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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the requirement of
MMS Degree of the University of Mumbai

Submitted By:


Roll No: 9046

BATCH: 2018-2020

Under the Guidance of


Swayam Siddhi College of Management and Research, Bhiwandi

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I hereby declare that the Final Project Report on “TIME MANAGEMENT” submitted in the
partial fulfillment for the requirement of the degree of Masters of Management Studies of
Mumbai University at Swayam Siddhi College of Management & Research, I further declare that
I have no objection and grant the rights to Swayam Siddhi College of Management & Research
to publish any chapter/project if they deem fit in Journals/Magazines/Newspapers etc. ,without
my permission.


Date: MMS Class – 2018-20

Roll No: 9046

Page | 2

This is to certify that the Final Project Report titled “TIME MANAGEMENT” is the study
Swayam Siddhi College of Management & Research, University of Mumbai, during the year
2018 -2020, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master in Management
Studies is a result of bonafide research work carried out by him under my supervision and
guidance. No part of this report has been submitted for award of any other degree, diploma,
fellowship or other similar titles or prizes. The work has also not been published in any Journals /

Place: Mumbai


Project Guide Director

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I am highly indebted to my project guide Prof. PAVAN BHADANG, for their

guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information
regarding the project & also for their support in completing the project.

I would like to express my gratitude towards all the faculties, Librarian of

Swayam Siddhi College of Management and Research, for their support and
guidance for their kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in
completion of this project.

My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in developing the project and

people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities.




Serial No. INDEX Page No.












“Time management” is the procedure of organizing and planning how to divide your time
between accurate activities. Good time management enable you to work smarter – not harder –
so that ,you get more done in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are high. Failing to
your time protection your efficiency& causes stress.

What is “Time Management?”

“Time management” refers to the way that you systematize and plan how long you spend on
definite activities.

It may seem counter-intuitive to dedicate precious time to learning about time management,
instead of using it to get on with your work, but the Benefits are enormous:

 Greater productivity and efficiency.

 A better professional reputation.

 Less stress.

 Increased opportunities for improvement.

 Greater opportunities to achieve significant life and career goals.

Failing to manage your time efficiently can have some very undesirable consequences:

 Missed deadlines.

 Useless work flow.

 Poor work quality.

 A poor professional reputation and a stalled career.

 Higher stress levels.

Disbursement a little time education about time-management techniques will have enormous
benefits now – and throughout your career.

Time Management Skills

The sensible use of time by an individual to succeed in all aspects of life refers to Time
Management. Time Management not only helps individuals to make the best use of time but also
ensures successful accomplishment of tasks within the stipulated time frame.

It is essential to do the right thing at the right time to earn respect at work. People who do not
value time fail to make a mark and are never taken seriously.

Let us go through some skills necessary for effective Time Management:

1. Be Punctual and Disciplined

 Being punctual helps you complete tasks way ahead of deadline.
 Avoid taking too many leaves from work. Such an attitude is completely
 Make sure you are there at your desk five minutes before your actual time.
 Strive hard to complete tasks on time. Do not keep assignments pending and wait
for the last minute.

2. Stay Organized
 The workstation must be kept clean and organized.
 Keeping important files organized helps you retrieve them immediately and thus
saves time which goes on unnecessary searching. Staple important documents

 Do not keep stacks of files and heaps of paper on your desk. Throw whatever you
don’t need.
 Keep stationery items and your personal belongings like cell phone, car keys,
wallet at their proper places.
 Develop the habit of using an organizer. Plan your day well in advance. Never
write on loose papers. Keep a notepad and pen handy.

3. Learn to Prioritize
 Set your priorities. Do not work just for the sake of working.
 Prepare a “Task Plan” or a “To Do” List the moment you settle down for work.
Jot down all the activities you wish to do in a single day as per importance and
 High priority tasks must be attended to immediately. Do not start your day with
something which does not require your immediate attention.
 Tick off completed tasks. It gives you a sense of relief and satisfaction.
 An employee must understand the difference between high and low priority tasks
and also between important and urgent work.
 Do not indulge in irrelevant activities. You will waste your entire day and the
output would be zero.
 Be clear about your roles and responsibilities at the workplace.

4. Take Ownership of work

 Do not work only when your boss is around. Work for yourself. The dedication
has to come from within.
 Be responsible for your work and learn to accept your mistakes.
 If you have accepted something, then it becomes your responsibility to complete
it within the allotted time slot.

5. More Focused
 Be a little focused and concentrate on work. Do not waste time by loitering and
gossiping around.
 Do not take long personal calls at work. Finish off work and leave for the day on
time. You will have ample time to catch up with your friends or log on to social

networking sites. Playing games while you are at work is something which is not
expected out of a professional.

6. Be a little Diplomatic
 Do not accept everything which comes your way. A polite “NO” in the beginning
will save your reputation later.
 The employees must be delegated responsibilities as per their specialization and
background. This way they take more interest and eventually finish work on time.

7. Be reasonable
 No individual can work for the whole day. Do include some time in your daily
schedule to speak to your team member sitting next to you.
 Do not over burden yourself.

Time Management Techniques

Time management refers to the sensible use of time for achieving success in life. Time
Management helps an individual to make the best probable use of time. It is essential for
individuals to value time and apportion the right time to the right activity.

 Set your Priorities. Know what all needs to be done on an imperative basis. Prepare a
“TO DO” List or a “Task Plan” to jot down tasks you need to absolute against the time
hole assigned to each activity. High Priority Tasks must be written on top followed by
tasks which can be done a slight later. Make sure you attach to your Task List.

 Make sure you finish your assignments within the stipulated time frame. Tick the
tasks you have already ended. Treat yourself with a chocolate if you finish your
assignments ahead of deadlines.

 Understand the difference between urgent and important work. Manage your work
well. Do not begin your day with incredible which is not so important and can be done a
little later. First finish off what all is urgent and important. “Do not wait for your Boss’s

 Stay focused. Do not leave your work station if some urgent work needs to be done.
Going for strolls in the middle of an urgent work breaks permanence and an individual

tends to lose his focus. Individuals who kill time at work find it difficult to stay alive
workplace stress.

 Do include time for your tea breaks, net surfing, and personal calls and so on in
your daily schedule. It is important. Human being is not a machine who can work at an
extend for eight to nine hours. Assign half an hour to forty five minutes to check updates
on social networking sites, call your friends or family or go for smoke breaks etc.

 Set realistic and achievable targets for yourself. Know what you need to achieve and
in what duration? “Do not lie to yourself”. Assigning one hour to a task which you
yourself know would necessitate much more time does not make sense.

 Do not overburden yourself. Say a firm no to your boss if you feel you would not be
able to complete a certain assignment within the assigned deadline. Don’t worry, he will
not feel bad. Probably he can assign the same to any of your member workers. Accept
tasks which you are really convinced about.

 Be disciplined and punctual. Avoid taking redundant leaves from work unless there is
an emergency. Reach work on time as it helps you to plan your day better.

 Keep things at their proper places. Files must be kept at their particular drawers. Staple
important documents and put them in a proper folder. Learn to be a little more organized.
It will keep your time which goes on unnecessary searching.

 Do not treat your organization as a mere source of money. Change your attitude.
Avoid playing games on computer or cell phones during office hours. It is unprincipled.

Do not work only when your boss is around. Taking possession of work pays you in the
long run.

 Develop the habit of using an organizer. It helps you plan things better. Keep a
notebook and a pen usable. Do not write contact numbers or email ids on loose papers.
You will misuse half of your time searching them. Manage your emails.

Benefits Of Time Management:

Benefits of time management are as follows:

 Greater productivity & efficiency.

 A better professional status.
 Less pressure.
 Increased opportunities for development.
 Greater opportunities to achieve important life & career goals.

“Time Management refers to creation the best credible use of available time”.

“Managing time well enables an individual to do the right thing at the right time”.

“Time Management plays a pivotal role in one’s individual as well as professional life”. Let us
go through some benefits of Time Management:

 Time Management makes an individual punctual and disciplined.

One learns to work when it is actually required as a result of effective time management.
To make the sensible use of time, individuals should organize a “TASK PLAN“ or a “TO
DO“ List at the start of the day to sit down activities which need to be done in a particular
day as per their implication and urgency against the precise time slots assigned to each
activity. A Task Plan gives individuals an intelligence of direction at the workplace. An
individual knows how his day looks like and ultimately works accordingly leading to an
increased output.

 Effective Time Management boosts an individual’s morale and makes him

As a result of Time Management, individuals achieve tasks within the stipulated time
frame, making them popular in their organization as well as amongst their peers. People
who understand the value of time are the ones who manage to stand apart from the
crowd. Individuals who end off work on time are looked up to by others and are always
the centre of concentration everywhere.

 Better Time Management helps in better planning and ultimately better forecasting.

Individuals learn to plan things well and know where accurately they stand five years
from now.

 Research says that individuals who achieve tasks on time are less prone to stress and

Remember there is no point in wasting time and cribbing later. Finish off awaiting work
on time and then you would have sufficient time for your friends, relatives and family

 Time Management enables an individual to prioritize tasks and activities at


It is imprudent to stay overburdened. Do not accept anything and everything that comes
your way.

 Time Management helps a person to accept a planned approach in life

Time Management includes:

i. Effective Planning
ii. Setting goals and objectives
iii. Setting deadlines
iv. Delegation of responsibilities
v. Prioritizing activities as per their importance
vi. Spending the right time on the right activity

 Effective Planning

Plan your day well in proceed. Prepare a To Do List or a “TASK PLAN”. Jot down the
significant activities that need to be done in a single day against the time that should be
owed to each activity. High priority work should come on top followed by those which
do not need much of your importance at the moment. Complete awaiting tasks one by
one. Do not begin fresh work unless you have finished your previous task. “Tick the ones
you have already completed. Ensure you finish the tasks within the predetermined time

 Setting Goals and Objectives

Working without goals and targets in an organization would be similar to a condition

where the captain of the ship loses his way in the sea. Yes, you would be lost. Set targets
for yourself and make sure they are sensible ones and realizable.

 Setting Deadlines

Set deadlines for yourself and move aggressively hard to complete tasks ahead of the
deadlines. Do not wait for your superiors to ask you every time. Learn to take control of
work. One person who can best set the deadlines is you yourself. Ask yourself how much
time needs to be devoted to an exacting task and for how many days. Use a scheme to
mark the important dates against the set deadlines.

 Delegation of Responsibilities

Learn to say “NO” at place of work. Don’t do everything on your own. There are other
people as well. One should not accept something which he knows is difficult for him. The
roles and everyday jobs must be hand over as per interest and specialization of employees
for them to finish tasks within deadlines. A person who does not have information about
something needs more time than someone who knows the work well.

 Prioritizing Tasks

Prioritize the tasks as per their importance and necessity. Know the difference between
important and critical work. Identify which tasks should be done within a day, which all
should be done within a month and so on. “Tasks which are most important should be
done previous”.

 Spending the right time on right activity

Develop the routine of doing the right thing at the right time. Work done at the wrong
time is not of much use. “Don’t waste a complete day on somewhat which can be done in
an hour or so”. Also keep some time separate for your personal calls or checking updates
on Face book or Twitter. After all human being is not a machine.

For Effective Time Management one needs to be:

Don’t misuse time - Do not kill time by loitering or gossiping around. Concentrate on your work
and finish assignments on time. Remember your organization is not paying you for in
performance games on computer or peeping into other’s cubicles. First complete your work and
then do whatever you feel like doing. “Don’t wait till the last moment”.

Organized - Avoid keeping stacks of file and heaps of paper at your workplace. Throw what all
you don’t need. Put important documents in folders. Keep the files in their particular drawers
with labels on top of each file. It saves time which goes on redundant searching.

Be Focused - One needs to be focused for effective time management.

Time Management in Corporate - Need and its Importance

Time Management refers to making the best possible use of time and doing the right thing at the
right time.

Managing time well plays an essential role in finishing off tasks within the stipulated time frame
and also increases efficiency of an individual.

Employees must learn to manage time well at the place of work to achieve targets ahead of
deadline and make a mark of their own. One who understands the value of time is never
overburdened and enjoys each and every moment to the fullest.

Why Time Management is Important in Corporates ?

 Every organization works on deadlines. Time Management helps persons to finish

work within the assigned time along with stay pressure free and contented throughout the
day. Time Management helps you chart exact time slots for all your day to day everyday
jobs at workplace.

 Time Management helps an individual to prioritize things. It is important for an
employee to understand what is important and urgent at the moment. Staying
overburdened at work leads to aggravation and ultimately one loses interest in work. You
can’t do anything and everything. “Pick up all that is important and urgent at the start of
the day and finish it off first before starting with something which can be done a little
later” Know what is important for you. Assign specific time slots to activities as per their
significance and make sure you stick to the same.

 Effective Time Management makes you a favorite amongst your superiors, clients as
well as fellow workers. Do not keep work pending from your end. Finish off tasks as and
when required. Ignoring critical issues is pointless. You have to do it in any case. Discuss
with your co workers or instant reporting boss and find out a solution. Keeping a check
on your time helps you absolute task just when it is needed.

 Effective Time Management makes you a favorite amongst your superiors, clients as
well as fellow workers. Do not keep work waiting from your end. Finish off tasks as and
when required. Ignoring critical issues is pointless. You have to do it in any case. Discuss
with your co workers or instant reporting boss and find out a solution. Keeping a check
on your time helps you complete task just when it is needed.

 Managing time well helps an employee to plan his career path effectively. Doing
things on time helps you reach the top of your career within the shortest possible time
frame. Employees who just work for the sake of doing work and do not pay attention to
deadlines are never taken seriously at the workplace. They are the ones who always crib
and complain of excessive work load.

 Time Management makes you an organized individual. One needs to keep things at
their particular places. Avoid keeping plenty of paper and stacks of files on your desk.
Not only it gives a cluttered look to your workplace but also wastes half of your time in
searching important papers, files, folders and so on. Individuals should prefer writing on
notepads in its place of loose papers.

 Time Management makes a person disciplined and punctual. One gets in the routine
of reaching work on time as a result of effective time management.

 Effective Time Management helps an individual to identify the time wasters at the
workplace. It is stupid to waste time on blocked things which yield no results. No one
expects you to work at a widen for the whole day. Assign some time in your daily agenda
to check updates on social networking sites or vocation up your friends but do know
where to sketch the line. Your office does not pay you for gossiping and loitering around.


One of the most powerful and valuable skills you can possess in life is effective time
management. If you’re not using your time wisely, there is a very small chance you are going to
reach your work goals and even less of a chance you will achieve your personal goals.
Sure, you may be able to make some progress in goal achievement without proper time
management. But you can thrive and achieve your goals quickly if you incorporate effective time
management skills into your everyday life.
Time is the greatest equalizer on earth. Young or old, affluent or poor—all of us get the exact
same 86,400 seconds a day. It is how we organize and utilize our time that sets us apart from one
A whopping 92% of people fail to achieve their long-term goals. This largely has to do with
procrastinating, the inability to prioritize effectively and, well, just plain laziness. Whichever
time management system works best for you, choose one and stick with it. Life is too short to
waste time.

Research Methodology
Research Methodology is the scientific way to solve the research problem. This involves
exploring all possible methods of solving the research problem; examine the alternative methods
one by one & arriving at the best possible method considering the resource at the disposal of the

Research Design:

Research design indicates the method and procedure of conducting research study. Research
design can be done in following two types:-

1. Exploratory research:-
Exploratory research focuses on the discovery of new ideas and is generally based on
secondary data.
Exploratory research design is used for the purpose of the current study. Current research
study is based on secondary sources of data and hence exploratory research design is the
most suitable way of researching the current field.

2. Descriptive Research :-
Descriptive Research is undertaken when the researcher want to know the uniqueness of
certain groups.

Sources of data collection:

Primary Data:
Primary data is collected for the first time. Under it, information is collected to
investigating a specific issue.

The primary data collected from the following sources:

 Observation

 Questionnaire

Secondary Data:
Secondary data is the data that is previously recorded or stored by someone. It consists of
information that someone else, who have already been passed through the statistical process have
already collected.
Secondary Data collected through
 Previous Research Report
 Internet.
 Library.

Sample size: 50 Respondents

of Data

Primary Secondary
Data Data

A. Internet
research papar


1. Do you set & review your weekly objectives & successes?

Yes No

30 20

Yes No



From the above chart we can find that about 60% of respondents set & review their weekly
objectives & successes.

2. Do you set deadlines for your activities?

Yes No

22 28

Yes No



From above chart we found that about 56% of respondents are set deadlines for their activities.

3. Do you effectively delegate tasks to your subordinates?

Yes No

32 18

Yes No



From the above chart 64% of respondents are effectively delegate their tasks to their

4. Do all the daily activities you perform take you closer to your major goals?

Yes No
15 35

Yes No



From the above chart about 70% respondents are perform their daily activities that perform to
take them to achieve their major goals.

5. Do you set deadlines for delegated tasks?

Yes No
28 22

Yes No



From the above chart we found that about 56% of respondents set their deadlines for delegated

6. Do you differentiate between important and urgent activities?

Yes No

40 10

Yes No



From the above data we can interpret that about 80% of respondents can differentiate between
important & urgent activities.

7. Do you concentrate your attention on the important rather than the urgent

Yes No
31 19

Yes No



From the above chart we can interpret that about 62% of respondents are concentrate their
attention on the important rather than the urgent tasks.

8. Do you follow up to ensure delegated tasks are completed by the set

Yes No

26 24

Yes No


From the above chart we can find that 52% of respondents are ensure delegated tasks are
completed by the set deadlines.

9. Do you believe that today is the only time to act?

Yes No
30 20

Yes No



From the above chart we can find that about 60 % of respondents believe that only today is the
only time to act.

10. Do you make decisions quickly and change them rarely?

Yes No

25 25

Yes No

50% 50%

From the above chart we can interpret that about only 50 % of respondents make decisions
quickly & change them rarely.

1. From the above chart we can find that about 60% of respondents set & review their
weekly objectives & successes.

2. From above chart we found that about 56% of respondents are set deadlines for their

3. From the above chart 64% of respondents are effectively delegate their tasks to their

4. From the above chart about 70% respondents are perform their daily activities that
perform to take them to achieve their major goals.

5. From the above chart we found that about 56% of respondents set their deadlines for
delegated tasks.

6. From the above data we can interpret that about 80% of respondents can differentiate
between important & urgent activities.

7. From the above chart we can interpret that about 62% of respondents are concentrate
their attention on the important rather than the urgent tasks.

8. From the above chart we can find that about 60 % of respondents believe that only today
is the only time to act.

9. From the above chart we can find that 52% of respondents are ensure delegated tasks are
completed by the set deadlines.

10. From the above chart we can interpret that about only 50 % of respondents make
decisions quickly & change them rarely.

1. Make a Schedule – and Stick to It

Start improving your time management skills by organizing your days and weeks in advance.
There will always be surprises, but it’s likely that you have an idea about the kinds of tasks and
responsibilities you have to deal with every day.

If you’re feeling a little lost, spend a week or two tracking every single thing you do each day.
This will help you identify patterns and recurring tasks, which you can then incorporate into your

2. Prioritize

The second lesson in time management is learning how to prioritize. To efficiently execute any
project, you need to decide which stages or components of the project are most important to your
business and the impact of each stage/component in the short, medium, and long terms.

In other words, you must figure out which tasks or activities will deliver the best returns. That
way, you can prioritize these over less important tasks.

3. Set Some Boundaries

If you want that your team and family to let you work in peace, you need to inform them
when you aren’t available. People can’t read your mind, so it’s up to you to set boundaries when
necessary. You don’t want to sound rude, so be sure to communicate your limits in a polite – but
direct – manner.

4. Account for Good Distractions

No matter how hard you try, you will get distracted here and there. That’s a fact of life.
Furthermore, no one can work for hours on end. We all need breaks to help us stay productive.
The best thing to do is to accept that distractions will happen and try to incorporate them into
your schedule.

Block out some downtime during your schedule every day. This may mean setting aside a few
minutes here or there for a cup of coffee, a walk in the corridor, or a trip outside for some fresh
air. These breaks are especially important if you work at a desk all day long.

You can also use your breaks to try some stress management techniques, like breathing
exercises, meditation, or yoga.

5. Stay Away From the Bad Distractions

If there is a good side to distractions, there is also a bad side. If a distraction takes up too much
of your time, you will find yourself greatly behind on work. So, get to know which distractions
tend to drain too much of your time – and then make every effort to avoid these distractions.

For example, you may want to stay away from social media during the workday. You may also
want to keep your email window closed until you are ready to sort through your inbox. Leaving
the tab open in the background can be a massive distraction – each new email that comes in will
make you want to veer from the task at hand. The same goes for app notifications.

6. Get Some Tech Help

There are many time management apps available for both Android and IOS devices. These
can help you boost your productivity and ensure that you are doing what has to be done.

7. Never Procrastinate

If it can be done today, do it today. This golden rule should be your motto if you want to make
the most of your time.

Take it a step further: If something in your schedule changes, and you find yourself with extra
time before the end of the day, start on the next day’s tasks without thinking twice. It’s much
better to finish your week earlier on Friday than it is to get stuck working on a last-minute

Literature Review

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview for those interested in the current state-of-
the-art in time management research. Design/methodology/approach – This review includes 32
empirical studies on time management conducted between 1982 and 2004.
Findings – The review demonstrates that time management behaviors’ relate positively to
perceived control of time, job satisfaction, and health, and negatively to stress. The relationship
with work and academic performance is not clear. Time management training seems to enhance
time management skills, but this does not automatically transfer to better performance. Research
limitations/implications – The reviewed research displays several limitations. First, time
management has been defined and operationalised in a variety of ways. Some instruments were
not reliable or valid, which could account for unstable findings. Second, many of the studies
were based on cross-sectional surveys and used self-reports only. Third, very little attention was
given to job and organizational factors. There is a need for more rigorous research into the
mechanisms of time management and the factors that contribute to its effectiveness. The ways in
which stable time management behaviors’ can be established also deserves further investigation.
Practical implications – This review makes clear which effects may be expected of time
management, which aspects may be most useful for which individuals, and which work
characteristics would enhance or hinder positive effects. Its outcomes may help to develop more
effective time management practices. Originality/value – This review is the first to offer an
overview of empirical research on time management. Both practice and scientific research may
benefit from the description of previous attempts to measure and test the popular notions of time


Time management is a key responsibility of a project manager. The project manager should
provide with a strong skill and sense for time management.
There are a number of time management techniques that have been incorporated into the
management theories and best practices.
As an example, Agile/Scrum project management style has its own techniques for time
In addition, if you are eager on learning time management into greater depths, you can always
get into a training course of one of the supposed and respected time management trainers.



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