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University of The People

week 4


Did any of the varied philosophies surprise you? Did you find that any components
‘spoke’ to you although you didn’t initially think you would agree with that
philosophy? Do you think any philosophies spark changes in educational practice
or instructional models over time?

It is critical that every teacher has an educational philosophy to which they can subscribe.
According to Browne (2017), "a teaching philosophy is a narrative essay that reflects an
individual's beliefs and values about teaching and learning, often including concrete examples of
how that individual enacts those beliefs." It specifically addresses the educator's identity in terms
of how he or she educates others." This is important because it gives teachers a direction as well
as equips them with the skills and strategies they need to teach the various learners. Teachers
have a long-term impact on the lives of the students who attend their classes.

They decide how students will learn, what they will learn, and how the learning will benefit
them. Teachers can also reflect on their teaching styles and strategies, allowing them to make
improvements as needed. Because I believe that one philosophy is not always the best way to
teach a concept or subject, I subscribe to Eclecticism.

This philosophy piqued my interest because it holds that no philosophy is complete in and of
itself. Based on the circumstances, there is always one philosophy that is better suited than
another. It is an approach that adheres to multiple philosophies while incorporating other
theories, ideas, and styles. According to Sooraj (2013), "we live in an era when dogmatic
adherence to a particular philosophy is foolish and quite harmful." The world is changing at
breakneck speed. Values are rapidly changing. To achieve all-around adjustment and optimal
development, we need a dynamic outlook and mental flexibility." Sooraj believes that none of
the philosophies contribute to all aspects of education.

Idealism is spiritual in nature and is known for its lofty and superficial educational goals.
Naturalism is based on materialism and its educational method, while Pragmatism, which exists
between the two, is known for its brilliant principles and curriculum. No philosophy can provide
everything, but an integral education is required for complete living. If we combine the best
ideas and principles from all philosophies, we must take an eclectic approach by coordinating
and combining opposing ideologies. An eclectic approach is used to discover unity in diversity.

In my experience as a business teacher, I used a variety of approaches to help my students

understand the concept of the lesson. Most of the time, I use realistic examples to help my
students remember the concept. Most of my students understood the material and were able to
actively participate in class discussions. I used Pragmatism to help my students understand the
importance of what they were learning and how they could apply it to other areas. When I teach
the Principle of Account, I mostly use Pragmatism. Pragmatism is a way of dealing with
problems or situations that focuses on practical approaches and solutions that will work in
practice rather than being ideal in theory. The term pragmatism is frequently contrasted with the
term idealism, which means based on or having high principles or ideals.

However, they must have the skills and knowledge of the various approaches in order to
determine the best philosophy for a particular lesson. The primary goal is to provide students
with the skills they need to fully understand a subject using the most effective methods.

On the other hand, I use Social Reconstructionism to raise students' awareness of societal social
problems and to foster a sense of community. According to Suleman (2016) research, “the
academic level in English language learning improved significantly when using the eclectic
approach versus the traditional learning approach. It was discovered to be more rewarding,
productive, and effective because teachers were able to adapt their teaching styles to the situation
and needs of the children.” Using the Eclectic approach, teachers can provide students with more
personalized learning opportunities.

This philosophy allows teachers to be creative in order for students to learn. It is a very adaptable
approach that allows students to try out different strategies. If teachers are aware of their
students' needs, they will be able to provide them with a holistic development using the best
philosophy and thus achieve optimal results.

According to GraduateWay (2021), "this approach has interest involved, because teachers must
use different techniques to keep the learners' attention." It is diverse because different
learning/teaching contexts necessitate different methodologies. It is adaptable because teachers
can tailor their activities in each lesson to the needs of the students. It maximizes the child's
learning interests and accommodates the child's learning style. It accommodates disabilities and
adapts to the needs and abilities of learners." I believe that over time, all teachers will adopt the
Eclectic Approach as they realize that some content requires more than one approach for students
to gain full mastery.

Finally, employing various approaches will improve teaching and learning for all students. As
the education system develops, the number of illiterates will decrease. More importantly, the
Eclectic Approach is critical in the educational system. The use of various methodologies allows
students to actively participate in the lesson, resulting in a more effective and efficient lesson.
Because each learner has different learning abilities, teachers must use a variety of
methodologies to improve the learning of all students.


Sooraj, (2013). Importance of Eclectic Approach in Education.

Browne, M. (2017). Developing a Teaching Philosophy. Fostering Multimedia Instruction

GraduateWay, (2021). The Eclectic Approach. The_Eclectic_Approach.pdf

Suleman, Q. (2016). Effects of Eclectic Learning Approach on Students’ Academic Achievement

and Retention in English at Elementary Level. Microsoft Word - JEP-Vol.7 No.16 2016 (

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