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Electrical Science
This document is prepared for teaching the course Electrical Science at Faculty
of International Training, Thai Nguyen University of Technology, Thai Nguyen,
Viet Nam

Nguyen Minh Y, Ph.D.

Thai Nguyen University of Technology
Thai Nguyen University of Technology

Faculty of International Training

Electrical Science



Nguyen Minh Y, Ph.D.

Confirming the document is prepared by Nguyen Minh Y

Dept. of Electrical Engineering taught Faculty of International Training

in English

Dr. Nguyen Duy Cuong MSc. Nguyen Tien Hung

Thai Nguyen, 2014


Problem 1.1 A rechargeable flashlight battery is capable

How many coulombs are represented by of delivering 90 mA for about 12 h. How
these amounts of electrons? much charge can it release at that rate. If
a) 6.482 1017 its terminal voltage is 1.5 V, how much
b) 1.24 1018 energy can the battery deliver?
c) 2.46 10 19
Problem 1.6
d) 1.68 10 20
If the current flowing through an element
Problem 1.2 is ginve by
Determine the current flowing through an
3t A 0  t  6s
element if the charge flow is given by 18 A 6  t  10s

i t   
a) q  t    3t  8  mC -12 A 10  t  15s
0 t  15s
b) q  t    8t 2  4t  2  C
c) q  t    3e  t  5e 2t  nC Plot the charge stored in the element over

d) q  t   10sin 120 t  pC 0 < t < 20s.

e) q  t   20e 4t cos  50t  μC Problem 1.7
The current entering the positive terminal
Problem 1.3
Find the charge q(t) flowing through a of a device is i(t) = 6e-2t mA and the

device if the current is: voltage across the device is v(t) = 10 di/dt
a) i t   3 A
b) i  t    2t  5  mA, q  0   0 a) Find the charge delivered to the device
c) i  t   20 cos 10t    μA, q  0   2 μC between t = 0 and t = 2 s.
d) i  t   10e 30t sin  40t  A, q  0   0 b) Calculate the power absorbed.
Problem 1.4 c) Determine the energy absorbed in 3 s.
A lingtning bolt with 10 kA strikes an Problem 1.8
object for 15 μs. How much charge is Figure 1.1 shows the current through and
deposited on the object? the voltage across an element.
Problem 1.5 a) Sketch the power delivered to the
element for t > 0.
b) Find the total energy absorbed by the operating the toaster once per day for 1
element for the period of 0 < t <4 s. month (30 days). Assume energy costs 8.2
Problem 1.12
A 60 W incandescent lamp is connected to
a 120 V source and is left burning
continuously in an otherwise dark
staircase. Determine:
a) The current through the lamp
b) The cost of operating the light for one
non-leap year if electricity costs 9.5 cents
per kWh.
Figure 1.1 Problem 1.8.
Problem 1.13
Problem 1.9 A telephone wire has a current of 20 μA
Find the power absorbed by each of the
flowing through it. How long does it take
elements in Figure 1.2.
for a charge of 15 C to pass through the
Problem 1.14
A lightning bolt carries a current of 2 kA
and lasted for 3 ms. How much coulombs
of charge were contained in the lightning
Figure 1.1 Problem 1.9 bolt?
Problem 1.10 Problem 1.15
A 1.8 kW electric heater takes 15 min to Figure 1.3 shows the power consumption
boil a quantity of water. If this is done of a certain household in 1 day. Calculate:
once a day and power cost 10 cents/kWh, a) The total energy consumed in kWh.
whiat is the cost of its operation for 30 b) The average power per hour over the
days? total 24 h period.
Problem 1.11
A 1.5 kW toaster takes roughly 3.5 min to
heat four slices of bread. Find the cost of

Figure 1.3 Problem 1.15
Problem 1.16
The graph in Figure 1.4 represents the
power drawn by an industrial plant
between 8:00 and 8:30 am. Calculate the
total energy in MWh consumed by the

Figure 1.4 Problem 1.16

Problem 1.17
A battery may be rated in ampere-hours
(Ah). A lead-acid battery is rated at 160
a) What is the maximum current it can
supply for 40 h?
b) How many days will it last if it is
discharged at 1 mA.
Problem 1.18
How much energy does a 10 hp motor
deliver in 30 min? Assume that 1 hp
(horsepower) = 746 W.


Problem 2.1
Determine V0 in the circuit in Figure 2.1

Figure 2.4 Problem 2.4

Problem 2.5
Figure 2.1 Problem 2.1 For the circuit in Figure 2.5, find V0/VS in
Problem 2.2 term of α, R1, R2, R3 and R4. If R1= R2=
Find Vx in the circuit of Figure 2.2. R3= R4,what value of α will produce |V0/VS|

Figure 2.5 Problem 2.5

Figure 2.2 Problem 2.2
Problem 2.6
Problem 2.3
Obtain v and I in the circuit of Figure 2.6.
Find V0 in the circuit in Figure 2.3 and the
power absorbed by the dependent source.

Figure 2.6 Problem 2.6

Problem 2.7
Figure 2.3 Problem 2.3
Using series/parallel resistance
Problem 2.4 combination, find equivalent resistance
In the circuit shown in Figure 2.4,
seen by the source in the circuit of Figure
determine vx and the power absorbed by
the 12 Ohm resistor.
2.7/ Find the overall absorbed power by
the resistor network.

Figure 2.7 Problem 2.7

Problem 2.8
Find Req and i0 in the circuit of Figure 2.8

Figure 2.10 Problem 2.10

Problem 2.11
For the circuit shown in Figure 2.11, find
the equivalent resistance. All resistance are
3 Ohms.
Figure 2.8 Problem 2.8

Problem 2.9
Find I in the circuit of Figure 2.9.

Figure 2.11 Problem 2.11

Problem 2.12
Find Req and I in the circuit of Figure 2.12.

Figure 2.9 Problem 2.9

Problem 2.10
Obtain the equivalent resistance at the
terminals a-b for each of the circuits in
Figure 2.10.

Figure 2.14 Problem 2.14

Figure 2.12 Problem 2.12

Problem 2.13
In a certain application, the circuit in
Figure 2.13 must be designed to meet there
two criteria:
a) V0/VS = 0.05
b) Req = 40 kΩ
If the load resistor 5 kΩ is fixed, find R1
and R2 to meet the criteria.

Figure 2.13 Problem 2.13

Problem 2.14
Two delicate devices are rated as shown in
Figure 2.14. Find the value of the resistors
R1 and R2 needed to power the devices
using a 24 V battery.


Problem 3.1
For the circuit in Figure 3.1, obtain v1 and
v2 .

Figure 3.4 Problem 3.4

Problem 3.5
For the circuit in Figure 3.5, find v1 and v2
using nodal analysis.
Figure 3.1 Problem 3.1
Problem 3.2
Given the circuit in Figure 3.2, calculate
the currents i1 through i4.

Figure 3.5 Problem 3.5

Problem 3.6
Figure 3.2 Problem 3.2
Determine v1 and v2 in the circuit of Figure
Problem 3.3
Determine Ib in the circuit in Figure 3.3
using nodal analysis.

Figure 3.3 Problem 3.3

Problem 3.10 Figure 3.6 Problem 3.6
Find I0 in the circuit of Figure 3.4. Problem 3.7
Use nodal analysis of find V0 in the circuit Figure 3.10
of Figure 3.7. Problem 3.11
Calculate the current gain i0/iS in the circuit
of Figure 3.11.

Figure 3.7 Problem 3.7

Problem 3.8
Figure 3.11 Problem 3.11
Use mesh analysis to obtain i1, i2 and i3 in
Problem 3.12
the circuit of Figure 3.8.
Find vx and ix in the circuit shown in
Figure 3.12.

Figure 3.8 Problem 3.8

Problem 3.9
Use mesh analysis to obtain i0 in the circuit Figure 3.12 Problem 3.12
of Figure 3.9. Problem 3.13
For the circuit shown in Figure 3.13, write
the node-voltage equations by inspection.

Figure 3.9 Problem 3.9

Problem 3.10
Calculate the mesh currents i1 and i2 in
Figure 3.10. Figure 3.13 Problem 3.13
Problem 3.14
Write the mesh-current equations for the
circuit in Figure 3.14.

Figure 3.14 Problem 3.14


Problem 4.1

a) In the ciruit of Figure 4.1, calculate v0

and i0 when vS = 1 V.
b) Find v0 and i0 when vS = 10 V. Problem 4.4
c) What are v0 and i0 when each of the 1 Ω Determine v0 in the circuit of Figure 4.4
resistor is replaced by a 10 Ω resistor and using the superposition principle.
vS = 10 V.

Figure 4.4 Problem 4.4

Figure 4.1 Problem 4.1
Problem 4.5
Problem 4.2
Use superposition to find v0 in the circuit
For the circuit in Figure 4.2, assume v0 = 1
of Figure 4.5.
V, and use linearity to find the actual value
of v0.

Figure 4.5 Problem 4.5

Figure 4.2 Problem 4.2 Problem 4.6

Problem 4.3 Use source transformation to reduce the
For the linear circuit shown in Figure 4.3, circuit in Figure 4.6 to a single voltage

use linearity to complete the following source in series with a single resistor.
Problem 4.10
Solve for the current i in the circuit of
Figure 4.10 using Thevenin’s theorem.

Figure 4.6 Problem 4.6 (Hint: Find the Thevenin equivalent seen

Problem 4.7 by the 12 Ω resistor.)

For the circuit in Figure 4.7, use source

transformation to find i.

Figure 4.10 Problem 4.10

Problem 4.11
Figure 4.7 Problem 4.7 For the circuit in Figure 4.11, find the
Problem 4.8 Thevenin equivalent between terminals a
Use source transformation on the circuit and b.
shown in Figure 4.8 to find ix.

Figure 4.8 Problem 4.8

Problem 4.9
Figure 4.11 Problem 4.11
Determine the Thevenin equivalent circuit,
Problem 4.12
shown in Figure 4.9, as seen by the 5 Ω
Obtain the Thevenin and Norton
equivalent circuits of the circuit in Figure
Then calculate the current flowing through
4.12 with respect to terminals a and b.
the 5 Ω resistor.

Figure 4.9 Problem 4.9 Figure 4.12 Problem 4.12

Problem 4.13
Obtain the Norton equivalent at terminals a
and b of the circuit in Figure 4.13.

Figure 4.16 Problem 4.16

Figure 4.13 Problem 4.13

Problem 4.14
Obtain the Thevenin and Norton
equivalent circuits at terminals a-b for the
circuit in Figure 4.14.

Figure 4.14 Problem 4.14

Problem 4.15
Find the maximum power that can be
delivered to the resistor R in the circuit of
Figure 4.15.

Figure 4.15 Problem 4.15

Problem 4.16
Compute the value of R that results in
maximum power transfer to the 10 Ω
resistor in Figure 4.16. Find the maximum

Problem 5.1

Obtain v0 for each of the op amp circuits in

the below figure.

Problem 5.4

(a) Determine the ratio v0/is in the op amp

circuit of the below figure.

(b) Evaluate the ratio for R1 = 20 kΩ, R2 =

Problem 5.2 25 kΩ, R3 = 40 kΩ.

Determine v0 for each of the op amp

circuits in the below figure.

Problem 5.5

Using the below figure, design a problem

to help students better understand inverting
op amps.

Problem 5.3

Find the gain v0/vs of the circuit in the

below figure.
Problem 5.9

Referring to the below circuit, determine

V0 in terms of V1 and V2.
Problem 5.6

Calculate v0 in the op amp circuit in the

below figure.

Problem 5.10

The circuit in the below figure is for a

difference amplifier. Find v0 given that v1
Problem 5.7
= 1 V and v2 = 2 V.
Determine the output of the summing
amplifier in the below figure.

Problem 5.11

The circuit in the below figure is a

differential amplifier driven by a bridge.
Problem 5.8 Find v0.

For the op amp circuit in the below figure,

determine the value of v2 in order to make
v0 = - 16.5 V.

Problem 5.12

Find v0 in the op amp circuit of the below



Problem 6.1

A 4-mF capacitor has the terminal voltage

50V t 0
v   100t
 Ae  Be600t V t0

If the capacitor has an initial current of 2 Problem 6.4

A, find:
Find Ceq in the circuit of the below figure
(a) the constant A and B. if all capacitors are 4 μF.

(b) the energy stored in the capacitor at t =


(c) the capacitor current for t > 0.

Problem 6.2

A 4-mF capacitor has the current

waveform shown in the below figure. Problem 6.5
Assuming that v(0) = 10 V, sketch the
Find the equivalent capacitance between
voltage waveform v(t).
terminals a and b in the circuit of the
below figure. All capacitances are in μF.

Problem 6.3
Problem 6.6
Find the voltage across the capacitors in
the circuits below under DC conditions. Determine the equivalent capacitances at
terminals a-b of the circuit in the below
Problem 6.7

A 100-mH inductor is connected in Problem 6.10

parallel with a 2-kΩ resistor. The current
through the inductor is i(t )  50e400t mA . Find the equivalent inductance looking
into the terminals of the circuit in the
(a) find the voltage vL across the inductor. below figure.

(b) find the voltage vR across the resistor.

(c) does vR(t) + vL(t) = 0?

(d) calculate the energy in the inductor at t

= 0.

Problem 6.8

If the voltage waveform in the below

figure is applied to a 10-mH inductor, find Problem 6.11
the inductor current i(t). Assume i(0) = 0.
Find Leq in the circuit of the below figure.

Problem 6.9
Problem 6.12
Find Leq at the terminals of the below
A voltage waveform has the following
charateristics: a positive slope of 20 V/s
for 5 ms followed by a negative slope of
10 V/s for 10 ms. If the waveform is
applied to a differetiator with R = 50 kΩ, C

= 10 μF, sketch the output voltage

Problem 6.13

The below figure presents an analog

computer designed to solve a differential
equation. Assuming f(t) is known, set up
the equations for f(t).

Problem 7.1

Find the time constant for the RC circuit of

the below figure.

Problem 7.5

Determine the time constant for each of the

circuits in the below figure.
Problem 7.2

The switch in the below figure has been in

position A for a long time. Assume the
switch moves instantaneously from A to B
at t = 0. Find v for t > 0.

Problem 7.6

Calculate the capacitor voltage for t < 0

and t > 0 for each of the circuits in the
below figure.
Problem 7.3

The switch in the below figure opens at t =

0. Find v0 for t > 0.

Problem 7.4

For the circuit below, find i0 for t > 0.

Problem 7.7
(a) If the switch in the below circuit has
been open for a long time and is closed at t
= 0, find v0(t).

(b) Suppose the the switch has been closed

for a long time and is opened at t = 0, find

Problem 7.8 Problem 7.10

Determine the inductor current i(t) for both Find v(t) for t < 0 and t > 0 in the circuit of
t < 0 and t > 0 for each of the circuit in the the below figure.
below figure.

Problem 7.11

For the op amp circuit in the below figure,

find v0(t) for t > 0.

Problem 7.9

Obtain the inductor current for both t < 0

and t > 0 in each of the circuits in the
below figure.
Problem 7.12

For the op amp circuit in the below figure,
suppose v0 = 0 and vS = 3 V. Find v(t) for t
> 0.

Problem 8.1

Using the below figure, design a problem

to help student better understand finding
initial and final values.

Problem 8.4

For the circuit in the below figure,

calculate the value of R needed to have a
critically damped response.

Problem 8.2

In the circuit of the below figure, find:

(a) v(0+) and i(0+)

Problem 8.5
(b) dv(0+).dt and di(0+).dt
Find i(t) for t > 0 in the circuit of the below
(c) v(∞) and i(∞)

Problem 8.3

In the circuit of the below figure, find: Problem 8.6

(a) vR(0+) and vL(0+) In the circuit below, the switch

instantaneously moves from position A to
(b) dvR(0+).dt and dvL(0+).dt B at t = 0. Find v(t) for all t > 0.

(c) vR(∞) and vL(∞)

Determine v(t) for t > 0 in the circuit

Problem 8.7

For the network in the below figure, what

Problem 8.11
value of C is needed to make the response
inderdamped with unity damping factor (α Given the network in the below figure,
= 1)? find v(t) for t > 0.

Problem 8.8

The switch in the below figure moves from

position A to B at t = 0. Determine i(t) Problem 8.12
from t > 0.
Determine the differentia equation for the
op amp circuit in the below circuit. If
v1(0+) = 2 V and v2(0+) = 0 V, find v0 for t
> 0. Let R = 100 kΩ and C = 1 μF.

Problem 8.9

The step response of an RLC circuit is

given by

d 2i di
 2  5i  10
dt dt

Given that i(0) = 2 and di(0)/dt = 4, solve Problem 8.13

for i(t).
Obtain the differential equations for v0(t)
Problem 8.10 in the op amp circuit of the below figure.

Problem 8.14

In the op amp circuit below, determine

v0(t) for t > 0. Let vin = u(t) V, R1 = R2 =
10 kΩ, C1 = C2 = 100 μF.

Problem 9.1 Problem 9.5

Given the sinusoidal voltage 𝑣(𝑡) = Obtain the sinusoidals corresponding to

50𝑐𝑜𝑠(30𝑡 + 100), find: (a) the each of the following phasors:
amplitude Vm; (b) the period T; (c) the
frequency f; and (d) v(t) at t = 10 ms. (a) 𝑉1 = 60150 V,  = 1

Problem 9.2 (b) 𝑉2 = 6 + 𝑗8 V,  = 40

Express the following function in cosine (c) 𝐼1 = 2.8𝑒 −𝑗𝜋/3 A,  = 377

(d) 𝐼1 = −0.5 − 𝑗1.2 A,  = 103
(a) 10 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝑡 + 300 )
Problem 9.6
(b) 9𝑠𝑖𝑛(8𝑡)
A linear network has a current input
(c) 20𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝑡 + 45 )0 7.5𝑐𝑜𝑠(10𝑡 + 300 ) A and a voltage output
120𝑐𝑜𝑠(10𝑡 + 750 ) V. Determine the
Problem 9.3 associated impedance.
Find the phasors corresponding to the Problem 9.7
following signals:
Apply phasor analysis to evaluate the
(a) 𝑣 (𝑡 ) = 21 cos(4𝑡 − 150 ) V following:

(b) 𝑖(𝑡) = −8𝑠𝑖𝑛(10𝑡 + 700 ) mA (a) 𝑣(𝑡) = [110𝑠𝑖𝑛(20𝑡 + 300 ) +

220𝑐𝑜𝑠(20𝑡 − 900 )] V
(c) 𝑣(𝑡) = 120𝑠𝑖𝑛(10𝑡 − 500 ) V
0 (b) 𝑖(𝑡) = [30𝑐𝑜𝑠(5𝑡 + 600 ) +
(d) 𝑖(𝑡) = −60𝑐𝑜𝑠(30𝑡 + 10 ) mA
20𝑠𝑖𝑛(5𝑡 + 600 )] A
Problem 9.4
Problem 9.8
Transform the following sinusoidals to
Find v(t) in the following
integrodifferential equation using the
(a) −20𝑐𝑜𝑠(4𝑡 + 1350 ) phasor approach:

(b) −8𝑠𝑖𝑛(20𝑡 + 300 ) (a) 𝑣 (𝑡 ) + ∫ 𝑣𝑑𝑡 = 10𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 A

(c) −20𝑐𝑜𝑠(2𝑡 ) + 15sin(2𝑡)

(b) + 5𝑣 (𝑡 ) + 4 ∫ 𝑣𝑑𝑡 = 20sin(4𝑡 +
10 ) A

Problem 9.9

Determine the current that flows through

an 8-Ω resistor connected to a voltage
source 𝑣𝑠 = 110𝑐𝑜𝑠377𝑡 V.
Problem 9.13
Problem 9.10
Find v(t) in the RLC circuit below.
A voltage 𝑣 (𝑡 ) = 100cos(60𝑡 + 200 ) V is
applied to a parallel combination of a 40-Ω
resistor and a 50-μF capacitor. Find the
steady-state currents through the resistor.

Problem 9.11

What value of  will cause the forced FIGURE 9.3 PROBLEM 9.13.
response, v0, in the below figure to be
zero? Problem 9.14

Find current I0 in the circuit below.


Problem 9.12
Problem 9.15
Find current i in the below figure when
𝑣𝑠 (𝑡) = 50𝑐𝑜𝑠200𝑡 V. Obtain Zin for the circuit in below figure
with  = 10rad/s.


Problem 9.16

Find ZT and I in the circuit below.


Problem 10.1

Determine i in the circuit below.


Problem 10.5

FIGURE 10.1 PROBLEM 10.1 Determine V0 and I0 in the circuit below

using mesh analysis.
Problem 10.2

Determine Vx in the below figure.


Problem 10.6

Find i0 in the circuit below using

Problem 10.3 superposition.
For the circuit below, determine V0/Vs.


FIGURE 10.3 PROBLEM 10.3 Problem 10.7

Problem 10.4 Using superposition principle, find ix in the

circuit below.
Use mesh analysis to find i0 in the circuit

Problem 10.8

Use superposition to find i(t) in the circuit

of the circuit below.

FIGURE 10.10 PROBLEM 10.10.

Problem 10.11

For the circuit below, find the Thevenin

equivalent circuit at terminals a-b.


Problem 10.9

Using source transformation, find i in the

circuit below.
FIGURE 10.11 PROBLEM 10.11

Problem 10.12

For the differentiator shown in the below

figure, obtain V0/Vs. Find 𝑣0 (𝑡) =
𝑉𝑚 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝑡) and  = 1/𝑅𝐶.

Problem 10.10

Find the Thevenin and Norton equivalent

circuits at therminals a-b for each of the
circuit below.

FIGURE 10.12 PROBLEM 10.12.

Problem 10.13

For the op amp circuit below, obtain v0(t).

FIGURE 10.13 PROBLEM 10.13.

Problem 10.14

For the op amp circuit in the figure below,

obtain v0(t).

FIGURE 10.14 FIGURE 10.14.

Problem 11.1

If 𝑣(𝑡) = 160𝑐𝑜𝑠50𝑡 V and 𝑖(𝑡) =

−33𝑠𝑖𝑛(50𝑡 − 30) A, calculate the
instantaneous power and the average
Problem 11.2
Problem 11.5
A load consists of a 60-Ω resistor in
parallel with a 90-μF capacitor. If the load In the circuit below, find the value of ZL
is connected to a voltage source 𝑣𝑠 (𝑡) = that will absorb the maximum power and
160𝑐𝑜𝑠2000𝑡, find the average power the value of the maximum power.
delivered to the load.

Problem 11.3

For the circuit below, 𝑖𝑠 = 6𝑐𝑜𝑠103 𝑡 A.

find the average power absorbed by the 50-
Ω resistor.

Problem 11.6

Find the value of ZL in the circuit below

for maximum power transfer.


Problem 11.4

In the circuit below, determine the average

power absorbed by the 40-Ω resistor.

Problem 11.7
Find the rms value of the waves shown in Problem 11.8
the below figures.
For the power system below, find (a) the
average power; (b) the reactive power; and
(c) the power factor. Note that 220 V is an
rms value.


Problem 11.9

Find the complex power delivered by vs to

the network below. Let 𝑣𝑠 =
100𝑐𝑜𝑠2000𝑡 V.



Problem 11.8
Problem 11.10
Calculate the rms value for each of the
The voltage across a load and the current
following functions:
through it are given by
(a) 𝑖 (𝑡 ) = 10 A
𝑣 (𝑡 ) = 20 + 60𝑐𝑜𝑠100𝑡 V
(b) 𝑣 (𝑡 ) = 4 + 3𝑐𝑜𝑠5𝑡 A
𝑖 (𝑡 ) = 1 − 0.5𝑠𝑖𝑛100𝑡 A
(c) 𝑖 (𝑡 ) = 8 − 6𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝑡 A
(d) 𝑣 (𝑡 ) = 5𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑡 + 4𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 V
(a) The rms values of the voltage and the
(b) The average power dissipated in the

Problem 11.11

For each of the following cases, find the

FIGURE 11.8 PROBLEM 11.13.
complex power, the average power and the
reactive power.
Problem 11.14
(a) 𝑣 (𝑡 ) = 112cos(𝜔𝑡 + 100 ) V
Given the circuit below, find I0 and the
𝑖 (𝑡 ) = 4cos(𝜔𝑡 − 500 ) A overall complex power supplied.

(b) 𝑣 (𝑡 ) = 160cos377𝑡 V

𝑖 (𝑡 ) = 4cos(377𝑡 + 450 ) A

(c) 𝑉̂ = 80600 V rms, 𝑍̂ = 50300 Ω

(d) 𝐼̂ = 10600 A rms, 𝑍̂ = 100450 Ω

FIGURE 11.9 PROBLEM 11.14.
Problem 11.12
Problem 11.15
Find the overall impedance for the
following cases: Compute the complex power supplied by
the current source in the series RLC circuit
(a) P = 1000 W, pf = 0.8 (lagging), Vrms = below.
220 V.

(b) P = 1500 W, Q = 2000 VAR

(inductive), Irms = 12 A.

(c) 𝑆̂ = 45000600 VA, 𝑉̂ =

120450 V. FIGURE 11.10 PROBLEM 11.15.

Problem 11.13

For the network below, find the complex

power absorbed by each element.

Problem 12.1 𝑗2 Ω. Solve for the line currents and
neutral current.
What is the phase sequence of a balanced
three-phase circuit for which 𝑉𝑎𝑛 = Problem 12.5
120300 and 𝑉𝑐𝑛 = 120−900 V? Find
𝑉𝑏𝑛 . In the Y-∆ system below, the source is a
positive sequence with 𝑉𝑎𝑛 = 12000 V
Problem 12.2 and phase impedance 𝑍𝑝 = 2 − 𝑗3 Ω.
Calculate the line voltage VL and the line
A three-phase system with abc sequence
current IL.
and 𝑉𝐿 = 440 V feeds a Y-connected load
with 𝑉𝐿 = 40300 Ω. Find the line

Problem 12.3

Obtain the line current in the three-phase

circuit of the below figure.


Problem 12.6

A balanced delta-connected load has a

phase current 𝐼𝐴𝐶 = 5−300 A.

(a) Determine the three line currents

assuming that the circuit operates in the
positive phase sequence.

(b) Calculate the load impedance if the line

Problem 12.4
voltage is 𝑉𝐴𝐵 = 11000 V.
A balanced Y-Y four-wire system has
Problem 12.7
phase voltages, 𝑉𝑎𝑛 = 12000 V; 𝑉𝑏𝑛 =
120−1200 V; and 𝑉𝑐𝑛 = 1201200 V. For the ∆-∆ circuit below, calculate the
The load impedance per phase is 19 + 𝑗13 phase and line currents.
Ω, and the line impedance per phase is 1 +

FIGURE 12.3 PROBLEM 12.7 Problem 12.10

The line-to-line voltages in a Y-load have

Problem 12.8
a magnitude of 440 V and are in the
Three 230 V generators form a delta- positive sequence at 60 Hz. If the loads are
connected source that is connected to a balanced with 𝑍1 = 𝑍2 = 𝑍3 = 25300
balanced delta-connected load of 𝑍𝐿 = Ω. Find all line currents and phase
10 + 𝑗8 Ω per phase as in the below voltages.
Problem 12.11
(a) Determine the value of IAC.
In the below figure, the rms value of the
(b) What is the value of IbB? line voltage is 208 V. Find the average
power delivered to the load.


FIGURE 12.6 PROBLEM 12.11.

Problem 12.9
Problem 12.12
In the circuit below, if 𝑉𝑎𝑏 = 440100 V, A balanced delta-connected load is
𝑉𝑏𝑐 = 440−1100 V, 𝑉𝑐𝑎 = 4401300 supplied by a 60 Hz three-phase source
V. find the line currents. with a line voltage of 240 V. Each load
phase draws 6 kW at a lagging power
factor of 0.8. Find:

(a) The load impedance per phase.

(b) The line current. A balanced three-phase Y-source with
𝑉𝑝 = 210 V rms drives a Y-connected
(c) The value of capacitance needed to be
three-phase load with phase impedance
connected in parallel with each load phase
𝑍𝐴 = 80 Ω, 𝑍𝐵 = 60 + 𝑗90 Ω, and 𝑍𝐶 =
to minimize the current from the source.
𝑗80 Ω. Calculate the line currents and total
Problem 12.13 complex power delivered to the load.
assume that the neutrals are connected.
A three-phase source delivers 4.8 kVA to a
wye-connected load with a phase voltage
of 208 V and a power factor of 0.9 lagging.
Calculate the source line current and the
source line voltage.

Problem 12.14

A 4200 V, three-phase transmission line

has an impedance of 4 + 𝑗1 Ω per phase. If
it supplies a load of 1 MVA at 0.75 power
factor lagging, find:

(a) The complex power.

(b) The power loss in the line.

(c) The voltage at the sending end.

Problem 12.15

The following three parallel-connected

three-phase loads are fed by a balanced
three-phase source:

Load 1: 250 kVA, 0.8 pf lagging

Load 2: 300 kVA, 0.95 pf leading

Load 3: 450 kVA, unity pf

If the line voltage is 13.8 kV, calculate the

line current and the power factor of the
source. Assume that the line impedance is

Problem 12.16

Problem 13.1

Find the transfer function V0/Vi of the RC

circuit in the below figure. Express it using
𝜔0 = 1⁄𝑅𝐶 .


Problem 13.2

Given the circuit in below figure, 𝑅1 = 2

Ω, 𝑅2 = 5 Ω, 𝐶1 = 0.1 F, and 𝐶2 = 0.2 F.
Determine the transfer function 𝐻̂ (𝑠 ) =
𝑉̂0 (𝑠)⁄𝑉̂𝑖 (𝑠).


Problem 13.3

̂ (𝑠 ) =
For each of the circuit below, find 𝐻

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