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The example of the analysis of it based on the functions.

Waiter: Hello! What would you like to order today? ( expressing a request )

Sita: Hi, I would like an iced caramel latte, please. ( expressing want )

Waiter: Sure, would you like to custom with less ice or less sugar? ( expressing a request )

Sita: No, but kindly add a whipped cream, please. ( answering the request )

Waiter: Sure, would you like to order a brunch menu? We apply 30 percent off for today's
menu. ( expressing a request )

Sita: Cool, I want a salami mushroom panini. ( expressing want )

Waiter: Great. Do you want tomato sauce on the side? ( asking want )

Sita: No, just chili sauce. (giving the information)

Waiter: Noted, so it's seventy five thousands rupiah, we accept all cashless payments.
( giving the information )

Sita: Okay here's my card. ( showing the card )

Waiter: Okay, this is your food and drink. ( giving the information ) Have a good day!
(greeting )

Sita: Have a good day! ( greeting )

Name :Greattania Opsa Hennerief
NIM: 200210401044

A. Please analyze these conversations based on the functions.

Ika: Do you like reading? (asking likes)

Evelynd: I do, do you?(asking likes)

Ika: I do. How often do you read?(asking an habit)

Evelynd: I read a book almost every day before I sleep.(answerung the habit)

Ika: That's impressive. I barely read after the exam last week, my head still hurts. What's
your favorite type of book?(asking likes)

Evelynd: Haha, I usually read a funny novel and some comics after exam. But my favorite
books are usually about travelling. Some of them are nonfiction.(answering the

Ika: Why? Is it because you like travelling? (asking like)

Evelynd: I think so. But I think it's also because I could learn many different culture through
the stories. Learning becomes more fun that way.(giving opinion)

Ika: I see. Where do you usually read books? (asking habbit)

Evelynd: Mostly at home, using e-book during the pandemic. But I actually like to buy a
physical book at the book store nearby. It's more comfort to see.(expressing
present habbit)

Ika: How long does it take to finish a book? Is it different between e-book and physical
book?(asking for something)

Evelynd: Well, it depends on the length of the book, but it usually takes me two nights to
finish a 300-page book.(giving information)


B. Please analyze these conversations based on the functions.

Fildzah: Mrs. Cath, I'm scared that I cannot pass the university entrance exam. (expressing
prediction)It makes me
awake at night.(supporting opinion)

Teacher: Are you feeling fine right now? Are your head hurt?(asking for opinion)

Fildzah: Not really, but I cannot focus lately.(retelling past)

Teacher: How about your Mom and Dad? Did they say something?(asking clarifyin

Fildzah: They don't know. I don't want them to be concerned.(supporting past event)

Teacher: How about Tiara and Syifa? Did you share your struggle?(asking clyrifying

Fildzah: I did, they consoled me and gave me a cup of hot tea last night. But I saw Syifa
watching a chemistry video before sleeping, then I felt bad that I cannot maintain
my focus.(expressing comparation)

Teacher: It's okay, we've all been there. Would you like to see the school psychologist?
(asking for sugestion)

Fildzah: I'd love to.(expressing agreement)

Teacher: Okay let's call the office first.


C. Please analyze these conversations based on the functions.

Khansa: How are you, Mal? (greeting)Thank you for joining me in Zoom today.(expressing

Malika: I'm fine, how about you?(greeting) Anytime.(expressing gratitude)

Khansa: I'm fine too.(greeting) So, let's learn physics for today?(asking for opinion)

Malika: Sure, are we going to learn the fifth chapter now?(asking for opinion)

Khansa: Yes,(expressing agreement) I still cannot understand the formula.(expresing


Malika: Let me see. Oh, I don't understand it either . (expressing opinion) Shall we text Mrs.
Hendrina to explain
this one?(request)

Khansa: Is that allowed?(asking clarifyed sugesstion)

Malika: Yes, remember Mrs. Hendrina mentioned that we can contact her when we find
something difficult in the book? Let's contact her.(persuading)

Khansa: Good idea.(expresing agreement)


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