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Presented to
Mahasaraswati Denpasar University
In partial fulfillment of the requirements
For the degree of Sarjana Sastra

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Herewith I,

Name : Stefanus Kabdakaurla

NPM : 16.IG.S1.1756
Address : Jl. Akasia VIII No. 20, Denpasar.

Declare that:

1) This skips is the sole work of mine and has not been written in collaboration
with any other person, nor does it include, without due acknowledgement, the
work of any other person.
2) If a later time it is found that this skripsi is a product of plagiarism, I am
willing to accept any legal consequences that may be imposed to me.

Denpasar, March 2020

Stefanus Kabdakaurla
NPM. 16.IG.S1.1756


This is to certify that the Sarjana thesis of STEFANUS KABDAKAURLA has been
approved by the Board of Supervisors.

Denpasar, March 2020


Ni Made Verayanti Utami, S.S., M.Hum.

NIDN. 0812098802


Dr. I Gusti Agung Sri Rwa Jayantini, S.S., M.Hum.

NIP. 19770115 200501 2 002


This is to certify that the Sarjana thesis of STEFANUS KABDAKAURLA has been
approved by the Board of Examiners as one of the requirements for the degree of
Sarjana Sastra.

Denpasar, 5 June 2020


Dr. Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi, S.S., M.Hum.

NIDN. 0804068501


Ni Made Verayanti Utami, S.S., M.Hum.

NIDN. 0812098802


Dr. I Gusti Agung Sri Rwa Jayantini, S.S., M.Hum.

NIP. 19770115 200501 2 002

Acknowledged by,
The Dean of Faculty of Foreign Languages
Mahasaraswati Denpasar University

I Komang Sulatra, S.S., M.Hum.

NIP. 19790313 200501 1 002


Kabdakaurla., Stefanus. 2020. An Analysis of Contextual Meaning on Brett

Young’s Song Lyrics. English Study Program, Faculty of Foreign Languages,
Mahasaraswati Denpasar University. Supervisor: Ni Made Verayanti Utami, S.S.,
M.Hum.; Co-supervisor: Dr. I Gusti Agung Sri Rwa Jayantini, S.S., M.Hum.

This paper entitled “An Analysis of Contextual Meaning on Brett Young’s

Song Lyrics”. It has two aims namely (1) to explain the contextual meaning found in
lyrics of Brett Young’s song for the readers and listeners, and (2) to explain the
context of situation supporting the analysis of meaning. The analysis was based on
the theory of contextual meaning proposed by Abdul Chaer (2007) and the context of
situation from Halliday and Hasan (1985). The data source of this research was the
lyrics of Brett Young’s song. The data were collected by several steps. First, by
searching the script of the selected song of both albums by Brett Young in the
website and then printed out it. Second, reading those six songs to know the context
of situation of the lyrics in the song and classified the lyrics of song based on
contextual meaning and gave the sign in order to make the data easier to be
understood. Based on the analysis on contextual meaning, there are 20 (80%) data of
words, 4 (16%) data of phrases, and 1 (4%) data of clause. Thus, it can be concluded
that contextual meaning is mostly found within the words compared to phrases and
clauses of the song lyrics.

Keywords: semantic, contextual meaning, context of situation, song lyrics, Brett



In the name of Jesus Christ, the most Gracious and the Merciful. Firstly of all,

the researcher would like to thank the Almighty God the most beneficent and the

most merciful for giving the favors, ideas, and inspirations in accomplishing this

research. Secondly, the researcher would like to express his thanks to Mary Mother,

who has delivered all his pray and hope. That’s why the researcher has enough ability

in writing study. In writing this research entitled “An Analysis Of Contextual

Meaning On Brett Young’s Song Lyrics”. With purpose for submitting in partial

fulfillment of the requirement for degree in study program of English Department.

The researcher would like thank to:

1. The Dean of Faculty of Foreign Languages, Mahasaraswati Denpasar


2. The Head and Secretary of English Study Program of Foreign Languages,

Mahasaraswati Denpasar University.

3. Ni Made Verayanti Utami, S.S., M.Hum. the supervisor of the researcher and

Dr. I Gusti Agung Sri Rwa Jayantini, S.S., M.Hum. the co-supervisor.

4. All lectures of Faculty of Foreign Languages Mahasaraswati Denpasar

University, who has giving knowledge in English teaching for him during

three and a half years.

5. All staff of Library of Faculty of Foreign Languages Mahasaraswati

Denpasar University that helped him to do observation in this study.

6. All friend in Fancy class and Golf class who are being good team in class

during seven semester previously.

7. Researcher would like to express his thanks first to his beloved parents,

Yulianus Tarung and Maria Kelarabanus Nuryati for their pray, advise,

courage, moral, and material support.

8. His beloved friends: Oktavianus Andy, Wilibaldus Ngagus, Marcelo Novaldo

Budiman Moy, and Afrida Akuida Mowas who have given support each

other in finishing this research.

Denpasar, March 2018

The Researcher,

Stefanus Kabdakaurla
NPM: 16.IG.S1.1756

TITLE OF PAGE.....................................................................................................ii
STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY....................................................................iii
BOARD OF SUPERVISOR APPROVAL.............................................................iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................viii
LIST OF TABLE......................................................................................................ix

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Study......................................................................................1
1.2 Problems of the Study .........................................................................................4
1.3 Objectives of the Study .......................................................................................4
1.4 Limilation of the Study .......................................................................................4
1.5 Significance of the Study ....................................................................................5
1.5.1 Theoritical Significance .............................................................................5
1.5.2 Practical Significance..................................................................................6


2.1 Review of Related Literature ..............................................................................7
2.2 Concepts...............................................................................................................12
2.2.1 Contextual Meaning....................................................................................12
2.2.2 Brett Young.................................................................................................13
2.2.3 Song ............................................................................................................13
2.2.4 Lyric ...........................................................................................................14
2.3 Theoretical Framework .......................................................................................14
2.3.1 Semantic......................................................................................................14 Contextual Meaning........................................................................15 Connotation Meaning......................................................................17 Denotation Meaning........................................................................18 Lexical Meaning .............................................................................19 Grammatical Meaning.....................................................................20 Idiomatic Meaning .........................................................................21 Figurative Meaning ........................................................................21
2.3.2 Context of Situation ................................................................................... 23

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS..............................................................27

3.1 Data Source .........................................................................................................27
3.2 Data Collection ....................................................................................................28

3.3 Data Analysis ......................................................................................................29
3.4 Finding Presentation ............................................................................................30

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION ....................................................31

4.1 Finding ................................................................................................................31
4.2 Discussion ...........................................................................................................33
4.2.1 The Contextual Meaning of In Case You Didn’t Know song lyrics ...........33
4.2.2 The Contextual Meaning of Mercy song lyrics...........................................37
4.2.3 The Contextual Meaning of Pretend I Never Love You song lyrics............42
4.2.4 The Contextual Meaning of You Ain’t Here To Kiss Me song lyrics..........45
4.2.5 The Contextual Meaning of Would You Wait For Me song lyrics..............51
4.2.6 The Contextual Meaning of Like I love You song lyrics ............................53

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ..........................................55

5.1 Conclusion ...........................................................................................................55
5.2 Suggestion............................................................................................................57

BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................58

APPENDICES .........................................................................................................59

Table 4.1 The contextual meaning found in Brett Young song lyrics.......................31



1.1 Background of the Study

Language is a system of communication in speech and writing used by people

of particular country. As we know, one of the important functions of language is for

communication. We can communicate or deliver our message by using language. It

can be a tool for sharing our knowledge and information with other. Language has

very important role in human life. We use language as a tool to express our ideas,

feelings, emotions and to build our relationship with other people. They usually

aplicate their ideas, emotions or sometimes their feeling in the song lyric, poem,

drama, novel, book and etc.

Kreidler (1998: 3) argues that semantics is the systematic study of meanings,

and linguistic semantic is the study of how language organizes and express meanings.

In addition, semantics focuses on the meaning of words, phrases or sentences in the

language. The meaning of phrases or sentences depends on the meaning of the words

and the structure. Semantics is quite important not only for those who want to

communicate but also for better communication in the society. Semantics also can be

used to understand a literary work like songs.

According to Chaer (2007) contextual meaning is the meaning of a lexeme or

word inside a context. Contextual meaning or also named pragmatic meaning, refers



the meaning of a word according to sentences or utterence (the text) in which it is

used, and the situation that describes how, where, when or to whom the word is used

(the context). Context is a situation that occurs depends on whether phrase or

sentence appears. Vocalists generally use languages to deliver the message and

express their idea by using song lyrics.

Lyric is the written poetry in a simple and direct style, and usually expresses

personal emotions such as love (Advanced dictionary 2015: 787). A lyricist is

someone who writes the words for modern songs or for musicals. Lyrics are words

that make up a song usually consisting of verses and choruses. To understand the

meaning of a song lyrics, we can not only read or translate it by using dictionary or

literal word but we have to know the contextual meaning of the word.

The researcher analyzed the contextual meaning and the context of situation

with the titled “An Analysis of Contextual Meaning on Brett Young’s song lyrics”

which is exist and occur on Brett Young’s song lyrics as the object of this thesis. The

researcher analyzed base on albums by Brett Young’s song lyrics are Broken Down

(2013) and Brett Young (2017). Beside that, the researcher has some reason to

analyze the these songs in this research. First of all, these songs tell about love

stories. The writer chose Brett Young’s song lyrics because his songs were

interesting to analyze the meaning of the lyrics, and to examine the research in more

detail. The researcher analyzed six (6) song. These six song are about love story

that have the similar story with the researcher in the daily fact. These love

stories are to introduce for the reader and listener that if we want to make a good

relation with our partner, we must to be know about all of the physical and


On the other hand, these songs give contextual meaning and then give a

message for someone who loves their partner until the end of life. The songs are In

Case You Didn’t Know, Mercy, Would You Wait For Me?, Pretend I Never Loved

You, You Ain’t Here To Kiss Me, Like I Love You. The writer chose six song because

these songs provided enough data. At least, researcher needs twenty data to analyze.

Love song usually has contextual meaning that can make the song more interesting

therefore, these love songs make listeners to be attractive to understand it and each

song has their own contextual meaning. And these songs tell about Brett Young’s

own experince.

The example of analysis contextual meaning in this study: “And you know

that is true” based on dictionary true is consistent with the fact and reality. But in this

sentence, true means feeling (love). The singer tries to explain that he will put a side

his feelings, and a girl feel has poisoned by that emotion.

The benefits of this topic for the writer that can be understood about the

contextual meaning and the context of situation that occur on Brett Young’s selected

song lyrics. In addition, these songs tell us about what people do if they love us, how

to keep the relationship, about the situation when person broken heart or even when

someone wants to survive in love and one other no cares.


1.2 Problems of the Study

The researcher used the theory by Chaer (2007) for contextual meaning and

from Halliday and Hasan (1985) which is about context of situation. Based on

background of the study, the following of the problems of the studyare formulated


1. What are the contextual meaning found in the lyrics of Brett Young’s song?

2. How are the context of situations can support the contextual meaning found

in the lyrics of Brett Young’s song?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Based on problems above, the objectives in this study are:

1. To explain the contextual meaning found in lyrics of Brett Young’s song for

the reader or listener.

2. To explain the context of situation supporting the analysis of meaning in

lyrics of Brett Young’s song.

1.4 Limilation of the Study

In this research, the researcher focused to analyzed the word that has


meaning on these six song lyrics of Brett Young. The writer used song lyrics as the

data source in this research based on albums are Broken Down (2013): Would You

Wait For Me?, Pretend I Never Loved You and Brett Young (2017): In Case

You Didn’t Know, Mercy, You Ain’t Here To Kiss Me, and Like I Love


Therefore, in Broken Down album (2013) has two song and Brett Young

album (2017) has four song that the writer analyzed. Both of the albums actually

have more than eight songs meanwhile, the writer took six selected song because the

writer had listen to the songs that the writer chose. Therefore, the writer had know

the context of situation that occurs in the song and even the writer has collected some

datas from the songs. The researcher analyzed the lyrics in terms of the meaning and

also the context of situation behind it because the writer is interested to this topic to

be discussed and the writer get a challenge to know deeper about the situation in

the song lyrics. In addtion, The writer chose six songs because the song provided

enough data. At least, the researcher needs twenty data to analyze.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Based on the research’s objecttives this should have certain significance of


study, the significance of the study is divided into two parts they are:

1.5.1 Theoretical Significance

This study provides the knowledge development of studying and finding


contextual meaning and supporting context of situation in lyric songs. Besides that,

is expected to give the valueable contribution in the study of linguistic, especially in


the analysis contextual meaning and supporting context of situation in the lyrics of

song by Brett Young.


1.5.2 Practical Significance

This study makes a contribution to the other students who are interested in

taking similar topics for their paper writing projects. This research helps the reader to

understand contextual meaning and supporting context of situation especially in the

song lyrics. It is really important to understand context situation before we analyzed

contextual meaning. We have to know the situation (what happen, who, when, why

where and how) and we can analyze the contextual meaning correctly.


In this chapter, the researcher explain about review of related literature,

concepts, and theories. The concepts contain of contextual meaning, Brett Young’s,

song and lyric. The theories contain of semantic of kinds of meaning, and also

context of situation.

2.1 Review of Related Literature

There are many previous studies investigating semantic namely. But the

researcher takes only two previous studies which are related with this research.

The first study was by Ponno, Rejeki, and Taufik (2019) the title is “Lexical

and Contextual Meanings Contained in Religious song Lyrics at Quiver Center

Academy (QCA)”, Journal of Pakuan University. This study further conducted with

the following problems: (1). What are the category word that has lexical meaning

found in religious song lyrics at Quiver Center Academy? (2). What are the category

word that has contextual meaning found in religious song lyrics at Quiver Center

Academy? The objectives of the study are: to analyze the category word that has

lexical meaning found in religious song lyrics at Quiver Center Academy and to

analyze the category word that has contextual meaning in religious song lyrics at

Quiver Center Academy. The first theory used from Chaer (1990: 63), a lexical word

or meaning is the meaning that corresponds to its referent, meaning that is in

accordance with the results of observation of the senses, or meaning that is truly real


in our lives, in other words, a lexical meaning of a word is a real picture of a concept

as the word symbolizes it. According Chaer (1990: 63) Lexical meanings can also be

considered as the meaning contained in a dictionary. The second theory used from

Chaer (2012: 290), expressing contextual meaning is the meaning of a lexeme or

word that is in one context. In additon, this previous study analyzed also the themes

in religious song lyrics at Quiver Center Academy.

The result of this study is they found six verbs, twenty nouns, two verb

phrases, one adjective, one adjective phrase, and one pronoun which are lexical and

contextual meaning. Therefore the total of their finding research are thirty one of

lexical and contextual meaning in religious song lyrics at Quiver Center Academy.

they used descriptive qualitative method in analyzing the data and used both informal

and formal methods in the way of describing the data analysis. The similarity

between this previous study and this present study are analyzed about semantic

meaning, their study focused to analyze the category word that has lexical and

contextual meaning found in religious song lyrics at Quiver Center Academy and in

additon, this previous study analyzed also the themes in religious song lyrics at

Quiver Center Academy. Meanwhile this present study focused on analyzing

contextual meaning and the context of situation. This previous study gave many

contributions for the present research, especially in knowing the contextual

meaning itself to analyze the data. And what makes interesting between this

previous study and this present study were the previous study analyzed about

religious song which is sung by the children at Quiver Center Academy meanwhile

this present study analyzed the love song by Brett


Young. However, the previous study was about lexical meaning, contextual meaning,

and the themes but, this present study is about contextual meaning and a part of

contextual meaning itself which is context of situation that occurs in the songs. In

addition, the writer analyzed sentences or utterence (the text) in which it is used, and

the situation that describes how, where, when or to whom the word is used (the


The second study was by Siregar (2018), the title is “Contextual Meaning on

The Idiomatic Expression in The Adventure of Titan Script Movie”, Thesis English

Department, University of Muhammadiyah. This study further conducted with

the following problems: (1). What types of idiomatic expression are found in The

Adventure of Tintin script movie? (2). Why was the contextual meaning needed to

interpret idiomatic expression in The Adventure of Tintin script movie? The

objectives of the study are: to find out the types of idiomatic expression found in The

Adventure of Tintin script movie and to find the reason why the contextual meaning

needed to interpret idiomatic expression in The Adventure of Tintin script movie.

The first theory that Siregar used from Lyons (1984:143), contextual meaning is the

meaning of words according to the situations in which they are used. The second

theory was from Lim (2004) argues that generally speaking, English idioms consist

of the following seven types: phrasal verb, prepositional phrases, idioms with verbs,

idioms with nouns, idioms with adjectives, idiomatic pairs and Idioms of


The result of this study is Siregar analyzed six types of idiomatic expression

with its contextual meaning and he found nine phrasal verb, one preposition verb,

fourtheen idiom with verb, eleven idiom with noun, zero idiom with adjective and

twenty idiomatic pairs. Therefore the total of his finding research are fifty five

idiomatic expression with its contextual meaning. Siregar used descriptive qualitative

method in analyzing the data, the writer used both informal and formal methods in

the way of describing the data analysis. The similarity between Siregar’s study and

this present study are both of the reseacher analyzed about semantic meaning, Siregar

focused on types of idiomatic expression and why the contextual meaning needed to

interpret idiomatic expression meanwhile this present study focused on analyzing

contextual meaning and the context of situation. Siregar study’s gave many

contributions for the present research, especially in knowing the contextual meaning

itself to analyze the data. And what makes interesting between this previous study

and this present study were the previous study analyzed about the Adventure of Titan

Script Movie meanwhile this present study analyzed the love song by Brett Young.

However, the previous study was about the idiomatic expression and why was the

contextual meaning needed to interpret idiomatic expression but, this present study is

about contextual meaning and a part of contextual meaning itself which is context of

situation that occurs in the songs. In addition, the writer analyzed sentences or

utterence (the text) in which it is used, and the situation that describes how, where,

when or to whom the word is used (the context).


The third study was by Srudji (2014), the title is “A Semantic Analysis on

Avril Lavigne Songs”, Thesis English Department, university of Ampel Surabaya.

This study further to be conducted with the following problems: (1). What are the


meanings in the lyrics of Avril Lavigne songs? (2). What are the contextual

meanings in the lyrics of Avril Lavigne songs? The objectives of the study are: to

explain the lexical meanings in the lyrics of “Avril Lavigne” songs for reader and to

explain the contextual meanings in the lyrics of “Avril Lavigne” songs for reader.

The first theory used from Abdul Chaer (2007:290) about contextual meaning is the

meaning of a lexeme or word inside a contex. The second theory was from

Harimurti (1982:103) in Mansoer Pateda book said that lexical meaning is the

meaning of the word when the word is seen in isolation, either in form or shape

lexeme affixes whose meaning more or less fixed, as can be read in a particular

language dictionary.

The result of this study is Srudji analyzed five songs in different albums by

Avril Lavigne and she found thirty eight of lexical meaning and contextual meaning.

It can be said that to find out the literal meaning base in the dictionary and in

understanding the meaning of the contextual meaning, in addition to see the original

meaning of each songs. Srudji used descriptive qualitative method in analyzing

the data, the writer used both informal and formal methods in the way of describing

the data analysis. The similarity between Srudji’s study and this present study were

both of the reseacher analyzed about semantic, but Srudji focused on lexical

meaning and contextual meaning in the lyrics of “Avril Lavigne” songs and this

present study focused on analyzing contextual meaning and the context of situation.

This study gives many contributions for the present research, especially in knowing

the contextual meaning itself to analyze the data. And what makes interesting

between this previous study and this present study were the previous study analyzed

about the live song of Avril Lavigne meanwhile this present study analyzed the love

song by Brett Young. However, the previous study was about the lexical meaning

and contextual meaning but, this present study is about contextual meaning and a

part of contextual meaning itself which is context of situation that occurs in the

songs. In addition, the writer analyzed sentences or utterence (the text) in which it is

used, and the situation that describes how, where, when or to whom the word is used

(the context).

2.2 Concepts

The concepts in this study are explained some parts in order that to avoid

misunderstanding and confusion of the reader while reading and trying to understand

this study. This study needs to explain the following terms:

2.2.1 Contextual Meaning

According to Chaer (2007) contextual meaning is the meaning of a lexeme or

word inside a context. Contextual meaning or also named pragmatic meaning, refers

to the meaning of a word according to sentences or utterence (the text) in which it

is used, and the situation that describes how, where, when or to whom the word is

used (the context). Context is a situation that occurs depends on whether phrase or

sentence appears. A contextual definition is also definition in which term is used by

embedding it in the larger expression containing it is explanation. It means


expressing contextual meaning is the meaning of a lexeme or word that is in one


2.2.2 Brett Young

Brett Charles Young (born March 23, 1981) is an American country

pop singer-songwriter from Orange County, California. He was a

college baseball pitcher but took

up songwriting after an elbow injury. He started singing in the late 1990 when he

stepped in to replace an absent leader of the band during a Christian worship meeting

at high school. He was inspired by Gavin DeGraw after he heard his

album Chariot as well as singer and songwriter Jeffrey Steele and decided to return to


Young independently released a self-titled four-song EP in 2007, then Make

Believe in 2011, followed by the albums Brett Young, On Fire, and Broken Down in

2013. After eight years based in Los Angeles, Young moved to Nashville. He was

soon signed by the Big Machine Label Group in August 2015. In February 2016,

Young released a six-song self-titled EP. "Sleep Without You" was released as the

first single from the EP in April 2016. Young wrote the song with Justin Ebach and

Kelly Archer. The second single to be released from the album “In Case You Didn't

Know", was released on January 9, 2017. The song reached number one on

the Country Airplay chart, and was certified triple Platinum by RIAA. (Mark

Deming, 2019)

2.2.3 Song

A song is words and music sung together and song is the art of singing

(Advanced dictionary 2015: 1249). In addition, song is a short piece of music with

word that you sing. It can be combined in the dance act and performed in which a

person or group of people sing and dance. People who sing a song called singer or

vocalist. Singers perform music that could be sung either with or without

accompaniment by musical instrument.

2.2.4 Lyric

Lyric is the written poetry in a simple and dirict style, and usually expresses

personal emotions such as love (Advanced dictionary 2015: 787). A lyricist is

someone who writes the words for modern songs or for musicals. Lyrics are words

that make up a song usually consisting of verses and choruses. The lyric of the song

will usually have a meaning. Sometimes the meaning is easy to find meanwhile

other times it can be difficult to know what the lyric mean. Some lyrics are

strange that is nearly impossible to understand them. In such case, people tend to

look more at the form, articulation, meter, and symmetries of lyrics instead of

looking at their meaning.

2.3 Theories

There are some theories used in this research in accomplishing the problem of

study, they are:

2.3.1 Semantics

Semantics is part of linguistic that deals with the study of meaning.

According to Kreidler (1998:3), semantic is the systematic study of meanings and

linguistics semantic is the study of how languages organize and express meaning. It

means that, meaning in linguistic semantics needed to limit ourselves to expression

of meanings

in single language. Although it can be conceived as concerned with the meaning in

general, it is often confined to those aspects which are relatively stable and context-

free, in contras to pragmatics, which is concerned with meaning variation and

context bound.

Chaer (2007) said that kinds of meaning include lexical meaning,

grammatical meaning and contextual meaning, referential and non referential

meaning, denotative and connotative meaning, conceptual and associative meaning

and lexeme (Chaer, 2007:289). Contextual Meaning

According to Chaer (2007) contextual meaning is the meaning of a lexeme or

word inside a context. Contextual meaning or also named pragmatic meaning, refers

to the meaning of a word according to sentences or utterence (the text) in which it is

used, and the situation that describes how, where, when or to whom the word is

used (the context). Context is a situation that occurs depends on whether phrase or

sentence appears. A contextual definition is also definition in which term is used by

embedding it in the larger expression containing it is explanation. According to Dash

(2008), she said:

“I have used the term context to refer to an immediate linguistic

(rarely detached or isolated) in which a particular word occurs. Since it is not
always explicit, it may be hidden within the neighboring members of a word
used in a piece of text. If we cannot extract the information relevant to
the meaning of a word form its immediate linguistic environment, we need to
take into account the topic of discussion as sphere of necessary information”.

From the quotation above, when a word is used in a piece of text, it usually

has only one meaning, but sometimes it has meaning variation depending on the

topic of discusstion. We must know the hidden meaning of word to provide useful

information for understanding meaning in a sentence or phrase based on context


Contextual meaning is the meaning according to the context in a sentence.

According to Requejo (2007), contextual meaning is that whenever a linguistic

expression cannot be straightforwardly interpreted, we turn to context to find some

extra cues in order to get the right meaning. It means that, context is used here in its

broadest sense, since anything around a particular word can potentially affect its


According to Pateda (2010), contextual meaning could be regarded as a

situasional meaning. It appears as a result of the relationship between speech and

context. Contextual meaning is the meaning according to the context.

Example: the word “Shoot” will mean different in a soccer macth and in the battle

field (Jendra, 2019: 8).

Based on the example above the word shoot will mean different in a soccer

macth: “Lionel Messi shoots the ball” which means he kicks the ball to the

opponent’s goalpost. Meanwhile, in the battle field: “someone shooted by sniper”.

It means that the sniper kills someone by the gun. The word shoot does not mean

kicking the ball anymore. Therefore contextual meaning is the meaning according to

the context or the situation that occur.

17 Connotation Meaning

Connotation refers to personal associations produced by words. Connotation

is stimulating and evocative senses, feelings, attitudes, judgments, and benefit as well

as certain purpose. It can be individually and collectively. Connotative meaning is

additional or associated meaning, which is attached to denotative meaning or

conceptual meaning. It consists of association made with a concept whenever that

concept is referred to.

Connotative meaning is also named emotive or expressive meaning. It is the

meaning that is secondary, subjective and might be emotional. Connotative meaning

is the communicative value of an expression over and its purely conceptual content.

It is something that goes beyond mere referent of a word and hints at attributes in the

real word. It is something more than the dictionary meaning.

If we compare connotative meaning with denotative meaning is that

connotation are relatively unstable, because connotative has different meaning

depend on situation we use. Although the language that speakers use is exactly

the same with conceptual framefork, but each of them has individual perception of

words. Connotative meaning indefinite and open in the same way as our knowledge

and belief about the universe are opened-ended. Connotations play a major role in

the language of literature, of politic, of advertising, and a greeting card.

Example: the word English can connote “globalism or language imperialism” and

“intellectual”. (Jendra, 2019: 6)


The example above means some people argue the word English can connote

“globalism or language imperialism” which means English language is an

international language or second language that is used by the people all over the

world, while to other people it may connote “intellectual” because by learning

English your intellectual grows more. Thus, differences in the connotation of the

word are often caused by some emotion, imagination, or experience. Denotation Meaning

Denotation is the objective relationship between a linguistic form and its

referent. According to Harimurti (1982: 32) in Mansoer Pateda (2001: 28), based on

the denotative meaning is straightly designation on something outside the language

or that is based on certain conventions. Denotative meaning is the meaning of what it

is. Denotative meaning also refers to as a word of group of words which based on

straightly relationship between the unit and form language beyond language unit

treates appropriately.

Denotative meaning is the meaning that is primary, original, and objevtive. It

is also called the cognitive, ideational, conceptual, or referential meaning. Meaning is

more than denotation. Denotative meaning is primary meaning. Denotation is the

original meaning which appears first. It is the logical meaning, which indicates the

essential qualities of a concept which distinguish it from other concept. The aim of

denotative meaning is to provide, for any appear in interpretation of a sentence,


a configuration of abstract symbols, in which shows exactly what we need to know


we are to distinguish that meaning from all other possible sentence meaning in the


Example: the word fire is ‘something that causes of a burn’ (Jendra, 2019:6). Lexical Meaning

Lexical meaning refers to the real meaning, meaning that proper with our

sense of observation or granted meaning. Therefore, many people say that the lexical

meaning is the meaning in dictionary or that of the lexeme meaning even without any

contexts. According to Jendra (2019) lexical meaning is the meaning expressed by

word individually. He argues it may also be named the normal or central meaning

and cover both the denotative and connotative meanings. Lexical meaning is the

meaning of the word when the word is seen in isolation, either in form or shape

lexeme affixes whose meaning more or less fixed, as can be read in a particular

language dictionary.

Lexical meaning is the smallest meaning unit in the meaning system of

language that can be distinguished from other similar units. A lexeme is an

abstract unit, it can occour in many different forms of actual spoken or written


Example: The lexical meaning of fire includes ‘something that causes of a burn’

(denotative) and ‘smoke’ (connotative). (Jendra, 2019: 8)

Based on the example above the word fire has primary meaning which is

something happened that because of burn and secondary meaning which is the smoke

because each fire produces the smoke. Both meaning can be read in a particular

language dictionary. Grammatical Meaning

Grammatical meaning is also structural meaning or functional meaning or

internal meaning. According to Pateda (2010: 102) grammatical meaning is the

meaning that arises as a result of the functioning of word in a sentence. It means

that, every language has grammatical system and different language has some

grammatical system. Grammatical meaning of a language can be interpreted. It is

fixed in accordance with language user community. In addition, structural meaning is

the meaning that is expressed by the rule of grammar.

Grammar describes how words work together to create the meaning. It

explains how words interact with one other to form large structures that are

capable by expressing such divergent data. Gramatical meanings are expressed in

various ways, such as the arrangement of word or referring expression before the

predicate, by grammatical affixes and grammatical words.

Example: go and went. (Jendra, 2019: 8)

The example above means those two verbs go and went have different

gramatical meaning from each other but both have the same lexical meaning:

leaving a place to be in another one. The different is because of the use of the

different tense: the word go carries the meaning of “present tense” while the word

went has the meaning of “past tense”.

21 Idiomatical Meaning

Idiomatic meaning or idiomatic expression is an expression or phrase that has

figurative meaning conventionally understood by the speaker. It can be argued that

idiomatic expression is a group of words with a meaning of its own and can not be

interpreted as literal meaning. According to Jendra (2019), “Idiomatical meaning is

the meaning expressed by idioms” (p.8). He states that “An idiom refers to a special

expression (words, phrases, sentences) that has meaning which cannot be interpreted

lexically” (p.8). In addition, the utterance of english idioms are also often used in

daily communication which are phrases in the form of the sentences in english

sometimes have different meanings from the original word. Example: face to face (in

person). (Jendra, 2019: 8)

The example above about the meaning of the expressions face to face (in

person). For instance, it will not be understood merely by knowing the meaning of

the single word face. The idiomatic expression of face to face (in person) means two

people are talking each other and there is no one other person to join with

them. Therefore idiomatic expression can not be interpreted lexically. It has different

meaning from the original word. Figurative Meaning

Figurative meaning is non literal meaning because it has transferred meaning

form literal meaning. Figurative meaning in a song can make listeners or readers to

be confused and try to imagine what the real meaning of the language it self. The

language that uses figures of speech and its porpose is to serve three elements of

clarity, forth, and beauty in the language.

Figurative expression or non literal meaning that connotes additional layers of

meaning. When the human receive a message, the mind must interpre the date to

convert it into meaning. This set of memories will give prominence to the most

common or literals meaning, but also suggest reasons for attributing different

meaning. The types of figurative language include metaphor, personification,

synecdoche, metonymy, hyperbole, irony, simile, paradox, allusion, allegory, symbol,

repetition, and etc.

Example: His heart is snow. (Peter, 2002: 12)

The example above means, “his heart” is compared with snow directly

without using the connection word. His heart is given the character of the snow which

is beautiful, white, and cold. Metaphor is an implied which imaginatively identifies

one subject with other and ascribes to the first one and more qualities of the second.

His heart as tenor, the snow as vehicle. According to the Blackmur (1999), all

metaphor are made up of two parts: a tenor, which is the idea being expressed or the

subject of the comparison, and vehicle, which is the image by which the idea is

conveyed or the subject is communicated. Based on this discussion, metaphor is a

figure of speech used to compare two unlike things by claiming that one thing is


2.3.2 Context of Situation

Halliday and Hasan (1985) explain that the context of situation serve to

interpret the social context of the text, the environment in which meaning are being

exchanged context is very important in understanding a text in order to be able to

understand what people mean, Halliday, classifies the context of situation: Field,

Tenor, and Mode.

According to Halliday and Hasan (1985), “to understand a text, we have to

understand the social environment of the text”. Context is the social environment of

the text and the text itself called context. They also claim that situation types or

context differ in three respects as follows:

1. Field

Halliday and Hasan (1985) state that field of discourse refers to what is

happening to the nature of the social action that is taking place, who are the

participants who engaged in, and which the language figures are some essential


. The field largely determines the content what is being said. It refers to what

the participants in the context of the situation are actually engaged in doing. The

notion of field includes the items as follow:

a. Arena /Activities

It refers particulary to the location of interaction. The arena and the

activities which take place there, perceives at most basic element of


b. Parcipant

It refers to inherent features of the participants ,that is their physical

and mental attributes and the knowledge they bring to bear on the setting.

c. Semantic Domain

It refers to broad domain, the general subject matter or content of the

specific language event.

Example of context of situation meaning on Make You Feel My Love song lyrics

by Adele.

Field: this song is about the woman (Adele) who always besides her partner

(Adele’s boy friend) what ever the situation and condition, even though that

her boy friend has problem and there is one there to support him. Adele is still

there to give him love and support to make him feel her love. It can see from the

lyrics below:

when the evening shadows and the stars appear

and there is no one there to dry your tears

I could hold you for a million years

to make you feel my love

The topic of this song is about love, and the theme of this song is about the

loyalty and sacrifice of a woman. The context of situation is helpful to support the

writer and author to deliver the massageof the theme. Besides that context also

helps the listeners and the readers to feel the real situation and the meaning of the

song. (Ariyadi, 2019: 25)


2. Tenor

The tenor of discourse refers to who is taking part to the nature of the

participants. It means that the participants who involve on the text should have

good relationship which is permanent and temporary. Based on Halliday and

Hasan (1985) the tenor of the discourse is the ‘players’ – the actors or reather the

interacting roles, that are involved in the creation of the text (preditcs

interpersonal meaning).

The tenor of discourse of the interpersonal system account several features

such as:

a. The speech roles of either statement or question or demand

b. The person involved of speaker and addressing.

c. The polarity of either positive or negative

Example of context of contextual meaning on Make You Feel My Love song lyrics

by Adele.

Tenor: The participants of this song are Adele and her boy friend. The target

listener could be people in teenagers and adult, bacause this is love song is not

children’s song. (Ariyadi, 2019: 25)

3. Mode

Halliday and Hasan (1985) state that mode of discourse is the ‘parts’ –the

particular funtions that are assigned to language in this situation and the rethorical

channel that is therefore allotted to it (predicts textual meaning). The mode of

discourse refers to what part the language is playing. The mode also refers to what

the participants are expecting the language to do for them in that situation. It also

mentions the syimbolic organization of the text, the status and its function in the

context including the channel that spoken or written and what is achieved by the

text in the terms of such categories as persuasive, expository, didactic and so on.

All elements of mode are constrained by the configuration of elements within

the other two variables and their configurations motivate the process of

realization. Example of context of contextual meaning on Make You Feel My

Love song lyrics by Adele.

Mode: The mode of this song lyric is written text, but can be spoken if this song is

sung. The songwriter used informal sentences, and figurative language. The

songwriter used figurative language to make the song more interesting and to

make the song more dramatic. The function of this text is to entertain the readers

and the listeners. (Ariyadi, 2019: 25)



This chapter deals with the research methods of the study. Research method

is important in presenting the analysis of the data as well as drawing the conclusion.

This research applied to analyze the contextual meaning and how the context of

situation can support the contextual meaning found in Brett Young’s songs lyric. The

methods of research that used in this writing consists of data source, data collection,

data analysis and finding presentation.

3.1 Data Source

The data source was the text of lyrics on Brett Young’s song albums


Broken Down (2013) and Brett Young (2017). It took from the website

( The writer analyzed contextual meaning and context of

situation of the song lyrics. The writer used song lyrics as the data source in this

research based on albums are Broken Down (2013): Would You Wait For Me?,

Pretend I Never Loved You and Brett Young (2017): In Case You Didn’t Know,

Mercy, You Ain’t Here To Kiss Me, and Like I Love You.

The reason about why the writer chose six of the selected songs and the

duration of these songs are 3-4 minutes based on these Broken Down (2013) and

Brett Young (2017) albums which are published by Big Machine Label Group

(BMLG), Caliville. These songs tell about love story and these songs are populer


song. His songs were interesting to analyze from the meaning of the lyrics. The love

story has also the similar story with the researcher in the daily fact. Therefore, these

songs are to introduce for the reader and listener that if we want to make a good

relation with our partner, we must to be known about all of the physical and

characteristic. These six song have contextual meaning and then give a message for

someone who loves their partner until the end of life. On the other hand, These songs

tell us about what people do if they love us, how to keep the relationship, about the

situation when people broken heart or even when someone wants to survive in love

but one other no cares. Therefore, the writer is interested to analyze these songs.

3.2 Data Collection

In this research, the writer followed some steps to collect the data by using

observation method in the script of Broken Down (2013) album: Would You Wait

For Me?, Pretend I Never Loved You and Brett Young (2017) album: In Case You

Didn’t Know, Mercy, You Ain’t Here To Kiss Me, and Like I Love You. The songs has

taken from the website. Technique used as following below in collecting the data

divided into three steps:

1. The writer searched the script selected songs of both albums in the website

( and than printed out it.

2. The writer read those six song to know the context of situation of the lyrics in

the song.

3. The writer classified words in the lyrics of song based on contextual meaning

and gave the sign in order to make the data easier to be understood.

All these steps applied in collecting the data from selected song in Broken

Down (2013) and Brett Young (2017) albums.

3.3 Data Analysis

The researcher analyzed the data by using descriptive qualitative method.

Descriptive method is a method of analyzing the data and to giving the interpretation

of explanation. The data collected from selected songs in Broken Down (2013) and

Brett Young (2017) albums. After collecting the data, the writer analyzed the data

through following steps.

1. The first important thing in analyzing the data was reading and understanding

the theory of contextual meaning by Chaer (2007).

2. Collecting the data from the data source in selected songs on Broken Down

(2013) and Brett Young (2017) albums and find the meaning of the word from

the dictionary to check the literal meaning.

3. After that the writer analyzed the data to find out the contextual meaning of

the word in these song lyrics which supported by the context of situation base

on the theory by Halliday and Hasan (1985).

These steps used to analyze the contextual meaning and how the context of

situation can support the contextual meaning in selected song on Broken

Down (2013) and Brett Young (2017) albums.


3.4 Finding Presentation

The finding was presented by describing the analysis of the data found. The

researcher tries to explain as clear as possible in order to make the explanation can be

understood by readers. The writer used both informal and formal methods in the way

of describing the data analysis. Formal method used to explain how many contextual

meaning found on Brett Young’s song lyrics. In this method, the writer used the table

to make the explanation clearly. The writer used also informal method to describe and

explained briefly based on the theories that the writer found the context of situation in

the song lyrics by Brett Young.



This chapter divided into two parts, those are finding and discussion. The

chapter emphasizes to answer the problems of the study. This study consists of two

problems and uses Brett Young song lyrics as the data source. The analysis focused

on the word of contextual meaning and how the context of situation can support the

contextual meaning found in the song lyrics.

4.1 Finding

The writer found 25 data of contextual meaning as the data from those six

song lyrics. The researcher analyzed those song based on theory of contextual

meaning which is purposed by Chaer (2007) and supported by the theory of context

of situation by Halliday and Hasan (1985).

Formula = Number of Occurance x 100%

Total Data

Table 4.1 The contextual meaning found in the song lyrics

N Song Title Contextual Meaning Total
o Word Phrase Clause
1 In Case You Didn’t Know 6
2 Mercy 4 1
3 Pretend I never Love You 3
4 You Ain’t Here To Kiss Me 4 3
5 Would You Wait for Me 3
6 Like I loved You 1

Occurrence 20 4 1 25

Percentage 80% 16% 4% 100%


Based on the list of table of contextual meaning above, the writer found

twenty five contextual meaning on six song lyrics from Brett Young. There are 20

(80%) data of words, 4 (16%) data of phrases, and 1 (4%) data of clause. Based on

the table above, the following sequence of contextual meaning which is You Ain’t

Here To Kiss Me being in first rank with total 7 out of 25 data, because it mostly

combination between connotative meaning and gramatical meaning and we need to

understand deeply. The song tells about Young’s willing to meet her girlfriend by

using words that have contextual meaning. The researcher claimed that some words

cannot interpret as literal meaning, so the researcher found more data in this song by

listening to know the context of situation. The second rank is In Case You Didn’t

Know with the total 6 out of 25 data. The third is Mercy with total 5 out of 25 data.

The fourth is Pretend I Never Love You with the total 3 out of 25 data. The fifth song

is Would You Wait for Me with the total 3 out of 25 data and the last is Like I loved

You with the total 1 out of 25 data. However, the writer only found one data in Like I

Love You, because the lyrics of song contain more lexical meaning. The researcher

listened to this song many times, but there is no one to analyze belonging to

contextual meaning except that one data. So, the researcher focused only to that

clause which has contextual meaning. At the same time, the researcher read

comments from viewers on Youtube. For knowing the context of situation. Young as

a singer explains briefly about the story of this song before he begins to sing the song.

The researcher appreciates it because it really helps when analyzing the data.

4.2 Discussion

This subchapter is divided into six subchapters based on the six title of Brett

Young’s songs. It provided the main point of discussion regarding to the analysis of

contextual meaning and the context of situation that supporting each data in the song

lyrics of Brett Young. However, those six song refer to love song from his own

experience because when he sings a song, Young always tells what is happening in

the song. So, it is useful for the researcher to analyze.

4.2.1 The Contextual Meaning of In Case You Didn’t Know song lyrics

The first song lyrics is titled In Case You Didn’t Know. This song was written

by Brett Young in the album of Brett Young (2017). The song reached number one

on the Country Airplay chart, and was certified triple Platinum by RIAA. There were

six data in total found in this song. However there were only single line of lyrics used

as the representative data. They were analyzed on the following explaination.

Data 1:

I can’t count the times (1st line in 1st stanza)

The word “count” in the lyric has different meaning from advanced

dictionary. The word “count” means when you count, you say all the numbers one

after another up to particular number or to find out and the result of how many the

things are (Advanced dictionary 2015: 290). But contextual meaning of word “count”

represents of waiting. In case, Young really wants to see her again.


According to Halliday and Hasan (1985) there are three aspects of context of

situation, such as: field, tenor and mode. The word “count” above emphasized


condition or situation of someone that he wants to meet his girlfriend and cannot wait

more. In the opinion of the writer, they live separately each other and they have met

before. So, the man cannot wait anymore to meet her other day. However, the

participants are Young and his girl because the lyric above referred to the girl that he

loves. Meanwhile the lyric above is written text but can be spoken if this song is sung

and used informal sentences.

Data 2:

Baby I know that you’ve been wondering (6th line in 1st stanza)

Based on the lyric above, the word “baby” has different meaning from the

dictionary. The word “baby” is a very young child, especially one that cannot walk

and talk (Advanced dictionary 2015: 83). Meanwhile, in contextual meaning the word

the “baby” represents of darling or honey, it refers to his girl. Which the way how

Young calls her. So the word “baby” is not only the one that cannot walk and talk.

To know the situation on context above, the word “baby” referred to a call of

someone by another one. Because they are close each other and they have like a

relation one and other. They are Young and a girl. She has been wondering how the

continuing of their relation. But in case, Young adores her more than anything.

Therefore, They are fixed in love and he calls her “baby”. Moreover, the lyric

above is informal and mostly singer wrote the lyric by informal way. Meanwhile the

lyric above is written text but can be spoken if this song is sung.

Data 3:

Baby I’m crazy about you (2th line in 2st stanza)

Contextually, word “crazy” in the third data above has different meaning from

the dictionary. The word “crazy” in lexical meaning means if you describe someone

or something as crazy, you think they are foolish or strange (Advanced dictionary

2015: 299). But contextual meaning of word “crazy” is representative of over feeling

of love or the powerful of love.

The context of situation of this word “crazy” emphasized to how the man

shows his feeling (love) powerfully. It means he cannot live without her. The word

“baby” still refers to his girl. The lyric above expressed that he loves her deeply. It is

like cannot convey by words but only through the feeling. The participants are Young

and a girl that he loves. And the lyric above shows that the singer used informal

sentence. It is hyperbole to make the song more dramatic. Meanwhile the lyric above

is written text but can be spoken if this song is sung.

Data 4:

You had my heart a long, long time ago (6th line in 2st stanza)

The data above has different meaning from advanced dictionary meaning. The

word “heart” In primary meaning means the organ in the chest that sends blood

around the body, usually on the left in humans (Advanced dictionary 2015: 612).

Meanwhile, the contextual meaning of word “heart” is representative of the place in

person where the feelings and emotions are being together, especially those

connected with love.


Regarding to the context of situation in the lyric above, the word “heart”

emphasized to the human emotion of love. So, Young’s emotion of love was got by

the girl a long time ago. He keeps the love only for her. Because she is the one he

loves. The participants are Young and his girl. The song writer used figurative

language to make the song more interesting. Meanwhile the lyric above is written text

but can be spoken if this song is sung.

Data 5:

Mmm, so here goes nothing (7th line in 1st stanza)

The lyric in the fifth data has its own meaning from dictionary but has the

other meaning from the lyrics. Advanced dictionary (2015) the word “goes” in

primary meaning is you can use “go” to say that a person or thing changes to another

state or condition and verb one of “goes” used by subject (he, she, and it). But the

contextual meaning of this word is referred to answer by someone because there is a

question in previous line.

The lyric above emphasized to how Young answers the question from the girl

that she has been wondering of their relation. The lyric does not mean that they are

nothing each other but in case, Young said she did not know about his feeling. They

are Young and his girl. It is difficult to understand the subject in gramatical above.

It does not explain what is the subject above but the way to know it by listening the

previous lyric. Meanwhile the lyric above is written text but can be spoken if this

song is sung.

Data 6:

The way you look tonight, that second glass of wine (1th line in 3st stanza)

Contextually, of word “glass” in the six data is referred to a glass of wine

which is a container that you can drink from it. But this word has more than one

meaning in dictionary. The contextual meaning of the word “glass” represents for

beautiful such a praise to the girl while he enjoys a glass of wine. So it makes him to

see her on that moment.

The context of situation showed that Young was in the bar and enjoyed the

day all night. He meets the girl there, drink wine, and close each other then get a kiss.

The way how she looks is to make Young feel going crazy. It is explained after this

lyric. The participants are Young and his girl. They were in bar. Meanwhile the lyric

above is written text but can be spoken if this song is sung. The function of this text is

to entertain the listeners.

4.2.2 The Contextual Meaning of Mercy song lyrics

The song lyrics is titled Mercy. This song was written by Brett Young in the

album of Brett Young (2017). There were five data in total found in this song.

However, there were only single line of lyrics used as the representative data. They

were analyzed on the following explaination.


Data 7:
And if you’re gonna take your shot, then take it (2nd line in stanza 2nd)
The word “shot” in the seventh data has different meaning from the

dictionary. Jendra (2019) the word “shot” has other meaning in the field for example

the word “shot” will mean different in a soccer field: “Lionel Messi shot the ball”

which means he kicks the ball to the opponent’s goalpost. Other meaning in the

battle field: “A sniper shot a thief 10km away and die ”. It means that the sniper

kills someone by the gun. Meanwhile, the contextual meaning of word “shot”

represents of mocking or insult by saying bad words. In case, Young is always be

guilty by her. A woman is always true in everything belongs to their relationship.

That is why, Young said if you gonna take your shot, then take it. So the word “shot”

does not mean only kick or kill but it can be bad utterance in this lyric.

The situation in the lyric above showed that Young surrenders of his girl

behavior. She did the same thing which is out at night till make him be angry. That is

why Young says if you are going to shot or insult me, just do it. Otherwise Young

always reminds her. And participants are Young and his woman on the lyric. She has

a selfish love to him. Meanwhile the lyric above is written text but can be spoken if

this song is sung. The utterance above is informal way. They talk each other are not

in a formal because they have like a big problem belongs to relationship.


Data 8:

If you made up your mind, then make it (3rd line in 2nd stanza)

Based on word “make” in the lyric above has different meaning from

advanced dictionary. The word “make” of lexical meaning means doing or creating

something by an action (Advanced dictionary 2015: 703). But the contextual meaning

from word “make” is a decision of the singer to his girlfriend behavior. She is

unconcerned to the relationship. She is not uncontrolled and always doing things she

likes without thinking one else.

The context of situation above, she goes out and get drunk and lonely then

going home alone. In this case, she does not care to her life and her boyfriend

feeling. Each man does not want and allow his woman like this. Therefore, the word

“make” is not only an act of doing something but the decision of willing to be apart

each other. In addition, to be understood the text above must be read the whole lyrics.

The participants are Young and a woman. She has unconcern. The lyric above is

informal and the word that has contextual meaning above makes the readers be

confused. Meanwhile the lyric above is written text but can be spoken if this song is


Data 9:

If you go out tonight and get drunk and lonely (1st line in 3rd stanza)

The lyric above in the nineth data has its own meaning in the context. The

primary meaning of the word “drunk” is the past participle of drink. Which is you

drink a liquid, you take it into your mouth, and swallow it (Advanced dictionary

2015: 395). If we can see regarding to the word “drunk” on the lyrics above does not

represent of verb but it becomes a noun. Therefore, in contextual meaning “drunk”

means a reaction of drinking alcohol too much. The word “drunk” above refers to the

girl that drinks alcohol. She always spent his time to do the same thing.

The context of situation in the lyric above, she is in bar, gets drunk and can

not speak clearly and has to be carried home. The utterance above is said by Young.

It means he knows that she often goes to bar at night. She will be lonely after

drinking. In this data, we talk about gramatical structure. So, the word “drunk” of the

lyric is not only the past participle of drink but depends how the word appears in the

context of situation. Meanwhile, they are Brett Young and his woman that involved

on the lyric. She chose to drink alcohol than overcome her problem with Young. The

lyric above refers to a woman that likes drink alcohol. She would be lonely after

drinking. The lyric above is written text but can be spoken if this song is sung.

However, the songwriter wrote the lyric to informal way because this is like personal


Data 10:

Why you wanna stop this flame if it’s still burning (6th line in 1st stanza)

Based on song lyric above the word “flame” has different meaning from the

dictionary. The word “flame” in lexical meaning means a hot bright stream of

burning gas that comes from something that is on fire (Advanced dictionary 2015:

501). Meanwhile, if we understand the context word “flame” is an emotion of Young


as representative of anger feeling caused of his girlfriend behavior. She does think

about what will happen after doing the same thing like consumed alcohol drink.

For the context of situation, the word “flame” is not only the red bright caused

of burns, but in this lyrics “flame” emphasized the condition or situation of someone

anger. Because in the context, he is to be hurt by a woman and be angry and the

woman wants to stop it but she keeps burning. It means that she still hurt him again

so, how can she stops him of strong anger feeling. Meanwhile, she keeps doing the

same thing to him. The participants are Young and his woman. And each song has

different woman involved. This song is for adult. This is not a children song because

the lyric is difficult to understand. The text above belongs to figurative language to

make more interesting and it is also informal sentence. The lyric refers to his woman

as personal utterance. Meanwhile the lyric above is written text but can be spoken if

this song is sung.

Data 11:

Why you wanna stop this whole damn world from turning (3th line in 1st


The phrase of “damm world” in the song lyrics above has the dictionary

meaning which is the word “damn” means a swear word that people use to show that

they are annoyed, disappointed, and frustrated (Advanced dictionary 2015: 319). And

the word “world” means the earth with all its countries, people, and natural features

or the planet we live on (Advanced dictionary 2015: 1507). Based on the song lyrics

above the contextual meaning of that word phrase is a life of someone that is still

broken and the other tries to stop his pain but he does not want it. In case, Young

feels that it wasting time to stop disorder in his life if it will come repeatedly.

Based on the context of situation above that he is sad, why his girlfriend looks

so good just to hurt him. He feels bored of behaviour which is showed by a

girl. Perhaps it is usual for girl but how about Young’s feeling. It hurts for him.

Moreover, she thinks about herself only. They are Young and his woman that

involved on the this single song lyric. The singer used informal way on the lyric

bacause that is personal utterance. And it is also figurative language in order to show

dramatically. Meanwhile the lyric above is written text but can be spoken if this song

is sung.

4.2.3 The Contextual Meaning of Pretend I Never Love You song lyrics

The song lyrics is titled Pretend I Never Love You. This song was written by

Brett Young in the album of Broken Down (2013). There were three data in total

found in this song. However there were only single line of lyrics used as the

representative data. They were analyzed on the following explaination.

Data 12:

I’m gonna smoke anything that burns (1th line in 2st stanza)

Contextually, the data above has other meaning from the dictionary meaning.

The primary meaning of the word “smoke” consists of gas and small bits of solid

material that are sent into the air when something burns so the word “smoke” is noun

(Advanced dictionary 2015: 1237). Meanwhile, the contextual meaning of this word

“smoke” represents of making him feeling better by smoking ciggarates and it is a


verb on the song lyrics. A girl that he loved is moving to someone else. So, he calmed

down by smoking.

Regarding to the context of situation of the lyric, the word “smoke”

emphasized the situation of someone that he entertains himself by smoking

ciggarates, he sucks it from the mouth and blow it out again because he has a problem

with his first love. In case, he chooses to enjoy smoke. Basically, men do the same

thing if they have problem like this. The participants are Young and his girl. She is

the first love of him. And probably the woman that involved on each song lyrics is

not the same woman. So each song has different woman involved. The text above

refers to gramatical meaning, it happens how the word “smoke” appears in the

context. So for the listeners must be critically to understand it.

Data 13:

Lord, I just need to put the past away so (5th line in 3st stanza)

The word “away” from the lyric above has other meaning from the dictionary

meaning. The primary meaning of the word “away” is movement but combining with

a verb and it calls phrasel verb (Advanced dictinary 2015: 81). However, if we see

from the contextual meaning word “away” is representative of someone willing’s.

Young has such a beautiful memory with his first love. But she does not appreciate it

and she even has someone else to love. Therefore, Young pretends to never love her.

It makes painful to him.

For context of situation, in the lyric above word “away” is not only movement

but it emphasized the situation of someone that he is going to forget what is being

happened in the past. In this case he has a big ploblem with his first girl in the past.

He only wants to forget her. A beautiful memory is not guaranteed the relationship of

love. Participants are Young and his girl. And she moved to someone else.

Meanwhile, the function of the text is to make listeners being wondered about what it

happens in the past. Meanwhile the lyric above is written text but can be spoken if

this song is sung.

Data 14:

Drown the memory of what we were (6th line in 2st stanza)

Based on the word “drown” in the lyric above has different meaning in

advanced dictionary. Which means to die because you have been underwater too long

and you can breathe and to kill somebody by holding them underwater (Advanced

dictionary 2015: 397). But the contextual meaning of this word “drown” explained

that someone tunes out or tries to forget beautiful or bad memories that he did in the

past with his girl. Because he will go numb to all hurt. At least, he ever made her


Properly Young wants to throw all his memories with that girl which is still

left inside his mind. They are nothing each other right now because have apart. His

partner music read the whole story that Young wrote in the diary. And he created this

song after a few years, they break up. Perhaps, by singing this song can make him

happy. Participants are Young and his girl. The text above seems like a part of poetry

utterance that makes listeners impression with this song lyrics. Meanwhile the lyric

above is written text but can be spoken if this song is sung.


4.2.4 The Contextual Meaning of You Ain’t Here To Kiss Me song lyrics

The song lyrics is titled You Ain’t Here To Kiss Me. This song was written by

Brett Young in the album of Brett Young (2017). There were seven data in total

found in this song. However there were only single line of lyrics used as the

representative data. They were analyzed on the following explaination.

Data 15:

Home for seven days and I haven’t even seen your face (1th line in 1st


The lyric in the fifteenth data has its own meaning from the context. The lexical

meaning of the word “home” is the building that you live in, especially with your

family and in connotative meaning is when you think it as the property that can be

bought and sold or even rent it (Advanced dictionary 2015: 633). In addition, the

place that you can keep all things belong to the house. But if we understand it deeply

the contextual meaning of word “home” is representative of going back. So the word

“home” is not only an object which you live, bought, sold, rent, or even the place to

keep the stuffs. In case, Young comes home but he does not see her face.

The lyric above emphasized the situation of someone that he goes back for

meeting his girl but they don’t meet each other. Based on the song lyrics, he lives out

of town perhaps for studying and he just arrives for holiday in his hometown.

Properly Young missed her that is why he really wants to see that woman. The

participants are Young and his woman. Sometimes, lyric makes confused the listeners

so they must be understand carefully. The lyric is also informal way.


Data 16:

Home for seven days and I haven’t even seen your face (1th line in 1st stanza)

From the lyric above, the word phrase “seven days” has the different meaning

from advanced dictionary meaning. The lexical meaning of the word phrase “seven

days” consists of the word “seven” means one of amount for counting anything and

the word “days” means the period of the time or history and the particular period in

somebody’s life or career. The contextual meaning in the writer opinion the word

phrase “seven days” represents of waiting. So, the word phrase “seven days” is not

only amount and the period of time but it emphasized to the situation of someone that

he is waiting for someone for one week.

Regarding to the word phrase of the lyric above explained that Young has a

time during one week to meet her. In fact, they don’t meet each other. What ever the

situation Young feels disappointed. So that, the song title is You Ain’t Here To Kiss

Me. Young even tries hard to meet her but he does not see her anywhere. Perhaps, she

got someone else. Participants are Young and his woman. However, the text above is

informal. The writer suggests to the reader listen to this song in order to know the

context of situation inside. Meanwhile the lyric above is written text but can be

spoken if this song is sung. This song lyric is referred to his woman.

Data 17:

Five dollar drink and a lonely window seat (1th line in 2st stanza)

The word phrase “five dollar” from the lyric above has the contextual

meaning. Based on advanced dictonary, the researcher can conclude that the lexical

meaning of

the word phrase “five dollar” consists of the word “five” means one of amount for

counting anything and the word “dollar” means the currency of the United States of

America. Meanwhile, the contextual meaning of word phrase “five dollar” represents

of the bill. So, the word phrase “five dollar” is not only amount and American

currency but it emphasized to the situation or condition of someone that he has the

bill that he needs to pay for the whiskey.

When we talk the context of situation of the lyric above, it explained that

Young was on the plane while drinking whiskey. So he just needs five dollar to pay

it. In this case, whiskey is the object that can entertain him because she does not there

for him. The song writer wrote informal word. The participants are Young and

attendant because they were on the plane. Young speaks also to himself about his

woman. He long for her. Even it does not has a subject but only word phrase. It can

be concluded that the lyric above is not sentence. The text above is informal.

Meanwhile the lyric above is written text but can be spoken if this song is sung.

Data 18:

Five dollar drink and a lonely window seat (1th line in 2st stanza)

Based on the lyric above, word “drink” in this data has more than one

meaning from the dictionary meaning. Contextually in advanced dictionary, the

lexical meaning of the word “drink” is the verb one (1) of the word “drink” itself

which is to put the liquid into the mouth and swallow it. If we can know regarding to

the word “drink” on the lyric above does not represent of verb but it becomes a noun.

Therefore, contextual meaning of “drink” is representative of an object which is a


bottle of whiskey. So, the word “drink” does not mean only the verb of the word

“drink” itself but it emphasized to the situation or condition of someone drinking a

bottle of whiskey.

In the context of situation of song lyric above, he is sad because his woman is

not there to have a kiss with him. So, he just drink whiskey to entertain himself of the

loneliness on the window seat of the plane. He got the whiskey from attendant.

Young is the man who loves music so he put all about himself to the song lyrics. The

participants are Young and attendant on the plane. Young speaks also to himself

about his woman. He really missed her. The song writer wrote informal word. Even it

does not has a subject but only word phrase. It can be concluded that the lyric above

is not sentence. Meanwhile the lyric above is written text but can be spoken if this

song is sung.

Data 19:

The pilot comes on, says the year is almost gone (4th line in 2st stanza)

Based on lyric above the word “gone” has more than one meaning from the

dictionary meaning depends on the structure of the sentence. Contextually in

advanced dictionary, the lexical meaning of the word “gone” is the verb three (3) of

the word “gone” itself and “gone” is when you say that the person or thing changes to

another state or condition. If we can know regarding to the word “gone” on the lyrics

above does not represent of verb but it becomes a noun. Meanwhile, contextual

meaning “gone” is referred to the end of the year. Therefore, the word “gone” does

not mean only the verb of the word “gone” itself.


The text above emphasized to the situation or condition of the end of the year.

In the context of song lyric above, the situation is still on New Year Evening. So, the

pilot says it to people on the plane. He moved to another place for his career. The

participants are Young and the pilot. However, the rule of being sentence at least

should be subject and verb. So the lyric above can be concluded that is completely a

sentence. Meanwhile the lyric above is written text but can be spoken if this song is


Data 20:

Five, four, three, two, one (5th line in 2st stanza)

The lyric above has the different meaning in advanced dictionary meaning

depends on the a context. The lexical meaning the words from the lyric above is

the numbers or amount. However, contextual meaning the words from the lyrics

above is representative as the command by a pilot on the plane. Therefore, the words

of lyric above emphasized the count to give the command to take off the plane.

The lyric above explained that the context of situation is on the plane. And a

man who gives the command is the pilot. It means that the plane is going to take

off. So, the lyric above means all passenger should be ready on their seats. The

participants are pilot, passenger, attendant. They were on the plane. Meanwhile the

lyric above is only words which is usually mentioned by pilot before take off in order

that passengers know. So they are ready to flight.


Data 21:

So I’ll start getting over you (3th line in 5st stanza)

Contextually, the word “over” has more than one meaning from the dictionary

depends on the structure of the sentence. The lexical meaning of the word “over” is

the particular amount, measurement, or age and if you do something over means you

do it again or start doing it again from the beginning (Advanced dictionary 2015:

932). In addition, “over” is used after some verbs, nouns, and adjectives in order to

introduce extra information and “over” is also used in phrasal verbs such as ‘hand

over and glaze over’ (Advanced dictionary 2015: 931). Meanwhile, contextual

meaning of the word “over” from the lyrics above means forgetting the girl that he is

waiting for. Therefore, the word “over” from the lyrics above emphasized to the

situation of someone that he wants to forget the girl he loves.

If talking about the context of situation of text lyric above emphasized to

willing of Young that wants to forget her. She is a woman that Young waiting for. In

fact, she does not even care about Young’s feeling. The writer assumes that woman

probably has got someone else to love. During one week they do not even meet one

and other but Young has try to see her. The participants in th context are Young and

his woman. Because the word “you” in the lyric refers to the woman. Meanwhile the

lyric above is written text but can be spoken if this song is sung. The text above is

informal sentence and it is also idiomatic expression to make the lyric more


4.2.5 The Contextual Meaning of Would You Wait For Me song lyrics

The song lyrics is titled Would You Wait For Me. This song was written by

Brett Young in the album of Broken Down (2013). There were three data in total

found in this song. However there were only single line of lyrics used as the

representative data. They were analyzed on the following explaination.

Data 22:

Would you wait for me (1th line in 2st stanza)

The lexical meaning of the word “wait” means to stay where you are or delay

doing something until somebody or something comes or happens. This is the meaning

that the writer found from advanced dictionary. Meanwhile, in contextual meaning of

the word “wait” from the lyrics above is showed a hoping from someone to his

girl. Therefore, the word “wait” from the lyrics is not only to stay where you are until

something happens.

The lyric above emphasized to the situation of someone that he wants to go

somewhere and one day he will be coming back if the girl still keeps the promise for

waiting him. So that, the researcher claimed that in this situation Young has a big

hope for his girl. And of course the participants are both of them. They are Young

and his woman. Actually, the lyric above is a request sentence that is begun by saying

would you please, will you, would you mind, and would you like. Meanwhile the

lyric above is written text but can be spoken if this song is sung.

Data 23:

Could that promise be in love (5th line in 2st stanza)

The word “promise” has the different meaning from the dictionary but will

have the other meaning depend in a context. The lexical meaning of the word

“promise” means to tell somebody that you will definitely do or not do

something, or that something will definitely happen (Advanced dictionary 2015:

1038). The contextual meaning of the word “promise” from the lyrics above is

representative the feeling of love.

Based on the text above word “promise” emphasized to the situation of Young

regarding to the emotion of love that he feels. When Young is going back home for

herself, he will show his feeling. The woman wants Young being her partner of life.

They are loving each other. Redarging to lyric above the participants are Young and

his woman. Meanwhile the lyric above is written text but can be spoken if this song is

sung. In addition, by seeing the data above and the previous data explained that song

writer expressed request sentences by using modal auxiliary in song lyric.

Data 24:

And I don’t want to weight you down with a heavy load (2th line in 1st


Contextually, the word “load” in the lyric above has its own meaning. But this

word has other meaning from advanced dictionary which is something that is being

carried usually in large amounts by a person, vehicle, and etc. However, regarding to

the lyric above this word “load” emphasized to a big hope by a person that he wants

to a girl.

The context of situation of the lyric above, Young has like a million question

in his mind to ask her. But he asks only, would you wait for me when I got to leave.

The question above represents of a million question. However, if Young asks many

more it makes weight her down with a heavy load because each question cointain

hoping and willing. It is a big hope for telling the feeling of his love. It has be the

promise of him to that girl. The participants are Young and his woman. She can wait

him, it is a prove that woman love him from the bottom of heart. Songwriter used

informal sentence and quite difficult sentence to understand the meaning. But it is the

unique one to make listeners wondering about the song.

4.2.6 The Contextual Meaning of Like I Love You song lyrics

The last song lyrics is titled Like I love You. This song was written by Brett

Young in the album of Brett Young (2017). There was one data in total found in this

song. However there were only single line of lyrics used as the representative data. It

was analyzed on the following explaination.

Data 25:

You’re alright with the way this is going down (5th line in 1st stanza)

The clause in the last data has different comprehension from the researcher. In

the writer opinion, the clause above refers to the relationship between Young and a

woman. In fact, their relation is going to fade. That’s why in the previous data Young

is drunk to entertain himself from this situation.


Based on song lyric above, Young and a woman are closed each other, like

being best friends. And till he tells his feeling that he loves her but the woman does

not love him as much as Young loves her. However, in the whole song lyrics show

that Young sees her in the other arm’s. Whatever the situation Young is being hurt by

that woman. In the researcher opinion, you cannot be friends with someone you

shared love. Even though you try harder and get that feeling, probably she will get

another guy and that is okay. But be friends with you for what, it will just hurt you

seeing her with someone else when you think all the things you spent with her. It is

hard even you wish the best comes to you. The song lyric above refers to Young

and his woman but their relationship is going to fade. When we talk about the

sentence, the lyric above can stand alone because needs another explaination. It is

compound sentences which belongs to dependent clause. The songwriter is also used

informal sentence. Meanwhile the lyric above is written text but can be spoken if this

song is sung.


After analyzing and discussing the problems in previous chapter, the writer

would like to present some conclusion. Beside, the writer gave also some suggestion

for the improvements on future researches.

5.1 Conclusion

Six songs of Brett Young entitled, In Case You Didn’t Know, Mercy, Pretend

I Never Love You, You Ain’t Here To Kiss Me, Would You Wait For Me, and Like I

Love You contain contextual meaning inside the lyrics. In processing identified the

data, the researcher found something interesting when analyzing the data source. The

researcher concludes that the song writer has high imagination to export his emotions

to the listeners. Especially all of these song was written based on Young’s experience.

Based on analysis of contextual meaning there are 20 (80%) data of words, 4 (16%)

data of phrases, and 1 (4%) data of clause. The researcher found 6 words contain the

contextual meaning on In Case You Didn’t Know song lyrics. The second is Mercy

that has 4 words and 1 phrase contain the contextual meaning. The third song is

Pretend I Never Love You that has 3 words contain the contextual meaning. The

fourth song is You Ain’t Here To Kiss Me that has 4 words and 3 phrases contain the

contextual meaning. Next song is Would You Wait For Me that has 3 words contain

of the contextual meaning. And the last song is Like I Love You that has 1 clause


contain the contextual meaning. Totally, there are 25 data contain the contextual


Each data has one context of situation that researcher has explained in the

previous chapter. The theme of those song are love but have their own background

contain the field, tenor, and mode. Based on the explanation above, the writer can

conclude that song lyrics entitled You Ain’t Here To Kiss Me has more

contextual meaning than the other songs, because it mostly combination between

connotative meaning and gramatical meaning, so we need to understand it deeply by

reading repeatly. The song tells about Young’s willing to meet her girlfriend by using

words that have contextual meaning. The researcher claimed that some words cannot

interpret as literal meaning, so the researcher found more data in this song by

listening to know the context of situation. Otherwise, the song lyrics entitled Like I

Love You has one data of contextual meaning found by writer, because the lyrics

contained more lexical meaning. The researcher listened to this song many times, but

there is no one to analyze belonging to contextual meaning except that one data. So,

the researcher focused on analyzing only to that clause which has contextual

meaning. At the same time, the researcher read comments from viewers on Youtube.

For knowing the context of situation. Singer explains briefly about the story of this

song before he begins to sing the song. Context of situation is really important

especially to know the social environment and understand the song lyrics because

song lyrics has many figurative language, idiomatic expression, and others.

Contextual meaning can open up all the meanings and the purpose from the six song

lyrics by Brett Young. The words that firstly look complicated can be elaborated in

the contextual meaning. So, the listeners can be easy to understand the song lyrics.

5.2 Suggestion

The researcher has to admit that this analysis of contextual meaning of Brett

Young song lyrics is far from being perfect. The researcher believes that there are still

a lot of song lyrics and word can be analyzed and studied more deeply. Therefore, the

researcher suggests to the readers to study more about this topic in order to gain a

better grasp of knowledge. In addition, it would be better if you have partners when

analyzing the lyrics in order to help on understanding the context of situation

especially what is exactly happened in the context. However, this writing can be used

as one of the references of the next related studies. Any constructive criticism is

welcomed to improve the next writing of the final project.


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1. The song lyrics of “In Case You Didn’t Know”

I can’t count the times

I almost said what’s on my mind
But I didn’t, Just the other day
I wrote down all the things I’d say
But I couldn’t, I just couldn’t
Baby I know that you’ve been wondering
Mmm, so here goes nothing

In case you didn’t know

Baby I’m crazy about you
And I would be lying if I said
That I could live this life without you
Even though I don’t tell you all the time
You had my heart a long, long time ago
In case you didn’t know

The way you look tonight, that second glass of wine

That did it mmm, there was something about that kiss
Girl it did me in, got me thinking, I’m thinking
One of the things that I’ve been feeling
Mmm it’s time you here ‘em

In case you didn’t know

Baby I’m crazy about you
And I would be lying if I said
That I could live this life without you
Even though I don’t tell you all the time
You had my heart a long, long time ago
In case you didn’t know

You’ve got all of me

I belong to you
Yeah you’re my everything

In case you didn’t know

Baby I’m crazy about you
And I would be lying if I said


That I could live this life without you

Even though I don’t tell you all the time
You had my heart a long, long time ago
Mmm, in case you didn’t know
No, no in case you didn’t know

2. The song lyrics of “Mercy”

Why you gotta show up looking so good just to hurt me
Why you wanna stop this whole damn world from turning
Why you hanging on so tight if this ain’t working
Why you wanna stop this flame if it’s still burning
Cause it’s still burning

So if you’re gonna break my heart, just break it

And if you’re gonna take your shot, then take it take it
If you made up your mind, then make it but make this fast
If you ever love me, have mercy

If you go out tonight and get drunk and lonely

Wind up home alone
Please don’t call me
And say you miss me, no

If you’re gonna break my heart, just break it

And if you’re gonna take your shot, then take it take it
If you made up your mind, then make it but make this fast
If you ever love me, have mercy
Woah oh have mercy

If you’re gonna break my heart, just break it

And if you’re gonna take your shot, then take it take it
If you made up your mind, then make it but make this fast
If you ever love me
Mmmh if you ever loved me
Have mercy
Oh have mercy
Oh have mercy
Have mercy

3. The song lyrics of “Pretend I Never Love You”

I wish you’d pack your things

And cursed my name
And slammed the door behind you
Instead you took my hand
And try to help me understand
How dare you?
There’s really nothing left to say so

I’m gonna smoke anything that burns

Drink everything they serve
Set’em up and knock’em down
And just forget you
I’ll go numb to all this hurt
Drown the memory of what we were
At the bottom of this bottle if I have to
I’ll pretend never love you

Sitting in this corner booth where I met you

Just acting like I don’t miss it
I never wanted this
But now I wish our first kiss never happened
Lord, I just need to put the past away so

I’m gonna smoke anything that burns

Drink everything they serve
Set’em up and knock’em down
And just forget you
I’ll go numb to all this hurt
Drown the memory of what we were
At the bottom of this bottle if I have to
I’ll pretend never love you

I’ll pretend I never love you

Woah, I’ll pretend I never love you
You make it look so esay
Getting by without me
It’s like you never skipped a beat so

I’m gonna smoke anything that burns

Drink everything they serve
Set’em up and knock’em down

And just forget you

I’ll go numb to all this hurt
Drown the memory of what we were
At the bottom of this bottle if I have to
I’ll pretend never love you
I’ll pretend never love you
Woah, I’ll pretend never love you
Oh baby, I’ll pretend never love you
I’ll pretend never love you

4. The song lyrics of “You Ain’t Here To Kiss Me”

Home for seven days and I haven’t even seen your face
I guess I’ve got a flight to change
There ain’t nothing left to stay
If you really don’t have it figured out by now
There’s no need for me to hang around
I gotta get outta town

Five dollar drink and a lonely window seat

Half empty plane on New Years Eve
Love birds in the row in front of me are driving me crazy
The pilot comes on, says the year is almost gone
Five, four, three, two, one
Looks like it’s just me and the whiskey
Cause you ain’t here to kiss me
You ain’t here to kiss me

Raise a toast to the thought of you and me

This was just the way it had to be
Ninety-proof to give me clarity
The flight attendant must know that somethings going on
Can’t hide the look of love gone wrong
So she’s pouring them a little strong

Five dollar drink and a lonely window seat

Half empty plane on New Years Eve
Love birds in the row in front of me are driving me crazy
The pilot comes on, says the year is almost gone
Five, four, three, two, one
Looks like it’s just me and the whiskey
Cause you ain’t here to kiss me
You ain’t here to kiss me

At least we had a chance to know how it feels to love

But it turns out love ain’t always enough
So I’ll start getting over you

With another Five dollar drink and a lonely window seat

Half empty plane on New Years Eve
Love birds in the row in front of me are driving me crazy
The pilot comes on, says the year is almost gone
Five, four, three, two, one
Looks like it’s just me and the whiskey
Cause you ain’t here to kiss me
You ain’t here to kiss me, no no
You ain’t here to kiss me

5. The song lyrics of “Would You Wait For Me”

I don’t wanna ask too much or be to bold

And I don’t want to weight you down with a heavy load
I’ve heard you say that you can handle anything
What I really need to know

Would you wait for me

When I got to leave
Could I ever be everything you need
If I promise you my love
Could that promise be in love
Would you wait for me
Would you wait for me

I don’t need a magic knight to make me feel

Like living in a fairy tale
I know this love is real
Hear me when I sing whenever I’m away
My heart is with you all the same

Would you wait for me

When I got to leave
Could I ever be everything you need
If I promise you my love
Could that promise be in love
Would you wait for me
Would you wait for me

Looking back at where we’ve been

Being scared to let you in
You becoming my best friend
No matter where I travel to
I’m coming right back home to you
If you just wait for me
Would you wait for me

Would you wait for me

When I got to leave
Could I ever be everything you need
If I promise you my love
Could that promise be in love
Would you wait for me
Would you wait for me

Yeah, would you wait for me

When I got to leave
Could I ever be everything you need
If I promise you my love
Could that promise be in love
Would you wait for me
Would you wait for me
Would you wait for me

6. The song lyrics of “Like I Love You”

Would’ve thought you wrote down every word

Goodbye spelled out like it had been rehearsed
There ain’t no point in trying to change your mind
Seems like you’ve got it all figured out
You’re alright with the way this is going down

Don’t tell me we can still be a friends hanging on the weekend

You’re gonna be okay if I start seeing somebody new
You hope that I do, it won’t be long
Till I forget to call every time that I’m drinking
And you ain’t the love song, I can’t keep from singing
I gotta be honest, if you believe that’s the truth
You never loved me like I do

By the way you’re talking you would think

You never had any real feelings for me
And if you think I can look cross the bar
And see you in someone else’s arms
And I need you, Oh who do you think you are

Don’t tell me we can still be a friends hanging on the weekend

You’re gonna be okay if I start seeing somebody new
You hope that I do, it won’t be long
Till I forget to call every time that I’m drinking
And you ain’t the love song, I can’t keep from singing
I gotta be honest, if you believe that’s the truth
You never loved me like I do

You always told me

You’d never leave me
You said I was your one and only
So what makes you think I wanna hear you say
We can still be friends
No, I don’t wanna be friends
Stop telling me, stop telling me, woah

Don’t tell me we can still be a friends hanging on the weekend

You’re gonna be okay if I start seeing somebody new
You hope that I do, it won’t be long
Till I forget to call every time that I’m drinking
And you ain’t the love song, I can’t keep from singing
I gotta be honest, if you believe that’s the truth
You never loved me like I do
You never loved me like I do
You never loved me like I do

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