Challenges Encountered and Coping Mechanism of Selected Food App Riders in Metro Manila

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Challenges Encountered and Coping Mechanism of Selected Food App Riders

in Metro Manila

College of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Trinity University of Asia 

Mariz G. Agbada

Paula Mariel V. Cambe 

Alexandria Victoria L. Jimenez

 Aldrei Charles Manarang

Germaine Jenica T. Manuel

Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

Challenges Encountered by Selected Food App Riders in Metro Manila

An Undergraduate Degree Paper

Presented to the Faculty of the College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Trinity University of Asia 

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

Mariz G. Agbada

Paula Mariel V. Cambe 

Alexandria Victoria L. Jimenez

 Aldrei Charles Manarang

Germaine Jenica T. Manuel

December 2022


GERMAINE JENICA T. MANUEL in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Dr. Daryl Ace V. Cornell Mr. Julius T. Flores

Thesis Adviser Department Head


Approved by the Panel on Oral Examination last December , 2022


Panelist Panelist



Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science in
Tourism Management




We, Mariz G. Agbada, Paula Mariel V. Cambe, Alexandria Victoria L. Jimenez, Aldrei Charles

Manarang and Germaine Jenica T. Manuel hereby confirms that the research titled

“Challenges Encountered by Selected Food App Riders in Metro Manila” is our own work

and a result of our research undertaking. All sources used in our work are fully

referenced. We gave appropriate credit to author/s whose works were mentioned in the

paper. We also sought the permission of copyright owners for text, figures, tables, graphs

and illustrations which were used in its entirety. All data and findings have not been

falsified or fabricated. We did not seek or use the services of other entities to produce

this work.

In the event that the University was able to prove that we made a false claim in this

Declaration, We affirm the right of the University to impose disciplinary action in

accordance with the University’s regulation. We also understand that as a consequence of

research misconduct in the course of completing the research the University may cancel

the degree awarded to me.

Name and Signature,

Mariz G. Agbada Paula Mariel V. Cambe Alexandria Victoria L. Jimenez

Aldrei Charles Manarang Germaine Jenica T. Manuel

December , 2022


First and foremost, praise and thanks go to God, the Almighty, for His blessings on our

research and its successful completion.

The researchers would also like to express their heartfelt gratitude to our research adviser,

Dr. Daryl V. Cornell, for providing us with invaluable supervision, support, and knowledge

throughout our research study. Working and studying under his supervision was a great privilege

and honor.

We are also grateful to our Thesis subject professor, Dr. Ronald G. Manzado, and to the

department head of Tourism Management, Mr. Julius T. Flores for sharing and imparting their

knowledge to us, as well as for their unending support.

Our thanks and appreciation also go to our respondents, who willingly helped with their

full cooperation, making the research study possible. We'd also like to express our gratitude for

the time and knowledge you've given us to conduct this research. We will not be able to complete

this research study without your intervention and patience.

Last but not least, we want to express our deepest gratitude to our parents for their words

of encouragement, deep consideration for the finances, and unwavering support throughout the

research study's development.


The rampant growth in the use of online food applications has paved the way for delivery

companies in the Philippines to widely operate. Food App Riders have a big role in keeping the

business alive however, as the demand increases riders are the ones encountering different

challenges in providing convenience. This qualitative study focuses on the challenges

experienced by Food App Riders in terms of financial, health & safety, time & schedule aspect,

coping mechanisms, effect on service, and proposed policies to understand different aspects

affecting Food App Riders. Using semi-structured interview questions, 12 Food App Riders in

Metro Manila were interviewed to gain a deeper understanding of their work lives. The analysis

revealed that riders faced numerous challenges, primarily from their work environment,

merchants, and customers, which had a significant impact on their health; physically,

emotionally, and psychologically, as well as their income. Riders continue to work thus,

researchers recommend that the Management of Food App Companies provide relevant policies

to mitigate the challenges that affect their riders and more improved food applications to

safeguard their welfare.


Chapter Page

Title Page i 
Approval Page ii
Declaration of Originality iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables viii
List of Figures viii


Introduction 1
Background of the Study 2
Statement of the Problem 5
Research Objectives 5
Significance of the Study 6
Scope and Limitation 6


Food Delivery App 8
Food App Riders 9
Experiences of Food App Riders 10
Challenges Encountered by Food App Riders 11
Financial Aspect 12
Health and Safety Aspect 13
Time and Schedule 14
Coping Mechanism of Food App Riders 15
Synthesis 16
Theoretical Framework 18
Conceptual Framework 19
Definition of Terms 20

Research Design 22
Participants of the Study 23
Research Locale 23

Research Instrument 23
Data Collection Procedure 24
Data Analysis Procedure 24
Ethical Considerations 25


Presentation of Data 27
Different Challenges of Food App Riders 27
Financial Aspect 40
Health and Safety Aspect 46
Time and Schedule Aspect 57
Coping Mechanism 62
Effect of Challenges on Service 65


Summary of Findings 75
Food App Riders Challenges 75
Financial Aspect of Challenges Encountered by the
Food App Riders 76
Health and Safety Aspect of Challenges Encountered
by the Food App Riders 76
Time and Schedule Aspect of Challenges Encountered
by the Food App Riders 77
Coping Mechanisms of Food App Riders with Challenges 77
Challenges Affecting the Services of Food App Riders 78
Proposed Policy Interventions of Food App Riders 78
Conclusions 79
Recommendations 80


Appendix A: Interview Questions 93
Appendix B: Appointment of Research Adviser 97
Appendix C: Informed Consent 98
Appendix D: Transcripts of Interviews 99
Appendix E: Student Adviser Consultation Form 160
Appendix F: Endorsement Form 161
Appendix G: IERC Form 162
Appendix H: Curriculum Vitae 163


Table Number                               Title                                                Page 

            1 Different Challenges of Food App Riders            27

2 Financial Aspect 40

3 Health and Safety Aspect 46

4 Time and Schedule Aspect 57

5 Coping Mechanism 62

6 Effect of Challenges on Service 65


Figure Number                               Title                                                Page 

            1                              Research Paradigm                                      19



This chapter contains introduction, background of the study, statement of the problem,

significance of the study, and scope and limitation. 


The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected different sectors of the tourism

industry, with the food industry being one of the most severely affected. People stuck at home

owing largely to health and safety concerns, restrictions, and protocols related to COVID-19

(Hussey, 2020). Delivery companies opened up a new source of income for restaurants, giving

them more ways to sell their products and reach more customers which have suffered during this

pandemic. There has been an explosive growth in the use of online food-ordering applications as

consumers are increasingly using online services, electronic payments become more trustworthy,

and the range of suppliers and the size of their delivery networks expand. These circumstances

have been the reason for the majority of people patronizing this type of e-commerce that grew

even more due to the sudden outbreak of COVID-19. As a result, there has been a continuous

high transaction volume in food delivery.

Due to the ongoing global pandemic, the proliferation of Food Delivery Apps (FDAs) has

proven to be extremely useful. Food riders have been considered as our frontliners. FDAs

provide convenience to every customer in many ways, such as online services that are available

at any time (Singh, 2020). The ability of food delivery apps to provide such convenience is the

primary reason for the market's continuance growth. However, as the demand for food delivery

app services grows in the Philippines, so do the challenges that food app riders face.

Despite the helpful services provided by food delivery riders, the work they do is difficult

due to the numerous challenges they face. Their services have allowed people to self-isolate at

home and reduce the overall risk of virus exposure. However, the health and safety concerns of

delivery workers have received little attention or support. (Airoldi et al., 2021). In terms of

financial aspect, riders were under more financial stress and had lost more income as a result of

the pandemic. To make up for the loss, they worked longer hours and felt more pressure at work

that affected their health. Job stress, long work hours, and financial burdens drove many drivers

to engage in traffic behaviors such as speeding that risks their safety (Tran et al., 2022). They are

also becoming the latest target of unscrupulous scammers because it accepts cash on delivery.

One of the challenges that victimize riders are "fake bookings" or "prank bookings." Fake

customers order a large amount of food but do not intend to pay for it. (Rosales, 2020).

The rampant challenges that food app riders encounter has immensely affected them,

especially in terms of their earnings, allotted time and effort, health and safety and their overall

performance in service quality. By conducting this study, researchers would optimize the given

information from Food App Riders in order to have a coherent strategy to avoid encountering the

different challenges and inform potential FDA riders the possible challenges that they will


Background of the Study

Food and grocery delivery providers are an important industry in the Philippines. They

are mostly motorcycle riders who are permitted to work under Enhanced Community Quarantine

(ECQ) limitations by the government’s restrictions to protect people, such as not going out

without unnecessary purpose, closing restaurants and stores, etc., to prevent the spread of

COVID-19. Given the living and working from home set-up, ordering online has been a way to

avoid going out to get food in favor of health safety. According to a recent Nielsen Vietnam

survey, during the COVID-19 pandemic, up to 62% of Vietnamese customers stated that they

preferred to purchase food to eat at home; hence, the number of online orders increased by

approximately 10% to 30% compared with pre-pandemic times (Tran, 2021). Meanwhile, a food

order and delivery platform in China reportedly had 80% of all orders between late January and

early February. Requests for “non-contact” food delivery have reportedly been surging in China

since the coronavirus outbreak. There was a 20% growth in spending on food deliveries in China

during January, compared to a year ago, observers foresee increased demand for food delivery in

the U.S. In an investment note on GrubHub, the online food ordering platform (Keshner, 2020).

The current largest food delivery platform in Asia is Foodpanda which was established in

2012. Since then, the service company expanded in the Philippines to deliver food and grocery.

GrabFood on the other hand, has been serving since 2018 to connect local food businesses in the

area of Metro Manila, Rizal, Cavite, Laguna and will be expanding more in other areas soon.

There is no doubt that the online food delivery industry provided many jobs in the time of the

pandemic, especially to those in the delivery sector, there were concerns expressed about the

poor working conditions that delivery riders are subjected to (Li, et al., 2020).

They face different challenges in running and managing a food-related business because

food delivery merchants are under a lot of pressure to complete transactions and fulfill orders

quickly. Prevention is deprioritized because average order values are relatively low due to high

volume of orders (Wenkert, 2020).

Extreme weather conditions are challenges also faced by food app riders. It could be the

scorching heat, heavy rain, and flood. You could see them enduring and resisting the unexpected

weather on the streets just to pick-up and deliver the order (Lachica, 2021), but regardless of the

different weather conditions and the fact that their bodies were beaten from the trip, delivery

riders smiled as they handed over our orders.

Food App Riders are forced to work longer hours and serve high-risk customers and

zones. In Nanjing, China, over the first six months in 2019 there were 3,357 traffic accidents

involving food delivery electric bicycles, resulting in 2,584 injuries and three deaths (Li, C.,

Mirosa, M., & Bremer, P., 2020). Among the challenges, fake booking has become more

common for food delivery apps, an actress went on social media to reveal that she has been a

victim of a prank by someone who decided to make a total of 23 food orders to be sent to her

house. She expressed, "I have no idea who did this and I can't remember any incident that

triggered this to happen. All I know is I didn't do anything wrong to someone for me to deserve

this kind of treatment. What saddens me the most is I'm not the only one affected in this situation

but also the Grab drivers who were victims of the fake deliveries." (Hsia, 2021). Riders receive

minimum wage and benefits. They are not provided with insurance, holiday pay, overtime pay,

separation pay, and social benefits in agencies such as PhilHealth, Social Security System, and

Pag-IBIG (Sandoval, 2021). To meet customers' expectations of timely deliveries, they speed up,

use phones while driving, run red lights, skip lunch and bathroom breaks, and work nonstop.

(Qin et al., 2021). These circumstances beg for delivery riders to be protected.

In this qualitative study about the challenges faced by Food App Riders, researchers

would conceptualize a more understanding view of the food delivery industry to supplement the

extent of policies implemented by food app companies and benefits for food riders.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers conducted this study to explore the different challenges that Food App

Riders encountered and how they coped with it. Specifically, the study seeks to answer the


1. What are the different experiences of food app riders when they encounter the


2. What are the challenges encountered by the food app riders in terms of;

a. Financial aspect;

b. Health and safety aspect; and

c. Time & schedule;

3. How do they cope with these challenges?

4. How may these challenges affect the services provided by the food app riders?

5. What inputs to policy interventions may be proposed?

Research Objectives

This study aims to determine and answer the following:

1. To know the different experiences of the Food App Riders when they encounter the


2. To know what specific challenges do Food App Riders encounter.

3. To know the effects of these challenges and how they cope with it.

4. By finding the results of the study, it will help the Food App Companies provide proper

handling and managing services to their FDA Riders.


Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be greatly beneficial to the following individuals and/or


Food App Riders. This study will also help the rider’s performance and successful delivery


Food App Customers. Data given will provide the customers with enhanced information on

how to treat food delivery riders with respect to their services. Policies and positive practices

focusing on proper food booking will inspire customers to be kind and considerate with the

delivery riders and mitigate challenges that place delivery riders at risk. 

Food App Company. Principles and concepts used in the study will serve as the basis for food

delivery service companies and food app companies to consider creating relevant policies

following the government’s laws governing food delivery services and protection to food

delivery riders and even customers. The data gathered will also help their company improve its

business performance.

Restaurant Management / Food and Beverage Industry. The study will help the restaurant

management to adopt policies that protect not only their business and customers but also the food

delivery riders who partner with them and provide delivery riders the benefits of refunds and

reimbursements during scam incidents. The results of the study will also help the Food and

Beverage Industry to evaluate how to handle returned foods.

Scope and Limitation

This study consists of food app riders from Grab and FoodPanda around Metro Manila

who personally encountered different challenges while working as a food app rider. Researchers

will interview food app riders to get their official statements regarding the challenges they


Researchers will not include other delivery apps such as LalaFood, PICK.A.ROO,

Angkas pabili, own delivery services of different restaurants, as well as food riders who have not

experienced being a rider during the pre-pandemic of COVID-19.



This chapter presents the discussion of facts and principles to which this study is related.

The literature and studies collected were thoroughly selected based on their reliability. It also

presents the synthesis, theoretical framework, and conceptual framework. 

Food Delivery App

Food delivery apps (FDAs) are app-based services that allow consumers to order food

online in a quick and convenient manner, with real-time tracking that allows customers to track

the progress of their order as it is delivered directly to their doorsteps, with or without any

face-to-face interaction with others or trading off their work routine (Kumar and Shah, 2021).

FDAs are smartphone-based applications (Tran, 2021) and are classified into two types. First are

the restaurants themselves, like Greenwich, Jollibee, McDonalds, Chowking, etc. Second, are

third-party intermediary platforms that are more popular and widely used in China, such as Uber

Eats, Zomato, and Baidu Waimai  (Ray et al., 2019; Zao and Bacao, 2020).

During the COVID-19 pandemic, FDAs became one of the fastest-growing apps in the

world in 2020 (Freer, 2021). The rise of the Food Delivery online industry has created job

opportunities for a variety of people, including chefs and restaurant administrators, delivery

employees, and the programmers who create the online platform application (Chattopadhaya,

2021). It has become more important for both business owners and their customers as more

people order takeout and groceries (Sumagaysay, 2020). However, even before the COVID-19

started to make headlines around the world, FDAs were already reaping the benefits of more

widespread digitalization and a greater abundance of delivery apps. Moreover, with governments

restricting food establishments from opening their doors to dine-in customers, the food delivery

industry has gained huge popularity and a boost in user engagement with food delivery apps

(Insights 2020). 

Many people benefit from FDAs, including restaurateurs and small family-owned food

and beverage businesses that needed to take their first steps into the online delivery world, as

well as businesses that already had an online delivery presence but wanted to step up their game,

turning to third-party food delivery apps after being forced to rethink their approach during the

COVID-19 pandemic (Insights 2020). 

This information is just some of the reasons why the food delivery sector clocked-in

gross revenues of P55 billion last 2020 according to the Food Trends Report commissioned by a

regional (ASEAN) food delivery and portal subscriptions to food delivery aggregators, like Grab

Food and Foodpanda, increased by a whopping 61% over the last year. However, the

disadvantage of these  fees that restaurants pay to be included in the app as well as for the

logistics services that are provided is that food delivery aggregators take a percentage of sales,

sometimes as much as 25% (Masigan, 2021).

Food App Riders

The proliferation of delivery riders on our streets nowadays might very well define the

kind of closed world we now live in (Orbos, 2021). These food app riders generally manage a

large volume of orders and model safe driving skills as well as give excellent customer service.

Food app riders are recognized as real heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic because their

services allow people to buy necessities while people are forced to stay inside homes during the

ECQ, or Enhanced Community Quarantine (Marcelo, 2020). On everything that happened during

the pandemic, people owe food app riders just as much as medical workers for keeping people

safe from the virus. Food app riders from the Philippines, such as Foodpanda, Grab, and

LalaFood, alleviate the fear of going out and running out of supplies by risking their lives as they

brave the streets to deliver people's needs (Legaspi, 2020).

In recent years, many delivery riders have expressed their dissatisfaction after being

duped by bogus bookings and order cancellations. Some riders are victims of prank orders and

typically earn nothing and lose money when customers cancel their orders (Buncaras et al.,

2022). Fortunately, some netizens took it upon themselves to assist them by creating a Facebook

page where riders could sell canceled or fake booked orders, allowing riders to sidestep having to

pay for the canceled and fake booked orders (Quieta, 2020).

Experiences of Food App Riders

A disappointed rider has expressed his frustration and asked the public to stop making

fake bookings. In the past years, a lot of delivery riders are expressing their frustrations after

being victimized by fake bookings and order cancellations, because riders usually earn nothing

and lose cash whenever customers would cancel their orders (Nelz, 2021). 

A video of a food delivery rider got viral after her bike that was parked at the restaurant

got stolen. She was picking up an order along Gil Puyat Avenue in Makati City and when she got

back, the bike was no longer there. Zania Rose Barboza works as a food delivery rider to provide

for her family’s needs She did now own a motorcycle, so she opted to use a bicycle. She’s very

persistent in doing her job despite her concerns for her safety in dealing with trucks and cars

along busy roads. Good thing, a bicycle shop owner saw the video and gave her a brand new

bicycle. She was relieved and happy that she could still continue working as a food delivery rider

(“Video of Crying Delivery Rider” 2021).


Another viral video circulated online is when a kind-hearted driver who helped a

foodpanda delivery rider who got lost at NLEX. The rider got lost while searching for the

customer’s location, he entered the North Luzon Expressway without his knowledge. Thankfully,

a driver assisted the foodpanda rider and brought the rider’s motorcycle out of NLEX to help him

find the customer’s location. The kind-hearted driver dropped the rider at a gasoline station,

which is already a safe zone and even tried to give him money but the rider refused, since he was

already grateful for his act of kindness (Nelz, 2021).

In addition to these cases is when a Grab Food rider nearly bursts into tears after he was

victimized by fake booking and residents in the address refused to accept the order. The

Facebook page “Trending TV” has shared the heartbreaking photos of a Grab Food employee

who has been victimized by a fake booking. It can be seen in the pictures posted online  that the

delivery rider is standing in front of a house amid the heavy rain. The rider has been victimized

by a fake booking and would lose a certain amount of cash if the customer would not accept the

order. The rider revealed that the residents in the address said that they have no orders and they

did not make the booking. The Grab employee decided to wait outside the gate hoping that

someone would take the order. (Nelz, 2020).

Challenges Encountered by Food App Riders

Food app riders experienced a lot of challenges and this has taken a toll on their financial

aspect, health and safety aspect, and their time & schedule. Researchers would expound the

following aspects to further explain these challenges encountered by food app riders. 

Financial Aspect

Food delivery riders became front-line combatants in the struggle against COVID-19 in

2020. In one company post, Lalafood referred to them as "heroes." However, being acclaimed as

a hero does not always imply that you will be treated as one. Riders of food delivery apps are

typically paid per delivery based on the estimated duration and distance of a trip, plus tips

(Tamura, 2020). They usually earn around P800 to P1,000 if they receive 25 bookings per day,

with this amount, they still need to use it to pay for their cellphone load and motorcycle fuel, but

even though they travel for more than 12 hours per day, they only earn less than 1,000 due to few

bookings and other expenses while working. Apart from the low pay, they are forced to use their

own money to pay for the “prank orders”. This number does not include tips they receive (“Low

pay among food delivery riders'”, 2021). The work can be convenient for people who need to

supplement their main source of income. However, it is a struggle for those who rely on it as

their primary source of income. Other riders have reported that food delivery apps do not always

give them all of their tips, and that they are sometimes deducted from their pay (Tamura, 2020).

Riders accept a food delivery booking from an individual without knowing the customer

had used someone else's name and address. Upon confirmation of the delivery, which would be

paid cash on delivery (COD), the riders completed the orders for which they had paid in advance

and payment to be charged from the customer upon delivery, but the customer was not found

upon delivery ("Fake booking strikes again", 2021). A fake online order also defrauded several

poor Lalamove riders who wept after losing P4,000 in magic pillows due to a fake booking

planned by a heartless customer. The delivery employees attempted to deliver the item, but the

address provided by the customer was identified as another name (Nelz, 2020).

Based on an experience of a Food app rider, Exequiel Busa Jr. with two children to look

after, a motorcycle monthly mortgage to pay, and a dwelling rent to pay claims his daily average

wage of P600 to P800 was barely enough to get them by. Aside from the P4,000 monthly

housing rent and the P1,100 monthly water and electricity bills, Busa said he also pays P4,000

per month for the motorcycle he uses to deliver items and food. A daily P800 earnings is

equivalent to P57 per hour for riders like Busa who work from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m., which is less

than the National Capital Region’s (NCR) hourly minimum wage rate. Busa further stated that

failing to show up for work when sick would result in them having no money to carry home to

their families. He shared the plight of tens of thousands of other delivery riders in the

Philippines, who are underpaid and subjected to strict labor laws. There have also been moments

when riders have advocated for better labor policies and remuneration (Sandoval, 2021).

Health and Safety Aspects

Delivery drivers experience many physical and psychological challenges in their line of

work. It is expected from them to interact with clients that require customer service skills despite

the high levels of daily stress in demanding work situations. Identified situations included fear of

causing different types of undesired events with risks of human injuries or material damages.

Despite the physical, emotional, and psychological challenges, these delivery riders always chose

courage and faith (Tus, 2022).

Food app riders faced the fear of contracting a virus due to COVID-19. They are afraid to

go to work because of the increase in daily cases, and they are particularly worried about their

families (Wan, 2021). A Deliveroo courier in the UK stated, “My wife is classed as high-risk and

she is petrified because we have no protection, there’s no social distance at Deliveroo. Every day

she begs me not to go to work but if I don’t, we’ll be homeless." ("MPs and couriers say", 2020).

Others have become frustrated and feel neglected as a result of absence of insurance. Riders

questioned whether this was fair treatment for those who had been hailed as front liners during

the lockdown. They are making a sacrifice. Even if there is a typhoon, the rest of them continue

to travel, even if their families are worried (Bagaoisan, 2020).  In a similar situation, a food

delivery rider was seen completing his order amid the typhoon Jolina by a video shared online.

He was bravely walking while carrying his insulated box since they have been stranded due to

the flood and left his motorcycle at a safe place and walked just to earn money, because of this, it

captured the hearts of the viewers and earned praises for his courage, determination, and

perseverance to earn money in a decent way (Nelz, 2021).

One of the top industries in the Online-to-offline commerce sector. Delivery Men need to

complete a large number of delivery orders in limited default time every day, which causes high

working stress to them. Therefore, a high level of traffic violations and crashes by delivery men

and corresponding negative impact on public safety are observed (Lu et al., 2022).

It is essential to identify factors causing stress to food app drivers so that food delivery

companies will have a better understanding on how they can adjust to their rider’s needs, and

address problems affecting the welfare of their delivery employees (Romero et al., 2018).

Time & Schedule

Food Delivery Riders wait beside the streets for orders to be confirmed and for customers

to claim their order by anything to shield them from the rain or sunlight. They wait for orders

longer than they deliver them sometimes. Customers expect their orders to arrive on time hence,

delivery riders don’t have an option to stop when an order is confirmed. Some riders experience

bad reviews for being late or delivering incorrect orders that affects their performance rating and

the chance to be kicked out of a job, and in some instances riders are not at fault in the first

place. (Lachica, 2021)

Riders are defeated by time when some order a lot of food which sometimes takes an

hour to prepare the food only to find out they were fake booked. On the other hand, some riders

work for more than 12 hours in order to earn more money, especially if there are few bookings;

however, if there are still few orders, they only earn a small amount of money or below

minimum wage after long hours of duty. ("Pranks, low pay among", 2021)

Coping Mechanism of Food App Riders

Food app riders face difficulties that may be stressful, and upsetting, however, they do

their best to compose themselves to get their work done. They still choose to self-motivate

themselves to cope up with the situation to provide for their family. (Buncaras et al., 2022).

Emotional support from family, friends, or coworkers, and planning and active coping strategies

that assess issues and the use of available resources to seek help and discover solutions to

overcome the challenges that food app riders experience were the most effective methods

(Reuters, 2022).

Food delivery riders are low-income workers with little to no job security. Tipping is also

a way to help them cope up with the challenges they encounter since providing financial support

to their family is one of the main reasons they are doing their job. There are food app riders that

survive on tips, and in a crisis where visiting homes is a health risk, tipping is all the more

important to creating a financial safety net (Heins, 2020).


During the height of the health threatening COVID-19 pandemic, food app riders protect

themselves and their customers by staying at least 2 meters away from customers and coworkers.

(EHL Insights, 2020).

Since the system is centered to the needs of online clients, food companies must develop

a system that considers all issues related to food delivery riders. Implementing a more secure

system, each user needs to provide an ID to be able to transact, resulting in a centralized database

to be utilized when investigating fake booking reports by food app riders. Efficiency and 

accuracy  of  restaurants  as  well  as  human  errors are improved by this user-friendly

application and provide higher quality customer service. Customer  feedback facilitates real-time

communication between restaurant owners and customers (Adithya, et al. 2017).


FDAs were a lifeline for many people as they facilitated consumer access to prepared

meals and allowed food providers to keep operating (Li et al., 2020) and it delivers consumers

with not only food but also essential supplies such as groceries and first aid and provides jobs for

people (Chattopadhaya, 2021; Kumar and Shah, 2021). It has changed the way people order and

consume food to ensure minimal exposure, maintaining social distance as they follow the

contactless delivery process and enriching delivery services (Tran, 2021; Zhao and Bacao 2021). 

Food delivery apps (FDAs) are app-based services that facilitate online consumers to

prepare meals in a quick and convenient manner, with real-time tracking that allows customers to

track the progress of their order. It has changed the way people order and consume food to ensure

minimal exposure, maintaining social distance as they follow the contactless delivery process

and enriching delivery services (Tran, 2021; Zhao and Bacao 2021). Food delivery is a popular

business not only in the Philippines but also in other countries, the reason for FDAs becoming

one of the fastest-growing apps in the world in 2020 (Freer, 2021). Food app riders are

recognized as real heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic because their services allow people to buy

necessities while people are forced to stay inside homes during the quarantine (Marcelo, 2020). 

Food delivery apps have become more popular during this time of pandemic which is

why food app riders experience different challenges that may result in suffering, frustrations and

stress (Buncaras et al., 2022). These challenges include (1) Financial Aspect, which they earn

depending on the amount of booking they get per day. The fewer the orders, the smaller the

amount of money they earn, usually below minimum wage even after long hours of duty. (2)

Health and Safety Aspects, as food riders have a demanding work environment because they

need to have open communication with clients and excellent customer service that adds to their

daily stress. They are also sacrificing their health & safety to provide their customers' needs. (3)

Time and Schedule, riders are beaten by time because customers expect their orders to arrive on

time hence, delivery riders don’t have an option to stop when an order is confirmed. These

challenges lead to loss of earning and they tend to get unmotivated that affect their overall


Despite the challenges that food delivery riders face, they continue to work even though

the environment is not the same as it was before the pandemic. Delivery drivers are doing their

best to cope with the situation and provide for their families' needs (Buncaras et al., 2022).

Self-motivation and emotional support from family, friends, and coworkers, tipping food app

riders can also help them provide for their family financially (Heins, 2020).


The theory of human service delivery entails an understanding of how people work

within systems to deliver services. People are a unique resource in that their worth and

availability can be difficult to quantify. Services are judged in part by subjective criteria,

determining the quality of any service system can be tricky (Reader, 2017).  

This theory is relevant in our study as we study how Food App Riders work within the

system to deliver services despite challenges they have encountered. It mentions four important

aspects related to our study. (1) Intangibility, services are fundamentally intangible. Delivering a

service to a person involves having a real person interact with her and meet her needs. For

delivering any service to a person, the system designer must first consider the human element

involved. The people delivering the service must be capable of interacting in a positive and

effective manner. As part of this study, it is expected from food app riders to interact with clients

that require customer service skills despite the high levels of daily stress in demanding work

situations. (2) Variability, the quality of one service to the next will differ more sharply. Food app

riders can improve the quality and consistency of their services only with great effort. A constant

attempt must be made to gain customer feedback and to understand the ways that service can be

improved. In this study, it is essential to identify factors causing stress to food app drivers so that

food delivery companies will have a better understanding on how they can adjust to their rider’s

needs, and address problems affecting the welfare of their delivery employees. (3) Limits, the

fundamental limit on the service that any organization can provide. One person can only be

stretched so far in terms of how many tasks she can complete in a given amount of time.

Particularly in our study, as the order and delivery process in food delivery apps takes time

(waiting time for the food and delivery time to the customer), challenges consume the time of the

riders and results in a loss of profit, which highly affects the time and schedule of the food app

riders. (4) Ideology, which theorists of human service delivery emphasize the importance of an

internal credo or ideology for an organization. By having a broader vision in front of them,

people will be better able to process diverse challenges and justify their own work. In our study,

we look at how challenges affect food app riders' services and how they deal with them.


Figure 1

Figure 1 presents the challenges that Food App Riders face as the basis of this study's paradigm.

The input is made up of challenges encountered by Food App Riders and problems. The

researchers will talk to Food App Riders to find out how they deal with the challenges. After

gathering information, researchers will study the data they have gathered to determine the effects

of challenges of Food App Riders. This study aims to help companies to provide proper handling

and management.


The following terms were defined according to how they are being used in the study:

Bogus booking - The booking is not genuine or false.

Capital loss - Is the loss incurred when a capital asset, such as an investment or real estate,

decreases in value.

Cash-in-advance - Refers to a buyer that pays for the good or service before the product or

service is delivered or shipped.

Cash on Delivery (COD) - It's a transaction where the recipient pays for a good at the time of

delivery using cash.

Coping mechanism - Strategy to manage stress to help manage painful or difficult situations.

COVID-19 Pandemic - It refers to the global pandemic illness caused by a novel coronavirus

now called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.

E-commerce -  The buying of food online services thru FDAs, or the transmitting of funds or

data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet.

Fake Booking Incidents - Intentional act of online booking of food order using an application

and failure to complete the transaction because of false information input, pranking tendencies,

and fraud.

Financial Aspect - Attitudes towards money varies depending on the type of financial behavior. 

Food App Riders - Provides food delivery services connected to an application where the

customers place their orders online.

Food delivery apps (FDAs) - Quick and convenient delivery applications used by online food

delivery riders to accept orders and deliveries straight to the door.


Fraud - is an intentional deception intended to acquire an unfair advantage or deny a victim's


Handling and Managing of Services - It entails identifying target consumers' service demands,

managing service delivery procedures, achieving goals, and continuously improving services.

Overall Performance - Service provision including time management, quality of service, and


Prank - A practical joke or a mischievous trick played on someone, generally causing the victim

to experience embarrassment, perplexity, confusion, or discomfort.

Real-time tracking - The tracking method that makes use of GPS as well as logistics databases

to determine the current location of a person, vehicle, or object at any moment in time.

Reimburse - to make repayment for expense or loss incurred.

Reduced Income - The amount of money they receive or earn is less than their usual income.

Scam - Is a term used to describe any fraudulent business or scheme that takes money or other

goods from an unsuspecting person.

Time and Schedule - A set of tasks or activities to be completed at or during a specific time or



This chapter includes the presentation of methods, processes, and procedures that

were used in this study. This chapter also provides research design, information about the

participants, the instruments used for data collection, data collection procedure, data analysis

procedure, and ethical consideration. 


 The phenomenological method focuses on studying the phenomena that have affected an

individual; it is a philosophy of experience (Harappa, 2021). It examines the structural features

of experience from the first-person point of view – that is, from the perspective of the subject

experiencing such states or acts of consciousness – often seeking to understand how things are

experienced, interpreted, or held to be significant or meaningful (Research Guides, 2021).

Phenomenology was utilized in this study to obtain information about food app riders and the

challenges they are experiencing of being a rider. Researchers conduct interviews to collect data

as their research instrument considering that this is qualitative research since it seeks the

perspectives of the research participants and interprets their understanding of their life

experiences and events (Tanwir et al., 2021). Interviews were conducted to gather detailed

information from the respondents. It provides the researchers an advantage as they have a better

observation of the behavior of the respondents. To analyze the data gathered from the

participants, the researchers transcribe the answers of the participants from the interviews.


The participants in this study are food app riders from Grab and FoodPanda around Metro

Manila who have personally experienced different challenges of being a Food App Riders.

Riders from Metro Manila are specifically chosen since the study is limited to this area.

Furthermore, it requires riders who have first-handedly encountered significant challenges in

their work lives as researchers intend to include the challenges they experienced during the

COVID-19 pandemic when FDAs were in high demand.

Using snowball sampling, where the participants recommended other participants to be

part of the study. It helps the researchers identify participants who will be involved in answering

the questions. Twelve Food App Riders were selected to represent the population of FDAs.


The National Capital Region (NCR), also called Metro Manila, is the area selected for

research as the region possesses a high number of food app riders due to the presence of

numerous food establishments that services the different cities located in the region.


Interviews and video recordings are the tools that the interviewers used in this study. Data

was gathered from conversations with interviewers. The interviewers coordinate the process of

the conversation and ask questions, and the interviewee responds to those questions (George,


Researchers constructed semi-structured interview questions written in English that take

into consideration other aspects of the research, such as the review of related literature, statement

of the problem, and research paradigm. Researchers asked for profiles of riders and a brief

background of riders in their works, such as how long they have been a Food App Rider and

when they started. Followed by semi-structured questions about their challenges, and their

coping mechanisms. In addition, the questionnaires that the researchers used in this study were

consulted and validated by a university faculty member who is an expert in the field of research

before being used in the study.


Upon the approval of the research instrument, a formal consent for the target participants,

specifically the Food App Riders were given to them, requesting permission to conduct the


The collection of the data was conducted through a face-to-face interview since the

researchers are already permitted to go outside and have the option of self-initiative. As the

interview begins, researchers collect information directly from food app riders. The riders were

interviewed one at a time, with questions asked using a semi-structured questionnaire written in

English and translated into Filipino for better understanding on the part of the participants. The

whole duration of the interview is recorded for transcribing. Given the busy schedule of Food

App Riders, the researchers consider their time. Thus, the interview was conducted for around 20

- 30 minutes.


After gathering the necessary data, thematic analysis was utilized for data analysis.

Thematic analysis is a method for analyzing qualitative data that entails searching across a data

set to identify, analyze, and report repeated patterns (Chawla & Wood, 2021). Thematic analysis

is used as it is an appropriate method of analysis for analyzing and understanding experiences,

thoughts, or behaviors across a data set (Kiger & Varpio, 2020).

The data were thoroughly studied by analyzing the transcript of the video recording in

order for the researchers to familiarize themselves with the responses of the food delivery riders.

Researchers highlighted important statements and generated themes and did code processing.

Open coding, in which collected data is broken down into discrete parts, are based on the

answers stated by riders and "codes" are created to label them. Next is Axial coding, wherein

researchers draw connections between related information given by riders in order to reveal

codes, and Selective coding, in which categories or codes are grouped together around one core

category. Essentially, data were read and re-read numerous times, and the cycles were repeated

several times to reduce the number of codes and categorize them into identifiable themes. The

code was analyzed and grouped for central themes, and the themes were reviewed to see if they

fit with the coded extracts.


The researchers ensure the safety of the respondents who agreed to participate in the

study by considering their rights and well-being as well as the Food App Company they

represent. Before conducting the interview, participants were fully informed of the study's

purpose, expectations, and the data gathering procedure. A written consent form was given by

participants as acknowledgement of their data being used for the research.

The informed consent process allows the researcher the opportunity to reassure the

participant’s validity and eliminate participant doubts (Thomson, 2017). The interview proceeds

with the targeted participants after they have agreed and complied with the consent form.

Answers are fairly acknowledged while respondents who refuse to answer were no longer forced

to continue with the interview. The data were taken with confidentiality to safeguard the welfare

and safety of research participants. Guaranteed that the participation of Food Riders and data

gathered from them will be used for this study alone and nothing else.


This chapter covers the data analysis and interpretation of the collected data from the interviews.

It is presented by tables, which follows the sequence of research problems enumerated:

Table 1. Different Challenges of Food App Riders

Themes Codes/Categories Significant Statements

Work Weather Conditions

● “Most of the challenges for us are the weather
conditions. Sometimes it rains too much,

sometimes it's too hot. For the flood, there is

no such problem; the difficulty is that the rain

is too strong and you can't see the road.” -

Rider 2

● “Sometimes it's hot, you get a headache, but

when it's raining, of course the food gets wet.

If you don't have a raincoat, it gets even

wetter, and the cellphone can't be pressed.” -

Rider 7

● “Yes, it's hard when you go to a flooded area

because you cannot see the manholes, that is

why you need to be careful when it's

raining.”- Rider 12

Road Accidents ● “It was raining heavily at the time, and I had a

lot of stuff on my motorcycle. I fell down

because what I was carrying was so heavy; it

wasn't food, but a gallon of water.” - Rider 3

● ”Yes, I have experienced a vehicle next to me.

I was shocked because a biker passed and I

stopped. The other vehicle next to me stopped

too but they still hit me.” - Rider 4

● “Yes, I’ve been into accidents too, but it

wasn’t my fault. The one that had an accident

with me, bumped into me. That’s it. But, I

have already delivered my order already. If

we’ve been into accidents, there was no

insurance back then, but now, Grab has it.

That’s the only difference right now.” - Rider

Financial Low Fare ● “Raise the fare. Right fare. Because it's not
fair, even if it's far, we cannot do anything but

accept how much is given to us, and that's it.

Ma'am, the fare really went down; it's too low,

especially when it's raining or hot.” - Rider 7

● “It depends on the place, ma’am. For


example, I’m waiting out for a booking in

Muñoz, there ma’am, the fare rate is really

low. But here in SM (North), the fare rate is

high. It’s different because that’s what it is.

Besides, that’s by batching. For example, if

you’re Batch 4, your fare rate is really low, it

will start at 34 pesos and that’s it. When it's a

special hour, it will reach up to 40 to 42 pesos.

That’s how it is at FoodPanda.” - Rider 8

● “I think they should raise the fare because that

is the main concern for me and my fellow

riders to increase our income. If they cannot

increase the fare, maybe they must give us a

fixed rate. They should not lower the fare

because our fare is getting low. So, if the fare

now will be fixed it is fine with us.” - Rider


Merchant Incomplete Orders ● “We were accused, even if it was the vendor's
fault that the food was incomplete; we were

blamed for that. Even if it was just a soft

drink, we were to be blamed, as if we drank

that. ” - Rider 7

● “Yes, something like that has already

happened. But what we do is, we go back to

the store, then we tell the vendor that the

buyer told us that there is a missing item or

food, because we can’t check the inside of the

item because that is FoodPanda’s protocol.

It’s hard for us because we will be scolded.

We are not the crew of the restaurant, we’re

just delivery riders.” - Rider 8

● “Often. Especially during weekends and rush

hour, there are so many customers and orders

in a restaurant. Sometimes they forgot some

orders. Example, if our order is worth 3,000

pesos and there is a missing 500 peso order.

Maybe because they are already tired and we

will go back to them and they will say sorry to

us and we understand it. It is a cause of delay

for us especially during rush hour because we

have to meet the incentive. It is a waste of

time, gasoline and it is tiring.” - Rider 12

Processing Time ● “Sometimes we experience that, like before

when McDo was 50% off, which looked like


the merchant couldn't handle it anymore

because of the high demand, so now it takes

too long to prepare. Sometimes 1 hour. I think

the longest I've been at the counter is an hour

and a half before the order comes out.” -

Rider 2

● “When there is a promotion, it will take us up

to three to four hours of waiting time. That’s

the ugly part. After three to four hours of

waiting time, the delivery fare will only be 70

pesos. It’s a waste of time. That’s probably the

most traumatic for me. Probably the hard

part.” - Rider 6

● “The truth is, we have to be fast on delivering

the customer’s order. It depends. Sometimes

when the merchant is cooking, we wait for 40

mins. and then we will call the customer,

we’ll say that we are already at the merchant,

we are waiting for your order, it’s taking a

long time. We ask for a dispensation from the

customer.” - Rider 10

Riders’ Wrong pin location / ● “That also affects us, ma'am; for example, if

Unreachable they aren’t answering, we'll have to wait

Contact Details patiently for that. There is time, ma'am; we

are only up to wait for 45 minutes; if the

customer is not there for 45 minutes, we will

cancel it. No orders will come to us until the

first delivery is dropped.” - Rider 7

● “That’s the most difficult thing for us, ma’am.

Because sometimes, the customers take 30

mins. to receive their delivery. They don’t

look at their cellphones to see if someone

texted them or notified them if the rider is

already at their location. That’s the hassle for

us. It’s a waste of time.” - Rider 8

● “That one is also a cause of delay. The

customers need to make sure that they give us

their correct mobile number and address

because that one is also a cause of delay. It is

a cause of delay especially when we arrive at

a declared drop off point but that is not the

correct place. When we call them, we cannot

reach them especially when their order is not

available at the restaurant.” - Rider 12


Additional Request ● “ It's also a hassle for us because there is no

of Customers payment for the additional request. It depends

on them if they give us extra payment because

we are not allowed to charge too much.” -

Rider 7

● “There’s no problem as long as they pay

additional fare. But if they didn’t pay for an

additional fare, it seems like a big deal for us

because we’re going to lose time because of

their additional order. Because time is

important to us (riders).” - Rider 8

● “It's up to us but for me, I don't allow that

because it's not allowed. Of course we have

orders to be delivered on time. It's not allowed

with us because it reflects on the app

immediately, once we receive our order from

a merchant, the customer will receive an

'OTW' which means that you must deliver

within 10 -15mins. So it is not advisable to go

through others like that.” - Rider 11

Customer ● “Sometimes, those customers who don’t

Complaints understand. When they know that their order


will take a long time, they’ll still ask us to

hurry up. They’ll call us multiple times and

will be mad at me. I said, “just wait, ma’am.”

That time, the road at G. Araneta was flooded.

I was looking for another way.” - Rider 6

● “Yes ma’am. There are others, ma’am, they

are really in a hurry, what they really don’t

know is that the merchant takes a long time to

prepare. For example, they ordered at a

restaurant, not at a fast food chain, it will

really take us a long time there because it’s a

restaurant, a lot of people are eating there.” -

Rider 8

● “Customers who immediately get annoyed

and scold us. For example, ma'am, during

rush hour we have group orders, customers

should understand that their order is not a

priority since there are many other orders.

However, sometimes they don't understand

that. This commonly happens during rush

hour during holidays since the orders are too

many. During those times, we riders are really

in demand, so one rider has three bookings,


two bookings, sometimes one rider can't

really occupy it due to the amount of

demand.” - Rider 12

Fake Booking ● “We also have fake bookings; we have

encountered a few, but with Grab, there is no

problem because it is easy to reimburse, so we

don't have much difficulty. However, in our

booking, we can deliver 2-3 rides in one hour,

but when I was fakebooked, of course I was

waiting for the customer who might answer. I

spent almost two hours going back and forth,

asking people who might know the person,

looking for his name. For that, maybe it's

wasted because in 1 hour you can earn

100–200, so if it's in those two hours, that's

about 400 wasted.” - Rider 2

● “Yes, several times but before, the fake

booking was scary because there was no

reimbursement. The ones from 2019 to 2018.

But now, Grab is reimbursing the money now.

Money is being returned but when it’s

Saturday and Sunday, the money will be


reimbursed on Monday.” - Rider 6

● “Fakebooking, for example, occurs when the

customer has canceled the order. I will go

back to the vendor. It depends. You only get

fakebooked once in a while. Sometimes, if we

get fake bookings, we just pay for the food. If

I have an income, I just pay for it so I don't

get suspended. But if I can't pay for it, if it's a

thousand pesos, I just return it. ” - Rider 7

Effects on Negative effect on ● “Yes, even though it wasn’t our fault that the
Account Status Rider’s Rating food took so long to arrive, we were the one

getting rated for it. - Rider 3

● “Yes, if the customer doesn't like you, he can

rate you 1 star. Which can affect and weaken

your booking rate. Just think positively. -

Rider 11

● “It depends. It affects me sometimes but it

doesn't. When a customer rates us 1 star, our

status as a rider is affected. There are also 2

star ratings but often when we explain it to

them properly, they don't rate us low.” - Rider


Table 1 represents the numerous challenges that Food App riders face while delivering

their services. Based on the responses of the riders, five (5) themes were identified: Work

Environment, Financial Challenges, Merchant Shortcomings, Effect on Riders Account Status,

and Riders Common Dilemma, with different codes including the Weather Conditions, Road

Accidents, Low Fare, Incomplete Orders, Processing Time, Wrong Pin Location or Unreachable

Contact Details, Additional Request of Customers, Customer Complaints, Fake Booking, and

Negative Effect on Rider's Account Status. These themes and codes that researchers observed

based on Riders' responses to questions supplemented in developing a broad understanding of

their work lives, specifically the different challenges that they face and how they are affected in

various ways.

Riders who work in Food Delivery Apps face numerous challenges, from the process of

receiving and collecting the order from the merchant to delivering, until they drop the customer's

order. When riders receive a booking assigned by Grab or FoodPanda, it can be a challenge

already because, even if it is far from their current location, they must accept it and will only be

paid the amount specified by their company, which is often just a small amount of money.

Having followed that, most riders have experienced the long wait for the order, where time is

wasted, especially if it takes a long time before the order is prepared and sometimes only to find

out that the orders did not reflect on the merchant app, usually due to discount promos that

causes high demand in orders. This finding is similar to the study of Wenkert (2020) where they

face different challenges in running and managing a food-related business because food delivery

merchants are under a lot of pressure to complete transactions and fulfill orders quickly.

Prevention is deprioritized because average order values are relatively low due to high volume of


Delivering is also a significant challenge because of the work environment; in order to

deliver the food as soon as possible, they devise a strategy to avoid traffic, where others

occasionally take over to other vehicles. Majority of respondents have already fallen on their

vehicles or been involved in an accident, such as bumping with another vehicle which relates to

the study of Lu et al,. (2022) high level of traffic violations and crashes by delivery men and

corresponding negative impact on public safety are observed. Part of their challenge in their

working environment is the weather conditions. Rain or shine, they are working. The difficulty is

that when the rain is too strong, food can be wet and it is hard to see the road. This conforms to

the study of Lachica (2021) where extreme weather conditions are challenges also faced by food

app riders. It could be the scorching heat, heavy rain, and flood. You could see them enduring

and resisting the unexpected weather on the streets just to pick-up and deliver the order.

Moreover, most of them respondents said that they take rain as one of their advantages, as they

can get a much higher number of orders.“It is also favorable if the rain falls just right; what is

not good is when the roads are closed due to flooding. When it rains, nevertheless, the order

increases because other people are too lazy to go out and order. Some riders go home because

they get wet, or because the others don't have raincoats, or because they are lazy when it rains,

so it appears that demand is increasing, but there are only a few riders with me.”- Rider 2. It was

also during delivery that unreachable and incorrect pin locations happened. When the rider

arrived at the pin location, only to discover that the customer's pin was an incorrect pin location.

It's a hassle on their part, especially if the exact location of the customer is a long distance away

from the displaced location. Time, money, gasoline, and cellphone load are all being wasted,

especially if the customer is also difficult to reach or unreachable. In the worst-case scenario, the

incident may be "fake booking," without even knowing it, where customers just place an order

but don’t show up when the food is delivered. Similar to the study of "Fake booking strikes

again" (2021) where riders accept a food delivery booking from an individual without knowing

the customer had used someone else's name and address. Upon confirmation of the delivery,

which would be paid cash on delivery (COD), the riders completed the orders for which they had

paid in advance and payment to be charged from the customer upon delivery, but the customer

was not found upon delivery. This fake booking can be reimbursed but has to wait for 2 to 3

days, causing some riders to just pay for it with their own money instead.

Another challenge for them is when merchants give an incomplete order which is a waste

of time, a reason to reduce their income and in addition customers are accusing them for the

missing food. “We were accused, even if it was the vendor's fault that the food was incomplete;

we were blamed for that. Even if it was just a soft drink, we were to be blamed, as if we drank

that. That's a hassle for us because, ma'am, instead of receiving another order after we delivered

the order, ma'am, we'll go back to the vendor to get the missing food and then deliver it again,

even though we don't have the payment anymore. We deliver it instead of reporting us; otherwise,

we will be suspended for five days.” - Rider 7. Dropping the customer's order is also where

customer complaints occur. Customers are often angry at riders, even if it isn't their fault, and

most of the time, this is the reason for them to give negative ratings to riders without knowing

that it has a big impact on their account status, which may be suspended or may affect their


Table 2. Financial Aspect

Themes Codes/Categories Significant Statements

Effect on Expenditures ● “It’s our own money. When it’s Saturday,

Capital Sunday, that’s when the reimbursement will

be pending because it’s the weekend,

especially when the reimbursement is big.

Because there is no office at Grab on

Saturdays and Sundays. It’ll be reimbursed on

Monday already.” - Rider 6

● “When there is an accident, FoodPanda has

no answer for any damages. It was just on our

own when we had the accident. That's 3k. My

own money that’s been used.” - Rider 7

● “That’s really a disadvantage, because instead

of using the money for what you need, you

don’t have any money. It’s part of the rules.” -

Rider 12

Reimbursement ● “Yes, it’s our own money, it’s our capital. So

our daily capital is inactive since it will take

days for it to be reimbursed.” - Rider 3

● “If you invest 1000 pesos for a day and let’s

say you were fakebooked with 500 pesos, that


will not be returned to you right away.” -

Rider 9.

● “In the food app, they reimburse our money.

Once we are falsely booked, we just have to

show them that we disposed of the food

already and screenshots that there are no

customers appearing at the pinned location.

Our money will be reimbursed around 3

days.”- Rider 12

Salary Family ● “It's for my family, my children, because my

children are in school.” - Rider 3

● “Family is, of course, the most important

thing for me.” - Rider 4

● “For my basic needs, what is needed for the

family, the house, the rent to pay for the

amenities.” - Rider 9

Personal Needs ● “For everyday expenses.” - Rider 2

● “For my requirements and for my daily life.”

- Rider 8

● “I just have to grind everyday until I reach

what I want in my life.” - Rider 8

Target Income Personal Quota ● “I expect to be earning 1,500 for gasoline and

expenses, especially for my family for that

amount.”- Rider 4

● “When I was still working, my daily was 800

so I need to exceed that to make working for

me worth it. With us, it's not orders, we're per

booking. no matter how many orders, we only

deliver.” - Rider 9

● “Depending on your day, depending on what

you want. Maybe 20 jobs or more so you can

be sure to earn 1.5k plus like that.” - Rider 11

Revenue Insufficient Funds ● “No, we make money here. Because, if the

booking is too slow, the profit is really low.

It’s just for fuel and food.” - Rider 6

● “Yes, that really happens. Sometimes you will

only earn 700 pesos. When the flow of the

booking is nice, for example, when it rains a

little, we get up to 1,200 pesos up to 1,300

pesos. Rarely, 1,500 pesos. When the

pandemic and Putin’s war started, didn’t the

fuel increase? When there was no pandemic,

it was good. Our profit will gain up to 1,700

pesos. Of course that’s a big deal for us in one


day. Now it seems to be decreasing and then

the fuel is increasing.” - Rider 5

● “Sometimes it’s enough, sometimes it’s not.

It’s inadequate.” - Rider 10

Sufficient Funds ● “Yes, it’s enough compared to the minimum

wage.” - Rider 3

● “Yes, it's enough as long as you work hard.

You know that if you work early, you'll earn a

good amount of money.” - Rider 4

● “Yes, it's okay, it's enough to support my

needs.” - Rider 11

Liabilities Grab Loan/Loans ● “Yes, we need it. Because of our loan, we are

obligated to pay. Ever since he took out a

loan program, it seems like their dragging us

to pay and take out a loan from them.” - Rider

● “Nothing. You will only have problems with

Grab, for example, he has loan programs with

us. We owe money to them. Now, if you don’t

pay that on time, you are overdue. We have to

travel every day so that we can pay our loan

to them.” - Rider 10

● “Well, I really want to make 1,500 pesos a

day because my fuel takes up to 300 - 350

pesos already. And my loan is still at 450

pesos.” - Rider 5

Above is Table 2 is an overview on how Food App riders manage their finances despite

facing different challenges. Which explains the 5 themes based on their responses: Effect on

Capital, Revenue, Financial Liabilities, Salary Allocation, and Target Income. This includes

codes such as Expenditures, Reimbursement, Sufficiency, and Insufficiency of Funds, Grab

Loans, Allocation on Family, Personal Needs, and Personal Quota. Aforementioned themes and

codes are used by researchers to identify and understand how financially affected the Food App

riders are caused by the challenges they are experiencing mentioned in Table 1.

One of the burdens of the Food App riders is their financial loss which affects their

working capital due to several challenges that they encounter because they use their own

hard-earned money to pay extra for the hassle. “When there is an accident, FoodPanda has no

answer for any damages. It was just on our own when we had the accident. That's 3k. My own

money that’s been used.” - Rider 7. The results on this aspect can relate with the study of Tran et

al., (2022) in terms of financial aspect, riders are under more financial stress and have lost more

income, and the study of Tamura (2020) that it is a struggle for those who rely on it as their

primary source of income. Other riders have reported that food delivery apps do not always give

them all of their tips, and that they are sometimes deducted from their pay. Food App riders have

experienced paying for their own insurance and damages caused by untoward accidents while

working. These financial losses are added to their expenditures that can lessen their daily

income, most riders stated that they cannot instantly reimburse the money they have used, “If

you invest 1000 pesos for a day and let’s say you were fakebooked with 500 pesos, that will not

be returned to you right away.” - Rider 9. Reimbursements take a few days to be processed in

order to be returned as stated by our interviewees, this is why their capital is greatly affected

because they need to invest money for some unpaid orders only to be fakebooked. “In the food

app, they reimburse our money. Once we are falsely booked, we just have to show them that we

disposed of the food already and screenshots that there are no customers appearing at the pinned

location. Our money will be reimbursed around 3 days.”- Rider 12
. Food App riders have also

paid for fakebooking incidents they encountered with their money which can be compared

similarly to the article of “Low pay among food delivery riders” (2021) apart from the low pay,

riders are forced to use their own money to pay for the “prank orders”. This number does not

include tips they receive.

The salary of the riders are generally allocated for their family and for their personal

needs. “For my basic needs, what is needed for the family, the house, the rent to pay for the

amenities.” - Rider 9. Their target income per day is at the average of 1,500 pesos per day

exclusive of the working expenses for gasoline and meals. They earn depending on how many

orders they can deliver in a day. “Depending on your day, depending on what you want. Maybe

20 jobs or more so you can be sure to earn 1.5k plus like that.” - Rider 11. Some of the Food

App riders claimed that their daily wage is insufficient while the others said that it is sufficient.

Riders who said that their revenue is insufficient depending on the present daily cost of living,

weather condition, and physical tiredness. “Sometimes you will only earn 700 pesos. When the

flow of the booking is nice, for example, when it rains a little, we get up to 1,200 pesos up to

1,300 pesos. Rarely, 1,500 pesos. When the pandemic and Putin’s war started, didn’t the fuel

increase? When there was no pandemic, it was good. Our profit will gain up to 1,700 pesos. Of

course that’s a big deal for us in one day. Now it seems to be decreasing and then the fuel is

increasing.” - Rider 5. On the other hand, riders that said their revenue is sufficient have

compared their salary which is higher than the present minimum wage in Metro Manila. “Yes, it’s

enough compared to the minimum wage.” - Rider 3. These results are relative to the study of

Sandoval (2021) that an experience of a Food app rider, Exequiel Busa Jr. with two children to

look after, a motorcycle monthly mortgage to pay, and a dwelling rent to pay claims his daily

average wage of P600 to P800 was barely enough to get them by.” Riders' daily wage depends on

the length of their working time and the demand of orders in a day less their daily expenses

which equates to nearly even results for both sufficient and insufficient funds.

Grab has established a program for riders called ‘GrabFinance Loan’ to somehow ease

the financial burden of riders however, few Food App riders working with Grab also have

Financial Liabilities because of the said program. This is because they are obligated to work for

hours to pay back the loan they applied for which makes them feel exhausted and pressured.

“Yes, we need it. Because of our loan, we are obligated to pay. Ever since he took out a loan

program, it seems like they're dragging us to pay and take out a loan from them.” - Rider 5.

Table 3. Health and Safety Aspect

Themes Codes/Categories Significant Statements

Psychological Anxiousness ● “There are times, I imagine myself in an

Effects accident, for example there are times when,

almost... There are so many, almost, a sudden

break, someone suddenly crosses the road. Of

course I was thinking about what would


happen if I actually hit it, if I fell because of

what I was doing, or if I lost control.

Sometimes, accidents cross my mind when

experiencing near-accidents.” - Rider 2

● “Every time I leave the house, my family is

worried because we are bikers, we have

already encountered a lot. For example, there

are motorcycles that suddenly enter,

sometimes others counter-flows. Our family

can’t help thinking that we might have an

accident like that.” - Rider 8

● “Our work is really risky, first we ride

motorcycles, isn't riding a motorcycle risky?

Especially in this pandemic, right? face to

face, we are frontliners, we don't know if the

person we are delivering to is sick, of course

it's not my choice, that's my job.” - Rider 9

Laziness ● “Of course, sometimes I feel that when I'm

tired and feeling really lazy, especially when I

lack sleep and rest.” - Rider 4

● “Sometimes, when the booking takes me too

far, I just go home after because it's making


me lazy already. Twice it happened to me - I

was here, they took me to Cainta - Marikina,

of course I wasn’t familiar there, I don’t have

bookings there, so I came back here in San

Juan City. They took me to Cainta again, after

delivering, I went straight home. Because it’s

a lost cause, my fuel is already half, I won’t

fight anymore. I’ll just go home and rest. It’s

an unlucky day. I’ll reclaim it another day.” -

Rider 5

● “Sometimes, for example, we’re already

hanging out here for an hour or two, it’s a

dead booking.” - Rider 8

Effects on Dismayed
Mood ● “After going to the customer’s location and

finding out it’s a wrong pin after experiencing

the heat and rain, yes it's disappointing.” -

Rider 4

● “When it’s fakebooked, of course that hurts us

too. Instead of having an extra income, we

lose it because of the fake booking.” - Rider


● “To be honest, we have to accept that even if


we feel bad like we can’t control ourselves.

We just have to be patient. We’re lucky we

have a job and we have higher earnings

compared to those who are employed who get

minimum pay. That’s what we hold onto.” -

Rider 12

Frustrated/Irritated ● “Honestly at first, you will be annoyed. Your

anger is still there, but you have to accept it,

just take a deep breath and think about your

job.” - Rider 4

● “I cried, I was depressed because it’s hard to

make money and people will just make a joke

out of it.” - Rider 5

● “My order was 100+ pesos only at the same

time, the order preparation took an hour. My

voice got louder to the crew, I said, “I hope

you also think of us because our income is

based per ride.” I got too emotional, to the

point that I shouted at the crew. I was waiting

for my order for an hour, and it turns out that

it wasn’t coming out to their system.” - Rider


Physical effects Fatigue ● “Sometimes. Before, when Grab was at its

on riders peak, I didn’t take any days off because I was

making the most of it. I kept on going. My

mom gets worried. She says that I also need to

rest. But for me, if I can do it - you’ll know it

from your body if you can do it. When I feel

something, when I’m sleepy or dizzy, I go

home.” - Rider 6

● “As you go home, you’ll feel exhausted. It's

like you just rest, eat, and sleep, and then the

next day, it's the same scenario again. Because

it's so hot, my head is throbbing.” - Rider 7

● “ Yes, sometimes when you're tired, it's been 5

days straight, you really need a break. Lack of

sleep, it's hard to be sleepy during the trip but

you endure it to earn money.” - Rider 11

Sickness ● “Maybe it’s affected by the pollution. There

are times that I’m sleepless and also the

sudden change of the weather from hot to

rainy.” - Rider 1

● “Due to the weather, sometimes you will have

body pain and headache because when you


overdo it, you are soaked in the heat already,

that’s when your stamina weakens because

you travel all day from because of the rainy

season.”- Rider 4

● “Sometimes it's hot in the middle of the day

and then it rains, of course we're only human,

we're still soaked in the sun and then we're

tired, of course we get sick, when you get sick

you have no income.” - Rider 9

Starving ● “Yes that happens. It’s just pure water

sometimes. Just like today, nothing - I’ll just

get some water here (points at McDo).” -

Rider 5

● “Because it’s hard when you don’t have

breakfast and you can’t have lunch, even

though your mind is capable, your body will

be shaking from hunger. It’s really effective to

drink two glasses of water in the morning

because when you lack water in the morning,

you will feel it even if you eat, you still lack

water. You will still tremble without knowing

it.” - Rider 5

● “Sometimes we are unable to eat on time,

which causes us to become acidic or develop

ulcers. You must take care of yourself in

addition to working. However, we cannot

avoid doing so, especially if it is during peak

hours. Even if you're hungry, you have to

finish the booking first; as a result, I became

acidic.” - Rider 12

Rider’s Health Concern ● “I was scared at first, especially during the

During the height of the pandemic. But I have become
more complacent when a lot of people go out

already, and besides, even when the pandemic

was at its height, I have not been hit by the

virus and I haven’t felt anything.” - Rider 1

● “I always have alcohol and facemask with

me.” - Rider 5

Higher Revenue ● “At first, I was scared because, of course, the

COVID is new, but as time goes by, I am not

anymore. So until now we're not. Sometimes

it's not good to think, but when the ECQ came

back, it became even more favorable for us


because the orders that we received got

higher.” - Rider 2

● “Before the first pandemic, I went home

immediately. But now, nothing because I

didn’t have any experience nor my friends of

COVID. I don’t believe it anymore. They are

very happy because they earn a lot. They’re

still alive. The amount of money they used to

earn here is big. A thousand, just one day

during the peak of pandemic. As for me, I

went home, I was scared because I used to

have asthma. I have a weak resistance. So I

was scared.” - Rider 6

● “We weren’t even afraid of that because we

were required to go out, we were the ones

delivering the food to those who ordered.” -

Rider 10

Table 3 shows the Health and Safety Aspect of the Food App riders. Based on the

answers of the riders, the researchers found four (4) themes that were observed namely:

Psychological Effects, Effects on Mood, Physical Effects on Riders, and Rider’s Perception

During the Pandemic with different codes including Anxiousness, Laziness, Dismayed,

Frustrated/Irritated, Fatigue, Sickness, Starving, Health Concern, and Higher Revenue. These

themes and codes that the researchers observed based on the responses of the riders’ made the

researchers understand how challenges of being a rider affects their health and safety.

Being a Food App rider comes with the possibility of being involved in dangerous

situations. Riders and their families get anxious and worried for them when they are riding their

motorcycles/bicycles for work. Accidents are inevitable, that's why every time they are on the

road, riders can’t help but think of the “what ifs”. Even the thought of being sick comes to their

mind because of the pandemic. As mentioned by Tus (2022), delivery drivers experience many

physical and psychological challenges in their line of work. It is expected from them to interact

with clients that require customer service skills despite the high levels of daily stress in

demanding work situations. Identified situations included fear of causing different types of

undesired events with risks of human injuries or material damages. Despite the physical,

emotional, and psychological challenges, these delivery riders always chose courage and faith.

“Every time I leave the house, my family is worried because we are bikers, we have already

encountered a lot. For example, there are motorcycles that suddenly enter, sometimes others

counter-flows. Our family can’t help thinking that we might have an accident like that.” - Rider

8. Their overthinking makes it harder to focus on the road because riders can’t help but think

about what can possibly happen to them. Getting sick because of the weather, tiredness, and the

eeriness of having contact with someone who has COVID are the concern of some of them,

“Due to the weather, sometimes you will have body pain and headache because when you overdo

it, you are soaked in the heat already, that’s when your stamina weakens because you travel all

day from because of the rainy season.”- Rider 4, “Our work is really risky, first we ride

motorcycles, isn't riding a motorcycle risky? Especially in this pandemic, right? face to face, we

are frontliners, we don't know if the person we are delivering to is sick, of course it's not my

choice, that's my job.” - Rider 9 and riders don't eat at the right time and eat the right amount of

food because their lunch time is also the peak of the hours of booking. They choose to go on with

the booking rather than eating and thinking about their health, “Sometimes we are unable to eat

on time, which causes us to become acidic or develop ulcers. You must take care of yourself in

addition to working. However, we cannot avoid doing so, especially if it is during peak hours.

Even if you're hungry, you have to finish the booking first; as a result, I became acidic.” - Rider

12. There are some riders who were scared at first but became immune to the happenings in their

surroundings, “I was scared at first, especially during the height of the pandemic. But I have

become more complacent when a lot of people go out already, and besides, even when the

pandemic was at its height, I have not been hit by the virus and I haven’t felt anything.” - Rider

1. There are also riders who saw the pandemic as a chance to get high revenue because when it

was locked down, a lot of people ordered through them, it was the riders who brought the food to

customers who can’t go out, they were one of the frontliners at that time, “At first, I was scared

because, of course, the COVID is new, but as time goes by, I am not anymore. So until now we're

not. Sometimes it's not good to think, but when the ECQ came back, it became even more

favorable for us because the orders that we received got higher.” - Rider 2, “We weren’t even

afraid of that because we were required to go out, we were the ones delivering the food to those

who ordered.” - Rider 10”.

Another thing that concerns the riders that affect their mood is the way customers treat

them. As of Bagaosian (2020), others have become frustrated and feel neglected as a result of

absence of insurance. Riders questioned whether this was fair treatment for those who had been

hailed as front liners during the lockdown. They are making a sacrifice. Even if there is a

typhoon, the rest of them continue to travel, even if their families are worried. Other customers

won’t understand what riders go through just to pick up their orders. They get mad at the riders,

scold them and sometimes ask to hurry up even though riders don't control the merchant's way of

packing their orders , “Honestly at first, you will be annoyed. Your anger is still there, but you

have to accept it, just take a deep breath and think about your job.” - Rider 4, “To be honest, we

have to accept that even if we feel bad like we can’t control ourselves. We just have to be patient.

We’re lucky we have a job and we have higher earnings compared to those who are employed

who get minimum pay. That’s what we hold onto.” - Rider 12. There are riders who cried because

of the situations that they’ve been in and wanted to quit as a rider but chose not to, “I cried, I

was depressed because it’s hard to make money and people will just make a joke out of it.” -

Rider 5. There are also customers who don't check their pinned location and don't answer their

cell phones. Riders considered them fake booking because they can't contact the customer, “After

going to the customer’s location and finding out it’s a wrong pin after experiencing the heat and

rain, yes it's disappointing.” - Rider 4. They feel dismayed and hurt because instead of having

extra income for that day, the money will be put into waste and will be reimbursed for 2-3 days,

“When it’s fakebooked, of course that hurts us too. Instead of having an extra income, we lose it

because of the fake booking.” - Rider 10. They just accept the way things are because they can't

do anything about it and if they lose control, it's going to be their fault, “To be honest, we have to

accept that even if we feel bad like we can’t control ourselves. We just have to be patient. We’re

lucky we have a job and we have higher earnings compared to those who are employed who get

minimum pay. That’s what we hold onto.” - Rider 12. There are also times when the riders

prioritize working rather than sleeping which affects their job just to get higher earnings, “Yes,

there is a time. Because people do not always have money, there are times when there is no

booking. I will just rest.” - Rider 1 “Of course, sometimes I feel that when I'm tired and feeling

really lazy, especially when I lack sleep and rest.” - Rider 4, or when the booking is too far from

where you stayed, “Sometimes, when the booking takes me too far, I just go home after because

it's making me lazy already. Twice it happened to me - I was here, they took me to Cainta -

Marikina, of course I wasn’t familiar there, I don’t have bookings there, so I came back here in

San Juan City. They took me to Cainta again, after delivering, I went straight home. Because it’s

a lost cause, my fuel is already half, I won’t fight anymore. I’ll just go home and rest. It’s an

unlucky day. I’ll reclaim it another day.” - Rider 5.

Table 4. Time and Schedule Aspect

Themes Codes/Categories Significant Statements

Working Hours 7-9 hours ● “I work for 8-9 hours, sometimes 10 hours.”

- Rider 1

10-12 hours ● “Usually I only travel for 8 hours, but when I

still don't reach my quota in that time, I just

extend, sometimes I reach 12:00 a.m. to 1:00

a.m.” - Rider 2

● “10 hours, from morning to night.” - Rider 7

● “It depends, 8-10 hours, to earn 1000 pesos is

okay but if you can still work, it can be 1.5k

or 1.8k.” - Rider 9

13-15 hours ● “In one day.. This used to be my part time

job. After my day job at Mang Inasal, from


6pm I go out until 12 midnight, that’s 6 hours

already. But when I worked full time here, it

used to be 7 hours, now it’s 12 hours, 15

hours. There’s a lot of riders already, but we

used to be few. When I was only part time

before, I earned a lot. A lot has changed.” -

Rider 6

● “I’m really a full time rider here. If I travel

from 8am until midnight, I will go home

already. That’s really my whole day.” - Rider


● I worked 12-13 hours a day. If the income

and bookings are insufficient, I will extend

my working hours. If I get a lot of bookings,

I won't have to extend because I'll have

enough money. Maybe the longest I had to

work was 14 hours. I'll stop if I can't do it

any longer. - Rider 12

Time Time Period ● “Mostly during rush hour, around

Occurrence of 10am-1pm.” - Rider 1

Challenges ● “During the afternoon, since there's traffic

already.” - Rider 3

● “Anytime, it depends because those

challenges don't have time, it can happen to

you anytime.” - Rider 9

Time Wasted Time Consumed ● “A lot of course, since we have a target. We

on Challenges should be able to complete two or three

deliveries in an hour to receive good

bookings consecutively. When incidents like

this happen, it gets affected.” - Rider 1

● “It is easy if the food is already prepared, but

sometimes with an order we wait for an

hour.” - Rider 11

● Yes, I don't have the energy to work because

I have waited for many hours even if my fare

is less than 100 pesos, maybe 70 or 80 after

waiting for 3 hours. - Rider 12

Time Time Allocation ● “When the order really takes too long, we

Management extend the time to reach our quota.” - Rider 2

● “I adjust my time to be early. Let's say you

go out at 10 in the morning, go out earlier to

make up for it.” - Rider 11

● If there are fewer bookings, I need to extend

my stay to hit my quota. I need to complete


that like I usually do so that I can have a

higher income. - Rider 12

Delayed Orders ● “Even though it wasn’t our fault that the food

took so long to arrive, we were the one

getting rated for it.” - Rider 3

● Delays happened because of the promo; there

are so many riders, and sometimes the orders

don't enter in the merchant apps immediately.

We are waiting for the order, only to find out

that the booking was unsuccessful. - Rider 4

● “It's a hassle because instead of just getting

there and dropping the order when we arrive

we have to wait 15-20 minutes, and it's still

not there. Instead of booking again, we're left

pending because of that.” - Rider 9

Table 4 presents the Time and Schedule of the riders. Four (4) themes were determined:

Working Hours, Time Occurrence of Challenges, Time Wasted on Challenges, and Time

Management. The codes belonging to the theme “Working Hours” are 7-9 hours, 10-12 hours,

and 13-15 hours. The code for the theme “Time Occurrence of Challenges” is Time Period. The

code for the theme “Time Wasted on Challenges” is Time Consumed, and lastly, the codes for the

theme “Time Management” are Time Allocation and Delayed Orders. These themes and codes

are formed based on the responses of the participants on how the challenges affect their Time and


Food App Riders work for long hours compared to an average employee who only works

for 8 hours per day. “I’m really a full time rider here. If I travel from 8am until midnight, I will

go home already. That’s really my whole day.” - Rider 10. And in order to earn more money, they

exceed their time just to reach their quota, especially if their bookings are not enough. “If there

are fewer bookings, I need to extend my stay to hit my quota. I need to complete that like I

usually do so that I can have a higher income. - Rider 12. This statement is comparable to an

article “Low pay among food delivery riders” (2021) that some riders work for more than 12

hours in order to earn more money, especially if there are few bookings; however, if there are

still few orders, they only earn a small amount of money or below minimum wage after long

hours of duty. Aside from working overtime and longer hours compared to other jobs, riders are

defeated by time, and this job requires speed and immediacy. However, they can’t keep away

from these challenges; Rush Hours, Time Wasted because of Delayed Orders, and Negative

Ratings from Customers.

Riders’ usually experience challenges during rush hour where Food Apps are in demand

due to its convenience and accessibility. “Mostly during rush hour, around 10am-1pm.” - Rider

1. They have even experienced instances where they have lost a significant amount of time due

to promotions. Delays happened because of the promo; there are so many riders, and sometimes

the orders don't enter in the merchant apps immediately. We are waiting for the order, only to

find out that the booking was unsuccessful. - Rider 4. Or simply because the store takes too long

to process the order. “It is easy if the food is already prepared, but sometimes with an order we

wait for an hour.” - Rider 11. And lastly, they receive negative ratings from the customers due to

the delayed orders despite it being out of their control. “Even though it wasn’t our fault that the

food took so long to arrive, we were the one getting rated for it.” - Rider 3. These instances that

they have encountered can be compared to a study of Lachica, (2020) where orders take longer

than riders deliver them sometimes. Customers expect their orders to arrive on time hence,

delivery riders don’t have an option to stop when an order is confirmed. Some riders experience

bad reviews for being late or delivering incorrect orders that affects their performance rating and

the chance to be kicked out of a job, and in some instances riders are not at fault in the first


Table 5. Coping Mechanism

Themes Codes/Categories Significant Statements

Motivations Family ● “My children, family. They’re the

reason why I work hard.” - Rider 3

● “For my family because I need this job for us

to live.” - Rider 4

● My family comes first. They wouldn't be able

to buy food if I didn't go to work, which is

why they are my motivation. My family

consists of two kids. I am responsible for our

electric bills as well as their school expenses.

It has a huge impact because if I don't go to

work for five days, I will lose five days worth

of budget for my family. That is why it is


essential, particularly if you have a family.

Your family will become your source of

motivation; you must persevere, and you will

soon experience better living situations. -

Rider 12

Financial Security ● “For expenses. It's hard to have no money. If

you don't make money, nothing will happen.

Even if it's hot, just be patient.” - Rider 7

● “The first thing about it is that if you don’t

work or don’t deliver, you won't have an

income; you’ll get nothing. In that case, you

really need to continue working.” - Rider 2

Adaptability Moving Forward ● “Just move on if something like this tragedy

happens because it can't always be avoided. I

just accept it, especially with fake booking,

since I can just reimburse it.” - Rider 1

● “I just forget it then work again. I’ll move on

immediately and don’t think about it

anymore. There’s nothing we can do about it.

When I deliver it already, my annoyance

disappears. It’s the restaurant that takes a long

time, not us. I just moved to another place.


Especially when there is a promo.” - Rider 6

● “Be what you are, just give good customer

service in everything. If the customer is rude

then just ignore those things.” - Rider 11

Table 5 shows how food app riders deal with their challenges and how they cope up as

they work every day. There are two (2) themes that were determined: Motivations and

Adaptability. The codes belonging to the themes are Family, Financial Security, and Moving

Forward. These themes and codes are based on the responses of the participants on how food app

riders cope up as they work every day.

In relation to the study of (Buncaras et al., 2022) they still choose to cope up with the

situation to provide for their family. That is why the motivation of all the riders that we

interviewed is their family because if they stop working as food delivery riders, they cannot

support their daily needs and utility bills and yet they keep experiencing several types of

challenges that makes it more difficult for them to work. Some of the riders need to double their

effort even if it's not easy and tiring for them, they have no choice but to do it because it's their

source of income. “My family comes first. They wouldn't be able to buy food if I didn't go to

work, which is why they are my motivation. My family consists of two kids. I am responsible for

our electric bills as well as their school expenses. It has a huge impact because if I don't go to

work for five days, I will lose five days worth of budget for my family. That is why it is essential,

particularly if you have a family. Your family will become your source of motivation; you must

persevere, and you will soon experience better living situations.” - Rider 12 . Fake booking

causes a lot of delays but they don't have a choice but to let it pass instead of making it a reason

for them to stop working. They can still reimburse the money which they have spent for fake

booking incidents. They just need to provide proof that the food is not claimed by the receiver

and proof of disposal for them to reimburse the money which takes a few days to process. “Just

move on if something like this tragedy happens because it can't always be avoided. I just accept

it, especially with fake booking, since I can just reimburse it.” - Rider 1

Most of the food delivery riders understand and extend their patience with their

customers, but some riders still experience rude customers and receive unreasonable complaints.

Food App riders are left with no choice but to accept situations and let it pass like there nothing

has happened. Despite these challenges, riders always remain optimistic even if customers don't

treat them properly. Instead of talking back, they will apologize. As mentioned in the study of

(Buncaras et al., 2022) riders keep in mind that it is part of their job even if some of the

customers are inhumane, but still they need to accept what unfortunate things happen and be

forced to just move on. “To be honest, we need to accept that because it is part of our job. Even

if it's not okay for us and it’s beyond our control, we just need to let it pass.” - Rider 12.

Table 6. Effect of Challenges on Service

Themes Codes/Categories Significant Statements

Precautions Securing Customers ● “The first thing I’ll do is to call the customer

and Safety Identity and see if they’ll respond, especially if the

Measures order is huge.” - Rider 1

● “The customer really needs to be contacted

so that we can immediately ask for a

landmark of instruction, how to get there and

then for the orders to avoid incomplete


orders I double check it, instead of going

back to the merchant.” - Rider 2

● “Before I drop or go to the pinned location, I

call the customer to make sure it’s not a fake

booking or at a wrong pin.” - Rider 8

Awareness ● “Actually we can't identify if it’s

fakebooking because they have modus

operandi. For example, they order to grab

food and suddenly they persuade us to pay at

7/11 or at a payment center, as if they are

paying bills. We are discouraged to even

participate in that, then tell the other riders,

if they are not aware. If they are victimized

by it, riders will pay the bills and then they

won't be able to contact the customer.

Actually, the riders already know this

scheme to avoid this type of scam.” - Rider 9

● “When that's the case, we call grab. It's up to

them to decide what to do because if the

customer can't be contacted, our waiting

time is only about 15 minutes, we declare

"No show". - Rider 11


Psychological Acceptance of
● “There are times when you get used to it and
effect on riders Situations
you lose interest because it's tiring and it

seems like you're doing the same thing over

and over again. Sometimes you’ll lose

interest, but if you persevere, it's okay.” -

Rider 7

● “If one customer thinks that way, you should

not assume that everyone thinks that way.

You just have to adjust because there are

both positive and negative customers, so I'm

not generalizing everything. If it's only for

one customer, that's fine; there are others. I

believe it is part of the service; it happens to

others as well, so I simply understand the

situation.” - Rider 9

● “It’s okay because you have no choice of

what is given to you, so I have to be patient.

We just thought it was part of our work.” -

Rider 11

Loss of Interest ● “There are times that I’ve thought of

changing jobs but I couldn’t do it. I just

persevered.” - Rider 1

● “Sometimes, maybe because I am on the

road but I must think that I need to continue.

I have thought about it sometimes.” - Rider

● “I lose interest sometimes due to trials.” -

Rider 11

Thoughts of resigning ● “In Grab? Yes, too many times already that

I’ve thought about resigning.” - Rider 1

● “Yes, before I wanted to resign because

some of my colleagues have a bad working

relationship with each other.” - Rider 4

● “Sometimes I think about resigning, it's like

you're just telling yourself to apply for a

better job in the future.” - Rider 11

Recommendati Higher Salary ● “We need Grab to help us. They need to

on for Food increase the fare because we are using our

App own money for gasoline, especially

Companies to sometimes the fare rate is low.” - Rider 4

provide better ● “They should really increase our salary

service because it is very difficult. Especially when

it’s raining and we’re delivering, it’s hot at

the same time it suddenly rains. That’s the


hard part. When the pandemic was over, we

were lowered. Almost all of us lost some

money. So it’s really difficult.” - Rider 6

● “It would be better if they also increase our

salary because of course we use bicycles,

that is very difficult. Our investment here is

our tiredness. That’s too much hassle for

us.” - Rider 8

Health Benefits ● “I'm hoping for benefits because we don't

have SSS or Pag-ibig. It will be much better

if Grab has it.” - Rider 3

● “I would like to have an SSS. The one they

would cut from us already from our salary.

Because when I was still a security, my SSS

was active. When I worked at Grab, it was

gone. It was no longer active.” - Rider 5

● “The benefits in PhilHealth, SSS. We have

no benefits here.” - Rider 6

Store System ● “Fix the store’s system, because the

problems are mainly their fault, not the

riders.” - Rider 1

Loan ● “If they can lend us like Grab can. Because

Grab has a loan program. FoodPanda, there’s

really nothing.” - Rider 8

Sim Registration ● “I am in favor of the sim registration

because the riders are secured and can also

identify the person behind the fakebookings”

- Rider 12

Incentives Discounts ● “We don’t have benefits, the only benefits

that we have are discounts from Grab.” -

Rider 1

● “We have health insurance. Grab also gives

benefits like Generica when you meet your

quota, you have 300 medicines and vitamins

every month.” - Rider 11

Overall rating 1-3 Rate ● “I’m not really sure, maybe 3.” - Rider 1
of challenges
as a Food App ● “It’s not really hard, maybe only 2 - 3.” -
Rider 2

● “Around 3, it’s only difficult on the road, but

it’s simple to pick up orders, greet

customers.” - Rider 3

● “At first it's hard but once you learn it, of

course it will eventually become easy.

Maybe it will be a 3 in my opinion.” - Rider

4-6 ● “Maybe approximately just 5.” - Rider 4

● “For me, I’m in the middle. About 5 or 6.” -

Rider 8

7-9 ● “Compared to my previous job, my job now

is very light. If I will rate it, my work now is

ranging to 6 or 7 - Rider 12

10 Rate ● “I’ll go with 10. It’s hard.”- Rider 10

● “It's really hard so it’s a 10. It's really hard to

be a Food App rider.” - Rider 11

Rating depends on ● “It depends. Maybe when driving, it’s a 10

what circumstances because it’s really dangerous. You really

can’t say when accidents will happen. It’s

only dangerous when you’re driving. It's

sudden.” - Rider 6

Table 6 represents the effect of different challenges on food delivery rider services. There

were five (5) themes generated, including Precautions and Safety Measures, Psychological effect

on riders, Recommendation for Food App Companies to provide better service, Incentives, and

Overall rating of challenges as a Food App rider along with codes: Securing Customers Identity,

Awareness, Thoughts of resigning, Acceptance of Situations, Loss of Interest, Higher Salary,

Health Benefits, Store System, Loan, Sim Registration, Discounts, Riders rating and Rating

depends on what circumstances. These themes and codes guided researchers in understanding

how the challenges affect riders' lives and the way they deliver their services, as well as their

perceptions of their work and the things they want for the continuous improvement of their

services that can benefit everyone involved in the business.

Due to the numerous challenges that the Food App riders are facing, they have reached

the stage where they become more aware of challenges and develop various precautions and

safety measures to help alleviate the difficulties they are experiencing. One of the respondents

says that, “There are different types of customers. You can make sure if it's a true booking or not

by calling them. To be honest, I have a lot of experience with fake bookings and I have the

instincts that it was fake. You need to make sure first and before we have a record of the

customers and you can track their booking. You also need to have a connection with your

customer to make sure that the order is correct and true.” - Rider 12. In relation to this finding,

according to Romero et al., (2018) it is essential to identify factors causing stress to food app

drivers so that food delivery companies will have a better understanding on how they can adjust

to their rider’s needs, and address problems affecting the welfare of their delivery employees.

On the other hand, it is undeniable that the aforementioned difficulties have a significant

psychological effect on riders. Some people lose interest in their jobs, or even worse, they

consider quitting right away. Additionally, other riders have become accustomed to it and have

simply accepted the circumstances, continuing to work since they thought it is part of their job as

long as they are paid.“It’s okay because you have no choice of what is given to you, so I have to

be patient. We just thought it was part of our work.” - Rider 11. This can be similarly compared

to the study Hartline & Ferrell et al., (2017) where riders adapt an ability to secure and become

certain of the orders they are getting. As a result, we define employee adaptability in this study

as "the capacity of employees to adjust their conduct in response to the needs of each customer

interaction". Even though they've come to accept these circumstances, they can't deny that it can

be exhausting at times, and they've lost interest, but they have no choice but to keep working.

“There are times that I’ve thought of changing jobs but I couldn’t do it. I just persevered.” -

Rider 1. They must however persevere and make their family a source of motivation for them to

continue to work as a Food App rider. This statement is comparable to an article of Beheshti,

(2021) Exhaustion reduces effectiveness, which in turn lowers morale. A key takeaway here is

that burnout can result from feeling disconnected from work, family, or friends. To be our best,

we must be involved in all aspects of our lives. But of course, they’re only human, and despite

the fact that they were considered frontliners, particularly during the pandemic, they experience

these challenges that are beyond their control. That’s why, most of them considered resigning to

apply for a better job. “Sometimes I think about resigning, it's like you're just telling yourself to

apply for a better job in the future.” - Rider 11.

Riders continue to provide services despite the challenges, while silently hoping for

things that their company could do to prevent the challenges, and continue to improve the

services they provide to customers. Improve the Store System, for instance, as it is one of the

causes of the delays, and riders have personal quotas to meet. If they improve the store system,

they will save time, get more orders, and generate more revenue. “Fix the store’s system, because

the problems are mainly their fault, not the riders.” - Rider 1. Additionally, they want to

implement verification of sim registration to a person's identification to ensure safety, reduce


scams, and add another layer of security, especially for rider’s. “I am in favor of the sim

registration because the riders are secured and can also identify the person behind the

fakebookings” - Rider 12.

There are also things that can be done to make them feel important to the company where

they work considering their work environment such as Higher Salary and Health Benefits. Riders

express their dissatisfaction with the low fare in comparison to previous years, particularly now

that prices are rising due to inflation. They even said that "It used to be higher, but now, only gas

prices rise while fares remain unchanged. - Rider 3”. Considering that their work consists of

hazardous working conditions and frequent roadside difficulties, the lack of health benefits

concerns them. Especially since riding a motorcycle under the pressure of a tight schedule

between seller and customer is unsafe (Kwak & Cho, 2020) “I would like to have an SSS. The

one they would cut from us already from our salary. Because when I was still a security, my SSS

was active. When I worked at Grab, it was gone. It was no longer active.” - Rider 5.

Riders may face the same challenges in their work environment, but they have different

perspectives on how difficult it is to be a rider. Some claim that it isn't difficult when their only

job is to receive and deliver food. “Around 3, it’s only difficult on the road, but it’s simple to pick

up orders, greet customers.” - Rider 3. Others say it's not hard, but it's also not easy either

because they believe the challenges they've been experiencing are just part of the job. “For me,

I’m in the middle. About 5 or 6.” - Rider 8. While others claim that it's really difficult because of

the challenges they'll face from receiving the order to delivering it to dropping the order. “It's

really hard so it’s a 10. It's really hard to be a Food App rider.” - Rider 11. These ratings

represent the different points of view and experiences of the riders.



This chapter contains the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations of the

research study based on the data analyzed from the respondents in the previous chapter.

Summary of Findings:

Different Experiences of Food App Riders in Challenges

Riders on the Foods App have undoubtedly faced numerous challenges in their work.

Receiving an order and having to wait a long time since the merchant was unable to prepare the

food quickly, especially when Food Apps Companies have promos where customers avail of the

discounts. In delivering orders riders face difficulty with weather conditions, especially if it is

too hot or raining heavily, as it causes sickness and affects their services where they can't

immediately deliver the items due to heavy rains and they can't clearly see the road. In addition

to their working environment, they are subjected to unexpected accidents while attempting to

find ways to avoid traffic. Riders are also prone to customer complaints, especially if they were

unable to deliver the food by the expected time of arrival, and they are sometimes blamed for

incomplete orders even though it was the merchant's fault, and the worst part is that they give

riders a low rate, which affects the riders account status. Furthermore, customer's additional

requests can be a hassle for riders because they have to drop by another store, and customers just

add a small amount of money. Adding to the difficulties of their job, is when customers pin their

location incorrectly and are unreachable. The income of riders is sometimes reduced because

they sometimes use their own money to pay customers for fake-booking. Despite receiving a low

fare from their company, Food App Riders continue to provide the service customers deserve.

Challenges Encountered by Food App Riders

When Food App riders encounter challenges, they are affected in terms of financial,

health and safety, and time and schedule. Researchers expound the following aspects to further

explain these challenges encountered by food app riders which are identified to be the main

concern of riders.

Financial Aspect of Challenges Encountered by the Food App Riders

The challenges encountered by Food App riders causes burden to riders and has

financially affected their income. It is distinct that they sacrifice their own money and pay extra

for every challenge they come across, may it be a cause of an accident, delay, or for being

fakebooked which is deducted from their salary. The reimbursement process of funds used to

cover for the challenges takes a long period of time and remains pending in a few days instead of

readily using their hard earned money for their family and personal needs. Food App companies

have no required quota while riders have their own personal target income ranging around 1,500

pesos, and others even have liabilities on Grab Loan programs which require them to work extra

hours. The revenue of the riders is indefinite because their salary mainly depends on the demand,

condition, or situation of their daily working experiences.

Health and Safety Aspect of Challenges Encountered by the Food App Riders

Health and Safety effects of challenges showed that most Food App riders experienced

anxiousness, laziness, dismayed, frustrated/irritated, fatigue, sickness, starving and concern for

their health but later on they knew how to cope up and learn with these daily challenges. Despite

the challenges that they have experienced, they still chose to stay as a rider to provide delivery

services and accepted that it’s already part of their job, which displays a lot of patience and


Time and Schedule Aspect of Challenges Encountered by the Food App Riders

The challenges they encounter have a significant impact on the Time and Schedule of the

Food App Riders. They put in at least 8 to 15 hours a day, and when there are few bookings or

orders are delayed, they extend their working hours to finish their quota. When merchants take

too long to prepare their orders, which occasionally could take at least an hour, or if there are

delays brought on by a restaurant's promotions, riders must wait in line for several hours. Many

opportunities are lost and they are defeated by time. The time lost is wasted on waiting for one

order instead of obtaining two or more bookings. Lastly, despite the fact that their only

responsibility is to pick up and deliver the item, they are the ones who get the blame for the late

orders, resulting in getting negative ratings from the customers.

Coping Mechanisms of Food App Riders with Challenges

Food app riders experience different challenges everyday, but they choose to sacrifice and

take risks every day because they need to earn money for their family and provide for their daily

needs. Even though some customers don't treat them properly, they are constantly providing the

best service they can give as food app riders. They just understand situations and don’t bother to

talk back anymore so that it won’t result in further arguments. Riders just choose to move on to

prepare for the next customer and continue. It is a hassle for some riders to experience fake

booking because they travel far just to be at a wrong pin location and customers take time to

answer their call so that they can pick up the order, wasting their time and energy instead of

getting new customers. Still, there is reimbursement as long as there is proof of transactions, and

they should throw away the food that was a fake book from earlier to get back what they spent.

All of these challenges are faced by the food app riders because they want to earn money and

work honorably, and in all of this, is their family to provide for their daily needs and bills

remains their greatest motivation.

Challenges Affecting the Services of Food App Riders

The effects of the challenges mentioned above vary from one rider to another. Some

riders become conscious and aware if their next customer is a fraud and take measures by

contacting them ahead of time or before delivery, especially if the order is huge, while others

accept it as a part of their job and have no choice but to, unfortunately, accept it. On the other

hand, it is undeniable that the aforementioned difficulties have a significant psychological effect

on riders. They occasionally lose interest as a result of these situations and consider leaving to

find a better job, however, they have no choice but to continue and persevere, using their family

as motivation to do so.

Riders face similar challenges at work, but they have different perspectives on how

difficult it is to be a rider. Some riders claim that it isn't difficult because their sole job is to

receive and deliver food, some also say it's not difficult, but it's also not easy since they believe

the challenges they've been facing are simply part of the job, while others claim that it is

extremely difficult due to the challenges that might arise when working.

Proposed Policy Interventions of Food App Riders

Given the challenges they encounter, they still continue their job while hoping that there

could be actions the company could undertake to prevent the challenges, and continue to

improve the services they provide to customers. For instance, improving the store system, since

it is one of the causes of the delays, and riders have personal quotas to meet. If they improve the

store system, they save time, receive more orders, and generate more revenue. Moreover, they

want to implement verification of sim registration to a person's identification to ensure safety,


reduce scams, and add another layer of security, particularly for riders. In addition, there are

measures that can be taken, such as increased pay and health benefits, to help them feel valued

by the organization where they work. Since, riders have expressed disappointment with the low

fare in comparison to previous years, especially now that prices are rising due to inflation.


Based on the findings of the previous chapter, the researchers arrived with the following


Riders of Food Delivery Apps that provide services within Metro Manila have been

subjected to a variety of challenges that affected their work and personal lives. These difficulties

are primarily the result of their work environment, delay of merchants, and customers who are

not considerate or lack understanding.

The researchers believe that the challenges that riders experience are something that is

beyond their control. From their work environment that includes unforeseen weather conditions

and road accidents, merchants' shortcomings considering that they’re the ones who’s in control in

preparing the order, there are times where riders can’t control the time, specifically when

merchants weren’t able to prepare customers' orders immediately due to the high number of

orders and there are unexpected errors on the merchants' apps. Along with that, there are times

when merchants accidentally give incomplete orders, and customers immediately conclude that it

is the rider's fault, even though it isn’t since the food is already sealed and thus cannot be

checked by the rider itself. Not to mention the inconvenience riders face when customers make

special requests and only have to pay a small fee, while some do not. On top of that, some

customers pin the wrong location and are unreachable which adds more difficulty to their job.

Lastly, even though the fare remains unchanged, riders still continue to provide services.

Researchers also believe that the challenges encountered by Food App riders place a

burden on them and have a financial impact on their income, given that the fare is low and prices

are rising due to inflation. They cover their own expenses when they have an accident, delays,

and fake booked. Although there is a reimbursement process, it takes a few days and is pending,

which may be inconvenient for them because they are left with nothing for a few days rather than

using their hard earned money for their family and personal needs.

Researchers can say that the aforementioned challenges can still be handled by the riders,

but it is evident that these have a significant effect on their health, specifically psychologically

and emotionally, which can affect their perception in their work lives. When riders experience

exhaustion, anxiety, dismay, frustration, irritation, and sickness, riders can feel laziness to

continue doing their job, on the other hand, others consider resigning and finding another job.

Due to the frequency of such challenges, riders have become accustomed to it that they are able

to devise initial solutions to alleviate the problems and continuously provide quality service to

their customers


The following are the recommendations arrived at by the researchers:

1. The researchers recommend that the Management of Food App Companies provide

relevant policies to mitigate the challenges that affect their riders and to safeguard their

welfare. The management can implement programs that will focus on improving the

different aspects mentioned in this study, particularly with regards to the authenticity of

Food App users to avoid fraud and false information.

2. Researchers suggest that Food App Customers be transparent with their identity and

ensure that the information they have provided in the platform is correct. Consumers of

Food Applications may enhance their awareness and understand that most challenges that

riders are facing are beyond their control.

3. The researchers propose that Food App Companies consider providing a platform system

which will protect Food App riders from delays caused by unfortunate circumstances.

This is to ensure that they are aware of the challenges that Food App riders experience

and how it affects the service quality that they provide to their customers.

4. Researchers recommend that the Restaurant Management / Food and Beverage Industry

can improve their order processing system in consideration of the waiting time of riders

to lessen delays and be more efficient with deliveries.

5. The researchers propose that Food App Companies provide commissions to Food App

Riders when they reach a certain amount of orders that also contribute a significant

amount to Food App Companies.

6. Researchers recommend that Future researchers conduct a study by examining

participating Food App Restaurants to understand how they manage Food App delivery

orders. This may help further develop hassle-free transactions in Food App deliveries for

everyone in the business.



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Appendix “A”

Interview Guide Questions:

1.  How long have you been a Food App Rider?

2. Why did you choose to work as a food app rider? (Follow up: is this your primary or


3. How many orders do you usually receive per day?

4. Do you encounter any challenges during the day (Follow up: if so, how many?)

5. What kind of challenges have you encountered? (Follow up: what was your most

remarkable challenge that you have encountered?)

6. What is your initial reaction the moment you realize that you are faced with a challenge?

7. In what places do you usually experience challenges?


8. Can you tell us how much is the minimum and maximum cost of orders your food app

company is allowed to shoulder? (Follow up: How much is your target income per day?)

9. How does this incident affect your income, quota and capital money?

10. How much money have you lost or wasted on your experience after a challenge? (Follow

up: Are there any instances that you got zero net profit for the day’s work because of

those challenges?)

11. Where do you allot your hard-earned income from being a food delivery app rider?

(Follow up: Do you find your wage sufficient to supplement your source of income?)

12. If the ordered food was returned or was not delivered, have you experienced using your

own money to pay for prank orders?


13. What are your thoughts on engaging in transactions that are out of the policy to earn

more? (i.e. Tips, Additional requests.)


14.  How do these challenges affect your health given the demanding work situations?

(Follow up: Do you feel physically tired after? Does your emotion affect your body?)

15. How do you think these challenges that you experience affect your judgment for

accepting future customers? (Follow up: Do you think it’s worth the risk knowing that

your health and safety is at risk?)

16. Do you feel concerned with your safety during the pandemic? (Follow up: Was there a

point where you considered your family’s concern about your health and safety due to

your work environment?)

17. Was there a point when you picture yourself being involved in a road accidents and do

weather phenomenons and road accidents play a part in your distress while driving?)


18.  How many hours do you usually do food app service?

19. What time do you usually encounter these challenges? (Follow up: How do challenges

affect your time management?)

20. How do these challenges cause interruptions when delivering orders? (i.e. not responding

to calls and texts, wrong addresses and names, False report of unreceived goods.)

21. How much time do you lose from the challenges you encounter? From lining up to buy

the food until shipping? (Follow up: Was there a time when you haven’t reach your quota

because of delays)

22. Does the delay in your delivery orders affect your ratings despite the fact that it is beyond

your control?


23.  What was your initial reaction after encountering a challenge?

24. How do you handle and manage your negative thoughts/ emotions after encountering a


25. What are the things or ways you have initially tried to do after encountering a challenge

that you have experienced?

26.  In case the earned money was not enough to support the finances, how do you manage?

What are your ways to earn additional income in order to cope with the financial

challenges you are experiencing?

27.  From your past experiences of the challenges, what preventive measures do you do to

preserve good time management and avoid wasting opportunities?

28.  What kind of personal ways of checking or securing identity do you use on other or next

customers after the challenges you encountered?

29. What is your motivation to keep going despite all these challenges?


30.  How do the challenges you have encountered affect your performance on the service?

(Do you get tired or you’re having trust issues?)

31. If you were to contemplate your experience with the challenges you faced, how would

you describe the quality of service you as a food delivery app rider provide?

32. After going through these challenges, what are the differences then and now in your

services? (Follow up: Does it alter your productivity in service? In what ways?)

33.  Did you lose interest in going back to work after these incidents? What was the reason?

34. Was there a point where you felt and think that you wanted to resign from being a food

app rider? What caused you to think so?

35. On a scale of 1 to 10, how difficult has been your experience being a food app rider? (10

being the most difficult)

36. Is there any solution to these challenges that you would like the food app company to

implement? (If yes, please specify)


Appendix “B”


March 30, 2022

Dr. Daryl Ace V. Cornell

College of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Dear Dr. Cornell,

In behalf of the College of Hospitality and Tourism Management , I would like to thank
you for agreeing to serve as the Research Adviser of Mariz Agbada, Paula Cambe, Alexandria
Jimenez, Charles Manarang & Germaine Manuel for their research paper titled “Exploratory
Study on the Challenges that Food App Riders Encounter As a Result of Fake Booking”.
As the adviser, you are expected to provide the much needed guidance to the students in
the conduct of his/her/their research. Specifically, you are to carry-out the following functions:
1. Monitor the conduct of research through regular meetings with his/her advisors to ensure
that the students are able to work according to the set schedule. A minimum of one hour
consultation is required from the adviser.
2. Assists the student/s in the conduct of research by providing technical advice as well as
moral guidance
3. Check the output of the students i.e. write-ups, drafts, questionnaire, letters and other
research outputs
4. Monitors the participation or the involvement of the different members of the group in
the conduct of the research
5. Holds a mock-up paper presentation
Your contribution will ensure that the research of the students would be relevant and of
excellent quality. Let us work together to provide our students with the best education and

Yours truly,
Dr. Ronald G. Manzano
Dr. Fernando V. Trinidad III
Tourism Department Head
Noted: Academic Unit Head

Appendix “C”


Good day! We are the Fourth year Tourism Management students from Trinity University
of Asia conducting a research study as part of our subject Undergraduate Thesis entitled
“Challenges Encountered by Selected Food App Riders in Metro Manila”. The purpose of this
study is to know the different experiences of the food app riders when they encounter the
challenges, what specific challenges do food app riders encounter, and the effects of these
challenges and how they cope with it. By finding the results of the study, it will help the food app
companies provide proper handling and managing services to their FDA riders.

We are in need of respondents for this study, specifically 10 Grab Food and FoodPanda
riders within Metro Manila with at least 3 years of experience who have personally experienced
different challenges of being a rider from the year 2018 up to the present. The researchers do not
anticipate that taking this interview will cause any risk or inconvenience to you nor will affect
your employment status. Furthermore, your participation is entirely voluntary, and you may
withdraw your participation at any time without repercussions. Given your busy schedule, this
interview will be conducted for around 30-40 minutes only.

All information collected will be used only for research purposes and will be kept
confidential. Guaranteed that the participation of Food riders and data that will be gathered from
them will be used for this study alone and nothing else.

In the dissemination of the results such as in the written report, you will not be identified,
nor the results connected with you. Once the study is completed, the researchers will be happy to
share the results with you if you so desire. If you have any queries, please contact or
communicate with the undersigned.

Agbada, Mariz G.
Cambe, Paula Mariel V.
Jimenez, Alexandria Victoria L.
Manarang, Aldrei Charles
Manuel, Germaine Jenica T.

Appendix “D”

Demographic Profile of Research Respondents

Respondent Age Area

Rider 1 23 Makati

Rider 2 30 Marikina

Rider 3 28 Valenzuela City

Rider 4 32 San Juan City

Rider 5 51 San Juan City

Rider 6 26 Quezon City

Rider 7 21 Quezon City

Rider 8 24 Quezon City

Rider 9 33 Manila

Rider 10 36 Manila

Rider 11 30 Mandaluyong

Rider 12 Mandaluyong

Transcripts of Interviews

Transcription 1
Interviewee: Rider 1
Date: October 17, 2022
Place: Makati City
Interviewer: Ilang taon na po kayo?
Rider 1: 23
Interviewer: Taga-saan po kayo?
Rider 1: Malate, Manila
Interviewer: Gaano na po kayo katagal na nag fo-food app rider?
Rider 1: Sa food app rider ano, nagsimula ako 2019. Bale mag 3 years na rin.
Interviewer: Bakit niyo po pinili maging food app rider? Eto po ba yung pangunahin niyong trabaho or
sideline niyo lang po?
Rider 1: Ah hindi, dati kasi kaya ko to sinubukan kasi naririnig ko malaki yung sahod niya eh. Syempre
dun ako sa malaking kita. Dati akong regular sa isang fast food tas sabay lumipat ako sa ganyan.
Interviewer: So, kaya niyo rin po ba pinili kasi sainyo rin po yung oras? Like wala po kayong boss.
Rider 1: Ah oo yon, yun ang maganda parang wala kang boss, parang ganon. Wala kang inaamuhan.

Interviewer: Gaano po karaming order ang natatanggap niyo po sa isang araw?

Rider 1: Sa grab sa isang araw po nasa 25, 20-25.
Interviewer: Pag matumal naman po?
Rider 1: Pag matumal siguro… di ko masabi eh, kasi pag matumal halos nasa buong kalsada lang kami eh.
Di kami makakauwi hanggat hindi kami makaka-500 pag ganun pag matumal. Kumabaga hindi
pwede umuwing zero.
Interviewer: Nakakaranas po ba kayo ng challenges sa pagiging food app rider?
Rider 1: Syempre oo, lalo na sa lugar na ‘to.
Interviewer: Dito po sa?
Rider 1: Dito sa Makati.
Interviewer: Sir yung mga halimbawa po ng mga challenges na nararanasan niyo po?
Rider 1: Ano pong halimbawa? Magbigay po kayo ng specific, tungkol saan.
Interviewer: For example po sa fake booking po na nagkaroon na po ba kayo ng fake booking?
Rider 1: Oo, nag– may marami nakong– sa food kasi hindi na po mawawala yung fake book na ganyan.
Kasi laging ano… parang lagi ng nangyayari yan eh, may mga customer kasi na umoorder sabay
natutulog ganun.
Interviewer: Lalo na yung mga cash on delivery…
Rider 1: Tsaka sa ano sa traffic… usok.
Interviewer: How about po sa weather condition po?
Rider 1: Ayun rain or shine, palag-palag. Kahit umulan umaraw nasa kalsada po kami.
Interviewer: Naranasan niyo na po bang maaksidente sir or masangkot po sa aksidente?
Rider 1: Oo, naranasan ko na maaksidente, isang beses. Hinabol ako ng aso
Interviewer: Nasemplang po kayo?
Rider 1: Opo nasemplang po talaga ako nun, puro sugatan ako non sabay sira-sira yung motor ko.
Interviewer: Pero sir may insurance po ba yung grab para po dun sa…?
Rider 1: Ah hindi, wala eh. Wala silang ano insurance.
Interviewer: Pero minsan po ba nakakaranas po kayo ng ano… yung kunwari kulang po yung binibigay po
sainyo na order and then nagagalit si customer.
Rider 1: Oo. may ganung mga time. May mga posibilidad na ganon minsan, kasi tulad niyan, pag order
namin nakapackage na siya, hindi na siya namin pwedeng i-check ba, naka-sealed na eh. So, bale
pini pickup and delivery nalang namin yung pagkain.
Interviewer: How about po sa ano po… wrong address, name, and ‘di pasagot ng…
Rider 1: Yung sa wrong address naman, kung sumasagot yung customer wala namang problema ron eh,
basta sabihin kung ano yung tama. Wag lang masyadong malayo.
Interviewer: How about po sa delay po dahil po sa promo?
Rider 1: Ano po?
Interviewer: Delay po dahil sa mga promo po ng fast food? For example…
Rider 1: Oo may ganun, sa mga… pag busy yung store sabay delay yung pag-deliver namin. Meron
nagagalit, may mga customer na nakakaintindi, may mga customer na hindi.
Interviewer: Ah sir doon po sa mga nabanggit po na challenges, sa tingin niyo po, ano po yung pinaka hindi
niyo po malilimutan na karanasan po?
Rider 1: Sakin… syempre yung naaksidente ako. Ayon, kasi ano yun eh… ah yung naka-aksidente pa sakin
aso, wala akong laban. Sira motor ko, naaksidente ako, tas natapon yung pagkain.
Interviewer: In addition lang po, diba po ah, naranasan niyo na din po ba yung challenges na yung sa ano po,
ahh… parang since matagal na po kayong food app rider, yung pagbaba po ni ano… pagbaba po
ni… grab ng bayad po sainyo or pasweldo po.
Rider 1: Ano po, ano po?
Interviewer: Yung parang diba po ahh… yung pagbaba po ni grab ng pasweldo sainyo.
Rider 1: Ahh okay, yung parang rate namin?
Interviewer: Opo.
Rider 1: Oo yun, isa rin yun. Ahh bali dati mga 8 hours 9 hours lang kami bumabyahe malaki na kinikita
namin, ngayon hindi na. Mahirap na kumita ng malaki kasi binabaan nila eh.
Interviewer: Ah sir follow up ko lang po sa sinabi niyo po kanina. Diba po sabi niyo naaksidente po kayo dahil
hinabol po kayo ng aso, tas natapon din po yung pagkain…
Rider 1: Lahat.
Interviewer: Kayo po ba nag-abono, paano po nangyari?
Rider 1: Ah hindi ano bali ni-reimburse ko yun sa grab. Ayon lang yung nakuha kong pabalik, pero yung
mga nasira na sakin wala na, sakin nalang.
Interviewer: Pero sir gaano po kaya katagal yung ma-reimburse po sa grab?
Rider 1: Ano lang, mga 2-3 days lang binabalik na agad ni grab yun.
Interviewer: Pero sa tingin niyo po ba, like okay lang yun sainyo? Paano po kaya pag yung pera po kailangan
na kailangan niyo na po or emergency po, sa tingin niyo okay lang po ba yun?

Rider 1: Okay naman at least mababalik. Ayun yung maganda nun, ayun yung maganda sa opisina namin.
Interviewer: So, yung sir ahh nung sa karanasan niyo po, ano ang unang reaksyon o naramdaman niyo nung
naranasan niyo po yun?
Rider 1: Yung saan po? Yung sa na…
Interviewer: Yung naaksidente po kayo?
Rider 1: Syempre nung una ako sa grab kasi akala ko… akala ko sagot nila kami pag naaksidente kami.
Sabay yun pala hindi, yun lang. Kaya kumuha ako ng sarili kong insurance.
Interviewer: Saang lugar niyo po ito madalas nararanasan dito sa Makati?
Rider 1: Sa… hindi po sa Makati, sa ano eh Malate, sa mga residential area sa Malate, kasi maraming stray
dogs diba, mga ganon. Ayun.
Interviewer: Ano po ang target income niyo po sa isang araw?
Rider 1: Sa isang araw kailangan nakaka-1,500 mahigit ako, ganun. Ayun yung pinaka-ano ko, kasi may
gas pa mahal ng gas, tatlong beses ako kumakain sa isang araw.
Interviewer: May required na bilang po ba ang dapat niyong matanggap na order sa isang araw?
Rider 1: Meron, nasa 25 dapat, 20-25 dun lang po naglalaro.
Interviewer: Kayo po ahh… hindi niyo po yung… kung kailan niyo lang po gusto tumanggap pa hanggang sa
kaya niyo po hindi po ganun?
Rider 1: Opo, ganun din kung hangga’t kailan.
Interviewer: Pero para sainyo po, 25 po talaga yung…
Rider 1: Ayun na siguro yung pinaka-max, pero kung ano naman kung kikita ka na ng sapat na, tas natapos
ka na nang maaga, pwede na rin magpahinga, wag masyadong palong-palo sa ano syempre, naisip
ko rin yung kalagayan ko eh. Ayun lang po.
Interviewer: Ahh dun po sa insidente po na nasabi niyo kanina, paano po nun naapektuhan ang inyong puhunan
at kita niyo po?
Rider 1: Syempre malaki, ahh dito kasi sa grab, pera kasi namin yung ginagamit namin dito eh. So
halimbawa may ma-fake book kami sa isang araw, kukulangin na kami ng pang-pondo.
Mahihirapan na kami.
Interviewer: Doon sa naaksidente kayo kuya since parang, diba po sariling sagot niyo. Parang malaki rin po
Rider 1: Nagastos ko?
Interviewer: Opo.
Rider 1: Oo naman syempre, ano talaga ako nun eh, aksidente talaga na actual, puro sugatan talaga ako nun
tas sira-sira pa yung motor ko.
Interviewer: Kuya pwede namin malaman kunwari magkano yung range non?
Rider 1: Yung range non siguro ahhh, sa ano palang eh sa T… sa T Post palang umabot na agad ng limang
libo, T Post yung pinaka… ano ng manibela, nasa limang libo na yun. Ayun, paano pa yung mga
flarings pa niya.
Interviewer: Ahh mayroon po bang pagkakataon na wala kayong kinikita dahil po sa mga challenges na ganun
nga po?
Rider 1: Meron, may mga time na ganun. Dito sa area namin sa makati.
Interviewer: Saan niyo po nilalaan yung sweldo niyo po?
Rider 1: Sa bahay syempre, sa family ko.
Interviewer: Sapat po ba ang yung kinikita niyo sa pang-araw-araw po?
Rider 1: Oo sapat, okay naman po kahit papano.
Interviewer: Sariling pera niyo po ba ang ginagamit niyo pag binalik o hindi tinanggap po ng customer yung
Rider 1: Opo.
Interviewer: Sarili?
Rider 1: Sariling pera namin.
Interviewer: Hindi niyo po na-rereimburse po yun?
Rider 1: Na-rereimburse, kapag halimbawang ma-fake book kami talaga na-rereimburse naman siya, ayun
lang yung mangyayari mababawasan ka lang ng capital sa isang araw. Mahihirapan ka lang.
Interviewer: Sir ano po masasabi niyo sa mga tumatanggap ng transaksyon na labas po sa policy niyo?
Halimbawa po nag-order po sa jollibee tapos magpapasabuy sa mercury ng gamot at
mag-aadditional na bayad lang po.
Rider 1: Ay ano, sa ano po namin, sa… policy namin ng grab, bawal po talaga yung ano sa… sa grab lang
kami, bawal yung mga pasabuy talaga.
Interviewer: Pero hindi niyo ba po naranasan na tumanggap po?
Rider 1: May mga times syempre, bibigyan daw ako ng tip eh. Mapapa-oo nalang ako minsan, pero
madalas hindi na kasi nagiging libre nalang eh.
Interviewer: Pero sir sa palagay niyo…
Rider 1: Sa palagay ko?

Interviewer: Paano po naapektuhan ng challenges yung kalusugan niyo po?

Rider 1: Naaapektuhan siguro sa polusyon, kasi lalo na pag puyat ka tapos… tawag don? Pasma-pasma
diba, mainit tas maaarawan tas umuulan, mga ganun.
Interviewer: Baka sir naabala po namin kayo…
Rider 1: Okay lang yun, wala po yun.
Interviewer: Ahh okay na?
Interviewer: Paano naapektuhan ng inyong mga karanasan ang pagtanggap ng order sa mga susunod customers
Rider 1: Ano po, ano po? Paulit.
Interviewer: Paano niyo po– paano po naapektuhan nung mga karanasan niyo po, kunwari fake booking po
yung pagtanggap niyo po ng orders sa mga susunod na customer.
Rider 1: Syempre ano, kapag na-fake book kasi tsaka nacancelan kami. May ratings kasi kami sa grab eh,
kapag may mga ganung trahedya, bumababa yung ratings namin. Kaya kailangan dapat complete
lahat ng order.
Interviewer: Sir how about ayun nga yung diba yung parang nagkukulang yung mga binibigay sainyo ni
vendor, na nagagalit si customer kasi kulang. Parang… paano po yung ano, paano po nun
naapektuhan yung pagtanggap niyo ng order sa susunod na customer?
Rider 1: Ano po ibig sabihin niyo? Na naapektuhan, ayun na nga po…
Interviewer: Parang kung sa palagay niyo parang, paano niyo maiiwasan kaya yung ganun na susunod na
Rider 1: Bali sa susunod na mangyari ulit yon, papaalalahanan ko na yung store na sa susunod Ma’am
pwede pa-double check naman yung order kasi since bawal namin open yung item, paki-double check nalang
bago niyo ibigay sa amin para iwas abala.
Interviewer: Pero madalas ba sir kayo din po yung bumabalik para kunin yung…
Rider 1: Oo ganun na nangyayari, no choice ganun talaga.
Interviewer: Sa tingin niyo po ba sir sulit po na i-risk ang kalusugan niyo para sa trabaho po na’to?
Rider 1: Ahh depende eh, depende. Di ko ma… kasi eh syempre gusto ko 8 hours lang din ako nagtrabaho.
Interviewer: Nababahala ka po ba sa kalusugan niyo po ngayong pandemic?
Rider 1: Nung una, noong kasagsagan ng pandemic medyo nag-aabala talaga ako, natatakot ako noon. Pero
nung medyo ano na, may mga lumalabas na syempre medyo naging kampante na rin. Tsaka yun,
kahit papano kahit sobrang nung kasagsagan ng pandemic hindi pa ako tinamaan ng kahit ano,
wala pa naman ako naramdaman.
Interviewer: Ahh sir may punto po ba sa buhay niyo na naisip mo na nag-aalala po yung pamilya mo sa
kalusugan at kaligtasan bigay ng iyong work environment?
Rider 1: Meron syempre, meron. Syempre nga delikado nga yung pag-momotor lalo na yung nanay ko.
Interviewer: Baka tamaan tas makahawa ganun sir?
Interviewer: May punto po ba na nakita mo sa sarili mo na baka ikaw po ay masangkot sa isang aksidente? Ay.
Rider 1: May mga times na ganun.
Interviewer: Naging parte po ba ng ahh pangamba niyo po yung pagbagyo at pagbaha?
Rider 1: Syempre, lalo na pag malakas.
Interviewer: Sir eto. Ahh yung pagbaha at pagbagyo masasabi niyo po bang may advantage din sainyo yun?
Rider 1: Ahh wala ho.
Interviewer: Opo.
Interviewer: Sir pag tuwing malakas po yung ulan, mas marami po yung nag-oorder.
Rider 1: Syempre, oo.
Interviewer: Sa tingin niyo po ba advantage po yun sainyo?
Rider 1: Sakin hindi eh, para sakin iniisip ko yung sa kalagyan ko na eh. Syempre, diba takaw aksidente
yun eh, madulas yung daan, malakas yung ulan, bahain pa, masisira yung motor mo pa, diba.
Interviewer: So ahh, ilang oras po kayo madalas nag food delivery service po?
Rider 1: Eto dito sa ano, mga 8-9 hours, mga ganun, minsan 10 kapag…
Interviewer: ‘Di na po kayo sumusobra ng 15, 14?
Rider 1: Ay hindi, grabe na yun.
Interviewer: Ahh yung, anong oras niyo po madalas maranasan yung mga challenges po? (tuwing gabi, umaga,
tanghali, hapon).
Rider 1: Ano sa, mostly rush hour. Mga 10am-1pm.
Interviewer: Ahh sir paano po kaya naapektuhan ng mga ganitong karanasan po yung time management ninyo?
Rider 1: Yung alin?
Interviewer: Yung time management niyo po , paano po kaya naapektuhan yun. Kasi syempre po yung may
mga delay po kayo, minsan maling contact po.
Rider 1: Oo malaki syempre, ano eh mayroon kasi kaming target eh. Kumbaga sa isang oras dapat may
ma-achieve kaming dalawa o tatlong deliver para maganda yung sunod-sunod na booking ganun.

Naapektuhan siya kapag may mga ganung insidente.

Interviewer: Paano nakakaabala sa inyo yung hindi pagsagot ng tawag o text po tas maling address or pangalan
sa pagdedeliver niyo?
Rider 1: Malaki, malaking ala… malaki kasi may mga time na dala… may mga time na dalawa yung
hawak namin na deliver, may isa pang customer na nag-aantay kapag may mga customer na
ganun. Di sumasagot.
Interviewer: Sir sa tingin niyo mas mapapabilis po talaga yung, syempre kasi oras po kalaban niyo sa
pag-deliver, so sa tingin niyo po ba pag parang nasasagot po agad mas mapapabilis po yung
proseso niyo tas mas maraming order po?
Rider 1: Oo syempre, mas maganda yung nag-rerespond agad yung ano syempre. Para mabilis.
Interviewer: Ilang oras po ang nasasayang sa inyo pag nakaranas kayo ng pagsubok? Simula po sa pagpila sa
counter at delivery. Kunwari may promo nga po, yung may mga delay ganun.
Rider 1: Kapag may mga ganung times siguro, umaabot kami ng ano mga isang oras, mga ganun.
Nagkaroon po ba ng oras po na hindi niyo naabot yung quota niyo dahil nga po sa mga ganung
Rider 1: Oo meron, may mga ganung time.
Interviewer: Sa palagay niyo po ba yung kunwari, yung paghintay niyo po ng isang oras na yun. Mga ilang
order po kaya yun sa palagay niyo sana nakuha niyo pa kung hindi ganun katagal.
Rider 1: Siguro-siguro kung mabilis nila nagawa yun mga maka… maka-dalawa pa akong sunod sa loob ng
isang oras.
Interviewer: Ahh sir nakakaapekto po ba sa ratings po ninyo yung mga delayed delivery order kahit na hindi
niyo po yun kontrolado?
Rider 1: Ohh.. wala tayo magagawa eh, ganun…pag may mga ganung insidente talaga di maiiwasan kahit
Interviewer: Naranasan niyo na po ba na bigyan kayo ng rate na mababa ng customer kahit hindi niyo naman
po kasalanan yung…
Rider 1: Oo, may mga ganun. Syempre, oo may mga ganun eh.
Interviewer: May nasasabi po ba si ano don, si grab po?
Rider 1: Wala, basta once na nag-ano kasi eh, mas pabor yung sila sa customer kaysa sa rider. Ayun lang sa
pag-aano ko ah, baka lumabas sa grab yan ah. Baka matanggal ako.
Interviewer: Hindi po.
Rider 1: Kasi minsan unfair din kasi minsan yung ano. May mga ganun talaga.
Interviewer: Ahh sir nung after… yung insidente niyo po, yung sinabi niyo po na nasemplang po kayo, ano po
ang pangunahing reaction niyo pagkatapos niyo makaranas ng isang pagsubok?
Rider 1: Nung una nagalit ako syempre. Kasi nung tumawag ako sa grab noon, imbis na ako yung
maiisipin, tinanong pa muna yung pagkain. “Kumusta yung pagkain?”, imbis na ako yung
kumustahin. Dun sumama yung loob ko na, ayun.
Interviewer: Paano niyo po nakakayanan ang pagkadismaya niyo pagkatapos niyo po maranasan yung
Rider 1: Eh kasi wala rin naman akong pagkukunan ng trabaho din eh. Mahirap maghanap ng trabaho,
tsaka nandun na ako eh, kaya hinayaan ko nalang. Bumawi nalang ako.
Interviewer: Ahh sir ano pong mga bagay yung sinubukan niyong gawin pagkatapos niyo po maranasan yung
mga pagsubok? Parang coping mechanism.
Rider 1: Bali ano, mas sinipagan ko pa sa mga susunod na araw, para mabawi ko yung nagastos ko, yung
naabala ko, tsaka natuto rin ako sa aksidenteng nangyari sa akin, parang ganun.
Interviewer: Sir kung hindi po sapat yung kinikita… yung perang kinikita, paano niyo po kaya yun nairaraos?
Rider 1: Kung hindi sapat… hindi ko alam eh.
Interviewer: Like, possible extra income po na ginagawa niyo?
Rider 1: Wala, kapag wala naman ako trabaho may mga kapatid naman din ako eh, tutulungan kami.
Interviewer: So, hindi po kayo nag-eextend ng extra hours para…
Rider 1: Hindi naman, oo hindi naman masyado.
Interviewer: Mula po sa inyong mga karanasan, ano po ang mga naisip mong paraan para maiwasan po yung
pagka sayang po ng mga opportunities dulot nga po ng delays at magkaroon ng maganda time
management po?
Rider 1: Ano? Paki-ulit.
Interviewer: Dahil po sa mga karanasan niyo po, ano po kaya yung mga naisip niyong paraan para maiwasan
po yung pagka sayang ng mga opportunities dulot nga po ng delays.
Rider 1: Siguro mas ahh, siguro mas maganda na yung sa kumpanya namin na ano, parang pagandahin nila
yung proseso ng tungkol sa mga store din kasi usually, sakanila naman talaga may problema eh,
hindi sa mga rider. Kaya may mga ganyang problema rin.
Interviewer: Kasi sir, kayo lang naman po yung nag-dedeliver.
Rider 1: Oo kami lang, ganto lang.

Interviewer: Sa system kuya.

Rider 1: Oo sa system. Oo, oo ganun nga po yung nangyayari.
Interviewer: Sir ano po yung ginagawa niyo, kunwari po fake booking. Ano pong ginagawa niyo para
makasiguro na yung susunod niyong customer ay hindi po manloloko?
Rider 1: Bali ano tatawagan ko lang siya agad kung nag-rerespond siya, ayun nga yung una kong gagawin.
Lalo na pag yung malaki yung order.
Interviewer: Sir ano po yung motivation niyo para magpatuloy sa pagtatrabaho niyo kahit na andaming
pagsubok na pwedeng mangyari?
Rider 1: Ano lang, move on lang kung sakaling may mga mangyaring ganung trahedya kasi minsan di
talaga maiiwasan eh. Kumbaga tanggapin mo lang yun, lalo na sa mga fake book-fake book na
yan. Nababalik naman eh, ayun lang masasabi.
Interviewer: Sir yung mga insidente pong sinabi niyo yung parang nasemplang po kayo, fake book, yung mga
delays. Paano po nun nakakaapekto sa performance niyo po bilang isang food app rider po?
Rider 1: Ano-ano?
Interviewer: Paano po naapektuhan ng mga challenges yung performance niyo po sa pag serbisyo po bilang
food app rider.
Rider 1: Sakto lang, parang…
Interviewer: Yung rating?
Rider 1: Oo, yung rating namin. Kasi kapag may mga, yung sabi ko nga kanina kapag may mga ganung
insidente, mababa rin yung rating namin. Lalo na sa mga cancel-cancel. Sa aksidente ganun din. Syempre
matututo ka kapag…
Interviewer: Napapagod po ba kayo at nahihirapan na pagkatiwalaan ang mga susunod niyong customer?
Kunwari fake booking nga po ganun.
Rider 1: Ay hindi naman, kasi di mo din masasabi lahat kung nag-fafake book eh. Malay mo may mga
nakatulog lang, umalis, mga ganun.
Interviewer: Base po sa inyong mga sinabing karanasan po, paano niyo po maiilarawan ang kalidad po ng
service na binibigay niyo po bilang isang food app rider?
Rider 1: Ano-ano?
Interviewer: Paano niyo po kaya ma-dedescribe yung binibigay niyo pong service po.
Rider 1: Service? Ahh ano, paano ba, paano ko ba sasabihin.
Interviewer: For example kuya, eto binibigay niyo to sa customer pero parang hindi naman nila nakikita na
ganito yung effort niyo sainyo, sakanila.
Rider 1: Sakin wala na kasi yun eh, kumbaga ako ginagawa ko lang talaga yung dapat kong gawin. Nasa
kanila nalang yun kung ma-appreciate nila ako.
Interviewer: Pagkatapos po ng mga pinagdaanan niyong pagsubok, yun nga po yung mga insidente. Ano po
ang pinagkaiba ng serbisyong binibigay niyo noon at sa ngayon po?
Rider 1: Wala naman pinagkaiba, ganun pa rin.
Interviewer: Parang nasasanay nalang?
Rider 1: Oo, nasasanay nalang din, ayun na nga lang sabi ko kanina. Kapag may nangyari move on nalang
kasi may mga ganun… ganun talaga sa trabaho namin eh, hindi na mawawala yung ganon.
Interviewer: Sir nakakaramdam po ba kayo ng katamaran?
Rider 1: May time, oo. Lalo kasi hindi naman lagi may pera yung tao, may mga time na walang booking,
papahinga nalang.
Interviewer: Nawalan po ba kayo ng interes sa inyong trabaho dahil sa mga pagsubok?
Rider 1: Oo may mga times na ganun. Parang naisipan ko lumipat pero hindi ko magawa eh. Pinagtiyaga…
nagtiyaga lang ako, katulad ngayon.
Interviewer: Kasi sabi niyo po mahirap nga po maghanap din ng trabaho.
Rider 1: Oo, diba. Mahirap nga maghanap.
Interviewer: Nagkaroon po ba ng punto sa buhay niyo na gusto niyo na mag-resign sa trabaho?
Rider 1: Dito sa grab? Oo, may mga, maraming beses na rin. Maraming beses na, like pinag-iisipan ko lang
talaga na ano.
Interviewer: Sir kung i-rarate niyo po from 1 to 10, gaano po kahirap ang naging karanasan mo bilang food app
rider? 10 po ang pinakamahirap tas 1 po pinakamadali.
Rider 1: ‘Di ko alam, siguro… 3.
Interviewer: 3 lang po? Kahit na po naranasan niyo po yung mga nasemplang po kayo tas kayo po nag-abono 3
lang po?
Rider 1: Oo 3 lang, okay na.
Interviewer: Last question na po sir, mayroon po ba kayong gustong solusyon na ipatupad ng Grab po?
Rider 1: Ayun lang, ayusin nila yung sistema sa bawat store ng ano, kasi yun talaga pinaka karamihan na
may problema eh, hindi sa rider.
Interviewer: Yung sa sahod po?
Rider 1: Yung sa ratings… oo sana naman dagdagan nila. Kasi ang hirap na kitain pera ngayon nagtataasan

na lahat ng bilihin eh. Tas yung bayad samin 47, 50.

Interviewer: Sir yung benefits naman po? Yung SSS, pag-ibig, philhealth.
Rider 1: Walang ganun, walang benefits. Ang benefits lang namin mga discount-discount sa grab, mga
Interviewer: So sir gusto niyo rin po sana…
Rider 1: Sana may mga ganun din diba, syempre sakanila kami nagtratrabaho, nagsisilbi kami sakanila.
Interviewer: Tsaka lalo na po mahirap po.
Rider 1: Oo, diba sa kalsada pa kami. Ayun lang po.
Interviewer: Thank you po.

Transcription 2
Interviewee: Rider 2
Date: October 16, 2022
Place: Marikina
Interviewer: Ilang taon ka na po?
Rider 2: 30
Interviewer: Taga-saan ka po?
Rider 2: Rodriguez, Rizal
Interviewer: Saan ka po madalas nagfofood delivery servicee?
Rider 2: Marikina, Katipunan

Interviewer: Gaano na po kayo katagal na nag fo-food app rider?

Rider 2: Bali nasa 2 years na mahigi, simula nung nagpandemic 2020.
Interviewer: Bakit niyo po pinili maging food app rider po?
Rider 2: Dahil rin sa pandemic, kasi naging immediate solusyon ba, kasi madaling makapasok tapos diba
madaming bawal gawin non, eh yung food delivery rider walang problema kahit saan pwede.
Interviewer: Ano po yung, Eto po ba ang pangunahin niyong trabaho or sideline?
Rider 2: Sa ngayon eto yung naka full-time ako ngayon.
Interviewer: Sa isang araw po, gaano po karaming yung natatanggap niyo na order? Parang range po ganon.
Rider 2: Ngayon medyo maramihan na kasi nasa 15. 10-15 ganyan pero dati konti lang.
Interviewer: Pero po kapag po madami yung nadedeliver niy, gaano po kalami inaabot.
Rider 2: Minsan kapag sobrang lakas umaabot ng 20 plus.
Interviewer: Nakakaranas po ba kayo ng mga challenges sa pagiging food app rider niyo po sa 2 taon niyo po
pagta-trabaho bilang food app rider?
Rider 2: Karamihan naman challenges samin yung panahon talaga. Pag maulan masyado,
minsan masyado ring mainit.
Interviewer: Eh yung sa ano po, fakebooking po?
Rider 2: Fakebooking meron din kaming mga, naeencounter na ilan pero, kay Grab naman kasi walang
problema kasi madali lang siyang ma reimburse kaya hindi kami gaanong (nahihirapan).
Interviewer: Sa ano po, for example nag deliver po kayo, kulang po yung binigay ng vendor niyo, naransan mo
na po ba yun tapos nagrereklamo po si costumer.
Rider 2: May time din, minsan nararanasan di yun pero, ano naman, hindi naman nagrereflect samin yun
eh, sa vendor, sa merchant naman kaya okay lang minsan pinapabalik, pag ka ano nag-aadditional
bayad nalang .
Interviewer: De bali po, parang naapektuhan po ba yung oras niyo don pag bumabalik po kayo?
Rider 2: Yun lang, yung oras, pero may mga ano naman, nagbabayad naman din yung merchant kasi,
binabayaran ulit nila kung magkano yung delivery fee mo, babayaran ulit nila.
Interviewer: Kunwari po, diba po yung mga vendor po nagkakaroon po ng mga promo, nagiging problema po
ba sayo yun? For example si McDo may promo.
Rider 2: Minsan, katulad dati, 50% percent si McDo, yung parang hindi na kayang ihandle nung merchant
so, ngayon sobrang tagal. Minsan 1 hour. Pinakamatagal ko na sa counter isa at kalahating oras yata bago
lumabas yung (order).
Interviewer: So nauubos po yung oras niyo dun sa paghihintay?
Rider 2: Oo, sa sobrang dami nung umoorder.
Interviewer: Nakaranas na po ba kayo ng challenges in terms of accidents?
Rider 2: So far wala po naman.
Interviewer: Sa mga nabanggit po na challenges ang naranasan niyo, ano po yung pinaka hindi mo po
malilimutan na karanasan? Parang yung pinaka challenging po sayo.
Rider 2: Kadalasan naman kasi pinaka ano din dito, yun nga yung sa paghihintay ng matagal kasi talagang
susubukin talaga yung pasensiya mo, kailangan, cool ka lang kasi minsan, kagaya niyan, iba
namin mga rider maririnig mo na yan, nagrereklamo, nag aano na minsan, diba minsan kung may nakikita na
kayo sa mga nagviviral, inaaway na yung mga ano sa sobrang tagal.
Interviewer: Yung mga costumer po nagagalit?
Rider 2: Oo ganon.
Interviewer: So, pag nararanasan mo po yung challenges na yun, ano po yung una mo pong reaction yung
naanasan mo yun?
Rider 2: Sa saloobin, sa internal ano… naiinis kaso nga lang eh bago palang kasi talaga umalis kailangan
pa-prepare mo na yung sarili mo na… dapat talaga magaano ka lang, mag, magiging pasensiyoso, kasi
talagang pag nagpadala ka sa ano mo eh, mapapaaway ka. Baka, ikaw, ako lang rin yung
mapasama kasi mara-rating ako nang mababa , marereport ako sa Grab.

Interviewer: Bali po, parang kahit hindi mo naman o kasalanan na pagiging matagal, parang tinatanggap niyo
nalang po? Like for example, yung mga late deliveries, na nagagalit sila costumer ganon po.
Rider 2: Sinasabi naman namin pagka ganon, minsan may time talaga na ganon, yung hindi nila
naiintindihan na matagal yung ano… samin binubungtong ganon, pero pinapaliwanag lang rin
namin. Pag ayaw talaga nila tanggapin bahala na sila. Meron talagang may time na ganon.
Interviewer: So, sa mga challenges na yun, Saang lugar mo yun madalas nararanasan?
Rider 2: Yung mga…
Interviewer: Yung challenges po… for example nagagalit na costumer, then or yung mga fakebooking ganon.
Rider 2: Saang lugar? Ahhh ha, iba’t iba kasi eh. Kasi commonly kasi, yan ang mga narereceive ko dito na
mga ano, mula katipunun hanggang antipolo, pero iba’t ibang mga ano (lugar)
Interviewer: Ano po ang target income niyo sa isang araw? And may required na bilang po ba ang dapat niyong
matanggap na order sa isang araw po?
Rider 2: Wala naman siyang required. Meron kasi ngayon, nagkaroon na bago lang na monthly, pagka
naabot mo yun, may benefits ka lang pero hindi siya required kung hindi mo siya maabot okay
lang. Sakin naman,sa personal, sa ngayon mga 1000 nalang tinatarget ko tapos okay na.
Interviewer: Paano po naapektuhan ang inyong puhunan niyo, kita niyo, at o yung quota niyo po?
Rider 2: Sometimes, kagaya nga non, pag masyadong matagal talaga, pero rin kasi namin ganon, kapag
natatagalan kami nag eextend kami ng oras para maabot yung ano, (quota) kesa naman kasi,
halimbawa kasi, kadalasan po 8 hours lang rin ako bumabyahe pero pagka alanganin, diko pa naabot yung
ano, (quota) sa ganong time, nag eextend nalang para.
Interviewer: Pero sa palagay niyo po for example, dahil nga po sa mga promo po, ang tagal nga po dumating
and then nagkaroon din po kayo nang karanasan sa fakebooking, sa palagay niyo po, gaano
kalaking pera na ang nawala sayo dahil sa karanasan niyo po na yon? Una po, sa fakebooking po muna.
Gaano na po kalaking pera nawala sayo nung naranasan mo yung fakebooking?
Rider 2: Siguro kung co-compute, sa ano kasi, kagaya nung fakebooking, madalang talaga sa grab,
madalang samin yan siguro sa two months isang beses lang yan maranasan, kaya konting konti lang, sa isang
araw talaga, halimbawa yung aming booking, kaya yan mag deliver ng 2-3 rides sa isang oras pero nung na
fakebooked ako syempre hinihintay ko yung costumer baka naman sasagot, nag ano rin ako ng kulang kulang
2 hours pabalik-balik, nagtanong-tanong hinahanap yung pangalan niya. Siguro nasasayang don kasi sa 1 oras
kayang kumita ng 100- 200 eh, so kung sa dalawang oras na yun na nasasayang mga 400 ganon.
Interviewer: Mayroon bang pagkakataon na wala kayong kinikita dahil sa challenge na naranasan niyo? For
example, nung na fakebooked po kayo, parang yung kikitain niyo sa isang araw po na yun nawala
na dahil nga po nangyari po yun (fakebooking).
Rider 2: Hindi naman totally na wala, meron lang din time nangyari na time na kasi na ano, yung isang
fakebooking ko pala na, nawalan ako nang gana ba kaya umuwi nalang ako, pero kasi, sinasagot
sakin nang grab, nung tinawagan ko parang gusto niyang ipabalik don sa customer kahit na yung customer
naman yung may kasalanan parang nabadtrip ba ko na ano, pero kung tutuloy pa naman kaya pa naman
kumita talaga kaso nga yun nga pag natalo ka nang pasensya, talo ka din.
Interviewer: Saan niyo po nilalaan ang sweldo niyo? Sapat po ba ang iyong kinikita niyo as a food app rider sa
Rider 2: Sa pang araw-araw kaya naman, ngayon lang kasi, medyo pumapangit pangit na yung kita yun,
humahaba haba na yung oras ko, nagiging 10 hours pero, kaya, okay naman yung kita niya.
Interviewer: Sariling pera niyo po ba ang ginagamit niyo pag binalik o hindi tinanggap po yung delivery?
Rider 2: Meron kasing dalawang ano, mode of payment sa grab, Grab in Cash, pagka cash, yung yung
kardo namin, iaabno yun, ikakaltas samin, pero ibabalik naman ni Grab, pero kadalasan ngayon,
kasi nauuso na talaga yung cashless, halos walang abono yung nangyayari.
Interviewer: Ano po masasabi niyo sa mga tumatanggap ng transaksyon na labas sa policy niyo? Halimbawa po
nag-order sa jollibee tapos magpapasabuy sa mercury ng gamot at mag-aadditional bayad na lang.
Naranasan niyo na po ba yun?
Rider 2: Minsan, naranasan na din. Minsan okay siya kasi may malalaki talangang nag titip sa ganyan pero
minsan naman talagang, ano lang, 10 pesos 20 lang bibigay sayo, para ka lang din inutusan na ano.
Pero karamihan talaga nagiging okay, depende sa usapan.
Interviewer: Pero masasabi mo po ba na, naapektuhan din po nito yung oras ng pagtatrabaho niyo po, lalo na po
yung mga nagbibigay na 10 pesos lang ganon.
Rider 2: Oo, pagka ganon yun siya pangit, pero kadalasan naman kasi, sineset, nakiki-ano naman sila along
the way lang, pero madalang rin naman naman mangyari yan, pangit siya, pag yung sa mga
costumer, na ganon yung parang gusto lang makatipid sa booking, pinagsasabay yung ano, pero naka
experience din kasi ako niyan ng talagang, ang laki talaga ng tip kaya minsan kinukuha ko rin talaga.
Interviewer: Paano po naapektuhan ng challenges na nabangit niyo yung kalusugan niyo, specifically, yung
unang una mo pong sinabi, challenge is yung weather po natin? Like minsan po ba parang,
nararamdaman niyo po sa sarili niyo po…
Rider 2: Sa health naman wala naman kasi akong masyadong nararamdaman. Ano naman kasi samin, dahil

nga kami parang free ano rin… freelancer, pag ano naman, masyadong maulan hindi na talaga
kami lalabas kesa sugal pa namin yung ano namin (safety) pag sobra rin talagang init, pag di kaya,
kasi may time, lalo na yung summer, yung parang sinusunog talaga yung ano.
Interviewer: Balikan ko lang po yung about po sa weather condition. Diba po challenges po sa inyo yung,
sobrang init, or minsan po maulan po.
Rider 2: Oo.
Interviewer: Yung sa bagyo po. Masasabi niyo po ba na minsan po, okay din po kasi mas madami pong order?
In your perspective po ano po yung masasabi niyo po?
Rider 2: Maganda rin siya, kung tamang ulan lang, yung makakapag ano ka pa (deliver), kasi yung pangit
naman yung kagaya nung bumabaha na nagsasarado yung mga daan. Pero lumalakas siya (order)
kasi mas less yung ibang mga tao, mas tinatamad lumabas umoorder nalang. Yung iba naman,
ibang rider, umuuwi din kasi nababasa, yung iba mga walang dalang kapote yan, o di kaya tinatamad pag
naulan, o di kaya kasi nabot na nila yung quota nila and umuulan din, diretso uwi na kaya kumbaga lumalaki
yung demand , kumokonti yung mga kasama ko.
Interviewer: Sa mga nasabi niyo po na challenges, paano po nito naapektuhan ng inyong mga karanasan ang
pagtanggap ng order sa mga susunod customers? For example, sa promo, parang diba po sobrang
tagal po niya, minsan po ba parang ayaw niyo na po tumanggap ng ganon and minsan po yung sa mga
masusungit na customer.
Rider 2: May time na, naiisip namin na parang ganon, kaso nga lang, pag yun pa rin yung pumasok sayo,
kasi pangit naman kapag kinancel mo, pero may time rin na kapag napupuno na kami, kagaya nga nung
nagpromo yung McDo. Pagkasunod sunod ko siyang nakuha, eh kung iisipin mo 1 and half hour bawat isa
mong booking eh talagang nag cacancel na din kami. Hindi na… pero kapag paminsan minsan, okay naman.
Tatiyagain nalang.
Interviewer: Sa tingin niyo po ba ay sulit po na i-risk ang kalusugan niyo para sa trabaho na’to?
Rider 2: Uhmmm…
Interviewer: Parang sa palagay niyo yung kinikita niyo dito parang, kaya naman, na parang kaya ko naman to
gawin kahit makaramdam ako ng ganito.
Rider 2: Oo naman, kaya naman talaga, lalo na kung yung ano ka, kung, tawag dito, nakakapaghulog sa
sarili ng mga ano, (health insurance) kasi yung iba samin ganon, naasikaso pa nila yung mga
health (insurance), kasi kaya rin naman talaga hulugan sa kinikita.
Interviewer: Meron po ba kayong health insurance as a food app rider, si company po?
Rider 2: Wala talaga siya pero ngayon bago yun, yung pa ilan-ilan siyang mga benefits, parang free
check-up, free ano, pag naabot mo yung target rates niya.
Interviewer: Nababahala ka po ba sa iyong kalusugan lalo na ngayong hindi pa rin naman po nawawala yung
pandemic? Lalo na po yung kasagsagan po, kasi diba po nag start po kayo nung nagkaroon po nung
Rider 2: Nung una, takot ako kasi syempre bago yung COVID eh, pero nung huli kasi parang hindi na.
Kaya hanggang ngayon hindi na kami na… minsan nga pangit man ano eh… pero nung bumabalik
yung ECQ, nagiging pabor pa samin yun na ano, kasi lumalakas talaga non dati.
Interviewer: May punto po ba sa buhay mo na naisip mo na nag-aalala pamilya mo sa iyong kalusugan at
kaligtasan bigay ng iyong work environment po?
Rider 2: May time lalo na kapag gabi, kasi minsan pag may tinatarget kami na ano… yung may mga time
na, may kasi, may mga incentives yan eh, ngayon sayang naman kung hindi namin siya abutin,
kailangan namin mag extend ng time so, minsan umaabot ako nang 12:00AM to 1:00AM, ayan, medyo nag
ano na sila, kasi, lalo na pag may nababalita, na mga nahohold-up hold-up.
Interviewer: Kasi sa mga kalsada po hano.
Rider 2: Oo.
Interviewer: May punto po ba na nakita mo sarili mo na baka ikaw ay masangkot sa isang aksidente?
Rider 2: Pano yun?
Interviewer: Parang, nakita niyo na po ba yung sarili niyo na, nasangkot po sa aksidente po, ganon po, parang
nasa isip.
Rider 2: Naimagine?
Interviewer: Opo or naging parte ba ng iyong pangamba ang pagbagyo at pagbaha?
Rider 2: May time na ano, naiimagine ko siya pagka, halimbawa mayroon kasing mga time na, muntik…
maraming ganon eh, muntik muntikan na. Bilang break, may biglang tumatawid. Parang syempre iniisip ko,
ano yung magyayari kung sakaling nabunggo ko talaga yun or kung natumba ako sa sobrang ano ko,
nagkamali ako nang control. Minsan minsan, pag nararansan yung muntikang mga aksidente. Yung sa baha
naman, wala namang ganong problema, mahirap lang pag yung, masyadong malakas yung ulan, hindi mo
kita yung kalsada. Kasi pag baha, automatic uuwi ka lang pero kung yung, hindi mo kita yung kalsada, hindi
ka talaga makakaalis sa location mo, ayun yung ano.
Interviewer: Ilang oras po kayo madalas nag food delivery service po?
Rider 2: Ako kadalasan, lalo na nung una, nasa 8 hours lang, kaso nga lang, ngayon, nageextend konti 9 –

10 hours ganyan.
Interviewer: And then yung mga challenges po masasabi mo po kaya kung anong oras mo ito madalas
nararanasan? (tuwing gabi, umaga, tanghali, hapon etc.)
Rider 2: Yung mga matatagal, karamihan din niyan, pagka marami ring order, pag pick hours, pag
maraming umoorder. Kagaya nung 10:00AM to 1:00PM tapos pag gabi na mga 7:00PM to
9:00PM ganyan, dun halos nararanasan.
Interviewer: Paano nakakaabala sa inyo ang hindi pagsagot ng call o text, maling address o pangalan sa
pagdedeliver niyo?
Rider 2: Ano talaga yan, kakain talaga ng oras pagka… minsan may mga ano sila… mga gayan na
Interviewer: Nagkaroon po ba ng oras na hindi niyo naabot ang quota niyo dahil sa delay?
Yung personal quota mo lang po.
Rider 2: Minsan meron din. Kasi nga… May time na 800 lang ganyan kasi parang hindi narin siya ano…
kung ieextend ko pa yung time ko, malayo… kung baga ilang ride pan yung aabutin ko para
mahabol yun, uuwi nalang ako.
Interviewer: Nakakaapekto po ba sa inyong ratings ang mga delayed delivery order kahit
na hindi niyo po ito kontrolado?
Rider 2: Hindi naman samin kasi jan naman medyo fair si Grab pag ganyan. Ano po ang pangunahing
reaction mo pagkatapos mo makaranas ng isang pagsubok?
Interviewer: Paano niyo po nakakayanan ang pagkadismaya niyo pagkatapos makaranas ng isang pagsubok?
Rider 2: Ako kasi… ano ako eh, religious person din kaya medyo, kumbaga nag aaral ng ano… kaya ano
samin na… kahit nasan ka, kahit anong gagawin mo, makakaranas ka talaga ng ganyan kaya
kailangan mag ano ka, magpapasensya ka.
Interviewer: Bukod po dun ano yung mga bagay ang sinubukan mong gawin pagkatapos makaranas ng isang
pagsubok sa pagiging food app rider? Like parang coping mechanism po.
Rider 2: Minsan kain nalang ganyan, enjoy mo nalang. Ayun nga uuwi. Uuwi ka kapag tingin mong … kasi
pangit naman kapag tutuloy mo yung byahe mo nang masama yung loob mo o kaya ayun nga,
itreat mo yung sarili mo, kakain ka nalang. Yung reklamo ng mga costumer, hayaan mo nalang
talaga, kahit hindi mo na intindihin yung mga sinasabi nila.
Interviewer: Kung hindi sapat ang iyong perang kinikita, paano niyo po ito nairaraos po yung sa pang
araw-araw niyo po? And ano pa po ang iyong ginagawa para magkaroon ng extra income para
matustusan ang pang-araw-araw na gastusin?
Rider 2: Ako ayun, meron na din naman kasi akong ano… knowledge sa electrical, nag siside line, side line
din ako pagka-mas okay, kapag ka mas okay yung kontrata, mukang mas malaki yung kita dun,
pinag papalit ko siya sa byahe.
Interviewer: Mula po sa inyong mga karanasan, ano po ang mga naisip mong paraan para maiwasan ang pagka
sayang ng mga oportunidad dulot ng delays at magkaroon ng maganda time management po?
Rider 2: Ano yung?
Interviewer: Yung mga naisip niyo pong paraan para po maiwasan yung mga ano, oportunidad dulot ng delays.
Rider 2: Ahh, yung sa mga ano naman, kagaya nung mga na-eencounter yung mga maling address,
kailangan talaga cocontact-in na yung costumer para makahingi kana agad ng landmark ng
instruction, pano makakarating and then yung orders din pag ka ano, dinodouble check para kasi ano, kesa
yung babalik ka nanaman na ano, mga ganong klase.
Interviewer: May time po ba na parang initiate po kayo na, mali po yung pin niyo, pwede po bang ayusin ko?
Rider 2: Meron namang… kadalasan kasi sila na nagsasabi niyan na ano, kasi hindi talaga namin kadalasan
alam yung area eh, ngayon sinasabi na nila yun na ganyan. Okay lang naman basta malapit lang
pero kung, mga 5 kilometers mula dun sa ano mo (location), ibang usapan na.
Interviewer: Pero yun nga po, yung mga wrong pin, hindi po agad pagsagot nang tawag, lalo na po yung wrong
pin, dahil kasalanan, hindi naman, actually kasalanan nila pero may fault din po sila don, parang,
nagbibigay po ba sila nang extra tip? Kasi nasasayang din po yung oras niyo don lalo na pag malayo po diba?
Rider 2: May time na, maraming time… may mga nagbibigay, kadalasan ano, kasi ano, naiintindihan
naman siguro nila yung ano namin. Pero may mga time din na, wala talaga,nthank you, thank you.
Interviewer: Ano po ang inyong motivation para magpatuloy sa pagtatrabaho kahit na andaming pagsubok na
pwedeng mangyari?
Rider 2: Yung ano kasi, unang una talaga jan yung kita kasi kung hindi ka naman kikilos, hindi ka babyahe,
wala ka talagang kikitain, kailangan mo talagang… yun yung pinaka ano, syempre, pagka kahit naman
maranasan mo yung ano, atleast kumikita ka, okay naman yan, kasi kahit ano namang gawin mo, lahat naman
yan may challenges makakaharap.
Interviewer: Paano nakakaapekto ang mga pagsubok na iyong naranasan sa performance ng iyong serbisyo
bilang isang food app rider? Sa palagay niyo po parang, meron po bang nag bago na, dahil po sa mga
challenges po na naranasan niyo parang nagiba po ba yung performance niyo? Or ganon pa din po? Or still

Rider 2: Medyo nag… halimbawa, kagaya nga nong mga natutunan na ano… yung contact-in yung
costumer, parang nag iimprove, lahat nang kaya mong gawin… magawa mo pero kagayan nung instances
kasi na ano, katulad nung matagal talagang gawin nung merchant, wala na kaming magagawa don, bahala
nalang yung, pero yung sa part namin na kaya namin, yung daan kaya naming idouble check para hindi kami
mamali nang paikot ikot.
Interviewer: Napapagod po ba kayo at nahihirapan na pagkatiwalaan ang mga susunod niyong customer?
Rider 2: Hindi naman.
Interviewer: Base po sa inyong mga karanasan, paano niyo po maiilarawan ang kalidad ng iyong serbisyo na
binibigay bilang isang food app rider? Lalo na po yung, iba po, hindi po nila naappreciate.
Rider 2: Pano po? Irarate ko?
Interviewer: Pano niyo po mailalarawan ang kalidad ng inyong serbisyo? Sa palagay niyo po, may mga
nabibigay kayo pero hindi siya naappreciate ng ibang costumer lalo na po yung parang gusto po
lagi mabilis.
Rider 2: …
Interviewer: Parang, masasabi niyo po ba na sapat naman po yung ginagawa niyo para po, mabigay po yung
serbisyo na gusto po nilang makuha o maranasan.
Rider 2: Oo, ayun, kadalasan naman ginagawa naman talaga namin yung ano, yung, hanggat kaya namin
yung mabilis na service ginagawa namin, iniigatan yung pagkain para masiguradong okay sakanila ginagawa
Interviewer: Nakakaramdam po ba kayo ng katamaran sa work po na to?
Rider 2: May times, pagka, ano, minsan kasi, pag panget yung… may time kasi na madalang din yung
booking, o di kaya yung panahon, pag maulan masyado, hindi pa ko umaalis, umuulan na, yun nakakatamad.
Interviewer: Pero nawalan po ba kayo ng interest sa inyong trabaho dahil sa mga pagsubok na naranasan niyo
po? (ask why if hindi pinaliwanag “bakit po?)
Rider 2: Hindi naman po.
Interviewer: Nagkaroon po ba ng punto sa buhay niyo na gusto niyo na mag-resign sa trabaho?
Rider 2: Ako nag iisip parin talaga ng ano kasi nga… hindi ko narin naman talaga to inaano na eto na yung
work ko tuloy-tuloy. Nag hahanap ako ng mas stable… yung maraming benefits.
Interviewer: Sa sukat na isa hanggang sampu, gaano po kahirap ang naging karanasan mo bilang food app
rider? (10 ang pinakamahirap at 1 ang pinakamadali).
Rider 2: Hindi naman talaga siya mahirap, siguro 2 lang, 3.
Interviewer: Eto na po yung last, Mayroon po ba kayong gustong solusyon na ipatupad ng Grab o FoodPanda?
Na feeling niyo po makakabenefits po sa inyo.
Rider 2: Siguro ano… yung itataas yung fare tas gagandahan yung benefits din para lahat makikinabang.
Interviewer: Ayun lang naman po, maraming salamat po.

Transcription 3
Interviewee: Rider 3
Date: October 11, 2022
Place: Valenzuela City
Interviewer: Ilang taon na po kayo?
Rider 3: 28
Interviewer: Taga-saan po kayo?
Rider 3: Valenzuela
Interviewer: Gaano na po kayo katagal na nag fo-food app rider?
Rider 3: 6 years.
Interviewer: Bakit niyo po pinili maging food app rider?
Rider 3: Sa ano kasi walang boss eh, walang nag-uutos, hawak ko lang yung oras ko.
Interviewer: Freelancer kuya?
Rider 3: Oo.
Interviewer: Eto po ba ang pangunahin niyong trabaho or sideline lang po?
Rider 3: Dati ano, pinagsasabay ko yung trabaho tas eto. Ngayon eto nalang.
Interviewer: Gaano po karaming order ang natatanggap niyo sa isang araw?
Rider 3: Mga ano… 18 to 20 ganun.
Interviewer: Yun po pag matumal o pag malakas?
Rider 3: Pag matumal mga 115 lang ganyan.
Interviewer: Nakakaranas po ba kayo ng challenges sa pagiging food app rider?
Rider 3: Parang ‘di naman eh. Dati lang kasi paiba-iba, ngayon kasi parang pare-parehas lang eh, wala
nang ano eh…
Interviewer: Kuya, in terms of weather po. Ano po yung parang kinakaharap niyo na challenges po dun?
Rider 3: Yun lang pag maulan, kasi hassle pag maulan eh. Nababasa yung pagkain.
Interviewer: Sa fake booking po? Nakaranas na po ba kayo ng fake booking?
Rider 3: Ano isang beses lang. Pero wala kasing problema yung fake booking sa grab kasi na-rereimburse
naman yung ano eh, yung pagkain.
Interviewer: Nakaranas na po ba kayo ng for example kuya, nag-deliver kayo and then nagreklamo si customer
kasi kulang daw po yung laman ng ano niya.
Rider 3: Oo, ganun. Minsan binabalikan pa namin sa store tas wala nang bayad yun.
Interviewer: Maraming beses na kayo naka-experience ng ganun?
Rider 3: Mga… siguro mga… marami na rin. Kasi hindi talaga minsan maiiwasan. Kasi hindi naman kami
nag-prepreapre ng food eh, mga crew naman eh, binibigay sa amin naka-box na kaya hindi rin
namin na-checheck.
Interviewer: Ano kaya yung pinaka hindi niyo malilimutan na karanasan niyo po bilang isang food app rider
Interviewer: Sa mga parang challenges po na nakaharap niyo na po, yung pinaka hindi niyo po makakalimutan
na parang malaking pagsubok po talaga as a food delivery rider po.
Rider 3: Yung ano… yung ang lakas ng ulan tapos andaming kong dala. Tas yun na-semplang ako nun.
Kasi ang bigat kasi ng dala ko eh– tubig eh hindi kasi pagkain.
Interviewer: Kuya in terms of ano… in terms of parang pasweldo naman ni grab. Okay naman po? Kasi nasabi
niyo po 6 years na po kayo? Tama po ba?
Rider 3: Oo.
Interviewer: So, simula po nung naging food delivery rider po kayo. Sa ngayon po na sinuswedo niyo, wala
naman po kayo naging problema ngayon?
Rider 3: Ano… dati malaki eh, halos 2k a day, 3k pa nga minsan. Ngayon kasi, parang bumaba kasi yung
fare. Siguro mga nasa 1,000 -1,500 nalang isang araw, 12 hours nga lang yun.
Interviewer: Ano ang unang reaksyon o naramdaman mo nung naranasan niyo po yung ang lakas ng ulan, tas
ang bigat pa po nung dala niyo, tas nasemplang pa po kayo.
Rider 3: Wala lang, parang… bangon lang ulit tapos deliver na ulit. Kasi wala namang choice eh, kailangan
babyahe talaga para may mauwi sa pamilya.
Interviewer: Saang lugar niyo po madalas ma… saan po kayo madalas makaranas ng mga pagsubok?
Rider 3: Ano… ayan EDSA, kasi maraming sasakyan talaga lagi tsaka mabibilis yung mga sasakyan. ‘Di
katulad dito, looban ‘di naman.
Interviewer: Ano po ang target income niyo sa isang araw po?
Rider 3: 1,500 talaga.
Interviewer: 1,500 po, pero kuya kung gusto niyo po isagad magkano yung gusto niyong ano. I mean like diba
Rider 3: Pagka-ano lalagpas ako ng 12 hours, kaya naman 2k. Lagpas nga lang 12 hours, mga 15 hours

ganyan. Eh pagka-ano kasi umuuwi rin ako agad pag nakuha ko na yung ano ko, yung target ko na
1,500. Umuuwi na ako.
Interviewer: May required na bilang po ba ang dapat niyong matanggap na order sa isang araw po?
Rider 3: Wala naman, pagka-ayaw mo na pwede ka naman na umuwi eh. Wala naman kaming hinahabol na
ano eh.
Interviewer: Yung insidente niyo po na ang lakas po ng ulan. Paano po naapektuhan ang nun yung puhunan,
kita, tsaka quota niyo po?
Rider 3: Kasi nung naaksidente ako yung dala ko dun ano eh, tubig. Mga mineral na ano, 10L, kumbaga
hindi naman siya natatapon kaya wala namang problema. Wala namang natapon.
Interviewer: How about dun kuya sa ano, how about dun po sa may… diba yung kunwari nga nag-deliver kayo
tas kulang po pala yung laman edi sa inyo po nirereklamo. Paano po nun naapektuhan yung kita
niyo po as a rider po? Kasi diba bumabalik po kayo tapos…
Rider 3: Minsan pag-ganun, ang sinisingil namin yung ano eh, yung merchant, yung store. Kasi sila yung
may mali nun, hindi kami. Kumbaga yung fare pabalik, sinisingil namin sakanila. Pag hindi talaga
pumapayag minsan, parang binibigyan nalang nila kami ng ano, burger ganyan pampalubag loob
Interviewer: Gaano kalaking pera na po ang nawala sayo dahil sa mga karanasan na nabanggit niyo?
Rider 3: Ano, wala pa naman. Kumbaga nababalik kasi talaga samin.
Interviewer: Kay grab po?
Rider 3: Oo, nababalik talaga.
Interviewer: Pero kuya nababalik ba agad or gaano katagal yung iniintay niyo para mabalik po yung pera?
Rider 3: 2-3 days.
Interviewer: ‘Di naman hassle yun sainyo kasi parang ang tagal po. Paano like nagkaroon ng emergency.
Rider 3: Ayun nga, ayun nga lang hassle ‘pag kailangan mo talaga yung pera tas aantayin mo pa ng 2 days.
Wala ka talagang choice, aantayin mo talaga.
Interviewer: Mayroon po bang pagkakataon na wala kayong kinikita dahil sa mga karanasan niyo po na
pagsubok ganun.
Rider 3: Oo minsan wala rin. Pagka sobrang hina ng talaga ng byahe, kumbaga kahit masipag ka, kung
walang papasok sayo na booking, wala rin kikitain.
Interviewer: Edi kuya for example, diba may reimbursement kayo pero hindi agad natatanggap. So may time
nun na “ay wala akong kinita ngayon kasi…”.
Rider 3: Oo, ayun.
Interviewer: Di pa nababalik samin yung pera ganun po.
Rider 3: Oo, 3 days.
Interviewer: Saan niyo po nilalaan ang sweldo niyo po?
Rider 3: Ano… sa pamilya. Sa mga anak ko, nag-aaral kasi mga anak ko eh.
Interviewer: Sapat po ba yung kinikita sa pang-araw-araw niyo po?
Rider 3: Oo, sapat naman. Kumpara sa mga ano minimum.
Interviewer: Sa mga minimum po?
Rider 3: Oo, kasi kami lagpas eh.
Interviewer: Sariling pera niyo po ba ang ginagamit niyo pag binalik o hindi tinanggap ang delivery?
Rider 3: Oo, sariling pera talaga, puhunan namin yun eh. Tapos, parang yung puhunan namin, nakatengga
lang kasi may booking eh, rereimburse pa ng ilang araw.
Interviewer: Ano po masasabi niyo sa mga tumatanggap ng transaksyon na labas sa policy po niyo? Halimbawa
po nag-order sa jollibee tapos magpapasabuy po sa mercury ng gamot kasi on the way naman po at
mag-aadditional bayad na lang.
Rider 3: Oo ayun. Pumapayag naman kami pag ganun. Yung mga… basta may additional, pag wala kasi
hindi pwede eh, parang luge ka sa takbo tas walang bayad.
Interviewer: Pero may time na kuya na naka-receive ka, ay parang nakiusap pero walang binigay sayo?
Rider 3: Pagka-emergency naman kasi, halimbawa yung mga kailangan na kailangan talaga, na mga gamot
ganyan, minsan inaano ko nalang din. Okay lang kasi, halimbawa nakiusap kasi may sakit yung
ano ko tas walang-wala rin ganyan. ‘Di lang makalabas kaya nagpa-deliver, pumapayag na rin ako don.
Interviewer: Pero mostly naman po, yung iba pong mga ganyan nagbibigay po sila?
Rider 3: Oo, nagbibigay talaga.
Interviewer: And then sa, masasabi niyo pong malaking tulong din yun for your extra income?
Rider 3: Oo, yung ganon. Kasi imbis na, halimbawa 59 lang delivery fee. Pag sinabi namang magdadagdag
tas dadaanan mo lang naman, plus 50 edi 100 yung isang ano.
Interviewer: Paano naapektuhan ng inyong mga karanasan ang pagtanggap ng order sa mga susunod customers
niyo po?
Rider 3: Ano po?
Interviewer: Para po bang… yung mga sinabi niyo po na yung parang nagkakamali po ng lagay, tas babalik po
kayo, or yung ang lakas po ng ulan, or nakaranas na po ba kayo ng maling pin po or address.

Rider 3: Oo ayun, maling address. Ayun pa yung isa sa mga ano pag mali yung address.
Interviewer: Parang nababahala po ba kayo sa parang, nagdadalawang isip po ba kayo sa pagtanggap ng order
sa susunod na customer niyo pag nakaranas po kayo ganun?
Rider 3: Ano, hindi naman. Kasi halos nakasanayan na sa araw-araw may nangyayari talagang mga mali
yung ano eh, mali yung address, mali naibigay na order, yung mga ganyan.
Interviewer: Sa tingin niyo po ba ay sulit po na i-risk yung kalusugan niyo para sa trabaho na’to?
Rider 3: Oo.
Interviewer: Like for example kuya, diba nasabi niyo parang medyo na-ano na kayo sa accident na bumuwal
kayo. Sa palagay niyo kuya, parang okay lang yun na worth it pa na i-risk pa, ituloy pa rin yung
trabaho na ‘to.
Rider 3: Oo, okay lang naman. Kasi nag-eenjoy naman kasi ako sa ano eh, trabaho kasi gusto ko talaga
mag-motor eh. Parang nag-momotor ako pero nababayaran ako.
Interviewer: Nababahala ka po ba sa kalusugan niyo ngayong pandemic?
Rider 3: Hindi naman, kasi pandemic kahit… since day 1 ng pandemic bumabyahe na talaga ako. Hindi
ako nagpahinga eh.
Interviewer: May punto po ba sa buhay mo na naisip mo na nag-aalala po yung pamilya mo sa kalusugan niyo,
sa kaligtasan niyo bigay nga po ng work environment niyo?
Rider 3: Oo, madalas ganun. Syempre nag-aalala rin.
Interviewer: Pero kuya diba sabi niyo kanina, parang hindi naman kayo masyadong threatened sa pandemic,
pero kunwari uhm… para sa pamilya niyo for example lang. Naisip niyo din ba yung family niyo
dun na “ay baka ako magkaroon ako, mahawa ko yung pamilya ko” parang ganun.
Rider 3: Ano kasi eh, kaya bumiyahe ako noon, nagbakasyon sila nun sa probinsya tapos naabutan sila dun
ng lockdown. Kaya ako lang mag-isa dun sa bahay, wala rin naman akong gagawin kaya
bumabyahe nalang ako.
Interviewer: May punto po ba na nakita mo sarili mo na baka ikaw ay masangkot sa isang aksidente?
Rider 3: Oo, lagi. Kasi eexpect mo na yun sa isang araw, paglalabas ka. ‘Di mo kasi masasabi kung
maaksidente ka o hindi eh, kaya eexpect mo rin talaga.
Interviewer: Naging parte ba ng iyong pangamba yung pagbagyo tsaka pagbaha po?
Rider 3: Naging ano?
Interviewer: Yung pangamba niyo po ba pagbaha tsaka pagbagyo. Naging parte po ba ng pangamba niyo?
Rider 3: Oo, lalo pagka may bagyo tas nagbabaha kasi ‘di rin kami makakabyahe ng ganun.
Interviewer: Pero tumatanggap po kayo?
Rider 3: Oo, basta yung lugar alam namin na walang baha, tinatanggap namin yung booking. Pero pag
baha, pinapa-cancel nalang namin.
Interviewer: Ilang oras po kayo madalas nag…
Interviewer: Kuya, wait lang. Follow up lang about sa weather. Parang minsan ba, sa palagay niyo din
advantage sa inyo na sa pag-ulan kasi mas maraming order or kabaliktaran po?
Rider 3: Yun, mas maraming order, kaso nga lang hassle rin kasi pag maulan. Kaya konti lang din
lumalabas na rider ganyan.
Interviewer: Ilang oras po kayo madalas nag-fofood delivery service po?
Rider 3: Ano, 12 hours.
Interviewer: Anong oras po kayo madalas makaranas ng mga pagsubok po? Tuwing gabi, umaga, tanghali,
hapon po?
Rider 3: Pag ano, mga hapon kasi dun na yung traffic eh.
Interviewer: Paano naapektuhan nung mga karanasan po na sinabi niyo yung time management niyo po?
Rider 3: Siguro pagka ano, lumalabas nalang ako ng maaga para maiwasan ko rin yung ganun na traffic.
Interviewer: Paano po nakakaabala sa inyo yung hindi pagsagot ng call o text, maling address o pangalan sa
pagdedeliver niyo po?
Rider 3: Paano nakakaabala?
Interviewer: Paano po nakakaabala sainyo pag hindi po sinasagot ng customer yung call, text, tas minsan mali
pa po yung address o contact number.
Rider 3: Oo ayun, hassle din yun eh pagkaganun. Pagka di matawagan, hindi ma-text. Kumbaga may
address pero pag kinatok mo, mali naman pala yung ano. Kaya nakakahiya rin pagka ano.
Interviewer: Pero sa palagay niyo sir kung laging tama ba yung binibigay ng customer is mas makaka-receive
pa kayo ng panibagong order niyo?
Rider 3: Oo, kasi mas mabilis yung transaction. Tas (inaudible) booking.
Interviewer: Ilang oras po ang nasasayang sa inyo pag nakaranas kayo ng pagsubok? Simula po sa pagpila niyo
po sa counter, pagkuha ng order, at yung pag-delivery niyo po.
Rider 3: Mga ano, minutes lang din naman. Kasi ngayon kadalasan advance na yung ano eh, pagpasok
samin madalas pini-pick up nalang namin kaya okay na rin ngayon.
Interviewer: Kaya ‘di na po kayo pumipila?
Rider 3: Oo, hindi na.

Interviewer: Nagkaroon po ba ng oras na hindi niyo naabot yung gusto niyong quota kasi po na-delay nga po
Rider 3: Oo, minsan pag matagal maluto yung pagkain ganyan, talagang di maano.
Interviewer: Nakakaapekto po ba sa ratings po ninyo bilang isang food app rider yung mga delayed delivery
order kahit na hindi niyo naman po kontrolado ito?
Rider 3: Oo, kahit hindi namin yun kasalanan kami yung ni-rarate kasi ang tagal dumating ng pagkain.
Interviewer: Ano po yung pangunahing reaction niyo pagkatapos niyo po makaranas ng isang pagsubok po?
Rider 3: Ano syempre parang nakakainis din, imbis na tuloy-tuloy lang yung byahe parang naabala pa.
Interviewer: Paano niyo po kaya nakakayanan yung pagkadismaya niyo po pagkatapos makaranas ng isang
Rider 3: Ano, minsan next booking binabawian naman kami ng mabilis yung papasok para hindi palaging
Interviewer: Parang, parang yung rate niyo po sa inyo ng iba?
Rider 3: Oo, oo.
Interviewer: Anong po yung mga bagay na sinubukan niyo pong gawin pagkatapos makaranas ng isang
pagsubok? Parang yung coping mechanism niyo po.
Rider 3: Pagka ano?
Interviewer: Pagkatapos niyo po mag… yung pagsubok po kunwari yung mahaba pila, maling address or
pangalan. Ano po kaya yung ginagawa niyo after non para po maging okay kayo?
Rider 3: Ano… parang mas binibilisan nalang namin eh para makahabol kasi yung ano eh, yung oras,
sayang din yung oras.
Interviewer: Kung hindi po sapat yung perang kinikita niyo , paano niyo po ito nairaraos po?
Rider 3: Ano, parang nagtitipid nalang sa ibang bagay.
Interviewer: Ano po kaya yung mga ibang ginagawa niyo para magkaroon po ng extra income para matustusan
ang pang-araw-araw na gastusin?
Rider 3: Ano… may tindahan kasi kami eh.
Interviewer: Ahh okay po.
Interviewer: Mula po sa inyong mga karanasan, ano po naisip mong paraan para maiwasan yung pagka sayang
ng mga oportunidad dulot ng delays at magkaroon ng magandang time management?
Rider 3: Ano?
Interviewer: Naisip niyo pong paraan para maiwasan po yung mga sayang po na opportunities dahil sa mga
delayed orders, tas magkaroon na rin po ng magandang time management po kayo.
Rider 3: Ayun, ganun lang. Minsan inaagahan ko nalang, o kaya minsan naman nagpapa-delay nalang ako
ng uwi para mabawi ko yung oras na nasayang.
Interviewer: Ano po yung ginagawa niyo para makasigurado po kayo na yung susunod na customer niyo po ay
po hindi manloloko, hindi po bogus.
Rider 3: Hindi namin ano eh, hindi namin kasi hawak yung kung sino yung papasok sa amin na customer
Interviewer: Ano po yung motivation niyo sa pagpapatuloy po ng pagtrabaho niyo?
Rider 3: Ano yung mga anak ko, pamilya ko. Sila talaga yung ano kaya ako andito, kaya ako bumabyahe.
Interviewer: Paano po nakakaapekto yung mga pagsubok na ‘to sa mga… na naranasan niyo po sa performance
ng serbisyo niyo po?
Rider 3: Na?
Interviewer: Paano po kaya nakakaapekto yung mga challenges na yan sa quality of service na binibigay niyo
po sa mga customer niyo? Para po bang may nag-iiba po ba dahil sa mga naranasan niyo?
Rider 3: Hindi naman, parang wala hindi ko rin ano eh.
Interviewer: Parang sa palagay niyo ba, parang minsan nabubuntong na…
Rider 3: Parang ayaw mo na ganun?
Interviewer: Yung inis niyo nadadala niyo pa rin sa iba.
Rider 3: Oo, minsan.
Interviewer: Parang nasusungitan niyo po yung mga customer ganun.
Rider 3: Oo, minsan napagalitan din namin pagka, parang tinatama lang namin yung mga mali nila.
Interviewer: Napapagod po ba kayo at nahihirapan na pagkatiwalaan ang mga susunod niyong customer?
Rider 3: Hindi naman, kasi kadalasan naman kasi ngayon, parang yung mga customer kasi hindi na katulad
dati na yung wala masyadong alam sa app. Mga ano, kumbaga alam na talaga nila eh, alam na nila
gamitin, kaya bihira nalang yung abala na ganun.
Interviewer: Base po sa inyong karanasan, paano niyo po maiilarawan ang kalidad ng iyong serbisyo po. Paano
niyo po kaya masasabi yung quality of service na binibigay niyo, like maganda po ba?
Rider 3: Oo, kasi kumbaga sa…
Interviewer: Sa palagay niyo po hindi na-aappreciate ng iba ganun.
Rider 3: Siguro na-aappreciate naman nila ng mga customer kasi hawak kamay lang tas darating na yung
ano eh. Kumbaga cellphone lang dadating yung pagkain nila, kaya na-aappreciate din nila.

Interviewer: Paano dun sa mga kuya, parang yung mga nagsusungit sainyo kasi ang tagal ma-deliver ganun.
Rider 3: Ano, parang pinapaliwanag ko lang din na agad na, di naman po kami yung nagluluto ayun, tapos
pag-deliver mabilis lang naman ma-deliver eh. Ang matagal lang yung waiting lang ng pagkain.
Interviewer: Pagkatapos po ng mga pinagdaanan niyong pagsubok bilang isang food app rider po, ano po kaya
yung sa tingin niyo pinagkaiba ng serbisyo na binibigay niyo noon at ngayon? Dahil 6 years na rin
bilang food app rider.
Rider 3: Wala parehas lang, parang di naman kasi ano eh, ganun pa rin parang hindi naman nagbabago.
Kumbaga mas napapadali na ang lahat kasi dahil sa experience ko na nga rin.
Interviewer: Nawalan po ba kayo ng interes sa trabaho niyo po dahil sa mga pagsubok?
Rider 3: Hindi naman, kasi kumikita naman kasi kami ng maganda eh.
Interviewer: Nagkaroon po ba ng punto sa buhay niyo na gusto niyo na mag-resign?
Rider 3: Hindi, hindi ko pa naiisip eh kasi ayoko rin ng ibang trabaho eh. Gusto ko eto eh, kasi hawak ko
yung oras ko tas wala akong boss, kaya eto talaga yung gusto ko.
Interviewer: Ahh eto po, i-rarate niyo po from 1 to 10, 10 po yung pinakamahirap tas 1 naman po yung
pinakamadali. Sa tingin niyo po, gaano po kahirap ang naging karanasan mo bilang food app rider
Rider 3: Siguro ang i-rarate ko mga, mas madali yung 1 ano?
Interviewer: Opo.
Rider 3: Mga 3 ganyan, kumbaga mahirap lang talaga yung sa kalsada. Pero yung mga pag kuha-kuha ng
pagkain, mga pagbati sa customer, madali na yung mga ganun eh, sa kalsada lang yung mahirap.
Interviewer: Eto po last question na po. Mayroon po ba kayong gustong solusyon na ipatupad ni grab po?
Rider 3: Yung ano…
Interviewer: Para po yung mag-bebenefit po sainyong mga rider.
Rider 3: Magkaroon ng ano, yung benepisyo sana kasi wala kami nun eh, wala kaming benefits eh. Yung
mga SSS ganon pag-ibig. Yun sana kung magkakaroon sana yung grab na ganun mas maganda
Interviewer: Sa ano kuya, sa kita na binibigay ni grab. Parang gusto niyo ba tumaas or sa palagay niyo okay pa
naman yung binibigay sa ngayon.
Rider 3: Syempre gusto namin mas mataas kasi dagdag kita namin yun eh.
Interviewer: Kuya ano, parang dati ba yung kinikita niyo dito parang mas bumaba kaysa sa binibigay ni grab
Rider 3: Oo mas bumaba. Dati mataas talaga, ngayon tumaas lang yung gas pero mababa pa rin yung bigay
Interviewer: Kuya last na, diba meron kayong… meron din po ba kayong time na kailangan within 15 minutes
niyo, kasi si foodpanda may ganun eh.
Rider 3: Hindi, samin wala.
Interviewer: Wala naman?
Rider 3: Oo. kumbaga, makakatakbo ka pa rin ng ano, yung safe lang.
Interviewer: Ayun lang naman po, maraming-maraming salamat po .
Interviewer: Thank you po, thank you po.

Transcription 4
Interviewee: Rider 4
Date: October 18, 2022
Place: San Juan City

Interviewer: So ano po yung pangalan niyo po sir?

Rider 4: Richard Illiares po
Interviewer: Ilang taon ka na po sir?
Rider 4: 32
Interviewer: taga saan po kayo?
Rider 4: Quezon City
Interviewer: Pero po mostly po yung magiging food app rider, dito po kayo mostly sa green hills
Rider 4: Oo, dito-dito ako naka area dito ako umaano ng booking nag aantay
Interviewer: So, gaano na po kayo katagal na food app rider po?
Rider 4: Ahh, two years na rin
Interviewer: Bakit niyo po piniling maging food app rider. Ito po ba ang pangunahing niyog trabaho or sideline lang po?
Rider 4: Ano na marami na rin akong pinag daanang trabaho pero mas ano si grab eh, mas magaan-gaan sa'kin eh
Interviewer: Bali ito na po yung pangunahing trabaho niyo po ngayon?
Rider 4: Oo, ito na-ito na yung bago kong trabaho ngayon
Interviewer: Gaano po karami ang order ang natatanggap niyo po sa isang araw po?
Rider 4: Depende, 'pag maaga ka masipag ka mas marami kang makukuhang booking marami kan madedeliver pero
'pag ka tanghali ka na wala sakto lang ta's uuwi ka agad konti langmakukuha mong booking pero kahit
tanghalian ka na umabot ka naman ng madaling araw o bukas ka pa uuwi puwede 'yon kasi wala naman limit
yung ano eh... yung ano ni grab eh always on naman yung delivery
Interviewer: 'Pag matumal po mga ilang order po yung range na natatanggap niyo?
Rider 4: Kunyare oo, ahh... siguro ano nasa-nasa 15 rides mga gano'n
Interviewer: 'Pag ka ano naman po malakas
Rider 4: Malakas, sa ano 30 rides
Interviewer: Pero po kayo po i-range niyo sa araw-araw mga gaano po karami po yung na...
Rider 4: Ngayon naka ano na'ko 15 na'ko eh, simula alas syete oo
Interviewer: Ah, nakaranas na po ba kayo ng challenges sa pagiging food app rider? Kung ano po, kung oo ahm... ga'no po
Rider 4: Madalas din sa isang araw meron talagang ano may mga trouble oo 'yan may trouble na meron mag fa-fake
merong mag fa-fake booking merong nag order ng adress pero 'di pala tama yung location yung gano'n
Interviewer: Ah, interms of weather condition po nagkakaroon po ba kayo ng problema sa weather condition po? For
example po sobrang init or...
Rider 4: Oo, pero tyagaan lang talaga kahit bumagyo umulan 'pag gusto mo, kailangan kumita ayun diretso pa rin
yung byahe
Interviewer: Masasabi niyo po ba na yung ah weather condition po is minsan po nagiging advantage po sa inyo lalo na po
yung pag-ulan
Rider 4: Oo, isa rin 'yan sa pag-ulan syempre yung mga ibang rider nagsisi-uwian na ayaw na... na nilalamig na dahil
basang-basa na rin ng ulan pero kung masipag ka talaga kung gusto mo pang kumita syempre iilan na lang
yung rider talagang dagsaan yung booking sa'yo gano'n
Interviewer: Ah, 'pag ka maulan po minsan po mas madami po talaga
Rider 4: Oo, mas 'yun yung na aano namin sa ano eh sa order eh 'pag ka umuulan
Interviewer: Ah, nasangkot na po ba kayo sa aksidente po bilang food app rider?
Rider 4: Oo, meron na... yung nasa likod ko nagulyap ako eh sabay biglang may dumaan na biker napahinto ako yung
nasa likod ko napahinto pero nabangga na niya ako
Interviewer: Ah, nakaranas na po kayo, for example po ahm.. kulang po yung order or minsan po
Rider 4: 'Yun isa rin 'yon oo
Interviewer: Kulang po yung order
Rider 4: Oo
Interviewer: and then nagagalit po si customer
Rider 4: Oo, si customer 'yon i-cocomplain minsan didiretso kay grab pero mas maganda kami muna direkta niya
bago siya dumeretsa kay grab para maayos namin yung mga ganu'ng problem maipunta ko rin sa may
Interviewer: Opo, eh ano po halimbawa naman po sa mga... parang hindi po pagsagot sa mga call or text
Rider 4: Ayun isa rin 'yon napakalaking istorbo nu'n syempre ikaw 'di ba nag order ka tapos tutulog-tulog ka kami

inabot kami ng isang oras kakatawag kaka-text syempre kawawa naman si rider kaya 'yon talaga ano na lang
wala kaming magawa eh hintay na lang kami hanggang lumabas tawag call kami nang call hanggang sagutin
wala... hanggang do'n hangggang do'n na yung trabaho namin eh
Interviewer: Pagsubok naman po sa mga ano sa mga promo po binibigay po ni merchant
Rider 4: Ayon
Interviewer: Like delayed po dahil sa promo gano'n nakaranas na po kayo ng challenges gano'n po
Rider 4: Delay?
Interviewer: Opo
Rider 4: Promo, minsan ganu'n nadedelay dahil sobrang daming rider ngayon yung apps ngayon ng sa merchant hindi
agad nag aappear kaya nadedelay kami ngayon antay kami nang antay 'di pala pumapasok yung booking
Interviewer: Opo, parang nadelay din po sa system ganu'n po?
Rider 4: Oo, gano'n, ganu'n 'yon gano'n yung nangyari
Interviewer: So, sa mga nabanggit po na challenges. Ano po yung pinaka hindi niyo po makakalimutan po parang yung
pinaka hassle po na masasabi niyo gano'n po?
Rider 4: Oo, yung sa'kin nu'ng nag order si customer tapos 'di siya nag uupdate tapos 'yun hanggang tawag ako nang
tawag 'yun yung pinaka ano dapat kapag once nag order ang isang... isang customer dapat updated siya sa
order niya hindi yung pinapabayaan niya lang 'yun yung pinaka ano
Interviewer: Parang dapat maging responsable yung customer
Rider 4: Oo, 'yun... 'yun ang ano nakaka... ano sa ibang customer
Interviewer: So, du'n po sa pinaka hindi niyo po makakalimutan. Ano po yung unang reaksyon niyo or naramdaman po
nu'ng naranasan niyo po 'yon?
Rider 4: Sobrang sakit parang... parang ayoko na magdeliver eh kasi imbis na ito may hanap-buhay namin mas wala
kaming amo mas wala kaming ano mas makakaluwag kami pero yung naramdaman ko parang sasabog yung
ano ko eh yung puso ko eh kasi napaka sakit biruin mo
Interviewer: Nakakadismaya po
Rider 4: Oo, nakakadismaya init, ulan tapos 'pag punta mo do'n sa location ni customer tapos wala naman pala. Ang
tagal niya bago ano...
Interviewer: Saan niyo po madalas nararansan yung mga ganitong challenges po?
Rider 4: Depende eh, pero 'di ko na maalala pero...
Interviewer: Pero madalas ba 'yun sir?
Rider 4: Madalang naman din' yun, madalang
Interviewer: Pero mahirap po kapag naranasan po talaga?
Rider 4: Oo, ah… meron madalas diyan sa campo marami kasi nga eh… mga kapulisan 'di ba mga busy pero may
meeting tapos 'di agad nila na uupdate yung order du'n. Madalas diyan sa ano… sa may krami
Interviewer: In financial aspect po. Ano po yung target income niyo po sa isang araw?
Rider 4: Dapat maka-1500 ka para… gasolina tapos gastos pa… sa pamilya gano'n mga 1500
Interviewer: May required po ba na bilang na dapat niyong matanggap na order sa isang araw?
Rider 4: Wala naman
Interviewer: Pero po, ah… in your personal ano po, meron ka po bang target for personal…
Rider 4: Ahh, meron-meron, meron kaming target dito kung gustuhin mo yung ano pala incentive dapat maka ano
ka… kung mag tya-tyaga ka kahit matumal maghihintay ka
Interviewer: Ah, may target po? tapos may ibibigay po na incentive sa inyo?
Rider 4: Oo, incentive-incentives
Interviewer: Pero po hindi naman po siya sobrang required na kailangan maabot mo parang gano'n
Rider 4: Oo, depende naman sa'yo kung talagang gugustuhin mo lang. Pero kung gusto mo talagang maabot 'yon para
mas maano yung income mo madagdagan sa incentive. 'Yon maka apat na butas ka limang butas 'yon yung
tinatawag dito… gems-gems
Interviewer: Ahh, sa mga challenges po na napag usapan natin kanina. Paano po na… paano po nito naaapektuhan ang
inyong puhunan, kita, or contact po sa araw, isang araw po na pag tatrabaho? Kungyari po sa mga delays,
hindi sumasagot na customer, hindi kinukuha yung mga order po sa inyo. Paano po nu'n naaapektuhan yung
puhunan, kita, at kota niyo po sa isang araw?
Rider 4: Syempre una yung booking mo imbis na idedeliver mo na, papasukan ka ulit ng booking eh… 'di ka
mapasukan kaya ang tagal, kaya yung kita mo naman… 'di ka agad papasukan maloloss ulit yung ano dagdag
na kita mo gawa ng… wala, walang papasok eh. Hihintayin na lang kita maghapon eh… wala ng kikitain
gano' n
Interviewer: Sa puhunan po sir
Rider 4: Sa puhunan naman wala namang problema sa puhunan, ando'n-ando'n yung puhunan. Sa oras lang yung
pagpasok lang ng income sa'yo madadagdagan
Interviewer: Opo, sa mga karanasan niyo po na… naranasan gaano kalaking pera na ang nawala sa inyo po dahil do'n.
Parang meron pong time na parang ah… nakuha po talaga yung buong kita niyo sa isang araw ganu'n
Rider 4: Wala naman, hindi naman…hindi masyado

Interviewer: Pero may time na po na nabawasan po yung income niyo dahil po sa mga challenges na naranasan niyo sa…
food app rider. Halimbawa po sa… 'yun nga po yung hindi kinukuha ni customer yung order niya or yung sa
aksidente niyo po gano'n
Rider 4: 'Di nakukuha naman 'yan… nakukuha naman nila kaso nga lang matagal lang meron talaga na gano'n
Interviewer: Parang ang naaapektuhan lang po talaga yung time management
Rider 4: Yung time lang oo 'yon oo
Interviewer: Ah, saan niyo po nilalaan ang sweldo niyo, yung masasabi niyo po ba na sapat ang inyong kinikita sa pang
Rider 4: Oo, sapat naman basta masipag ka lang. Alam mong maaga ka bumabyahe gabi ka na uuwi 'yon sapat talaga
'yon talagang kikita ka ng tama
Interviewer: Saan niyo po madalas ah… nilalaan po yung sweldo niyo?
Rider 4: Sa pamilya syempre pinaka mahalaga eh
Interviewer: Sariling pera niyo po ba ang ginagamit if ever na nakaranas kayo ng binalik ahm… order o hindi po
Rider 4: Oo, sariling pera namin 'yon eh
Interviewer: Ano pong masasabi niyo sa mga tumatanggap ng transaksyon na labas sa ah… policy niyo po. Halimbawa
nag order sa Jollibee tapos nag chat pasabay sa Mercury ng gamot at mag aadditional na bayad na lang
Rider 4: Meron namang gano'n yung sa gamot pinapakiusapan naman kung papayag kami pero 'pag… kasi gamot eh
syempre kailangan na eh
Interviewer: Pero sir kahit sa iba, like for example may ipapabili sa grocery ganu'n
Rider 4: Ay, sa grocery hindi na, yung mga gamot lang para… para naman makatulong sa, ayun sa… siguro naubusan
na nang gamot wala ng ano…
Interviewer: Nag aadditional naman po sila like na bayad po gano'n?
Rider 4: Oo, ayun na lang sila na bahala kung magkano ibibigay nila
Interviewer: Pero sa ano…
Rider 4: Depende naman sa location kung malapit lang naman yung Mercury diyan, syempre andiyan yung ano…
pwede ko naman gawin 'yon
Interviewer: Sa palagay niyo po ba sa ah… ah, parang sapat po yung binibigay nila sa inyo na for example or feeling niyo
po parang naaapektuhan niyo po yung income niyo sa isang araw
Rider 4: 'Di, okay naman nadadagdagan nga pagka ganu'n eh
Interviewer: Sa ano naman po ah… sa kalusugan po naaapektuhan po ba ng mga challenges na ito yung kalusugan niyo?
Rider 4: Oo
Interviewer: Halimbawa po sa weather po
Rider 4: Oo, sa weather minsan syempre magkakaroon ka rin ng sakit sa katawan, sakit sa ulo syempre kapag
nasobrahan kana sa sobrang babad sa init 'yan pagka humihina na yung stamina mo dahil maghapon kang
bumabyahe maulan
Interviewer: Opo, sa mental health sir, lalo na po kanina sabi niyo hindi niyo talaga makakalimutan yung…
Rider 4: Ayun oo, ganu'n talaga
Interviewer: Parang nasisira na yung araw niyo ganu'n
Rider 4: Oo, 'yun ganu'n isa 'yon… 'yun yung pinaka ano matindi. Pero the rest du'n kapag nasanay ka na tanggapin
mo na lang
Interviewer: Paano po naaapektuhan ang inyong karanasan ang pag tanggap ng order sa mga susunod niyo po na
customer? For example sir, dahil naranasan niyo parang nawawalan na po ba kayo ng gana mag deliver pa sa
susunod na customer ganu'n
Rider 4: Hindi, eh challenge lang eh ganu'n talaga tyagaan nga lang eh 'pag may tyaga may nilaga gano'n
Interviewer: Ahh, sa tingin niyo po ba ay sulit na i-risk ang inyong kalusugan para sa trabaho na'to
Rider 4: Oo, dapat meron ka ring maintain sa sarili mo pagka ganito kasi 'di mo rin… ano 'man yung sitwasyon kasi
nasa daan ka eh… oo
Interviewer: Nababahala ka po ba sa iyong kalusugan ngayong pandemic?
Rider 4: Hindi, naman basta alam mo sa sarili mo, kumakain ka ng tama, natutulog ka ng tama 'yan kumain ka ng…
uminom ka ng vitamins
Interviewer: Sir ulitin ko lang, ilang taon na po kayo nag ga-grab
Rider 4: 32, ay nag ga-grab? 2 years na
Interviewer: Pero po nu'ng kasagsagan ng pandemic kinakabahan po ba kayo para sa kalusugan niyo na… ay baka
mahawa ako parang ayoko ko muna mag trabaho kasi ang dami pang nakakasalamuha na ibang tao
Rider 4: Oo, isa rin 'yon meron talagang… nakapasok talaga yung oras na 'yon
Interviewer: Ah, 'di ba po nasabi niyo po kanina nga na inaalagan niyo rin po yung health niyo na kumain sa tamang oras,
matulog sa tamang oras. So, bali hindi po kayo nag oovertime dito sa pag fo-food app riders niyo po
Rider 4: Hindi, pag ka once na pumasok na' ko ng 8 to 5, o 7 to 5 puwede na 'yon
Interviewer: Hindi na po mag eexceed doon?
Rider 4: Oo
Interviewer: Okay po

Interviewer: May punto po ba sa buhay mo na naisip mo na nag aalala ang pamilya mo sa iyong kalusugan at kaligtasan
bigay ng inyong work environment
Rider 4: Oo, meron talaga ganu'n talaga eh 'di maiwasan syempre 'di ba nasa kalsada yung hanap buhay namin eh
Interviewer: May punto po ba na nakita mo na sa sarili mo na ikaw ay masangkot sa isang aksidente
Rider 4: Oo
Interviewer: Naging parte po ba ng inyong pangamba ang pagbagyo at pagbaha
Rider 4: Oo, meron din ano rin…
Interviewer: Ah, ilang oras po kayo madalas ang fo-food delivery service
Rider 4: 12 hours, minsan gano'n
Interviewer: 'Yun na po yung pinaka matagal?
Rider 4: Oo 'yon oo, 7 to 7 minsan kapag uwi na'ko 7 to 5 depende gano'n pero yung pang gabi na hindi na
Interviewer: Hindi na po?
Rider 4: Ito lang mamaya uwi na'ko mga alas-sais gano'n
Interviewer: Ahh, ilang oras po ang nasasayang niyo sa inyong mga challenges… ah, ilang oras po ang nasasayang sa inyo
kapag nakaranas po kayo ng pagsubok po?
Rider 4: Ilang oras na?
Interviewer: Opo, parang sa palagay niyo po ilang oras yung nasasayang po sa inyo 'pag nakakaranas po kayo ng mga
challenges sa pagiging rider po. Kahit lang range lang kuya
Rider 4: Mga ano lang… mga dalawa, isang oras gano'n
Interviewer: Opo, so sa palagay niyo po mas madami kayong order na matatanggap po sa isang oras po kuya
Rider 4: Oo, meron… pero sa ngayon walang binibigay si Grab eh, ganiyan mag aantay ka lang pero 'pag may mga
ganu'ng ingkwentro lang naman…
Interviewer: Sir, sabi niyo binibigay ni Grab, bali si Grab po yung namimili kung… kung kayo po yung pipiliin nila mag
deliver ganu'n po ba?
Rider 4: Hindi, kami na mag dedeliver kumbaga nag aantay kami ng…
Interviewer: Yung papasok po?
Rider 4: Oo, yung… order kung kanino man 'yon, dito sa apps namin
Interviewer: Ah, mag aaccept lang po kayo?
Rider 4: Oo
Interviewer: Hindi pwedeng mamili?
Rider 4: Hindi, hindi… hindi katulad ng Lalamove. Sa Lalamove du'n mamimili ka kung…
Interviewer: Kung malayo or malapit lang…
Rider 4: Oo, oo ito kung saan papasok ni Grab sa'min tanggap namin yung dedeliver namin gano'n
Interviewer: Ah, nakakaapekto po ba sa inyong ratings ang mga delayed delivery order kahit na hindi
niyo naman po ito kontrolado?
Rider 4: Oo, eh… nakaka ano talaga 'yon eh syempre wala kaming magawa eh 'yun na 'yon eh
Interviewer: Paano niyo po nakakayanan ang pagka dismaya niyo pagkatapos makaranas ng isang
Rider 4: Syempre eh lakas na ng loob sa hirap ng buhay kailangan… kailangan mo ng lakas ng loob kahit anong
mangyari tanggapin… tanggapin mo lang kasi walang mangyayari kung pa tuloy kang maglulugmok eh wala
na parang ibig sabihin nu'n sumuko ka na 'di ba
Interviewer: Opo, bukod po sa pagtanggap na lang nito sa inyo kasi para sa trabaho niyo naman talaga 'yon. Meron po ba
kayong ibang bagay na sinubukan gawin para pagkatapos makaranas ng isang pagsubok po, like booking
mechanism niyo po?
Rider 4: Wala, eto… naka grab lang ako eh wala namang ano…
Interviewer: Kung hindi sapat ang inyong kinikitang pera pa'no niyo po nairaraos po yung pang araw-araw. Meron po ba
kayong ginagawa para magkaroon ng extra income po?
Rider 4: Wala, ito lang kay Grab… 12 hours lang araw-araw ka lang bumyahe
Interviewer: So, yung kinikita niyo po sa isang araw is nagiging sapat naman po sa…
Rider 4: Oo, sapat naman
Interviewer: Pangangailangan niyo po sa gastusin or sobra pa po?
Rider 4: Sakto lang
Interviewer: Sakto lang po?
Rider 4: 'Yon sakto lang
Interviewer: Mula po sa inyong mga karanasan ano po ang mga naisip niyo pong paraan para po maiwasan ang pagka
sayang ng oras dulot ng delays at magkaroon ng magandang time management po?
Rider 4: Ito wala… wala akong ma ano eh hintayin ko na lang
Interviewer: Parang yung nabanggit niyo lang po kanina talagang minsan pumapasok po kayo nang mas maaga para mas
marami pong…
Rider 4: Ayun, oo ganu'n lang
Interviewer: Ano po ang ginagawa niyo para makasiguro na ang susunod na customer ay hindi manloloko po?
Rider 4: Manloloko?

Interviewer: Opo, parang fa-fake book ganu'n

Rider 4: 'Di sa fake book naman 'pag cash lang 'yon na 'pag nandu'n na 'yon pero pag ka mga naka credit na 'yon wala
na 'yon bayad na 'yon ng customer wala ng problema du'n
Interviewer: Ano po ang inyong motivation para magpa tuloy sa pag tatrabaho kahit na ang daming pagsubok na pwede
pong mangyari?
Rider 4: Ano lang… syempre para nga sa pamilya eh 'yon yung pinaka ano sa… kapag nabubuhay
Interviewer: Paano nakakaapekto ang mga pagsubok na inyong naranasan sa performance ng inyong serbisyo bilang isang
food app rider po?
Rider 4: Paano na?
Interviewer: Paano po nakakaapekto yung mga pagsubok na inyong naranasan sa performance niyo po bilang isang food
app rider po
Rider 4: Inspirasyon mo lang yung mga ganu'ng bagay yung mga ganu'ng pagsubok kahit anong mangyari 'wag kang
Interviewer: Parang nagiging motivation na po sa inyo para…
Rider 4: Oo, para mas lalo mong pagsikapan, pag igihan
Interviewer: Mas gandahan niyo pa po yung service na ibibigay niyo
Rider 4: Oo
Interviewer: Napapagod po ba kayo at nahihirapan na pagkatiwalaan ang mga susunod na customer
Rider 4: Ewan ko kasi may iba-iba kasing tao na… rider din mahaba yung pag-unawa eh ayun maaano yung customer,
depende rin kasi 'yun eh
Interviewer: Pagkatapos po ng mga pinag daanan niyong pagsubok. Ano po yung pinagkaiba ng binibigay niyong serbisyo
noon at ngayon, meron po bang nagbago?
Rider 4: Oo, meron eh kasi dati may mga customer na magagalitin, maaarte ngayon sasabayan mo init din ng ulo
ngayon 'di na hayaan mo na lang… ikaw na humihingi ng pasensya
Interviewer: Nakaramdam na po ba kayo ng katamaran as a rider po
Rider 4: Syempre minsan nararamdam ko 'yun 'pag pagod ka na nakakatamad talaga 'yon, 'pag kulang ka sa tulog
Interviewer: Nawalan na po ba kayo ng interes sa pag trabaho dahil sa mga pagsubok?
Rider 4: Hindi, medyo minsan na… magkakaro'n ka ano dahil nga… sa kalsada ka pero isipin mo lang, tuloy lang
ganu'n lang. Meron sumasagi talaga sa isip 'yon pag ka ganu'n minsan
Interviewer: Nagkaroon na po ba ng punto sa buhay niyo na gusto na pong mag resign?
Rider 4: Oo, meron ako dati bukod dito sa Grab ko gusto ko talagang mag resign kasi mga amo ko tapos mga
kasamahan ko sipsip, naninira hahahaha
Interviewer: Sa sukat ng isa hanggang sampo ga'no po kahirap ang naging karanasan mo bilang food app rider. Ten ang
pinaka mahirap at One ang pinaka madali
Rider 4: Ano lang mga siguro mga 5
Interviewer: Ito po, meron po ba kayong gustong ipatupad na solusyon ni Grab company po na makakatulong po sa inyo
Rider 4: Sa'min gusto namin bilang makatulong siya, taasan niya yung rate ng pamasahe 'yon para mas kahit papa'no
dahil sa sitwasyon namin 'di ba, motor namin sarili namin gasolina sarili namin tapos ang baba minsan ng
rate ng fare 'yon
Interviewer: Ah, 'yang pong sa gasolina po nabanggit din kanina po. Ah, yung gasolina po sariling pera niyo po ang
Rider 4: Oo, sariling talaga 'yan, oo pati pag abono
Interviewer: Parang sa palagay niyo po parang ah… gusto niyo po bang i-request kay Grab na sana yung gasolina may
binibigay sila every… kunyare every week gano'n…
Interviewer: Allowance
Interviewer: Allowance for gasoline gano'n
Rider 4: Meron naman, meron siyang pinapa-hit sa'min na ano eh kaso didilat muna yung mata mo eh… mahirap
Interviewer: Bali, yung request niyo lang po is dapat po taasan po yung fare nu'ng bayad po
Rider 4: Oo, yung bayad sa…
Interviewer: By health benefit sir, may health benefits po ba si Grab company?
Rider 4: Wala eh
Interviewer: Like SSS gano'n
Rider 4: Wala-wala
Interviewer: Wala po?
Rider 4: Sarili ka eh, self employed kang maghuhulog
Interviewer: So, ayun lang naman po maraming-maraming salamat po
Interviewer: Maraming salamat po!

Transcription 5
Interviewee: Rider 5
Date: October 18, 2022
Place: San Juan City

Interviewer: Sir, ano pong pangalan niyo?

Rider 5: Freddie po.
Interviewer: Ilang taon ka na po?
Rider 5: 51 po.
Interviewer: Taga saan po kayo?
Rider 5: Taga Quezon City
Interviewer: Ah gaano na po kayo - ano po sir, dito ba kayo madalas nag fofood app rider? Sa ano po, San Juan po?
Rider 5: Opo kaso minsan, dinadala kami ng malayo eh. Taguig.
Interviewer: Opo. Ah yung mga umoorder po, sir?
Rider 5: Hindi, kapagka halimbawa, pipick-up ako ng Megamall, dadalhin ko ng Taguig, dapat dun nalang yun eh.
Interviewer: Ahh.
Rider 5: Dapat dun nalang yun eh. Ang layo dito, pipick-upin pa ng Megamall, andito ka. Tulad kahapon, tapos
pagdating ko ng Taguig, dinala naman ako ng Bicutan.
Interviewer: Malayo po.
Rider 5: Talo gasolina namin.
Interviewer: Opo. Sir, gano na po kayo katagal na nagfofood app rider?
Rider 5: 2019 nagstart ako dito.
Interviewer: So, bakit niyo po pinili maging food app rider? Eto po ba yung pangunahin niyong trabaho or sideline lang po
Rider 5: Dati kasi security guard ako eh na-floating ako sa security guard, sa ML. Na-adik sa ML eh. Dito ako napunta
sa Grab. Dati part time ko lang to, ngayon finull time ko na.
Interviewer: So, pero Sir, para sainyo Sir, okay naman po yung trabaho as a food app rider po?
Rider 5: Okay naman pa gaan lang. Kailangan ma ingat ka lang din kasi mahirap yung trabaho na ito eh.
Interviewer: Sir, gaano po karaming order ang natatanggap niyo po sa isang araw?
Rider 5: Pag maganda ang booking, minsan, nakaka 18 books kami pero mababa din yung kuwan minsan pa
singkwenta, singkwenta lang. Di naman nagkakalayo yung kita dito tsaka sa security.
Interviewer: Sir, nakakaranas po ba kayo ng challenges sa pagiging food app rider po?
Rider 5: Challenges na pano?
Interviewer: Ah yung sa weather condition po, minsan malakas ulan, malakas yung bagyo po, baha po.
Rider 5: Oo, kelangan namin kasi tulad niyan nagpapa loan siya, obligado kaming magbayad eh.
Interviewer: Eh Sir, yung mga -
Rider 5: Mula nung nagpapa loan siya, wala na parang hinahatak nalang kami magbayad, magloan ganun.
Interviewer: Sa aksidente naman po, Sir. Hindi naman - hindi pa naman po?
Rider 5: Aksidente?
Interviewer: Opo. Yung mga sumemplang po. Nabangga.
Rider 5: Dati, dun sa ano, teniment eh cinut ako nung nasa 4-line siya, nasa 2-lane ako eh. Cumut siya papunta ng
Shell. Sumalpok talaga to, basag to eh.
Interviewer: So, Sir kayo po yung nag abono nung pambayad po ng pag-ayos ng motor? Hindi po sa -
Rider 5: Hindi, pinabayaran ko sakanya. Binigyan niya lang ako, 3k.
Interviewer: Ahh.
Rider 5: Lugi pa ko kasi 2,800 pala tong lens na to. Di ko napansin.
Interviewer: Tapos Sir, sa ano naman po, fake booking po, nakaranas na po ba kayo ng fake booking?
Rider 5: Oo, na-scam pa nga ako pabili eh. Yung cellphone, kala ko bago. Pasay, dati kasi *inaudible* ako eh. Naka
pick-up ako ng cellphone, inabonohan ko limang libo, dun sa Pasay. Fake booking. Wala akong contact dun.
Tas tinignan ko yung cellphone, sira-sira. Kala ko bago.
Interviewer: Pero Sir, sa food app naman po, yung mga order po sa mga restaurant, hindi pa naman po?
Rider 5: Ganun yung ibang customer, pag hindi mo naidedeliver ng maayos, kinacancel nila. Matik yun, bayad na
yon, samin nachacharge yun.
Interviewer: So, kayo po ang nag-aabono po?
Rider 5: Oo ako ang nag-aabono.
Interviewer: So, ano po kaya ginagawa niyo po sa order na yon? Minsan po kasi parang binebenta po nila sa iba ganun po
Rider 5: Hindi, isosoli ko sa ano, sa Grab center. Kung malapit kami. Eh gagawan namin ng report para ma-refund
kaso maraming proseso kapag hindi mo naayos yung proseso ng mga requirements kay Grab. Hindi na rin
ibibigay sayo yung -

Interviewer: So, hassle po sainyo yun kasi syempre yung kinita niyo po parang nag-abono pa po kayo.
Rider 5: Oo. Yun na nga mahirap dun eh.
Interviewer: Sir, yung ano naman po, yung minsan po dahil po sa mga promos, sobrang tagal po parang mga isang oras -
Rider 5: Oo, pag mga promo.
Interviewer: Para po bang minsan nasisisi po kayo ng customer kasi ang tagal po kahit hindi niyo po kontrolado yung
deliver po?
Rider 5: Oo. Ako naman, pagka mga 1 hour na at hindi pa naipeprepare, sacrifice nalang ako. Cinacancel ko na. Kasi
1 hour na tapos hindi pa napeprepare diba? Eh talo na.
Interviewer: Naisip niyo po na like sayang po yung oras na yung sa isang oras niyo po na yon sana po madami na po
kayong natanggap?
Rider 5: Oo. Yung oras, maraming nasayang na oras. Tsaka yung booking sa iba.
Interviewer: Sir, sa address naman po, mga wrong address tas hindi po pagsagot ng call o text po, naging abala po ba yon?
Yung mga challenges po na ganon.
Rider 5: Hindi naman. Sa mga locations kasi, maganda naman yung ano niya, hindi naman kami naliligaw ligaw. Dati,
yung corporate express nga ang hirap hanapin nung location.
Interviewer: Sir, sa mga challenges po na nabanggit po kanina, ano po kaya yung pinaka hindi niyo po malilimutan bilang
isang food app rider po?
Rider 5: Hindi ko malilimutan?
Interviewer: Opo. Yung mga challenges po na binanggit kanina, yung mga maling add - yung matagal po kayo
naghihintay, wrong address, mga scam po. Mga ganon po.
Rider 5: Ah yung ano yung may nagbigay sakin ng gift tsaka pera pagpapasko non. Bigay ng damit sakin tsaka pera.
Interviewer: Na challenge po? Yung parang karanasan po?
Rider 5: Ah yung mga ano karanasan na..
Interviewer: Yung fake booking po.
Rider 5: Yun nga, yung hindi ko makalimutan yung cellphone kasi limang libo yun eh.
Interviewer: Pero sa pagiging food app rider po.
Rider 5: Biro mo ba naman birthday pa ng anak ko kinabukasan, umiyak. Wala akong maibigay. Kasi yung
pinangbayad ko don, pera rin ng customer. Kaya sinuspende ako ni Grab ng halos ano hangga't hindi ko
Interviewer: Ah Sir, nung nangyari po yon, ano po yung unang reaksyon o naramdaman niyo po?
Rider 5: Naiyak ako nanlumo ako kasi biro mo hirap ka na nga kumita tas mapepeke ka pa.
Interviewer: Opo. San lugar niyo po madalas makaranas ng challenges po na yon?
Rider 5: Diyan sa Alabang maraming mga budol diyan eh.
Interviewer: Sa Alabang po?
Rider 5: Oo.
Interviewer: Ah Sir, ano po yung target income niyo sa isang araw?
Rider 5: Kita namin?
Interviewer: Opo. Target niyo po.
Rider 5: Eh gusto ko nga maka 1,500 ako sa isang araw kasi gasolina ko nalang eh, umaabot na ng 300 eh. 350. Eh
yung loan ko pa nasa 450.
Interviewer: Eh Sir, may required na bilang po ba kayo na dapat niyo pong matanggap na order sa isang araw?
Rider 5: Po?
Interviewer: May target po ba kayo na - may required na bilang po yung dapat niyo po matanggap na order sa isang araw?
Like kunyari, dapat 20 po ganon po. Required na bilang po na order.
Rider 5: Maayos naman yung booking namin eh.
Interviewer: Wala po kayong target na - para sainyo po, ilan po per day yung dapat niyong matanggap na order?
Kumbaga, goal.
Rider 5: Ay wala eh.
Interviewer: Wala naman po?
Rider 5: Talagang kung ano yung pumasok, yun. Kasi si Grab pag nag cacancel ka, pahirapan ka non sa booking eh.
Interviewer: Paano po naapektuhan yung mga challenges na binanggit niyo po kanina yung puhunan niyo po, yung mga
kita niyo po like nababawasan po, nag-aabono kayo. Paano po naapektuhan?
Rider 5: Yung mga fake booking tsaka yung mga customer na di maayos kausap. Katulad non inaccept ko to, pag
dineliver ko to at hindi niya tinanggap, sakin babalik yun.
Interviewer: Ah Sir, gano kalaking pera na po ang nawala sayo dahil sa karanasan niyo po?
Rider 5: Ano, siguro mga nasa pitong libo na kasi yung iba mga 500, 400. Yung mga pagkain, inuuwi ko nalang eh.
Sacrifice nalang ako.
Interviewer: Opo. Hindi niyo po yun nababalik kay Grab?
Rider 5: Hindi nga naibabalik kasi maraming proseso si Grab. Gusto niya pipicturan mo pa, tapos kukunin mo yung
usapan niyo. Kailangan yung mga ebidensya ipapasa mo. Eh pag kulang, wala. Useless.
Interviewer: Ah Sir, meron po bang pagkakataong wala kayong kinikita dahil sa mga naranasan niyo nga po, kung minsan
inuuwi niyo. Ganon.

Rider 5: Paminsan kapag nalalayo ako, uuwi nalang ako kasi nakakatamad na. Katulad nung isang araw. Dalawang
beses - andito ako, dinala ako ng Cainta - Marikina, syempre di ako popular dun, wala akong booking don,
balik nanaman ako dito, eh dinala nanaman ako ng Cainta, umuwi na ako. Kasi wala na, kalahati na yung
gasolina ko eh. Hindi ko na ilalaban. Uwi nalang, pahinga. Malas kako yung araw na to. Bawi nalang ako sa
ibang araw ganon.
Interviewer: Sir, san niyo po nilalaan yung sweldo niyo po?
Rider 5: Yung?
Interviewer: Yung sweldo niyo po, saan niyo po nilalaan?
Rider 5: Sa pamilya ko tsaka sa loan. Yung mga bayaran, ilaw, tubig.
Interviewer: Sapat po ba yung kinikita niyo sa pang araw araw po?
Rider 5: Minsan kapos talaga eh. Kahapon nga nag-abono ako eh. Kasi yung loan niya, araw araw. Ganon kasi kami.
Papa-loan siya, eh nagloan ako gawa ng misis ko mayoma, dalawang beses na nga na-ospital yun eh.
Interviewer: Sariling pera niyo po yung ginagamit niyo pag binalik o hindi po tinanggap yung deliver niyo? Sariling pera
niyo po pag hindi po tinanggap, binalik po. Sariling pera niyo po?
Rider 5: Samin charge yun.
Interviewer: Ginagawa niyo nga po yung sinabi niyo po kanina na minsan inuuwi niyo nalang po kasi matagal po proseso
kay Grab?
Rider 5: Oo.
Interviewer: Ah Sir, eto po, ano po masasabi niyo sa mga tumatanggap ng transaksyon na labas sa policy niyo?
Halimbawa po nag-order po sa Jollibee si customer tapos magpapasabay po sa Mercury ng gamot tas
mag-aadditional bayad na lang po. Okay lang po ba sainyo yun? Ano po sa opinyon niyo po?
Rider 5: Kung malapit yung store, kasi customer eh. Lalo na kung mga gamot, binibigyan namin ng pabor. Pero kung
malayo, hindi na namin inaaccept yun kasi bawal kay Grab eh.
Interviewer: Pero kayo po, Sir. Tinatanggap niyo po yung mga ganon minsan?
Rider 5: Oo. Depende nga sakin kung malapit yung store pwede kong i-ano, pero kung malayo, hindi na kasi abala
yung - tsaka yung oras eh naka monitor kami eh.
Interviewer: Ahh. Sir, paano po naaapektuhan nung mga challenges na binanggit niyo po yung kalusugan niyo po?
Rider 5: Kalusugan?
Interviewer: Opo. Minsan po kasi Sir, nangyari na po ba sainyo yung -
Rider 5: Nagkakasakit noh ganon?
Interviewer: Minsan nalilipasan po kayo ng gutom kasi pag - nangyayare po sainyo yun?
Rider 5: Oo nangyayare yan. Puro tubig nga lang minsan eh. Katulad nga ngayon wala - kumuha nalang ako ng tubig
dito (points at McDo).
Interviewer: Eh Sir, paano po naapektuhan ng inyong mga karanasan po yung pag tanggap ng order sa mga susunod na
customer niyo? Sabi niyo nga po na-scam kayo, like, ano po yung ginagawa niyo para masigurado niyo po na
hindi naman po kayo ulit ma-fefake book?
Rider 5: Sa text po, sa replies. Tsaka yung, yung ano niya, yung mga message niya. Yun lang ganun lang.
Interviewer: Chinecheck niyo po - tinetext niyo po, tinatawagan niyo po agad? Pag sumagot po, ganon po?
Rider 5: Pagka nandon na ako sakanila. Pero pag dito, nag response ako kasi may message na siya eh pag pasok ng
booking, may message na siya.
Interviewer: Sir, sa tingin niyo po sulit na i-risk yung kalusugan niyo para sa trabaho na to kasi sabi niyo po minsan
nalilipasan po kayo ng gutom, sa tingin niyo po ba na sulit po i-risk niyo yung kalusugan niyo po?
Rider 5: Hindi naman kasi. Nasa samin na yun eh. Eh ako pag umaalis talaga ko, nagbebreakfast ako.
Interviewer: Opo.
Rider 5: Kasi mahirap yung wala kang breakfast tas hindi ka makaka lunch, yung kahit kaya ng isip mo, yung katawan
mo nanginginig na sa gutom. Eh dala dala mo yung sasakyan. Yun yung iniiwasan kong mangyari kaya
epektib yung iinom ka ng dalawang basong tubig sa umaga. Pag kinulang ka kasi sa tubig diyan sa umaga,
dun mo na mararamdaman kahit kumain ka kung kulang ka sa tubig, manginginig ka pa rin na hindi mo
Interviewer: Sir, nababahala ka po ba sa iyong kalusugan ngayong pandemic po? Lalo na po 2019 po kayo nagstart, like
yun po yung kasagsagan po ng pandemic, nag-alala po ba kayo sa kalusugan niyo po?
Rider 5: Opo. Lagi nga ako may alcohol eh. Tsaka yung, eto, facemask.
Interviewer: Sir, may punto po ba sa buhay mo na naisip mo na yung pamilya niyo po nag-aalala po sa kalusugan at
kaligtasan niyo nga po bigay ng iyong work environment po?
Rider 5: Oo, kaya yung inaano ko yung sapat na pagkain tsaka yung pagtitiwala, pagdarasal.
Interviewer: Sir, may punto po ba na nakita mo yung sarili mo na baka ikaw po ay masangkot sa isang aksidente po?
Rider 5: Oo, nasa - advance na kami don kasi alam mo naman trabaho namin eh. Kaya kailangan talaga ingat lang.
Interviewer: Sir, naging parte po ba ng iyong pangamba ang pagbagyo at pagbaha po?
Rider 5: Pagbaha?
Interviewer: Opo naging parte po ba ng inyong pangamba yung pag bagyo po at pagbaha po?
Rider 5: Oo.
Interviewer: Ah Sir, ask ko lang po pag malakas po yung ulan, madami rin po ba kayong natatanggap na order?

Rider 5: Depende kapagka malakas talaga yung ulan tsaka hangin, hindi na ako tumutuloy. Pero kapag ulan ulan lang,
hangga't kaya naman, tuloy lang. Kasi maraming nagbobook eh pag ganyang ma-ulan eh.
Interviewer: So para sainyo po, parang advantage po yung ganon? Yung umuulan po talaga kasi marami pong nag-oorder?
Rider 5: Oo.
Interviewer: Sir, ilang oras po kayo madalas nag food delivery service?
Rider 5: Kanina nag start ako dito dumarating ako minsan 10 hanggang 8 na yun.
Interviewer: Ng gabi po ?
Rider 5: Oo.
Interviewer: Sir, yung mga challenges niyo po na naranasan, anong oras mo po kaya yun madalas nararanasan? Mga
tuwing gabi, umaga, tanghali, hapon.
Rider 5: Hapon.
Interviewer: Hapon po madalas? Ah Sir, paano naapektuhan nun yung mga pagsubok niyo po yung time management niyo
po? Yung minsan po mga delay po sa promo, andami pong nasasayang na oras, paano po kaya naapektuhan
yun yung time management niyo po?
Rider 5: Ganun talaga, tiyagaan lang eh. Delay yung oras niya, di mo naman pwede na iano - lalo na kung nakuha mo
na yung item. Mag tiyaga ka nalang ng ganun.
Interviewer: Paano nakakaabala sa inyo ang hindi pagsagot ng tawag o text, minsan maling address binigay or pangalan sa
pagdedeliver niyo?
Rider 5: Oo, nangyayari talaga yun. Eh kelangan mo lang talagang kontaking maigi tapos ibigay niya yung exact
address para ma-waze namin.
Interviewer: Sir, sa tingin niyo po ba kung sumasagot lang po agad sa call o text at tamang address po yung binigay, mas
mapapabilis po yung mga pagdeliver niyo po? Makakatulong po sa inyo?
Rider 5: Oo, makakatulong yun.
Interviewer: Ilang oras naman po ang nasasayang sa inyo pag nakaranas po kayo ng pagsubok? Simula po sa pagpila sa
counter tas sa delivery po. Like, gano po kalaking oras po yung nasasayang po?
Rider 5: Minsan isang oras eh. Eh malaking bagay na yung isang oras kasi makaka book ka dito, ihahatid mo diyan.
Wala pang 30mins diba. Kung isang oras edi ang laki ng kawalan nun.
Interviewer: Nagkaroon po ba ng oras na hindi niyo naabot ang quota niyo dahil sa delay?
Rider 5: Oo, nangyayari talaga yan. Minsan nga kikita ka lang 700. Isang libo. Pag maganda ganda yung - kunyari
ayan pag medyo maulan, nakaka 1,300 kami 1,200. Bihira na 1,500. Nung hindi pa nagka pandemic, tsaka
yung giyera ni Putin, diba tumaas gasolina niyan. Nung wala pang pandemic, maganda. Nakaka 1,700 kami.
Syempre malaking bagay na yon sa isang araw. Eh ngayon parang bumababa ng bumababa tapos yung
gasolina, tumataas.
Interviewer: Sir, nakakaapekto po ba sa inyong ratings ang mga delayed delivery order kahit na hindi niyo po ito
Rider 5: Oo. Ito nga may booking ako oh.
Interviewer: Ay may booking na po kayo?
Rider 5: Kanina pa to eh.
Interviewer: Ay meron na po?
Rider 5: Oo, kanina pa nga nung ininterview niyo ako.
Interviewer: Ah dito nalang po. Sir, irerate niyo lang po yung from 1-10 po yung kung gano po kahirap yung karanasan
niyo po bilang food app rider, 10 po ang pinaka mahirap, tas 1 naman po ang pinaka madali.
Rider 5: Pinakamahirap?
Interviewer: 10 po ang pinakamahirap, 1 po ang pinakamadali. Irerate niyo po yung sarili niyo, gaano po kahirap ang
naging karanasan mo bilang food app rider? From 1-10 po, pili po kayo ng number.
Rider 5: Yung mapunta ka sa mga malayo na baku baku yung daan tapos masikip, maraming mga sasakyan. Tulad
niyang Valenzuela, Caloocan, Pasig. Iniiwasan namin yung mga lugar na yan kasi ang hirap talaga pumasok
diyan. Ang traffic na, sira sira pa yung mga daan.
Interviewer: So, mga 10 po?
Rider 5: Kasi na-aano yung oras mo.
Interviewer: Mga 10 po yung hirap?
Rider 5: Kaya ako dito ako gusto talaga eh kasi dito maganda mga daanan tsaka walang gaanong mga sasakyan na
Interviewer: So, mga 10 po, 9, 8, ano po yung rate po ninyo?
Rider 5: Kapag rush hour -
Interviewer: Yung ano po, yung bilang po from 1-10 po. Gaano po kaya kahirap yung nararanasan niyo po bilang food app
rider po? Mga sampu po? Pinaka mataas na mahirap?
Rider 5: Pinaka mahirap?
Interviewer: Mga sampu po ganon po? Yung rate niyo po?
Rider 5: Yung umuulan talaga. Mahirap talaga yan. Madulas yung daan eh.
Interviewer: Ah eto po Sir, last question nalang po kasi may booking na po kayo. Mayroon po ba kayong gustong
solusyon na ipatupad po ni Grab?

Rider 5: Oo yung - balik niya yung dating rate namin.

Interviewer: Pag taas po ng mga fare po ulit?
Rider 5: Oo. Kasi ang taas na ng gasolina eh tapos bumaba pa yung rate.
Interviewer: Sir, sa ano niyo naman po, benefits niyo po, gusto niyo po ba magka benefits po si Grab? Mga
SSS,PhilHealth -
Rider 5: Oo, gusto ko yon. Yung may SSS kami. Yung kinakaltas na nila samin. Mas gusto namin yun. Kasi sa
security, active yung SSS ko eh. Nung nag Grab ako wala na, di na nag active.
Interviewer: Sige po. Thank you po.

Transcription 6
Interviewee: Rider 6
Date: October 10, 2022
Place: Quezon City

Interviewer: Ano pong pangalan niyo?

Rider 6: Norman po.
Interviewer: Ilang taon ka na po?
Rider 6: 26.
Interviewer: Taga saan ka po?
Rider 6: Taga Bulacan ako. San Jose.
Interviewer: Gaano na po kayo katagal na nag fofood app rider po?
Rider 6: 3 years na rin. Mag 4 years na rin.
Interviewer: Bakit niyo po pinili maging food app rider?
Rider 6: Yung una kasi, maganda yung kita, malaki talaga sabay hawak mo yung oras mo tapos kung gusto
mo pumasok o hindi pumasok, walang problema kasi wala kang boss dito. Problema ngayon,
parang hinahawak na kami sa leeg ni Grab, binibigyan kami ng oras - malaki na rin pinagbago
ngayon. Hindi katulad dati na, anytime pwede kang umuwi kung gusto mo di magbyahe, okay
lang. Ngayon, malaki na pinagbago ngayon eh kasi may oras na kami eh may 10 to 1 sabay 5 to 8
sabay binabaan - halos lahat binabaan na kaya pag bumaba pa lalo baka bumalik na ako sa
empleyado ulit.
Interviewer: Ito po ba yung pangunahin niyong trabaho o sideline lang to?
Rider 6: Dati, side lang ito pero naging part time ko na rin. Naging sideline ko lang sabay ngayon finull
time ko siya ng dalawang taon. Isang taon ako nag sideline eh. Sa Mang Inasal ako dati eh. Tapos
yon, part time ko to medyo maganda kita, finull time ko na.
Interviewer: Gaano po karaming order natatanggap niyo sa isang araw?
Rider 6: Depende. Pag mahina, mga kinse, dose. Pag malakas, umaabot ng 25.
Interviewer: Nakakaranas po ba kayo ng challenges sa pagiging food app rider po?
Rider 6: Minsan yung mga customer na hindi nakakaintindi. Pag alam niyang matagal yung order niya,
Interviewer: Kuya yung sa ano, kunyari sa climate, ano pong nagiging problema niyo ron?
Rider 6: Kapag umuulan?
Interviewer: Opo.
Rider 6: Pag umuulan, mahirap din. Lalo na pag sobrang lakas talaga, di kami bumabyahe kasi wala ng
Interviewer: Eh sir, sa ano, sa init ng panahon?
Rider 6: Ah hindi - minsan pag sobrang init nahihilo din talaga ako eh. Kaya minsan humihinto na rin
talaga kami. Pero kasi yung 11 to 1 ayun kasi yung kasagsagan ng deliver namin eh, peak hours
kasi eh yung mga break time, lunch time.
Interviewer: Ano kuya, sa ano naman, for example, fake booking ganon. Nakaranas na po ba kayo ng
Rider 6: Oo, ilang beses na rin pero dati kasi nakakatakot yung fake booking kasi walang reimburse. Yung
mga 2019 yata 2018. Pero ngayon, nirereimburse na rin siya ni Grab. Binabalik na rin pero pag
tumapat ng Sabado, Linggo, yun Lunes pa.
Interviewer: Yung challenges po, in terms of nagbabalik po yung customer ng order nila or hindi na po
nila tinatanggap, nakaranas na po ba kayo ng ganon?
Rider 6: Wala - di pa naman. Yung ano, hindi lang sumisipot. Hindi lang sumisipot na customer.
Interviewer: And yung ano po, for example po, physical ano po, for example po, accident ganon po.
Rider 6: Panong klaseng accident? Nasemplang ako o yung pagkain?
Interviewer: Opo ganon.
Rider 6: Oo, nasemplang na rin naman ako pero wala akong - naka on-duty ako di naman aksidente yon.
Yung naka aksidente sakin, nakabangga sakin, yun. Pero nadeliver ko na yung order. Kasi pag
naaksidente ka pwede ka namang - dati kasi walang insurance ngayon naman meron na kay Grab
eh. Ayon lang yung pinagbago ngayon.
Interviewer: Sa Grab po may insurance na po kayo?
Rider 6: Opo. Pag may nakuha kang ano, gold.
Interviewer: Sa lahat po nang nasabi niyong challenges ano po yung mga - yung hindi mo po malilimutan
na karanasan po?
Rider 6: Wala - wala pa naman. Parang wala namang mahirap na -

Interviewer: Parang, sir yung pinaka grabe na naranasan niyo na parang ayaw niyo ng maulit kasi ano
po yon hindi po magandang karanasan.
Rider 6: Wala pa naman akong naranasan na ganun eh. Yung ano lang siguro, yung restaurant siguro. Yung
pag may promo, umaabot ng tatlong oras. Syempre may promo eh andaming delivery rider don,
tatlong oras, apat na oras ayun na yata yung panget siguro kasi -
Interviewer: Bale po sa time management po na problem na challenges -
Rider 6: Oo. Yung apat na oras, tatlong oras dedeliver mo 70 (pesos) lang. Eh, apat na oras ka nag-antay.
Sayang yung oras mo. Ayun siguro yung pinaka trauma sakin. Ayun na siguro yung mahirap.
Interviewer: Ano po ang unang reaksyon mo nung naranasan mo po yon?
Rider 6: Una, syempre masaya kami nagkita kita kami ng mga kasamahan ko pag may promo, pag madami.
Problema pag nararamdaman mo na matagal - alam mo kasi matagal talaga pero pag medyo
humahaba na, pag umaabot ng 2 hours parang naiinip ka na parang nababadtrip ka na, naasar ka
na. Syempre hindi mo naman maiwasan na sumugod sa loob ng restaurant, magagalit ka. Pero
maiisip mo rin kasi minsan na maraming tao pero syempre kami pano rin kami kasi, babayad
samin 70 (pesos) lang sabay apat na oras, tatlong oras kami nag-antay. Minsan kasi dapat pag nag
popromo sila naka ready sila. Minsan kasi nagpopromo yung restaurant, hindi handa eh. Kaya
minsan, diba dati nagttrending na nagtutubong tubong yung mga rider?
Interviewer: Opo.
Rider 6: Ganun kasi yung mahirap eh yung naiipon. Tatlong oras ka mag-aantay, sabay 70 (pesos), 50
(pesos) lang ibabayad sayo, tatlong oras ka. Edi wala na. Wala na yung kita mo. Ayun siguro yung trauma
Interviewer: Saang lugar mo ito madalas nararanasan?
Rider 6: Depende. Dito rin sa ano - dati kasi sa Angel's pero ngayon Angel's marunong na rin.
Interviewer: Angel's?
Rider 6: Angel's Pizza.
Interviewer: Ah pizza. Ah yung ano nila..
Rider 6: Oo dati. Ngayon, dati yung Popeye's ganyan nung bagong bukas. Sabay to, Tim Horton's. Pero
ngayon yung Tim Horton's dati kasi yung promo nila mabilis. Ngayon, nagloko siguro. Ewan ko
bakit. Yung Popeye's okay na rin ngayon. Pati Angel's.
Interviewer: Ano po ang target income niyo sa isang araw?
Rider 6: Samin kasi dati yung unang panahon ni Grab talaga buo pa yung tatlong libo ano lang yun pag
labas ka ng umaga hanggang hapon. Pero ngayon hindi na kasi kaya eh. Ineexpect nalang 1,500
nalang. Ayon, malinis. Kasama pagkain. 1,500 yon. Di na kasi kaya yung dating kitaan eh.
Interviewer: May required na bilang po ba ang dapat ninyong matanggap sa pang araw-araw?
Rider 6: Meron. May ano kasi kami incentive namin, lima. Limang incentive yun eh. Wait lang ahh.
*pinakita ang cellphone*
Rider 6: Ganto oh. Dapat maka apat na rides ka, may 55 ka. Dati kasi ano to eh 100 plus to eh. Isang libo
dati to. Pero ngayon 400 nalang. Ngayon, pag nakumpleto mo to, 25 rides to ganon. Basta bawat
rides, 5 rides, 55 pesos lang.
Interviewer: Pero, kuya, kunyari, may time ba na hindi mo naaabot yung quota mo ganon.
Rider 6: Oo, meron.
Interviewer: Meron pong epekto sa inyo yon?
Rider 6: Wala naman, kaso nakakapanghinayang lang kasi kinabukasan yun eh. Incentive mo parang 400
na, magiging 300 pa ganon.
Interviewer: Gaano kalaking pera na ang nawala sayo dahil sa karanasan na yun? For example, sir, yung
mga challenges mo na naranasan.
Rider 6: Wala pa naman.
Interviewer: Fake booking?
Rider 6: Wala pa naman di kasi dati hindi nag rereimburse si Grab ano eh, hindi pa ako nafefake booking eh.
Interviewer: Sa ano po, sa binabalik na order po sainyo?
Rider 6: Wala, kasi nga nirereimburse na ni Grab eh.
Interviewer: Eh how about - ay sa may yung promo parang time niyo yung nasasayang dun ano?
Rider 6: Oo, yung oras ang ano don. Yun lang talaga oras. Pero parang pera na rin kasi magkano rin nawala
sayo. Sa tatlong oras kaya mong kumita ng 300 dun or 400 diba. Baka dun din siguro.
Interviewer: Meron bang pagkakataon na wala kayong kinikita dahil sa mga karanasan na nararanasan niyo?
Rider 6: Hindi, may kinikita naman kami dito. Kaso, pag sobrang tumal, mababa lang talaga. Pang gasolina
lang sabay pang kain.
Interviewer: Di niyo pa naman naranasan kuya na, eto hindi kinuha yung order na to, babayaran niyo to
kaya wala na kayong kinita ganon?
Rider 6: Wala pa naman. Di ko pa naman nararanasan.
Interviewer: Saan niyo po nilalaan ang sweldo niyo?
Rider 6: Wala dati iniipon ko yon pambili ng motor eh. Sabay nakabili. Ngayon, sa anak ko nalang siguro.

Interviewer: Sapat po ba ang inyong kinikita sa pang araw araw?

Rider 6: Oo, sapat na. Dati sobra-sobra pa nga. Ngayon, sakto na. Sobra pa rin ng konti.
Interviewer: Sariling pera niyo po ba ang ginagamit niyo pag binalik o hindi tinanggap ang delivery?
Rider 6: Oo, sariling pera namin yun. Pag natapat ng Sabado, Linggo yon, dun kami napependingan ng
puhunan lalo pag malaki. Kasi walang Grab ng Sabado, Linggo eh. Lunes na.
Interviewer: Pero mostly, kuya nababalik talaga sainyo yon?
Rider 6: Oo, nababalik. Dati hindi pero yung dati pa talaga hindi ko nararanasan yung ano yung fake
booking. Dati naman kasi mga kapwa Grab binebenta nalang namin. Kami kami nalang yung
bumibili. Pero ngayon, narereimburse na.
Interviewer: Ano pong masasabi niyo sa mga tumatanggap ng transaksyon na labas sa policy niyo?
Halimbawa po, umorder sa Jollibee tapos magpapadaan sa Mercury ng gamot tas mag
aadditional na bayad nalang?
Rider 6: Minsan, okay sana kung ano - walang problema kung malapit lang yung Mercury sabay kung mag
additional syempre sayang din yon dagdag kita rin. Pero ano yon, labas kay Grab yon, yung ano
niya protocol, wala sa protocol yun eh.
Interviewer: Pero kuya nakaranas na kayo ng ganon?
Rider 6: Oo, marami na rin naman kasi ako minsan tinatanggap ko kasi minsan kasi pag malapit lang di ko
na sinisingil eh. Nagpapasabay ng tubig, ng gamot.
Interviewer: Pero mostly naman po nagbibigay po sainyo ng tip or -
Rider 6: Oo, meron naman. Pero minsan pag nag aabot pag medyo malaki yun kinukuha ko pero pag
minsan nakakalimutan siguro nila, di ko nalang sinisingil, pinapabayaan ko na.
Interviewer: Kasi nasa protocol niyo rin po ba na parang bawal kayo magpadagdag ganon?
Rider 6: Oo, bawal. Kung anong order mo, bawal talaga kahit mag additional ka. Kunyari, Burger King
sabay nag additional ka diyan mismo, di talaga, di nga pwede yun eh. Pag sa labas pa kaya, bawal
talaga yun. Pero syempre, ikaw naman, empleyado para matuwa yung customer, gagawin mo yung
gusto niya para kahit papano. Alam din naman ni Grab yun, pero nasa protocol niya rin yun eh.
Interviewer: Paano naaapektuhan ng challenges ang inyong kalusugan?
Rider 6: Paminsan yung ano - dati kasi lumalabas ako 7-3 tapos na ako. Pero ngayon, dose oras na eh.
Medyo mahaba na rin yung oras. Yung pagod siguro. Kasi mahaba na yung oras mo sa Grab, 15
hours, 12 hours, dati kasi otso na oras lang talaga ako eh. Minsan nga 7 hours lang eh. 7-1 eh.
Interviewer: Sa 15 hours niyo po na yon, parang may inaabot pa rin kayong quota or extra income na po?
Rider 6: Oo, yung quota. Yung quota na namin medyo matagal - kasi dumadami na rin kasi kami eh.
Interviewer: Nakakaramdam din po ba kayo ng pagod at naaapektuhan po ba kayo emotionally? Dun po sa challenges na
nakaharap niyo po ah. For example nga kuya, yung sobrang dami sa promo.
Rider 6: Oo minsan, naranasan ko na rin siguro. Pero hindi ko na alam anong restaurant yun eh. Parang ano, sa
sobrang ano ko - McDo siguro yun. Basta McDo. Yung order ko, 100+ lang sabay inabot ng isang oras.
Parang napagsabihan ko yung crew na - pero hindi ko naman gusto sanang pagsabihan. Parang nasabihan ko
na, napalakas yung boses ko, "sana naman, isipin niyo naman na per byahe kasi kami eh" parang napa
emotional na rin ako, nasigawan ko rin siya. Isang oras na nag-aantay, 100+ lang yung order ko oh. Ayun
pala, hindi lumalabas, kanina pa ako nag-aantay. Parang ano nababadtrip na ako. Sabay naawa na rin ako sa
crew kasi - ah KFC pala dito KFC. Ano parang napaluha siya. Ayon naaawa rin ako pero syempre ako naman
sa side ko, 100 lang order ko eh. Pinatagal pa. Problema pala di lumalabas. Ayun talaga yung mahirap eh.
Kasi kami, syempre kung ikaw iniisip mo yung oras eh kasi oras yung ano namin eh isang oras ka na. Parang
napataasan ko siya ng boses, sabay napatalikod siya parang umiiyak nga siya eh. Ako rin nababadtrip din ako
kasi ang tagal na ng order ko. Di ko naman gusto sana yon kasi syempre, emosyon ko medyo matagal na
nainip na ko. Ayun nasigaw - parang nataas yung boses ko. Pero di ko naman gusto yon.
Interviewer: Paano ito naapektuhan ng pag tanggap ninyo ng mga order sa mga susunod na customer? Halimbawa kuya,
for example, diba yung promo nga na yon naranasan niyo na yung sobrang tagal niyong naghintay na parang
may time po ba na ayaw niyo ng tanggapin yung order na yun?
Rider 6: Oo, umiiwas na ako pag ganon katagal. Iiwasan na namin, pupunta na kami sa ibang lugar. Di na dito. Pag
tapos nalang, babalik na kami. Kasi syempre, pag pinasukan ka ng ganun, mag-aantay ka nanaman ng ganung
oras. Sabay wala kang magagawa, pwede mo icancel kaso maraming maapektuhan sa ano mo eh sa apps mo.
Mawawala yung mga incentive mo. Maraming mawawala samin eh. Dami kang hahabulin. Kaya mahirap
mag cancel.
Interviewer: Sa tingin niyo po ba sulit na i-risk yung kalusugan niyo para sa trabaho na yon?
Rider 6: Ano te?
Interviewer: Sa tingin niyo po ba sulit yung i-risk niyo po yung kalusugan niyo sa trabaho na ginagawa niyo? Dito po sa
pagiging Grab. For example, yung sa climate. Kunyari sa weather po umuulan ganon, pag tinatanggap niyo
pa rin yung mga orders.
Rider 6: Depende pa rin naman yun sa ano, sa lugar. Pag medyo maulan talaga, mahirap talaga eh. Naranasan ko,
ngayon lang, nakaraang buwan lang, sobrang lakas ng ulan diyan sa Araneta. Diba binabaha dun. Sabay yung
customer ko nagmamadali. Tawag pa ng tawag sakin. Nagagalit sakin. Sabi ko nga, "wait lang ma'am." Yung

daanan kasi dun sakanila, G. Araneta, binabaha po. Naghahanap ako ng daanan. Galit pa sakin. Ulam siguro
nila yun. Nagagalit sakin. Pag dating dun, pinagalitan pa ko. Sana inisip niyo ang lakas ng ulan sabay
baha yung daanan dito alam mo naman siguro kasi taga dito ka. Nagagalit sakin. Masakit kasi don pag
pinagalitan ko yung customer, pag nag report pa kay Grab, one sided lang kasi si Grab eh. Tinatanggap lang
yung customer eh. Kaya ginagawa ko, nagrereport na rin ako kay Grab kasi nagdedeliver palang ako sabay
ang lakas ng ulan. Yung ano namin, yung risk namin na minsan may customer na di nila maintindihan. Diba
malakas yung ulan, sabay baha yung daan. Naghahanap kami ng daanan. Sabay nagmamadali masyado,
tawag pa ng tawag. Ang hirap kaya sumagot kapag umuulan pag tumatawag. Sabay sila pa yung galit. Ayun
yung mahirap. Sabay kapag sobrang lakas naman talaga, ako sakin naman umuuwi ako kasi, ginagawa ko
iniisip ko kinabukasan nalang. Pero pag sakto lang, walang baha - malakas kasi pag umuulan eh bumaback
out ako. Pero pag sobrang lakas talaga, kinabukasan nalang ako. Kaya ko naman bawiin kinabukasan yun eh.
Pero pag medyo sakto lang, medyo di gaano binabaha, sakto lang yung hangin, yun kasi malakas talaga pag
umuulan eh. Tuloy-tuloy.
Interviewer: Sir, may time na ba na about naman po sa mga accident ganon? Diba parang nasabi niyo po kanina nakaranas
na rin po kayo ng accident, may time po ba na parang ayaw niyo na po gawin yun kasi naaksidente na kayo
eh parang gusto niyong tumigil ganon.
Rider 6: Hindi naman. Hindi naman ako yung na-aksidente talaga mismo eh. Yung naaksidente, yung bumangga
sakin. Yung ano, wala naman akong naisip na hinto. Hindi naman ako naaaksidente, pag naaksidente ako
sarili ko talaga eh di ako nandadamay eh. Kunyari nasemplang ako, nag-aalanganin ako sa motor. Iniiwas ko,
di ako nadadamay. Pero yon kase, ako na yung binunggo eh. Pinabayaran ko nalang sakanila lahat ng abala
nang naka aksidente sakin.
Interviewer: Nababahala ka ba sa iyong kalusugan ngayong pandemic?
Rider 6: Yung dati, unang pandemic, umuwi agad ako. Pero ngayon, wala na kasi halos lahat ng kaibigan ko dito wala
naman akong nakitang namatay eh parang di na nga ako naniniwala. Tuwang tuwa pa nga sila eh. Ang laki ng
kinikita nila eh. Hanggang ngayon buhay pa, andito pa eh diba? Ang laki ng kinikita nila dati dito eh. Isang
libo, isang araw lang nung pandemic. Ako umuwi ako, natakot kasi ako eh kasi may sakit akong hika dati.
Mahina yung ano ko, resistensya. Kaya natakot ako.
Interviewer: May punto po ba sa buhay mo na naisip mo ba na nag-aalala pamilya mo sa iyong kalusugan at kaligtasan
bigay ng iyong work environment?
Rider 6: Oo, minsan yung mama ko kasi dati kasi yung kalakasan ni Grab di ako nag daday off eh kasi sinusulit ko.
Yon yung di ako nagdaday off, tuloy tuloy byahe ko. Ayun lang naman. Nag-aalala sakin na kelangan ko rin
magpahinga. Pero sakin kasi, pag kaya ko - alam mo naman sa katawan mo kung kaya ko pa eh. Pag may
nararamdaman naman ako, pag inaantok ako, nahihilo ako, umuuwi ako eh.
Interviewer: Ilang oras po kayo madalas mag food delivery service sa isang araw?
Rider 6: Sa isang araw.. Yung dati kasi part time lang ako eh. Pag out ko galing sa Mang Inasal, pag ala sais out ko
hanggang alas dose, anim na oras. Pero nung nag fufull time na ako, dati 7 hours, ngayon 12 hours, 15 hours.
Malaki na kasi eh dati konti pa kami eh. Nung part time pa lang ako dati, malaki kinikita ko non eh. Ang laki
ng pinagbago.
Interviewer: Anong oras niyo po madalas maranasan yung challenges po kunyari tuwing gabi, tanghali, hapon, madaling
araw po.
Rider 6: Anong challenges?
Interviewer: Yung sa weather, fake booking, yung ganon po.
Rider 6: Depende, di mo rin kasi masasabi yung weather eh kung kailan eh. Pero kadalasan tanghali kasi pang
tanghali ako eh. Tanghali, gabi ganon. Kasi ayun naman kadalasang byahe ko eh. Kasi hindi mo naman
masasabi yun eh.
Interviewer: Paano po nakakaabala yung mga ganitong karanasan sa pag delivery niyo? Halimbawa po, yung hindi
pagsagot ng text o maling address at pangalan po.
Rider 6: Ah malaking abala yon. Yun kasi pag mali address mo, pag malayo talaga, parang ano rin yun parang fake
booking na rin kinakalabas. Nirereport na rin namin. Pero pag malapit, sabay mag aadditional yung customer,
pwede naman ideliver. Pero pag medyo malayo, chinachat namin si Grab. Ayun na, di yong kunyari dito
address niya diyan lang sa P. Tuazon sabay nasa Antipolo pala siya. Ayon finefake booking na namin yon.
Nirereport na namin siya kay Grab. Pero kung mag aadditional siya, magbabayad siya ng ano, pwede. Pero
pag hindi, irereport na namin siya. Kasi talo kami sa gasolina sabay babalik pa kami.
Interviewer: May time ba na for example, nag deliver kayo, inorder receive nila, tapos pag open nila ng pagkain nila,
Rider 6: Marami na rin kadalasan McDo. Ginagawa namin, pag malapit, sabay pag deliver ko rin papunta don,
binabalikan ko to (McDo). Kinukuha ko yung resibo. Pinapakita ko, "ma'am kulang po yung ano niyo".
Minsan alam din naman kasi nila ng restaurant. Dinadala ko. Pero pag medyo malayo, kinukuha ko lang yung
address ng customer, contact number, at pangalan. Sila na magbbook. Yung mga restaurant na magbbook.
Pero pag malapit, sinasabay ko lang. Pag medyo malayo, sila na. Kukunin ko lang yung number nila, address
sabay ano - parang magbbook sila. Sila na magdedeliver. Ayun lang.
Interviewer: May time ba kuya na sainyo sinisisi yung pagkakulang ng items nila?

Rider 6: Sakin minsan, ineexplain ko rin eh. Kaya di ko pa naranansan.

Interviewer: Paano mo ihandle ang iyong pagkadismaya pagkatapos mo maranasan ang mga pagsubok?
Rider 6: Anong pagsubok?
Interviewer: Kunyari kuya, diba naiinis, naiiyak na kayo ano yung ginagawa niyo para maka cope up don?
Rider 6: Pag naiinis ako? Pag nagdedeliver ko na kasi nawawala na yung inis ko eh. Bale ang ginagawa ko, pag
matagal, pag nadedeliver ko na kasi nawawala na yung inis ko. Sabay, lilipat nalang ako ng pwesto. Yung pag
matagal yung restaurant. Pag may promo.
Interviewer: Kung hindi sapat ang iyong kinikita araw araw, paano mo ito minamanage?
Rider 6: Hindi na kasi kapag minsan tinatamad na ako, umuuwi na ko eh. Eh kasi may extra budget, yun ginagamit
Interviewer: Ano pa ang iyong ginagawa upang kumita ng pera para matustusan ang pang araw araw na gastusin?
Rider 6: Wala pa naman.
Interviewer: Talagang Grab lang po?
Rider 6: Oo, Grab lang.
Interviewer: Mula sa inyong karanasan, ano-ano ang mga paraan mo para maiwasan ang pag delay ng delivery?
Rider 6: Ano ulit yun?
Interviewer: Ano po yung mga paraan po para maiwasan po yung pag delay ng pagdeliver niyo po ng pagkain? Ano pong
paraan yung ginagawa niyo?
Rider 6: Ganun lang same lang, dinedeliver ko rin sa ano. Inaantay ko lang kasi wala ka namang magagawa kung
hindi malalabas ng restaurant eh. Pag nilabas agad, ayun dinedeliver ko agad. Kasi wala naman tayong
magagawa pag traffic eh kahit sumingit ka - kami talaga mabilis kami magdelivery kasi oras yung laban
namin. Yung restaurant yung problema namin. Kasi pag traffic, singit lang kami ng singit.
Interviewer: Ano ang iyong ginagawa upang masigurado na ang susunod na customer ay hindi kayo mabogus?
Rider 6: Modus.. Modus ba?
Interviewer: Bogus po. Yung parang fake booking.
Rider 6: Ah bogus. Pag ano para hindi mabogus, inanantay naman namin yung customer pag ano eh may waiting time
kami 15 mins. pero pag ano - problema lang kasi pag dating sa pera di kasi namin alam kung totoo o peke o
hindi, yun lang. Pero yung mga GCash ganon kasi uso na yung GCash diba?
Interviewer: Opo.
Rider 6: Ayon kabisado ko na yon pag - kasi dati samin dedeliver ako pinapabayad yung ilaw nila. Hindi na. Ganon.
Dati di ko talaga inaano yan kasi tinatanong ko kasi bakit diyan sa 7 Eleven, babayaran nalang daw dun sa
lugar. Pag punta mo sa Grab app, di ko talaga inaano yan kasi yan uso dati eh. Pero may nakasabayan ako
don Lalamove, kawawa nga si tatay eh limang libo na-scam siya. Ayun mahirap.
Interviewer: Ano ang iyong motivation para magpatuloy sa pagtatrabaho kahit naranasan mo na yung mga pagsubok?
Rider 6: Anong pagsubok?
Interviewer: Yung mga challenges na nabanggit niyo po kanina for example po, yung accidents...
Rider 6: Wala naman kinakalimutan ko nalang din naman sabay trabaho na ulit.
Interviewer: Paano nakakaapekto ang mga pagsubok na iyong naranasan sa pagbibigay ng serbisyo sa iba? For example
po kuya, diba nakakaranas ka na ng inis, naiinip ka, paano po yon kapag sa susunod na pagbibigay ka ng
service diyan sa pagdedeliver mo, naaapektuhan po ba ganon?
Rider 6: Wala naman. Kumbaga, sakin naman, pag nakuha ko na yung order sabay nawawala na yung badtrip ko eh.
Pag panibago nanaman. Mag-aadjust ka nalang na ano, pag ayon ulet, ganon talaga, wala ka namang
magagawa eh, mag-aantay ka nalang ulit. Kasi pag nadedeliver ko yung isang bagay, pag natapos ko,
mawawala na yung emotion ko eh. Sabi ko, panibago nanaman.
Interviewer: Move on na agad.
Rider 6: Move on na agad di ko na iniisip yon. Wala, tapos na tayo dun eh. Wala tayong magagawa eh.
Interviewer: Para sainyo po yung sa mga experience niyo po paano niyo po kaya idedescribe yung quality of service na
nabibigay niyo po sa mga customer?
Rider 6: Sakin naman kasi, depende pa rin kasi sa customer eh. Sakin naman, ako naghahatid ako sa customer ko
umaabot lang ng 15 mins. kasi talagang 15 mins. lang talaga yun eh. Nag-uupdate ako pero nagchchat din
ako pero talaga, yung customer di nagrereply. Sakin naman, okay naman deliver ko kasi di naman ako
nambabastos ng customer eh. Ako, ako minsan binabastos ako. Kasi bawal ka talaga mambastos ng customer
kasi one sided lang si Grab eh. Ako, nag-eenjoy pa ko kay Grab kasi masarap po yung trabaho ko kasi hawak
ko pa oras mo. Pag may schedule lang, ayun lang yung mahirap. Yung iba, ewan ko lang bakit nahihirapan.
Interviewer: Yung sinabi niyo po na madaming pagkakaiba ngayon, ano po kaya yung differences ng services niyo ngayon
sa dati po?
Rider 6: Ang laki eh. Kasi dati, kumikita ka ng tatlong libo eh saglit lang. Lalabas ako ng ala syiete ng umaga, minsan
ala una, alas tres nasa bahay na ko, nag e-ML nalang ako. Ngayon, labas ko na 10 hanggang alas dose ng
gabi. Di ka na mag-uumaga, marami na sa umaga, marami nang lumalabas eh. Sabay 1,500 nalang. Edi ang
laki ng nawala, halos kalahati sabay oras nadagdag yung oras mo, nabawasan yung kita mo.
Interviewer: Nung mga nabanggit niyo po na karanasan, kunyari po aksidente po or yung mahabang pila po sa promo,
para po bang nawalan kayo ng interes na mag trabaho po?

Rider 6: Hindi naman. Kasi wala naman eh. Yung ano nalang iniisip ko kasi yung kita ko kasi dapat madeliver to
ganon. Kasi pag matagal talaga, nakakainis talaga kasi syempre oras byahe namin, ginagawa ko syempre
pagsasabihan mo rin tong mga to ayun lang yung masakit talaga syempre kelangan mo rin pagsabihan kasi
minsan di rin nila nagagawa. Pero di ko naiisip na sumuko sa trabaho kasi maganda naman kay Grab eh.
Interviewer: Nagkaron din po ba ng punto po sa buhay niyo na parang gusto niyo na po magresign bilang food app rider
Rider 6: Ah dati siguro yung ano, naghiwalay kami ng dating girlfriend ko. Kasi inaano niya ako..
Interviewer: Naapektuhan po kayo...
Rider 6: Oo, sa Mang Inasal din.
Interviewer: Sa rate po. On a scale of 1-10 po, gano po kahirap yung pagiging food app rider niyo po?
Rider 6: Ano te?
Interviewer: Gaano po kahirap from scale 1-10 po. 10 po pinaka mahirap, 1 po pinaka madali. Like, irerate niyo po gano
po kahirap ang pagiging food app rider.
Rider 6: Depende kasi pag magdadrive ka siguro nasa 10 kasi delikado talaga eh. Di mo masasabi yung aksidente eh.
Ako nung nabangga ako eh di ko nga alam eh sa likod ko binangga ako eh. Di mo masabi diba? Kung
nagdadrive ka siguro, 10. Pero kung dito ka lang tambay tambay, baka nasa 3 lang kasi nakatambay ka lang,
kukuha ng order, walang delikado don. Yung pag nagdadrive lang yun ang delikado, 10 siguro kasi aksidente,
biglaan eh.
Interviewer: Sa tingin niyo po kaya, ano kaya ang mga pwedeng maging solusyon ni Grab po na gusto niyong i-impliment
niya? Parang meron po kayo na gustong gawin ng Grab Food para sainyo.
Rider 6: Yung ano siguro, yung benefits sa PhilHealth, SSS, wala yung benefits eh. Ayon siguro.
Interviewer: Ah wala po kayong ganon?
Rider 6: Wala. Yung samin, ewan ko lang dun sa iba.
Interviewer: Sa ano kuya, sa kinikita niyo po parang, gusto niyo po ba na parang ihiling na taasan po ulit yung sweldo
niyo ganon.
Rider 6: Oo, dapat taasan nga kasi sobrang mahirap na kasi. Lalo na pag umuulan pag magdedeliver, mainit sabay
biglang uulan. Ayun yung mahirap eh. Sobrang laki na rin kasi ng kinikita niya, kung kelan siya malaki yung
kinikita, dun naman kami binabaan. Nung may pandemic, siya lang bumabyahe, siya lang kumikita, halos
lahat ng business bumagsak. Pag tapos ng pandemic, binabaan kami. Halos lahat nawalan. Kaya mahirap din
Interviewer: Yun lang naman po. Maraming maraming salamat po.

Transcription 7
Interviewee: Rider 7
Date: October 10, 2022
Place: Quezon City

Interviewer: Ilang taon ka na po?

Rider 7: 21
Interviewer: Taga-saan ka po?
Rider 7: Tatalon, Quezon City
Interviewer: Saan ka po madalas nagfofood delivery servicee?
Rider 7: Quezon City
Interviewer: Gaano na po kayo katagal na nag fo-food app rider?
Rider 7: Mga ano po, mga limang buwan na po.
Interviewer: Bakit niyo po pinili maging food app rider?
Rider 7: Kasi po eto yung madaling applyan. Saka yung sa requirements din.
Interviewer: Eto po ba ang pangunahin niyong trabaho or sideline lang po?
Rider 7: Sideline lang po.
Interviewer: Gaano po karaming order ang natatanggap niyo sa isang araw?
Rider 7: Mga ano po, minsan po pag matumal po mga 15, pero pag malakas nakaka 25 pa rin po.
Interviewer: Nakakaranas po ba kayo ng mga challenges sa pagiging food app rider?
Rider 7: Opo, pag kunwari, ayan po, minsan maiinit, pag ganyan po tapos sakit po sa ulo pero pag
bumabagyo po, syempre po yung pagkain po, minsan po nababasa ganon po, saka ano, pag wala kang kapote
rin po, mababasa rin lalo na po yung cellphone hindi din napipindot. Interviewer: Gaano po kadalas?
Rider 7: Kapag umuulan ganon, saka kapag mainit naman, naghahang din po yung cellphone sa sobrang init din.
Interviewer: So, bukod po sa ano, climate problems na nararanasan niyo, ano pa po yung ibang challenges na nararanasan
niyo po?
Rider 7: Ano po, pag sa fakebooking po, pag kunwari po, kinancel po ni customer, babalik pa po kami sa
vendor po para po i-ano po, pero minsan po inaabonohan nalang namin, kasi pag nireport po kami, limang
araw po kaming masusunpende. Hindi po kami makakabayahe po.
Interviewer: Tapos, kanina po nabanggit niyo yung ano, napagbibintangan kayo.
Rider 7: Opo, napagbibintahangan po kami, pagkayari po, kasalanan po ni vendor na kulang po yung
pagkain, samin po bibintang po yun, kahit isang softdrinks lang po pagbibintangan po kami, kunwari, kinain
po naming ganon.
Interviewer: Ano po yung pinaka hindi niyo malilimutan na karanasan niyo po?
Rider 7: Yung na naaksidente po ako. Nabangga po. Buti po nadeliver ko na yung pagkain ko non bago po
ako maano (aksidente).
Interviewer: Ano po unang reaksyon o naramdaman mo nung naranasan mo po yun? Yung naksidente po kayo.
Rider 7: Sakto lang, kasama rin kasi yun sa ano eh, pagdedeliver po nung ano, nasa kalsada po eh,
kailangan ingat nalang po.
Interviewer: Pero kuya, kanina yung dun sa ano, nap]agbibintangan po kayo, pano niyo ineexplain sa customer
Rider 7: Binabalikan naming yung kulang tapos dedeliver po ulit namin kahit wala na po kaming bayad
kesa naman po ireport po kami, bali limang araw po kami masususpende.
Interviewer: Saang lugar mo ito madalas nararanasan?
Rider 7: Depende po, kahit saan po, iba-iba po kasi eh, kung saan ka po magdedeliver. Depende po sa
Interviewer: Pero mostly po, around dito rin po sa QC?
Rider 7: Opo, dito dito lang din naman po sa Quezon City yung byahe ko eh.
Interviewer: Ano po ang target income niyo sa isang araw?
Rider 7: Depende po, wala pong target income. Depende po talaga sa araw po. Minsan malakas, minsan
matumal. Pero pinaka maliit, 500 ganon. Ay ano, 700 na 600, pinaka maliit. Pinaka malaki naman inabot din
ng 1K ganon. Pero ano, buong araw ko na yun, mula umaga po, hanggang gabi na po yun. Babad kana po
Interviewer: Pero may time ba kuya, kunwari, yung food app company niyo , may target kayo na dapat… (magawa)
Rider 7: Wala naman po.
Interviewer: So kahit po konti lang yung order niyo, ok lang po yun?
Rider 7: Opo, depende po sayo, kung hanggang saan po yung kaya mo. Pwede ka po kahit hanggang
madaling araw. Kung hanggang saan po yung kaya mo.
Interviewer: May required na bilang po ba ang dapat niyong matanggap na order sa isang araw?
Rider 7: Wala naman po.

Interviewer: Paano po naapektuhan ang inyong puhunan, kita, at quota? Kunwari po, katulad po ng nangyari
sayo, naaksidente or may kulang po na order po, paano po naapektuhan nun yung kita niyo, puhunan at quota
niyo po?
Rider 7: Pag naaksidente po, wala pong sagot dun yung Panda po eh. Bali sarili lang po namin yun pag
naaksidente po kami.
Interviewer: How about dun sa ano, sa Fakebooking po?
Rider 7: Depende po. Minsan lang naman po ma fakebooking, bale pag na fakebooked ka po minsan pag
kaya naman po abonohan, pag may kita naman po, abonohan nalang para hindi nalang po masuspend. Pero
kung di talaga kaya ibabalik nalang. Pag libo na talaga yung ano (aabonohan).
Interviewer: Gaano po kalaking pera na ang nawala sayo dahil sa mga karanasan na po na mga challenges?
Rider 7: 3k po ganon.
Interviewer: 3k po yung pinaka malaki?
Rider 7: Opo. Pag sa baono po.
Interviewer: Mayroon bang pagkakataon na wala kayong kinikita dahil sa mga challenge na naranasan niyo po?
Rider 7: Hindi naman po. Sakto lang naman po, meron pa naman po.
Interviewer: For example sa isang araw, hindi pa po kayo nakaranas ng wala na po kayong naiuwi na pera?
Rider 7: Opo, meron naman po.
Interviewer: Saan niyo po nilalaan ang kita niyo?
Rider 7: Ano po, sa ano po, sa ano po, sa mga kapatid ko pong nag-aaral saka sa Mama ko rin,sa gastusin
po sa bahay.
Interviewer: Sapat po ba ang iyong kinikita sa iyong pang-araw-araw?
Rider 7: Sapat naman po pagkunwari wala ka pa pong pamilya saka sarili mo palang po (yung kinikita) .
Sapat naman po. Pang bili bili po ng mga gusto mo.
Interviewer: Sariling pera niyo po ba ang ginagamit niyo pag binalik o hindi tinanggap ang delivery?
Rider 7: Sarili po naming pera.
Interviewer: Ano po masasabi niyo sa mga tumatanggap ng transaksyon na labas sa policy niyo? Halimbawa po
nag-order sa jollibee tapos magpapasabuy sa mercury ng gamot para magkaroon ng aadditional na bayad na
Rider 7: Ah pasabuy po? Minsan po. Pero po ano po ah, hassle din po samin kasi wala namanpong bayad
yung pasabuy po. Bali depende nalang din po sakanila kung magbibigay po sila ng dagdag po kasi bawal po
kasi kami maningil ng sobrang bayad po eh. Bali po pag nireport po kami ay kumuha ng sobrang bayad,
mawawalan po kami ng trabaho po.
Interviewer: Paano po yung, katulad po ng mga halimbawa binigay niyo po samin kanina na challenges, paano
po non naapektuhan yung kalusugan niyo po?
Rider 7: Minsan po nagkakasakit po.
Interviewer: Yung sa accident. Yung nangyari ba yon, like sariling sikap para umokay agad kayo? Like sa
Rider 7: Naano lang naman po yun, Buti hindi po ako nadisgrasya bali sa tuhod lang po yung tama ko. Bali
nagkaayos din naman po kami nung nakadisgrasya po sakin. Wala rin po kasing perang pang areglo kaya sabi
ko okay na rin. Ligtas naman kaming dalawa.
Interviewer: Eh sa sakit po? Kunwari lagnat.
Rider 7: Wala naman po. Pero minsan po sa ano po, sa ano po sa ulan po. Ganon po. Mahirap po talaga
pag ganon, lalo na po pag bumabaha po.
Interviewer: Nakakaramdam po ba kayo ng pagod at naapektuhan po ba kayo nito emotionally po?
Rider 7: Opo, sobra po. Parang ano po, paguwi mo po, pagod na pagod ka po. Parang pahinga nalang po
talaga tas kain-pahinga nalang tapos kinabukasan byahe po ulit ganon po. Kasi sa sobrang init po sakit po sa
ulo eh. Yung ano po, katulad po ng halimbawa po kanina na napagbintangan po kayo.
Interviewer: Paano naapektuhan non yung pagtanggap niyo ng order sa mga susunod customers niyo?
Rider 7: Parang nakakaano lang kasi hindi naman naming kasalanan na… ano pano po?
Interviewer: Parang naapektuhan, parang natatakot na po kayong tumanggap ulit ng order dahil ga po
napagbibintangan po kayo or…
Rider 7: Hindi naman po sa natatakot parang naano lang kasi hindi naman po naming kasalanan yun na ano
(kulang), tapos samin po binibintang pero kasama naman po talaga yun samin po, sa mga rider po eh.
Interviewer: Pero dun kuya sa naaccident kayo, parang may time ba na parang, ano, gusto niyo ng tumigil?
Rider 7: Hindi naman po, parang may time magsasawa ka lang kasi nakakapagod din parang paulit-ulit din
yung ginagawa mo, dun kalang magsasawa pero kung pagpupursigihan mo, okay din naman po.
Interviewer: Sa tingin niyo po ba ay sulit po na i-risk ang kalusugan niyo para sa trabaho na’to?
Rider 7: Hindi po.
Interviewer: Pero kuya, if ever natatanggap mo na yung sahod mo, minsan nakalimutan mo na rin ba na pagod
kana or ganon pa din, parang sa plagay mo hindi sapat yung kinikita mo.
Rider 7: Pagod pa din po. Sobra po. Parang hindi po sapat sa buong araw yung kinikita po.
Interviewer: Nababahala ka po ba sa iyong kalusugan mo po ngayong pandemic?

Rider 7: Hindi naman po.

Interviewer: Nasasanay na kuya?
Rider 7: Oo kasi, wala po tayong choice eh.
Interviewer: May punto po ba sa buhay mo na naisip mo na nag-aalala pamilya mo sa iyong kalusugan at
kaligtasan bigay ng iyong work environment?
Rider 7: Opo si Mama po, minsan po kinakumusta po ako pero sabi ko okay lang namam po ako.
Interviewer: May punto po ba na nakita mo sarili mo na baka ikaw ay masangkot sa isang aksidente? Ay
nasagot na ni kuya.
Rider 7: Opo.
Interviewer: Naging parte ba ng iyong pangamba yung mga ano po, yung pagbagyo po, pagbaha?
Rider 7: Opo, parang pag bumabaha po ang hirap po talaga kasi bawal po bahain po yung motor eh, bali
masisira po, bali minsan po pag hindi na po talaga kaya yung bagyo, minsan po pag bumabyahe po tinatangay
na din po ako pati yung motor eh.
Interviewer: Usually kuya kahit na bumabagyo tumatanggap pa din kayo ng order?
Rider 7: Opo. Depende po sayo, pwede ka pong umuwi pero kung ano po, kung gusto mo pa pong
bumbyahe pwede pa din po. Depende pa din po sayo.
Interviewer: Pero on your part kuya, tinutuloy mo pa din?
Rider 7: Opo, tinutuloy pa din po, pero minsan po pag baha na po talaga, pag hanggang leeg po, hindi na
po tinutuloy.
Interviewer: Ilang oras po kayo madalas nag food delivery service po?
Rider 7: 10 hours po, umaga po hanggang gabi po.
Interviewer: Yung mga karanasan mo po, anong oras mo ito madalas nararanasan? Kunwari po tuwing gabi,
umaga, tanghali, hapon.
Rider 7: Alin po? Pag uwi po ganon po.
Interviewer: Kuya for example, sa climate sa mainit nga po, mga tanghali po yun. How about dun kuya sa
napapagbintangan po kayo.
Rider 7: Wala naman po, hindi po din naman naming iniisip yun kasi, hindi naman po naming kasalanan
Interviewer: Pero usually kuya, anong oras kayo, mas madaming natatanggap na order?
Rider 7: Umaga, hanggang alas dos ganon, saka 6:00PM to 10:00PM ganon po, tuloytuloy po. Interviewer:
Yung mga nabanggit niyo po na mga challenges na naransan niyo po, paano naapektuhan yung
time management mo po?
Rider 7: Po?
Interviewer: Diba may mga challenges po kayo na naranasa, halimbawa yung napagbibintangan kukunin niyo
po ulit yung orders and sasabihin niyo po na may kulang or yung sa nagkakaroon po kayo ng fakebooking na
hindi tinatanggap, paano po naapektuhan yung time management niyo.
Rider 7: Hassle po samin yun kasi Ma’am, imbis na po makakatanggap kami ng isang order na po Ma’am,
babalik pa po kami sa vendor. Bali may bayad din po samin yun Ma’am, 15 pesos pag deliver, kahit gano na
po kalayo yu, 15 pesos din po pabali. Yung 30 pesos na po yun, pag deliver lang po yun, wala na po kaming
bayd sap ag balik (pag may kulang). Pinaka mataas na po samin na fare 52 or 40 plus. 42 po ganon. Hindi na
po pumapatak ng 50 ganon.
Interviewer: Bali kuya, kunwari, dahil nga babalik pa kayo don, parang dalawang balik nga yung ginagawa
Rider 7: Opo, wala na pong bayad yung… yung may bayad lang po yung papunta po, pero yung pabalik po
wala po.
Interviewer: May time po ba na bumalik po kayo, then bigla may nag book po sa inyo? Na parang kunwari…
Rider 7: Wala po, hindi ka po papasukan, pag ano po, hanggat hindi po na dodrop po yung unang deliver po
Interviewer: Paano nakakaabala yung mga ganitong karanasan sa pag deliver niyo, halimbawa po yung hindi
pagsagot ng call o text, maling address o pangalan po.
Rider 7: Nakakaapekto din po yan Ma’am pag ano, kunwai po, hindi po sumasagot po, bali tatiyagain po
naming hintayin po yun. Bali may oras po kasi yun Ma’am eh, bali hanggang 45 minutes lang po, pag wala
pa po si costumer ng 45 minutes po, ipapacancel na po naming yun. Pag ano naman po, pag kunwari, wrong
address po, bali papachange pin po namin yun Ma’am kung ganon po kalayo yun, walang dagdag po yun,
depende nalang po sa customer kung magdadagdag pa sila nang ano, minsan po kasi nag ooffer po sila. “Sige
hatid mo dito, magdadagdag nalang po ako” pero hindi po kami naniningil, kahit gano po kalayo. Minsan po
tapat lang po yung delivery tapos minsan wrong address, malayo pala, nasakanilana po kung magdadagdag
po sila. Pero ganon pa din po yung bayad samin
Interviewer: Pero naranasan mo na kuya, for example, na-wrong address na malayo, hindi ka binigyan ng extra
Rider 7: Opo, naranasan na din po.
Interviewer: Madalas mo naranasan yun kuya?
Rider 7: Minsan. Madalas naman nagdadagdag naman po kahit mga 20 po. Okay na po samin yun.

Interviewer: Ilang oras ang nasasayang sa inyo pag nararansan mo itong pagsubok habang pumipila hanggang
sa paghatid ng delivery niyo?
Rider 7: Wala naman pong pila po, bali po ano po, kung saan po may booking dun po yun, kunwari malapit
ka po sa store, wala pong pila pila po. Pare parehas po, pinapasukan po.
Interviewer: Pag na delay po ba yung delivery niyo, nakakaapekto po ba to sa rating niyo?
Rider 7: Opo, nakakaapekto po sa ano, lalo na po kay Panda po, may batching po, isang miss order lang
po, bababa na po yung batch. Sa batching po dun po binabase yung fare, kuwari batch 1 ka po, yun po yung
pinaka mataas, makakatanggap ka po ng 50 isang order, or ano po 45 ganon. Pag batch 2 ka naman 39, 42 na
pinakamataas, mlayo na yun.
Interviewer: Sir, kahit na, hindi niyo kasalanan yung na delayed na yun, sa inyo pa din yung bagsak?
Rider 7: Opo, samin po yung po kahit po nalalate po. Basta samin po lahat po eh, basta kailangan po, ingat
din po talaga eh. Nagkaroon po ba ng oras na hindi niyo naabot ang quota niyo dahil sa delay?
Interviewer: Nakakaapekto po ba sa inyong ratings ang mga delayed delivery order kahit na hindi niyo po ito
kontrolado? After makaranas ng mga challenges na,naencounter niyo nga po, ano po yung, parang
ano po ang pangunahing reaction mo pagkatapos mo makaranas ng ganon.
Rider 7: Naano lang kami na kahit hindi naming kasalanan samin binibintang, parang nakakaano lang,
nakakadismaya at dagdag pagod. Hindi naman naming kasalanan, samin binibintang.
Marez: Paano niyo po na hahandle yung pagkadismaya niyo pagkatapos makaranas ng yung mga ganong
pagsubok po?
Rider 7: Hindi nalang namin pinapansin kasi, hindi naman po naming kasalanan po yun na, ganon po yung
nangyari eh, wala naman po may gusto non.
Interviewer: After niyo po maka encounter ng mga ganong karanasan katulad ng mga binanggit niyo po, ano
pong mga bagay ang sinubukan mo pong gawin?
Rider 7: Ano po?
Interviewer: Parang coping mechanism niyo po. Para maiwasan niyo po yung mga challenges na yon.
Rider 7: Hindi po naiiwasan, hindi na po maiiwasan po yun eh, parang ano nalang po talaga, kunwari pag
nangyari na po sayo, hindi na po maiiwasan yung ganon po eh.
Interviewer: Wala po kayo, for example, nagkaroon ng fakebooking, then sasabihin ng ibang kasama niyo “Na
fakebooked ako dito, ingat kayo dito”. Meron kayo ganon kuya?
Rider 7: Wala naman po kasi paninira din po yun eh, pag ginawa po naming yun.
Interviewer: Kung hindi sapat yung kinikita niyo pong pera sa pang araw-araw, paano niyo po ito nairaraos?
Rider 7: Pano po pinagkakasya? Nagkakasya namna po pag ikaw lang po mag isa, pag wala ka pa pong
anak pero pag may anak kana po o may pamilya ka na po, hindi na po kasya yun. Mahirap na po
ibudget, pero pag ikaw lang po mag isa mabubudget mo naman po.
Interviewer: Pero may time kuya, for example, mag oovertime ka?
Rider 7: Opo, kunwari mag oovertime ka, may time na, kunwari mag oovertime ka pag may gusto ka bilin
ganon po para pangdagdag na din po.
Interviewer: Diba sir nasabi niyo po kanina na sideline niyo lang.
Rider 7: Opo.
Interviewer: May iba po ba, ano pa po yung iba niyong ginagawa para kumita po ng pera?
Rider 7: Nag ba-buy and sell din po, ganon po.
Interviewer: Mula po sa inyong mga karanasan, ano po ang mga naisip mong paraan para maiwasan yung pag
delays po ng deliveries po.
Rider 7: Pag yung pag delay po, minsan nalang po kasi sa vendor po yun. May mga vendor po kasi na
isang oras kami mag hihintay ganon po, bali chinachat nalang po yun na o inaupdate nalang po naming yung
costumer, “Ma’am malalate po, kasi Ma’am marami pong order, dipo agad maasikas”
Interviewer: Pag ganon po ba, madalas po ba yung reaction po ng mga costumer niyo, nagagalit, kinacancel o
sinasabi okay lang?
Rider 7: May mga costumer din nagagalit bakit na ganon na, bakit malamig na, kunwari kape, bakit
malamig na, pero hindi naman po naming kasalanan yun, pero hinahayaan nalang po naming kasi po, wala
nan po kami magagawa po eh. Minsan po, kinacancel po nila, bali ibabalik po naming sa vendor, wala po
kaming magagawa.
Interviewer: Ano po yung mga ginagawa niyo para masigurado niyo po na ang susunod niyong customer ay
hindi po bogus po?
Rider 7: Wala po, hindi rin po talaga masasabi po kung hindi po bogus po eh. Bali depende nalang po yun
kung ano po (Bogus).
Interviewer: Ano po ang inyong motivation para magpatuloy sa pagtatrabaho na ganto kahit na andaming
pagsubok na yung naransan niyo po.
Rider 7: Para sa mga gastusin ganon. Kasi hirap din kasing wala pera pag ano po eh, pag hindi ka po
kumikita, wala pong mangyayari eh. Kahit mainit po, tiyaga nalang po.
Interviewer: Paano nakakaapekto ang mga pagsubok na iyong naranasan sa performance ng iyong serbisyo
bilang isang food app rider?

Rider 7: Parang ano po, sa performance po namin sa Panda po, bali babagsak po yun, yung batching nga
po na sinasabi ko po pag tinamaan po yung account mo po, kuwari nireport ka po ganon po. Hindi ka po
makakabyahe po. Minemaintain lang po, bawal ka magkamali kahit konti lang po kasi sensitive po si Panda.
Bali babagsak po yung batch mo or masususpend ka po. Pag paulit ulit po, mawawalan ka po ng trabaho po.
Interviewer: Kuya kung may gusto kayo na gawin ni FoodPanda para maiwasan niyo yung mga nangyari nag
anon, may masusuggest po ba kayo na pwedeng gawin ni FoodPanda?
Rider 7: Wala po Ma’am eh. Yung mga fakebooking po, normal na po yun. Pero yung taasan po yung fare,
yung tama naman po. Kasi hindi po makatarungan po, kahit gano po kalayo wala po magagawa kung
magkano lang bigay sayo yun na po yun. Opo sa fare po, yung sa fare po, yun po yung bayad po kada deliver
po, ayun po Ma’am bumaba po kasi Ma’am,bali yun nalang po, sobrang baba po kasi lalo na po pag umuulan
o kaya mainit.
Interviewer: Ayun lang naman po sir, maraming maraming maraming salamat po.

Transcription 8
Interviewee: Rider 8
Date: October 10, 2022
Place: Quezon City
Interviewer: Ano pong pangalan niyo?
Rider 8: Raymond po.
Interviewer: Ilang taon ka na po?
Rider 8: 24 po.
Interviewer: Taga saan ka po?
Rider 8: Taga Q.C. lang din po.
Interviewer: Gaano na po kayo katagal na nag fofood app rider po?
Rider 8: Almost 3 months po.
Interviewer: Bakit niyo po pinili maging food app rider?
Rider 8: Ahh ano po kasi ma'am eh, nagtapos po ako sa bartender ma'am kaso puro - ayaw po nila ng may mga tattoo.
Kahit san po ako mag-apply, ayaw din po talaga nila ng tattoo eh.
Interviewer: Eto po ba yung pangunahin niyong trabaho or sideline lang po?
Rider 8: Pangunahin ko na po.
Interviewer: Gaano po karaming order ang natatanggap niyo sa isang araw? Mostly po. Parang range po ganon. Estimate
Rider 8: Pag malakas po ma'am, 20 above.
Interviewer: Pero pag parang...
Rider 8: Pag matumal po?
Interviewer: Opo.
Rider 8: Pag matumal po ma'am nasa 12-15 po.
Interviewer: Nakakaranas po ba kayo ng mga challenges sa pagiging food app rider po?
Rider 8: Opo ma'am lalo na pag yung customer namin masungit tapos mali pa po yung pin location po niya ganun.
Interviewer: Pero, for example po, sa weather po. Nagkakaron po ba kayo ng problema don? Sa init, kapagka bumabagyo,
sa ulan ganun po.
Rider 8: Ano nalang po ma'am, kasama na po talaga samin yun ma'am eh. Talagang ano na po yun eh, kahit-
Interviewer: Sa ano po, sa ano naman - kunyari po yung mga fake booking po nakaranas na po ba kayo ng ganun?
Rider 8: Ay hindi naman po ma'am.
Interviewer: Eh yung kunyari po, pag magdedeliver po kayo and then yung sa item po is kulang po yung laman, naka
encounter na po kayo ng ganun? Parang nagrereklamo sila na kulang po yung dineliver sainyo?
Rider 8: Opo, may na ganun na po samin. May nangyari na pong ganon. Pero ang ginagawa po namin nun,binabalikan
po namin yung store, tapos sasabihin po namin sa vendor na may kulang po silang ganto, kasi hindi naman po
kasi namin pwede i-check yung loob ng item kasi ano po ni Panda yon eh protocol po yon.
Interviewer: Opo. Ano po yung hindi niyo malilimutan na karanasan niyo po bilang food app rider? Ano po yung pinaka
challenging po? Ganon.
Rider 8: Ano po ma'am, yung sobrang layo po ng pin location ng customer po namin, nagkamali po siya.
Interviewer: Naka bike lang po kayo?
Rider 8: Oo. Bike lang po.
Interviewer: Ano po yung unang reaksyon niyo o naramdaman mo nung naranasan mo po yon na malayo po tapos mali pa
po yung pin?
Rider 8: Ano po ma'am, inisip ko po nun baka ano eh, baka fake po ito kasi di ko rin po matawagan yung customer
nun eh. Hanggang chat lang po talaga kami sa application ni Panda eh.
Interviewer: Saang lugar mo ito madalas nararanasan? Around Q.C. lang din po?
Rider 8: Around Q.C. din po ma'am.
Interviewer: Ano po ang target income niyo sa pang araw-araw po?
Rider 8: Above minimum po.
Interviewer: Above minimum... Parang yung range po niya? Ganon.
Rider 8: Mga ano po ma'am, mga 700 lang po, 600 okay na po yun eh.
Interviewer: Pero kung, kunyari kuya, ano nag overtime kayo, gano kalaki yung pinaka malaking kinikita niyo?
Rider 8: Malaking kinikita po ma'am, nasa 1k po ma'am.
Interviewer: May required na bilang po ba ang dapat niyong matanggap na order sa isang araw?
Rider 8: Wala naman po ma'am. Hindi naman po required samin na kung ilan po yung kailangan na quota ng rates eh.
Interviewer: Basta po kung kelan - gusto niyo lang po tumanggap ng order yun lang?
Rider 8: Opo ma'am.
Interviewer: Pero kayo po, Sir, para sa - gusto niyo ma-achieve sa isang araw. Mga ilang order yung sainyo? Sa palagay
Rider 8: Gusto ko po ma'am mga 20+ ganun po.

Interviewer: And, kaya niyo naman po yung ganun katagal na order po?
Rider 8: Opo. Kaya ko po.
Interviewer: Paano po naapektuhan ang inyong puhunan, kita, at quota? Pag yung - katulad po nung insidente po na sinabi
niyo po kanina na wrong pin, malayo, ganon po.
Rider 8: Ano naman po ma'am eh, wala naman po kaming nilalabas na puhunan dito eh. Kumbaga si Panda na po
mismo nagbabayad dun sa vendor, kaya kahit magkamali man po sila ng pin, pwede naman po naming
puntahan don pero magdadagdag nalang po sila sa amin ng fare.
Interviewer: Pero sa ano po, kinikita niyo, kunyari, parang yun nga po may mga hassle na ano na wrowrong pin, mali
yung address na binibigay, or parang hindi agad sumasagot sa mga phone call sa oras niyo.
Rider 8: Opo ma'am, kasi ma'am may time limit po yan si Panda ma'am eh. Kailangan po namin - sa loob ng 10 mins.
dapat nareceive na po ni customer yung item po niya.
Interviewer: Gaano kalaking pera na ang nawala sayo dahil sa karanasan na yon? Yung pinaka - yung sinabi niyo po
kanina na hindi niyo po malilimutan.
Rider 8: Ano po ma'am, kasi, napakalayo po non. Siguro tatlong rides po ang kelangan din siguro nun sa loob ng -
Philcoa po kasi pinuntahan ko pa nun eh. Kaya ang layo pa eh sayang yung oras na yun eh.
Interviewer: Mayroon bang pagkakataon na wala kayong kinita dahil po don?
Rider 8: Wala naman po ma'am kahit matumal po, kumikita pa rin kahit paano.
Interviewer: Saan niyo po nilalaan ang sweldo niyo?
Rider 8: Ano po ma'am, pang requirements ko rin. Tsaka sa pang araw-araw ko.
Interviewer: Sapat po ba ang iyong kinikita sa iyong pang-araw-araw?
Rider 8: Sapat naman po ma'am nakakatawid po ng pang araw-araw ko.
Interviewer: Pag pansarili lang po?
Rider 8: Opo, pang sarili lang po.
Interviewer: Sariling pera niyo po ba ang ginagamit niyo pag binalik o hindi tinanggap ang delivery?
Rider 8: Ano po ma'am, binabalik po namin yung order sa vendor, di po namin sila - di po namin pwedeng kainin yun
kasi pag kinain po namin yun, masususpend po kami nun.
Interviewer: Pero kuya, diba parang may instances na parang binebenta niyo sa iba ganon? Nagawa niyo na po ba yon?
Yung kunyari, na fake book kayo or hindi kinuha yung order, ibebenta niyo nalang sa iba para makuha na
Rider 8: Opo ma'am. Kasi ma'am pag sa COD po ma'am, kailangan po naming makuha talaga yung pera kasi pag
hindi po namin na ano yun, mag aabono po kami. Kaya po ang ginagawa ng ibang rider, ibinebenta nalang
din po sa iba para di na po sila mag abono.
Interviewer: Ano po masasabi niyo sa mga rider po na tumatanggap ng transaksyon na labas sa policy niyo? Halimbawa
po, nag-order po sa Jollibee tapos magpapasabuy sa Mercury ng gamot kasi on the way po ganon at
mag-aadditional bayad na lang po.
Rider 8: Wala naman pong problema basta mag-aadditional po sila. Pero pag hindi po sila nag additional, parang ang
laking bagay din po kasi nung mawawala po samin eh - oras. Oras po kasi yung mahalaga po samin dun eh.
Interviewer: Pero naranasan niyo na po yun, kuya?
Rider 8: Yung may pasabay po?
Interviewer: Opo.
Rider 8: Opo. May nag ganun po kasi sakin nun eh. May customer na, hindi po sila nabili nun tapos pinabalik po nila
ako sa vendor, pero pag balik ko rin naman po don sakanila, binayaran po nila ako dun sa fare ko. Nag
additional nalang din po sila.
Interviewer: Nung nasabi niyo pong challenge po na malayo po, nasasayang yung oras niyo, paano po naapektuhan ng
mga challenges na yon sa kalusugan mo po?
Rider 8: Ano po ma'am kasi madaling araw na rin po yun. Kaya po binilasan ko nalang din po tsaka di ko rin po
kabisado yung lugar kaya ayun pagdating ko po dito, pagod na ko, nawalan na rin ako ng gana bumyahe
Interviewer: Paano naapektuhan ng inyong mga karanasan ang pagtanggap ng order sa mga susunod customers niyo?
Kunyari kuya, diba, nakakaranas nga kayo ng mga challenges, mga mahihirap tawagan parang naapektuhan
nito yung ibinibigay niyong serbisyo sa susunod po. Parang minsan ayaw niyo na po ba gawin, tinatamad na
kayo kasi baka maulit parang ganon.
Rider 8: Opo ma'am. Minsan nakaka ano na rin yung ganon ma'am. Tsaka pag natatagalan po kami lalo parang lalo po
kaming tinatamad din nun eh.
Interviewer: Sa tingin niyo po ba ay sulit po na i-risk niyo yung kalusugan niyo para sa trabaho na’to?
Rider 8: Okay din naman po ma'am para ano - unti unti rin po kasi nababawasan yung bisyo pag lagi kami nagbabike
Interviewer: Diba kuya sabi niyo kanina, bike yung ginagamit niyo...
Rider 8: Opo.
Interviewer: Naranasan niyo na po ba like ma-accident ganon?
Rider 8: Ah hindi naman po.
Interviewer: Hindi po? Hindi pa naman po?

Rider 8: Ma-ano - hindi po. Defensive din naman po kasi kami magdrive. Hindi po kami barubal kagaya nung mga
naka motor. Singit naman ng singit. Kami po kung san lang po yung linya namin sa bike lane, dun lang po
Interviewer: Nababahala ka po ba sa iyong kalusugan ngayong pandemic po?
Rider 8: Hindi naman po.
Interviewer: Nasanay na kuya? Parang naging normal ganon po?
Rider 8: Sanay na po. Kahit samin po hindi naman din po kami nag faface mask dun kahit nung lockdown eh.
Interviewer: May punto po ba sa buhay mo na naisip mo na nag-aalala pamilya mo sa iyong kalusugan at kaligtasan bigay
nga po ng work environment mo?
Rider 8: Oo ma'am. Tuwing umaalis din po kami ng bahay non. Nag-aalala din po yung pamilya samin kasi syempre
bike po kami, marami kaming naeencounter na halimbawa, motorsiklo na sumisingit nalang bigla, minsan
yung iba nag ka-counter flow. Hindi rin po nila maiwasan na mag-isip na baka madisgrasya po kami ganun.
Interviewer: Ano po kaya nararamdaman - pag kunyari yung bike lane po, andami pong - andami pong sumisingit na -
minsan po yung kotse po, yung motor…
Rider 8: Ayun po ma'am, minsan naiinis po kami kasi sila yung may lisensya dapat sila yung may alam sa
batas-trapiko, eh kaming mga naka bike, alam po namin yung batas-trapiko, kami sumusunod, pero sila hindi.
Interviewer: May punto po ba na nakita mo sarili mo na baka ikaw ay masangkot sa isang aksidente?
Rider 8: Hindi naman po ma'am kasi defensive din po ako magdrive eh. Hindi po ako bara-bara nalang eh.
Interviewer: Naging parte ba ng iyong pangamba ang pagbagyo at tsaka pagbaha po?
Rider 8: Hindi naman po ma'am.
Interviewer: Kapag po ba pangit na yung ano parang klima or weather, tumitigil po ba kayo or nagpapatuloy pa rin po
yung pagdedeliver niyo po?
Rider 8: Mas gugustuhin po namin yung ma-ulan kahit papaano kasi tuloy-tuloy po yung book saamin nun eh.
Interviewer: Ah mas okay po kapagka ma-ulan po sainyo?
Rider 8: Opo. Kasi ma'am yung iba nun ma'am pag mga nakatira sa condo, tamad na po sila lumabas non
Interviewer: So, parang mas malakas po yung kita pag umuulan po?
Rider 8: Opo.
Interviewer: Ilang oras po kayo madalas nag ffood delivery service?
Rider 8: 10 hours po.
Interviewer: Yung mga karanasan niyo po, yung sinabi niyo po kanina, anong oras niyo madalas nararanasan? Tuwing
gabi, umaga, tanghali, hapon?
Rider 8: Dati po madaling araw po kasi ako bumabyahe po non eh.
Interviewer: Ahh madaling araw. Paano naapektuhan nung sinabi niyo pong mga karanasan yung time management niyo
Rider 8: Kasi ma'am, sa loob ng ano 1 hour ngayon ma'am, may 3-4 delivers pa kong natatanggap sana non kaso sa
sobrang - yung struggle na yon, wala, tinamad na po talaga ako non, kasi napakalayo, pagod.
Interviewer: Paano nakaka-abala sainyo ang hindi pagsagot ng call, text, maling address, o pangalan sa pag dedeliver?
Rider 8: Ayon. Ayun yung pinaka mahirap samin ma'am eh. Kasi minsan, nagtatagal yung mga customer ng 30 mins.
di manlang nila tignan yung cellphone nila kung may nagtext ba o notification sakanila ng ano, nandito na ba
yung rider, ayun po yung hassle samin eh. Sayang po kasi yung oras dun eh.
Interviewer: Nung nangyari po sainyo, ilang oras po ang nasasayang sa inyo pag nakaranas kayo ng pagsubok simula po
sa pagpila sa counter at yung pagdeliver niyo na po?
Rider 8: Minsan may mga store na ano eh sobrang tagal po talaga nilang bago ibigay samin yung order namin, 30
mins., pero naranasan ko po diyan isa't kalahating oras po talaga. Sobrang tagal.
Interviewer: Kuya, na-check niyo po ba, for example, baka hindi pala pumasok yung order dun sa order nila, like yung
app na ano ginagamit din nila kung saan pumapasok?
Rider 8: Hindi po ma'am talagang may ano talaga, may mga vendor po talaga na sobrang tagal nila kumilos.
Interviewer: Ah matagal lang po talaga.
Rider 8: Mas priority po nila yung nag dadine-in kesa sa mga orders. Yung take-out.
Interviewer: Kasi sa iba po nakikita ko parang lagi po nila inuuna yung sa pagka mga rider, so -
Rider 8: Hindi po ma'am.
Interviewer: Hindi lahat ng restaurant is ganon or?
Rider 8: Hindi po.
Interviewer: Nagkaroon po ba ng oras na hindi niyo naabot ang quota niyo dahil sa mga delay po?
Rider 8: Opo ma'am. Marami rin po ma'am. Minsan ho, kadalasan ganun po kasi yung mga vendor talaga napaka
bagal nila eh. Kahit sabihin mong fast food sila, daig pa nila yung mga fine dining eh.
Interviewer: Nakakaapekto po ba sa ratings niyo yung delayed delivery order kahit na hindi niyo po yun kontrolado?
Rider 8: Hindi naman po siya - hindi naman po apektado sa acceptance rate namin pero sa pag deliver lang po talaga
namin yun. Oras na yun, dun po talaga nakaka-apekto.
Interviewer: So kuya, kunyari, parang kahit na sinabi niyo naman na sa customer na, "pasensya na po ah ganito kasi, kaya
po medyo matagal", parang nagagalit pa rin po ba sila sainyo ganon?

Rider 8: Opo ma'am. May iba po ma'am, nagmamadali po talaga pero hindi po kasi nila alam na ano eh. Halimbawa,
nag-order po sila sa restaurant, hindi naman sa fast food, dun po talaga kami matatagalan, di rin po kasi nila
maisip na kung gano katagal din yun andaming pa pong kumakain din dun.
Interviewer: Ano po ang pangunahing reaction mo pagkatapos niyo po naranasan yung pagsubok na sinabi niyo po
Rider 8: Wala naman. Nakaka ano rin samin din yun. Pagagalitan pa kami, di naman namin kasalanan yun. Di naman
kami yung crew ng ano eh ng restaurant. Buti sana kung kami yung crew, eh delivery rider lang naman po
kami eh.
Interviewer: Paano niyo po nakakayanan yung pagkadismaya niyo pagkatapos makaranas ng isang pagsubok?
Rider 8: Wala lang ma'am. Pasok dito sa kabilang tenga, labas sa kabila. Binabalewala nalang namin sinasabi nila.
Interviewer: So kuya, may time ba na, for example, diba medyo - yung order sainyo na yon hindi naging maayos - hindi
naging okay yung transaction, and then yung susunod, pagka may umorder ulit sainyo, parang okay naman na
kayo, parang nakalimutan niyo na yun?
Rider 8: Oo, okay na po yun ma'am. Basta ang goal lang po namin pagdeliver. Hayaan na po namin yung galit nila.
Bahala ho sila diyan.
Interviewer: Anong mga bagay ang sinubukan mong gawin pagkatapos makaranas ng pagsubok na po yon?
Rider 8: Ano lang ma'am. Wala lang. Di ko kasi alam yung mga ganyan ma'am eh. Hinahayaan ko lang sila dun eh.
Interviewer: Kung hindi sapat ang iyong perang kinikita niyo, paano niyo po ito nairaraos?
Rider 8: Ano po ma'am, pag hindi sapat po ma'am, halimbawa, natapos na po yung shift ko ngayon, ieextend ko pa po
siya ng another four hours o five hours. Para makuha ko po yung quota ko na yon.
Interviewer: Overtime po noh kuya?
Rider 8: Oo.
Interviewer: Ano pa po ang iyong ginagawa para magkaroon ng extra income para matustusan maliban po sa over time or
yun na po yung ginagawa niyo?
Rider 8: Ano po ma'am, umaasa nalang din kami sa maliliit na tip kahit mga barya barya lang. Okay na po samin yun
Interviewer: Mula po sa inyong karanasan, ano po ang mga naisip mong paraan para maiwasan yung pagka sayang ng
mga oportunidad dulot ng delays at magkaroon ng magandang time management?
Rider 8: Ano po ma'am, pag yung customer ko ma'am sumagot kagad sa tawag ko, sasabihin ko, "ma'am, pwede po
konting - pakibilisan nalang po kasi may double book, triple book nakuha ko may hahatid pa po akong iba",
kaya ayun po. Yung ibang customer, nagmamadali na rin po.
Interviewer: Yung katulad po nung sinabi niyo kanina, yung mali po yung address na nabigay sainyo, ano po kaya yung
mga ginagawa niyo para makasigurado po kayo na yung susunod na customer ay hindi po parang manloloko
ganon po?
Rider 8: Ano po ma'am, bago ko po i-drop sakanila o pumunta sakanila, tinatawagan ko na po kagad. Para ma-sure ko
po na hindi po siya fake book or wrong pin ganun po.
Interviewer: Ano po yung motivation niyo para magpatuloy sa pagtatrabaho kahit na andami pong pagsubok na pwedeng
Rider 8: Ano po ma'am, grind lang ng grind hanggang maabot ko yung gusto ko sa buhay ko.
Interviewer: Paano nakakaapekto yung mga pagsubok na iyong naranasan niyo po sa performance niyo bilang isang food
app rider po?
Rider 8: Ano po ulit yun ma'am?
Interviewer: Yung dahil po sa mga naranasan niyo, hindi pa po - parang nakakaapekto sa performance niyo bilang food
app rider. Parang nakakaramdam po kayo ng pagod, inis parang nadidismaya po kayo ganon or nawawalan po
kayo ng gana? Feeling niyo ba nag-iiba po yung performance niyo naibibigay niyo po sa susunod na
customer? Parang ganon.
Rider 8: Hindi naman po - hindi naman po ganon. Pag nagkamali po sila - halimbawa, may nangyari po na ganun,
next na ano, hindi na po - hindi na po ako nagdadalawang isip na punta ko pa rin po don kasi sayang din po
kasi yun eh.
Interviewer: Napapagod po ba kayo at nahihirapan na pagkatiwalaan ang mga susunod niyong customer?
Rider 8: Ano po ma'am, pag sobrang tagal po talaga nilang sumagot, nakaka ilang missed call na dun na po kami
nababahala rin minsan eh.
Interviewer: Base po sa inyong mga karanasan, paano niyo po maiilarawan ang kalidad ng iyong serbisyo na binibigay
bilang isang food app rider? Pano niyo po madedescribe yung serbisyo po na binibigay niyo sa mga customer
niyo? Parang kuya, yung parang hindi nila nalalaman na eto naman yung ginagawa mo pero parang hindi
naappreciate ng mga tao? Yung parang paano niyo po kaya i-rerate yung sarili niyo sa serbisyo ng pagiging
food delivery?
Rider 8: Ano ma'am, kahit ginagawa naman po namin yung pag serbisyo namin sa kanila, pero talagang may mga
ibang customer po na hindi po nila kami naaappreciate. Yung sabihin mo na, wala manlang tip, kahit sabihan
mo na, "ride safe kayo ah" ganon. Yung iba po ma'am, masungit pa nga minsan eh.
Interviewer: Pagkatapos po ng mga pinagdaanan niyong pagsubok, ano po yung pinagkaiba ng serbisyong binibigay niyo
sa ngayon po?

Rider 8: Ano ma'am, ganun pa rin naman po ma'am, hindi naman po kami pa iba iba ng ano - basta mahatid po namin
ng maayos yung pagkain ganun lang po kami.
Interviewer: Nakakaramdam po ba kayo ng katamaran?
Rider 8: Minsan po ma'am pag halimbawa, isang oras o dalawang oras po kaming nakatengga dito, patay booking
Interviewer: Nawalan na po ba kayo ng interes sa mga trabaho niyo dahil sa mga pagsubok nga po?
Rider 8: Hindi naman po ma'am.
Interviewer: Nagkaroon po ba ng punto sa buhay niyo na gusto niyo nalang po mag-resign sa trabaho?
Rider 8: Sa ngayon ma'am, hindi po ako pwedeng ano eh huminto dito kasi, next year pa po kasi yung ano ko eh -
nakapasa yung line-up ko pa ibang bansa eh. Kaya ngayon, dito po muna ako.
Interviewer: Kuya, in terms sa ano naman po, kinikita niyo na ang nagbibigay is yung FoodPanda, nagkakaron po ba kayo
ng problema like, tumataas po yung binibigay nila or bumababa ba ngayon ganon, na parang kakaiba sa
dating binibigay sainyo nung bago bago palang kayo?
Rider 8: Depende po kasi sa ano, sa lugar yan ma'am eh. Halimbawa, tambay po ako sa Muñoz dun po ma'am, mababa
lang po talaga yung fare rate dun. Pero pag dito po kami sa SM, mataas po yung fare rate. Iba iba po kasi
yung ano niyan eh. Tsaka batching po yan, halimbawa, kung Batch 4 ka po, mababa lang po talaga yung fare
mo non, magstart ka po ng 34 pesos, ganon po. Pag special hour naman po yon, aabot po ng 40 ganon 42.
Ganun po kasi yung kay Panda.
Interviewer: Kung irerate niyo po kung gaano po kahirap ang naging karanasan mo bilang food app rider, 10 po ang
pinaka mahirap tas 1 naman po ang pinakamadali.
Rider 8: Sa ano ang ako ma'am, sa middle. Mga 5. 5 or 6.
Interviewer: Mayroon po ba kayong gustong solusyon na ipatupad ng FoodPanda? Kung ano pong gusto niyo parang -
like kunyari po, meron po kayong gustong gawin ni FoodPanda na parang pwedeng mag benefit sainyo, ano
po yon?
Rider 8: Ano po ma'am, yung tawag dito, yung pwede nila kaming mapa-utang like kay Grab po. Kasi kay Grab po
ma'am may pa-loan po si Grab eh. Panda po, wala po talaga eh.
Interviewer: Pero sa pag taas ng pa-sweldo niyo parang okay ba sainyo or mas gusto niyo na parang taasan pa nila?
Rider 8: Mas maganda po kung tataasan po din nila kasi syempre bike kami, napakahirap niyan kahit hindi po gas
yung ano eh puhunan po namin diyan yung pagod po talaga eh. Sobrang hassle na po niyan para samin.
Interviewer: Tsaka po kuya sa time, diba sinasabi niyo lagi na parang, 15 mins lang kasi yung parang allotted time po ni
FoodPanda, parang gusto niyo bang ma-adjust - merong mga circumstances nga na parang may nangyayaring
kahit hindi niyo naman po gustong mangyari?
Rider 8: Okay lang naman po yun para samin para - ang mag-aadjust nalang din po dun kami pati yung customer po
talaga. Tsaka yung mga customer po dapat maging aware po sila lalo na kung may pinadeliver po sila, dapat
hindi po muna sila mag-ano eh yung focus lang muna sila kasi minsan ang bilis ng mga rider, 5-10 mins
andyan na. Yung iba ko po kasing customer, hahayaan lang po muna nila yan, ayaw nilang kulit kulitin sila
pero minsan yung iba, hindi.
Interviewer: Lalo na sainyo kasi bike yung ginagamit niyo, hindi katulad ng mga motor.
Rider 8: Opo.
Interviewer: Sa FoodPanda po may PhilHealth din po kayo, SSS?
Rider 8: Wala po. Wala po kaming ganun.
Interviewer: So, ayun lang naman po kuya. Thank you po sa time niyo.

Transcription 9
Interviewee: Rider 9
Date: October 10, 2022
Place: Manila
Interviewer: Ilang taon ka na po?
Rider 9: 33
Interviewer: Taga-saan po kayo?
Rider 9: Dito lang sa Manila
Interviewer: Gaano na po kayo katagal na nag fo-food app rider?
Rider 9: Bale nag start kasi ako 2019, nag start ako sa sideline lang dati.
Interviewer: Bakit niyo po pinili maging food app rider?
Rider 9: Siguro kasi freelance eh, Kumbaga wala bang amo di gaya sa office 8-5pm dito anytime pwede kang
bumyahe. Walang amo, walang employer.
Interviewer: Gaano po karaming order ang natatanggap niyo sa isang araw?
Rider 9: Ano depende, pag ano regular lang, siguro mga 10-15 pero pag may mga event, christmas mga valentines,
mga 20+ ganun, sa isang araw pero ano yun 8 ng umaga hanggang 10 yun.
Interviewer: Nakakaranas po ba kayo ng challenges sa pagiging food app rider?
Rider 9: Oo marami, sa weather kasama kasi yun eh sa ulan. Kasama yun eh bale hassle.
Interviewer: sa FakeBooking sir?
Rider 9: Fakebooking? oo nakaranas ako once bale ano yun pero d naman katulad ng mga kasama ko na malaki yung
nag fakebooking pero syeempre hassle parin yun kumabaga pera namin yun eh, pero narerefund naman ni
grab kaso hindi agad-agad.
Interviewer: Naranasan niyo po ba yung umorder siya pero hindi niya tinanggap or hindi po
Rider 9: Oo considered na namin siyang fakebooking yun oo kasi d niya tinangap eh
Interviewer: Eh yung ano po for example po may nag order pero kulang po yung order na naibigay niyo kasi parang d po
siya na complete ng restaurant.
Rider 9: Actually yung mga yan kasi usually hindi namin alam kung ano nasa loob kung saan doon kasi naka sealed
yun eh.
Interviewer: Kapag may ganun hindi niyo po talaga sagot yun?
Rider 9: Ang ano kasi niyan either mali ng store or may hindi kami nasama, naiwan namin.
Interviewer: Ano ang pinaka hindi niyo malilimutan na karanasan?
Rider 9: Yung mga masusungit na ano customer may mga ganun kasi.
Interviewer: Kadalasan po bakit po kaya sila nagsusungit?
Rider 9: Ewan ko siguro kumbaga ugali na siguro nila siguro minamaliit kami sinunod mo naman gusto nila pero
ganon parin. parang galit parin.
Interviewer: Pero merong parin po kaya dun kuya na dahil delay ang order?
Rider 9: Actually oo hindi kasi naiintindihan ng customer na kapag dating sa store hindi lang naman kami or hindi
lang naman sila priority, kunwari dito sa Wendy’s madami kaming grab marami eh plus walk in pa kumabaga
pag order sa grab hindi agad-agad nandiyan na lulutuin pa.
Interviewer: Pero yung iba kuya may nagalit na kulang order nila.
Rider 9: Hindi pa naman ako naka encounter kasi kapag kulang binabalikan. naman namin sa store. Paliwanag lang ng
maayos pero hassle yun kasi imbis na tapos na service namin sa kanila. Kung ano binayaran sa kanila yun na
dapat pero babalik pa kami.
Interviewer: Ano ang unang reaksyon o naramdaman mo nung naranasan mo ito?
Rider 9: Syempre parang nalungkot parang ganon.
Interviewer: Saang lugar mo po ito madalas nararanasan?
Rider 9: Dito lang rin sa Manila, Actually halohalo eh sa mga condo, sa subdivision.
Interviewer: May required na bilang po ba ang dapat niyong matanggap na order sa isang araw?
Rider 9: Sa akin, kasi before kasi nung nag wowork pa ako ang daily ko 800 so kailangan malagpasan ko yun para
worth it yung pagtratrabaho sa akin okay na 1000 pag ano yun ah matumal. pero kung kaya naman 1.5k or
Rider 9: Sa amin kasi hindi kasi orders eh, per booking kami eh. gano man karami order, amin delivery lang eh.
Interviewer: Wala naman po target si Grab?
Rider 9: Wala naman target kasi freelance eh. Nasa saamin na yun eh.
Interviewer: Paano po naapektuhan yung puhunan niyo, kita niyo sa mga nabanggit niyo pang challenges as a Grab rider?
Rider 9: Syempre ano na yun sira na araw mo nun. Lalo na pag first booking mo kunwari 1-libo puhunan mo e
nafakebook ka ng 500 e hindi naman agad yun mababalik sayo edi 500 na lang puhunan mo kumbaga
paghihirap mo ng isang araw tatamarin ka na ganun.
Interviewer: Gaano kalaking pera na ang nawala sayo dahil sa karanasan na yon? Mayroon bang pagkakataon na wala

kayong kinikita sa isang araw, as in po 0 dahil naabono niyo po ganun? so far mo magkano na po nawawala
sa pera niyo kapag na fake book kayo?
Rider 9: Hindi naman kasi ako ganon kalaki kapag nag totopup, tawag samin yan kapag nag a-abono ng pera kumbaga
mga 500 lang.
Interviewer: So saan po madalas niyo nilalaan ang sweldo niyo?
Rider 9: Wala naman kahit papano naman dito sa grab d ka mawawalan eh
Interviewer: Pero so far po sapat po ba ang kinikita as a grab rider?
Rider 9: Basic needs kung ano kailangan sa family, sa bahay, sa upa pambayad sa amenities ganon.
Interviewer: Pero sapat naman po ba ang kinikits niyo as grab drive?
Rider 9: Oo sapat tsaga lang.
Interviewer: Sariling pera niyo po ba ang ginagamit niyo pag binalik o hindi tinanggap ang delivery?
Rider 9: Oo
Interviewer: Ano po masasabi niyo sa mga tumatanggap ng transaksyon na labas sa policy niyo? Halimbawa po nag-order
sa jollibee tapos magpapasabuy sa mercury ng gamot at mag-aadditional bayad na lang.
Rider 9: Actually ma'am depende kasi yan sa rider, kung walking distance katabi niya nalang ang mercury
consideration nalang. Na experience ko yan nag pa order sa 7/11 eh ang dami syempre di ko na tatanggapin
yun ubos oras na yun andami ng pinasuyo niya.
Interviewer: Pero may time na po na tumanggap na kayo ng ganon?
Rider 9: Oo kunwari gamot kasi kung minsan may sakit yung unoorder tapos nagpasuyo ng gamot.
Interviewer: If ever po, Nagbibigay naman po sila ng extra tip or hindi po?
Rider 9: Oo kasi syempre nakisuyo ka eh pero kung wala, okay lang.
Interviewer: Sa mga challenges po sa tingin niyo po paano po nakakaapekto sa kalusugan niyo po?
Rider 9: Masasanay ka na rin pero minsan mainit tanghali tapos umulan syempre tao lang
rin kami babad pa sa araw tapos pagod pa syempre nagkakasakit rin, pag nagkasakit ka wala kang income.
Interviewer: Tsaka kanina po nabangit niyo sa emotionally po ano pag naiinis na po kayo ano?
Rider 9: Oo kinabukasan hindi mo na makikita yung customer eh, para ano mo nalang.
Interviewer: Lumilipas nalang po.
Rider 9: Isipin nalang iba iba tayo ugali eh. May customer naman sobrang bait ganon.
Interviewer: Sa tingin niyo po ba ay sulit po na i-risk ang kalusugan niyo para sa trabaho na’to?
Rider 9: Paanong irisk?
Interviewer: Diba po nakakatanas po kayo ng mga challenges parang sa palagay niyo po ay sulit po irisk.
Interviewer: …tulad kapag umuulan po.
Rider 9: Risky talaga trabaho namin una nagmomotor kami diba pag momotor palang risky na yun. Lalo na nitong
pandemya diba? face to face kami frontliner kami di namin alam yung pagdedeliveran namin may sakit
syempre no choice trabaho ko yun eh.
Interviewer: May punto po ba sa buhay mo po na naisip mo na nag-aalala pamilya mo sa iyong kalusugan ah at kaligtasan
bigay po ng iyong work environment?
Rider 9: Oo syempre may mga pamilya ako eh, hindi maiiwasan yun.
Interviewer: May punto po ba na nakita mo po sarili mo na masangkot sa accident ganun or na hawa po ng covid ganun?
Rider 9: Wala, ingat lang.
Interviewer: Ilang oras po kayo madalas nag food delivery?
Rider 9: Ano depende, 8-10 hours, okay na 1000 pero kung kaya naman 1.5k or 1.8k.
Interviewer: Sa tingin niyo po mga anong oras mo po madalas nararanasan yung mga challenges na yun?
Rider 9: Anytime naman kasi yun eh depende kasi eh pag natapat sayo yung customer na ganon yung mga challenge
na yon walang oras eh anytime pwede mangyari sayo yun eh.
Interviewer: So paano po nakakaabala sa inyo yung hindi pagsagot ng call o text, maling
address o pangalan?
Rider 9: Hassle yon — dapat pagating namin dun drop nalang kami eh pag dating don wala parin 15-20 mins wala
parin diba imbes na magkabooking na ulit kami napepending kami dahil dun, syempre yung food na yun
kailangan namin idedeliver.
Interviewer: Mga ilang oras po yung nasasayang sa oras niyo?
Rider 9: Actually may patakaran si grab 15 mins, pag wala no show pero depende kasi sa rider.
Interviewer: Pag nadedelay po naapektuhan po ba ang inyong ratings?
Rider 9: Hindi, kasi hindi naman namin kasalanan yun eh kunwari di naman talaga macontact si customer, ano
magagawa namin as long as madeliver namin maapektuhan ratings namin pag di namin dineliver.
Interviewer: Bale po ano po unang nagiging reaction niyo sa mga challenges na yun?
Rider 9: Syempre maiinis, maiinis ka talaga.
Interviewer: So since nakaranas na po kayo ng mga challenges na yun at may iba’t iba po
kayong reaction at nararamdaman paano niyo po hinahandle yun?
Rider 9: Sa akin kasi dedmanalang ako dun eh kasi hindi naman lahat ng customer ganon. kunwari sa sampung
customer may isang ganon, okay lang rin hindi naman kawalan diba.
Interviewer: Kung hindi sapat ang kita niyo sa pang araw-araw paano niyo po ito pinag kakasya?

Rider 9: Ano syempre tipid, nagtitipid.

Interviewer: Ano pa po yung iba niyong ginagawa para matustusan yung pang ara-araw niyo po?
Rider 9: Online, online selling ganun.
Interviewer: Mula po sa inyong mga karanasan, ano po yung mga paraan para maiwasan yung pagkadelay po ng mga
delivery ganun?
Rider 9: Basta bago pumunta sa customer sa drop off area tawagan muna si customer kung tama ba yung pin and kung
available ba siya na sumasagot ba yun para tuloy tuloy yung deliver, yung drop off.
Interviewer: Ito po yung sunod, ano po ang iyong ginagawa niyo na mga paraan para ma-sure na hindi po siya bogus
buyer or maidendify po yung ganun?
Rider 9: Actually hindi namin maiidentify yung pag food meron kasi silang mga modus na paraan like for example
nag order sila sa grab food at biglang nagpasuyo mag papabayad sila sa 7/11 o sa bayadcenter bogus na yun,
kunwari nag papabayad sila bills nila eh hindi nman nakasali yun tapos yung iba pag di aware babayaran nila
bills nila tapos hindi na nila macocontact. Actually alam na ng mga rider na yun eh pag sa 7/11
Interviewer: Ano po ang inyong motivation para magpatuloy sa pagtatrabaho kahit na may
mga ganitong pagsubok yung mga binanggit niyo po kanina?
Rider 9: Syempre mga anak ko.
Interviewer: Paano nakakaapekto ang mga pagsubok na iyong naranasan sa performance ng
iyong serbisyo sa iba?
Rider 9: Ako kasi hindi naman porket isang customer ganon tingin mo lahat na ganun, kumbaga mag adjust ka lang
kasi kung may negative may positive rin naman na customer kumabaga di ko naman ginegeneralize lahat.
kung sa isang customer okay lang yun, kasi may iba naman. kahit na sabihin mo sinusungitan ka part ng
trabaho yun eh. kumbaga service kasi eh, okay lang yun part ng trabaho yun hindi nman sa rider lang ganun
nangyayari pati sa iba rin intindihin nalang yung nangyayari kasi customer parin yun.
Interviewer: Pero mayroon po bang pagkakataon na naisip niyo pong mag-resign nalang sa trabaho na to and maghanap
po ng iba?
Rider 9: Hindi wala naman kasi eto, wala naman pumipilit — hindi ka naman pinipilit ni grab bumyahe kumbaga
freelance kami anytime pwede bumyahe, kung masama pakiramdam mo wag ka bumyahe okay lang as long
as kumikita ka diba.
Interviewer: On a scale of 1 to 10 po, 1 is the lowest po and 10 is the highest gaano po kahirap ang pagiging food app
Rider 9: Actually di naman siya mahirap hindi rin siya madali kumbaga kung ako na experience ko rin mag trabaho,
wala rin manan, hindi kung minsan hindi naman agad-agad madali lahat naman diba. Kung mahirap, sa una
naman mahirap pero pag natutunan mo na syempre madali nalang yun. Siguro ano mga ano 3, sa akin ah.
Interviewer: Nagkaroon na po ba na may pag baba sa income niyo po?
Rider 9: Yung income kasi before 8 hours lang, nakaka 1000 plus na kami ngayon 12 hours na ako nag ggrab eh para
lang mareach mo quota mo dati parang anun pero syempre intindihin mo nalang kasi before si grab lang
ngayon may panda na, so kailangan makipagsabayan si grab tulad ng sinabi ni grab pag ganon ulit rate natin
wala na mag order sa grab sa panda nalang.
Interviewer: Is there any solution to these challenges that you would like the food app company to implement?
Rider 9: Ano lang fair lang, pantay lang lahat.
Interviewer: Sa income po, humihiling po ba kayo na taasan ulit ganun?
Rider 9: Depende kasi sa sitwasyon kasi meron naman ding time na malaki naman din kita kasi tinitimbang timbang
ko malaki talaga kita kay grab tsaga lang, kasi kung ikaw gusto mo agad 1000 agad isang oras palang
syempre tsaga tsaga parin. As of now sapat pero in the future sana ano na diba, at maghanap ng ibang
alternative syempre tumatanda na rin tayo.

Transcription 10
Interviewee: Rider 10
Date: October 10, 2022
Place: Manila

Interviewer: Ano po yung pangalan niyo?

Rider 10: Renato
Interviewer: Ilang taon na po?
Rider 10: 36.
Interviewer: Taga saan po?
Rider 10: Maynila.
Interviewer: Okay po. So, gaano na po kayo katagal sap ag f-food app rider?
Rider 10: Ah yung grab driver?
Interviewer: Yes po.
Rider 10: Ah mag t-two years na.
Interviewer: Okay po. So, bakit niyo po pinili maging food app rider? Ito po ba yung pangunahin niyong trabaho?
Rider 10: Di naman. Eh ito ang trabaho namin na yan nung nawalan kami ng trabaho sa nung nag pandemya, nag-apply
kami diyan.
Interviewer: Gaano po karami yung order na natatanggap niyo po sa isang araw?
Rider 10: Di pareparehas. Minsan nakaka 24 rides kami.
Interviewer: Okay po. So, nakakaranas po ba kayo ng mga challenges sa pagiging food app rider?
Rider 10: Oo, yung minsan sa daan mahirap ang ano, ang traffic tapos minsan may nakaka ano ka pang ibang mga
Interviewer: Aksidente po ganon?
Rider 10: Hindi – yung mga ano may nakakaaway ka sa sob-
Interviewer: Ahh, opo. So, ano po yung hindi niyo po makakalimutan na karanasan? Mga experience po sa pag f-food app
rider po. Mahirap na karanasan niyo po.
Rider 10: Wala naman kaming hirap na – hindi naman kami nahihirapan sa karanasan namin sa rider kasi okay naman
yung kita namin. Hindi kami nazezero diyan.
Interviewer: Ahh. Naexperience niyo po ba yung pag cancel ng booking…
Rider 10: Yun kasi karamihan ngayon, halimbawa, nag-order na yung CS tapos kusa nalang niyang cinacancel.
Interviewer: Ano pong unang reaksyon niyo or naramdaman niyo nung naranasan niyo po yung mga ganong situation?
Rider 10: Syempre masakit din yun sa loob naming yon. Dala ng imbis na kita na namin, nawawala pa.
Interviewer: So, saan niyo po ito madalas nararanasan na lugar? Dito po sa Maynila or Q.C.
Rider 10: Ito Maynila. Dito karamihan sa Maynila.
Interviewer: Ahh. So, ano po yung target na income niyo sa isang araw? May required po ba na bilang na dapat niyong
matanggap na order sa isang araw?
Rider 10: Wala kaming bilang diyan sa ano na yan. Kung magkano yung – kung pano kami pinasukan ng booking pero
ang limit namin diyan, sobra sobra naman kami sa minimum. Kasi hindi naman minimum ang ano namin eh.
Per rides kami kasi. Minsan kikita din kami ng isanlibong mahigit.
Interviewer: So, paano po naapektuhan ng inyong punuhan or kita pagdating sa inyo quota. Like for example, pag
naexperience niyo po yung mga nabanggit niyo po kanina paano po nakakaapekto yun sa mga kinikita niyo
po araw araw or sa quota niyo sa isang araw?
Rider 10: Ang naapektuhan lang naman sa kita namin imbis na iuuwi namin – sa fake booking. Pag na fake booking
kami syempre yung kikitain namin papasok muna yan, 2-3 days bago maibalik samin yung pera.
Interviewer: Gaano po kalaking pera yung mga nawawala sainyo? Like, for example, yung fake booking, gaano po kalaki
yung pera?
Rider 10: Depende sa order ng customer na nagf-fake booking.
Interviewer: Yung as of the moment po gano kalaki po yung naexperince niyo?
Rider 10: 2k.
Interviewer: 2k. So, meron po bang pagkakataon na wala na po kayong kinikita dahil sa mga ganong situation po na
naranasan niyo?
Rider 10: Ay hindi naman. Bihira lang yon.
Interviewer: Okay uhm saan niyo nilalaan yung mga kinikita o sahod niyo po sa pang araw araw?
Rider 10: Number 1 yan sa pamilya eh.
Interviewer: Okay po. Sapat na po ba ang inyong kinikita sa pang araw araw?
Rider 10: Minsan sapat, minsan hindi. Kulang.
Interviewer: Pag naka experience po kayo ng fake booking, kayo po ba nag aabono ng pera?
Rider 10: Oo, nag aabono kami non. Pero naibabalik naman yun 2-3 days.

Interviewer: Matagal nga lang.. Ano pong masasabi niyo sa mga – yung mga transaction po kunyari may order po kayo
pwede po bang padaan sa ganito. Nakaka experience po ba kayo ng ganon?
Rider 10: Ay hindi. Pag halimbawa pag may nag book kasi ng ganyan, kami na ang mismo ang kumukuha.
Interviewer: Nung kunyari po papadaan po sa mercury drug, bibili po kayo ng gamot parang additional work po sainyo,
dadagdagan nalang daw nila ng mga – yung additional request po.
Rider 10: Ang totoo po kasi niyan, nung panahon po ng pandemya, kasi kami ngayon wala na kami nung Grab Pabili
eh. Dati pwede ho yung ganyan pero di na ho kasi bawal po yun eh.
Interviewer: Ah so di po kayo tumatanggap ng ganon?
Rider 10: Oo.
Interviewer: So, sa kalusugan niyo naman po, may mga naeexperience po ba kayo na sakit? O kaya ano..
Rider 10: Ay wala. Okay naman.
Interviewer: Sa pagod po, worth it po ba yung pagod niyo na narararanasan sa kita niyo po ba?
Rider 10: Oo, kasi pag pagod na pagod na kami ibig sabihin, kumikita na kami non. Kung hindi kami pagod, wala
kaming kita.
Interviewer: So, sa Grab po ba –
Rider 10: Sandali ma, iniinterview ako. ABS-CBN.
Interviewer: So, sa Grab po ba, Sir, nakakatanggap po kayo ng mga order na, kunyari na fake book po kayo, pano po niyo
tinitignan yung ibang customer na baka ma fake book din ako kapag sa ibang customer naman po. Hindi
naman po ganon?
Rider 10: Ah kami wala naman na kaming takot na ma fake book kami kasi si Grab naibabalik naman yon. Nasa
tamang process namin yung pag reimburse namin ng pera namin.
Interviewer: So, okay lang po na ano kasi secured naman po kayo?
Rider 10: Oo, kasi di yung kamukha ng panda kasi yun eh.
Interviewer: Uhm nung panahon po ng pandemic nababahala po ba kayo sa sarili niyong kalusugan na baka magka covid
ako, ganon?
Rider 10: Ay yun nga, hanggang nung ano, di man kami natakot diyan dahil required kasi kaming lumabas, kami ang
naghahatid ng mga pagkain ng mga umoorder.
Interviewer: May point po ba sa buhay niyo po yung naisip niyo po na nag-aalala po yung asawa niyo, pamilya niyo
Rider 10: Matic yun. Mag-aalala yun dala ng sa labas yung trabaho naming eh, rider kasi kami eh.
Interviewer: So, in terms of emotional po, nakakadagdag din po yun sa stress, sa emotional – kunyari, iniisip nila ako
kumbaga may stress na din po yun sa emotions niyo kunyari naka encounter kayo ng fake booking or kaya
nagka-away kayo sa kalsada, naapektuhan po ba yung emotional state niyo po?
Rider 10: Ay hindi naman. Kapag may nakakaaway ka ng ganyan hangga’t mahaba yung pasensya mo, malayong
magkaka ano yon..
Interviewer: Parang binabalewala?
Rider 10: Binabalewala nalang. Ngayon kung ginanti ka, alam na.
Interviewer: May point po ba sa trabaho niyo na nakita niyo yung sarili niyo na involve sa accident? Kumbaga, napicture
out niyo po yung sarili niyo na baka mabangga ako ganon?
Rider 10: Hindi naman pumapasok sa isip ko yan yung bangga na yan. Kasi aksidente yan kusa nalang dumarating yan,
di mo alam kung kalian, o anong oras, kung ano.
Interviewer: So, ilang oras po kayo madalas na nagtatrabaho ng as a food app rider?
Rider 10: Pero talaga yan ako, di ko pinapart time yan, full time talaga ako niyan. Kung babyahe ako ng 8am hanggang
hating gabi ako, uwi na ko non.
Interviewer: Buong araw po ano?
Rider 10: Buong araw ko talaga yan.
Interviewer: Yung mga challenges po na nagkaka iringan sa kalsada o kaya fake booking, anong oras po madalas yun
Rider 10: Di pare-parehas yan. Minsan may mga gabi, karamihan may mga ganyang araw na trapik.
Interviewer: So, uhm, paano po nakakaabala yung mga ganong situation po sa pagdedeliver, halimbawa po kapag hindi po
sumasagot yung mga ano, yung mga client niyo po, yung mga customer. Paano po?
Rider 10: Ang ganon po yon, talagang istorbo samin yun. Halimbawa, umorder po yung CS, may ano naman kami uhh
waiting naman kaming maghintay na 20mins. tapos nirereport na naming kay Grab.
Interviewer: Pero pag nareport niyo na po yon, mababalik naman na po yung pera?
Rider 10: Oo, yun yung sinasabi nilang, no show. Hindi siya – kahit tinetext, chinachat na namin, tinatawagan namin,
hindi siya nasagot.
Interviewer: Follow up lang po. Paano po yon, diba po uhm sabi niyo po ibabalik po ni Grab yon through process, like, for
example, 3 days. Paano po yung pagkain, kanino po mapupunta, sa vendor po or sainyo na?
Rider 10: Ano na ho yon, dinidispose na ho namin yon.
Interviewer: Ahh kayo na po bahala?
Rider 10: Oo, dinidisipose na ho namin yon, tatapon na po namin.
Interviewer: Ay ganon po?

Rider 10: Oo, kasi may process po kasi yon.

Interviewer: Ah bawal niyo po iuwi or kainin, ganon?
Rider 10: Oo. *nods*
Interviewer: Ah okay po. Pag nadedelay naman po yung mga orders, paano po yun nakakaapekto sa rating niyo po? Ah,
dahil po ba late – nadelay yung order, nirerate po ba kayo ng 1-star ganon?
Rider 10: Ang totoo po niyan talaga, pag kami po kasi, kailangan ho din po kasi namin mabilis yung trabaho namin.
Minsan maghihintay ho kami diyan sa – depende kasi eh. Minsan may niluluto maghihintay kami ng 40mins
tapos inaano namin sa CS, sinasabi namin na andito na kami sa merchant, hinihintay ho namin yung order
niyo, matagal. Humihingi kami ng dispensa.
Interviewer: Pumapayag naman po sila?
Rider 10: Oo. Minsan may customer din na hindi pumapayag. Kami ang ano. Kaya ganyan kami narerate na sinasabi
niyong 1-star.
Interviewer: Ahh.
Rider 10: Tapos pag nagdeliver kami yung mga natatapon nang – minsan aksidente natatapon yung ano, yung
halimbawa, kape ganyan.
Interviewer: Kumbaga, out of – hindi niyo nacocontrol yung mga..
Rider 10: Oo, kasi yung lubak..
Interviewer: Uhm, ano po yung initial reaction niyo kapag nakakatanggap kayo ng mga ganong customer na hindi
marunong umintindi?
Rider 10: Eh, wala. Wala na rin kasi kaming magagawa kasi sila na rin ang nagdedesisyon non. Kaya kung ano yung
desisyon nila samin, ganon. Pero, maganda naman yung approach namin sakanila kasi mga customer namin
yan eh.
Interviewer: Paano niyo po hinahandle yung ganon? Kumbaga, kayo din po yung umiintindi? Ganon po ba?
Rider 10: Opo ganon. Kami nalang ang umiintindi. Kasi hindi pareparehas ang mga CS – ang customer. May mabait,
may bastos ganyan. Kaya hindi namin inaano yan.
Interviewer: Opo. Yung – may mga paraan po ba kayo na parang ginagawa para maiwasan yung mga pagsubok na ganon?
Rider 10: Anong – ano ba yung mga yon?
Interviewer: Paraan. Kunyari po sa daan, kumbaga, kayo nalang po yung nag aadjust kapag nagkaka iringan na po ganon.
Rider 10: Oo, kami na ang nag-aadjust. Hindi na dapat pang makipag anuhan.
Interviewer: Kung may time po na hindi sapat yung kita niyo sa araw araw, paano niyo po yon matutustusan?
Rider 10: Kasi ako, ang sa totoo niyan, full-time na ako diyan sa kay Grab, hindi talaga ako uuwi nang hangga’t hindi
nagiging sapat sa aming pamilya.
Interviewer: Anu-ano po yung ginagawa niyo para makasigurado na yung susunod na customer po ninyo ay hindi bogus?
Rider 10: Di po kasi naming masasabi kasi may assisted generator po kami eh. Depende nalang kung kanino kami
Interviewer: So, ano po yung pinaka motivation niyo bakit niyo napili maging food app rider? Yung pagod niyo, ano po
yung dahilan niyo sa pag balat buto sa pag Grab rider?
Rider 10: Kasi yung pagbabalat buto namin diyan sa Grab na yan, actually, ano yan, okay naman yung ano niya,
talagang hindi ka naman nazezero. Kaso ang problema nga yon yung mataas ang gas ganon.
Interviewer: Motivation niyo po yung sweldo po talaga?
Rider 10: Hindi, hindi naman sweldo yun eh. Kumbaga, pang sariling ano naming yun eh. Kumbaga, partner lang kami
ni Grab.
Interviewer: Bale uhm through Grab po, napoprovide po yung mga pangangailangan niyo sa pang araw-araw? Nagiging
sapat po yung kita niyo?
Rider 10: Oo, sa pang araw-araw. Oo, ganon nga.
Interviewer: Ang next po, paano po nakakaapekto yung mga pagsubok na nararanasan niyo sa pag serbisyo? Naging
negatibo po ba yung tingin niyo sa pagiging isang food app rider na parang ganto pala to na ang hirap pala.
Hindi po ba kayo dumating sa ganon?
Rider 10: Ah, mahirap yan. Mahirap talaga yung sa Grab. Lalo na sa kalsada ang trabaho mo, naka ano na yung paa
namin diyan. Kumbaga parang nasa hukay na rin yung ano namin diyan eh, buhay namin diyan eh.
Interviewer: Kung ano po, kung maisip niyo po yung mga lahat ng challenges na na-encounter niyo po, pano niyo po
madedescribe ang isang pagiging food app rider?
Rider 10: Eh ako yung madedescribe ko lang diyan kasi malaki na rin ang naging tulong sakin niyan, kahit papaano na
tutustusan ko ng pang araw-araw yung mga anak ko tsaka nababayaran ko pa yung mga dapat kong bayaran.
Interviewer: So bale, malaking tulong po yung Grab sainyo, kung wala po yung Grab, hindi niyo po mapoprovide yung
mga pangangailangan..
Rider 10: Kasi laking probinsya kasi ako eh kaya..
Interviewer: Okay po. Tsaka yung pag gamit po ng motor, madali po siya compared sa ibang vehicle noh?
Rider 10: Opo.
Interviewer: Pagkatapos po nung lahat ng karanasan niyo po, ano po yung pagtingin niyo – yung difference po ng
pagbigay niyo ng service sa tao, kunyari, naka encounter po kayo ng masungit na customer po, pano niyo po

nabibigay yung – ay paano niyo po naiisip yung, dati, hindi niyo po ineexpect na may ganong customer,
ngayon po may epekto na po.
Rider 10: Eh ngayon kasi, gaya ng sinasabi ko, hindi nga pareparehas yung mga ano ng customer, may mabait, may
masungit. Punta tayo dun sa masungit. Ang customer kasi may masungit na customer, maganda na yung
pinapakita mo sakanya tapos pag tinatawagan mo naman siya, lalo na hindi siya nasagot, tapos sa sobrang –
minsan naghihintay na kami ng mga 40mins. para mabigay lang na okay yung mga order niya tapos paglabas
niya, ako pa pagagalitan. Bat ang tagal ko raw. Pero tumatawag ako sakanya, hindi naman siya sumasagot.
Interviewer: May point po ba na nawalan po kayo ng interes sa pagiging food app rider dahil po sa ganon?
Rider 10: Hindi. Hindi naman kasi hindi naman makakatulong sakin yang customer na yan.
Interviewer: Ah so, yung pag reresign po hindi sumanggi sa isip niyo?
Rider 10: Dito naman sa Grab, wala yung resign resign na yan. Kung ayaw mong bumyahe, wag kang bumyahe. Kasi
hawak mo oras mo eh.
Interviewer: Ah bale, wala po kayong uhm rules and regulations na kailangan na laging papasok..
Rider 10: Ah hindi. Hangga't gusto mong bumyahe, bumyahe ka. Kung ayaw mo, wag kang bumyahe.
Interviewer: Ah wala naman pong problema si Grab sa ganon?
Rider 10: Wala. Nagkakaproblema ka lang kay grab, halimbawa, may mga ano kasi siya, may mga loan program siya
samin. Mga pera, pinapa-utang kami ng pera. Ngayon, pag hindi mo nababayaran yun, na-ooverdue ka.
Kelangan, araw-araw kang bumyahe. Para matustusan mo yung bayad mong loan - yung mga loan program
niya sa ano.
Interviewer: Ahh may ganon..
Rider 10: Halimbawa, yung selpon, pera.
Interviewer: So, sa scale po nang 1 to 10, pano po niyo irerate yung naeencounter niyong difficulties - yung mga
paghihirap niyo po sa pagiging food app rider. Rate from 1 to 10.
Rider 10: Ano yung..
Interviewer: Gaano po kahirap.
Rider 10: Anong meaning ng ano ba..
Interviewer: Yung experience niyo po sa init, sa pagod, sa ano.. Lahat na po ng mga difficulties mga challenges na
nararanasan niyo po. Gano niyo po irerate 1 to 10, 10 po yung pinaka mahirap, and then 1 po yung
Rider 10: Ah dun ako sa 10 ako. Mahirap.
Interviewer: Mahirap talaga. Kailangan po talagang magsacrifice para kumita ng pera.
Rider 10: Oo. 10 ako talaga.
Interviewer: So, kung makakausap niyo po yung si Grab. Ano po yung solution na naiisip niyo para mas hindi siya
magiging mahirap sa part niyo, sa challenges ganon. Ano po yung naiisip niyo na mas mapapaganda yung
Rider 10: Sa totoo kasi niyan, wala kaming nakakausap diyan kay Grab na yan. Kumbaga, system generated kami. Yan,
naglalive chat lang kami. Ganun lang.
Interviewer: Pero kung makakausap niyo po siya, yung Grab, kung marereach out din po namin yung Grab, kung ano po
yung magiging help po sainyo para mabawasan yung stress o kaya paghihirap na nararanasan, ano po kaya
Rider 10: Wala, wala din naman kasi akong masasabi sa ganun eh.
Interviewer: Pero, good naman po yung communication niyo with Grab, wala naman po kayong uhm like, negative
thoughts sa mga patakaran nila, mga ganon?
Rider 10: Kung sa patakaran na ano, marami nang pinagbago si Grab ng patakaran. Gaya ngayon, bumaba talaga yung
fare namin.
Interviewer: Ah bumaba po yung fare niyo. So kumbaga, kung makakausap niyo man po si Grab is siguro medyo taasan
po nila yung bigay sainyo.
Rider 10: Oo, fare. Ganon, ibalik niya lang yung dating fare. Ganon lang.
Interviewer: Ahh. Yun lang naman po, Sir. Maraming Salamat po. Malaking tulong po ito sa amin.

Transcription 11
Interviewee: Rider 11
Date: October 17, 2022
Place: Mandaluyong
Interviewer: Ilang taon ka na po?
Rider 11: 30
Interviewer: Taga-saan po?
Rider 11: Pasig
Interviewer: Pero mostly po dito po kayo sa Mandaluyong po?
Rider 11: Iba-iba kasi eh. Minsan kasi ano, minsan pag hatid ko sa pasig, pag pinasukan ako sa pasig ng another
booking sa pasig naman.
Interviewer: Pero mostly po saan po talaga?
Rider 11: Yung tambayan ko talaga dito sa Megamall.
Interviewer: So gaano na po kayo katagal na nag fo-food app rider po?
Rider 11: Mga mag 4 years na po
Interviewer: Bakit niyo po pinili maging food app rider?
Rider 11: Kasi dito ano eh, parang hawak mo oras mo tapos ikaw yung boss tapos di katulad sa mga employed
minimum lang diba? Sa amin nasa oras yung kita mo, nakadepende sayo.
Interviewer: Eto po ba ang pangunahin niyong trabaho or sideline lang po?
Rider 11: Full time na ako dito, dati kasi akong employed eh. Bali nag resign ako dun tapos na full time ako kay grab.
Interviewer: Gaano po karaming order ang natatanggap niyo sa isang araw?
Rider 11: Sa isang araw ko mga nakaka 20 ako, or lagpas pa. 20-25 jobs mga ganun
Interviewer: Kahit po matumal ganun?
Rider 11: Kapag matumal siguro mga 17 ganun. Kikita ka parin naman ng 1k plus kahit matumal.
Interviewer: Nakakaranas po ba kayo ng challenges sa pagiging food app rider po?
Rider 11: Oo anong challenge saan? Sa customer or sa ano?
Interviewer: Usually po yung nagiging challenge po sa inyo.
Rider 11: Sa customer ano, pag may attitude sila yung mga nagagalit.
Interviewer: Sa weather conditions sir?
Rider 11: Mahirap pag umuulan tapos araw kasi mag kakapote ka pa, tatanggalin mo pa lahat ng ano mo para di
Interviewer: Nasangkot na po ba kayo sa aksidente sir?
Rider 11: Ay hindi pa naman, mahirap maaksidente ngayon eh.
Interviewer: Challenges po sa minsan kulang po yung narerecieve na order ni customer, naranasan niyo na po ba yun?
Rider 11: Hindi, kasi may time na minsan talaga pag halimbawa nga kulang, narereport kasi kami. Minsan ang
pagkakamali nun sa merchant kasi halimbawa sa Mcdonalds may order sila, kasi kami taga receive lang
kami, yung crew ang nagkakamali minsan di nila nasasama yung price or hindi nila nacocomplete yung order
tapos pag bigay namin maghahanap si customer tapos sasabihin namin sa customer tawagan nalang si
merchant kasi kami taga receive lang kami.
Interviewer: Pero sir kayo parin po yung bumabalik para kunin yun?
Rider 11: Hindi na yung merchant na magdadala ng kulang depende sa merchant kung tatawagan ako nila, “Sir may
naiwan po kayo”. Eh reason namin bago kami umalis complete na kasi hinahabol namin oras namin eh.
Interviewer: How about sa Fake booking sir?
Rider 11: Fakebooking? Hindi pa.
Interviewer: Sa mga wrong address po?
Rider 11: Marami-marami mga wrong address at pin.
Interviewer: Eh sa mga hindi po pagsagot sa tawag or text?
Rider 11: Pagsagot?
Interviewer: Opo halimbawa po hindi po sumasagot sa tawag po kasi wrong address or wrong pin po dun sa app.
Rider 11: Oo may ganon minsan nakakatulog, pero tinutulungan naman kami ng partner namin na Grab, sila yung
Interviewer: How about po sa pag delay sa system or delay sa promo po? Halimbawa po maraming umoorder sa Jollibee
po kasi may promo.
Rider 11: Oo mga ganun nga, ano waiting time palaga.
Interviewer: Nagkaroon na po ng ganun?
Rider 11: Oo. Kasi pag nakapromo yung isang merchant talagang dagsa yung rider eh. Kumbaga prepared na namin
sarili namin yung oras talaga ng pagiintay namin ay hahaba ganun.
Interviewer: Ano pong challenges ang naranasan niyo?
Interviewer: Ano ang pinaka hindi niyo malilimutan na naranasan?
Rider 11: Sa ngayon kasi wala pa akong experience na hindi makalimutan eh.

Interviewer: Or yung parang hindi niyo po pinaka hindi niyo po gustong experience sa pagiging food app rider po.
Rider 11: Yung sa customer nga, yung sila pa yung galit ganun.
Interviewer: Kahit hindi niyo po kontrolado ganun ano?
Rider 11: Oo kahit hindi naman namin yun kontrolado.
Interviewer: Ano ang unang reaksyon o naramdaman nung naranasan mo po yun?
Rider 11: Yun nga inisip nalang namin kasama sa trabaho namin yun, kaya habaan namin pasensya namin.
Interviewer: Saang lugar mo po ito madalas nararanasan?
Rider 11: Lagi naman eh, usually ano hindi mo rin masasabi. Minsan talaga may maeengkwentro ka na customer ng
ganun yung ugali.
Interviewer: Ano po ang target income niyo sa isang araw?
Rider 11: Ako kailangan ko kasi ano, may gems kasi kami kailangan ko kumita ng mga 1,500 ganun.
Interviewer: May required na bilang po ba ang dapat niyong matanggap na order sa isang
Rider 11: Wala naman yun nga yung sinabi ko lang depende sa araw mo depende sa gusto mo. Mga 20 jobs siguro
pataas para sigurado kang kikita ng 1.5k plus ganun.
Interviewer: Paano po naapektuhan ang inyong puhunan, kita, at quota po na gusto niyo pong maabot?
Rider 11: Paano naapektuahan?
Interviewer: Opo sir halimbawa po nakaranas po kayo ng mahabang pagpila sa –
Rider 11: Oo nga yung mga ganun. Kapag yung merchant delay yung mga matagal order minsan kasi mga isang oras
kasi yung mga ganun.
Interviewer: Sa palagay niyo sir mga ilang oras po yung nasasayang niyo na oras sa mga ganun?
Rider 11: Kasi imbis na isang oras nakaka 2-3 na sana kami kung naka prepare na mga food eh, kaso ang nangyayari sa
isang order palang nagiintay kami ng isang oras eh.
Interviewer: Sir nakaranas na po ba kayo ng hindi tinanggap yung order?
Rider 11: Oo meron.
Interviewer: Paano po naapektuahn po yung kita niyo sa mga ganun po?
Rider 11: Kapag kanun kasi ano eh tinatawag namin kay grab eh. Sila na bahala dun kung ano dapat gawin, kunwari
may tinatawag kasi kami na kapag hindi na macontact si customer mga 15 mins lang waiting time namin, pag
hindi na siya macontact pwede na namin sabihin na “No show”.
Interviewer: Gaano po kalaking pera na ang nawala sayo dahil sa karanasan po na yon?
Rider 11: Siguro nababawasan siya ng mga 500 dahil sa mga ganong oras kapag nagkukulang.
Interviewer: Mayroon po bang pagkakataon na wala kayong kinikita dahil po sa challenge na naranasan niyo?
Rider 11: Hindi naman kumikita lang ng mababa ganun.
Interviewer: Ano po saan niyo po nilalaan ang inyong sweldo?
Rider 11: Sa family ko yung sa mga bills sa bayarin ganun.
Interviewer: Masasabi niyo po bang sapat ang iyong kinikita sa pang-araw-araw po?
Rider 11: Oo okay naman sapat naman nakakaraos naman.
Interviewer: Ano po masasabi niyo sa mga tumatanggap ng transaksyon na labas sa policy niyo? Halimbawa po nag-order
sa jollibee tapos magpapasabuy sa mercury ng gamot at mag-aadditional bayad na lang.
Rider 11: Ayun nga, sa amin kasi depende kasi sa iyo yun eh. Sa akin kasi ano eh hindi ko inaallow yung ganun eh.
Kasi bawal kasi sa samin yun may order siya tapos makikisuyo sayo makikisabay sa bili bawal kasi samin
yun eh.
Interviewer: Meron po ba sa app na kailangan madeliver mo po ito ng ganitong minutes?
Rider 11: Oo kasi nag rereflect agad yun eh once makuha namin order namin sa isang merchant marerecieve ni
customer na ‘OTW’ ka na kailangan mag deliver ka na within 10-15mins. Kaya hindi adviceable na dadaan
ka pa sa iba ganun.
Interviewer: Sa mga challenges po kanina, paano po naapektuhan ng challenges ang inyong kalusugan? Sa palagay niyo
po for example po sa weather conditions…
Rider 11: Yun nga kulang na sa tulog ganun, ang hirap na rin inaantok ka sa biyahe pero kailangan eh kailangan sa
Interviewer: Kunwari kuya sa mga masusungit po ng customer, naaapektuahn po ba yung mental health niyo dun?
Rider 11: Hindi naman kumbaga yung ano mo lang, yung ano mo lang sa araw, yung ano tawag mo dito.
Interviewer: Yung sa init po?
Rider 11: Oo, oo yung mga ganun lang.
Interviewer: Paano naapektuhan ng inyong mga karanasan or mga challenges ang pagtanggap ng order sa mga susunod
niyong customers?
Rider 11: Okay naman kasi yun binigay sayo, kumbaga yun kasi binigay sayo tiis-tiis lang.
Interviewer: Ano po, sa tingin niyo po ba ay sulit po na i-risk ang kalusugan niyo para sa trabaho na’to?
Rider 11: Hindi naman okay naman.
Interviewer: Nababahala ka po ba sa iyong kalusugan ngayong pandemic po nasabi niyo po kasi matagal na po kayong
food app rider lalo na po nung kasagsagan pa po ng Covid?
Rider 11: Oo nababahala tulad sa pamilya ko ayaw na nila ako pabiyahihin eh pero kailangan dahil ito lang trabaho eh.

Kung hindi ako biyabiyahe wala naman kaming pagkukunan ng mga pang gastos sa mga araw-araw.
Interviewer: Sa palagay niyo po ano po pangamba ng pamilya niyo na nag aalala po yung pamilya mo sa iyong kalusugan
at kaligtasan bigay ng iyong work environment niyo po?
Rider 11: Yun nga yung magkaaaksidente ako or magkasakit.
Interviewer: May punto po ba na nakita mo sarili mo na baka ikaw ay masangkot sa isang aksidente?
Rider 11: Ahh hindi pa naman. Parang vision mo sa isip mo? Oo pumapasok naman sa isip ko yung pero pray lang kay
God na gabayan ka araw-araw ganun.
Interviewer: Naging parte po ba ng iyong pangamba ang pagbagyo at pagbaha?
Rider 11: Oo kasi nakakatakot rin bumyahe parang nung last nung bumabagyo pero nasabi niyo rin po na yung pagulan
okay rin po kasi mas marami po kayong order na.
Rider 11: Oo pag ulan talaga maraming order kasi maraming rider na hindi bumyabyahe pero yun lang nga delikado.
Interviewer: Ilang oras po kayo madalas na nag food delivery service po?
Rider 11: Sa buong araw yung oras ko siguro mga ano 12 hours mga ganun.
Interviewer: Sa mga challenges po na nabanggit niyo kanina mga anong oras mo ito madalas nararanasan?
Rider 11: Yung mga ganyan, depende kasi meron yung unang booking mo ayun na agad eh. Depende parin kailangan
lang rin ng pakikisama mo kay customer lagi mong susundin bilin niya ganon.
Interviewer: Nagkaroon mo ba ng oras na hindi niyo na abot quota niyo dahil sa delay?
Rider 11: Oo meron mga ganun na oras.
Interviewer: Nakakaapekto po ba sa inyong ratings ang mga delayed delivery order kahit na hindi niyo po ito kontrolado?
Rider 11: Oo sobrang apektado rin.
Interviewer: Paano niyo po nakakayanan ang pagkadismaya niyo pagkatapos makaranas ng isang pagsubok?
Rider 11: Ano lang iniisip ko nalang siguro yung susunod na customer mo hindi naman ganito, yung sususnod ng
booking okay na. Lagi ko sinasabi na positive lang lagi na yung mga susunod na order okay lang naman.
Interviewer: Anong mga bagay ang sinubukan mong pong gawin pagkatapos makaranas ng isang pagsubok?
Rider 11: Hindi wala naman, positive thinking lang.
Interviewer: Kung hindi sapat ang iyong perang kinikita, paano niyo po ito nairaraos sa pang
araw-araw po para po magkaraon ng extra income if ever po hindi sapat kinikita
Rider 11: Mas aagahan mo lang oras mo. Kunwari ang labas mo 10 ng umaga mas lumabas ka ng mas maaga
para makabawi ka ganun.
Interviewer: Mula po sa inyong mga karanasan, ano po ang mga naisip mong paraan para maiwasan ang pagka sayang ng
mga oportunidad dulot ng delays at magkaroon ng maganda time management?
Rider 11: Yun nga hindi mo rin ano din kasi yung bigay sayo ni Grab eh, isipin mo nalang talaga yung susunod maging
okay. Yung mga mabibilis na merchant at mabagal ganun.
Interviewer: Ano po ang iyong ginagawa para makasiguro na ang susunod niyong customer ay hindi manloloko?
Rider 11: Yun pag binigyan ka ni Grab ng magandang merchant kunwari J.Co mabilis to, tapos yung customer mo greet
mo na para maging good mood rin siya.
Interviewer: Ano po ang inyong motivation para magpatuloy sa pagtatrabaho kahit na andaming pagsubok na pwedeng
Rider 11: Ayun yung pamilya ko nga.
Interviewer: Paano nakakaapekto ang mga pagsubok na iyong naranasan sa performance ng iyong serbisyo bilang isang
food app rider po? Parang mga challenges niyo po naranasan pano po yun nakakaapekto sa susunod na
customer po? May nagbago po ba sa performance niyo?
Rider 11: Oo pag hindi ka nagustuhan ng customer pwede ka niyang ma-rate tapos kapag binigyan ka niya ng 1 star
parang hihina yung booking mo at hihina pasok ng booking sayo. Positive thinking lang talaga.
Interviewer: Base po sa inyong mga karanasan, paano niyo po maiilarawan ang kalidad iiyong serbisyo na binibigay
bilang isang food app rider? Like for example parang mga gingagawa niyo kuya na alam niyo ganitO
ginagawa niyo pero hindi na a-appreciate ng customer niyo pano po ang gingagawa niyo?
Rider 11: Yun nga maging ano ka lang, good customer service lang sa lahat ng ano. Sa customer na umoorder sayo
tapos baliwalain mo lang yung mga ano.
Interviewer: Anong service po ang nabigay niyo sa customer na hindi po nila naappreciate ganun?
Rider 11: Lahat naman nagagawa eh, mabilis na nga eh.
Interviewer: Nakakaramdam po ba kayo ng katamaran sa trabaho?
Rider 11: Oo minsan pag pagod ka na, 5 days ka na ng straight kailangan mo rin talaga ng pahinga eh.
Interviewer: Nawalan po ba kayo ng interes sa inyong trabaho dahil sa mga pagsubok?
Rider 11: Naiisip minsan.
Interviewer: Nagkaroon po ba ng punto sa buhay niyo na gusto niyo na mag-resign sa trabaho?
Rider 11: Oo naiisip kasi minsan parang sinasabi mo nalang sa sarili mo mag apply nalang sa mas maganda pa.
Interviewer: Sa sukat na isa hanggang sampu, gaano po kahirap ang naging karanasan mo bilang food app rider? (10 ang
pinakamahirap at 1 ang pinakamadali). Gaano po kahirap mo ang pagiging food app rider.
Rider 11: Siguro ano, mahirap talaga 10. Mahirap talaga maging Food App rider.
Interviewer: Mayroon po ba kayong gustong solusyon na ipatupad ng Grab o FoodPanda?

(depende san siya wowork) kung oo, ano po ito? Para makatulong po sa inyo.
Rider 11: Yun nga wag lang niyang sana pababain fare namin kasi parang tumatagal mas lalong bumababa eh. Meron
naman kaming mga health insurance. May mga benefits naman siyang binibigay tulad ng Generica kapag
nakaka quota ka, meron kang every month na 300 na gamot mga vitamins. Natutulungan naman kami sa
mga benefits na binibigay niya.

Transcription 12
Interviewee: Rider 12
Date: October 17, 2022
Place: Mandaluyong

Interviewer: Gaano na po kayo katagal na nag fo-food app rider?

Rider 12: Almost 2 years
Interviewer: Bakit niyo po pinili maging food app rider? Eto po ba ang pangunahin niyong trabaho or sideline lang po?
Rider 12: Sa ngayon kasi ito ang pangunahin kong trabaho since nag ano nag pandemic eh dating nasa sm ako eh ilang
araw walang pasok nun eh nag decide na akong mag resign, pumasok ako sa delivery rider.
Interviewer: bakit nyo po kayang maging food app rider?
Rider 12: Sa totoo lang nung pandemic kasi ano talaga sya sobrang in demand sya malaki ang bayad sa amin maluwag
ang traffic so, sa pangangailangan naming mas maganda talaga yung Malaki kung may pamilya kana kaya
mas pinili ko sya and then wala kapang boss saka yung oras namin hawak namin mas okay talaga sya.
Interviewer: Gaano po karaming order ang natatanggap niyo sa isang araw? ( estimate lang po )
Rider 12: Actually umaabot ako ng 20 jobs hanggang 25 jobs ganun.
Interviewer: Pag matumal naman po?
Rider 12: kasi ma’am ah sa tumal kasi ma’am dumedepende sa oras yan ma’am eh pag matumal ma’am mag extend
ako ng oras para ma hit beat ko parin yung ano hit ko parin yung jobs na kailangan ko kasi may incentive
kami once na hit naming yung ganung karaming jobs may incentive kami.
Interviewer: Ah sa grab po yung incentive po nayun.
Rider 12: Opo sa grab po ma’am kasi kailngan ma hit yun ma’am kasi kinukumpleto ko talaga yun para syempre yung
income Malaki kaya nag eextend ako ng mas matagal na oras sa kalsada pag matumal, pero pag malakas
yung biyahe syempre short time mas nakukuha ko yung ano.
Interviewer: So sa 2 years nyo pong pag fofooad app rider anon a po yung mga naranasan nyong challenges po.
Rider 12: Syempre pag umuulan ayun mahirap talaga bumyahe and then one time nadulas ako sa kalsada hindi
sinasadaya biglang may nag preno sa harap ko, yung drisgrasya kasi ma’am sa trabaho namin prone na prone
talaga kami yun yung consequence ma’am pag medyo maganda yung kita namin, pag na disgrasya naman
kami one time eh Malaki din yung gastos
Interviewer: Nakakaranas po ba kayo ng challenges sa pagiging food app rider? Kung oo, gaano po kadalas?
Interviewer: Gaano nyo po kaya kadalas nararanasan yung mga ganung challenges?
Rider 12: Siguro ma’am masasabi ko ang rate ko dyan ma’am siguro sa 100 percent ma’am siguro andyan
yung 10 percent na ma didigrasya ka sa isang araw
Interviewer: So sir maliban po sa sinasabi nyo po kanina na yung ano yun nga po sumemlang po kayo ganun. Nakaranas
na po ba kayo ng kulang po yung order tapos minsan babalikan nyo pa po sa restaurant
Rider 12: Ay madalas madalas ma’am kasi ma’am minsan pag mga weekends ma’am rush hour maraming ano
maraming order yung mga customer sa restaurant kasi ma’am may checker sila ng mga order minsan
syempre tao lang din nakakaligtaan nila ma’am kunwari yung order namin halagang Php 3,000 nawawala
yung halagang Php 500 na ganung order minsan kasi ma’am symepre dala ng pagod kaya yun minsan
babalikan namin pero humingi din naman ng pasensya yung restaurant naintindihan din naman namin
Inteviewer: Sa tingin nyo po ba sir yung ganun po na babalikan nyo po like nasasayang po yung oras nyo kasi
yung oras po nasana naka book
Rider 12: Opo ma’am malaking kabasawan yun ma’am malaking abala sa amin yun ma’am lalo nap ag rush
hour nag hahabol kami ng byahe may hinihit kaming incentive babalikan naming yun gastos sa oras,
gasoline, pagod kaya pag ganun ma’am mas maganda talaga I double check talaga kahit kami rin kasi double
naming yun ma’am e bawal din naman naming buksan yung item kaya ang mahalaga ma’am itatanong
naming sa checker sir complet naba yung order pero minsan ma’am sabihin mong complete na okay nay un
may mga time talagang nakakaligtaan nila
Interviewer: Sa mga po challenges naranasan niyo? Ano ang pinaka hindi niyo malilimutan?
Rider 12: Yung mga ano ma’am yung customer na mainit agad yung ulo ma’am halimbawa ma’am kasi
minsan pag rush hour ma’am nag kakaroon kami ng mga group order group order ma’am dalawa yung order
naming dalwa yung deliver naming minsa hindi nila naiintindihan ma’am kung baga sasabihan kami “kuya
ang tagal mo naman” eh ma’am ayun kasi yung nakalagay sa grab naming may kailangan kaming unahin na
job bago po yung sa inyo minsan hindi nila naiintindihan yun kaya maganda papaliwag mo ng maiigi
nangyayari lang naman yun pag mga anopag rush hour pag mga mga holidays ah yung mga order sobrang
dami sobrang indemand talaga ng rider kaya sa isang rider tatlong booking, dalawang booking minsan hindi
talaga kayang I occupied ng isang rider ma’am sa laki ng demand.
Interviewer: Sa tingin nyo po ba sir like advantage po sa inyo yung pag holiday rush hour yung kahit ang dami
nyo na pong booking kaso hindi po ba kayo nahihirapan sa ganun po?

Rider 12: Sa totoo lang ma’am sanay na kami kasi sa tagal naming trabaho saka ano yun ma’am advantage
mas Malaki ang kita namin pag ganun per minsan talaga nag kakaroon ng delaytion pag halimbawa sobrang
daming booking sa isang restaurant ano tawag nito pila pila na yung mga rider umaabot kami minsan isang
oras kami nakapila doon dun kami talo kung baga imbis na maka biyahe na kami ng mas marami eh mag
aantay kami ng matgal sa restaurant
Interviewer: Sir nung mga sinabi nyo pong mga karanasan ano po kaya yung naramdaman or reaksyon nyo po
nung naranasan nyo po yun?
Interviewer: Sir nung mga sinabi nyo pong mga karanasan ano po kaya yung naramdaman or reaksyon nyo po
nung naranasan nyo po yun?
Rider 12: Eh wala ma’am sa totoo lang ma’am kailangan naming tanggapin yun part po kasi ng job naming
yun eh kahit masama loob namin kahit na parang hindi naming ma control yung sarili naming ma’am
kumbaga pasensya nalang mas ano parin ma’am mas mapalad parin kami may trabaho kami kahit papano
mas Malaki yung kinikita naming kaysa sa mga namamasukan ng minimum ayun nalang yung pinang
hahawakan namin
Interviewer: So saang lugar mo ito madalas maranasan yung mga challenges po nayan?
Rider 12: Usually sa mga mall sa mga restaurant na mga high end 5 star restaurant dyan kasi matatagal order
dyan ma’am kasi yung pagkain dyan ma’am ginagawa talaga made to order matatagal talaga tapos dagdagan
pa ng ano bugso ng mga dine in nila kaya ayun
Interviewer: Dito po around Mandaluyong din po yun?
Rider 12: Mandaluyong lalo na dito sa megamall sobrang madaming restaurant na matagal mag serve dito
gawa nga ng mabusisi ang pag kain nila
Interviewer: So ano po yung target income niyo po sa isang araw?
Rider 12: Usually ma’am kasi yung iba kasi ma’am na rider uuwi sila once naka one thousand na sila ako
kasi ma’am hinihit ko kasi talaga yung ano yung pinaka incentive naming na 20 jobs to 25 jobs ma’am
umaabot yun ma’am ng mga Php 1,700 kasamama yung incentive.
Interviewer: May required na bilang po ba ang dapat niyong matanggap na order sa isang araw? Or kahit ilan
po ang gusto nyo hanggang sa makakaya nyo po?
Rider 12: Sa totoo lang hanggang ilan kung hanggang saan ang makakaya mo pero yun nga ma’am kokonti
nga lang din ang ma ibabyahe mo once na matumal
Interviewer: Sir nung sinabi nyo po yun sa oras nyo po na nasasayang yung sumemplang po kayo paanon po
kaya naapektuhan po kaya yung puhunan nyo po kita nyo po?
Interviewer: Sir nung sinabi nyo po yun sa oras nyo po na nasasayang yung sumemplang po kayo paanon po
kaya naapektuhan po kaya yung puhunan nyo po kita nyo po?
Rider 12: Syempre Malaki ma’am Malaki epekto yun ma’am kasi once na hindi ka makabiyahe ng limang
araw oh bibilangin mo yung limang araw mong binyahe ginastos mo sa pambili ng gamut malaking bagay
yun ma’am lalo na may pamilya ka.
Interviewer: Sir gaano kalaking pera na ang nawala sayo dahil sa karanasan na yon estimate lang po?
Rider 12: Siguro ma’am kasama yung paayos ng motor kasma yung ilang araw mga Php 10,000 mga ganyan
Interviewer: Hinid po yun hawak ni grab wala pong insurance ganun?
Rider 12: Sa totoo ma’am ngayon may insurance na kami mga one mga one month binigyan na kami ng issurance
meron kaming life insurance tapos mga incentive sa gasolina yun sa ngayon ma’am na kakatuwa kasi may
ganu sila sana hindi nila tanggalin
Interviewer: So mayroon bang pagkakataon na wala kayong kinikita dahil sa challenge na naranasan niyo? Lalo na po
kanina sinabi nyo po halos Php 10,000 din po yung nawal sa inyo.
Rider 12: Mawawalan ka ng kita ma’am pag hindi ka bumyahe pag na disgrasya ka hinid ka makabiyahe ng ilang araw
pero kung babyahe ka naman ma’am masipag ka may kikitain ka talaga.
Interviewer: Saan niyo po nilalaan ang sweldo niyo po?
Rider 12: Sa pamilya dalawa anak ko pang bayad ng kuryente mga bills eh nag aaral pa sila
Interviewer: Sa tingin nyo po ba yung kinikita nyo po sa pag fofood delivery rider po sapat po yun sa pang araw araw nyo
Rider 12: Sa tingin ko ma’am pag masipag ka sasapat sosobra pa
Interviewer: Pag kunwari po sir na fake book po kaya or na prank po
Interviewer: Pag kunwari po sir na fake book po kaya or na prank po sariling pera niyo po ba ang ginagamit niyo pag
binalik o hindi tinanggap ang delivery?
Rider 12: Ma’am kasi ma’am iba ibang klase delivery naming ma’am eh pa grab express ma’am yung aabonohan mo
talaga ayu ma’am kargo mo talaga yun ma’am eh pag na fake book ka sa ganun kawawa ka talaga na fafake
book ng halagang dalwang libo kunwari bibilihin nila yung babayaran nila yung isang item nayun tapos ang
laman pala nun basura lang tapos dedeliver nila sa ganung tao na hindi naman totoo wala na ma’am
binayaran na nila ng dalawang libo eh saying yung pera nila kargo nila ma’am.
Interviewer: Pero sa food app po
Rider 12: Sa food app naman ma’am may tinatawag kasi kami ma’am na ano na na rereembursre naming yung pera

ma’am na once na na fake book kami kailangan lang naming I dispose yung pag kain ipapakita naming yung
mga pruweba na dinispose naming tapos mga screenshot na mga screenshot na wala talagang nag appear na
tao ayun ma’am pwede naming ma re imburse mga 3 days
Interviewer: Ah so yung 3 days nyo po yun hindi nyo pa po sya makukuha agad po yung nawalang pong pera sa inyo yung
inabonohan nyo po ganun
Rider 12: Opo ma’am may delay kasi ma’am kasi pina process pa nila yun naiintindihan naman naming ma’am
mahalaga maibalik
Interviewer: Pero sir tingin nyo ho like disadvantage yun sa inyo kasi pano kung kailangan nyo po ng emergency na pera
pero kailangan pa pong 3 days pa po abutin po
Rider 12: Disadvantage talaga yun ma’am kasi isang araw kasi wala kang hawak nap era imbes magagamit mo na yung
sa pangangailangan mo pero kasi ma’am ano eh kasama na kasi sarules naming yun eh
Interviewer: Policy nyo po
Rider 12: Policy ni grab yun eh kumbaga nag entry kami dito tanggapin na naming yung ganun yung mga pang yayari
Interviewer: So eto naman po
Interviewer: Ano po masasabi niyo sa mga tumatanggap ng transaksyon na labas sa policy niyo? Halimbawa po nag-order
sa jollibee tapos magpapasabuy sa mercury kasi on the way nalang po mag-aadditional bayad na lang.
Rider 12: Sa totoo lang ma’am nakakaano yung ma’am nakakainis yun kasi out of apps na naming yun eh hindi na
dapat naming tatrabahuhin pero kung nakiusap naman yung customer ng maayos syempre magaan din sa
loob naming kung sasabihin nya dadagdagan nalang naming yung bayad siguro ma’am hindi sasama yung
loob naming tatranahuhin padin naming yun okay lang yun basta maayos makipag usap yung tao.
Interviewer: Per sir naranasan nyo na po bayun tas minsan wala pong additional na bayad po ganun
Rider 12: Sa totoo lang ma’am sigurista kasi ako eh
Interviewer: Opo
Rider 12: Hindi ako papayag na hindi sya mga aadd
Interviewer: Opo
Rider 12: Kaya wala pang nangyari sa akin ganun kasi papakiramdaman ko sya pag sa tingin ko yung customer pangit
makipag usap hindi sya, hindi sya kung baga parang wala syang ano gusto nya lang mag kuripot
Interviewer: Opo
Rider 12: Kung baga papasabay nalang sya sa mga ganug bagay na hindi na kasama sa app sasabihin ko sa kanya
dederetsuhin ko sya “ ma’am hindi na po kasama sa trabaho naming yan kasi out of the apps naman nay un
ma’am eh” kung baga ang tatrabahuhin nalang namin yung binayaran nyo lang sa amin kaya ganun ma’am
ganun ang ginagawa ko pero may mga ibang rider kasi ma’am na masyadong mabait na wala silang pakielam
kahit utusan sila parang wala ng ano eh siguro sila na aattempt nila yun ako kasi hindi eh hindi ako papaya
Interviewer: Opo, kasi disadvatges po yun sa inyo sa oras nyo din po eh
Rider 12: Disadvantage ma’am, oo ma’am kasi nag hahabol kami ng biyahe ma’am eh kaya kailangan naming mabilis
Interviewer: Opo so
Interviewer: Paano po naapektuhan ng mga ganyang challenges po yung kalusugan nyo na binanngagit nyo po kanina?
Rider 12: Sa totoo lang ma’am minsan nalilipasan kami ng kain pag nalipasan ka ng kain syempre maraming
consequence yan pwede ka mag acidic, ulcer ayun ma’am kailangan mo talaga ano eh kailangan alagaan mo
din sarili mo talaga wag lang puro trabaho pero yun nga hindi mo maiwasan minsan kunwari peak hour
gutom kana kailangan mo unahin yung booking, minsan ma’am ganun minsan nakakaligtaan naming yung
ano mga pag kain ako nga avidic ako dahil dyan eh dati hindi naman ako acidic.
Interviewer: Sir, naapektuhan po yung kalusugan ninyo po no, minsan kapag rush hour or peak po, talagang
nakakalimutan niyo na po minsan kumain?
Rider 12: Oo, ma'am sa totoo lang kase 'pag ano'pag hindi namin tinrabaho agad yung trabaho namin kasi nag aano
yung mga customer gutom na din kailangan ideliver namin 'yon. Eh, minsan gutom na kami ... eh, nasa isip
namin; sige mamaya na lang-mamaya na lang hanggang sa makaligtaan na, ayon du'n kami nadadale
nagkakaroon ng mga ulcer ha
Interviewer: So, sir yung mga sinabi niyo pong karanasan 'di ba sabi niyo po sigurista po kayo... ahmm, paano po
napektuhan yung mga karanasan niyo sa pagtanggap ng mga orders sa susunod na customer, ano po yung
mga ginagawa niyo 'pag siguridad po na hindi po fake book 'yon or manloloko ganu'n po
Rider 12: Ang totoo lang ma'am 'pag ganiyan kase 'pag sanay ka na malalaman mo ma'am sa mga type pa lang ng
customer sa mga word niya pa lang bukod du'n puwede mo siyang i-sure ma'am ,puwede mo siyang tawagan
,tawagan mo ma'am kase makikita mo yung sinsiridad ng customer kung totoo ba talaga yung booking niya o
peke lang. Sa totoo lang ma'am na marami na'kong naranasan na fake book lang pero natutunugan ko, ehh...
kailangan mo talagan i-sure muna talaga tsaka dati sa amin kasi ma'am may record ng customer makikita mo
yung, makikita mo kung ilan na yung booking niya
Interviewer: Opo
Rider 12: Kung ga'no na karami
Interviewer: As a Grab po
Rider 12: Sa Grab dati makikita mo sa booking number pero ngayon hindi na namin mahigit pinapansin ma'am eh kasi

sa totoo lang ma'am bihirang-bihira na yung fake booking

Interviewer: Ahh... ahh
Rider 12: Bihirang-bihira na
Interviewer: So, sabi niyo po kanina like naging acidic po kayo ta's. Ahh, minsan po sir iba po yung puwedeng mangyari
Rider 12: Oo,sumasakit-sakit yung tiyan ko
Interviewer: Ah, sa tingin niyo po ba sulit po na i-risk yung kalusugan niyo para sa trabaho po na 'to
Rider 12: Syempre hindi, hindi talaga ano 'yon hindi puwede ipalit yung pera sa kalusugan kasi minsan ma'am
kasalanan din namin kasi imbis na kumain na kami inuuna pa namin yung booking nasa sa amin din 'yun
ma'am. Minsan talaga ano kasalanan din namin
Interviewer: Pero sir minsan po kasi sa hirap din po ng buhay kailangan niyo po talagang kumayod po
Rider 12: Oo, sa totoo lang ma'am lalo na 'pag may mga sakit yung mga bata, kunyare yung magulang mo
nanghihinging pera. Eh, talaga minsan mas gugustuhin na lang magutuman na lang kaysa sa ano eh, kaysa...
maantala pa yung byahe mo kase nga naghahapit ka ng byahe kailangan mong kumita ng pera. Lalaruin mo
lang ma'am yung mga sitwasyon ganu'n, gano'n lang talaga
Interviewer: So, ngayon po pandemic nababahala po ba kayo sa kalusugan niyo po?
Rider 12: Totoo lang eh yung pandemic naman 'yan medyo hindi naman ako nabahala kasi sa mga bali-balita naman na
'pag medyo bata ka pa malakas yung kalusugan mo, hindi ka-hindi ka ano diyan prone sa mga ganiyan
kayang-kaya mo labanan yung virus, bukod pa do'n eh nagpa-inject na rin naman kami ng ano,nag bakuna na
kami may mga bakuna, kumpleto na kami ng bakuna kahit papaano ma'am ano na kami kumpyansa na sa
Interviewer: So, sabi niyo po sir two years na po kayo nag ga-grab po'di ba, so nu'ng pandemic kailan niyo po naisipan
mag start po
Rider 12: Oo, pandemic lang
Interviewer: Ahh, may punto po ba sa buhay po niyo na naisip niyo po na nag aalala yung pamilya niyo yung mga anak
niyo din po sa kalusugan at kaligtasan lagay nga po ng work in virus
Rider 12: Oo, lalo na yung nanay ko. Nakoo! ayaw ako ipa-grab talaga n'yan kasi sobrang risky talaga sobrang prone sa
aksidente eh kaso lang wala akong magawa eh medyo dito ako kumikita, ehh.. sacrifice na lang para
mabuhay ko yung pamilya ko
Interviewer: May punto rin po ba sa buhay niyo na nakita mo na baka po masangkot ka po sa isang aksidente ganu'n po
Rider 12: Araw-araw, kaya araw-araw akong nagdadasal bago bumyahe
Interviewer: Opo
Rider 12: Kasi minsan pipikit ka na lang mananainip ka na naaksidente ka. Ehh, sobrang ano talaga sobrang... delikado
yung trabaho namin
Interviewer: Sir sa 'pag umuulan naman po or malakas po yung ulan gano'n naging parte po ba ng 'yun ng iyong pangamba
po yung pag bagyo, pagbaha po
Rider 12: Oo, naman kasi mahirap ehh mahirap yung baha sa isang lugar ta's ba-byahe ka do'n eh hindi ka makakauwi
talaga kasi may mga butas yung kalsada eh mamaya ma-shoot ka sa mga man hole hindi mo makita kaya
talaga abot-abot yung pag-iingat namin 'pag umuulan
Interviewer: Sir sa tingin niyo po ba. Ahh, base din po kasi sa mga ibang na-interview po namin naging advantage po sa
kanila. 'Di ba kapag umuulan po madami pong nag oorder sa kanila
Rider 12: Sa totoo lang madaming nag oorder. Sobrang ano... sobrang dami nag oorder 'pag umuulan ayun yung
advantage ng umuulan ang dis advantage niya masyadong prone sa accident
Interviewer: So, ilang oras po kayo madalas nag food delivery service po
Rider 12: Mga 12 hours pataas ako eh 12 hours 13 hours ako nag ba-byahe
Interviewer: Pero kapag kulang po yung kinita niyo po nu'ng 12 hours 13 hours po na 'yon. Nag sosobra po ba kayo?
Rider 12: Siguro maximum ko na yung 14 hours 'pag 'di ko na kaya talaga 'di na'ko
Interviewer: Yung mga karanasan mga challenges po na binanggit niyo kanina mga anong oras niyo po kaya madalas
maranasan 'yun. Tuwing gabi, umaga, tanghali, hapon
Rider 12: Ano talaga 'pag mga around 5 to 7 'yan sobrang ano... sobrang ano ng oras na 'yan
Interviewer: Sir so, yung mga sinabi niyo po kaninang karanasan, lalo na po minsan yung customer po na mahirap kausap
ganu'n po. Paano po kaya naapktuhan yung karanasan niyo po nu'ng time management niyo po, minsan po
kay may delay din na orders nga po
Rider 12: Oh, ano ma'am 'pag ganiyan kasi ma'am inaano ko na inaadvance ko na sa customer china-chat ko na siya na
humihingi na'ko ng pasensya gawa nga ng... yung mga rider dito pila na adaming nag oorder dine-in take out
tapos yung mga order nila mga palpak, nagsasabi na'ko humihingi na'ko ng pasensya sa mga customer.
Naiintindihan naman nila pero kasi minsan may mga customer talaga na mainit yung ulo agad kailangan ko
talaga ng ano mahabang paliwanag
Interviewer: So, sir paano po nakakaabala sa inyo yung hindi po pagsagot ng tawag text minsan po maling adress pa yung
nabigay or pangala sa pagdedeliver niyo po
Rider 12: 'Yun nga eh isa pa 'yon sobrang abala yung gano'n kailangan talaga i-make sure ng mga customer na tama

yung number nila sa dineclare nila na number sa phone dineclare na adress kasi sobrang abala no'n lalo na
kung nndu'n na kami sa drop off ta's hindi naman pala du'n yung drop off point ta's tatawag kami sa kanila,
hindi namin sila ma-contact kunyare order nila not available sa restaurant abala talaga
Interviewer: Sir sa tingin niyo po ba 'pag po 'pag sinasagot po agad ng call tawag yung customer po mas mabibilis po yung
process ta's madami po kayong mga order po na mare-recieve
Rider 12: Oo, talaga dapat gano'n dapat mabilis sila sumagot 'pag tumawag kami naka bantay sila sa order nila kase
dapat responsable rin silang mga customer na 'pag umorder sila isipin nila yung rider din na naghahabol ng
byahe na i-declare nila ng maayos yung adress nila tsaka yung number nila para yung contact namin sa kanila
eh mayoos walang delay-delay na pag deliver
Interviewer: Ah, sir ilang oras po kaya nasasayang sa inyo 'pag... nu'ng naranasan niyo po yung mga mahaba po yung pila
simula po sa 'pag pila sa counter hanggang sa pag deliver na po
Rider 12: Pinakamatagal kong naranasan yung nag ano eh... nag promo yung isang restaurant dito sa sm umabot kami
ng mahiit tatlong oras pag aantay
Interviewer: Sir so, andami pong nasayang
Rider 12: Andamng nasayang na oras kasi nag promo eh andami nag order sa restaurant
Interviewer: Uhmm
Rider 12: Kaya talagang malaki yung nasayang na oras no'n
Interviewer: Sir so, dahil po kaya dahil sa tatlong oras po kayo naghintay ahh... nakaranas na po ba kayo na hindi niyo po
na abot yung kota niyo po dahil po sa delay na 'to
Rider 12: Oo, talagang maaano ka no'n mawawalan ka na nang gana bumyahe no'n 'pag gano'n kasi ilang oras ka nag
antay tapos ang... ang halaga lang ng pera wala pang isang daan kahit sabihin nating 70,80 ta's 3 hours mong
inantay 'di ba
Interviewer: Opo
Rider 12: Anlaking ano no'n anlaking bagay nu'n ma'am anlaking kawalan sa'min 'yon
Interviewer: Opo, lalo na po yung oras po talaga yung hinahabol niyo
Rider 12: Oras, oras talaga yung hinahabol namin mabilisan na oras mas maganda
Interviewer: Ahh, sir sa nakakaapekto po ba sa ratings po ninyo yung delayed delivery orders po kahit hindi niyo naman
po 'yun kontrolado
Rider 12: Ahmm, depende kasi ma'am eh minsan nakakaapekto minsan hindi 'pag yung ni-rate kami ni customer ng 1
star eh... apektado kami
Interviewer: Opo
Rider 12: 2 star ganiyan pero madalas naman ma'am 'pag na napaliwanag namin ng maigi sa kanila eh hindi naman nila
kami nire-rate ng mababa
Interviewer: Ah, so sir yung mga binanggit niyo pong karanasan po kanina ano po yung mga... like pangunahing reaksyon
niyo po pagkatapos niyo pong makaranas ng ganu'n like nadismaya, nalungkot, nagalit, nainis
Rider 12: Sa totoo lang una mong maaano no'n mararamdaman syempre maiinis ka nandiyan na rin yung galit badtrip
mo pero 'yun nga sabi ko sa'yo kanina kailangan mong tanggapin huminga ka lang ng malalim isipin mo na
mas okay pa rin yung trabaho mo kaysa sa iba may trabaho ka. Eh, siguro matatanggap mo na rin kasi talo ka
talaga 'pag mainit ulo mo dito
Interviewer: Opo
Rider 12: Talo ka kailangan dito ano ka lang kalmado kasi sira na araw mo wala ka pang kita 'di ba eh kung wala
kangkita kung kalmado ka lang kahit wala kang kita hindi naman sira yung araw mo. Okay lang 'yan bawi na
Interviewer: Tama ka, kapag mainit yung ulo niyo nasira na po yung araw niyo sa pag dedeliver niyo like minsan po
mabubuntong niyo na lang po sa customer niyo po
Rider 12: Siguro may time na ganu'n pero kasi ano eh sa'kin naman hindi ko pa nagawa 'yun kasi 'pag kaharap ko yung
custumer nakangiti lang ako kahit bad trip ako eh
Interviewer: Opo
Rider 12: Eh, kaya nasanay siguro ako sa dati kong trabaho
Interviewer: So, sir paano niyo po kaya nakakayanan yung pagkadismaya niyo po pagkatapos makaranas ng isang
pagsubok po. Ano po kaya yung iniisip niyo po?
Rider 12: Siguro para sa akin kasi ginagawa ko humihinga lang ako ng malalim eh. Iniisip ko lang na kahit papaano
may bukas pa naman pwede naman ako kumayod bukas makakapag trabaho naman ako mababawi ko rin
naman 'yon. Tsaka hindi naman lahat ng time ganu'n yung byahe ko kaya 'yon okay lang
Interviewer: So,sir ano po yung kaya yung mga bagay na sinubukan niyo pong gawin 'pag natapos niyo po makaranas ng
isang pagsubok?
Rider 12: Sabagay, siguro...
Interviewer: Wala po, tuloy-tuloy lang po talaga
Rider 12: Oo, tuloy-tuloy lang wala naman akong ginagawa eh basta 'yon. Daily routine ko gano'n lang basta kung
badtrip ako relax lang
Interviewer: Hindi niyo po hinahayaan na masira po talaga araw niyo dahil do'n
Rider 12: Oo ayoko, ayoko masira kasi maapekto sa byahe ko 'yon pwede ka pang madisgrasiya kakamaktol mo,

kakadabog mo, kakabadtrip mo hindi ka makakapag maneho ng maayos

Interviewer: So, sir kung hindi po kaya sapat yung kinikita niyo, yung perang kinikita niyo po. Paano niyo po kaya
nairaraos po?
Rider 12: Ahmmm,sa totoo lang sa'kin talaga para sa'kin sapat yung kinikita ko
Interviewer: Ah, sapat po
Rider 12: Sapat ah kasi sa trabaho ko kailangan mo ng sipag 'pag masipag ka sapat ang kikitain mo pero
pagtatamad-tamad ka samahan mo ng mga bisyo samahan mo ng mga kalokohan eh wala kang kikitain talaga
diskarte lang
Interviewer: Ahh so, ahh ano po... so wala po kayong ginagawang iba para magkaroon po ng extra income pantustos po sa
araw-araw po
Rider 12: Ahmm, wala akong extra income eh basta focus lang ako eh
Interviewer: Sa pag food delivery?
Rider 12: Oo, pino-focus ko lang kasi 'pag... 'pag nag extra income ako maabala yung byahe ko iniisip ko mas... mas
malaki yung mawawala
Interviewer: Tsaka sabi niyo po sapat naman po basta matyaga po
Rider 12: Oo, basta matyaga masipag ka
Interviewer: So, sir mula po sa inyong mga karanasan ano po yung mga naisip niyong paraan para maiwasan po yung
pagkasayang ng mga oportunidad nga po dulot ng delays yung mahabang pila po ta's at magkaroon po ng
time management po?
Rider 12: Ahmm, siguro... kailangan may koneksyon ka talaga sa customer kahit na mag chat ka sa kaniya na... na
tawag nito na yung mga order nila ay i-sure nila kasi nga yung adress nila tapos time management naman
siguro mas maganda gumising ka ng maaga para mas makapag plano ka nang maayos ganu'n lang
Interviewer: So, sir ano po kaya yung mga mission niyo para magpatuloy po sa pag tatrabaho kahit na andami niyo pong
pagsubok na puwede niyo pong maranasan po?
Rider 12: Syempre unang-una yung pamilya ko, syempre kapag 'di ka bumyahe wala silang kakainin kaya sila talaga
yung motvation ko
Interviewer: So, sir paano po kaya nakakaapekto yung mga ganiyang pagsubok po na naranasan niyo po sa performance
niyo po bilang isang food app rider
Rider 12: Ehh, dahil nga ganiyan yung ano ko yung ginagawa ko... eh, never pa'kong naging 4 star yung rate ko sa
grab 5 star talaga lagi
Interviewer: So, hindi naman po masyadong naapektuhan kasi nga sabi niyo po tuloy-tuloy lang
Rider 12: Oo, tuloy-tuoy lang
Interviewer: So, sir napapagod po ba kayo at nahihirapan na pagkatiwalaan yung mga sus niyo na customer?
Rider 12: Ah, hindi naman kasi salitan naman 'yan eh magkakaro'n ka ng customer na good experience minsan lang
naman yung bad pero almost good naman kaya makakalimutan mo rin yung mga past bad experience
Interviewer: Ano po ang inyong motivation para magpatuloy sa pagtatrabaho kahit na andaming pagsubok na pwedeng
Interviewer: Paano nakakaapekto ang mga pagsubok na iyong naranasan sa performance ng iyong serbisyo bilang isang
food app rider? Napapagod po ba kayo at nahihirapan na pagkatiwalaan ang mga susunod niyong customer?
Interviewer: Base po sa inyong mga karanasan, paano niyo po maiilarawan ang kalidad ng iyong serbisyo na binibigay
bilang isang food app rider?
Interviewer: Sir sa mga naransan niyo po na challenges pa'no niyo po kaya idedescribe yung quality of service na
binibigay niyo po bilang isang food app rider?
Rider 12: Eh, kahit na-kahit na magkaro'n ng mga delation badtrip ka... eh kailangan mo pa rin talagang trabahuin ng
maayos yung trabaho mo kasi binayaran ka diyan 'yan yung pinili mong trabaho kaya kailangan ayusin mo
Interviewer: Sir sa tingin niyo po ba may pinagka-iba yung serbisyong binibigay niyo noon at ngayon po?
Rider 12: Halos wala rin namang pinagkaiba kasi nu'ng nag tatrabaho ako sa sm grabe talaga yung ano sa'min diyan eh
pukpok din sa mga customer service namin kailangan great experience lagi yung customer namin pagpasok
pa lang sa store kaya 'yun nai-apply ko dito sa trabaho yung ganu'n yung ano ganu'ng attitude ko
Interviewer: Minsan po ba sir nakakaramdam po kayo ng katamaran dahil po sa mga nararanasan niyo po or minsan po
naiisip niyo na baka mangyari po ulit yung 3 hours na delay dahil nga po sa mga promo?
Rider 12: Sa totoo lang yung katamaran eh ma-eexperience mo 'yan, lahat naman ng tao ay nararamdaman 'yan eh... eh
'yun lang ang ano 'yun lang hugot ka lang kukuha ka lang ng hugot sa pamilya mo magpatuloy ka lang, mag
trabaho ka lang, makakaahon ka rin
Interviewer: Ah, sir nagkaroon po ba kayo ng time po na nawalan po kayo ng interest sa trabaho niyo po dahil sa mga
Rider 12: Ah, hindi naman... sa sa ngayon ay hindi pa naman, hindi ko pa naman na ano na naisip pero almost mga ka
ano ka-grab ko nararanasan na nila 'yan naiisip nila 'yan pero ako kaya ko naman i-handle
Interviewer: Opo, so nagkaroon po ba sa punto na... punto po sa buhay niyo na gusto niyo na pong mag-resign bilang food
app rider po?
Rider 12: Sa ngayon hindi pa, sa ngayon 'di pa

Interviewer: Ah, so 'pag nakikta n'yo po na pinagpapatuloy niyo pa po 'yon kahit na, kahit na po makaranas pa po kayo ng
mga pagsubok sa mga susunod po gano'n
Rider 12: Sa tingin ko ngayon kaya ko pa naman pag patuloy
Interviewer: Opo, so sir ire-rate niyo po yung sarili niyo from 1 to 10, 10 po ang pinaka mahirap at 1 po yung pinaka ]
madali. Gaano po kahirap ang naging karanasan mo bilang food app rider po?
Rider 12: Para sa'kin kasi kumpara sa mga trabaho ko dati mas nagagaanan ako trabaho ko ngayon eh, kumbaga siguro
ire-rate ko na lang ng mga 6 or 7 ganiyan
Interviewer: Opo
Rider 12: Kasi mahirap yung trabaho ko dati ayoko ng may boss yung papagalitan ka
Interviewer: Kumpara po ngayon na sariling oras niyo po
Rider 12: Oo
Interviewer: Wala po kayong boss ganu'n po
Rider 12: Oo, hawak mo hindi mo kailangan ng ano ng hindi mo kailangan mag ano magsulat pa ng mga leave letter
Interviewer: Opo
Rider 12: Eh, kung ayaw mong pumasok edi 'wag kang pumasok
Interviewer: Ah, sir last question na po. Mayroon po ba kayong gustong solusyon na ipatupad ng grab o food panda po?
Rider 12: Siguro yung... about sa ano lang namin sa, sa fare sana medyo taasan nila 'yun yung talagang ano naming
mga rider na malaking tulong 'yun or kung hindi 'man nila taasan i-fix na nila
Interviewer: Ahh
Rider 12: Na kung ano 'yun huwag na nilang babaan kasi yung mga ano namin mga fare namin pababa nang pababa.
So, ngayon kung i-fifix nila kung ganito na yung fare ganito na lang okay na sa'min 'yan huwag na nilang
ibaba masaya na kami du'n
Interviewer: So, sir sa benefits po may benefits po ba kay grab o gusto niyo din pong magkaroon ng benefits, (SSS),
(PhilHealth), (Pag-Ibig) ganu'n po
Rider 12: Ah, syempre gusto namin magkaro'n ng mga ganu'n din kaso lang eh sila naman kasi yung mag dedecide
niyan eh pero sana magkaroon kami
Interviewer: Sir last na po na po na ano. Sa sim registration po gusto niyo po kayang ipatupad 'yun ng grab po
Rider 12: Pabor ako do'n pabor ako do'n kasi mas secure yung mga rider 'pag ganu'n eh kilala mo agad yung nag book,
kilala mo yung mandadaya, kilala mo yung manloloko kaya mas okay sa'kin 'yun
Interviewer: Sir maraming salamat po!
Rider 12: Okay

Appendix “E”


Date Task Accomplished Signature of the Adviser

March 7, 2022 - Title Proposal

March 28, 2022 - Chapter 1

May 12, 2022 - Chapter 2 & 3

- Video Presentation for Defense
- Research Interview Questions
October 6, 2022 - Chapter 4
- Research Ethics

November 23, 2022 - Chapter 4

- Research Transcription
- Interpretation of Results
December 1, 2022 - Chapter 5
- Summary of Findings

Note: To be filled up by the students after every consultation and signed by the Research
Adviser and submitted to the Research Teacher prior to the defense.

Appendix “F”



September 20, 2022


Dear _____________________,

I am endorsing the research of _______________________________________ titled

_________________________________________________________________________ of
the ____________________________________ as part of the researcher’s academic
requirement for the degree _______________________________________ to the Subcommittee
of Student Research.

The research protocol has been approved by the technical review for its scientific
soundness and now requires ethical clearance.

Thank you so much.

Yours truly,

Research Adviser

Endorsed by: ________________________

Academic Unit Head

Appendix “G”



Appendix “H”

Researcher’s Curriculum Vitae

12 Pariñas St. Road 20 Quezon City


To work in an industry that would allow me to obtain experience and appropriate skills that
would enhance my ability while also allowing me to grow as a person.


College Trinity University of Asia 2019-Present

275 E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, Quezon City
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

Senior High School Trinity University of Asia 2017-2019

275 E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, Quezon City
Accountancy, and Business Management Strand

Junior High School St. James College of Quezon City 2013-2017

736 Tandang Sora Ave. Corner Mindanao Ave., Q.C

Grade School St. James College of Quezon City 2008-2013

736 Tandang Sora Ave. Corner Mindanao Ave.,Q.C

Sekolah Sta. Maria 2007-2008

Congressional Avenue, Quezon City


On-the-Job Training with Pirmi Travel Services (2021 - 2022)

- Virtual internship with Pirmi Travel Services
- Digital marketing and Industry trends


· Excellent interpersonal skills

· Attentive and observant
· Ability to remain composed in extreme circumstances.
· Ability to work cohesively within a team
· Organized and disciplined
· Ability to adapt/acclimate to changes in the workplace
· Reliable and punctual
· MS Office Proficient


Dean’s Lister (2019 - Present)

- First year college - Present

Red Certificate Awardee

- Senior High School (2018-2019)

Excellence in Research "Academic Stress Factors and its Management Towards

- Senior High School (2018-2019)


· Certificate of Completion, Introduction to Front Office Services, TESDA (July 2022)

· Certificate of Completion, Receiving and Responding to Workplace Communication,
TESDA (July 2022)
· Certificate of Completion, Performing Solid Waste Management in the Workplace,
TESDA (July 2022)
· Certificate of Completion, Orienting Oneself to Environmentally Sustainable Work
Standards, TESDA (July 2022)
· Soar High with Top Air: Personality Development (September 2020)
· Soar High with Top Air II: Dress to Impress (September 2020)


Purok 3, Perez Subdivision, Mangino, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija


Dedicated person eager to contribute to the success of the company and team through hard work.
Ready to take on a challenging role in an ever-growing airline industry and work towards my
goals while utilizing my skills and giving my all.


College Trinity University of Asia 2019-Present

275 E. Rodriguez Sr. Ave., Quezon City
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

Senior High School Juan R. Liwag Memorial High School 2016 – 2018
Bayanihan, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Strand

Junior High School Juan R. Liwag Memorial High School 2012-2016

Bayanihan, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija

Grade School Gapan North Central School 2006-2012

San Vicente, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija


1. Intern at Travel Agency

Pirmi Travel Services
Tasks / Duties
• Market a range of travel services
- Flights & Hotels
- Tour Packages
- Pilgrimage and Cruise
- Company Team Building
- Student Tours
- Transportation Rental
- Visa Processing Assistance

- Foreigner Visa Extension

- Passport, DFA Authentication
- Travel Insurance

2. Sales Clerk
Bench, Clothing Suyen Corporation
10/2018 - 07/ 2019
Tasks / Duties
• Assist customers
• Sale clothes
• Compute daily sales
• Receive deliveries
• Stocks organizer


• Flexible
• Teamwork and collaboration
• Motivated attitude
• Strong anger management
• Efficient leadership skills
• Ability to work under pressure
• Excellent interpersonal skills
• Strategic planning and highly organized
• Customer service skills
• Professional


University Scholar - Scranton Women Scholarship (2020 - Present)

An international scholarship from South Korea for undergraduate female students

University Academic Awardee (2019 - Present)

Consistent Dean’s lister from first year up to present

Leadership Awardee (2020 - 2022)

Secretary of college organization - Tourism Society who's been awarded as one of outstanding

Leadership Awardee (2020 - 2022)

College representative of Honor Society, who's been awarded as one of outstanding organization

Academic Awardee (2017 - 2018)

Consistent with honor student during senior high


Trinity University of Asia, Honor Society

College Representative (2020 - Present)

Trinity University of Asia, Honor Society

Creative Department (2020 - Present)

Trinity University of Asia, Tourism Society

Secretary (2020 - 2022)


TESDA certification of completion, Introduction to Front Office Services (2022)

TESDA certification of completion, Orienting Oneself To Environmentally Sustainable Work
Standards (2022)
TESDA certification of Participating in Workplace Communication (2022)


22 B Sct. Delgado St., Brgy. Paligsahan, Q.C.


College Trinity University of Asia 2019-Present

275 E. Rodriguez Sr. Ave., Quezon City
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

Senior High School St. Mary’s College of Quezon City 2017-2019

37 Mother Ignacia Ave., Quezon City
Accountancy, and Business Management Strand

Junior High School St. Joseph’s College of Quezon City 2013-2017

295 E. Rodriguez Sr. Ave., Quezon City

Grade School St. Joseph’s College of Quezon City 2007-2013

295 E. Rodriguez Sr. Ave., Quezon City


On-the-Job Trainee, Pirmi Travel Services 2021-2022

An online on-the-job training at Pirmi Travel Services. Marketed their
travel services at Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok.

On-the-Job Trainee (Collections Department),

Rex Bookstore Sales and Marketing Office 2018-2019
Rendered a 40-hour work immersion at Rex Bookstore Sales and
Marketing Office. Assisted in the filing of records for clients
(schools, universities, and companies). Organized filed records.
Collaborated with office staff in acquisition of records.
Documented daily activities.


University Student Council Executive Committee 2022-2023

Internal Communications Committee

University Student Council Executive Committee 2021-2022

Accounts and Records Committee


· Good written and verbal communication skills in Filipino and English

· In-depth and substantial knowledge on tourism and hospitality industry
· A team player who is self-motivated and can also work independently
· Can adjust well to changes in circumstances and environment
· The ability to remain calm in emergencies or when dealing with difficult customers
· Has a good color vision and hearing
· Good general health and fitness


Dean’s Lister (3rd Year College) 2021-2022

1st Semester and 2nd Semester

Dean’s Lister (2nd Year College) 2020-2021

1st Semester and 2nd Semester

Dean’s Lister (1st Year College) 2019-2020

1st Semester and 2nd Semester

Best in Business Simulation: “Kornydog” 2018-2019

Best in Qualitative Research: “Life of A Teenage Parent: 2017-2018

A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of the Teenagers
Who Are Facing Early Parenthood”


● Certificate of Completion, Participating in Workplace Communication, TESDA (July

● Certificate of Completion, Introduction to Front Office Services, TESDA (July 2022)
● Certificate of Completion, Exercising Sustainable Development in the Workplace,
TESDA (July 2022)
● World Tourism Month: The Versatility of Tourism Opportunities for Inclusive Growth
(September 2021)
● Cabin Crew Dairies: Guide to being a Flight Attendant (April 2021)
● Spinner Innovation Model: New Approach in Hospitality and Tourism Growth
(November 2020)
● Secrets to Passing the FA Interview and Online Exam (September 2020)
● Soar High with Top Air: Personality Development (September 2020)
● Soar High with Top Air II: Dress to Impress (September 2020)
● Senior High School Work Immersion Program, Rex Book Store Inc. (March 11, 2019)

● 2nd SIMP-AAG-SMCQC Multidisciplinary Research Festival, “Perception of High

School Students of St. Mary’s Q.C. Towards Food Parks in Quezon City” (February 28,
● 1st SIMP-AAG-SMCQC Multidisciplinary Research Festival, “Life of a Teenage Parent:
A Qualitative Study on the Experiences of Teenagers Who Faced Early Parenthood”
(November 22, 2017)


54 Zorra Street, Barangay Paltok, Quezon City


Seeking to be part of the tourism & hospitality industry in delivering exceptional

experience and service to clients beyond their expectation. Highly dedicated and
well-rounded team player with a positive attitude while working professionally.


College Trinity University of Asia 2019-Present

275 E. Rodriguez Sr. Ave., Quezon City
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

Senior High School Trinity University of Asia 2017 - 2019

275 E. Rodriguez Sr. Ave., Quezon City
Accountancy, and Business Management Strand

Junior High School Trinity University of Asia 2013 - 2017

275 E. Rodriguez Sr. Ave., Quezon City

Grade School Good Samaritan Christian School 2007 - 2013

915 Quezon Ave., Quezon City


Pirmi Travel Agency August 5, 2022

Internship - Online Travel Agent


● A good team builder

● Critical Thinker
● Collaborative and dependable
● Excellent communication skills in Filipino and English
● Efficient and Organized in handling tasks
● Has strong interpersonal skills


Bronze Awardee - Junior High School April 2017

Silver Awardee - Senior High School June 2019

Junior Tourism & Hospitality Management of the Philippines July 17, 2020
Leadership Awardee

University Tourism Organization President 2021 - 2022


TESDA E-Certification: July 12, 2022

Introduction to Front Office Services
Receiving and Responding to Workplace Communication
Exercising Sustainable Development in the Workplace


07 Botolan St. Bgy. Santol Quezon City


To seek a challenging position where I will be able to utilize and enhance my skills and
abilities and learn new knowledge which will allow me to grow personally and professionally.


College Trinity University of Asia 2019 – Present

275 E Rodriguez Sr. Ave,. Quezon City
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

Senior High School STI College Rosario 2017 – 2019

General Trias Drive, Tejero, Rosario, Cavite
Technical Vocational Livelihood Strand

Junior High School My Messiah School of Cavite 2013 – 2017

Ignacio, Poblacion 1, General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

Grade School Area J Elementary School 2006 – 2012

GMA, Cavite


• Basic knowledge about tour guiding

• Knowledgeable of the transportation industry
• Basic knowledge of editing videos
• Computer Literate (MS Word and PowerPoint)
• Can work under pressure with minimum supervision
• With good oral and written communication skills
• Good team builder


July 09 - August 06, 2022, Pirmi Travel Services
Online Travel Agent
820 Quirino Hi-Way, Quezon City

July 13, 2022 TESDA E-Certification

Introduction to Front Office Services
Receiving and Responding to Workplace Communication
Exercising Sustainable Development in the Workplace

October 12, 2020 "The New Normal: Environmental

Sustainability and Adaptation”
Trinity University of Asia (webinar)

On-the-Job Training
January 21 – February 21, 2020, MELJANE TRAVEL AND TOURS
Unit 302 Jim Building Daang Amaya I, Tanza Cavite

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