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Playing the violin is a difficult task.

When I first started I had no idea what I was doing;

there was more crunching and squeaking than actual notes. The very beginning was by far the
worst part of the whole ordeal, and that's because it's hard to find an area to practice in when you
don’t even know what to practice. When it sounds as bad as it did in the beginning it was hard to
convince myself to practice, because I didn't know how to fix it. All I knew is that it sounded
bad. This project stretched me by making me do something I rarely do, spread a project out over
a long period. I'm the person to do a whole project the night before it's due but the thing is you
can't do that with something like the violin. After it's all over I really hope that I can find time in
my future to keep practicing because as much as I love music it's really hard to spend the
singular hour of free time in a day practicing an instrument. Although I would like to keep music
and specifically the violin in my life, this has not changed any of my plans for the future. I would
still like to go into engineering. If I could go back and change anything about my project I would
pick something new entirely. Looking back I kind of turned music into homework and that sort
of kills the fun so if I could give future seniors any piece of advice it would be to pick something
boring, and simple so that turning a passion into homework doesn't kill the spark. I would give
myself a b- on this project, because I know I could have done more; I'm a little disappointed in
myself. While I could have gone farther I made serious progress; progress is something to be
proud of.

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