine model Start-up date Start-up record 1 Start-up record 2

Work log 1

Work log 2

Work log 3

Work log 4


28 .7*+%᥻ࠊ఼᪡԰䇈ᯢ

Flow chart

Unload delay
Stop delay
Control mode
Sleeping function
Sleeping time
PORO time


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