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How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 57

* * *

The second day of the reconciliation meeting.

My day was like yesterday. However, as it is a daily routine to be alone in
Agriche, it didn't feel boring to spend time quietly in a room like this.
But today, I went to the terrace for a while and had a refreshment time to get some
It was winter, but compared to Agriche, where the blizzard hit, it was almost as
warm as early spring.
“Well, young lady. Will you be in your room again today? There are many people who
are so sweet to see the girl's face.”
Then one of the employees who was waiting next to me looked at me and asked.
At the end of that, the other users also looked at my face one by one. They were
cleaning the room while I was on the terrace.
I felt their gaze and slowly lifted the teacup.
“Well, it doesn’t seem like that’s the case. Even last year, when I was outside, no
one came to me.”
"that's… … .”
In my words, the end of the speech was blurred as if he did not know what to say.
I knew what she wanted to say, even if she didn't listen.
The reason other people couldn't come to me wasn't because they didn't care about
me, but because I was fed up with my beauty.
I tilted the teacup leisurely, leaving the lingering workers behind.
Then suddenly, from underneath, I could hear people breathing in quickly.
I sneaked my head down.
Then, a group of people who were just passing by under the terrace I was out of
came into my eyes.
They paused, looked up at me, and made stupid expressions. It seemed like he found
me by accident while passing down.
Looking down, there was also Liuzac of the enemy Gasthor family in it.
Red hair, a little shorter than last year, fluttered finely in the air in the wind.
The eyes, with a slightly fiercely raised tail, were greedyly ripe grape-colored.
He said he had just arrived in Yggdrasil this morning, and now he seemed to be
moving back to the next building after luncheon.
Ryuzak looked at me again and distorted his face grimly.
I mean, tell me what I did to you. It's like a reckless male protagonist.
“What, what are you? Are you looking at my sister like that?”
That's when Jeremy appeared.
From yesterday, it seemed that I couldn't bear it, but it seemed that he had
finally found a place for a fertilization.
Liu Jacques, staring at me, heard that and lowered his head.
“… … Are you talking to me? What are you like?”
A cool gaze flew to Jeremy and stuck.
“Are you affiliated with Agriche? The horsebird is pretty cheeky.”
No, Jeremy was really fighting openly.
Of course, I don't think that one of the male protagonists, Liuzac, will fall into
this blatant provocation... … .
"huh. Before I start fucking with my words, I do well to crack down on your eyes.”
“My dear, you have to cut out that tongue, will you shut her mouth?”
… … is not it? Are you trying to fight now? It's that kind of atmosphere.
“Jeremy. Stop and come up here.”
I felt the need to crack down on Jeremy before the annoyance happened.
As I opened my mouth, the people underneath looked up at me with even more stupid
Jeremy and Liuzac's gaze also turned to me.
Luckily, Jeremy knocked her tongue out, unfortunately, and she turned right away.
Liuzac looked at Jeremy with an absurd look.
“My younger brother did excuse me for caring for me.”
At my words, Liuzac's frowned eyes stared at me quietly for a moment.
Soon he softened his face and said to me.
“You will be tired because the child who takes such a lot of hands is a younger
It was the first time to mix words in this way, but it was surprisingly polite.
“I'm only ferocious to those who rude me first, but I'm originally a cute child.”
Of course, the face I faced again was crumpled by my continued words.
Still, as soon as he saw me, he admitted that it was rude to frown first, and
Liuzac did not refute what I said.
Rather, unexpectedly, he expressed a bit of awkwardness to my point.
I laughed when I saw such a Liuzac.
His face hardened when he saw my smile. Not to mention the reaction of the people
As I watched it, I got up from my seat quietly.
“I'll excuse me too. As this is a place for unity and harmony, I wish you a
meaningful time for the rest of the year.”
Liu Jacques again shut his mouth and looked at me as he left his greetings ritually
given and received at Uygdrasil.
He turned and felt his gaze behind his back. But I went into the room without
looking back.

* * *

Before dinner that evening, the head of Bertium in Huang and the people from
Fedelian in Qing arrived at the castle.
Noel Bertium was stuck in a room without greeting and could not see his face.
In Fedelian, head Lichelle and his daughter, Sylvia, who became adults this year
were present.
This meant that all the major characters of the novel were gathered in one place
except Orca, the beast of the white.
I wasn't surprised because I already heard the news that Sylvia was attending this
Is she finally the appearance of a female protagonist?
I went with Rand to see the Fedelian chief Lischel.
When I just got to the first floor, I noticed someone disappearing down the stairs
on the other side. Like an afterimage, the long hair left in my view was obviously
a silver color resembling that of someone I know.
“You're here, Richell Fedeliyan.”
Land's voice ringing in her ears, I lowered my head.
Land's greeting was not a greeting, but rather sarcastic.
Last year, he approached Richell first and spoke to her like this. The reason was,
of course, not because I was happy with the person in front of me.
“Land Agriche.”
A middle-aged man with a solid, heavy rocky feel turned to us.
He also said he couldn't deceive blood, his face resembled Cassis Fe Deli's eye.
However, if Cassis was delicately drawn with a thin brush, the Richelle side felt
like a bolder drawing with a thicker brush.
The inside of the chilly wall, which has a different color from Cassis, first
reached Land Agriche.
“I see the chief of Qing.”
After that, Lischel's glance touched her greeted me briefly and was nailed back to
Seeing that Sylvia's figure was not visible, it seemed that she was the one who had
disappeared up the stairs a while ago.
Like her last year, Richell stared at Land with her eyes so cold that her hair was
People who walked to share her greetings with Lischel stopped feeling the
atmosphere flowing between the two.
Some of them had an expression of "It's starting again."
Land, like her last year, tweaked her mouth, first struggling with Richell.
“I still have a face I want to grind.”
“If you hit with the face you want to give each other, would you do it? I want to
tell you to look in the mirror.”
Surprisingly, Lischel was also attacking Land with a cool voice.
If Land is fire, Richell is water; if Land is boiling lava, Richell is close to the
cold frozen deep sea.
Rand, who had crumpled her face at her Richell's words, again pulled up the tail of
her mouth and picked up her words.
“So it turns out that your daughter also came with me this time, right? In the
meantime, you only went around inside the Fedelian and why did you bring it out
this time?”
It's really bad taste.
The meaning of Landt's words was so clear.
He has been mocking Lischel, who has been specially guarding her daughter Sylvia in
Fedelis since Cassis' work.
Even last year, he did a sloppy thing to Lischel Fedelian asking how he was to
Probably, not only at the reconciliation meeting, but also at the meetings of the
heads separately, it is clear that they always talked about Cassis in this way and
angered Lischel.
Land was the one who had kidnapped Cassis, and I knew that Cassis was dead at my
hand. Nevertheless, he deserved to say that to Lissell that she was indeed a bad
Of course Cassis was still alive, contrary to Landt's idea, but that doesn't mean
that Lischel's anger is lessened.
It was true that Landt tried to kill his son, and Richell will never forget it for
the rest of her life.
I stepped forward, feeling the sharply frozen air that made my skin aching.
“Then, it turns out that the nobleman of Qing did not come together this year.”
As she smiled and said, a glass-like transparent and cold wall slid at me. At the
same time, a lowly bliss came from Land, who was next to her.
“… … I think I'll be late because I'm busy with other public affairs.”
Lyschel, who quietly looked down at me with unknown eyes inside her, finally broke
a short silence and she replied.
Landt laughed at him and groaned.
“Don’t you say so last year? Come to think of it, it's been three years since I saw
your son's handsome face. I'm curious how many years it's such a great public
affair that it doesn't look like a peep.”
But instead of responding to Rant's resentment, Richelle just looked down at me
without a second.
I looked up at Lichelle with her smile and took her step back behind her.
"Ok. You're just late, so you'll have to wait with anticipation for the rest of the
“Yes, I'm looking forward to it. I hope I can meet your precious son again during
this reconciliation meeting.”
Landt laughed and sympathized with me.
He and I first left, leaving Lichelle Fedeliyan behind.
“Fool. How can I bring a man who has no flesh left after he died, and he is still
bragging about it.”
“But it’s fun to be struggling.”
“That's right.”
As if he was reminiscing about what was a while ago, Land suddenly laughed with his
I also smiled as if I was happy next to Land.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 58

* * *

That night, I couldn't sleep until I was late.

This evening's banquet seemed more noisy than yesterday.
It was natural that the five families finally gathered together. Of course, some of
them did not attend the banquet like me.
Still, I wondered if everyone would show up tomorrow, probably the last day of the
reconciliation meeting.
According to what I heard from the butterflies planted in the banquet hall, it
seems that Sylvia was definitely the main character today.
The image of a lovely girl with mysterious silver hair like moonlight and golden
eyes sparkling as if sprinkled with star powder was sure to catch the attention of
young people gathered in the banquet hall at once.
But I laughed without watching the video of the poison butterfly.
Jeremy went down to the banquet hall at dinner tonight. Perhaps it was because I
was curious about Cassis' younger sister Sylvia.
But Jeremy's reaction to seeing her Sylvia... … .
<City, resembled the Agency's fucking son of a bitch ditch. Offended.)
Unlike the novel, it was a very harsh evaluation.
Jeremy was very funny as he shouted to himself with her face crumpled like a piece
of paper.
It was unlikely that Jeremy of her reality would fall in love with her Sylvia and
kidnap her.
Liu Jacques Gastor also looked at her Silvia and frowned on her face again, but it
was weak to the extent that it was as unpleasant as seeing me.
Noel Bertium did not attend the banquet and stayed in the room without motion. In
the middle, Landt seemed to be trying to meet, but he refused to accept the visit.
"Thanks. Now it's done.”
I checked earlier than usual and sent the poison butterfly back to her place. As
expected, the long-running poisonous butterfly here was too much for the body.
It was a deep night.
Inside the castle was very quiet, without a small pop, as if no one was awake.
After that, I couldn't sleep even after a while longer.
I remembered the image of Sylvia that I saw through the video of Lischel and
Dolphin Butterfly I met earlier. Then she naturally thought of the faces of other
people who resembled them.
After a while, as I tossed on the bed, I finally got up and left the room.
It was so warm during the day, but the night air was cold as winter was winter.
I thought I would come out wearing a thick coat, but it wasn't bad as it is now for
a quick breath of air.
From the outside, there were a couple of rooms that were lit up at this time as
well. One of them by location was the room of Lischel Fedelian.
It's already over 4 o'clock now, are you trying to stay up all night like this?
Of course it wasn't what I would say outside this time.
I looked up at the lighted room for a while and then turned my head down again.
Then I took off my foot where I stopped.
Yggdrasil in the middle of the night was extremely quiet.
Is it because of this dense feeling of silence? Somehow it seemed that I felt more
solemn and heavier than the daytime.
“I haven’t died yet and I’m alive.”
I went through the bushes by the side of the road and leaned against the tree trunk
and squatted.
There was a growing grass with red fruits. Last year, there was a time when I came
out alone like now because the interior was cramped.
I remember that I was very happy with the unexpected plant I found in an unexpected
Of course, even if it is said to be poisonous, it causes an upset stomach at best.
Anyway, I still have a familiar poison plant in front of me, so I feel a little
As I breathed deeply, white frost flowers bloomed in the air.
As I've been doing it these days, my heart was bright again today. I knew well for
myself what was the reason.
As it was, this year, when Sylvia, the female protagonist, turned 18 was the time
the novel began.
However, it was clear that the story of reality would face a different phase from
the novel.
First of all, Sylvia's brother Cassis was alive.
After leaving Agriche safely, he hasn't appeared in an official position until
So Landt believed that Cassis was dead.
When I thought about it, a laugh came out.
When I saw the living Cassis, I was already looking forward to the expression Land
Agriche would make. How fun it would be to see that surprised face.
In the meantime, the sound of a small horseshoe rang out suddenly inside the
In the stopped carriage, a man of black color from head to toe stepped down.
Because he was wearing his outer hat upside down, he could only glance at the
fringes of his chin, and could not confirm his face.
However, from a distance, it was clear that the man who got out of the carriage now
was a man when he saw a solid body that seemed well trained at first glance, or a
very tall height.
The line of the jaw that appeared white under the moonlight was sharp like a veil.
Is it Deon?
I frowned.
Deon was the only one who had such a tall and well-balanced body.
Above all, the atmosphere flowing around him.
The overbearing atmosphere that seemed to weigh heavily on the surrounding air was
not something that anyone could feel.
It turned out that I was thinking that Deon might come.
I was about to leave a tricky job to arrive at the meeting as late as possible, but
was it already done? It was really disgusting at this point.
I looked coldly at the man starting to walk in the direction I was in, then turned
his head.
Don't pretend to know like this. I don't want to mess with words and spoil my mood.
However, as always, Deon betrayed my expectations too simply.
My footsteps along the way suddenly stopped right behind me.
The sound of the hem rubbing was audible. Seeing that the gaze is felt, it seems
that he has turned his head.
I knew, but he was pretty bright at night. Even in the dark, he has found me
exactly like this and is looking straight away.
With a shout, he came one step closer to me.
I couldn't help but sigh.
“It’s really boring… … .”
The moment I opened my mouth, the pace that was approaching stopped.
Something like a ghost. I was killing all of them, but how do I know I'm here?
However, it wasn't surprising that his persistence was as much as Deon, who had
been following me tirelessly and persistently.
“How the hell are you going to be satisfied if you make me bored? You said you
didn't want to look. You really can't understand even if you say it hurts.”
I was really sick of it. It was obvious that this feeling was still in my voice.
I didn't even want to see Deon's shadow, so I didn't give it to him.
“Don’t say anything, just go, Deon. Because today is a night that doesn't feel
At other times, he would have attacked him with more cruel words. But I didn't want
to do that today.
It was a waste to ruin a peaceful night in the ebb with heat.
Behind the scenes was silent for a while. The air around it was so quiet that it
was confused whether it was just gone or not.
That way.
Then suddenly the footsteps that stopped a while ago continued. It was approaching
I was frustrated and opened my mouth again.
“Come close… … .”
At that moment, from the tip of my head, I was wrapped in warmth.
The warmth spread over my cold body. I hold my breath and harden.
What covered my body was the outer garment the man was wearing a while ago.
A feeling of heavy weight pressed his shoulder. There was a strange scent in it.
For some reason, I couldn't move my body.
So, I couldn't move a finger and I was just holding my breath as if time had
Then, the moment the sound of a small grassworm flowed into my ears, I was
After that, he jumped up from his seat. And he looked back quickly.
But a while ago, no one was already there. There was only a cold chill in the empty
… … It's not Deon.
However, the only one of that profound enlightenment, without a doubt, was only
pointing to a so firm truth.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 59

* * *

The next evening, the grandest banquet ever was held.

Land, I, and Jeremy headed side by side to the main hall on the first floor.
“What about Deon?”
“Not yet.”
Landt frowned at my answer.
"It's weird to be so late."
“It would be troublesome to see if there was such a guy, but it was better, what.”
Jeremy said, snorting her with her coldness.
He was equipped with a formal dress for a banquet and was proud of his white
His face, which looked pretty a few years ago, also became quite mature, and his
height, similar to me, grew significantly.
It was the first time I was attending a formal seat without a suit.
Jeremy was pulling her top tie down around her neck in the usual rustling
Landt glared at him to see if he didn't like Jeremy's words.
Jeremy was scared as the days passed, so she no longer sleeps in front of such a
I laughed lightly as I looked at it, then opened my mouth to Land.
“It seems to be later than I thought. Could it be that the watchdog caused any
other problems because the father was not present?”
Land's face was subtly hardened at my words. Perhaps he was thinking of the subject
he had ordered Theon to watch.
I laughed at the land.
“Don’t worry, though. It's Deon's brother, who's not anyone else. I will come until
the banquet is over.”
Land again opened his face to see if he agreed with my words. Of course, Jeremy
pouted his lips dissatisfiedly next to him.
“Then let’s go in.”
Me and Jeremy stepped into the hall following Land.
Inside the banquet hall, there was a huge world tree entangled up to the ceiling
with murals. A gorgeous chandelier shone like a milky way above her head with
dazzling light.
The left center was weird enough to be quiet.
Except for the sweet sound of music, I couldn't hear a small voice in my ears.
This situation was something I had experienced before.
Everyone in the banquet hall was looking at me with suspicious expressions.
“Wow, look around your face.”
Jeremy twisted her mouth as if to be ridiculed as he watched the enchanted people.
I, like everyone else, took a glass of liquor from a stupid servant.
As expected, no one came to me and talked to me.
Even when I walk around in Agrizze wearing casual clothes, there are many people
who stop breathing in.
However, now that I have even dressed up like this for attendance at the banquet,
it was natural if I couldn't wake up like that.
I also stood still and kept my distance from other people.
As I glanced around, a noticeable person appeared in my sight.
Not far away, Liuzac Gasthor, standing with the family members, looked at me. This
time, the degree of wrinkles on the face was worse than yesterday.
“Really, you need to wake up. Straighten your waist and dress neatly!”
Then, at one point, an urgent voice of a man flowed from the entrance of the
banquet hall.
A whispering voice followed.
"Yes… … . I want to go home and eat the tart that Nicks made... … .”
“I’ll be back tomorrow anyway, so why are you looking at me like this? So, isn't
the Nicks bothering Noel? Oh really. Stop clinging to it and stand right, please!”
Since we entered the hall, the voice from the outside rang particularly loud,
perhaps because the interior of the hall was so quiet.
Subsequently, it was two men who appeared at the entrance.
One of them was leaning almost like a sloth to the man next to him.
Then, as if they suddenly sensed a strange atmosphere, the two raised their heads
and looked around.
Among the two, the man who was playing the role of a support was frightened by the
focused gaze and tried to somehow raise the man next to him.
However, he was still rolling his eyes hazy with a face he couldn't figure out.
Wavy orange hair and bright green eyes like buds.
Even though he is an adult, his face is still innocent and cute like a boy.
He was Noel, head of the Bertium family of Hwang.
It was the next moment that his eyes, as if waking less, stopped moving.
"uh… … ?”
Noel's eyes that were out of focus were fixed on me. Shortly thereafter, his mouth
opened stupidly.
It was at that moment when the hazy green eyes regained the sparkling light as if
waking up.
His arm, holding the man next to him, slid.
He leaned deeper into the man next to him, fluttering like melted and flowing ice
cream. Looking at it, it seemed like my legs were loosened.
The man, who almost knew him, frowned, lowered his head, and immediately flagged.
“Noel, Kopi… … !”
“Huh? uh?"
As expected, blood was flowing from Noel's nose.
However, he was frightened, and he had a face that seemed to be mindless, as if he
could not grasp the situation.
Noel was almost dragged by the man next to him and quickly left the banquet hall.
“What is that new idiot?”
Jeremy, who was watching him, muttered tremblingly.
The only words Noel said at the reconciliation meeting was'uh?'.
Besides, the first and last thing I saw was seeing me and bleeding nose... … .
I could also understand Jeremy's embarrassment.
Anyway, because of Noel, the atmosphere in the banquet hall was noisy again.
Of course, most of them were gossiping about the journey he had seen a while ago.
Land, too, did not chase after Noel just by sticking his tongue, whether he looked
quite stupid.
“Sister, are you not hungry? What do you want to eat? Can I bring it?”
After a while, Jeremy asked the third question.
He refused my invitation to hang out with others, and he was always by my side.
Before answering, I took a sneak peek at the entrance of the hall.
The people of Fedelian had not yet appeared in the banquet hall.
“Yes, then I'll ask you.”
Jeremy was delighted to see if I would like him to do something, and she headed to
a table in the side of the banquet hall.
Land had already moved away and was chatting with people from another family.
Somehow, time seemed to flow slower than usual.
In fact, from before, I was in a subtly nervous state.
No, I'm not sure if I should call this impatience. However, my mind kept turning to
a place other than this space where I am now.
Maybe I was waiting for something.
At that time, somewhere, I heard a sound inhaling. Unknowingly, the elasticity
As if a fire was spreading, the sound of a roaring sound spread out in the banquet
Hearing the sound, Land Agriche frowned and turned his head. I, too, slid my gaze
in the direction of a noisy noise.
It was at that moment that a familiar name pierced the eardrum.
“You're Cassis Fedelian!”
"What? You're a scion of blue?”
“Is that really?”
The shrill sound of breaking the glass ran through the loud noise.
As if it were a signal, silence fell in the banquet hall.
The deep silence filled the enclosed space so that even the sound of breathing
could be felt loudly. Blue waves slid over it.
Soon after, a huge storm core emerged.
It was three members of the Fedelian family of Qing who appeared in the eyes of
many people.
Richell and his daughter Sylvia arrived in Yggdrasil yesterday. And it was Cassis
Fedelian, a scion of Qing who had never appeared in the last three years.
"Oh my gosh. It's been years since... … .”
It hasn't been a long time since he has shown his face in such an official
position, just as someone screamed.
Cassis, who appeared after three years, was exuding an overwhelming energy enough
to remain after defeating his father, Richell.
The face, which was originally well-groomed, now exudes the feeling of a perfect
adult male like a twenty-year-old young man, and his body, which was grown up from
three years ago, looked remarkably firm and firm.
For Cassis Fedelian, who appeared in the official statues after a while, it seemed
that there was no gap at all.
His straight eyes, facing the front, had an unparalleled depth and weight.
But above all, the atmosphere surrounding Cassis has changed the most. He felt as
if he would be crushed by the huge currents around him.
“Who, sister. Is it really Cassis Fedelian what I'm seeing?”
Jeremy, who came to my side, stuttered and asked me. He had a face that looked like
a ghost.
She couldn't help but check Land's face by looking at it.
I moved my eyes to find Land, standing not far away.
As expected, Landt looked at Cassis with his eyes wide open, as if he had been
terribly shocked.
His frozen face had a great astonishment that words could not describe.
I took it in my sight for a moment, then slipped my gaze again.
At that very moment, my eyes met with my golden eyes shining brightly from a
Cassis seems to have found me without difficulty even among countless people, and
he has been facing me without shaking.
At this moment, it seemed that he and I were the only people who existed here.
Somewhere there was a small sound of the clock hands moving.
I felt as if the flow of the world around me had just changed.
It was a sign that the time I stopped on the day I broke up with him began to flow

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 60

* * *

“Damn, how the hell happened to this?”

On the way out of the banquet hall in a hurry, Landt swears harshly.
His face was full of shock, confusion, and amazement.
“In Cassis Fe Deli, he must have died then… … !”
It's a shame because there weren't any people around, and if it hadn't, I didn't
know if something difficult had happened.
Land was so calm that he couldn't even care about that.
I wonder if the surprise is astounding because the person who believed he was dead
has been revived.
It was obvious that I felt like I had witnessed her ghost, as Jeremy did before.
Suddenly I saw Noel Bertium walking from afar. Perhaps he was planning to attend
the banquet again.
I moved before Land and he found each other.
“Father, take it easy.”
“Am I really looking?”
Naturally, when Land was guided and turned, the figure of Noel Bertium disappeared
from view. This blocked Land and Noel's current encounter.
“You must have seen your father with both eyes at that time. He is obviously dead
at my hand.”
“That's but… … Then what on earth is that?”
Land's voice was a little more stable than before, recalling the memories of the
time. However, there was still confusion in it.
“The real thing is already dead, so that would be a real fake.”
Then Landt distorted his face.
“Then, you mean that's the band? But that energy is definitely Fedelian's. Besides,
isn't it enough to believe that they're twins?”
“Maybe the truth may be simpler than you think.”
I felt doubts began to blossom in Land's mind. Eventually he will not be able to
deny what I am saying after this.
I whispered low, looking straight into Land's eyes.
“There are people in this world who can make elaborate dolls like real living
At that moment, paused time lingers in the eyes I met. He and I were stopping.
"doll… … Is it a doll?”
Land's response was more than expected.
He looked at his hardened face, and he seemed to think that what I was talking
about could actually be.
It was natural. Land's desire to meet Bertium until now was that it did not differ
from this context.
“Don’t you remember? Even if not, I told you a while ago that the exchange between
Fedelian and Bertium was confirmed.”
I simply touched a hidden part of Landt's mind, sparking his anxiety and doubts.
“I thought it was weird if not… … . The only thing that has been confirmed is
recent exchanges, but maybe we have secretly communicated with them before avoiding
the eyes of others.”
Of course, what I spilled on Land was fake information. In the past three years,
Fedelian and Bertium had never had a noticeable exchange.
“No way Bertium… … .”
It seemed like I could hear Land's head rolling crazy.
Perhaps it was because of the confusion once in his head, he seemed unable to make
a proper judgment.
I whispered a serpentine trick to him again.
“If you say that Cheong's Pedelian, who is in crisis due to the loss of his
successor, has made a doll that looks exactly like Cassis Pedelian's in the last
three years, when he was crouching, wouldn't the angler fit?”

* * *

As expected, Landt went straight to the building where he was going to meet Noel
But Noel was heading to the banquet hall earlier.
Of course, Roxana knew it, but didn't tell Landt.
Roxana took a step after checking their position through the butterfly.
It was at that moment when a strong force snatched her arm.
Roxana realized who she was hiding her body in the dark and she did not shake her
Her rough force, pulling her arm, pushed her behind her this time. On her back
touched a hard wall with a cold flowing behind her.
At the same time, a body with a cool energy approached her.
“… … what? It’s too harsh for a greeting.”
Even in the sudden situation, Roxana did not show a point of agitation.
She gazed coldly at her face, with her unbridled pupils in front of her eyes.
Red eyes, with a temperature similar to that of that gaze, looked down like a
piercing Roxana.
The light flickered in my sight. It was a light leaking out of the banquet hall.
As I was almost facing the terrace on the first floor, I could hear the sound of
music and gossiping voices from the inside.
“Cassis Fedelian came back to Yangji.”
Deon's face, stained with light, was frozen cold.
He had just arrived in Yggdrasil, and his outfit was not a tailcoat.
Roxana glanced at the faint blood scent on the tip of her nose.
Then I saw Theon's left arm, half-covered by her cloak, stained red. Perhaps she
hurt her while taking care of her work that she entrusted to her.
However, she did not feel any inspiration for Roxana.
"Is it nice to see your face after a long time?"
Rather, it was this way that caught her interest.
She wasn't even aware that Cassis was alive, and she was so emotional.
Roxana's lips moved slowly, so she finally drew a small line.
“Why are you asking, knowing so well?”
Even in her drowsy eyes, her laugh was young. The air surrounding Deon became
sharper with a smile that rose like a flower bud.
“… … I want to kill you sometimes.”
Unlike his characteristic cold and monotonous voice, the emotions stuck in his eyes
were much more intense and fierce than that.
That way.
It was then that I could hear someone's footsteps from the side.
“I didn't know there would be anyone who didn't even know the purpose of the
reconciliation meeting.”
A quiet voice pierced the eardrum across the cold night air.
At the same time, a strong grip penetrated the wrist of Deon, who was holding
Roxana's arm.
Roxana cut her gaze facing her Deon and turned her head.
I could see the silver hair smeared by her light scattering finely in the air. The
shaded eyes had a more intense glow than in her memory.
Her straight gaze was standing in front of Roxana threateningly, looking straight
at her Deon.
“Is it only Agriche's personnel to scare the other person in that way?”
It was Cassis Fedelian who appeared in sight.
She said she didn't feel like this until she got close. She couldn't be.
Deon's body, who was forcibly removed by Cassis, rose to life. However, it did not
happen once in the person who was hitting it head-on.
Cassis, undressing her boy's shirt, grew surprisingly in many ways. At this moment,
the pressure that flowed out of him was as great as the deon, which was about to
choke him.
Looking at this, it was clear that neither Land Agriche nor Cassis Fedelian could
be suspected of being a fake.
Of course, there will be no other talk of Land with Cassis at this conference. It
was impossible to meet Noel, the head of Bertium, as he wished.
Because Roxana would have made it that way.
Finally, Roxana's lips were small and sweet.
Her little call that touched her ear, and the cold glance stuck in Cassis once
again turned to Sana.
Deon looked down at her with her eyes, drawing her cracks due to her various
emotions, and then took away her energy from her wild run.
After Deon turned around, Roxana also raised her body upright.
“Thank you for your help.”
She greeted her politely at the person in front of her, grasping the hem of her
with her one hand.
“My name is Roxana Agriche. What is the name of the nobleman?”
If someone else saw them now, it was obvious that they would think this was the
first meeting of the two.
Cassis looked at Roxana silently for a moment.
After a brief silence, Cassis slowly moved her lips, which had been bitten.
“… … I'm Cassis Fedelian.”
A low voice with a deep reverberation flowed out of his mouth.
“You are a scion of Qing.”
“If you allow me to say hello.”
Cassis did not just introduce herself, but reached out her hand to her with an
unshakable appearance like her Roxana.
Her hands in her gloves overlapped.
As her Roxana raised her hand, Cassis grabbed it and buried her lips on the back of
her hand.
An unfamiliar heat spread shallowly over the cool skin.
His gaze clashed close. The eyes I met from the front were familiar, but they had
an unfamiliar feeling that was enough to offset the familiarity.
It wasn't just the eyes that made me feel that feeling.
Roxana first pulled out her hand that had been held by him.
“I know well if it is the prestige of Qing's scion. It's embarrassing to show the
childish struggle between siblings.”
Then Cassis' still golden eyes slid beside her.
It coolly passed through the dark space that swallowed the image of Deon a while
“It's a childish struggle between siblings.”
“Yes, so it is not necessary for the nobleman of Qing to care deeply.”
"Is that so."
Cassis murmured like that to himself and then stared at Roxana in front of him
To celebrate her banquet, Rok Sana, dressed in fancy dress, was truly beautiful
enough to blind her, and stood out in her darkness alone.
At the same time, however, she had a strange feeling that she would fall silently
in the night air.
“The night got deeper. I have to go back to my room. The nobleman of Qing will
enter the banquet hall again.
Roxana first indicated her doctor to leave her place. Cassis didn't catch her like
However, a calming sense of weight, as if she had experienced it somewhere else,
sat down on her shoulders of Roxana.
“Don’t wear it on the night air.”
Wearing her sheer dress, the warmth of her body warmed to her cold. Roxana looked
up at Cassis with her robe over her shoulder.
The distance between the two was closer than before.
It hasn't been a long time since I face Cassis' face like this. For some reason, I
felt a strange feeling that was difficult to explain in words.
Again, his eyes were entangled in the air.
“Like I gave you last night… … .”
A low whisper spread in between.
“You don't have to return this either.”
When I heard that, I was completely sure of who I met last night.
It was Cassis who turned first.
Roxana stood still for a while and stared at his back, moving away.

How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 61

* * *

"Hey, hey. Miss Agrice?"

On his way to the building where he was staying, a man approached Roxana.
His hair seemed silver for a moment, so he paused, but when he looked again, his
hair was white, not silver.
"Our chief, I mean...… He said he wanted to give it to Miss Agrice, so I came
"Please say thank you."
Roxana was handed a bouquet of flowers and urged her to walk again.
The man mumbled after him for a moment as if he had something else to say. But
Roxana was not interested in him at all.
Her mind was busy with other thoughts.
The fact that Cassis finally came to the forefront meant that it was time.
"Yes, there will be a magnificent party soon."
Roxana's face was filled with a sweet smile that gave off a sense of maturity
The colorful rose in full bloom broke in her hand.
Roxana walked with red petals flying in the air behind her.

* * *

A short time later, she arrived in the room of Rand Agrice.

As expected, he was nervously hanging around the room after failing to make contact
with Noel Vertium.
"Father, I think we should go back to Agrice right now."
Roxana's words were questioned by Rant.
"What do you mean?"
"I just met Deon and heard from him...….”
Rant's face was then distorted violently.
"While my father was away, Pontine's brother rebelled."

* * *
They left Wigdrasil right away.
Jeremy, who had left the banquet hall first following Roxana's words, had prepared
the servants in advance.
So they could get ready right away and head for Agrice.
"Rand Agrice has just left the castle."
The news came to Cassis, too.
Before he knew it, he had taken off his robes at the banquet hall.
"We've already finished as instructed."
"I'm leaving right now."
Instead of glossy shoes, rugged leather boots stepped on a red carpet laid in the
hallway. The deep blue cape on the shoulder shook along the restrained steps.
Cassis, who took off his robes, looked more like a disciplined knight or an
experienced hunter than a noble.
Today was the last day of the harmony meeting, and now the banquet was still in
full swing. Maybe that's why there was no one wandering around the accommodation.
Then suddenly, Cassis saw his younger sister Sylvia.
Sylvia, who changed into an outdoor suit like Cassis, approached Cassis.
"Oppa, be careful.”
The gold eyes, which resemble Cassis but give off a much warmer and softer feeling,
looked up at him with a weak concern in them.
Cassis reached out and disheveled her sister's hair.
"Go back with your father. I'll go straight to the fedelian when I'm done."
He didn't have to meet his father, Richel, now because he had already finished
Cassis left Wigdrasil as quietly as he did when he first came here.
The destination was Agri£e, where the old long-cherished desire remained.

* * *

The red-burning fall fell on the horizon.

There was such a deep sense of disquiet in Agrice that it felt strange.
The ominous energy was felt not only from the inside of the wall but also from the
"Get him right in front of me!"
Rant ordered fiercely as soon as he entered the mansion.
He was furious when he learned of the news of his eldest son's rebellion.
Rant made his own ruling and ordered the judge to bring Pontine to the room of the
judge, which was used to punish the criminal.
The interior of the mansion was somewhat chaotic, perhaps because of a disturbance
while Rant was away.
Several brothers and housewives who were interested in the incident came out of the
room and snooped.
Among them were Roxana's half sister, Griselda.
Roxana followed Rant and found her and slowed her down.
Behind Roxana, Griselda quietly followed.
Looking at Lant's back, Roxana opened her lips small.
"It's over."
Roxana's face didn't have a small change in expression.
After the conversation, the two widened their distance again.
The red butterfly from Roxana disappeared quietly as if it were permeating the
"Jeremy, you clean up outside."
"Okay, sister."
Soon Roxana followed his father Rand Agrice into the judgment room.

* * *
After a while, the besieged Pontine was dragged into the referee's room.
"Pontine, you creep...…!”
Rant approached Pontine, who was kneeling on the floor, grumbling like he was.
Fontaine, who had been arrested for plotting a rebellion, had been seriously
Deon, who overpowered him, hurt his arm, so it was obvious without having to check
with his eyes what Pontine would be like.
"Oh, Father!"
Pontine hurriedly opened his mouth when he saw Rant approaching him.
"It's all a misunderstanding...… kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!
However, as soon as he opened his mouth, the leader in Rant's hand swung.
It was the judge's room where Lant had so far sentenced sinners to death in
accordance with the gravity of their wrongdoings, and sometimes made a summary
decision himself.
It was here that he ordered his children to be disposed of.
Puck! Puck!
Rant waved his hand as if he was about to beat Pontine to death.
Blood splashed on the dazzling marble floor whenever a hard stick decorated with
metal at the end hit Pontine.
There was not an ounce of mercy in his hand.
"How dare you!"
Puck! Puck!
"To put a knife in my back...…!”
Rant's eyes, looking down at Pontine, contained blazing anger. I could even feel
life from him.
Although he was in middle age, Lant's presence and power were second to that of
Furthermore, Pontine was tied to his limbs and had suffered major injuries due to
rough handling before then. Therefore, he was helplessly beaten by Rand.
Eventually, the leader in Rant's hand broke. Only then did Rant stop beating
"Burgey-ass. I gave birth to a man who was less than an embargo. How dare you try
to get behind this father.”
Rant threw the broken leader on the floor, staring at Pontine, who had been sagged
with blood, with a grim look.
"You didn't think I knew you were secretly behind my back? But I tried to give you
a chance, but you dare betray me like this...…!”
Fontaine fell to the floor bleeding and covered Rant's anger from the top of his
His eyes were burning while he gritted his teeth and endured the pain.
Damn it, how'd you get caught? The whole plan was perfect.
Deon, if he hadn't just popped up in the middle and interrupted...…!
Fontine's eyes, filled with hatred, shot Deon at the door.
"Father, this is...This is all for you, that bastard! He's trying to frame me! I
feel wronged....”
"You're still talking nonsense."
Rant remained aloof despite Pontine's vehement appeal.
"You thought I didn't know your shallow trick? I was the one who put Deon under
surveillance when I knew you were secretly gathering soldiers from behind."
The words forced Fontine to glare.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 62

For a moment, my bones became clear.
It was around the time that Pontine began to plan to hit Rant's back in earnest
when he began to gather soldiers.
Come to think of it, Rant's attitude toward Fontine has become chilly since then.
But did you know so early on that Pontine had a different mind?
"And that's not all. Will you recite all the tricks you've been secretly doing so
far here? Do you really think I don't know any of those troublemakers?"
"Oh, Father."
"How ridiculous you must have been to me. Yeah, did I look that stupid in your
Unable to contain his anger, Lant lifted Pontine's collar. A hard hand slashed
Fontine's cheek mercilessly.
Otherwise, Rant was on edge because of Cassis's work at the Society of Harmony.
Pontine was like putting his head in front of Sunrant's eyes to kill me as the day
"Get it."
Rant held his lively eyes fixed on Pontine and reached out to his wife who had
dragged him.
Rant's eyes were filled with a bright glow.
Suha, who received Rant's order, quickly gave him what he had prepared in advance.
"But this time I see you have at least one talent that a Borough would use."
Rant held a knife with a sharp edge in his hand and asked in a bleak voice.
"Where are the soldiers that you stole from me while I was away?"
Pontine opened her eyes at the words.
"That's, uh, what...… a stolen army.….”
How plausible his pretentious face was, he looked like a person who had nothing to
do with this.
"I, I don't know...….”
Deep down!
Lant had no hesitation in putting the blade into Fontine's hand.
There was a scream in front of him, but there was no shaking in Lant's face.
"Yes, son. I didn't teach you to talk easily because I couldn't handle this much
There was no mercy or affection in his eyes.
"Let's see if you don't tell me where you cut off your limbs."
Rant was indeed unruly.
He never tolerated a traitor, and it was no exception to being a child.
When the knife in his hand was twisted and pulled out, Pontine's mouth screamed
once again.
Roxana quietly looked down at the blood on the floor.
The red blood that flowed out of Pontine and slowly expanded its reach finally
reached Rant's shoes.
Fontine was so conscious of Lant and Deon that she didn't even realize she was
So when Roxana called Lant, Fontaine raised his head foolishly, as if he had heard
a very unexpected sound.
"I don't think you need to waste any more time."
Rand looked away when he heard it.
Roxana was looking at Rant and Fontine with a very peaceful face.
Looking at their faces, I even misunderstood that they were not in the referee's
room, but in the spring garden.
"Did you find it?"
Roxana just smiled at Rant's question.
In fact, it was Roxana who pre-announced the work of Pontine.
So Lant kept an eye on Fontine for a while, and was able to grasp all of his tricks
behind him.
Rant, of course, didn't think Roxana was very helpful.
Even if he didn't know about Pontine's work in advance, it didn't occur to him that
he would have been beaten by his son like a puppy.
However, it was quite satisfactory in terms of efficiency to have Deon listen to
Roxana and put him under surveillance to prevent Pontine's rebellion in advance.
"Well done, that's very quick. As expected, my daughter...….”
But Lant could not finish his sentence.
This is because what followed in his sight made his eyes suspicious.
The sound of the heels hitting the marble floor resonated in the quiet room.
It was a large chair in the front of the referee's room that took a light step,
just as Roxana went on a walk.
On the other hand, the seat, which looked like a throne, was a place where only
Rand, the owner of the family, could sit.
"……what are you doing right now?"
Roxana surprisingly rose to its only throne prepared for the king of Agrice without
any hesitation.
"I've always wanted to sit down."
An island-som-oksu, which seems to be made by cutting pearls, brushed the armrest
of a chair with colorful jewels with a soft touch.
"I've always wondered how it feels to look down here.”
The words that came out of her mouth were so natural that Rant couldn't even think
of getting angry for a moment.
The same was true of Pontine, who was dumbfounded.
Now Roxana was doing crazy things so casually.
Then Roxana's red eyes went back to Rand in front of him.
"Looking up like this...….”
The next moment, a honey-sweet smile came to my red lips, which seemed to have
"Your father looks pretty small, too?"
Rant's face began to crack.
Like a cracked fraud bowl, a bitter cold hit my face with broken composure.
"Are you disrespecting me now?"
Red eyes, such as loneliness, were waving roughly as if they would chew on Roxana
and swallow it.
Roxana slanted her eyes when she saw it.
"Don't be so angry, Father."
With only this much work, the smiling face was completely gone.
"Dad, have you ever doubted it?"
The voice in the referee's room became smaller and more dense as if whispering
sweet wheat.
"It's all a play I've worked hard on for my father."
At that moment, a meaningless ominousness passed through the mouth of Lant's heart.
"What's that....”
Finally, Roxana collected the illusion that it was in this space where they are
Butterflies, who had never known they were there until now, flew up from the floor
where Pontine's blood was concentrated.
Oh, my God!
There was a red storm in sight once.
It was a huge sorcerer who had been hidden by fantasy that appeared shortly
As soon as Lant found it, he seemed to quickly realize his situation. He tried to
get out of his seat in a hurry.
"Roxana, how dare you...…! Huck!"
But as soon as he took the first step, the sorcerer started.
A white light that gave off a sacred feeling exploded in front of me. However,
neither the condition of invoking the magic nor its effectiveness were sacred.
The blood-mediated sorcery was completed as soon as Rant saw the blood of his son,
Pontine, on the sorcerer's
And as soon as Lant, who was involved in magic, tried to get out of there, he met
the conditions of invocation.
"Oh, my God…!”
Lant fell to the floor like a man, even if he was crushed by a huge meteorite. A
great deal of gravity poured down on it like a bombardment.
Roxana looked down at him with his eyes as if he were a king judging a sinner, just
as Rant had done so far.
"So why did you let your guard down in front of me?”
Rant moved his blood-stained eyes forward even under such terrible pressure that he
couldn't lift a finger.
"It was my father who personally informed me that the affection and faithfulness
between my parents and children were all in vain."
It was none other than Roxana who drew Lant's attention to Pontine and then tried
to make a real conspiracy behind him.
Lant finally realized the fact.
The black veins burst and the white-colored snow flew to the true traitor and was
If he could tear a person to death with just his eyes, he would have been so young
that he could live like that for a hundred times.
However, Roxana smiled at Rant's appearance.
"Well, I've been good at wagging my tail in front of him, haven't I?"
Funny, Rant's feelings in his eyes were a sense of betrayal.
However, it was not a sense of betrayal toward her daughter, but rather a feeling
when she was bitten by a dog.
Roxana, of course, thought either way was funny either way.
To his surprise, Rant spoke in an open voice even when he was about to be crushed.
It was, of course, a small pawk that managed to squeeze out, and Rant's mouth had
an incomparable amount of blood vomited.
"Right now, that...….”
"Deon, come here."
Roxana was willing to open her mouth and trampled on Rant's voice.
Rant seemed to think that Deon standing far away was his last lifeline.
But it was a stupid idea.
If Deon was going to help Lant, he would have moved from his seat earlier.
Deon was staring down at Lant, who had no idea what he was thinking.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 63

Finally, Deon, who was standing like a shadow in front of the door, moved.
His steps were directed to the front of the referee's room as both Rant and Roxana
But instead of raising his arms and blowing Roxana's neck, he held her hand out in
front of him.
In fact, it was the betrayal of his son and daughter that he trusted the most.
Rant watched the scene with incredible, puffy eyes.
Knock knock!
At that very moment, the door that had been tightly closed opened. It was Jeremy
who jumped in between.
"You've been waiting, haven't you? I'm here...….”
But as soon as he came in, he saw the inside situation and hardened his face.
"What, what's this crap?"
Lant had some hope for Jeremy's reaction.
However, Jeremy's subsequent remarks shattered his expectations once again.
"Deon, you punk. Aren't you going to let go? Sana's right hand and left hand are
all mine.”
Jeremy gritted his teeth at Deon and ran towards Holang Roxana.
Jeremy seemed to have no interest in him, although he briefly looked at Rand, who
had fallen to the floor.
"Unfortunately, Father. There's no one on your side in Agrice."
Roxana sat arrogantly as if she were a king from birth and looked down at Rant
"But don't worry too much."
Subsequently, a sweet smile rose on her face, contrary to her eyes.
However, a series of incoherent remarks were tantamount to a death sentence.
"He's still useful, so I won't kill him right now."

* * *
It's coming on.
A fierce wind blew through the deep forest where coniferous forests grew thick. It
was a cold and sharp north wind as if it were flesh.
The red sun, which used to have an ominous feeling somewhere, has died, and night
has come to the forest one step earlier than other lands.
There were those who waited for the right time quietly under the cover of darkness.
They were surrounding the mansion before Land Agrice returned.
There was a well-drawn example in the eyes that flashed cold like a broken piece of
the moon.
"You're here."
Finally, the owner they were waiting for arrived.
A man who appeared without a rumor in the dark nodded his head small.
As he moved his arm, the scouts he had handled on his way here fell to the floor.
On the cold floor where the hay grew, there were Agrice's sewage workers who had
been treated first.
"What's the situation?"
"It's been a little noisy inside."
Cool gold eyes watched the distant light.
"Shall we move?"
"Waiting for a moment."
Isidor, who was in charge until Cassis came, resigned in obedience to his master's
order without expressing any doubt.
Cassis stared at the front with his cold eyes.
It's coming on.
The sound of the rough wind hung around my ears. The sound was just like an
animal's howling.
It was a night when even winter animals in the forest huddled.
The fierce drive shook the branches of the tree.
Standing in the dark, however, the man did not shrink his shoulders once.
His cheeks and hands and feet were understandable in the cold as if they were
freezing to the bone, but he didn't even feel the cold.
Like a hard rock wall, the body stood motionless, and there was a sharp energy like
a beast on the verge of hunting. The same was true of his eyes staring straight
Those around him were quietly waiting for his order.
Suddenly, white dust like dust fell down in the dark, and snowflakes began to fly
from the sky.
Like an illusion, a butterfly out of season quickly disappeared while touring the
snowy night sky.
The cold gold eyes gave off a precocious glow.
Finally, the long-awaited order was given. Those who were waiting for the right
time in the dark began to move with agility.
It was time to cut off the old bad relationship.

* * *

News of the success of the rebellion and the fall of Rant quickly spread throughout
It was less than an hour after the party who attended the reconciliation meeting
Naturally, the house was in great confusion.
Furthermore, it was not Pontine, the eldest son who had cluttered the mansion until
just before Agrice took control.
"Everyone's running around like crazy. It's like a bunch of ants.”
Agrice's eldest daughter, Griselda, laughed as she looked down at the busy people
on the terrace.
She was one of the few to know that all this was Roxana's inner circle.
It was Griselda who set up a trap to trap him in the referee's room while Rant was
She didn't stand out in other ways, but she was talented in the designs of the
sorcerers. Thus, most of the sorcerers currently used in Agrice were made from her
"Roxana, she's not normal either."
Griselda's current situation was very exciting.
If I had known Roxana was such a funny girl, I would have been next to her sooner.
It was Roxana, Deon, and Jeremy who actually took control of Agrice now.
Deon was the representative of the revolt known to others now, but Griselda knew it
was Roxana who moved him.
She had already taken over the real power of the mansion.
The soldiers that Pontine tried to raise were not really following his orders. The
missing soldiers were also in the hands of Roxana.
Griselda also helped drive Lant out after her.
It's not because there was another reason, but because it would be fun.
In a way, he betrayed his father, but he didn't feel anything like guilt.
He didn't have any loyalty to keep anyway.
Lant was a man who could kill his own children if needed. In fact, there were
several children who he disposed of and killed.
Then isn't the opposite possible enough?
Born and raised under such Lant, the children of Agrice, including Griselda, did
not know family love.
In particular, it was hard to find friendship between brothers and sisters.
It was natural that they were thrown into the competitive structure of the jungle
and had to survive with their own abilities.
To be honest, they had a family, but it was only natural.
Perhaps if there were no rules banning murder among families, the mansion would
have remained a scene of slaughter.
For that reason, none of the brothers decided to save Lant's death.
At first, they were greatly surprised and embarrassed at the news that Rant, who
they thought was the absolute ruler of Agrice, had been dismissed.
Soon, however, most of the brothers were very interested in this new game that they
had never imagined before.
Among them were brothers who offered to put Rant in the room of punishment as they
had been.
However, the housewives of the mansion seemed to be somewhat confused by the
current situation.
Griselda was an axis in which the head was quite extraordinary.
So she soon noticed that all this was going back to nothing meaningless.
"There will be one of the greatest parties in history tonight in Agrice."
Griselda left the terrace smiling happily.

* * *
"What? Is that true?”
Sierra tried to calm her surprised heart.
However, the pounding heart did not sink easily. This is because what I heard from
the maid a while ago was so surprising.
Of course. What she heard was that Rant, the absolute power of Agrice, was detained
by Deon.
However, Sierra's opinion was that her daughter must be involved in this.
She got up from her seat, walked around the room anxiously for a while, and then
"I need to go to Sana right now.”
Beth, Sierra's maid, dried her with a puzzled look.
"Madam, the interior of the house is quite crowded right now. It's better to wait
until the atmosphere calms down a little more...….”
knock, knock
It was then that a knock was heard outside the door.
Sierra, who was standing nearby, shook Beth and opened the door herself.
She subsequently paused at the sight of the woman.
"You are..."
The woman standing outside the door bowed politely to Sierra.
"It's been a long time, madam."
She was Emily, the shadow of Roxana.
Emily, who raised her head, opened her mouth again and said to Sierra.
"I came by the order of Lady Roxana."


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 64.

* * *

Roxana's eyes were constantly looking out the window.

Before I knew it, a dark darkness fell in the sky where the winter sun was
completely down.
Her current home was the office used by the heads of Agrice for generations. It was
also a space owned by Rant until yesterday.
Perhaps that's why the office was filled with the spicy aroma of stimulants that
Rant used to smoke occasionally.
Roxana moved her hand and picked up the glass on the luxurious mahogany desk.
Inside it was a red liquor with a subtle scent.
It was very special to sit on the chair he was using in Lant's office and drink.
Roxana said to the man, who just opened the door silently and entered the office
with a glass of liquor.
"I never allowed you to come in."
But Deon didn't even blink as always.
He moved as if he hadn't heard Roxana and came closer to her.
"Yeah, well...Because I'm in a good mood today.”
Roxana did not seem to have thought that Deon would go outside again in the first
She leaned her back deeper into the chair and allowed Deon access.
"Would you like a drink?”
Whether it's true that she's in a good mood, Roxana rarely showed a friendly
attitude toward Deon.
But Deon coolly refused.
"I don't need it."
"Really? That's too bad. This is the only chance I have today."
Deon's gaze has been fixed in one place ever since.
The room was dim except for the light leaking out of the window. For Deon, however,
it didn't seem to disturb him at all.
Roxana also noticed where Deon's eyes were embedded.
"You recognize it."
She pulled up the corners of her mouth, putting down the glass she had in her hand.
Roxana has not changed yet, so she was still dressed in outdoor clothes.
However, the outerwear on top of it was not hers by all appearances.
"It's from Cassis."
Roxana's dress on top of the dress was quite big in men's coats.
As I stretched my collar more properly, I felt like my soft body was half buried
"I liked it, so I wore it."
Rosana smiled brightly at Deon in that state.
"Do you feel bad when you see me like this?”
Deon gave her a cold look without answering.
Cassis Pedelian, whom I met before I left Wigdrasil.
What Roxana and Deon are thinking at the same time is him without having to check.
"I'm still a little surprised every time you do that face. Now you seem to get
angry almost every time you see me."
Roxana whispered in a drowsy tone and reached back to the glass. Deon was still
looking at her quietly.
"I am…."
Soon, Deon opened his lips slowly.
"I don't regret killing Asil."
Stand tall.
The hand that had just touched the glass stopped.
The smile slowly began to disappear from Roxana's face.
Miso wasn't the only one who disappeared.
"Even if I go back to that time, I'll kill him again without hesitation.”
Her face, which evaporated even faint emotions like thread, only remained dry.
"But this time, I'll punch him in the neck in front of you."
An infinitely calm and monotonous voice resonated low in the quiet office.
"Because you were so agitated at the sight of a vision.”
"So what if you saw the real Asil die with your own eyes?”
Deon's voice, which is buried in darkness and recited in a low voice, sounded like
a word to himself.
"I've always wondered that."
Roxana looked at him with insensitive eyes, neither hot anger nor sharp hatred.
The air in the office was cold.
However, the faces of the two, who would normally be cold as usual, were not colder
than the north wind today.
"When I think about it, I feel sorry that I've already killed Asil with my own
Deon wasn't saying this to get back at Roxana.
"But it's no use doing that. He's already dead. And then I wanted to kill your
mother in front of you.”
I didn't bring up this sound to threaten her.
"You know that, so you've assigned my mother to protect her."
Roxana knew about it.
I didn't want to admit it, but in a way, they were the only ones who understood
each other best in Agrice.
"That day, you said you knew what I wanted."
The memories of the two have gone back three years. The day they first stepped into
this swamp that is now.
"But it's funny. I can't believe you know that even I don't.”
Who knew until then? There will be today in their future.
Even Roxana was not imagining such a moment at that time.
The day will come when I drive out Rand Agrice and have this conversation with Deon
in his office.
Perhaps it is the same with Deon.
Suddenly, I felt a cluttered energy outside.
If anything else had happened, there would have been someone looking for Roxana.
But seeing that she didn't, she probably did well on what Jeremy had asked in
Roxana slowly lowered her gaze.
"………maybe you and I are a little bit alike.”
The long eyelashes sparkled small in the subtle light coming in from outside the
Roxana's eyes were staring at the red liquid stuck in the glass.
"I don't think there's a reason why I've been trying to survive this gutter
It was a strange night.
No, maybe I should order it to be a special night, or an unusual night.
Obviously, today was the most meaningful day she had ever lived, and this night,
which just began, would consist of a longer time than ever.
"That's the truth. I just didn't want to die like you know. If I had to say, it was
the purpose of surviving."
Anyway, it was a different night than usual. It was also a moment when I would
never come back again.
That's why Roxana and Deon did not know that they could talk about this by beating
the sharp thorns they were aiming at each other.
"But now that I think about it, I don't think it was my last purpose.”
Just as Deon did a while ago, Roxana's voice felt like talking to himself in a
This time, the speaker and the listener were reversed, but similarly, there was no
"Maybe I wanted to survive this patiently and do something."
The atmosphere between the two has been so calm that I wonder if there has been
such a moment so far.
"Do you know what I want?"
Roxana asked in a quiet voice.
Deon's eyes, which had a calm glow, stared at her.
"I know."
After some time, Deon replied.
Roxana's face had a dim smile on her face.
"Yes……. I'm still confused at this moment."
The outside is a little more noisy than before. I could feel the movement of many
people at once.
"If I give you what I want."
In the darker darkness, Deon slowly opened his mouth.
"Can you give me what I want?"
Roxana stared at him without saying a word.
Deon quietly looked into the eyes he faced and left the room without a sound as he
did when he first came in.
Roxana, who became alone, looked out the window again.
Night eaten by darkness. She knew what was lurking beyond.
A red butterfly loomed around a glass of liquor.
"It's time."
The short celebration is over.
Roxana got up from her seat and opened the door where Deon had just escaped.
After a while, the door closed again, and the cold room was covered with deep
Before I knew it, white snowflakes were flying outside the window.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 65

* * *

"Where are you going in such a hurry?”

Jean, one of Agrice's servants, shuddered at the back of his voice.
Looking back, a dazzlingly beautiful woman came into view.
"Lo, Miss Roxana."
He stuttered himself. However, it was not unusual to stutter in front of Roxana
because it was something that other people always did.
As Jin stuttered, Roxana tilted her head at an angle.
"The place where the users were called is an annex, not there."
"Oh, well...… I feel sick for a while…….”
"Yes, yes…."
Jin's face was white. Seeing him sweating cold, he looked really sick.
Roxana nodded as if she knew.
"Then you'd better rest."
A sweet voice flowed in my ear.
Jin bent down, feeling both relieved and guilty about deceiving Roxana.
But Roxana didn't turn away immediately and somehow approached him.
"When you wake up, everything will be over, so you don't have to worry about
There was no bird to ask what the word meant.
"So make yourself at home and close your eyes."
A melting smile fell into view. The soft touch touching his cheek was like a dream.
The sweet smell that was rushing in close made my head dizzy.
Jin's memory was cut off after a beautiful face that made the heart tighten.

* * *
"This is so fatherly to the very end."
Roxana smiled bitterly with a crumpled letter in her hand.
There must have been no time to contact other people separately, but someone is
trying to take Rant's message out like this.
Does that mean you've always been prepared for a contingency?
In addition, it was not Lant's usual subordinates or his usual guests, but an
unnoticed servant who could not even tell whether he had been in the mansion or
Those who had devoted blind allegiance to Rand had already been removed, so it was
worth saying that using such a non-existence person had their own brains rolled.
Of course it was when I didn't get caught.
Roxana's cold gaze fell on the man lying under her feet.
As soon as he met Roxana closely, he fell unconscious.
Lant did not let her daughter Roxana to seduce other men as she did in the novel.
It was more accurate to express that he failed to do so.
The reason is that Roxana's whole body was like a deadly poison.
It was because he had been steadily consuming a large amount of poison while
becoming the owner of a butterfly.
Therefore, a person who was not immune to poison could lose his mind by showing
symptoms of addiction just by mixing his breath close to him as he is now.
Of course, as a result of training, I was able to grind my body's poison to a
certain extent, but that was when there was no close contact.
In contrast to Sylvia's kisses in the novel, Roxana's kisses could kill people.
"By the way, Bertium again."
Roxana tilted her head slightly.
I knew early on that Lant wanted to build a friendship with Bertium, but was it a
relationship that would require troops in this situation?
At least it was clear that Rant thought so.
If so, it meant that the two families were connected with secret ties that others
would not know.
At least enough to ask for help in this situation, it meant that Lant had given
something to Bertium.
However, he had already suspected Bertium of Cassis's work at the Society of
Oh, but since Lant had learned of Roxana's treachery, it was not unreasonable to
distrust every word she said.
Roxana thought about this and that for a while and soon stopped thinking about the
relationship between Agrice and Bertium.
It's because I feel like I'm useless now.
It was useless to send troops from Bertium anyway.
Besides, Roxana felt like it was all bothering her now.
Then, Jeremy appeared at the end of the hallway.
He approached Roxana holding a letter.
Jeremy's eyes glanced at the man lying on the floor.
"What's Emily doing? Is she alone?”
"I sent it to my mother."
When Roxana answered, Jeremy looked into her face without saying a word.
Jeremy's eyes were a little dimly dim.
"Noona, I did what you told me to do."
Unlike when he faced his father Lant in the referee's room earlier, Jeremy was
feeling somewhat confused.
He was ready to follow whatever Roxana ordered.
It was a complaint that Deon, who was unlucky, was clinging to Roxana's side, but
Jeremy had never touched Deon in the past three years because of her name.
Unlike before, Roxana didn't want to lose to Deon anymore, so she grabbed her
itching hand and held back the favoritism.
The last time I acted unruly was three years ago when I accidentally put Roxana's
toy, Cassis Pedelian, in danger.
Now Jeremy wanted to be a truly useful person for Roxana and stand by her side.
So I wanted to fulfill her wish with his hands.
So if Roxana wanted to have Agrice, she would bring it to her heart's content.
She was willing to take the lead if she wanted to kill her father, Lant, miserably.
However, after Roxana drove Lant out of the way, something was wrong with Jeremy.
It's like...
Just as having Agrice wasn't the goal in the first place...….
"Yeah, good job. Can you take him to the last of these people?"
Roxana spoke in a strange manner as if she didn't know Jeremy's agitation.
So Jeremy swallowed questions and anxiety that soared to the top of his neck.
"Yes, I will."
Anyway, he wanted to help Roxana do whatever she wanted.
Jeremy carried a fallen man on the floor and walked to the annex where he summoned
the passengers.
Roxana looked at Jeremy's back and turned away after he completely disappeared from
She burned the letter in the candlelight on the wall.
And he brought the paper that still had the embers to the curtain by the window on
the opposite side.
The fire quickly spread to a thick cloth.
Roxana looked at the flame slowly expanding its territory with a face without a
facial expression and turned her body back.
Just in time, an alarm to inform the intruder rang out in the hallway. There was a
loud noise from afar.
However, Roxana's steps in between did not shake an inch.
The butterflies, who were ordered, scattered throughout the mansion.
Behind her back, a bigger fire opened her mouth like a door to hell.
As always, survival in Agrice was up to everyone.

* * *

In the first month of the new year, at the end of the year, the Chinese fedelian
broke through the gates of Agrice in the Black.
The sound of weapons and armor crashing broke the stillness of the night and ran
through the frozen winter wind.
Fedelian stormed from all sides, surrounded by Agrice, with no water leaking.
Agrice was unable to respond quickly to the unexpected surprise. At the right time,
he was confused by internal strife, so it was largely due to not receiving proper
instructions from above.
Cassis, who cut down the blocker at once, ordered.
"Don't go after those who run away! Grant Agri£e's recruitment is the highest
Those who did not take up arms and those who ran away did not attack. The purpose
was not the extermination of the people in Agrice.
In the midst of the uproar, who opened the door to the breeding ground, and inside
Agrice, the magic and humans were mixed up and became a mess.
Cassis did not stop once and swept away everything in the way.
As I raised my head, the building where the flames spread caught the end of my
eyes. Cassis knew who was there.
It was the greatest patience and courtesy he could see that he did not invade and
attack the castle in front of him even though he had already completed all
Even if Agrice surrenders, the Cassis will not stop. It must be the same thing that
the person beyond the fire wants.
The object from the front fell from the top to the bottom as if it were tearing
apart the air, breaking into two pieces on the blade of the sword.
Cassis opened his mouth coolly, looking down at Agrice's trembling floodgates
covered in the blood of the beast.
"Where is Rand Agrice?"

How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 66.

* * *

"Jeez, what the hell is going on?"

Fontaine said to himself as if he were mischievous.
No wonder the underground prison has been quiet since earlier. All the men guarding
the cage were already gone.
He looked around nervously and struggled to untie the shackles.
Then, in the distance, I heard the door of the cellar opening.
a profit from one's talent
Pontine stopped moving and watched over the bars.
But when he finally saw someone who appeared before him, he had no choice but to
twist his face.
This is because it was Deon who came to the underground prison.
He stood outside the cage and looked around once. Soon, a slow gaze slipped on the
tied Pontine.
"What about Lant?"
"You don't even call him a father anymore?”
Despite Fontine's sarcastic tone, Deon did not respond.
"If he wasn't inside, he'd run away."
That's what Pontine said and gritted his teeth.
No wonder you were quiet since earlier, but you ran away alone. Damn it.
"Hey, Deon. If you used me to take your father's place anyway, you don't have to do
this, do you?”
In order to get out of the dungeon, Pontine decided to conciliate Deon.
"I didn't even want to be the head. But Roxana kept whispering next to me, so I was
just surprised.”
When I was first called in front of Lant and was beaten, I thought I would die like
this, but the situation went in an unexpected direction.
But I didn't think it was a bad direction for Fontine.
No, it was more than welcome to him.
After pretending to be so noble, I wanted to laugh loudly thinking whether what you
wanted was the same as me.
Those who have a clear desire are rather not difficult to deal with.
In that sense, Fontine felt that Deon was more easy to conciliate than Deon, who
had never shown his insides until now.
At first, when he was imprisoned in this underground prison, he thought he would at
least park a stake in his limbs, but it was surprising that he just tied it up like
Of course, that didn't mean that it was a very good situation, but at least I could
avoid the worst ending I imagined when I was in the referee's room.
"If you let me go now, I'll give you this hand of my father's neck. I felt sorry
for my father while I was living. So if you'd rather be the head, I could get along
with you better than ever."
Of course, Deon didn't have the slightest intention of cleaning under him.
"I'm a man who knows how to give in to victory or defeat. I'll back off."
However, we should live and see for now so that we can work on our future work.
"If you want, I will leave Agrice and live as quiet as death. But if you're
suspicious, write a memorandum. I will never disturb you from now on...….”
However, the insensitive voice that followed from Deon's mouth stopped Pontine's
"You're under a delusion. I can't believe you could be a stumbling block to my
"It's been and it won't happen again.
You bastard...!
Fontaine's eyes sparkled. His forehead and neck also had thick blood.
However, Pontine tried to swallow up the soaring heat and gave out a voice that
seemed to be being chewed up with evil door gums.
"So you don't mind if you just let me out of here? If you don't care a bit whether
I'm here or not. Don't you think so? If the nation's existence is not a threat to
you anyway, where is there a need to put you in prison like this?
Deon was silent. He stared with low temperature at Pontine, who tried to live
Damn, what are you standing there staring at?
As Deon's silence grew longer, Pontine's nervousness and irritation grew together.
"What have you been thinking so long? It'll be simple if you do as I say.”
When Pontine urged him, Deon finally opened his mouth.
"I was just thinking about going through this door and killing you."
"It turns out that I haven't liked you in the meantime."
"Come on, wait a minute...….”
"Especially sometimes I wanted to pull those eyes out."
For a moment, I thought I was sick.
What's wrong, suddenly Deon changed his attitude.
No, it wasn't exactly the change in his attitude toward Pontine.
With a cool, indifferent face, he approached a steel cage with a fontine.
However, his subsequent actions were quite intimidating to Fontine.
Knock, knock, knock!
Deon just broke the lock of the cage without a key. As if you won't have to lock
this door again after this moment.
"You…! Are you serious now?"
Pontine was shocked to see if he was really trying to kill himself.
I'm giggling!
The sound of the door opening of the cage felt more creepy than ever.
Deon's foot stepped into the cage. Cold eyes were lodged in Fontine's face.
At that moment, I heard a loud noise outside.
The sound was quite loud when he came inside, whether he had left the door open to
the cellar.
It was an intruder alert.
Deon, who was pushing the door of the cage, stopped moving.
He turned his head and stared at the far door.
Pontine couldn't even breathe properly and watched Deon.
That buck.
After a while, when Deon began to walk again, Pontine was unknowingly stunned.
However, Deon was not in the cage with the fontine. It was a relief for Pontine.
Turning as it was, Deon walked toward the door of the underground prison.
Only after Deon's appearance disappeared from view and his footsteps were
completely deaf could Pontine breathe out the deep breath he had endured.

* * *

"What the hell?"

Jeremy looked up instead of heading to the annex.
My eardrums were irritated by the loud intruder alarm ringing in my ears.
Come to think of it, somehow the back of my back has been noisy since earlier. As I
turned around, I could see smoke and flames rising from one side of the building
that had just escaped.
Jeremy threw the servant on his back in a hurry and started running again toward
the path he had come.
That was where Roxana was. Of course she couldn't have been in danger because she
couldn't escape that fire.
But the sudden intruder alert and I couldn't figure out what was going on.
So I had to go back to Roxana for now.
Unlike a few years ago, the intruder alert was real, and an outsider with a weapon
appeared in front of him.
"Get out of my way!"
Jeremy quickly struck the man in front of him, avoiding flying weapons.
Normally, I would have played with it for a longer time and dealt with it, but I
didn't have time for that way.
The thought of going to Roxana was filling his head.
However, a large number of people quickly flocked to him and blocked him, leaving
him stranded.
Chaeng-gang! Chaeng!
Around him, intruders and Agrice's soldiers were intertwined and sprinkled blood.
At that time, a red snowstorm came in front of me.
They all stopped moving for a moment on the bloody afterimage that quickly covered
the view across their heads.
Jeremy was the first to notice that it wasn't a blizzard.
He quickly turned his head in the direction that Roxana's butterflies flew in.
However, before Jeremy could take his next move, the space in front of him was
distorted and a huge fantasy unfolded.

How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 67

* * *

"Oh, my God, why would I do this...….”

Fontaine escaped from the dungeon in confusion.
After many twists and turns, he succeeded in breaking the chain, and it was in full
It was because Deon opened the doors of iron bars and underground prisons, and
there was no guard in front of him.
As I climbed the basement stairs and stepped out into the hallway, the intruder
alarm sounded even louder. The sound made my eardrums burst.
Pontine led an unholy body, almost leaning on the wall, and moved on. The body that
Deon and Rant faced earlier was already full.
When I thought of my father, who was not even treated as a child until the end, and
Deon, who was pretentious in front of him until the end, once again, hot anger
soared like lava.
Between his two faces, he recalled another person he saw in the referee's room.
"Chews to chew on."
At that moment, my teeth were split.
I will avenge those who have made him this way.
Land was also Land, but Deon and Roxana who used him were unforgivable.
Yeah, to do that, we had to get out of here and build up our power. And then....
"First, I'll kill my father and Deon...….”
Next, he sat on the throne where he wanted to climb, and he dared to look down at
him like a worm.….
"Roxana, kill her, too...….”
At that moment, a good sense of the abdomen spread.
For a moment, Pontine did not recognize what had happened to him.
As he lowered his head, he saw a sword that penetrated the ship buried red blood
that seemed to belong to him.
"Uh, yuck."
The cold raw fish escaped without notice, as it did when it first stabbed in the
flesh. Pontine sat down holding on to the bleeding ship.
"It's not Rand Agrice."
The low voice above his head did not belong to the person Pontine knew.
"I followed the traces of the underground prison, but I was lost."
As if he didn't intend to kill him immediately, he escaped from the black vital
point where he dug his abdomen.
However, that was not without pain.
Fontaine looked up to see who had attacked him in a cold sweat.
Then he was struck silently by the man looking down at him.
Silver and gold, that was definitely a feature of the fedelian.
So what's the cause of the intruder alert that's ringing?
Besides, doesn't that face look like Cassis Pedelian, the prince of Qing?
Fontine had seen Cassis' face in a group of five families before.
Although the atmosphere has changed considerably since I was older than I remember,
it was not a change that I couldn't recognize at all.
But apparently he was killed by Roxana...….
What the hell happened?
But there was no time to be confused for a long time.
Cassis Pedelian looked down at Pontine with cold eyes and shook off the blood on
the sword.
Pontine managed to swallow a groan and open his mouth.
"Rand Agrice...… escaped first."
"Is that so?"
Now Cassis said he attacked Pontine because he thought he was a Rant.
Then it might mean that you don't have to kill him, not Lant.
Yeah, I suppose so. Even if he crawled back here for revenge, shouldn't he be Rant
and Roxana?
"Wow…. A while ago, Deon came to the dungeon to find Lant."
The wound was so painful that it was hard to even say a word.
I wanted to tear apart Cassis Pedelian, who attacked him, at least right away, but
it was clear that if I attacked him now, I wouldn't be able to get rid of my bones.
Pontine hid his life and told Cassis where the man he was looking for was.
"If you follow his trail, you'll meet Lant. Roxana will be there."
Cassis was briefly silent when Pontine said.
"You said you were going to kill Roxana a while ago.”
I think I just heard what Pontine just recited to myself.
Fontaine looked as if he was on the same side as you, trying to be as harmless as
Then, Pontine waited for Cassis to leave quickly to kill the three lovers instead.
However, the ensuing Cassis response was beyond Fontine's expectations.
"Yes, then I think you'd better kill him now.”
Pontine doubted his ears.
Now, you're going to kill him who didn't do anything wrong? Without a valid reason?
The only reason Cassis could kill Pontine here was that he belonged to Agrice.
Because I swear he never did any harm to Cassis.
Of course, the resentment in his heart would not usually be the case, given that he
tried to break into Agrice and kill Rant in this way.
But aren't you the God-Cheng's Pedelian, no one else?
Richelle and Cassis, whom Fontine knows, were never meant to say this.
Did you just say that you're going to bury the blood of an innocent man in my
hands, and you don't have a direct desire?
"What nonsense is that...….”
However, the next moment, Pontine saw Cassis' eyes and felt speechless.
Because there was no mercy or recognition in his glass-like eyes looking down at
There was no room for human warmth to penetrate.
Nevertheless, there was no guilt or sympathy for killing an unrelated person, not
directly related to him.
Fontine's mouth leaked a despondent smile.
This is the fair judge, the fedelian?
Isn't this the true sound of dogs?
Soon after, a man with a sickle on his neck approached.
This time, Fontine had no choice but to know that it was really the end.

* * *

"This way."
Sierra hurried after Emily. Beth was following behind her.
They were avoiding themselves to safety as Emily led them.
Let's go!
In the distance, there was a noise that came close to the sound of friction and
shouting. But the sound fell under the louder alarm.
The hallway they are walking now was deep in the mansion, and it seemed like it
would take time for the invaders to get here.
Still, Sierra hardened her face and bit her lips.
"Madam, don't worry too much. You'll be able to escape safely without encountering
Beth, who followed, spoke as if she were reassuring.
But what Sierra was worried about was not her own safety. In the end, Roxana, who
did not see her face today, continued to be seen.
But looking for her here now...….
"If you're really for me, don't create a situation where you can't help me, but you
can't just burden me. Don't think I'm embarrassed about my mother."
As soon as I remembered a voice that was still deeply embedded in my heart, I
slowly put strength into Sierra's hand, which grabbed the hem of her clothes.
She closed her eyes tightly and walked behind Emily.
Meanwhile, the acrid air passed by the tip of her nose.
"What's this smell?"
Smelling it being pushed into the hallway, it seemed like a fire broke out
"I think we need to hurry."
After saying so, Emily took the lead faster than ever.
Chaeng-gang! Quang!
Just then, someone was thrown out, breaking the door in front of him.
He was instantly thrown across the front and into the opposite wall.
Quack, a broken bone was heard, and the decorations hanging on the wall fell to the
floor and shattered.
"Get out of here."
Emily stood in front of Sierra.
Because it happened so quickly, Sierra could not identify who had plummeted to the
However, the face of the man shot out of the broken door was visible.
He immediately raised his hand and tried to stab the fallen man with a weapon
against the wall.
The man's bleak gaze slipped for a moment when he heard the sound of breathing
vomit out of Beth's mouth.
Sierra's blue eyes and the man's red eyes met at a very instant.
But it was enough for her to realize the immediate situation.
The two men in the hallway were Lant and Deon.
And Deon was about to stab his father with a sword in his hand.
At the same time, Lant, who was lying on the floor, moved his hand.
Clavicle! Puck!
The next moment, red blood splashed in front of Sierra's eyes.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 68

* * *

Rant and Deon attacked each other at the same time.

As a result, Deon's black lant's chest was slanted, and Lant's dagger cut off
Deon's neck.
As soon as I saw them next to me, it was possible because Deon's movement was
delayed for a while.
Deon then took out the sword that had been lodged in Lant's chest and was bitten.
It all happened in a flash of time.
Rant grabbed the bleeding chest and groaned in pain. On the other hand, Deon
quietly stepped back and secured a distance from Rand.
But the next moment, he grabbed the neck of the blood spouting and knocked himself
Sierra breathed in when she saw the two of them. She covered her mouth with
trembling hands.
I couldn't figure out what had happened to the two people before.
However, it was shocking because it was the first time that Rant and Deon had been
so exhausted. The fluttering heart did not calm down at all.
The two looked in similar conditions, but Deon seemed to cut a more dangerous vital
Unlike Rant, who somehow raises his upper body with bloodshot eyes, Deon could not
get up easily.
In the meantime, it came to me that I was maintaining a straight posture against
the sword.
"You, damn bastard...….”
Lant gave Deon a bitter stare and recited curses.
It was Deon who found Lant, who escaped from the underground prison and sneaked
toward the secret passage.
Without anyone saying first, the two attacked each other.
The relationship between father and son had already been severed. As if they were
enemies of a lifetime, Rant and Deon fought harder than ever to kill each other.
And this is the result.
Sierra was struck by Rant's red eyes.
"Come on, kkkk, come here and help me."
He ordered as if he had met well.
"Come on, let's finish that bastard's breathing...….”
Rant was going to kill Deon in a hurry when he was helpless.
Deon was Rant's most trusted and cherished child, but now he was a more dangerous
natural enemy than anyone else.
I had to kill him right now so that I wouldn't leave any trouble behind.
Deon was serious when he came to Lant and attacked him. He was genuinely bent on
killing his father, Lant.
Perhaps if Deon hadn't just slowed down for a while, it would have been Rand who is
now lying on the floor and dying.
So it was a great fluke for Rant that Sierra now appeared before him.
"Jeez…… I need to get to my office to use the secret passage...….”
The current situation for Rant was not very good, but I thought there was no way
for a person to just die. Perhaps the mother was paying back for her daughter's
If someone had helped earlier, it would have been easier to escape from the
But Lant couldn't trust anyone.
Aren't you betrayed by your most trusted children, Deon and Roxana?
Furthermore, the sorcerer, who was painted in the referee's room, was sure to be
the work of his eldest daughter, Griselda.
So how many of those traitors have you taken? You ungrateful bastards!
Once I started to doubt it, there was no one I could trust among my children.
In that sense, Sierra was more reliable. She was a gentle woman who had never
disobeyed Rant's words in her life.
"What's standing there? Come and get me up here right now."
Sierra slowly breathed out the breath she had endured for a while.
At first, her head and body froze in embarrassment, but soon she could easily grasp
the situation that is now in front of her.
"Madam, it's a little bit late to go back the other way, so I'll go straight
Then, Emily stepped forward.
Lant burned her eyes even more because she didn't even know she was next to her.
"Aren't you Roxana's henchmen for four years? Why are you here? Don't talk
nonsense. Get your years out of here.
The body, which was almost at its limit, was now complaining of difficulty in
Every time I spit out a word with a colorful sound of breathing, the smell of blood
came out of my mouth.
"Sierra, do you want to die? Can't you come here quickly?"
Rant once again urged Sierra, feeling rushed.
Emily felt the need to deal with Rant, but Sierra was ahead of her before she
stepped forward.
"……why me?"
Rant asked back, questioning his ears.
Beth behind Sierra said, "Madam," and called her quietly. She looked surprised,
Rather, Sierra looked calm.
Lant, who had been ragged all over and spilled blood but still threatening her,
opened his mouth foolishly.
Sierra's hands and biting lips, grabbing the hem of her clothes, trembled finely.
His heart, which began to flutter little by little while watching Rant, was now
beating louder than ever.
But she didn't stop and continued.
"Why should I help you kill my son and make my daughter unhappy?"
Rant's face was very worth seeing.
He was quite shocked by Sierra's protest, which he had never imagined.
"What's the point of your life?"
She was a woman who lived like a beautiful doll all her life. Sierra was always
obedient to Rand and always quietly followed his will.
By the way, by the way...….
"Why do you have to live if you kill my child?”
How dare you say something to him now?
Sierra was looking at Rant with young eyes, a determination she had never seen
As soon as I saw the snow, the image of Roxana with a knife in his back with Deon
overlapped in view.
Now that I see it, she's the daughter of that mother!
"What a bummer…"! Your daughter, you know how to leave me alone? I'm going to cut
off their limbs, dig their guts out, and kill them!"
Lant's eyes were turned upside down, throwing up blood and pouring out curse words
supported by evil.
Sierra took it with her whole body with a white face. Nevertheless, she did not
flinch or close her eyes to Rant once.
"I, go..."
At that time, Deon, who was still holding his neck, which is still bleeding like a
fountain, raised himself from his seat.
"I, I'm gonna kill you.….”
However, he couldn't take a step away from his seat and bent his knee again.
Nevertheless, Deon's eyes were on Rand. Rant saw Deon and gritted his teeth with a
bloody cough.
"You're still alive, Rand Agrice."
It was then that a stranger's voice pierced the eardrum.
Rant suddenly stopped breathing and turned his head in the direction of the sound.
Cassis Pedelian, who appeared like a ghost on the last day of the harmony meeting,
was now standing in front of him again.
Gold eyes, which did not contain any emotions, just cold, swept through the
surrounding scene once.
The moment the bloody Deon and his eyes met, Cassis' lips opened slowly.
"When I heard that I chased Lant from the underground prison, I tried to give you a
chance, but it wasn't enough."
At the words, the fire, which was asleep in Deon's eyes, began to glimmer again.
But he had already lost control of himself.
"Then it's my turn."
Cassis took his eyes off without hesitation.
"Madam, let's go."
Not missing the right time, Emily told Sierra.
Cassis' eyes briefly touched Sierra's face. But he turned his head without saying
Sierra glanced at Rant, who was still staring fiercely at her, and at Deon, who had
fallen unconsciously.
Shortly after that, she bit her lips.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 69.

* * *

The same time went by even if it was young or just like that.
"In the end, it's a bone-and-neck race."
Cassis stepped on a pool of blood like a red carpet and stood in front of the
intended person.
It was not too late or too early.
The man Cassis wanted was still looking up at him, breathless as he had hoped.
"It's been three years since I've seen you face to face like this."
A low voice rang in a quiet space.
Rand Agrice, who was leaning against the wall with blood, shook his eyes to sleep
when he saw Cassis.
"You're the one, chuckle...…. How can I be here…….”
As soon as I opened my mouth, blood poured out from my stomach. Cassis's face,
looking down at such Lant, was just as cold as ever.
"Are you most curious about how I appeared before you?”
Rant's eyes fell on Cassis' feet with a sharp sword that was creating a new pool of
The blade facing down at the end was dripping blood. I couldn't guess how many
lives would have fallen over there.
Rant looked up again and faced the golden eyes, which were giving off an eerie
"You…… you're so real. It's not fake. Then you can't tell me that's...….”
If so, Cassis certainly did not die in Agrice three years ago. Roxana tricked him
I didn't know how it was possible, but it was clear that Roxana was a trickster.
But the realization was too late. The situation had already gone out of control
like the flames that covered Agrice.
"Rand Agrice. You didn't know, but I've been watching you all along."
A faint voice fell over Rant's head.
"In the meantime, you have given up countless opportunities in front of you, and
you have done numerous evil deeds."
Fedelian watched Rant with the eyes of the referee for a long, short, or short
time. And finally decided.
"If I had seen any possibility from you in the last hour, I might have hesitated."
Rant quietly examined the opportunity.
He was almost exhausted from dealing with Deon, who came to stop breathing because
he didn't dare to hit his back, but he was still able to move.
Damn it, Sierra, if she had listened, she could have gotten out of here sooner.
In the end, he pushed him into the enemy's mouth alone and left, and it was hard to
tear his limbs to death.
In any case, he could not sit still and be beaten down by Fedelian's
"To be honest, I am pleased that your nature is evil. Thanks to him, I might not
have any hesitation now.”
As soon as Cassis approached closer, Lant moved like a flash and inserted a broken
blade into his heart.
Let's go!
Cassis, however, has made even Lant's last attack a nobody.
Rant fell to the floor and threw a handful of broken pieces of glass at the
decorations, not caring about the cut. And I tried to get up and run away right
Cassis, however, raised his arm, cut out all the pieces of glass with his cloak,
and then put a sword in Rant's leg, which turned around.
"You're doing something useless.”
Despite Lant's struggle, the black stuck on the floor did not move.
"Rand Agrice. Aren't you curious about what I'm going to do to you from now on?”
Cassis lifted his legs and crushed the body of the man who still tried to escape in
front of him.
"When I saw the many evils you've done without feeling guilty during your life, I
thought it was too lenient to kill you once."
Rant was staring at Cassis with a livable eye even in this situation.
He spat at Cassis and flashed his bloodshot eyes.
"Geez…... you son of a feather flock together. I'd rather die than die in the hands
of a dirty fedelian."
The word was Rant's will.
He really killed himself by tearing open the wound on his chest with his own hands.
But after a while, Rant opened his eyes again to see Cassis.
As soon as the eyes met with the still unwavering cold golden eyes, Lant felt the
tips of his fur standing on edge.
"What the...….”
"You said it was useless."
When I lowered my head, I saw the wound near the heart healed again.
However, there was still a vivid feeling of digging the wound with his own hands a
little while ago.
Cassis laughed as he lowered his wet hands with Rant's blood.
"You can't have chosen to kill yourself out of pride. That's how scared you must
have been."
There was a cold sweat on the back of Rant.
Because the words were true.
A man with those eyes could never have killed him completely.
Rand had already killed countless people, so he had no choice but to know that
Cassis Pedelian was serious.
It was already a foregone conclusion that he couldn't get out of here alive now.
Then, it would be better to just kill yourself cleanly to avoid further humiliation
and pain. I thought so.
"Rand Agrice. I can save you again and again."
The successive comments of Cassis were frightening and frightening beyond words.
"That means I can kill you again and again in the future."
Have you ever heard anything worse in Lant's life?
No. It couldn't have been. I assure you, there couldn't have been more terrible
words in the world.
Rant trembled without realizing it in front of a young man who looked as noble and
pure as the dawn light.
He was always a predator and hunter throughout his life. But now, it seemed like
the first cornered mouse in his life.
Cassis reached for such a lant.
His work was fixed from the beginning.
From the time I followed Rand Agrice to this place, and three years ago, I left
this place behind, leaving behind a silver that I couldn't solve.
As it leaked from somewhere, the flames of candlesticks lined the wall shook at
"Rand Agrice."
Half engulfed in black shadows, Cassis was like a lion from hell. What Cassis would
do in the future would not be much different from him.
"I will take your life."
The breath that swallowed the scream broke under Cassis' hand.

* * *

"I'm retreating."
After some time, Cassis ordered Isidor, who followed him.
There was nothing more to see in Agri£e, who achieved his purpose.
The building that just escaped was burning and still noisy outside.
After a while, a red butterfly came into Cassis's sight.
Cassis looked at the red dot spreading into the sky and turned after him.
"Isidor, go ahead."
"Huh? Wait…".”
Isidor rarely caught Cassis's horse, but he had already become as far away as he
Cassis' eyes were still following the trail of red butterflies.
There was someone to find before this night passed.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 70

* * *

The castle was on fire.

The white frozen wall was engulfed in a huge fire.
The stillness of the night was broken by the sound of a flying iron hitting its
body and crying.
Screaming and shouting among the tangled people poured down overhead like a pile of
His hometown, which was born in this world and had never escaped by himself, was
destroyed in front of his eyes and burned.
Roxana watched the scene quietly.
Perhaps because I took a large amount of sedatives and painkillers after a long
time, my vision was not clear.
So on the contrary, the sensitive hearing of the intruders has been signaled for
Before I knew it, the disturbance around me was slowly dying down.
Butterflies from the mansion began to return one by one.
"Good job."
Butterflies, who safely played a role in disturbing people using fantasy, flapped
their wings as if they were acting cute to Roxana.
What she wanted was the fall of Agrice, not the extermination of the people here.
That's why Agrice's troops were almost disbanded and its users evacuated from the
Black blood flowed back from the inside, perhaps because of the strain on the
overused body after a long time.
I felt a little dizzy in front of me because I had already vomited blood several
times since I first took out the butterfly.
But Roxana didn't close her eyes.
She was obliged to watch the scene before her eyes until the end.
Is Rand Agrice dead?
It seemed clear that he had accomplished his purpose when he began to step down
from the Fedelian.….
Agrice was on fire, and the people of Agrice were now out of place to go.
So that's it?
Are you sure it's over?
Roxana wiped the bleeding mouth again and took off her stop.
Whenever she took a step forward, the dry grass beneath it withered to death.
The weakened body was not able to withstand the use of this much force.
Even now, the powerful poison that flowed from Roxana's body was overflowing
roughly as if it would devour all the lives around him.
It has been quite a long time since the slaughter butterflies were not taken out.
Once she knew the taste of human blood, the slaughter butterfly would run wild even
if she was a little wary.
The real reason why he failed his mission with Deon last year was that the German
butterfly, which lost control, massacred all the people in the area.
It would have been simple if I had used a German butterfly to kill Rand Agrice as
if he were slaughtering livestock.….
It was a pointless stubbornness not to use such a method.
Officially, Agrice acknowledged all evil deeds so far and was punished and
Fedelian was there the role of a righteous judge.
"Sana, sister..."!”
I heard a voice calling for her from afar.
Roxana inadvertently turned her head after the sound. Then Jeremy's running toward
her came into view.
Shortly after the huge fantasy that had been blocking his way disappeared, Jeremy
immediately succeeded in chasing the butterfly and finding Roxana.
The number of casualties was small compared to the size of the damage due to the
butterfly from Roxana.
However, Jeremy had to worry about Roxana's condition.
Of course, Roxana never showed him her weak side. But was it a year or two that
Jeremy was next to her?
In addition, Jeremy was always keen on Roxana.
Therefore, it was impossible not to know that Roxana's body was not the same as
Jeremy was relieved to see Roxana.
Although there was blood on my clothes, I was standing there looking fine.
"Hey, you're here. You're not hurt anywhere, are you?
She was heading somewhere and turned around at Jeremy's call.
"But what are you doing here alone? There's nothing there...….”
When she saw Roxana's face the next moment, Jeremy had no choice but to stop
"What is it…
Roxana looked at him with a different look, as usual. Jeremy's face hardened.
A strange feeling suddenly passed by. It was similar to any ominous premonition.
"Sister, where were you going alone?”
But Jeremy didn't know how to express what he felt at that time.
"Why are you looking at me like that?”
So I just warmed up my anxious mind and sweetened my lips.
"As if this were the last...….”
As soon as I recited like that, I got a good sense from the back.
Roxana was still staring at Jeremy silently.
The face I faced was telling Jeremy.
The fact that what he said with his mouth was the answer.
Jeremy finally realized that Roxana was about to abandon Agrice. And the fact that
this is exactly what she's been wanting.
No……. Did he really not know?
Having been with Roxana for almost 10 years, he didn't really notice what her
wishes were.
It just seemed that Jeremy had nothing to do with it.
Whatever Roxana does from now on, he'll definitely follow in her footsteps.
The moment I looked into Roxana's eyes, I was forced to realize.
"Noona..." Are you going to throw me away, too?”
That she has no intention of taking him.
The two faced each other in the burning Agrize.
Jeremy was looking at Roxana with a face as if he had been stabbed.
Roxana quietly captured the scene in her sight and then grinned.
"I shouldn't have held your hand then.”
At first, I was just going to use it.
If so, he should have been cool-headed until the end as he decided to.
No matter how much you whisper sweet words with your mouth and distribute warmth
with friendly touches, you should not forget that it was a fake.
But I couldn't do that from some time ago.
"I shouldn't have left you next to me."
Not all the moments we were together were true, but not all of them were false.
Even in this wilderness, where there is no place to put my heart on, it sometimes
rains to wet dry land, and when I was careless, I gave him affection.
That's why I didn't want to take him.
"I'm not taking anything from Agrice.”
It would be better for them to break up here now.
"So that's it."
Jeremy stood in his seat and listened to her. As if he had lost power, his body was
restless, but he couldn't approach or soothe him.
Roxana turned away from the only person she considered a family member except her
mother and her late brother.
Jeremy didn't follow her like that.
The call from behind almost caught my step, but I stepped more upright as if I had
never done so.
"I know you've never laughed with all your heart."
Jeremy's subsequent voice was certainly familiar to her, but somehow it felt a
little different from what she had ever heard.
"If I were to..." Will you come back if I make Agrice a place where you can laugh?”
Roxana looked back at him for the last time.
Jeremy was seen smaller than before through the fluttering hair.
The fire, which has not yet been extinguished, is tingling, creating a deep shadow
on Jeremy's face.
So I didn't know what kind of expression he was making.
But I thought it was okay.
Roxana smiled at her poor brother for the last time. Warm, loving, and affectionate
as he liked.
Then she turned back again.
I didn't say anything because I couldn't promise anything.
He stepped on the land of Agrice, which had been destroyed, and he was still
standing behind him, watching her.
Will there be things that will revive the ruined land in the future?
It is natural for spring to come again even in the land where winter was deep, but
this place was not imagined for Roxana because it was just cold and cold even in
the warm spring season.
She just wanted to leave this place.
Without thinking, just free and light.
I only lived here for nineteen years at the most, but I felt like I had been tied
to too much.
The feeling of escaping from the swamp that had been deeply immersed since birth
was very strange.
Not a complete sense of liberation or complete despondency, but an ambiguous
feeling remained as sticky as half-melted snow.
The white wind that ran like an arrow blurred my vision.
Roxana's body shook for a moment as if she were pushed there.
I shouldn't do this here, but I slowly began to lose consciousness.
However, someone accepted her weakly collapsing body.
Roxana couldn't even confirm who it was and closed her eyes.
Before the view was completely flashing, it seemed to have seen a clear golden
light shining like a milestone in a snowstorm.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 71

* * *

It was a harsh season with harsh cold winds and snowstorms constantly.
After the night that seemed like it would never end, the first cold dawn light
shone on the ruined land.
The morning came to those who left the destroyed land.
The wheel, which was rolling smoothly, suddenly shook greatly, as if it had caught
a stone.
Roxana woke up from a deep sleep and lifted her heavy eyelids.
The dimness around me was reflected in the cloudy view, so I thought it was still
night at first.
However, while slowly blinking the focusless eye, a thin light that leaked from
somewhere was seen shaking in front of it.
It turned out that sunlight was coming in from a small window blocked by curtains.
Once again, the body shook, and the light stalk crawling through the curtain faded
before my eyes.
At that moment, I realized that this space is not her room in Agrice.
"You're awake."
At that time, someone's low voice rang above his head.
Roxana jumped out of her seat breathing in.
Knock knock!
At the same time, her space shook a little more than before.
Roxana lost her balance and reached forward.
However, there was nothing to support there, and the forward hand fell straight
down across the air without touching anything.
It was clear that if someone's arm had not wrapped around Roxana's body and held it
firmly, she would have rolled down.
"Be careful, I'm still in the running carriage.”
No wonder the low voice that penetrated my ears was not unfamiliar.
Roxana turned her head, not even thinking about pushing out her body.
The next moment, she met a golden eye looking down at her closely.
Roxana called out his name unconsciously. Then, for a moment, Lee Chae passed by in
the eyes facing him.
She couldn't understand what's going on right now.
I moved my hardened head to dig into the memories of last night, but I could not
think of any useful memories.
However, I could only see that she was moving somewhere with Cassis now.
Of course, it was a great confusion that filled Roxana's head.

8. Switch
When I opened my eyes, Cassis was next to me.
But somehow I didn't understand.
Why was I losing consciousness in the first place?
As if he had forcibly ripped or erased it, his memory was empty in places.
I didn't even know why or how I was here now.
"You'd better lie down a little longer."
Again, a low voice rang above my head.
Is it because of the whispering that is so low that the back of the neck is
chilling for a moment, or is it because of the face that the dark shade is too
young to check in detail?
I felt as if the person next to me right now was not the person I knew.
First, I decided to stay away from Cassis. As I moved, my arm wrapped around my
waist slowly tightened.
But as soon as I wanted, he let go of me by releasing my arms.
When the body that was close to each other fell, the hardened head felt a little
Come to think of it, I was lying on Cassis' leg as a pillow until a while ago.
"What happened?”
Why is your voice so hoarse?
Perhaps because he just woke up from his senses, his throat was sore. No wonder I
felt like I spoke for the first time in a few days.
I tried to think about what happened last night again.
"Why am I here? Why am I with you now?….”
At that time, a small piece of memory suddenly spread into my head, which was as
white as ink spread in the water.
"sister…Are you going to throw me away?"
At that moment, I had a throbbing headache.
I slowly closed and opened my eyes while touching my forehead.
…… somehow I didn't really want to think about it.
Cassis was looking at me like that.
It was dark in the carriage, but the snow, fully accustomed to the darkness, was
not disturbed by anything. So I could easily check his face.
It was the first Cassis I've seen since we met outside the banquet hall on the last
day of the meeting.
Of course, since I met him afterwards in Agrice, I'm sure he's staying in the same
space...I couldn't think of anything either.
He wanted to find out anything from his face, but he couldn't understand what he
Soon Cassis slowly opened his mouth at me again.
"For now, don't think about anything and just lie down and rest."
Then I doubted his ears when he continued.
"I found consciousness in three days, and it'll take time to fully recover."

* * *

I've been unconscious for three days.

Then I thought it might have been overloaded and discharged.
There were many things to care about for a while, and I don't remember all of them,
but many things happened before I left Agrice.
I crept up the curtain and looked out.
The carriage was not moving because it had stopped moving for a while. I was the
only one inside now.
As soon as I walked through the thick cloth, the bright sunlight poked my eyes. I
narrowed my eyes to flinch casually.
A grayish-white shadow suddenly appeared in the dazzling view.
A hawk flew in the sky and fell sharply and landed on its arm wearing a protective
I looked at the man standing under the deep blue sky with a strange feeling.
Three years seems to have been longer than I thought. Enough time for a boy to
become a young man and a stranger to whom he was familiar.
The height that seemed to have grown more than I remember, the wide shoulders, and
the hard arms that were bent around my waist earlier were all things I didn't know.
His face, which had a cold energy like frost in the early morning, was also
But I think I used to have a more beautiful and beautiful look. I couldn't even say
"pretty" in front of him with empty words now.
Of course, that does not mean that the beautiful appearance has gone anywhere, but
the feeling itself has changed from before.
I felt this when I saw him at the fellowship, and Cassis, who became an adult,
looked more like his father, Richelle Pedelian than I thought.
The atmosphere was more like that than the appearance.
Even now, standing in the wind with a large hawk on his arm looked like a hard rock
wall rising on the plain.
When I thought, "That's how Cassis, who grew up without dying as a boy, became like
that," I somehow felt new.
Then, next to Cassis, a man approached.
A brown-haired man with an eye patch on one eye. He was the man I saw at the border
of Agrice three years ago.
At that time, I guided you to the black forest on the northern border where Cassis
was located, but you were still alive.
I tried to recall the name, but I couldn't think of it easily.
The hawk that flew into Cassis was probably a precursor.
Cassis untied the hawk's leg and said something to the man who approached him.
I watched the scene and soon lowered my hand while I was walking the curtain.
Then when I opened the door of the carriage, cold air rushed in as if I had waited.
I forgot for a while because the room was warm, but now was the coldest time of the
But I didn't give up and went outside.
There were more people around than I thought.
Some people were grooming weapons or taking care of horses, and others were also
seen maintaining wagons.
The person who didn't was standing nearby and wary of the surroundings. There may
be a servant among them, but strangely enough, they all seemed to be articles.
Those who were doing their jobs stopped moving in an instant and looked at me.
The surrounding area became quiet in an instant. From the moment I got off the
carriage, time seemed to stop.
The frighteningly focused gaze was a little burdensome, but it was not something to
care about.
I walked straight to the destination without paying attention to others.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 72

Before I knew it, Cassis' eyes were on me.

He flew the hawk again and came toward me.
"I told you to lie down."
A low voice resembling the color was overshadowed by the cold winter air. However,
my eyes and voice were not as cold as I thought.
He tried to continue, but I opened my mouth first, looking up at Cassis, who got
"Where are you going now? Where is this place?"
Cassis replied if you don't want to hide it from me.
"Frederica is the name of the stop. If we move about half a day more like this,
we'll be completely out of the plateau."
After hearing the nomination, I could clearly tell where I am now.
In short, the place where this party is heading now was Fedelian.
Of course, it was something I had expected since I was in the carriage, but after
checking it in person, I had no choice but to laugh.
I asked Cassis coolly.
"So I'm a prisoner or a trophy?”
Agrice on fire.
land in ruins
Despite the confusion in memory, the scene was as clear as the eye.
It was this man who made it so, and it was I who opened the door to Agrice.
I couldn't forget the fact as if I wasn't allowed to forget it.
It was not that I had any complaints about it now.
I knew in advance that perhaps Cassis could appear in an official position on the
day of the fellowship, and I had already guessed that it would be the moment when I
pulled a knife from Agrice from the Fedelian.
That's why I set the date on purpose.
To completely destroy Agri£ce with the help of a fedelian.
Given the large number of people in Fedelian, including Cassis, it was clear that
the work was carried out in the scheduled order.
However, the reality that I have a Cassis in front of me like this was not planned.
On the last day of Agrice, I was going to leave alone.
"For what purpose did you bring me here?”
Cassis looked down at me for a while without a word.
There was not a single shallow current in my eyes.
After a while, some faint emotion passed through his face. However, it was so
sudden that I didn't know what it was.
The next moment, Cassis raised his arm and reached out to me.
As soon as the hands with cool warmth touched the skin, I had no choice but to
shake my eyes.
As if you didn't know me, Cassis' hand brushed my forehead to the cheek. His face
hardened without realizing it due to his soft touch.
"My fever is rising again.”
I felt people around me watching Cassis quietly. In it, only Cassis looked calm.
Soon his hand came off my face.
"Isidor, I'm going to camp here today."
"Yes, I'll be ready."
Cassis answered the man standing behind him all the time. Cassis' eyes were on me
"You don't even know it's cold because of the heat? I can't believe you came out
dressed like that.”
It would have been better if he had scolded her or said it in a pathetic tone.
"You still don't take care of yourself.”
However, the emotion reflected on Cassis' face when he saw me was far from that. So
I had no choice but to shut up when I faced him.
Cassis then took off his cape and wrapped it around me.
No, rather than covering it, it was almost tied so that it wouldn't leak into a
single piece of wind.
Then he hugged me as it was.
How natural the series of acts were, and even I couldn't even bring up a word of
protest against him, let alone those around me.
Cassis lifted lightly as if I were a pile of straw, not a person, and walked toward
the carriage with a little unshakable steps.
I couldn't say anything to him because of his absurdity.
Cassis brought me into the carriage and put me back to bed.
Then I even brought the blanket of Dambi fur that I had taken off earlier and
covered it on my body.
The soft warmth of digging all over my body made me feel strange.
"Why don't you tie me up?”
When asked in a subdued voice, Cassis' eyes glanced down on my face.
"I didn't know you had that kind of hobby."
He reacted calmly even though he knew it didn't mean that.
"Unfortunately, I'm not."
"What if I run away?"
"I'm going to bring him back."
I shut my mouth at the words.
What do you mean, you should bring him?
I didn't have a clue what he wanted to do with me.
"I think I'm getting a fever because I have so many thoughts."
A low voice tickled the ears, followed by a cool hand covering the eyes.
His hand felt cool whether it was true that he had a fever.
Once again, a calm whisper flowed into my ear.
"Don't worry and rest. There's nothing more you need to care about."
Interestingly, the dizzy mind slowly subsided while listening to the voice.
What happened to Agrice after I lost my memory.
Also, what happened to your mother, Jeremy, Deon, Lant, and other people in Agrice.
After hearing Cassis, I thought I could put all those thoughts behind me now.
The people next to me now, and the people outside the carriage, were all from the
So in a way, I could say that I am in the middle of the enemy camp now.
However, like a lie, I could close my eyes more comfortably than when I was in
No wonder it's a little funny beyond the distant consciousness...…, I thought so.

* * *

knock, knock
"Are you awake?"
It was when I woke up from a sigh and felt a little skepticism towards myself, who
was really sleeping.
An unfamiliar voice came along with a knock on the door of the carriage door.
It was a calm, medium and low-pitched voice that gave off a neutral feeling
I opened the door of the carriage myself.
Then, a person with olive hair and dark navy eyes came to my eyes.
"Excuse me for a moment."
The moment my eyes met, I paused, and my hard face in sight relaxed a little.
It was a subtle change, but I looked relieved that I was awake.
My hair was short and my voice was low, but it was definitely a woman who came to
see me.
It was not particularly strange or strange because Agri£e was a principle that if
he could do well, he would hire him regardless of gender.
It was for another reason that I stopped moving for a moment when I saw her.
"If you're hungry, would you like a quick meal?"
"What about Cassis?"
"Lord Winston has been away for a while. Lady…… she told me to make sure you're
awake and if you need anything, I'll give you something."
Is Lord Winston the man named Isidor?
Well, aside from that.
Listening to her, I was curious about my position and position here.
The person in front of me now seemed to be at a loss for a moment what to call me.
Likewise, I was a little worried about what kind of tone to use on them.
"If you want, I'll bring you something to eat here. I'm outside preparing my meal
anyway, so it won't take long."
"Then do it."
However, I decided not to think about it for too long and just use a lower bound.
It was strange for me to speak up to his men, who didn't use honorifics to Cassis
either. But I'm not going to use honorifics to Cassis again.
The person in front didn't seem to care much about what I said.
She lowered her head once with a face that still had little change in expression,
and then closed the door of the carriage.
That expressionless face reminded me of Emily.
It was my last meeting that I sent her to my mother, and what I said at that time
was my last order.
The door opened quickly to see if the meal was ready earlier than expected. So I
didn't have to think about other things for a long time.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 73

"It's not a proper meal because I'm camping, but it won't taste bad."
"Thank you."
I've been feeling this since earlier, but the attitude toward me was more polite
than I thought.
It didn't feel like I was being treated as a prisoner either.
I wondered if I didn't know I was Agreech, but it was actually hard to do that.
"You can call me Olin."
Although she asked for her name, perhaps the 'Olin' she gave is a castle.
There's no way I could have told you to call me by my first name.
I accepted the bowl she handed me. Then, when I accidentally brushed my fingertips,
Ollie got a scratch.
Come to think of it, her attitude was a little strange besides being more polite to
me than I needed.
She didn't feel reluctant to me, but somehow she seemed to be careful not to touch
"Thank you. I'll enjoy it."
By then, I had realized something, so I spoke calmly as if I hadn't noticed her
agitation. He also dropped his hand when he was being handed a bowl.
Olin looked at my face for a moment and closed the door quietly.
When I was left alone again, I breathed a shallow sigh.
Yeah, if you hadn't been conscious for three days, you wouldn't have been able to
control your body's poison.
Then perhaps it was impossible for others to come closer to me.
I might have caused damage to people outside without even knowing.
So you must have been careful not to touch me even now.
Oh, maybe that's why the Cassis was attached to me.
Based on my previous experience, Cassis would have been able to approach me.
So you think Cassis has been taking care of me for the past three days?
When I thought about it, my forehead gradually strengthened.
Come to think of it, it was natural that I couldn't wash properly while I was
unconscious, but it was strange that my body was clean.
I don't think anyone else would have washed him...….
Cassis couldn't have done such a shameless thing to me, so I thought it might be
part of his strange ability.
Even when he was in Agrice, Cassis was locked in a dungeon for a few days and kept
I wanted to ask you when Cassis comes later, but on the other hand, I was afraid
that I would get a harsh answer, so I wondered if I would just keep my mouth shut.
I took a sip of what Olin gave me and pushed it into my mouth.
As she said, it tasted pretty good for a simple dish cooked at a campsite.
But I put down the bowl without taking a few bites.
I'm not usually picky about food, and I didn't intend to do that in a place like
this. However, the food didn't fall into my throat because I didn't have an
I called Olin with a sorry heart.
She confirmed that the contents of the bowl were almost intact and said she would
bring me something else if it didn't suit her taste.
However, I refused, saying that my body seemed to reject food because I was hungry
for a while.
After Ollie left her seat, I looked around briefly over the open door.
Cassis was not seen yet.
As if they were taking turns eating, people who were in the midst of eating and
those who were preparing for the camp came into view came into view.
In the meantime, they glanced at me indistinctly. Still, no one rushed to my side.
I closed the door again and pulled the curtains. And I looked outside for a while
through the window.
At that time, a familiar figure was seen beyond the people preparing for the camp.
Cassis was also with a man named Isidor.
I opened the carriage door again when I saw him approaching this way.
Cassis's eyes flew straight when I called.
A similar sense of silence fell around as it did earlier in the day.
Cassis, who came up to me across the quiet campsite, asked.
"I did."
Cassis' eyes brushed Ollie, who was guarding the carriage. It caught my eye that
she looked small at Cassis.
But Cassis turned to me again without telling me more about it.
"Do you need anything? Tell Olin when I'm not here from now.”
I shook my head small and said.
"Frustrated. I'd like to get some air."
After a short gap, Cassis opened his mouth again.
"It must be colder than before because the temperature dropped the temperature.”
Without a word, I put on the cape that Cassis gave me earlier and even put a
blanket on top of it.
He didn't say anything more, but he made a firm statement in his own way.
"Well, you're not feeling well, but you'd better just stay inside.….”
Ollie next to me hesitated a little and stopped me.
However, Cassis stared at my face for a moment and was bitten one step back by the
body blocking the carriage door.
Soon his hand came out in front of me.
I got off the carriage holding Cassis' hand.
Soon after, Cassis turned his head.
Then, the people who received his attention all looked away from me as if they had
been making a fake effort.
It was a fairly blatant sight, but I just pretended not to see it.
Several bonfires were lit in the campground. Cassis led me to the warmest of all.
Those who were where Cassis was headed moved to the campfire next to him.
So, only Cassis and I were placed in the bonfire we sat on.
They didn't look obsessively where Cassis and I were.
Even in this environment, the atmosphere was restrained and neat, so the word
knight was perfect for them.
Agrice's men were like mercenaries.
I wondered if there were so many different moods of people from family to family.
After a while, Cassis stuck out a hot steaming bowl to me.
I thought I'd call my subordinates to order something before I sat down, but I must
have been paying attention to how little I ate.
"I'm not really hungry.”
"Eat a little bit if you don't have an appetite. You haven't eaten for three days.”
I refused again this time, but unlike Ollie, Cassis did not back down.
He played me a bowl of soup and held a spoon in my other hand.
"You don't think you're a creature that can only feed on water."
The freedom of both hands was taken away in a trance.
I glanced down at the warm soup in my hand and narrowed the eyebrows.
No wonder this situation was a little strange. It seemed at least the first time in
my life that someone was so stubborn about starving me.
Maybe that's why I felt a little itchy in my face.
I stirred the soup by moving my hand with a dishware to hide my embarrassment.
But it wasn't enough, so I grabbed the pod of what Cassis just said to change the
subject for nothing.
"Well, I guess you haven't eaten at all, but you've been drinking water?”
At that moment, unexpectedly, a violent reaction popped out from the side.
"Whew, chuckle...…!”
Some of the people sitting around the bonfire next to them started coughing
violently as if they had suddenly sared.
Looking at the simultaneous reaction, it was clear that he was doing that after
listening to me.
What's wrong with her?
I said it without much thought, but suddenly I felt strange.
I narrowed my eyes and looked at Cassis. But he looked at me with an unchanging
"Eat it. It gets tastier when it cools down.”
Then Cassis slid his eyes sideways.
The people with cool eyes quickly bowed and hurriedly began to empty the bowl.
I felt that there was something definitely on the top of my head.
However, it felt uncomfortable to ask why.
Not too long later, the people next to me hurriedly finished their meals and were
Before I knew it, the surroundings became quiet.
Maybe it was on purpose, but everyone was not coming close to the place where
Cassis and I were.
There was a small sound of grassworms crying between the sound of the patting and
the burning bonfire.
The sun was setting before I knew it.
Following the navy, purple, and purple, the yellowish red sky was seen spreading
over the horizon.
"If it's the Frederica Plateau, isn't it home to the spell?"
Cassis answered my question.
"The animal habitat is located at the end of the plateau bordering Lake Emerald,
and this is a safe zone. I'm going to pass by the habitat around noon tomorrow, but
there's nothing dangerous because I'm planning to take a detour.”
I thought so when I heard that.
Cassis stared at me as if to ask me again if he had any questions.
I looked at the fluttering bonfire and opened my mouth after a while.
"What happened to Rand Agrice?"


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 74.

Cassis stared at me quietly.

His eyes seemed to say, "Do you ask it now?" and on the other hand, "Do you ask
such a thing now?"
"……just to put the results simply."
Soon Cassis answered briefly.
"Whatever you want."
I laughed softly when I heard that.
"Yes, he's dead."
The burning castle of Agrice grew like a vision over a shaky bonfire.
Little by little, the memory of the day came back.
Perhaps the place where Deon headed after leaving the office was the place where
Rant was located.
Then I wondered who killed Lant and what his end was like.
At the same time, however, such a thing didn't seem to matter at all. It was a
really contradictory feeling that had been prevalent in me since a while ago.
"I heard Isidor confirmed your mother leaving the house."
Cassis added, still looking at me. I lowered my eyes slowly at the words.
"Anything else?"
This time, Cassis asked me.
"Don't you want to know?”
I stared at him in silence.
With the flame between us, we stared silently for a while.
After a short, short, or long time, Cassis' lips finally opened up, which had been
tightly closed.
"Everything, it went the way you wanted it.”
Then he kept an eye on me. He seemed to be waiting for my reaction.
So I did what he wanted.
There was nothing else to say but that.
Tadak, Tadak....
The firewood in the bonfire had a small spark.
"You don't look very happy.”
"What about you?"
Even I think of it, a pretty dull voice flowed out of my mouth.
"Are you glad you got your revenge? Are you relieved that Agriche collapsed?
A chilly wind swept through the back. As the sun went down, the air on the cheek
was colder than before.
I felt my body temperature drop, but I didn't feel like a person who didn't feel
It was the same with Cassis.
Cassis, who once closed his eyes long, said in a slower tone than before.
"I just feel like I'm done with one thing to do, nothing more than I expected.”
After listening to him, I felt the same way.
"I'm similar.”
"You're like me?"
But at that moment, a cold smile bloomed on Cassis' face.
My deep golden eyes, which seemed to have swallowed the flame of the bonfire,
looked straight at me.
"I don't think you know what your face is like right now."
Suddenly, Cassis rose from his seat.
Even though he took less than a few steps, his distance from him quickly narrowed.
The bowl dumped on his foot rolled around the floor. But Cassis didn't seem to care
a bit about it.
Looking up from the seat, the Cassis looked much bigger.
Perhaps because he came right in front of me and turned his back on the bonfire,
his presence was more prominent due to thick shadows on his body.
Cassis, who approached me so close that it was burdensome, lowered himself.
His face was as cold as ice when he faced him up close. The eyes staring at me also
had the kind of cold I had never seen before.
"You, were you going to die that day?"
I looked at the person in front of me with a cold whisper.
The dark golden eyes of the shadow seemed to swallow me up in one bite.
"What are you talking about, why me?"
Inside me, Yi hid a small ripple and asked him back calmly. Cassis' eyes staring at
me from the front seemed to be digging all over me.
"What would you have done if I hadn't brought you here?"
"He must have left."
"To where?"
"Everywhere. Not Agrice."
"Do you know what kind of face you had when I found you that day?"
The snow in the face sank even lower.
"At that time, you seemed like a person who was about to leave for a place to die.”
At that moment, the memory of sinking in the distant abyss was lifted up to the
Where were you going alone, sister?"
Why are you looking at me like that? As if this were the last...…."
"sister…Are you going to throw me away?"
The sad face I saw at that time, and the pathetic eyes that were chasing me, were
stuck inside me like thorns, making my heart ache.
I closed my eyes by erasing the sight of the day as if it were a vision.
"I didn't mean to do what you just said, but...….”
After a while, I spat out a fact that I had never told anyone before.
"You'd know. I can't live long anyway."
The rest of my life is not very long.
It was what Cassis told me three years ago.
We cannot accurately estimate how much longer we can live in the future, but it
will be less than a year at a long estimate.
It was a natural result because you overworked your body so much during your life.
It was both vain and resentful to think about what he had been struggling so hard
Whatever I do, it's like a novel, it's a short-lived fate anyway.
However, it was only the first time I felt that way.
Thinking about it, I didn't have a desire to work hard and live this life longer.
I haven't lived for 20 years yet, but I don't have much lingering feelings or
regrets, so I must have consumed my life much more and quickly than I thought.
I thought that this was enough to do.
Perhaps wherever I lose my breath, my remains will not be left anywhere in the
Before I die, the German butterfly will eat up every last drop of blood.
"So you're going to live waiting for the day you die with no greed or regret?"
Cassis' eyes shined coldly. The cold eyes accompanied by silence stayed on my face.
At one point, Cassis pulled up the tip of his lips and gave a dusky smile.
"Yes, I wouldn't mind having it anyway if I were to throw it away."
I didn't immediately realize what the words that followed meant.
"Give me the rest of your time."
There was no hesitation or hesitation in the face. So it took longer than I thought
to recognize what he said.
"If you don't care where you're going, stay with me. Until you die."
At that moment, my mind was lost. But Cassis continued without giving me a chance
to react.
"You don't have any regrets if you die right now, but I don't."
"So if you really don't think you need the rest of your life, the time from now,
and the last moment of your life...….”
At the same time as a low whisper leaked into my ear, hot heat wrapped around my
Soon, Cassis buried his lips on the back of my hand.
"I'll take it all with thanks."
The stigma-like kisses on his hands and the tangled gaze from the point of view
felt hot as if he was going to be caught.
A night when a group of stars glistened in the air.
So I lost the rest of my life to him.

How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 75

9. New Meeting

A dazzling sunshine fell on the frozen lake.

A transparently shiny round ice curtain was just like the head of an angel
sprinkled with powder from a new star.
Orca had already been looking at the policeman for 15 days.
The loose braided long light blue hair was covered with a sharp car made of silver
fox fur.
The fur coat on the body seemed to have the glossy gold fur of the magic xylope.
Jewelry ornaments hanging around the body were also very colorful.
However, this look, which could make him look strange, was a perfect fit for him.
Orca's appearance itself was so beautifully beautiful.
The ornaments shaken by the wind hit each other and made a clear bell sound.
Orca was quietly watching somewhere in the moonlight-like silver ring reflected in
the winter lake.
Snowflakes landed on long eyelashes like shades. But he didn't blink once.
The orca of the House of Whiperion, also known as the Massachusetts of the Hundred,
were now in the marmal habitat that borders between the Frederica Plateau and Lake
After a long wait, Masu Gyrote finally appeared in front of him.
Thick black fur contrasting with white snow.
Red eyes that give off an eerie glow like blood.
a bumpy horn that rises above the forehead
Sharp fangs protruding out of the mouth and voluminous muscular limbs.
Orca was almost enchanted and admired.
He was now hiding under the spell of hiding a trace from a demon.
So I could appreciate them without being caught by Gyrote.
Like a demon with the habit of moving in groups, about a hundred Gyrote were
swarming in front of the lake.
Deep snow only accommodates most requests unless they, and to not one hundred of
them so difficult a thing of evil or on its way.
Orca intended to capture and tame the most powerful king of the Gyrote.
However, it was a valuable moment that I gained after waiting patiently for a full
month, so I could relax a little bit.
Now I wanted to appreciate the beautiful scenery that opened before my eyes.
However, the idle moment did not last long.
Suddenly, my vision was all red.
A huge shadow fell over the scenery of the lake, which was shining white as if a
solar eclipse had occurred.
Orca stared blankly as a flock of butterflies appeared from somewhere swept through
the pack of gyrote.
Woodduck, woodduck!
A bloody sound like crushing bones quickly covered the calm landscape.
"What's this…
Orca's mouth opened foolishly.
He didn't understand what was going on in front of his eyes now.
After a while, a flock of red butterflies flew up, casting a huge shadow over their
eyes as they first appeared.
There was only a white snow field left where they suddenly disappeared.
There were no bloodstains left, so Orca thought for a moment that he had a dream.
"Wait, you're kidding, aren't you?"
Then, as soon as he came to his senses, a frustrating smile leaked out of his
I've been hiding for a full moon without a single fire in this cold winter.….
However, a flock of unidentified butterflies, who appeared out of the blue, ate
away the pack of gyrotes that they had barely discovered.
Orca was greatly discouraged.
No, but it's winter now. Why butterflies in this cold season? Besides, what kind of
butterflies eat?
At that moment, Orca suddenly woke up from her seat when she realized that she had
passed through her mind.
The snow piled up on his body fell to the floor.
"Dog butterflies?"
Red traces of moving away from the blue sky were embedded in Orca's bulging eyes.
Do you think there's a German butterfly habitat around here? I've been in vain a
few days ago!
If so, Gyrote was no big deal now.
A flock of red butterflies were flying to the land of the fedelian.
The moment I saw it, Orca's next destination was decided.

* * *

"Last night, that's a proposal, right?"

Olin stopped trying to enter the tent where his colleagues gathered and rested.
"Well, the situation was a little different from that...….”
"What's the difference? It was a straightforward confession.”
"Right, give me the rest of my life. You're saying we should get married
"I think it's right to say so...….”
Originally, they couldn't have felt the signs of the outside, but now they were
half-enthusiastic and reflecting on what happened last night.
"Somehow the atmosphere was strange from the beginning."
"I knew it. "Prisoner, the lord is not the kind of person he is."
"It's a beneficiary. I was embarrassed at first because the owner of Sogaju brought
me a beautiful woman who made me doubt my eyes."
"That's true. I was just watching the confusion, and when I saw myself moving
around in a consciousness yesterday, I was wondering if it was a dream or a
dream...… Well, I don't know how to describe this feeling.”
"I think I know even if I don't explain it. Well, it's all in the same."
Then suddenly, I recited it like someone passed by.
"But didn't he say yesterday that he had a short life span?”
I could feel the silence in the tent pressing heavily on my shoulders.
It was clear that each of them was imagining the tragic love story of a young cow.
Olin turned around and decided to leave.
Once inside, it was clear that he would also ask Olin about the woman Cassis
brought in as he did yesterday.
Then, I felt someone approaching behind my back. I was surprised to see if it was
Cassis, but fortunately it was Isidor.
He went straight past Ollie and into the tent.
"Do you think you're such a sucker? "I can hear loud chatter outside."
"Sir Winston!"
"Don't be unselfish. It's not a break that I gave you to talk freely."
"Yes, I'm sorry."
Olin sneaked away, listening to the shouting out loud.
It was a wise choice not to go in there.
Thinking that he almost got scolded by Isidor, who is like a tiger, for no reason,
Olin swept away his chest.
However, I could understand that his colleagues gathered together and talked to
each other.
Olin recalled a few days of work.

* * *

At first, I thought Cassis brought the body.

Otherwise, Cassis, who sent Isidor first, had not escaped Agri£ce, so he had to
think about whether he should go back inside.
However, Cassis, who appeared through the snowstorm, was not alone.
The man in his arms was wrapped in a cape and could not see his face.
However, the long golden hair fluttered over Cassis' shoulders as if it were stuck
in his eyes.
Cassis took the lead, leaving the embarrassed behind.
"Let's go."
So they left Agrice.
It was when they stopped for maintenance.
Knock knock!
The door of the carriage, which had been tightly closed, opened, and the person who
Cassis brought appeared outside.
Cassis seemed to have regained consciousness while he was away for a while.
She was a young woman when she saw her face exposed between the outline of her body
and the fluttering hair.
But as soon as she opened the carriage door and took her first step, she fell
helplessly down.
With a splash, a thin figure collapsed over the snowfield.
The colleagues who witnessed it ran in surprise.
"Are you all right? Are you hurt anywhere?….”
Among them, the first colleague who touched Roxana's body staggered the next


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 76.

"Ugh…! Wait, stay away!"

He immediately warned others.
Everyone was embarrassed to see him kneeling on the floor as if he had been
attacked by an invisible hand.
Before I knew it, there was a lot of poison around. After noticing it, my
colleagues blocked my nose and mouth and chose to breathe.
Fortunately, Cassis came back then.
He could grasp the situation at a glance.
While Cassis was away for a while, the poison that he had been forced to press
earlier, he regained his momentum and was running wild.
Considering that it was less than five minutes ago, it was a fairly quick
"Everyone back off."
"Lord of the Cattle, wait...….”
Cassis approached the woman, who was believed to be the source of the poison. Of
course, the people next to him tried to stop him.
However, Cassis did not hesitate to move and reach out to the woman who collapsed
on her cold eyes.
However, she seemed to be out of touch with her again.
His weak body drooped over his arm supporting Roxana's back.
The poison surrounding Roxana became more intense. A red butterfly from the air
landed on her shoulder.
Cassis realized he could not be delayed for a moment and immediately bowed his
Afterwards, the Cassis' actions forced the people around him to breathe in.
Cassis spread his lips and distributed his own vitality.
It would be much simpler and faster if the same method was used to save Rand
However, it was a very forced and violent way not to consider destroying the other
person's soul.
I couldn't use it on this person.
Cassis carefully and slowly drained the vitality of Roxana's body several times.
Then, he held his body, which began to warm up again, and walked away from his
What I've done now was only a temporary expedient, but still a subtle poison was
flowing out of Roxana's body.
"Keep away until you allow it."
Cassis left a short order and opened the door of the carriage where Roxana was
originally located and entered it together.
People around him stared at the closed door in front of his eyes, and his mouth
panted wildly.
Are you trying to take care of him?
After a while, the poison that had leaked out of the carriage began to subside.
After a while, the door that had been tightly closed tightly, opened.
"Get some medicine and drinking water."
Cassis was away a while ago to prepare medicine for Roxana.
A colleague next to Olin heard him and immediately ran and handed Cassis what he
had been preparing in advance.
Soon after, the door closed again.
After that, it was very quiet around. Everyone was holding their breath, watching
the carriage with Cassis and the mysterious woman.
Did the person who fell down come to his senses?
But I didn't see any signs of that earlier. Then how do you want me to drug you?….
At this moment, everyone was thinking the same thing and thinking about the scene
we saw earlier.
Cassis bowed his head without hesitation and overlapped lips with a woman.
Since then, everyone's conclusions have been the same.
You're not a prisoner, are you?
Rather, it was a treat close to a VIP.
It couldn't have been a prisoner who came out in person and cherished it.
"Sir Winston, do you know anything about the Lord's bring-in?"
That night, one of his colleagues asked Isidor as if he couldn't resist his
Everyone listened to their conversation while pretending not to be on the outside.
Isidor narrowed the forehead for a momentarily.
However, he answered, "I thought it would be better for others to know it as well."
"If you insist, it's more like a beneficiary."
"So you should be treated accordingly."
All the explanations were omitted, but the question was rather greater.
However, Isidor left his seat as if he had nothing more to say.
So they could no longer ask him anything.
As curiosity grew day by day, Roxana completely regained consciousness.
And it was only today.

* * *

Roxana's mouth let out a small sound of elasticity or moan.
The memory of falling down has just come back.
At that time she was thirsty.
While the fever went up and down repeatedly, the mouth became dry, and the lips
were parched to the point of stinging.
After a while, something warm pressed down on her lips.
Water soon flowed through her open lips as if she had noticed her mind.
The water that moistened the tongue was very sweet as if it were life water.
So I begged him to give me more.
Then someone soothed her head and cheek. The gentle touch seemed to melt my whole
The warmth overlapped over my lips again.
Fortunately, the person next to her spilled enough water to satisfy her.
And then I fell asleep again.
While reminiscing about the past, Roxana felt somewhat upset.
I knew myself that it was a little obsessive. However, it was still unwelcome to
show someone else an unintended weakness.
So when I was frowning alone, Cassis' words that I heard yesterday suddenly passed
through my mind.
"Give me the rest of your time."
"If you don't care where you're going, stay with me. Until you die."
Roxana's eyes slowly sank low.
Is it……. Is it okay to use it that way if it's worthwhile for her anyway?
While I was so lost in thought, the German butterfly that I sent earlier came back.
Roxana looked through the window at a flock of butterflies approaching where she
Even from a distance, the wings were very powerful and energetic. The slaughtered
butterflies seemed excited after a long time.
Roxana sent the butterflies back to where they were before they got closer.
Originally, there was a risk of not being able to control them, so they could not
have taken out the slaughter butterflies in this way.
However, he was in such a good condition that he said, "The head of the household
in recent years."
In addition, as it was just passing by the habitat of the marmul, Roxana was able
to take out a slaughter butterfly and feed it for the first time in a long time.
But suddenly, the moving carriage stopped.
It was Cassis who came to Roxana after a while.
"Have you ever had a hobby of overusing your body?"
Looking at his face, Roxana noticed that he had noticed something about a poisonous
"You don't listen when I tell you to rest.”
Cassis came inside and closed the door.
Roxana stared at him with her chin on her hand.
Cassis treated Roxana casually even after yesterday's incident.
Of course, Roxana didn't have any significant changes in her attitude toward
Cassis, but...….
Maybe it's because Cassis remembered taking care of her who had been ill since she
left Agrice?
Something wriggled in me as I was facing him like this.
I don't know exactly what it was, but I felt like I swallowed a thorn.
"You've already turned pale.”
Cassis frowned slightly at the face in front of her.
I thought I shouldn't have followed her saying that I wanted to be alone if I knew
this would happen.
Soon after, he stretched his arm to restore Roxana.
However, her hand, which suddenly popped forward, grabbed Cassis by the collar
He could have avoided or endured, but Cassis didn't do that and tilted his upper
body forward as Roxana wanted.
However, Cassis had no idea what she was doing.
The lips touched had a lower temperature than the Cassis, which used cold air
Roxana bit Cassis' lips open and kissed him.
It was short and shallow, but it was definitely not just lips but tongue-tied


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 77.

"I knew it, but you're not affected by my poison at all.”

After a while, Roxana, who took off her lips, pushed Cassis' shoulder.
But instead of distancing herself from Cassis, she was rather close to him.
Roxana climbed onto Cassis's bridge and looked at him again.
"So this is what you want from me?”
Roxana's head was bent forward to the point where its forehead almost touched.
A gold curtain hung over Cassis's view.
"If that's the case, I'm not bad either."
The whispering voice was as sweet as sugar.
Roxana smiled beautifully at Cassis and swept his chest with her hands. The gesture
contained a clear intention of temptation.
"You're a pretty good opponent."
Because the curtain was not completely closed, sunlight leaked in between.
Roxana's light-bearing hair and half-down eyelashes sparkled brilliantly.
The red eyes looking down at him were young with irresistible fascination.
Cassis looked at such a woman without saying a word.
Cassis' hand then touched Roxana's face.
A slow touch landed first near her eyes.
Roxana lowered her gaze at the warmth of sliding down slowly as if to check the
contour of her face.
Cassis moved his hand delicately. After gently caressing his cheek, this time, he
felt itchy when he was touching his ears gently.
In the meantime, Cassis did not take his eyes off Roxana for a moment.
Finally, his hand is facing and its head behind the neck pulled a little closer.
After that, my lips overlapped.
Cassis held her lips together as if to annoy the other person, and bit her lower
lip open as Roxana did earlier.
But what followed was not what Roxana did.
Instead of a hot tongue containing desire, a clear feeling of purity came through
the open lips.
Roxana trembled for a moment.
Then Cassis gently moved her hand as if she were in memory and swept her neck.
A warm sense of sunshine spread through the curtains. The calm air, which even felt
calm, was filled around.
……it all felt terribly sweet, so I didn't feel like breaking it.
It was definitely a strange experience.
They were not saying anything to each other, and somehow it seemed like they were
having a very close conversation with the person whose lips were touching at this
So Roxana could open her mouth with a shallow breath after a long time.
"……what are you doing?”
"It's a cure.”
Roxana's eyes were frowned at the subsequent calm voice.
"Okay, clean it up. I don't need that."
Roxana moved to get off Cassis's bridge.
But Cassis didn't let her go.
The strong arm curled around the waist so strongly that it couldn't move.
Cassis, who pulled Roxana's backside back again, tilted his head and covered his
lips deep this time.
At once, my breath was mixed and my tongue was tangled.
Cassis has intertwined the tip of his tongue in a manner far from soft.
It was a greedy and clingy kiss that made me speechless and dumbfounded for a
Roxana, who imagined a friendly kiss just vaguely matching the Cassis in her
memory, was embarrassed.
But soon she flinched her eyes.
It didn't suit my taste to just be fooled like this.
So Roxana also wrapped her arms around Cassis' neck to see who would win.
It was so persistently intertwined that I didn't know who was eating who, and
eventually the victory or defeat was decided.
Roxana glared at Cassis, feeling strangely humiliated.
Her face, breathing heavily, was red with lack of breath.
Cassis, on the other hand, still looked relaxed.
Cassis stared at Roxana's lips, which had been stuck to her until a while ago, and
tilted her head and bit her lower lip again, licking it shallowly.
I felt the heat and lingering lingering feeling in the movement.
Roxana looked at the Cassis with a tired eye.
I'm sure they did the same thing just now, but why is he so fine? Is there such a
big difference in lung capacity?
No, it's not. Roxana was not in a normal condition right now.
Didn't Cassis come to treat her because she was unconscious for three days and
still hasn't recovered yet?
It wasn't a fair game in the first place. Therefore, Cassis, who faced her like
this, deserved to be unconscionable.
Of course, it was not a fight or anything, but Roxana somehow hurt her pride.
So I told Cassis with some sarcasm.
"You said it was for treatment. Why would you do this?"
Cassis, however, responded to Roxana with a brazen nonchalance.
"Didn't you say you don't need it?"
That's also a quote from what she said a while ago.
Roxana narrowed her eyes and looked at Cassis.
Of course it wasn't wrong, but...…. I wondered what the hell this was about.
No, what am I doing in the first place?
Seeing Cassis' calm face, I wanted to make him confused.
That's why I started it, but I didn't get anything in the end, so I thought it was
When I thought I had done something I shouldn't have done, the fever that was stuck
in my heart slipped out.
Cassis no longer touched her, but opened the window and ordered the person outside
to start again.
After that, the carriage that had been stopped moved. This time, Cassis was with
Roxana was wary of starting the second round because her arms wrapped around her
waist were tight.
Cassis, however, only pulled Roxana's body and leaned against him.
"Sigh. That's what I want now."
A soft voice rang before my ears, and a cozy blanket was surrounded by my body.
It was a very simple touch and voice as if when we had a passionate kiss.
Roxana laughed briefly, but then Cassis' hand began to sweep his head, quietly
shutting his mouth.
After a while, Roxana murmured quietly.
"……How do you grow up like this?”
Cassis still held her and patted her back.
His chest, which was leaning against his face, heard a thumping heart beat.
……what a strange situation, and a strange person.

* * *

When Roxana opened her eyes again, she was not in the carriage.
She was surrounded by a white, matte blanket. The place where I am lying now was a
soft bed.
The red eyes, which regained focus, quietly looked around.
Cassis' words and attitude had already predicted, but she was not locked up in a
prison or something.
The view of the clean and cozy room came into view.
It was clear that the person who decorated the room was quite elegant.
The room-filled furniture, decorations, curtains hanging on the window, and the
blanket she is covering now gave a generous impression.
Roxana finished her short observation and raised her upper body.
I can't believe I slept without knowing the world while I was moving here.
I couldn't tell if my alertness had become blurred or if I was still weak because I
had less energy.
……or both.
When I looked down, even my clothes were changed.
A cold chill briefly occurred to the eyes underneath and then subsided.
Roxana walked the blanket and got out of bed.
There was a soft indoor scene on the floor that seemed to be made of silk, but it
was not worn.
White feet crossed silently over the carpet.
Where Roxana was headed was a window that occupied one wall.
As I raised my hand and walked a little through the curtain, ripe yellow sunlight
poked in through it.
He was blinded and frowned for a moment.
Then Roxana looked out the window.
The climate here was warmer than Agrice, and flowers were already blooming.
The garden was filled with deep gold sunlight, which seemed to have melted honey.
It made the scenery outside the window more elegant.
Roxana's eyes were nailed to the bright brother and sister in it.
Cassis and Sylvia.
They looked face to face and seemed to talk. The eyes and expressions on each other
were warm like the spring sun.
Soon Sylvia left her seat with long hair scattered.
Cassis looked up while watching his brother leave the garden and enter the
Roxana noticed that his gaze was directed toward her room and lowered her arm as
she was walking through the curtains.
The room became dim again.
Did you happen to see her standing by the window?
Roxana left the window and turned toward the door.
When she touched the door, the door knob turned gently and opened.
Roxana looked down at the unlocked door.
Then, just as I stepped out into the hallway, I could see a girl approaching from
It was Sylvia who was standing with Cassis in the garden just a moment ago.
Unexpectedly, her destination seemed to be a room with Roxana.
Sylvia, who held flowers as bright as her, opened her eyes wide for a moment when
she found Roxana.
"Oh! You're awake."
Sylvia then smiled broadly at Roxana.
For a moment, flowers seemed to bloom in full bloom in sight.
It was a bright and friendly smile like the sunshine that welcomed her.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 78.

* * *

"What are you thinking?"

Cassis first laid Roxana in the bedroom of the annex upon arrival in Fedelian.
Then while he was at sea with Sylvia, who came out to welcome him, Richelle called
Cassis headed to his office because he had to talk to Richelle anyway.
"I can't believe I brought Rand Agrice's daughter. And he's dying like that."
Richel's office was neat and tidy, with no unnecessary decorations, as if to show
his sincerity. However, he also looked desolate.
"Are you going to repeat what happened in the past again?"
The two sat facing each other there.
The inside of Richelle's wall was so light that it looked very cold and sharp just
by opening it.
When he looked at the front in this way, few people were not nervous.
"Then will you condemn me?"
However, Cassis let the gaze slip casually.
Following him, Richelle sternly called his son's name with a low voice.
Cassis now knew what Richelle was trying to call him to say.
He recalled a memory that was still clearly embedded in his heart even though it
happened a long time ago.
"We are the noble judge, Fedelian. Don't forget what the name means."
This was what Richel said when he used unauthorized power to put a taboo on Cassis
in the past.
Cassis' gold eyes, which had been slightly lowered down, faced the gold Richelle
"Father, what is the nobility you should have as a fedelian?”
It was a word that came in countless times as if it were imprinted on the soul from
the birth of a fedelian.
So Cassis wasn't really asking because he didn't know it.
When Richelle found out about it, she stared him in the face.
"It's about living in order so that it doesn't go against the law."
Soon a heavy voice fell to the ear.
Cassis smiled dimly at the usual words.
"Inexhaustibly noble and upright, as if there were no desires, no regrets, no eyes,
no ears."
There was a calm recitation from Cassis' mouth.
"And if there's something else you can do, and you turn away from it and do
nothing, you live your life in order...….”
It was a very cynical remark, but the expression and voice of the person holding it
were as calm and calm as the calm scenery of the afternoon of autumn.
"That's not the right path I think."
Cassis stared straight at his father with a stiff face.
"Maybe I'm not the right person in the fedelian world."
"That doesn't mean that we're going to abandon all humanity and morality and go
down the wrong path that we see."….”
I had always thought about this in my life, so I had no hesitation in speaking once
I had decided.
"Just my father's good and mine are different."
Perhaps the good of Cassis was evil to Richelle.
Cassis couldn't say for all his life that he had walked only a little and that he
would continue to do so.
So he certainly didn't know that something was lacking or twisted as a fedelian.
When I was a kid, I almost killed my little sister Sylvia, and I killed her again
and again, and this time, I brought Roxana with my own selfishness and tried to
save her with my own hands.….
As expected, he has repeatedly confirmed that he does not fit in with the
There was a time when I was distressed whenever I thought about it. But now he
could be surprised even by himself.
Like a mineral that has been constantly beaten and finally revealed its true self,
Cassis could have been forced to reveal itself over time.
Perhaps he is not a shiny jewel, but just a broken stone.
But what if it does? This is the essence of Cassis Pedelian that cannot be hidden.
"It's no different."
After looking at Cassis without a word for a while, Richel finally opened his
tightly closed lips.
However, his successive remarks were unexpected as a Cassis.
"It certainly includes my own sentiment to kill Rant and make Agrice do that. So if
you don't want to be in the fedelian, I'll be ahead of you."
Rachel, who thought Cassis would be severely reprimanded, surprisingly said she
understood him.
Cassis, who did not expect to hear this from his father, was overwhelmed with
indescribable feelings.
"In the end, I saved Sylvia, and I could not forgive Rand Agrice for trying to hurt
you this time, so I might have just used the name of Fedelian to condemn her.”
"I put a taboo on you because I thought it was too much for you to handle. But when
I almost lost you three years ago...….”
Richel's eyes sank cold.
But the chill in it was not directed at Cassis.
"I was wondering what it was all about."
Cassis stared silently at the person he encountered.
"If I hadn't trusted you in the first place and tied up at that time, I wouldn't
have been in danger of being caught in Agrice."
It was an obvious regret that it was engraved in the eyes of Richelle. Cassis held
his breath with the first emotion he had seen from him.
"If you were dead, I wouldn't have forgiven myself more than Rand Agrice."
After that, Richel's eyes closed long.
"So do as you please."
Subsequently, the voice from him was covered with traces of time. The same was true
of his face with his eyes closed.
"Isn't that what you're determined to do?"
Richelle, who raised her eyelids again, nodded softly, facing Cassis.
As if he would support whatever he did.
Cassis exhaled slowly and deeply, facing such a Richel.
Then he said it sincerely.
"Thank you, Father."
"Don't say empty words. I didn't even mean to ask for my permission."
Rachel deliberately recited in a monotonous tone as if she were not to be
embarrassed. Cassis grinned at the words.
The two then had an important conversation about what happened over the past few
days and what was to come.
Then Richelle allowed Cassis to leave his seat.
"If my actions lead to another regret, I will take them with me because they are my
"Yes, I know you will."
With that, the rich man's conversation ended.
The parts that had been small in their hearts had melted away like snow.

* * *

Cassis, who left his father's office, greeted his mother briefly and headed back to
the annex.
The users who encountered him in the hallway bowed quietly to him.
Cassis passed them and opened the door he had entered earlier and stepped silently
into it.
Roxana was lying on the bed as he lay.
The tangled hair on the white sheet painted a subtle group of light in the sunlight
from the window.
It seemed like a jewel was also placed on top of long, abundant eyelashes that drew
shadows on the face.
When I saw him lying still with his eyes closed, I could believe that he was a doll
made with all his might at Bertium.
Instead of admiring the beauty in front of her, Cassis felt a different emotion.
Suddenly, he brought his hand close to her face, thinking that Roxana was not
After a while, a faint breath touched his finger.
It wasn't until I checked that that that Cassis was relieved.
He stared down at Roxana and moved his hand slowly.
A careful touch brushed Roxana's pale cheeks.
Cassis did not know clearly what this feeling was.
However, the person in front of me felt sorry and pathetic. But it was something
different from compassion or compassion.
He wanted to know more about her. And I wanted to keep an eye on him as long as
So if Roxana dies and says goodbye forever, there will be more regret than regret.
In addition, anger was likely to rise to the target who did not know exactly who it
No wonder Roxana was a little upset when I saw her with a pale face like this.
I was relieved to see her trying to eat even if it was forced, and sometimes when
she looked into the air with her desolate eyes, a corner of her heart became
scattered without realizing it.
Roxana seemed unaware, but she sometimes shed silent tears while unconscious or
At that time, it felt like a stone flew into Cassis' chest and drew a ripple on the
calm surface of the water.
A bigger buzz than he did three years ago eroded his plan.
In fact, extending Roxana's life span was a very cumbersome and challenging task.
Nevertheless, I wanted to do it all with his hands.
Maybe Roxana doesn't want to, but Cassis couldn't let her die like this.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 79

After a while, he quietly pulled up the curtains and left the room.
Sylvia appeared before me as if she had been waiting.
"Did you happen to wake up? Then can I come in?"
She was shining curious eyes like she did when we met earlier.
Sylvia has long wondered about Roxana and wanted to meet her.
This has been the case since Cassis told Sylvia the story of Roxana, whom he met in
Agrice three years ago.
"Later. Still sleeping.”
Sylvia looked disappointed at Cassis' words. But soon she smiled brightly and
bravely moved on.
"Then I'll wait and get the flowers ready. As a welcome sign."
Cassis smiled quietly at Sylvia.
While Roxana was in Fedeli, I wished I could smile like Sylvia.

* * *

I exhaled a deep breath from the inside through my lips.
I felt my body in warm water relaxed smoothly. The fatigue accumulated seemed to be
relieved at once.
I slept in the carriage all the time and I just woke up. I don't have anything to
I've never slept this much in my life, so it was kind of cool for me too.
Wouldn't it be to fill up the sleep time that you've been lacking?
I put my arm on the bathtub and slowly closed and opened my eyes.
I think it was a good thing that I came in alone after refusing to accept the bath.
Then, a laugh suddenly came out of my mouth.
I thought it was okay to die tomorrow, but it was somehow funny to take a bath in
such a satisfying mood.
The bathroom here was as big and tidy as the room I was in earlier.
The subtle scent from the water in the bathtub was all over the enclosed room.
While I smelled the scent of flowers, I suddenly remembered Sylvia's face that I
met earlier.

* * *

"Oh! You're awake."

As soon as her eyes met, she smiled broadly at me. I paused at the innocent smile.
Sylvia approached me with a light step like a dancing bird.
"How do you like this flower?"
Then he asked me this strange question.
The sparkling eyes like stars contained goodwill and welcome for me.
"My brother told me to take a rest, so I didn't wake him up, but I just wanted to
bring some flowers in front of the door.”
I looked down at Sylvia singing like a lark.
"You feel good when you see flowers as soon as you open your eyes, don't you?"
There was no wrinkle on her face.
I was so familiar with her speech and eyes that I thought for a moment that she and
I had known each other for a long time.
"So I stopped by the garden and tried to choose the prettiest flowers, but when I
thought of the person who would receive them, the beauty of the flowers I cared
about seemed somehow tarnished."
Sylvia was much brighter and cuter than I thought.
So I had no choice but to look down at her quietly.
"So it took longer than I thought...….”
Then her voice, which was ringing in her ears, slowly died down.
Finally, Sylvia shut her mouth as if she had realized something.
"Oh, I'm sorry."
Her eyes toward me filled with embarrassment and embarrassment.
"I should have introduced myself first, but I was talking to myself."
Sylvia seemed worried that I might be offended, but I wasn't in a bad mood.
"Well, do you happen to know who I am?"
Of course I knew.
I already saw her face at the hwahwa party.
Even if not, Sylvia's silver hair and gold eyes reminded her of Cassis.
"We were in the Wigdrasil together this time...….”
It was almost unconscious to say her name.
The person in front of me paused for a moment when he heard me.
But that was only for a moment, and soon Sylvia put a much brighter smile on her
face than before.

* * *

I was wet with subtle mood looking at the ceiling of the bathroom.
Sylvia's clear smile, which I saw earlier, lingered in front of me.
In the original novel, Sylvia at this time was not a girl with such unquestioned
brightness and brightness.
The genre of the novel was a waste of neither dreams nor hopes.
And Sylvia, like the heroine of the waste, lost her innocence and brightness as the
novel progressed.
In the end, he even shed tears of blood and vowed revenge when he learned that his
brother was killed by Agrice.
However, seeing Sylvia so active, I felt strange. It was similar to when I saw a
grown-up Cassis.
Still, he seemed to be quite mature at the harmony meeting, but Sylvia still looked
Come to think of it, you were the same age as Jeremy.
I dived into the water to the tip of my head.
Along with the bubbling, bubbling water that rises to the surface of the water, the
thoughts of the head are scattered.

* * *

The sun had already set when I went outside after finishing my bath.
Maybe because I was in hot water for a long time, my whole body was tired.
I asked everyone a while ago that I didn't need to ask about the clothing market,
but I wondered why I did that.
I slouched down to the sofa with my gown on.
I was going to sit down for a while, but I think I fell asleep again.
When I opened my eyes again, someone was trying to move me to bed.
"…...didn't you do anything to me?"
Cassis, a small reciter with a locked voice, held me and lowered his eyes.
"It's not normal to sleep again when you open your eyes like this. You didn't do
anything to keep me from running, did you?
Or I wondered if Cassis forced me to fall asleep just to restore my energy.
Cassis then spoke in a calm voice as if not to think uselessly.
"That's how much your body needs rest."
Shaded Jin looked up at his eyes and I dropped my eyes.
"Get off me. I slept as much as I could today."
Cassis didn't drop me off right away and went back to the sofa and sat me on it.
Come to think of it, how long has it been?
Sylvia said she'd wait in another room to see you again when she's done taking a
"What about your brother?"
"I sent him back earlier.”
As expected, you just went back because it was too late. But I'm glad I'm not
waiting yet.
Of course, I didn't make a promise, but Sylvia just left unilaterally.….
But it's the same for me that I couldn't refuse after seeing that smile, so should
I say sorry next time I see you again?
"I'll get you a room to eat because you'll be hungry.”
Cassis moved without asking my intention.
He seemed to already know that I would say it was me anyway. I knew from my
experience that it wouldn't work if I said I wasn't hungry here.
"Is this a fedelian?"
"As you guessed."
Eventually, I had a late dinner as Cassis wished.
However, he still had no appetite, so he opened his mouth by fiddling with the
spoon in his hand.
"Your sister is very pleased with me."
"I think so.”
I couldn't read anything from Cassis's lukewarm response.
However, his eyes became a little softer.
Sylvia welcomed me more than I expected.
Now on one side of the table was a bouquet of flowers she had given me earlier. I
glanced at it.
I wondered what Cassis said about me.
Should I admire the extraordinary ability of Cassis, who made my younger sister
welcome me like this?
I didn't come to Fedelian for any other reason or intention.
As Cassis said, it doesn't matter where it is anyway.
I thought it was irrelevant if the destination was Fedelian because there was
nowhere else to go and where I wanted to go.
First of all, I followed Cassis and now I'm in Fedelian, but I didn't think this
was my last stop.
If it wasn't Cassis who told me to go with him, I wouldn't have refused.
"Here, it's pretty quiet. I don't think there's a lot of people because I don't
feel anything."
"It's a guest annex, so I don't usually use it."
It wasn't the main building.
There are probably two reasons why you took me to the annex.
First of all, because of the poison in my body that is at risk of losing control
and going wild again.
Secondly, I couldn't help but pay attention to other people's attention by bringing
me into the fedelian as a member of Agrice.
Of course, Cassis acted without hesitation on his way here, but it was outside
Now that he came inside the fedelian, Cassis didn't know if he needed to be careful
with his behavior.
I glanced at Cassis at that thought. Then he fixed his eyes.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 80

"Your hands are slowing down. We still have more than half left. Eat a little
"I'm eating...".”
For a moment, I thought, "Why should I do this?" but I didn't feel like I was
struggling, but I just silently moved my hand.
Since I met Sylvia earlier, the other family members of the Federation probably
knew that I woke up.
So what do they think?
Me who helped my family fall and took the lead in tightening my father's breathing.
I thought that as much as Rachel knew what I had done, no one else knew.
That's probably why he gave me such a strange look at the fellowship.
Therefore, it was highly likely that I would not be happy from his point of view.
What I did was no different from what I did, and it would be against Federian's
Sylvia's response was surprising as she thought she would be reluctant to do so.
But no matter what they thought of me, it wasn't really that important.
It didn't matter whether Cassis succeeded in convincing them about bringing me or
Even if Cassis is in a difficult position because of me, I won't get involved.
It's his choice.
And to be more honest, on the other hand, I felt like I wanted to see Cassis in
trouble because of me.
Blood doesn't seem to go anywhere. I can't believe I had this bad taste.
I still couldn't see clearly what Cassis wanted to do with me here.
What I heard from him was that I would never experience it again in my life, but...
I didn't know if I should define it as a heated confession.
Do you have any sympathy for me? That could be why he brought me to pick up all the
dying animals from the street.
However, considering the persistent kiss during the day, I thought it was right
that he liked me.
But I started it earlier.
Isn't it impossible for a woman like me to seduce someone who doesn't come over
from the spot?
"I'm gonna stop eating. I want to be alone, so please leave."
Well, it didn't really matter.
I didn't even know how long I would stay here in the first place.
I don't know how good Cassis is at healing, but it's impossible to save a person
who's rotting and dying from the inside.
So Cassis was able to make it relatively easy for me to say a tremendous amount of
words to ask myself for the rest of my time.
Still, Cassis was the first person to say such a thing to me with such complete
So I thought there was nothing I couldn't give him for the rest of my life.
As Cassis said, it was right to throw it away anyway.
"I've ordered people in advance, so they won't be uncomfortable staying for a
while. Call the user if you need anything."
Cassis saw what I had eaten and called people to clean up the table because he
thought this was enough.
"If you need anything else, tell me anytime. 'Cause my room is right across.'
After hearing what he said, I questioned his ears without realizing it.
"Is this your room across the street?"
"Yes, I'll stay in the annex for a while."
Cassis stared at me when I asked.
"Because I'm in trouble if you go wrong without me."
Cassis said calmly, not a single glance changed.
I asked him out of the blue.
"Just in case, who else is staying in this annex?"
Cassis replied with a monotonous voice that made him feel calm again.
Therefore, it meant that Cassis and I would use the annex alone in the future.
I think I need to correct my previous thoughts.
I guess he doesn't care a wink about other people's features.
* * *

Agri£e's news quickly spread to three other families.

"Really? What a big deal."
Ryuzak Gastor simply responded once as if it weren't that important, cutting
attention from the matter.
The attitude was so lukewarm that it was embarrassing to the point that Simbok, who
told Ryuzak the news.
"I'm not the chief anyway. She'll take care of it."
But that made sense. It was the role of the head to decide all the family affairs
anyway, so it was not something that Ryuzak had to argue about.
Moreover, he was originally not interested in others.
Rand Agrice only happened to hear his mother, who went to a meeting of five
families last year, coldly evaluating, "If there is a ghost in the world, a man who
will die a hundred more times for the souls who have lived a grudge."
But I can't believe I'm going to die. He wasn't the one with the long line.
Ryuzak thought so without much emotion.
Still, as soon as I heard the news, Roxana Agrice, who I had met at the reunion,
and her sigacious brother briefly came to my mind.
Ryuzak was going to ask Simbok what happened to them, but he just quit.
"What's the scale of this avalanche damage?"
"According to a new tally...….”
After shaking off his thoughts, he moved on listening to the explanation of his

* * *

"What? Agri£e's broken into pieces?"

Noel Vertium dropped the fork in his hand.
Strawberries with whipped cream on top of them also fell on their knees.
White cream got dirty on his clothes, but Noel already seemed to care less about
His half-closed eyes, unable to overcome his sleepiness, were already clear.
"Well, what about Luna?"
"My Goddess!"
He shook his eyes and shouted as if the sky had collapsed.
Noel looked as if she didn't care what happened to everything else, and that she
just needed Luna to be fine.
No, is this the only thing you really need to ask after hearing the big news?
Dante, who delivered Agriche's work to Noel, asked back, saying, "Maybe."
"You mean Miss Roxana or Agrice?"
"Yes, my Luna!"
Dante was amazing.
Since when did Roxana and Agri£ce start yelling so proudly that he had possession?
And Lunarani, this time the name of the goddess of the moon.
Of course, Roxana looked good on her, but she didn't give her doll a name, and I
thought it was not right to change the name of a decent person to her own way.
"Since when has Miss Agrice been Noel's Luna?"
"From the very beginning! I felt fate at a glance!"
"You've already been rejected at the reunion."
"Who's going to be rejected? You even got me flowers!”
"Oh, my God. I got flowers, not hearts."
Oh, here we go again.
Dante sighed deeply when he realized that Noel's deterrence had begun.
That's why you've never been in a relationship before.
On the last day of the banquet, Noel fell in love at first sight with the beautiful
Roxana Agrice.
It was okay if it was just that.
However, Noel spilled nosebleeds in the banquet hall and even committed the
atrocity of randomly ripping flowers blooming in the greenhouse of Wigdrasil to
give her a present.
On such a topic, he said, "I can't deliver the flower with my own hands because I'm
embarrassed," and he said, "I couldn't do it," and he was whining so much about
That's why Dante played the role of a guardian angel of love that didn't fit his
Roxana Agri£e was more beautiful than I imagined.
Even Dante, whose standard of Michu was cloudy, was embarrassed and stuttered for a
moment when her eyes met closely with her.
However, she did not seem to be interested in the flowers Dante had given, nor in
the owner of the flowers.
She even left without listening to what Dante was trying to say about anything else
Later, I heard that the people of Agrice left Wigdrasil first.
Then Noel stir-fried him again so sweetly.
I remembered that time, so Dante deliberately brought up the words that made fun of
"Well, as Noel claims, if not then, this is the end. It's okay, it's all like that.
There's a saying that your first love doesn't come true, right?”
"Oh, no! My Luna! We're not done yet!"
Noel looked at Dante with tears in her eyes as if she was really shocked.
He was frighteningly obsessed with giving his mind to a topic that bothered him
about everything in the world.
Dante kicked his tongue, thinking that this one would last quite a while.
"Dante, did you make Noelle cry again?”
Just then, a voice of beauty like a spring breeze rang in my ears.
It was a beautiful boy with blond hair who appeared in front of Noel and Dante.
Named after the goddess of night, he was Noel's favorite doll.
Knicks had a beauty as shiny as his name.
"Luna's gone. I tried to get it before the others stole it!"
"Luna, the woman you told me about the other day?"
"Yes, my goddess as beautiful as you."
Dante looked at the two people who looked close today with crumpled faces.
He was staring at the Knicks with some disgust.
"Yeah, I wonder if Noel is a woman who has a crush on her at a glance. Do you want
me to find you?
"Really? Can you find it?”
"Sure. I'm the most perfect doll you ever made.”
Knicks grinned at Noel.
For a moment, a twisted eerie light passed through his eyes.
But Noel didn't notice it and was just so innocent.
Dante, the only one who knew the nature of the Knicks on the spot, only frowned at
the sight.

How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 81.

* * *

"This is definitely weird.”

Orca Whiperion frowned to create deep wrinkles in the forehead.
He had been following the trail of a German butterfly from the Frederica Plateau.
However, it has already been a few days since they found no trace of the habitat of
the German butterfly.
I've been wandering around the area several times, but all that came out was a grub
or a grub.
The German butterfly has appeared in front of Orca once more.
But before Orca could catch up, it flew over the walls of the fedelian wall and
As if you were going inside the fedelian.
So now he was deeply suspicious.
A few days ago, while leaving Lake Emerald and moving toward the disappearance of
the German butterfly, Orca found a group of people who appeared to belong to the
At that time, I was afraid that if I was caught entering the territory of the
Federian without permission, I would have to avoid running into them...….
If that German butterfly really came out of the fedelian, I thought I should have
just stuck to him and got permission to visit him.
Soon after, Orca shook his head.
No, it's too early to jump to conclusions because I might have just misread it.
A voice suddenly flew over Orca's head, which was so deeply agonizing.
Then someone landed lightly in front of him.
"Oh, sister?”
It was Pandora, Orca's cousin, who descended from the sky.
With long light blue hair and black eye, she was a masquerade like Orca.
Above his head, Turobe, Pandora's object, fluttered his black wings.
"What, it was you, wasn't it? Why are you here at such a time?”
Pandora discovered traces of Orca that appeared to belong to her while visiting
other animal habitats.
However, the direction of Orca's movement was on the Fedelian side. That's why I
came after him because I felt uncomfortable leaving him alone.
"What are you talking about, this time?”
At Pandora's words, Orca looked puzzled.
Then Pandora kicked your tongue as if you were also very considerate.
"You're still slow to hear."
She explained to Orca what happened between Agrice and the Fedelians.
"Oh, really? That's what happened?”
He patted his chin as if he were interesting.
"Well, it's been a long time since I've been the head of the Qing dynasty."
Orca didn't look very surprised.
"I don't know that blackheads are just right. Besides, have you been making a lot
of fuss lately as if you've been eating something wrong?”
"That's so."
Pandora nodded and accepted Orca's words.
"You didn't let other families go because they were so beautiful, did you? "To be
honest, we've always wanted to punch him in the neck because we've always been so
annoyed when dealing with him."
"Then is Agri£e empty now? I'd like to search the kennel for something useful."
"Don't look forward to it. I've already been there and it's empty."
"Oh, really?"
"But there are still people left. One of them was a particularly sharp kid, and I
almost got caught while I was off guard."
"Oh, my."
Orca's answer was lost.
He seemed to have lost interest quickly when he was judged to have nothing to gain
from the conversation with Pandora.
Pandora realized it and shed her eyes on Orca.
"Do you want me to tell you another interesting fact?”
Pandora whispered about the woman Cassis Fedelian took, as if she were talking with
a big heart.
Orca was surprised beyond comparison when he heard about Rand Agrice.
"Is that true? The Cassis Pedelian? A woman?"
"Yes, my cutie told me."
Pandora dragged Turobe's wings and stroked them praisefully.
Orca was very interested in hearing that the prince of the world took the woman
himself and put her in his domain.
So was there Cassis and the mysterious woman among the people who were moving in
groups a few days ago?
Just then, a flock of red butterflies appeared in front of Orca. This was the first
time in three days.
At that moment, everything else evaporated in his head.
"Then I'm going. I don't know why you came all the way here, but just go back."
Pandora climbed onto Turobe, probably thinking of leaving at this point.
As the turobe carrying Pandora had just flown up, Orca suddenly grabbed the legs of
the beast.
Turobe leaned over, making quite a loud noise.
Pandora yelled at Orca in fright.
"Crazy? What are you doing?"
"Let's go, hurry!"
"Wouldn't you let go of this?"
"We have to go after that! It's a German butterfly!"
"What, the German butterfly?"
"Yeah! So hurry up! If you waste your time and miss it, you'll skin this fat bird
and eat it!"
Being swept away by Orca's frightening spirit, Pandora unexpectedly started Turobe.
So they chased butterflies moving in groups in the blue sky like migratory birds.

* * *

It has already been a few days since Roxana stayed in Fedelian.

The flower that Sylvia gave me as a gift has already withered in the meantime.
It was affected by poison flowing out of Roxana's body. Since then, Roxana has not
left a vase in her room.
"Let's go to the garden together today."
Sylvia visited Roxana every day.
She was surprisingly sociable.
So I chatted with Roxana about this and that every time I met her, as if I hadn't
seen her in a long time.
Sylvia, who reminded her of her milky cheeks and her eyes shining like stars, was
very lovely.
Whenever Sylvia was in front of me like this, Roxana somehow felt a little strange
and strange, unable to explain exactly in words.
Roxana watched Sylvia and listened to her stories mainly.
Still, Sylvia didn't get tired at all and continued to speak in a bright voice all
the time.
Then Sylvia recommended that we go for a walk in the garden together today.
"Well……. I don't feel like it."
"But you've been in your room for three days. The sun is warm today, so you'll feel
better when you go outside.”
He glanced at Cassis, but he sat arm in arm and watched the situation.
He seemed to have noticed that if Sylvia pushed like this, Roxana wouldn't refuse
That's how Roxana got out of the room in a few days.
"Why don't you go inside a little bit more? Let me show you my favorite flower
Sylvia smiled brightly and dragged Roxana's hand.
Roxana flinched as soon as the warmth reached.
However, she did not shake off the hand she touched and moved on to Sylvia's lead.
Cassis looked at the figure from behind.
It was necessary to restrain Sylvia if she was too outspoken to Roxana, but so far,
Roxana seemed to consider Sylvia's words and actions cute.
Sylvia was very excited from the first time she saw Roxana.
It was natural if it was natural because I had never made friends of my age while
staying in the Fedelian.
So she dreamed day by day, using Cassis as her imaginary friend since he told her
about Roxana.
However, even if it wasn't for that reason, Sylvia seemed to like Roxana at a
Still, Roxana also seemed to not hate Sylvia, so I was relieved.
"It's Queen Maryrotte. I really wanted to show it to Roxana.”
The sweet scent was the first to touch the five senses.
Sylvia, who was running at the forefront, looked back with long hair.
Behind the dazzling smile, a flower garden in full golden flowers appeared.
Roxana followed Sylvia's footsteps and took a step forward.
After a while, her hands touched the soft petals.
The flowers did not wither because Cassis suppressed the poison flowing from
Roxana's body.
Roxana's face is very slightly loosened.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 82

"It looks similar to the clanetaria, but it's prettier."

"Clanetaria? There's a flower like that. I've never heard of it before."
Sylvia's face brightened up as Roxana seemed to like the flower garden.
"Agrice's garden was blooming all year round.”
"Is it this fragrant, too?"
When asked by Sylvia, Roxana seemed to recall something.
Soon a calm voice came from her.
"That's true. If an unimmune person takes it closer than five minutes, he'll die.
"It's a highly toxic drug flower."
"But it still smells good. "It's just that the garden is in front of the window in
my room, so I'm sick of it every day."
Sylvia's eyes opened round.
She blinked as if she didn't know how to react to Roxana's words. I couldn't even
tell if what she said now was real or not.
Roxana belatedly realized Sylvia's reaction.
Then when the eyes met, Roxana folded her eyes and smiled.
The scale in Sylvia's mind, which was leaning left and right without fully tilting
to either side, fell to one side at that moment.
"Oh, what, were you kidding?”
Sylvia laughed after Roxana. But Cassis could see that it wasn't a joke.
Roxana, who had been smiling at Sylvia for such a short time, soon turned her head
to the side.
I thought I shouldn't have said anything because I was relaxed without realizing
it. However, it was fortunate that it was concluded that it was a joke at the end.
Roxana looked at the view that unfolded before her eyes.
It was such a peaceful time that I wondered if I could do this.
Cassis watched her like that from the side by side.
Roxana sometimes stared far away in this way.
Cassis wanted to turn her eyes to herself whenever Roxana did that.
"Let's stop going in."
Finally, Roxana looked back at Cassis when he said something out of his mouth.
The breathtakingly dense golden air wrapped around the body.
In the middle of the sweet scent, more ecstatic beauty than anything else that
exists here came into view.
The moment your eyes meet...….
Cassis thought for the first time that he'd rather keep someone in front of him
It was a dark and intense desire that surprised even yourself.

* * *

Dusk fell outside the window.

Roxana tilted the bottle and poured the liquid in the glass.
The dark golden wine filled the empty glass with a small splash.
The color was as if it had melted the atmosphere just before twilight. The scent
that brushed the tip of the nose was also as sweet as honey.
Roxana emptied her glass while enjoying the view outside the window.
Sooner or later, the door opened and the person who Roxana had been waiting for
Cassis paused at her strange greeting, which penetrated her ears.
Of course. This was his room.
Cassis moved to where Roxana was.
He was the one who said it was okay to visit at any time, so I didn't think of her
as an uninvited guest.
However, it was not very pleasant to be in front of Roxana.
"Who brought you a drink?"
"Who do you think they are? They work."
Cassis kept Roxana as far away as possible from anything that could strain her
Roxana was asked to tell her anything she needed, but it was to the extent that she
was judged harmless.
Of course, alcohol was not banned, but...….
Still, I've made some remarks to the users, but I can't believe they brought it to
"Do you think there's something I want to do that I can't do?”
Roxana grinned with a narrow tail as if she had read Cassis's thoughts.
Looking at it, Cassis realized that his thoughts were complacent.
It was exactly what she said.
There was certainly no one who could refuse Roxana's request to the end.
"I told you, you're weird."
Cassis sat opposite Roxana.
Now that it happened, I didn't mean to stop her from drinking.
Apparently, the alcohol that the user brought was still low in frequency.
Roxana just pushed the second glass back to the front of the Cassis.
"I'll give you a drink. Drink up, sit down."
"Seat of seats?"
Cassis' face caught a mysterious smile.
Roxana turned her head and looked out the window again.
Here, the sponsorship behind the annex came into view.
"The view from here isn't bad either.
It was less colorful than the garden, but it also had a deep atmosphere in its own
"If you like, I can change your room.”
Cassis followed Roxana and turned out the window.
Roxana stared at the Cassis and opened her mouth.
"It's okay. You can come here whenever you want to, like now."
At the end of the remark, my eyes met.
After a while, however, Cassis' eyes were cut out of Roxana's face. His hand
touched the glass that Roxana had just served.
The two drank alcohol without talking for a while.
Then, after a while, the eyes were intertwined again.
The sunset spreading beyond the window was formed on a small golden lake bed in the
middle of the table.
"……so you're barefoot again.”
A low voice crossed the orange air soaked the room.
"If God in the room is uncomfortable, I'll prepare something else."
Cassis' words reminded Roxana of what she had left on the carpet.
"No, it's a good god. It's warm and soft, comfortable and pretty."
So I didn't think she could have it. Like everything else in the fedelian.
Cassis briefly looked into Roxana's face.
The gaze I faced seemed to be passing through her somehow.
Soon after, Cassis rose from his seat.
Roxana looked at him quietly as he approached.
Until he hugged her with a careful touch.
The body odor that I got used to stimulated my sense of smell.
Roxana didn't specifically reject it, but she quietly fell into Cassis' arms.
His touch seemed to add glaze to the pottery.
It was as if he was dealing with a piece of glass that could break at any time if
he was careless.
Whenever Cassis hugged him like this, Roxana seemed to have become a doll made of
small dewdrops or soap bubbles on the grass.
If anyone else sees these cashes, she may mistake them for craft decorations made
by melting sugar.
Cassis moved to that state and moved Roxana to her room.
It didn't take much time because there was a door just across the hall.
It was on the sofa where Cassis put Roxana down.
Roxana had already finished taking a bath and changed into pajamas shortly after
returning from a walk in the garden.
While he was hugging Cassis, he opened the front of his pajamas while he was
getting off the sofa.
In the meantime, the curvature of the greedy chest was revealed without filtration.
But Roxana just glanced up at Cassis without getting her clothes straight.
A slow glance passed her figure once.
But Cassis turned back as if he had seen nothing.
After a while, Cassis, who returned, had her god lying on the carpet.
Cassis leaned down in front of Roxana.
It inevitably became as if she was kneeling and clenching her head.
However, there was no hesitation or hesitation in his actions, as if such a thing
were not a little humiliation.
Roxana looked down at the Cassis without blinking once.
Soon after, Cassis grabbed Roxana's feet like wrapping them. The cold was
circulating on the skin that had been exposed all along.
Cassis put his hands on Roxana's cold feet.
It was still a careful and delicate touch.
Cassis' hand, however, did not fall immediately from Roxana after achieving its
initial goal.
The hand surrounding the heel of the foot slid up.
Warmness adhered to a thin ankle with cold energy.
Roxana thought her ankle's hand was as hot as a painter. Maybe she feels that way
because her temperature is especially low now.
A slow hand, as if tickling, swept over the skin.
Roxana shook her hand on the sofa.
The sense of the place that touched the Cassis seemed to stand on edge.
Cassis' golden eyes were as dim as a forest of lightless night.
In it, young thirst seemed to stick to Roxana's ankle with a hot hand.
For a moment, his grip on his ankle felt like a shackle.
"……I think it was too much for a tablecloth.”
After a while, however, Cassis no longer did anything and withdrew from Roxana.
"Come and call me when it's time for dinner. Take a rest until then.”
Subsequently, the voice that reached the ear sank lower than it was in Cassis'
room. The same was true of her eyes.
But Cassis turned around all of it.
Roxana watched him from behind.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 83

* * *

The next day, the main entrance of the fedelian was somehow chaotic.
"What's going on?"
Cassis asked Isidor who came to him.
"Orca Whiperion is asking for a visit, claiming to be acquainted with the Lord of
Cassis frowned at the words.
"Send it back."
Isidor turned around as if he knew it.
A personal visit at a time like this.
I couldn't figure out whether there was another plan or just no thought.
Of course, it was not that he was not acquainted with Orca Whiperion at all.
However, this did not mean that they were close enough to be allowed to enter such
a situation.
In the end, Orca was not welcomed by the Fedelians and was beaten to death.
Then about an hour later, Orca was caught crossing the gate using flying objects.
"Oh, my God. You're being rude unintentionally."
Naturally, he was captured and besieged by the defenders of the fedelian.
"I was searching nearby for a magical habitat, and the wall that rose in front of
me fell over without even realizing it was the gate of the fedelian castle."
Nevertheless, Orca laughed and said such absurd things without showing any signs of
"Orka, you...….”
Pandora, who was caught with Orca, gritted her teeth next to him.
Until Orca asked her to hand over control of her enchanted Turobe for a moment, I
didn't know she would do such an extraordinary thing.
So now Pandora felt like she was severely hit in the back of her head.
"Are you telling me that?"
Then, the Cassis entered the place where they were held.
He recited coolly to see if he heard Orca outside.
On the other hand, Orca was delighted to see Cassis.
"Princess of the Blue House! My friend who shared half the soul! How long has it
been? I was so sad that you refused my request for a visit. I'm so glad to see you
"Chinwoo, since when have you and I been friends?”
Orca smiled unabashedly at Cassis' cold reception.
Orca's frivolous words and actions were not surprising, as they were always like
this when faced with each other.
Cassis recited in a businesslike tone without being drawn into Orca.
"First of all, tell me what the purpose of your visit to the Fedelian was. I'll
consider the treatment afterwards.”
"Oh, that's. It's nothing, I was just trying to say hello to you when I was
A smile appeared on Orca's face, and in comparison, Cassis's face cooled cold.
"Well, that's really all, so there's no more explanation for the situation. But
he's an intruder, so we need to investigate him, right? Then I'll be indebted to
you for a while."
In the first place, Orca's purpose did not seem to be to hide inside the Fedelian
without being caught.
He seemed satisfied that he had put himself in here.
If he had tried to act secretly in the first place, he would not have used flying
creatures as if he were open.
Cassis squinted for a while and asked Isidor.
"What's that thing?"
"They've locked us in."
Pandora, who suddenly became an accomplice, opened her eyes to Orca next to her,
feeling falsely accused.
Cassis did not forget to collect all the items used as a medium for magic.
He already knew what it was like to cast a spell at the Whiperion.
Orca still relaxed and released a string of accessories.
How many were there, only a pile of Orca's body.
Pandora also handed over bracelets and necklaces as if she was crying and eating
"We will detain you until you hear back from Whiperion."
"Yes, there's a principle, so there's nothing we can do. My sister and I both
understand that. Right, sister?”
Orca smiled in a gentle manner, asking Pandora's consent.
Cassis looked down at the uninvited guests and left.
"By the way, is the rice here delicious? I feel empty because I've been eating beef
jerky and grass for days.”
After Cassis disappeared, Orca brazenly asked the people who were dragging him.
Pandora and other people laughed in vain, feeling embarrassed by Orca's composure.

* * *

"What are you? What the hell are you thinking?"

Pandora asked fiercely at Orca.
However, Orca was busy devouring the food she had given to him from the fedelian.
"Don't do that axe eyes, sister. Just think of it as a vacation for a few days. The
rice here is good, too."
"Don't you think about Whiperion's position that you're going to put him in
"If I'm the only one who's going to get in trouble, I'd be screwed.”
Pandora was amazing.
I don't know if I should say I'm immature, bold, or just goofy.
I've explained to you what happened between Agrice and the Fedelians the other day,
and you turned around and acted thoughtlessly!
The Whiperion had not yet made a clear decision on the matter.
In the meantime, Orca, the heir of the Whiperion, broke into the fedelian.
So it was clear that Baek's head would grab the back of his neck when he heard the
"Did you...... did you use me?
Then I suddenly thought, "Oh, no way."
If you're in trouble, wouldn't you be trying to put everything on Pandora and get
out of the way alone?
So she didn't even know that she used her magic when she crossed the gate.
Suddenly, such a brilliant idea occurred, so Pandora bit her lips.
But Orca was rather brazenly asking again as if he didn't know.
"Huh? You used it, didn't. Your sister agreed, didn't you? What are you talking
"I don't have flying creatures, so without my sister, I would have had to give up
after I found a butterfly. Isn't this fate? Now, all we have to do is find the
German butterfly here for a few days...….”
Orca mumbled so much that she fell into a world of her own.
"No matter how many times you look at it, it was a snake with its owner. Was Masusa
in the fedelian that I didn't know? You're not the sister of the prince in the
veil, are you?
Pandora softened her anger a little when she saw him like that.
"Then you'd never dream of killing and taking it away...….”
Yeah, Orca had all kinds of superlatives, but she was strangely unfamiliar with
flying ones.
"No, were you able to re-tame the original owner of the jar after the imprint was
cut off?….”
So this time again, he simply came up with Pandora's Turobe in the easiest way to
cross the gate, and he may not plan to step out by himself later.
"But you don't have any appetite, sister? Then can I eat that?"
"Shut up."
Pandora struck Orca's hand as it crept forward.
Nevertheless, it was impossible to love Orca, who had made her look like this and
was comfortable alone.

* * *

"You got a visitor, didn't you? It's a bit chaotic out there today."
Cassis's eyes flew to her when Roxana spilled like she was passing by.
He seemed to have noticed that Orca was in a troublemaker's mind for a while.
"It's not a guest, it's an uninvited guest."
Cassis spoke as if it were insignificant.
"Then why don't you use the annex?"
"As I said, I'm not a guest."
Cassis' attitude was so determined that Roxana almost laughed without realizing it.
But isn't this too trivial a treatment?
"First of all, it's a Whiperion. Can I do that?”
Cassis' hand, which was stretching out to a glass of water on the table, stopped.
He looked at Roxana as if he knew how.
Soon after, he remembered what he had forgotten for a while and breathed a faint
Roxana blinked her eyes naturally.
Cassis's guess was that she had heard of Orca Whiperion's visit to Fedelian via a
German butterfly.
Of course, I don't know if I can describe it as a visit.
"Well, it doesn't matter to me."
Soon Roxana lowered her head again and continued eating.
Cassis said nothing else about it.
There was a reason why Roxana didn't ask for an explanation, but even if it wasn't,
Cassis didn't want to tell her about Orca.
But I couldn't figure out why I felt this way.
In fact, it wasn't really something I didn't know. I'm just pretending I don't
Somehow, his appetite dropped and Cassis looked down at the plate in front of him
with a slight frown.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 84

* * *

At night, Roxana sat by the window after taking a bath.

The wind from beyond the open window was quite cool. But she didn't close the
window right away.
The owner and hostess of the fedelian have never met before.
They said she had been released the day she came here and had not returned yet.
Roxana was a little curious about whether it was true or just what Cassis
surrounded her.
I wondered if the latter would be the expression of his stance that he would not
welcome her in the Federation.
But Cassis and Sylvia haven't said much since.
Also, Roxana didn't even think about bringing it up first, so the problem
eventually fizzled out.
Of course, if they let the German butterfly fly to the main building, they would
know the truth. But there was no reason to do so, and I didn't want to.
Cassis did not give details about anything else except what Roxana should know
If you ask something more, Cassis will answer.
Just like we did when we faced each other with a bonfire between us before we
arrived in the fedelian.
Even then, Cassis did not explain more than Roxana wanted.
Cassis, on the other hand, seemed to want Roxana to ask him something first, just
like that day.
But she didn't.
Roxana took out a knife that Cassis had secretly packed while he was paying
attention for a while at mealtime. And I drew my arm with it.
Blood poured out of the deep cut.
The poisonous butterfly, which ran like a moon, quickly clung to it and sucked
The bloody butterflies on the floor ate up, leaving no dirty marks.
After a while, Roxana opened her lips and let go of her sighing voice.
"Don't look at me like that."
As I turned my head, I could see Cassis standing by the door.
The room was not lit, and Cassis was turning against the light of the hallway
through the open door.
So his face was eaten by darkness.
Cassis seemed to be in the opposite room and came to her because she felt something
Still, he was quick to sense in useless things.
"It's something I have to do periodically until I die anyway."
Cassis did not respond to Roxana.
He walked up to her, leaving the door a little open.
As the distance narrowed, Cassis' face was only seen properly.
He looked down at Roxana with an expressionless face.
"Give me your arm."
As soon as Cassis' hand covered the area near the wound, the open flesh filled up
and the blood stopped.
The remaining German butterflies disappeared one by one.
Roxana stared at the scene and opened her mouth.
"This is convenient. Can I draw it one more time since I'm feeling better. I
haven't fed you enough for a while, so I want to feed you one more time now."
Her hand held on to her arm slowly.
The eyes of Cassis facing them were calmed down a little longer than before.
Roxana blinked slowly and said as if she knew.
"Yes, I'll stop today."
Cassis removed the knife in Roxana's hand. The blood on it had already been eaten
up by the German butterfly.
Roxana kept an eye on the figure.
Then I asked suddenly.
"But why don't you do anything to me?"
Cassis' hand, who was putting the knife down on the table, paused.
As he turned around, Roxana also rose from the window where he was sitting.
Her gentle walking with her back against a window leaking from the important
moonlight was like a goddess of dawn that cuts through the tents of the night.
"If you look at me..."
Roxana, who came to the front of Cassis, tilted her head at an angle. Gold threads
gently waved along the thin face line.
"You want to touch and kiss.”
Subsequently, a fine hand landed on Cassis' chest.
This time, it wasn't for a different purpose as in a carriage, but it was just a
movement that seemed to confirm something.
"You know what?"
The red eyes, which had been lowered for a moment, looked up at him from the front
"Your heart is beating so hard right now.”
After the bath, a subtle scent came out of Roxana's body, wearing only one gown.
If I bite a bite of the tender neck that was revealed in my vision, I felt like I
would get sweet water.
Roxana wasn't doing this to seduce him now. She was just asking because she didn't
understand Cassis.
Nevertheless, the problem was that everything in Roxana's eyes at this moment was
terribly tempting.
Finally, Cassis' lips, which had been tightly closed, opened slowly.
"You sound like you have everything inside me.”
Roxana closed and opened her eyes after hearing his low recitation.
Then she asked back.
"Then I'm wrong?"
"No, that's right."
Cassis accepted unexpectedly easily.
His hand wrapped around Roxana's hand on his chest.
"That day, when you left Agrice...….”
Cassis pulled his grip and pressed his lips on the tip of his finger.
"If it weren't for me to give up my hand, you wouldn't mind.”
Roxana's hand, which reached Cassis, flinched. Regardless of him, Cassis continued.
"But I wouldn't have said that if it weren't for you.”
Eyes were tied up in the air.
Roxana breathed shallowly and faced gold eyes facing her straight.
The cool wind that swirled around the room shook the hair finely.
The place where the window was open was definitely behind her back, and somehow
something too big to be burdensome from where the Cassis was located felt like it
was being pushed.
Soon after, Cassis smiled crumbly at Roxana.
"I just wanted to tell you.”
He lowered her hand on her lips until then and greeted her farewell tonight.
"The air is still cold at night, so change into your pajamas."
Since then, the warmth that had been gently swept over the skin has faded away.
Roxana, as she did last time, stood still for a while after Cassis left, as if she
were stuck in her seat.

* * *

Orca and Pandora were released from custody relatively quickly.

It was because the Whiperion knew their atrocities and responded as quickly as
It was also a quick response because he usually does a lot of extraordinary things.
As expected, in Whiperion, Orca seemed to be troubled by what he had done.
The situation is already complicated due to Agrice's problems, but it was
understandable that the immature successor did this in a comfortable manner.
Otherwise, all the heads of the family had gathered in the Wigdrasil to discuss the
In the Fedelians, Whiperion was contacted and some vigilance was raised against
Orca and Pandora.
Otherwise, Orkawa could not completely reject him because he had known him for a
long time.
In addition, even if it was not for that reason, they had to respect each other if
they did not intend to antagonize the other family.
Cassis placed his men around the annex to stand guard.
Just in case you don't know.
For now, they were released from custody in consideration of their relationship
with Whiperion, but they have not yet broken their guard.
There was also a risk of picking up an annex with Roxana while there was no Cassis
because it was an orca that did not know where to bounce.
"There are people I've never seen before."
Roxana also found people guarding and inside the annex.
Sylvia explained to me at the sound of her tea.
"There's a guest in the mansion who's considered dangerous. That's why I'm keeping
them away from the annex."
Sylvia was frowning her eyes small as usual.
She also seemed to be unhappy with the uninvited guests of Whiperion who crossed
the gate for absurd reasons.
"I think we'll have a formal greeting at dinner."
From now on, I will treat two Whiperions as guests, so it was natural.
"Then Cassis will be gone tonight."
"Are you sad that you're not here?"
When Roxana said something without thinking, Sylvia asked in a subtle tone.
When I looked up, Sylvia's face, which was smiling strangely at her, was reflected
in my vision.
"If the dinner is going to be long, I'll do something to make sure that you're the
only one who can send it quickly."
Sylvia smiled and said as if to trust only me.
I thought I knew what she was thinking, but Roxana just didn't explain.
It's more like a dinner between the brothers and sisters of the fedelian and the
guests of the Whiperion.
Orca did not attend the harmony, so this evening's dinner was Orca and Sylvia's
first official meeting.
Will Orca like Sylvia in real life as in the novel?
If so, I was a little worried that Sylvia might become as obsessed as the novel
When Roxana just opened her mouth, Sylvia started to say something at the same
While Sylvia paused, Roxana made concessions first.
"Tell me first."
Then Sylvia hesitated for a moment.
The appearance was quite different from usual, so Roxana became somewhat curious.
Finally, Sylvia said after biting her lips as if she had made up her mind.
"Well, can I touch your hair?"

How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 85

It was an unexpected request.

Sylvia looked at Roxana with a tense face.
Roxana blinked at Sylvia and soon accepted with a glancing look.
Sylvia's cheeks quickly flushed.
She quickly rose from her seat and moved behind Roxana. The walk was light and
light as if dancing.
"My hair is as thin and pretty as silk thread, so I wanted to touch it. Ho, if you
don't mind, can I brush it?”
"Do whatever you want."
"Then, tie it up with a ribbon...….”
"It's all right."
Although it was no big deal for Roxana, Sylvia was delighted as if she were the
first child to receive candy.
Seeing Sylvia like that somehow made me feel strange.
The hand that came from the excitement began to touch the hair.
Then Roxana forgot what she was going to say to Sylvia.

* * *

"Head is…."
Cassis, who came into Roxana's room shortly after Sylvia's visit, dimly hardened
his face.
His gaze was fixed on Roxana's head.
"Silvia tied me up."
The long gold hair was loosely braided in one, tied with a dark red ribbon similar
to the color of her pupils.
There was nothing that didn't suit Roxana, so I could answer that without
However, Roxana's hairstyle now looked like Orca.
Of course, Sylvia had never seen an orca, so she would have done it without
But Roxana...….
Cassis briefly stood still and caught Roxana in sight before approaching her.
Soon a slow touch touched her hair hanging down.
"……did you ask Sylvia to tie you up like this yourself?"
Perhaps because of the mood, a barren voice passed by my ears.
"No, I said you can do whatever you want, and Sylvia did this."
Roxana replied calmly as if she didn't know what Cassis was thinking.
Cassis' hands wandered covertly around the ribbon tied to gold hair.
It's as if I'm going to take it out right now and throw it away somewhere.
The eyes looking down at the red ribbon were also fierce and sharp like a hungry
beast in front of its prey.
After a while, Cassis managed to shake off the intense temptation and put his hand
Then he returned to his usual calm appearance and told Roxana.
"I can't have dinner with you tonight.”
"I heard it from Sylvia.”
"I'll be back as early as I can, so don't think about starving."
Cassis pretended not to know that Roxana's face was full of complaints.
"Then I'll be back."

* * *

"Hey, I didn't know there would be such a beautiful woman in the city. "If I had
known that there would be such a fateful encounter, I would have attended the
At dinner time, only Orca was bright among the four people present.
Every time he opened his mouth and threw a word, everyone but Orca cooled down.
He looked like a municipal jubilee who was flirting with a woman he liked.
His clear and transparent appearance, like a piece of glass, was quite inexpensive.
"Fate, I have no idea.”
Sylvia struck down Orca's words in a cold manner. Still, he didn't give in.
"No, think about it. Sylvia is as beautiful as a flower and I'm as beautiful as a
butterfly, so we can be a perfect match. Oh, but my beauty is as bright as a
flower, so I'll play the role of a flower and Sylvia can play the butterfly.
Sylvia, do you like butterflies?”
As Orca continued, the expressions of the three people sitting around the table
changed in various ways.
Cassis cooled down, Sylvia couldn't hide her absurdity, and Pandora looked at Orca
as if she was talking about something crazy.
"The white sorcerer. If you keep talking to my brother frivolously, I'll send him
back to where he was yesterday."
Cassis warned coolly.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm usually very shy, so the more nervous I get, the more I talk.
If you're offended by my rambling remarks, I apologize, Miss Sylvia."
Orca apologized politely, but the content was still absurd.
To be very shy was to be laughed at by people and magicians all over the world who
knew Orca.
"One more thing. I never allowed a name. Call me Miss Fedelian."
"Haha, I will. But I want you to call me Orca."
But after that, there was a rather normal conversation.
Orca spoke to Sylvia quite frequently, apparently interested in her. Sometimes
Cassis stopped him when he was being too outspoken.
While exchanging stories a few times, Orca's speech gradually decreased.
Later on, he shut up, somehow disappointed.
However, Sylvia seemed just relieved that his attention had drifted away from her.
"Ugh, suddenly my stomach...….”
Then, he suddenly swept his chest and stomach, complaining of discomfort as if Orca
was lying on his stomach.
"Did you get sick from eating only grass outside for a while and eating something
Like that, Orca was even sweating.
"Oh, all of a sudden, Mother Nature's energy in the colon...….”
'Don't say dirty things, run away if you're in a hurry!'
Pandora shouted to Orca in fear.
Orca rushed out of the restaurant in a hurry to ask for his understanding.
"Huiperion's family style must be quite free."
"Orca's the one-of-a-kind thing...….”
Pandora groaned and murmured as Sylvia turned around and talked.
She wanted to go in there if there was a rat hole.
Cassis winked as soon as Orca left the restaurant.
The two men standing by the door of the dining room were silent and disappeared
behind Orca.
"I apologize for Orca's rudeness."
Pandora gritted her teeth at Orca inside and defended him to the brothers and
sisters of Federlian.
"Maybe I haven't fully adapted to the new environment because I've been living
outside for a while."
Miuna Gouna Orca was the successor to Whiperion.
"We also feel responsible for this intrusion. My ability to control the water was
somewhat insufficient, so I and Orca were searching the area's habitat and
unintentionally crossed the fedelian gates."
So he couldn't let the family have a shameful impression.
"I'm sorry that I missed the timing earlier, even though I had to get permission to
investigate the Masu habitat in advance."
I don't know why there's a person who pooes and someone who cleans it, but anyone
had to fix it anyway.
Furthermore, Pandora was deeply moved by the fact that the harness used to cross
the gate of Pedelian belonged to her.
"Fedelian is familiar with the unique disposition of white Masusa. I've already
finished writing with Whiperion, so I don't need to explain this."
Cassis spoke in a formal tone as if he were not interested in Pandora's personal
The voice was so dry that I felt heartless.
Listening to what he said, he seemed to have already seen through the fact that
this happened by Orca's arbitrary decision.
"Thank you for saying so."
Of course, what Cassis said was not to defend Pandora, but she pretended not to
Cassis' dry eyes briefly touched Pandora and soon fell.
After that, however, Pandora stared at the Cassis for a while.
She was secretly admiring.
"Looking at this, the prince of Qing has become very nice, right?’
When I saw him a few years ago, he was a softer and more finite impression, but the
atmosphere changed like this.
Of course, even then, Cassis Pedelian boasted a beautiful charm like the light of
dawn, not lacking in the word of a noble.
However, looking at Cassis now, I could see that he was a half-baked fruit at that
Pandora looked over the Cassis secretly.
In fact, she was busy peeking at Cassis since she first entered the dining room.
Until now, Ryuzak Gastor was my favorite. But the prince of Qing was surprisingly
A strange light flashed through Pandora's eyes for a moment.
'Then shall we make it mine while we're here?’

How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 86.

"Did you get something on your face?”

At that time, a clear voice, as if glass beads were rolling, resonated in the
dining room.
Pandora quickly came to her senses and turned her head.
Then Sylvia, who had been staring at her for some time, came into sight.
At the moment of eye contact, Sylvia made a delicate expression of embarrassment.
"Or is there any other problem? Suddenly, he looked at me so scary."
"Oh, no, I was thinking about something else for a while...….”
Pandora smiled awkwardly and made excuses.
Sylvia, who suddenly caught her off guard, was embarrassed inside.
"Oh, really?"
Sylvia looked at Pandora and relieved her expression as if she was glad.
Then she smiled and said.
"I felt this for dinner, and it seems that the people of Whiperion are building
their own world very firmly."
However, due to Sylvia's voice, Pandora was unable to figure out what to say.
"Even the person who's gone now felt like he was in a different world when we were
talking. But seeing you forget your surroundings and think deeply about yourself, I
think it's interesting and interesting that you resemble each other a lot because
you're the same Whiperion."
"You just said Orca Whiperion was the only one who was unique, but I think you two
are very similar."
Is it a curse?
Pandora was overwhelmed with a feeling of great abuse.
You look like Orca. I felt something very humiliating and shameful.
However, Sylvia was smiling so brightly that it was hard to say anything.
Moreover, looking at her innocent face, she didn't seem to mean anything bad.
Cassis called his sister quietly next to him. The voice was rather strict.
"Huh? Don't you think so, too?”
However, Sylvia just smiled as if she didn't know why Cassis called her.
Furthermore, to Pandora's dismay, Cassis did not deny Sylvia's comments.
"That's right, but I think we should stop here. That could be rude to the other
person, depending on what you hear."
"Oh, really? It was a good meaningfully. I thought it was a really cute and funny
characteristic. But I apologize if my words hurt your feelings.”
"No……. That's all right."
Pandora had no choice but to answer in a shameless answer.
I definitely felt undesirable, but that didn't mean that I was rude enough to
Furthermore, it was subtle to be narrow-minded when he even apologized like that.
Sylvia and Cassis, and both siblings were more like that because they had a clean
However, Pandora still felt uncomfortable.
She dropped her gaze from staring at Cassis the whole time and continued the meal
that had stopped.
The dinner time felt strangely long.
"Orca, what is she doing without coming back soon?’
Sylvia looked at Pandora and snorted in a coy way without her knowing.

* * *

Orca walked out of the dining room, clutching her belly and walking down the hall.
When I explained the status to the user, he kindly told me where to go soon.
Orca expressed her gratitude and hurried back.
But he wasn't suffering from stomachache, feeling a real need for excretion, as it
The sharp silver bullet moved his eyes with a keen eye.
Cassis Pedelian was quick to sense. I can't believe you're sending someone right
after you.
However, Orca was specialized in sneaking away from their eyes, the landowner, in
the realm of the object.
He easily managed to get rid of his pursuers.
"It's been a long time since they've been suspicious."
Orca stepped on the shadows and stared at the distant building.
It was a place with an annex.
Somehow, strange energy seemed to flow out from there.
Orca's animal instincts were remarkably advanced during the pursuit of the spells
and living among them.
Facing Sylvia at the dinner, she was convinced that she was not the owner of the
German butterfly.
Above all, the unique clear energy of the fedelian was not compatible with the
poison butterfly.
In addition, Sylvia herself did not seem to be interested in taming the beast.
At first, he suspected that he might be pretending to know nothing and taking it
But as we talked more, I didn't think it was right.
"That way!"
Orca started running away from those who had already followed him.
As expected, his destination was an annex that touched his five senses.
* * *

"You're a hundred masquerade."

I smirked at the video of the German butterfly.
What I'm looking at now was a scene in the dining room.
I already knew from the book, but Orca Whiperion, the white magician, was a very
beautiful man.
His splendor was far above what he had imagined, in type alone.
His unusual personality is one more drink than he is.
Comparing yourself to a flower.
No matter how well you know your beauty and how much you love yourself, it was not
something to say in front of the heroine.
Sylvia's bewildered face was so stark that I almost laughed once again.
It was also noteworthy that the person who visited with Orca was Pandora.
Whiperion's signature light blue hair was the same as Orca's, but her pupils were
black as opposed to that.
Pandora was a beauty with a strong impression that gave off a sexy and seductive
She was also a supporting character who, like Roxana Agrice, coveted Sylvia's man
in "The Flower of the Abyss".
In her work, she was jealous of Ryuzak Gastor because she thought Sylvia was a
In addition, he was also a sister-in-law character who bullied Sylvia on the plaque
of Orca's cousin, another male protagonist.
Well, of course, Sylvia didn't marry Orca, so she wasn't really a sister-in-law,
but to describe her role, it meant so.
Pandora secretly bullied Orca when Orca kidnapped Sylvia and confined her to
Whiperion in the novel.
By the way, isn't the Whiperion also a family that deals with magic and the novel's
level is rated R?
As a result, I remember that the episode of the Whiperion family, where Sylvia,
Orca, and Pandora were intertwined, was particularly terrible.
They use the tentacles of the beast to humiliate Sylvia, and with the pheromones of
the beast, they make Sylvia into a state of weakness,… I think so.
Of course, Pandora and Orca were the only ones who were punished for doing similar
Everything Orca, the male lead, did to Sylvia was tolerated in the name of love.
But seeing Orca's face in person...….
I couldn't believe that he had done such a crazy thing in the novel with such a
normal appearance.
Of course, he doesn't seem to have a good personality right now, but I think that's
enough to understand him as a nerd.
I focused my attention on the video because I wondered if Orca might fall in love
with Sylvia in reality as in the novel.
However, as time went by, Orca was talking to Sylvia less often.
Looking at his expression, he seemed disappointed because something was different
from his thoughts.
I knew what the reason was.
This is because he sent a German butterfly to the place where Orca was detained.
So it wasn't hard to infer what he was thinking now.
Orca saw my poisonous butterfly somewhere and came to Fedelian looking for it.
In order to feed the slaughtered butterflies, the butterflies have been flown twice
to a habitat for the wild animals outside the fedelian, probably witnessing it.
Orca seemed disappointed to expect Sylvia alone, thinking she might be the owner of
the German butterfly.
I knew how shudderingly persistent orca could be in love.
Of course, as one of the male protagonists of the novel, he was described as a very
attractive man, but there was no normal person who kidnapped and imprisoned women
and even insulted them.
So it was rather fortunate that he was interested in Sylvia.
What is this?
For some reason, I have been paying more attention to Pandora than to Orca.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 87.

Is it just my feeling?
No wonder her eyes looking at Cassis were unusual.
I've been talking to you since I've been telling you to eat, but I've been peeking
at Cassis.….
No matter how much I looked at it, it was definitely black-hearted.
The real Pandora doesn't like Ryuzak, does she?
It was already after quite a lot of changes to the novel, so there was nothing
strange about it.
But why? While I was thinking about it, I felt a little upset.
Of course, there was no reason for me to do that.
It was probably because I shared a fairly long time of view with the German
butterfly after a long time, and I had a headache.
I watched the four people sitting around the big table for a moment and soon cut
off the connection with the German butterfly.
After that, I opened the door of the terrace and went out.
Where I am now was Cassis' room.
I had nothing to do anyway, so I was just going to wait here until he came.
Night sponsorship had its own style.
I leaned my upper body against the railing of the terrace and captured the view
Then suddenly, the low whisper that I heard not long ago was pushed by the subtle
scent of sponsorship and flowed into my ears.
"That day, when you left Agrice...….”
You wouldn't have cared if I wasn't the one who gave up.”
"But I wouldn't have said that if it weren't for you.”
I exhaled slowly.
……I shouldn't have followed you.
Things that I didn't consider much at that time have now slowly weighed down my
While I was with Cassis, I felt like I was getting some footprints one by one.
That day, I thought I shouldn't have just followed Cassis.
I raised my arm on the railing and leaned my face on it.
The hair hanging down on the back slipped under the shoulder.
Perhaps the red ribbon that Sylvia tied to me had been loosened.
Suddenly, a ribbon released from my hair was pushed away by the wind that followed.
Oh. Sylvia gave it to me, so I don't think I should lose it.
Sylvia's face, who was happy to tie a ribbon by braiding my hair, suddenly came to
When I just lifted up my body leaning against the railing, I heard a rustling sound
from below.
"What, suddenly a string came from somewhere...….”
It was a beautiful man with light blue hair who appeared in the shadow of a tree
with a red ribbon.
He was definitely Orca Whiperion.
There was no question as to why Orca was here.
The next moment, the eyes facing each other widened.
He looked up at me as if he had even forgotten to breathe.
There was a great embarrassment inside the big floating frozen silver circle.
Then I frown at the whisper that leaked from Orca.
"Is it an animal...? The new evolutionary species, the human-type marmul?"
Orca had a puzzled look on her face and was still talking about that crap.
"No, I've never heard of such a thing...….”
"Orca Whiperion."
At that moment, a cold voice like a lump of ice fell heavily over Mi-sung's voice.
What appeared this time was Cassis. There was a chill blowing in his face.
"I can't believe you've been poking around in the fedelian without permission, I
didn't get the warning.”
Looking at the situation, Orca, who was in the dining room, seemed to have sneaked
out of the place.
Cassis noticed it and immediately followed.
However, Orca still looked at Cassis with a bewildered face.
"No……...the prince of the Qing, can you see that in your eyes right now? I don't
think that's a human being at all...….”
Cassis's eyes were lifted when he heard him.
He made eye contact with me for a moment and dropped his eyes on Orca again.
"What, is it really only visible to me? So that's the spirit?"
"You must have preferred where you stayed until yesterday. Then I'll do whatever
you want."
How he interpreted Cassis' inaction, Orca opened his mouth with his signature.
"Take me."
Cassis ignored him and ordered his followers coolly.
They held Orca's arms at the command of Cassis.
But Orca was still looking at me with a face that she didn't know what was what.
Eventually, he was carried away by Cassis' men in rapture.
"Why are you out there?"
Cassis' attitude toward me was distinctly different from when he faced Orca.
I felt clearly that the coldness was deflected by the voice handed to me.
The men who were still behind him quietly withdrew.
I found something like the remains of a piece of cold glass still stuck in Cassis'
I somehow knew what he was thinking now.
It wasn't my feelings for me, but I wanted to comfort myself because I thought I
was in the cause.
So I said.
"I've been waiting for you.”
Then Cassis shut up and looked up at me.
"Are you all here now?”
"You're here really early, as I promised."
I pulled out of the railing on the terrace and added.
"Then come up. I'll be in your room."
Cassis stared at me without an answer and finally got out of his seat.
Only then did I leave the terrace and enter the room.
After that, we had a late dinner time together in Cassis's
Cassis had already roughly filled his stomach at the dinner hall, so he didn't eat
properly and watched me eat in front of him.
Cassis and I didn't say anything about the Orca we just saw.
Another day has passed like that.
Then the next day, the owner and hostess of the fedelian who were away returned.

* * *

As Cassis said.
It was true that the owner and wife of the fedelian were away from the mansion.
They returned to Fedelian, marking the gap that lasted for about 10 days.
I stepped into the main building of Pedelian for the first time at the call of
The thought I had so far has been overshadowed by him wanting to meet me as soon as
he returned to the mansion.
So I was guided to the place that appeared to be Richel's office.
It was surprising that I was put into such an inner space.
Perhaps it implies the importance of the story to be shared from now on.
knock, knock
"It's Miss Roxana Agrice."
The person who guided me stood in front of the door, knocked, and announced my
After a big breath and enough time to exhale, a response was heard from the inside.
"Come on in."

* * *

After a while, I sat facing Richelle.

Richelle's office was very tidy.
There was a white steaming teacup on the table between him and me.
Rachel didn't throw a rush right away and told me to drink tea. I lifted the teacup
at his suggestion.
I thought I might go straight to the point, saying that it would be a waste of
every minute and every second without giving out a glass of cold water.
Like the head of the noble Federation, Richelle was courteous enough to me.
There was no other conversation between Richelle and me while we were almost empty.
But it wasn't uncomfortable.
Perhaps it was because Richelle had a more unruly atmosphere than expected.
Or maybe it was because I didn't expect anything from him in the first place.
"I don't think we need to talk long.”
So when Rachel finally opened her mouth and said so, I was able to wait calmly for
his words to come.
However, the words that penetrated my ears were unexpected.
"Stay as comfortable as you want."


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 88

I looked at Richelle, doubting his ears.

He looked as if he had just said something. Then his eyes touched me.
"Why are you looking at me like that?”
I chose a horse for a moment.
Then, he took off his stiff lips and let out a low voice.
"I knew you'd leave."
"If I told you to leave now, would you?"
I didn't answer that, but Richelle looked at my face and seemed to know what was
going on.
"Carsis is going to have a hard time."
Soon he put down the teacup he was holding and recited it low as a horse to
The air in the office was calm, but it wasn't as heavy as pressure on me.
The same was true of Richelle's eyes that flew to me.
There`s no reason why we can`t welcome her. When Cassis was in Agrice three years
ago...… well."
However, he did not stop talking and showed signs of contemplating something for a
"I don't know what to call you. I don't think he wants to be called a last name.
I'll just sing as comfortably as I do now.”
"Yes, I'm fine.
"Yes, Cassis was very helpful to you three years ago when he was in Agrice."
I was silent for a moment.
After looking down at the liquid lightly in the teacup, I finally took off my
closed lips.
"No, I don'… the truth will be a little different from what he thinks."
Whatever Cassis and the people of Fedelian think, it wouldn't be exactly the same
as the truth I had.
To be honest with you, it wasn't just pure good deeds, it was just using him as I
In fact, I deliberately put him in danger in those days to achieve my goal.
I thought it didn't matter how much he got hurt in the process of achieving what I
Most of the reasons for saving his life were just self-satisfaction.
However, such a thing did not have to be revealed by myself.
Anyway, it was clear that I wanted to help Cassis at that time, and that I actually
did it.
So if I just kept my mouth shut like this, everyone would mistake me for being a
good person.
But why am I telling this to the old Rachel?
It's as if you're saying that you don't have to accept me into the fedelian for
that reason.
As if you're hoping to be kicked out of here.
But now there was no one here who forced me.
So if you want to leave, you can express your intention in person.
But the reason why I don't...….
I closed my eyes down completely to block the view.
Perhaps because of the tea I just drank, I felt a little bitter in my mouth.
"When something actually happens, whatever it is, it's rather rare that there's
only one reason for it."
Richelle looked at me like that and turned her eyes.
"Whether it's evil or good, it's all the same."
Soon his hand lifted the teacup on the table again.
So even if the giver did not intend it, wouldn`t the truth already matter if the
giver said it was a good deed to the recipient? The Cassis, of course, is
intentional, because it doesn't seem to care what happens."
His words were surprisingly sweet.
"So I have no reason to disagree."
The tone was indifferently calm, and the temperature inside it was neither high nor
But not as much as the content of the words.
"There are other complicated things on my mind, just like you and us...…at least we
don't have the upper hand over what we've said, so why don't we just get caught?"
The people in the fedelian were strange.
I didn't know not only Cassis but also Richelle would say this to me.
I can't believe you can accept me for that reason...….
No answer to Richelle's words seemed appropriate, so I just swallowed them.
And with a series of voices, I suddenly fixed my eyes on his eyes.
"But I think we should talk about this now. It's about Agrice."
Richelle added, facing me straight.
"I told you to do whatever you want for Cassis, so choose your own. Do you want to

* * *
After a while I got out of Richel's office.
And as soon as I did that, I ran into someone who was coming towards me. The
distance was less than 20 steps away.
She was a woman with a graceful and elegant atmosphere.
I and she both faced each other and stopped moving for a while.
My eyes opened wide for a moment.
However, the woman soon cleared her expression and came straight to me.
"You seem to have already finished talking."
Perhaps she was going to visit Richelle's office.
I noticed without difficulty that she was a fedelian's mistress.
After that, I said hello to her first.
"Yes, I just woke up from my seat. I'm sorry I couldn't say hello to you earlier."
"This is Roxana."
"Yes, I'm Jeanne."
Like me, she took off her surname and introduced herself by name only.
I realized that it was a consideration for me and felt strange feelings again.
"Why do you blame yourself for the delay in exchanging greetings? There's a reason
why we've been away the whole time. It's just that the situation wasn't right, so
don't worry."
Jeanne's eyes glanced at my face for a moment. The calm eyes slowly looked at my
appearance and passed by.
Then she smiled small in time.
"I'd like to talk to you a little more, but I just saw Cassis said Cassis."
When I heard it, I unintentionally moved my eyes to the hallway behind her.
But Cassis was nowhere to be seen from where we stand now.
"I'd like to treat you to tea soon as a welcome gift. I'll send you a message
Feeling impossible to define exactly, I gave a long look to the person in front of
But he managed to whisper.
"……Thank you for your hospitality."

* * *

"You came out later than I thought.”

As I stepped out to the corridor, I could see Cassis standing right in front of
"Really? Since when have you been waiting?"
"A little while ago."
As I approached, Cassis glanced into my face.
But that was it. Cassis didn't ask me anything.
His silence resembled what I saw in front of Cassis.
So I didn't tell him about the conversation that I had with Richelle and Jeanne.
Cassis and I started walking side by side.
Then we ran into Whiperion's cousin.
They seemed to be on their way to greet the couple like me.
"I didn't think I'd do it, but now that I look at it, I'm Sister, can you see it?
It's not a spirit, is it?”
Orca was gibberish and pointed at me.
But as Cassis stared at it as if it was going to break it, he soon dropped his hand
in shame.
Pandora has been looking at me with her mouth wide open since earlier. She seemed
as surprised as Orca when she saw me.
"Ma, marmul? Mythical Seiren?"
Seeing me and calling out the sound of the magic sound again, I thought it was
right that I was a cousin who had the same blood as Orca.
Pandora, who treats me like a demon, had Cassis' bleak eyes.
But as if she didn't feel it, she kept muttering to herself with a look of her
"Or a nymph who is extinct...…?”
"Let's go, Cassis."
"Gee, what are you talking about?….”
Cassis and I turned away from the two men who couldn't keep their heads together.
It was clear that they would not be able to hear whatever they said as they are now
As I stepped out of the corridor completely, the dazzling sunlight pierced my eyes.
I paused for a moment and raised my hand to block my view. In the meantime, I
thought my eyesight had weakened because I was mostly indoors.
Cassis' eyes reached me next to him.
Perhaps I misunderstood that I caused dizziness.
"Tell me if it's hard to walk.”
"Tell me?"
He's treating me like a real sick man.
Of course, it wasn't completely wrong.
Besides, there was something I didn't mean to show him weak side-by-side.
However, this was never enough to be bothered by the lack of walking this distance.
Naturally, what I asked him back now was not to ask him to do something about me
because it was really hard to walk.
But Cassis approached me without delay.
"No, wait...….”
Subsequently, the body floated up.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 89.

The view quickly increased. It was because Cassis hugged me just as he did in the
"…...I didn't mean I couldn't walk right now."
What the hell is this?
When I protested with embarrassment, Cassis glanced at me.
"Really? You must have misunderstood because you made it unclear.”
No, what the hell was unclear...….
"Now that you know, I'll drop you off, right?
"Your stride delayed the journey between the annex and the main building by about
five minutes. It's faster to just go like this.”
After an insensitive voice, Cassis began to move.
It was not fair to say anything because it was a monotonous accent that seemed to
simply weigh efficiency and inefficiency.
It was clear that even if I said something more this time, I wouldn't listen to it
by ear.
Yeah, it's comfortable to give up...….
Eventually, I sighed and put my chin on Cassis' shoulder.
As a result, I could see Orca and Pandora, who naturally turned their backs to me a
while ago.
They were opening their mouths bigger than before when they saw us. The round eyes
seemed to roll down right away.
When I saw their faces, I was speechless again.
"You really don't care about other people's eyes at all...….”
After a while, somehow I also murmured with resignation.
"It's just that I don't put that part first in this situation.”
Cassis replied calmly.
I put my head on his shoulder and looked up at the clear sky.
Perhaps because of the mood, the weather seemed clearer and brighter now than when
I went backwards on this road earlier.
Then, when I looked down again, I could find that each person who was going back
and forth inside the fedelian was looking at this side, embarrassed or hardened
like a rock.
Sylvia, who appeared just in time, was also shocked to see Cassis and me.
She soon smiled merrily and crept back again disappear.
I buried my face in Cassis' shoulder, feeling in an indescribable mood.

* * *

I went out on the terrace to get some fresh air and found an unexpected person
The round top of the persimmon was well blended with the grass and leaves around
it, just like a protective color.
Maybe she felt my presence, so she looked up under the terrace.
"Oh, hello!"
Ollie greeted me in a polite manner.
Even if she pretended not to be, I was embarrassed by her behavior, whether she was
shaken by her encounter.
"Okay, bye."
I said hello to Olin first and asked him.
"Why are you here?”
She saw it as she moved from Agrice to Fedelian and had never met Cassis since.
I've been confined to the annex except for a short visit to the main building when
I met Richel.
So it was natural that we didn't have to see each other's faces.
But for some reason now she was standing like a sentry under the terrace of my
"There was an order to increase the security of the annex."
Oh, is it because of Orca?
When I heard that, I remembered the past and nodded as if I knew.
"I don't think it's enough to just be on guard around the annex, so I'm going to
stand guard three layers from now on. That's why I'm in charge of this place."
Olin explained so, blurring her expression.
Somehow she seemed to feel ashamed. It was because of Orca's work.
When Orca sneaked into the annex, they were standing guard under the command of
Nevertheless, it seemed to bother me that I was allowed to infiltrate the inside
because I missed the orca.
But it would have been inevitable for them.
Because isn't Orca the hero of the novel?
First of all, there was a stigma of being a white masquerade.
Orca's physical abilities have to be great, as he has been a man who has not died
in the midst of the creatures.
In particular, it was clear that his agility and ability to hide signs would be the
best of the three male protagonists.
Therefore, it was natural that it was difficult for others to catch Orca as long as
he decided to.
Then, a small noise flowed from far away.
I don't know what it is, but there seemed to be a disturbance on the back of the
Orca again? I heard you got caught trying to hide in the annex.
Why do you want to crawl in here like that...….
It was even more uncomfortable because the area where he appeared was on the
sponsorship side.
It's not far from the terrace where I ran into Orca last time.
Seeing that I kept looking for the back of the annex, I thought I was mistaken for
my room in Cassis' room last time.
Did you happen to notice that I am the owner of a German butterfly? Is that why
he's trying to get into the annex?
Thinking about that, I fixed my eyes to the place where the noise came from.
"No matter what happens, we'll protect you, so feel safe."
What he thought of when he saw me like that, Olin looked at me with a stronger look
than before and said.
She even had a sense of duty on her face. It was also very reliable.
She seemed to think that she should protect me from orcas and other dangers.
I didn't know that she thought I was vulnerable because she saw me struggling like
a sick chicken all the way here.
Or it could have been because Cassis treated me like a sick man.
Well, I somehow felt a little subtle either way.
I smiled faintly and thanked her and went back into the room.

* * *

It turned out that Olin wasn't his last name but his first.
Originally, her full name was Olly Olivia, similar to her last name.
As a result, he has been called "Olin Olin" or "Ollie Ollie" since he was young and
has been teased.
So instead of doing so, I told him to take off his castle and call him Olin until
As a result, he said that it is now more comfortable to be called by name, not by
last name.
I heard it directly from Olin, who will stand guard under the terrace of my room
from now on.
For your information, Cassis calls all his subordinates by their first names, not
their last names.
It was not a very useful conversation, but this was surprisingly not bad either.
Whenever I talked to him, he was embarrassed, but he answered me every time I
Of course, that didn't mean that I talked to her often.
When I sometimes go out on the terrace and get some air, it's a bit hard to ignore
even though I know there's a post underneath, so I just used to say hello lightly.
Furthermore, the conversation with her was somehow okay to change the mood.
This is because I have often fallen into thoughts by myself since I met Lee Shell.
"But I think we should talk about this now. It's about Agrice."
The words I heard that day resonated in my head several times a day.
"I told you to do whatever you want for Cassis, so choose your own. Do you want to
If I had given a different answer at that time, I would have felt lighter than now.
But I will definitely make the same choice even if I go back to that moment.
Therefore, this burnout was definitely my responsibility.
For that reason, I often get lost in thought alone whenever I was on the terrace or
in the room.
Then in the late afternoon, I went into Cassis' room.
He was away from the annex.
Cassis has been keeping me alive these days.
I still didn't know what else to explain to him what he was doing to me.
When Cassis put his lips together and let go of the clean energy that resembles him
in me, the warmth slowly circulated in his body and his head became clear.
In some ways, the dirt on the chest seemed to be purified.
A while ago, Cassis did the same thing to me before he left.
However, he did nothing more than simply put his lips together.

How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 90.

"Oh, that's great.”

I took his bed and lay down in Cassis's room, where there was no owner.
Whether other people's rice cakes looked bigger, it felt much softer and better to
be in Cassis' room than the bed in my room.
It was satisfying to lie down like this.
I rolled my body to the side.
After receiving energy from Cassis, I fell asleep.
He acted like he wasn't, but I think Cassis was the reason why my sleeping time
increased significantly.
The subtle scent of Cassis' body was also smeared from his blanket.
I buried my nose there.
For some reason, I felt at ease when I smelled him.
When I was in Agrice before, I used to feel relaxed and relaxed whenever I thought
of Cassis. It was the same now.
But no matter how much I thought about it, it was a little strange.
Cassis and I only spent less than a month together three years ago.
Of course it was a very intense experience, but...….
Still, I didn't understand that I could feel this way from him.
But there's nothing in this world that I can understand...….
So what you can't understand is that you can just leave it as it is if you don't
understand it.
My eyes slowly closed without any time to be lost in thought.
I decided to close my eyes for a while before the owner came and relaxed my body.

* * *

I had a dream.
It was the last night in Agri£e that finally reached the point where we went back
in time.
I didn't even know that I was dreaming like this because I met Richelle.
I was in Lant's office.
The frosty air there and the smoky scent of herbs that were soaked like black
stains in it were still clear.
But in the meantime, a different smell was mixed.
It was a refreshing and clear scent that was different from Rant's usual awakening
Oh, yeah, I was wearing Cassis's clothes.
I was drinking in the outerwear given by Cassis, whom I met in Wigdrasil.
Jeremy was tasked with evacuating the passengers and disarming the soldiers.
Then, Deon opened the tightly closed door and came inside.
Even in the dark, the red eyes that glowed immediately caught the eye.
He approached me with a low sound of footsteps.
Did I face him straight back then or close my eyes as if I were turning away?
I don't remember what I was like then, but now I was on the latter side.
Something cold came suddenly to my cheek.
Somehow beyond the distant consciousness, I felt someone's cold hand lightly
brushing my face.
There was a person who was associated with the cool temperature above the skin.
But he never touched me this way.
He and I were not that kind of relationship, and he and I both knew very well that
he would not try such a thing to me just as I would not allow him to.
The gap slowly returned to my mind.
Already, the sun had fallen completely, and his son-in-law was dark.
A black figure was reflected in the dim view.
Oh……. Is it finally here?
At that moment, I thought so casually.
So I called out the name of the person I saw in my dream.
The hand that touched my cheek stopped.
Only then did I realize something was wrong.
Finally, it was Cassis who came into my eyes that completely disappeared.
A low recited voice fell heavily from the head.
The cold energy that Cassis had been buried outside spread to me. His hand fell
completely off me.
"……I've never thought I looked like him."
There was a sharp wind blowing from Cassis' eyes looking down at me.
"I don't know why that name came out of your mouth that was asleep in my room.”
Whispering so low, Cassis smiled dimly.
But it was definitely not a smile made out of pleasure.
I looked up at Cassis and took a deep breath. After that, he slowly exhaled and
lifted his lying body.
"It doesn't mean anything else. I just mistook it in my sleep."
I hoped the Cassis would let it go, but this time it didn't go my way.
"Then you called me Deon in Wigdrasil."
On the last day of the harmony meeting, it was still a deep night before dawn.
As Cassis said, I mistook him for Deon at that time.
But it was because I saw Cassis after three years.
In addition, at that time, his face was eaten by the darkness, so he misunderstood
the atmosphere and body type.
"You must have had a dream of him coming out.”
A dry voice stuck in my ear.
I felt this situation was heavy.
The thought of not being able to explain what is inside me with any words made me
So I tried to get out of bed completely to get out of my seat.
However, my hand on the bed was pressed against Cassis' hand from the top.
Then the distance between him and me narrowed.
I was bitten backward reflexively, but the Cassis tilted its upper body forward,
making it closer than before.
So I ended up looking like I was trapped by him.
"You've been waiting for Deon Agrice so far?”
Frozen gold eyes penetrated me from the front.
I gently bit my lips.
He was caught by Cassis and tried to move his tightly fixed hand, but it was not
It was natural for Cassis to react like this.
In my opinion, my voice, which I called out Deon's name in my sleep a little while
ago, gave off a feeling of welcoming what I've been waiting for.
But whatever Cassis is thinking now, it was different from the truth.
I didn't know what happened to Deon, who broke up on the last day of Agrice.
Whether he's dead or alive.
But if he was alive somewhere, I thought he would definitely visit me.
No matter where I am, if I'm Deon, I won't give in.
When I woke up and saw the black figure in front of me, I thought it was now.
That was why I inadvertently said Deon's name.
"……not like that."
At that moment, I resigned myself, and, funnyly, I felt my heart sink.
Even while I was in Fedeli, I always had the idea that Deon might come to visit me.
So I didn't consider the side of the Cassis to be my real destination.
Somehow, in my own ending, which I have sometimes painted myself, there was me
dying at the hands of Deon.
"……there's something strange about your relationship with him."
A heavy, cold, and sharp voice pierced my eardrums.
"You never asked me about anyone but Rand Agrice. About Deon Agrice."
My breathless eyes were looking deep into my eyes. As if I'm not going to miss an
inch of loopholes.
"So that day, I said, It's all up to you."
But after hearing that from Cassis, I couldn't decide anything.
Because I still didn't know whether Deon died there that day or lived there.
"Do you want to go back to Agrice?”
The whispering low and small voices scattered in the air with breath.
The power of grabbing my hand became stronger.
Cassis said at a close distance as if his lips would touch him right away.
"But I won't let you go.”
As soon as I heard it, my heart was tight.

How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 91.

While everything else was opaque, Cassis seemed clear enough to grasp what he
wanted and what I wanted.
So inevitably, I ended up smiling vaguely.
Without a single point of shaking, the straight eyes became closer.
Every time we spoke to each other, lips with similar temperatures bumped into each
"If you go somewhere else, I'll bring you back.”
It was strange.
If it was Cassis who was chasing me, I just wanted to get him.
Obviously, not everyone feels this way in life.
Cassis kissed me on the lips like biting.
I usually treat myself so carefully, but at least kisses were as wild and
persistent as a storm as I did last time.
What should I do……. I felt a little sad about dying.
I felt like I became a very precious person when I was with Cassis.
He made me feel like I deserve to live in this world and be loved by someone.
Everyone I met here welcomed me rather than kicked me out, so I wondered if I could
really stay here.
So this guy, you want me to keep it?
Even if it's not that long, why don't I just collect it until I die?
With that thought, I wrapped my arm around Cassis' neck and pulled him closer.
Anyway, I was a selfish person, and I was a woman who did anything to get what I
wanted while living.
So let's just bury everything else under my chest like a grain of sand and just do
what my heart moves...….
After shaking off my worries so far, I finally decided to do so.
Then, like the flying dandelion hole, the heart that had been floating in the air
for a while and could not sink anywhere began to fall slowly with weight.
Yeah, I should have it.
Maybe Cassis would regret his decision to choose me in the future, but...….
I'm sorry, that was none of my business.

* * *

The next day, I woke up with the most refreshing feeling ever.
Cassis was not in the annex again.
It was not unusual, but I felt a little dissatisfied today.
I went out to the terrace of my room.
"Lady, good afternoon."
Oh, was it afternoon? I didn't know that time had already passed.
I frowned faintly at the greeting Ollie gave me.
Cassis used to tell Olin in advance if I had any other work that was not scheduled
while I was asleep.
I knew that I often talked to her, so I tried not to wonder.
"What about Cassis?"
"You said you were going to see the Lord. He said he'd be here by 1 o'clock, so
he's probably on his way back by now."
When I heard that, I thought about it for a while and soon decided to pull out of
the railing.
Then Olin, who felt something from me, asked.
"Are you going to meet me?”
"I just wanted to walk."
"Then I'll follow you from behind."
So I left the building and walked along the vegetation road with Olin.
Whether it was true that he was guarding the annex in triplicate, he was able to
run into several security guards while moving.
They were very surprised and embarrassed to see me.
It was impressive to see them trying not to show off, but their nursery rhymes have
been conveyed to me.
Still, they greeted me neatly. Although I couldn't face my face straight.
I also greeted them face to face.
Then passed them and went out of the annex.
It seemed that the security was also intended to prevent Orca. They didn't stop me
from leaving the annex.
However, some of the people who stood guard behind me followed.
I suddenly wondered how much Orca has done outside of common sense in general, so
he was so vigilant.
Well, I saw something in the novel, so I was convinced to treat him as a character
of caution.
Whether he intended to keep his promise that he would return soon, he was able to
find Cassis shortly after leaving the annex.
But he wasn't alone.
Blue hair, which resembles the sky on a clear summer day, meandered down on a
voluminous body.
The black yose-like eyes smiled agnosticly at Cassis.
Cassis was with Pandora.
I wondered what the two were talking about while standing face to face.
It was even more so because Pandora was smiling the whole time as if we were having
a very pleasant conversation.
Of course, Cassis' face was very dull, as opposed to Pandora's.
I narrowed my eyes to a little by little.
Pandora's cunning gesture and intentions contained in her eyes were too blatant.
She was definitely a seductive woman.
So if I saw her in a different situation, I would have thought she was pretty
without any grudges.
But now...….
At that time, Cassis turned his head to where I was, as if he were trying to
identify someone approaching him.
At the moment of eye contact, the warm gold eyes were different in color.
Cassis had never imagined he would meet me now.
His eyes, which showed signs of surprise for a moment, calmed down like a calm
It was soft and sweet as if young emotions would melt in it.
I felt satisfied when I saw it.
Pandora, who had been looking at Cassis' face all along, seemed to have witnessed
the same thing as me.
The black eyes that slipped on me away from Cassis were clearly alert.
I approached Cassis without a rush.
Soon after Cassis found me, he left Pandora alone and turned to me.
So the distance he traveled was much longer than the distance I moved.
Pandora was also seen following Cassis without going back immediately.
"Why did you come out? You must not be feeling well yet."
He opened his mouth almost simultaneously.
Cassis' face, looking down at me, was a little stiff. The faintly young feeling
there was concern for me.
Instead of answering, I looked at him and rather asked him a question.
"Why did you just leave this morning? Without waking him up."
At that moment, Cassis shook his eyes small for a moment.
When I heard my voice melted sweeter than usual, I looked stiff.
I didn't stop there, but I put my hand on his arm and gently adhered it to him.
I felt the muscles of the arms in close contact hardened a little.
After a short gap, Cassis took off his closed lips.
"………I think it's better not to wake him up because he's asleep.”
I exhaled a faint breath and spoke a little grumpy.
"It's because you didn't let me sleep too late.”
At that moment, Cassis was silent, and the air surrounding the audience became more
It was understandable that what came out of my mouth was a mysterious word that
would leave me with a strange suspicion.
It's not a loud voice, but it probably didn't reach the ears of the minions who are
far away, but it must be Pandora who was right near me.
The evidence showed that she looked alternately at me and Cassis with her mouth
wide open.
Of course, Cassis and I didn't do anything last night that would have to be labeled
Well, as the atmosphere flowed like that, I kissed a very dangerous level.
And then he lost control and let his upper body relax a little bit or not.
And I think I touched a place that was a bit far away.
The reason why I'm saying this unclearly is because I was doing a lot of that with
Cassis last night, but suddenly I got a fever again and my mind went back and
After that, I remembered that Cassis pushed me in a lot of clear energy.
For that reason, I slept like a log all the time and opened my eyes at this time of
So even now, Cassis spoke to me in a worried tone as soon as he saw me.
Anyway, so just to get to the point, Cassis and I didn't play dangerous games last
night, this was it.
"Yes……. I think I passed by last night. I'll be careful next time."


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 92.

I don't know what Cassis thought of what I said, but for now he didn't contradict
It was satisfying for me to prove what I said was true as I intended.
"Hmm, hm."
Pandora, who was listening to Cassis and my conversation, coughed as if she had
managed to regain her composure.
"You're the guest who was staying in the Fedelian one step ahead of us."
She pretended to know me and turned the tide of conversation.
I said with a smile as if I had finally found her now.
"Oh, we met in front of the corridor last time."
Pandora's eyes became hazy when she saw my smile.
It seems that Whiperion's cousins were born with a constitution that was
particularly vulnerable to my beauty.
Still, Pandora quickly came to her senses compared to last time if she had any
learning ability. And I quickly cleared up my expression.
"I'm Pandora Whiperion. Your name?"
"It's Roxana."
He did not give his last name.
Perhaps that's why Pandora seemed confused.
I even felt her deducing my identity hard in her head.
There seems to be a lot of speculation, but it seems to be still in a stage where
we are not sure.
Cassis' eyes also fell on my face. But he didn't say anything about my words and
"I can't see the other one. I want my ribbon back."
Watching Pandora agonize, I calmly continued.
This time, the response was first drawn from Cassis, who was next to Pandora.
"It's a ribbon?"
"Yeah, the one Sylvia tied to my hair. I was out on the terrace, and the wind blew
me away."
"Then I'll have Sylvia return it right away.”
Pandora has been changing her expression every minute watching me talk to Cassis.
But soon she smiled and talked to me as if she had never done it before.
"Roxana, why don't we take a walk in the garden if you don't mind?”
In Pandora's eyes toward me, there was a black poison hidden in secret that she
could not hide.
I tilted my head slightly looking at her like that.
You're a weird person. Why do you look at me like that?
It's like I was about to put the ingredients in my mouth when I was about to steal
a bowl from others.
But the Cassis was mine from the beginning.
Now I could see why Pandora, who peeked at Cassis at the dinner, felt nervous.
Perhaps I've been thinking so ever since I first met Cassis in Agrice three years
I have ownership of Cassis.
And the connection between him and me has never been cut off while we were apart.
"It's fate that we met like this, so I'd like to have a friendly chat with you."
"Just the two of you?"
Pandora asked me with a very friendly attitude, but her eyes looking at me
contained the meaning of challenge.
I accepted with a big smile.
"Yes, of course."
Then Cassis, who was watching me, frowned at me.
"I'll accompany you."
"No, you're busy."
But I resisted him with a more determined attitude than usual.
Cassis' eyes narrowed for a moment, but I pretended not to see it.
After that, I smiled with my eyes at Pandora.
"Go, Miss Whiperion."

* * *

Roxana was a woman with such dazzling beauty that she wondered, "Is it really a
Obviously, she must be made up of bones, flesh and blood like everyone else, but I
couldn't think of her on the same line as other humans.
Her beauty was so unique that she felt as if her eyes were opening.
Looking at him walking in the garden with a sprout of sprouts, he said, "If I shape
the scent of spring, will it be like this?I even thought, 'I want to.'
Even the sunlight on her head felt like a sacred halo.
"No, what are you going to do because you're so impressed by the beauty of the
Pandora watched Roxana blankly and came to her senses.
After that, he wanted to slap himself in the face.
Pandora made the same mistake when she first saw her in the corridor.
When I remembered Roxana and Cassis making pathetic noises in front of them, I was
still shuddered with shame.
Oh, I know. I shouldn't have listened to Orca.
Orca, who had recently disappeared from the dining room and had been captured by
his men, was somehow mesmerized.
Then, as if he had eaten something wrong, he said that he saw a woman like a beast
in the annex, and that she was like a spirit, not a person.
As soon as Pandora saw Roxana, she said something similar to Roxana out of
realizing it.
Yeah, I never had the same idea as Orca!
"What were you talking to Cassis a while ago?”
Oh, damn it. Your voice is fantastic.
Is this the sound of dew rolling on grass?
"I was expressing my gratitude for getting back the seized object."
"Oh, you mean the spell you used to cross the gates of the fedelian."
How could there be someone like this in the world?
I could believe it even if the Creator had completely destroyed food and beverage
for days and days to make Roxana.
Perhaps that's why she didn't even feel defeated.
For example, it is completely out of specification and cannot be compared at all.
However, when I think of Cassis and Roxana talking affectionately with each other
like before, I get heated up from the inside.
This time Pandora asked Roxana.
"How long have you known the noble of the Qing Dynasty?”
"It's been three years in terms of the sun.
Cassis Pedelian was very greedy to give up without doing anything like this.
Before meeting Orca, Turobe told me that the woman's identity must be Agri£e that
the prince of Qing took her.
However, it was not understandable how the Fedelian Cassis and Agrice's Roxana
became such a close relationship.
But fortunately, Roxana looked very thin and soft as if she would fall down even if
she hit her once.
Even if someone bothered me a little bit, I felt like I was going to suffer from a
tearful wind right away.
When even Pandora thought of such a scene, she felt that her protective instinct,
which she didn't even know existed inside her, was stimulated.
Last time, I remembered that the prince of Qing walked with her as carefully as a
glass doll.
He said he was not feeling well enough to worry about him today.….
"It's because you didn't let me sleep too late.”
At that moment, it became difficult to manage their expressions because I
remembered their conversation earlier.
Anyway, all of that together, Roxana and Agri£e seemed to be quite a fragile woman
as they seemed.
Then why don't you scare him a little bit and he'll just walk away?
Cassis, of course, seemed to have Roxana in his mind quite deeply, but...….
In any case, the affection between men and women was often distant from the mind
when they moved away from the body.
"So it's been three years since you became as close to the prince of Qing?"
Roxana's eyes were moved by Pandora's question again.
Then she bent her eyes and laughed.
And Pandora solidified her mind with the following answer.
"Yes, the Cassis were mine since we first met.”
When Pandora stopped walking, Roxana also stopped and faced her.
"Miss Roxana, I don't really feel bad for you, but I have to have whatever I want
to be.
Oh, me too.
Roxana thought so inside and stared at Pandora with a helpless look on her face.
"So it bothers me that you're stuck next to the man I dot."
It was the same with Roxana.
"So I need you to get out of my sight.”
Pandora called in her magic.
The jewelry bracelet I got back today sounded clear as if jingle and glass were
bumping into each other.
Come on.
A small wind appeared in front of him, and shortly after that, a huge black figure
appeared in sight.
Mamul Durectus, who looked like an ominous black flame, opened his mouth
threateningly as if he would swallow Roxana right away.
Roxana seemed surprised as Pandora expected.
She opened her eyes round and looked at Pandora's magic.
However, Pandora's voice, which tickled her ear, was far from being frightened.
"Oh, sorry."
After a small whisper, Roxana exhaled a shallow breath.
It looked like a sigh somewhere, but what came to my beautiful face right after
that was a smile that seemed to have melted honey and applied it.
"I didn't mean to do this. But I don't have a hobby of avoiding fights that other
people walked in first."
Unexpectedly, Roxana was smiling deeply regrettable.
The smile before I realized what it meant was thickened in front of me.
The next moment, Roxana was buried in a red afterimage that covered the view.
"Then I'll enjoy it."
A sweet whisper that gave off an eerie feeling attached to the ear.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 93

* * *

"What? Pandora and her?"

Orca visited Pandora and found out that she was not in the room.
In addition, when Pandora heard that she was meeting with Roxana alone, he had no
choice but to open his eyes.
The reason why Orca came to Pandora was to find a way to get the guests out of the
Rather than being a man, Pandora, a woman, thought she could break down the other
person's guard.
But Pandora moved first.
At this point, the purpose of Orca and Pandora could not be the same.
So Orca became interested. Somehow I felt like something interesting was going to
Of course it was interesting for Orca, but there was a lot of possibility that it
would be embarrassing for Pandora.
In Orca's opinion, the woman in the annex was likely to be the owner of the German
Of course Pandora didn't seem to have noticed yet.
Well, it was obvious. Orca and she were the same masquerade, but the difference was
"You seemed to like the prince of Qing, but you finally decided to remove the
thorns from your eyes.’
Pandora's personality could not have really wanted to talk to her in order to have
a useless relationship with her.
So it must be a trick to harm.
However, if she was really the owner of the German butterfly, Pandora would have
been killed.
Recalling the butterfly sweeping the Gyrote herd, Orca was once again convinced.
It was definitely a slaughter butterfly among the poisonous butterflies.
How can Pandora, who usually deals with intermediate-level magicians, deal with it?
Of course, there was a possibility that she was not the owner of the German
butterfly, but it was quite unlikely.
Anyway, it was a good thing that Orca finally got to see the woman in the annex
Orca smiled as she moved to the garden where Pandora and Roxana were told they were
I thought she was a great woman because the prince of Qing took her.
It was a masterpiece beyond imagination.
When I first saw her at the annex, Orca really thought that a new horse that she
had never known had appeared in the world.
Hey, the woman who appeared before him was so beautiful to be a human being.
Later on, knowing that she was a woman of Qing's noble spirit, Orca could not shut
A prince of Qing who walks with someone so preciously in his arms.
I couldn't believe it even though I saw it with my own eyes.
So what, is it true that Cassis Pedelian was possessed by a woman? Really?
No, well... Yeah, even so, I had to understand this.
Orca thought that she wouldn't be able to do much with any stone.
So even the prince of Qing was a man of no choice.
Orca grinned with such vulgar thoughts inside.
Suddenly, the Cassis, which had felt distant, was considered more friendly.
Then at one point, I felt the energy of Pandora's magic not too far away.
Come on, I'm an urgent person.
You've been nagging me a lot, and you're a little too much, right?
I wondered if Pandora was out of her mind to take out such public objects in broad
Pandora, of course, was killing the energy of the devil as much as possible.
In addition, the magic she had just taken out seemed to be the least likely thing
she had.
Then, Durectus, whose specialty is hiding, is it?
He wouldn't really do anything crazy in the courtyard of the fedelian that would
hurt the customer with a spell, so he'd probably just be scared.
People who did not have the ability to sense the spell usually did not detect it
Perhaps that's why the Pandora thought they wouldn't get caught this much.
"Still, you're ignoring the Fedelians too much."
Pandora's been wandering around for a while. I think I lost my judgment.
That's why you shouldn't be too focused on capturing things, but you should hang
out with other people in moderately.
This was the fatal problem of middle and low-level mashers who couldn't manage
Orca thought so and kicked his tongue.
Of course, Pandora did not know that she had said the same thing about Orca at the
Perhaps as Sylvia said, the two did not know that there were many similarities.
Of course, it was clear that if they said this, they would never admit it,
shuddering each other.
Orca entered the garden where the energy of the devil was felt.
He could also move faster if he used magic, but he already held it in because he
didn't want to be kicked out of the fedelian.
The images of Pandora and Roxana pierced their vision between the flower bushes.
There was also a prince of the Qing Dynasty.
At that moment, a flock of red butterflies fell in front of me like a flower
Orca stopped in his seat without even realizing it, forgetting to breathe.
What Orca saw then was a breathtakingly beautiful sight, not knowing if she would
see it again in her future life.

* * *

"Oh, my God."
A drowsy smile formed at the end of the gaze.
Pandora couldn't believe what happened now.
A sweet whisper flowed again to Pandora, whose lips were only pouting in the
"You're trying to intimidate me with nothing.”
Butterflies, who ate Pandora's magic in an instant without leaving any trace, flew
toward Roxana.
The ripple effect was enormous, considering that it happened in only a minute.
Pandora murmured in a daze when she saw the red butterflies lurking threateningly
behind Roxana.
"Dog butterflies..."
Shortly after the communication with Mamul was cut off, a blue jewel of the
bracelet on his arm cracked with a crackling sound.
Pandora couldn't blink and looked at the scene in front of her.
Roxana, standing in a flash among the red butterflies, was displaying a noble and
dangerous beauty like the queen of the spells.
I didn't understand how I could think of this woman as weak until now.
Anyway, Pandora's takeout was a low-grade object, so even if he died, it was not a
Rather, the surprise, shock, and awe of the owner of the German butterfly were much
There are rare creatures that any Masuja would covet with curiosity, and the German
butterfly was one of them.
Even Pandora lent Turobe to Orca when she heard that she had found a poisonous
butterfly before entering the fedelian.
So Pandora forgot for a moment that Roxana's poisonous butterfly had eaten her
magic and stared blankly at her.
Meanwhile, Roxana thought it was lame.
I thought there was something else to get the magic out.
Pandora's magic was less than a bite to the extent that the German butterfly
complained that it was not enough to distinguish the liver.
However, nowadays, thanks to Cassis, the German butterfly can be controlled as
So the butterflies did not go wild without her permission.
For some time, it seemed to be due to its predation by sweeping the outer marmal
"I'm sorry to hear that, but Cassis is already mine, and I can't stand anyone
else's greed for mine."
Roxana said so and smiled at Pandora.
At first glance, he looked gentle, but he seemed to hold a sharp piece of glass in
It contained the meaning of a thorny warning.
Then suddenly Roxana realized that there was not one eye watching her.
As I moved my eyes, Cassis stood tall and looked at her not far away.
Behind him was Orca.
Orca was dressed more splendidly today as they wore a series of accessories.
Somehow he looked thrilled and looked fiercely at Roxana as if he would swallow it.
However, it was not Orca that caught Roxana's attention.
Roxana quietly sent the German butterfly back.
Oh, my. Did you all see it? So where did you start?
I couldn't figure out when Cassis was standing there.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 94.

How foolish of you to focus on threatening Pandora and not knowing that someone
else is coming.
Cassis and Orca, of course, both of them have no clue.
No wonder, I felt something similar to the gaze earlier, but I thought it was not
just an illusion.
Cassis was staring at Roxana with mysterious eyes.
It was a strange look that seemed to have sunk so murky and dark that it didn't
know the end, and on the contrary, it seemed to have an unexpected brightness.
At last, the moment Cassis walked away from the stop, Roxana was stabbed without
realizing it and made excuses.
"I didn't do that first."
Cassis, however, silently hugged Roxana without saying a word about what she had
Roxana suddenly fell into Cassis' arms and put her hand on his shoulder.
"Pandora Whiperion."
Then Cassis looked back at Pandora and said.
"I have treated him with respect in consideration of his trust with Whiperion, but
I have abandoned it first and threatened my people, so I will regard him as an
uninvited guest from this moment on."
Pandora still had a blank face as if she were still lost in the lingering imagery
of the incident.
So Cassis' words seemed to be hard to reach.
"We will not condone and hold you accountable for bringing in the beasts from the
inside of the Fedelian."
Before I knew it, the men standing at the entrance of the garden approached me at
the call of Cassis.
"Hold Pandora Whiperion's spell back and keep her out of the room for a while."
"Yes, sir."
Cassis recited in a cool tone to the end and left the garden with Roxana.
While heading for the annex, a clear energy flowed from the body that came into
"I'm going straight back to my room because I might have been strangled by a German
Roxana blinked as she heard a low voice ringing in her ears.
Cassis seemed to have no intention of blaming her for what happened a while ago.
Listening to Pandora's story, it seemed that she already knew that she had pulled
out the spell with the intention of intimidating Roxana first.
So, was Pandora in the garden from the moment she took out the object?
If so, it means that he heard everything Roxana said.
No wonder you looked at her earlier and had a hard expression to explain. If you
say so, I understood everything.
My body was still hot.
Roxana was difficult to tell whether it was heat transferred from Cassis or the
heat that began to spread in her.
The words of Cassis, which I heard in the garden a while ago, were rewound again.
"I have treated him with respect in consideration of his trust with Whiperion, but
I have abandoned it first and threatened my people, so I will regard him as an
uninvited guest from this moment on."
My dearest.
I said she was definitely mine.
Somehow the mouth of my heart tickled.
Perhaps because he has received so much pure energy from Cassis these days, he has
not been hit by such a bad joke.
I didn't even know it was because I recovered too much last night.
Roxana's eyes slid downward.
"If you're really worried...….”
Finally, she slowly opened her lips and whispered in a sugar-coated voice.
"You can heal him. Just like I did last night."
At that moment, Cassis's step stopped sharply.
Soon after, eyes met on the spot.
Roxana smiled beautifully at the intense thirst and longing in her eyes.
As expected, she didn't seem to be the only one who felt sorry for what she
couldn't do last night.

* * *

As soon as he came into the room and closed the door, Roxana kissed Cassis gently
on his chin as if a bird pecked at him. Like you're begging him to do something.
In response, Cassis swallowed Roxana's red lips without any delay.
Breathing and breathing were mixed. The muddy sound of the hot tongue stimulated
the ears.
Heat shot up from the body in one breath.
In a blink of an eye, Roxana lay on a fluffy bed. On top of it, Cassis' solid body
came over.
Roxana's throat leaked a groan-like groan that seemed to be splitting cats.
The hand on Cassis' shoulder slid down his back.
Cassis' arms, which were wrapped around Roxana's slender waist, were also tightened
Cassis fiercely coveted the person in front of him as if the reins had been lifted.
When he finally buried his lips on the white neck of his neck, which was finally
revealed through the loosening of the front leaves, his ears filled with a small
Even it was so fragrant and sweet that I felt like I was going to get drunk.
At this moment, instinct overwhelmed everything else.
Cassis left a deep mark on her neck, as if she were a predator who carved her mark
on a female.
There was already a trace of his inscription last night. Cassis laid a new trail
next to it.
His hot lips gradually went down through his collarbone.
His big hand covered his round chest.
"Oh, Cassis...….”
As if to seduce him, a heated voice whispered his name as he had a mouthful of the
peak that gave off a sweet fragrance like a ripe fruit.
A hand that didn't know if he was pushing or pulling held his hair so that it
wouldn't hurt.
"Tell me what you said earlier."
Cassis moved his hand and swept Roxana's legs down his waist.
The hem of the clothes on the hand gradually pushed down to reveal white flesh.
"I'm yours?"
Roxana, who lay with her gold hair tangled on a white sheet, showed her dazzling
naked body half-exposed, and her heart was beautiful.
Flowers seemed to have spread on the heated eyes and moist lips.
The red eyes looked up at him from below.
However, the misogyny in her eyes made her feel as if she was looking down from
"Yes, you're mine."
Just as a sweet whisper recited a single truth in the world, it penetrated through
the eardrums without a single shake. Cassis paused for a moment.
"It's been mine for three years.”
A feeling similar to joy devoured him from head to toe.
The remark, which was confirmed again by Roxana's mouth, was terribly satisfactory.
Cassis kissed her again, feeling like a full beast.
All sorts of things without shape poured in as if to swallow the two.
What they were doing was extorting and extorting something from each other with
great greed.
Cassis and Roxana made a mess of their opponents by releasing their desires to the
point where they were horrid throughout the overlap without a single concession.
I felt as if I melted from head to toe with hot heat and became a lump.
The boundary between the two gradually disappeared.
I couldn't think of anything else, just as the only person in contact was each
other's world.
Perhaps we should call it the most complete and perfect fulfillment in the world.
Cassis and Roxana left themselves to their dizzying senses again and again.
At this moment, I thought it would be good for the world to end like this.

* * *

"Oh, shit...….”
Jeremy Agri£e looked at the house with almost a skeleton left, and recited abusive
language from the inside.
His face was crumpled as it was.
The time when the sun is slowly setting.
The dark sky showed its majesty and set up a wide tent over its head.
The red-colored Agrice was still a desolate ruin.
The annex that evacuated the users remained intact, but nothing remained in Agrice.
Those who originally stayed in the mansion left and those who would leave remained.
Jeremy gathered people who chose to stay in Agrice and started rebuilding Agrice.
But nothing was easy.
Suddenly, a laugh broke out at the reality that he, who helped make Agrice like
this, is now trying to do the opposite.
Especially at this time of year, the old glory seemed to be the king of the dead if
he saw Agrice, which had collapsed suddenly.
"Oh, shit, but it's not bad to be a king."
Jeremy muttered to himself and smiled fishyly.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 95.

When Rant was alive, he had already taken a seal acknowledging all the
irregularities and crimes and sent official documents to other families.
That's why now I couldn't even consider what Fedelian did or pretend not to know
what I've been doing in Agrice.
Perhaps Roxana, Jeremy's sister, didn't want that.
So Jeremy decided to take Agri£e's husband with him.
Jeremy attended the Wigdrasil meeting in a flurry.
He was barely recognized as head of Agrice.
Of course, it was never easy, and the process was pretty dirty and dirty for
"It's like the sons of bitches are trying to press it without missing a chance.’
However, it was Agri£e's peculiarity that he did not resort to any means for the
Therefore, Jeremy was able to hide his feelings and pretend to crawl in front of
them for what he wanted.
Of course, this situation will not last forever, but you will probably have to
endure this humiliation for a while.
But it was okay.
So if I could make Agrize, which Roxana would want to come back.
"What's in your eye?"
Somehow, Jeremy raised his hand and rubbed his eyes.
Then, I heard a sound from the spot where the tide was falling.
Perhaps because I got used to silence, the noise pierced my eardrums especially
Isn't she the one with the freaky fat bird again?
Jeremy's face was distorted by the thought that suddenly passed through his mind.
Last time, there was a woman who came into Agrice at will and snooped at an empty
animal farm.
She was probably a masusa.
As soon as she was discovered, Jeremy could not catch her as she quickly ran away
in a black bird-shaped spell.
After that, I once again felt someone's eyes.
But it was so sudden that I thought it was a mistake.
Maybe he came to check his movements in the other way around. You said the unsub
would come back to the scene.
If she's still breaking in fearlessly again, I'm sure she won't let it go this
Jeremy kicked the table with his eyes glistening. Then I moved to where the sound
came from.
However, the person who caught his eyes was not the woman he saw last time.
"Oh, what, it was Maria?”
"Oh, it's Jeremy."
Jeremy saw Maria and felt her pulse. Then he realized something strange.
"But what the hell is that? Where are you going?
Maria was wearing a thick coat with light luggage.
Of course, he was wearing a fancy dress as usual, wearing high-heeled shoes, and
holding a parasol in one hand as if he were going for a light walk.
However, Jeremy now noticed that Maria was about to go somewhere long.
Maria answered with a smile as usual.
"Let's go find Sierra."
Jeremy made a rotten face when he heard that.
You've got to be patient.….
Maria was asleep on the last day of Agri£ce, smelling Jeremy's sleeping scent on
Then she regained consciousness only after everything was done.
Of course, it was prepared to prevent Maria from interrupting their plans.
Maria, who belatedly learned of the situation, went wild for a while.
Above all, she made a fuss about the disappearance of Roxana's mother, Sierra.
She seemed to have no interest in her husband, Rant, who died, and Agri£e, who was
missing even Deon.
Maria was so noisy looking for Sierra that even Jeremy was overwhelmed by the
So he still kept it a secret from her that he was smelling the scent of sleep.
And now, after hearing what Maria had said, Jeremy once again vowed not to reveal
it until the day she entered the tomb.
"What are you going to do looking for Aunt Sierra?"
"You're asking the obvious."
Maria answered Jeremy's question without hesitation.
"I'll protect you from the side."
His face and tone were very natural.
Jeremy's expression became strange when he heard her.
"Auntie, are you not curious about Deon's life or death? He's a son.”
Of course, Jeremy was never worried about Deon.
Still, in common sense, I thought that Maria's priority should be her son, Deon,
not Sierra, so I brought it up.
Well, the people of Agrice were always common-sense.
"Does he die easily?”
As expected, Maria reacted sourly.
"And Deon is a child who can decide his own place to die. But it's not Sierra.
It had to be a little unexpected as Jeremy.
So far, Maria has claimed to be Sierra's watchman while living in Agrice.
But it wasn't just entertainment, but was it really true?
Jeremy looked at Maria with a strange look of emotion.
I already knew it, but I had to recognize the obsession of the people of Agrice.
"Do whatever you want. But from the moment you go out, you're not Agrice, so don't
sell your name on useless things."
Jeremy said somewhat ungrateful.
It was difficult for the dung water to splatter in Agrice, which was about to start
"Don't worry. I don't need that either."
Maria replied as if she were worried.
Then she sighed as she looked at Jeremy.
"You were really pretty when you were young. Agri£es don't get cuter as they get
older. Especially boys, they're so fast on the outside, they don't even know what
they're thinking inside...…. Really, I miss Sierra and Sana."
Maria shook her head with a faint look.
Suddenly, she smiled at Jeremy again.
"Call me when you have a baby later. I'll be as cute as you were when you were a
"Oh, come on, if you're going, go!"
Jeremy shouted and sent Maria out as if she were chasing her away.
Still, Maria turned her back on Jeremy and left Agrice with a smile on her face.
Without long greetings or lingering feelings, just plain and clean.
It was a good farewell for them.

* * *

It seemed to be buried deep in the dry, cool desert sand.

It was dark and calm all over the place, as if it were being sucked endlessly into
a mousel located lower than that.
Maybe where he is now is dark and deep.
A world of complete silence without a single noise.
It looked like rest in some sense.
Surprisingly, the space of this radish, which seemed to have no dust, felt more
It was a sense that I've never felt before. It was definitely unfamiliar, but it
wasn't a bad feeling.
However, the space where he entrusted his soul did not seem to be regarded as such.
The intangible world, which was wriggling and twisting, somehow spit him out and
Soon, the air was distorted and began to draw a thin crack.
Finally, a space broken into pieces like a safetail puked him out.
Deon slowly lifted the heavy eyelids like a rock.
The blurry view did not catch the image properly.
The place where he was lying seemed to be a bed not so big.
My whole body was stiff, and I felt a sharp pain in my neck. This was a wound from
my father, Rand.
Deon looked around in that state with no sound and keen attention.
Judging from the dim rush of noise, he seemed to be in a small room now.
There was a vague sound of words that seemed to be having a conversation outside.
But I couldn't identify the contents.
There are at least three people around.
The two people who are talking outside and the person who is staying in the room
where Deon is now.
In this room now, Deon wasn't alone.
The sound of someone's small movement of cloth and small breathing penetrated the
ears faintly.
Then suddenly, I heard the sound of breathing in.
Clattering! Clattering!
Following a surprising drop of something, a sound like a chair pulling the floor
broke the silence.
"Well, you're awake...….”
The woman's embarrassing heart has been carried in a trembling voice like a ripple.
Deon stared at the woman with his eyes in focus.
His eyes were so calm and clear that he could not believe he had just regained
The red eyes, which had even expectations, slowly swept through the room.
On the floor was a frame that was believed to have fallen by a woman a while ago.
Perhaps because of the mood, the woman's face looked somewhat familiar.
She grabbed her skirt for a moment and hurried out to the door.
"Wait a minute."
The woman told Deon to wait, but there was no reason for him to.
Deon moved his body to get up from his seat.
However, he failed to raise his upper body as he wished.
As soon as I moved my arm, a harsh sound of iron scratched my eardrum.
Deon's cool eyes were stuck in the restraint that bound his hands.
The same thing was hung not only on the hand but also on the ankle.
I heard footsteps approaching from outside the door.
Deon stared coldly at the door, still lying on his bed.
Finally, the woman who went outside a while ago brought another person back.
Deon, who then checked the face of the person who entered the room, shook his eyes
without realizing it.
"You're awake.”
The calm woman's voice hit my ear.
She was Emily, the authority of Roxana.

How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 96.

* * *

More surprisingly, after a while, Roxana's mother, Sierra, entered the room.
"You're really awake."
She looked at Deon when she opened her eyes and changed her expression small.
But soon, he quickly erased his appearance and spoke to him.
Beth, Sierra's maid, quietly stepped back, and Emily stood next to Sierra.
The outward energy was calm and desolate, but Emily felt a willingness to stop Deon
immediately if he did anything dangerous.
As evidence, Emily stood at an angle between Sierra and Deon.
His eyes looked as if he was looking at a beast on the verge of capture.
"When I saw the senator, he said he was in danger because he was stabbed deep in
the vital points. I heard that if I was a little late, I would have really died.”
Sierra's tone was just monotonous and desolate without warmth.
The same was true of her eyes looking down at Deon.
"They say you need enough rest, so lie down a little longer."
It was a strange situation.
Deon tried to break the shackles that were restraining his limbs, but he rarely
moved as his body wanted.
Every time Deon moved even a little, Emily's eyes caught on him.
"Where am I?"
A horribly cracked rough voice scratched the vocal cords and spit them out.
"What happened to Rand Agrice?"
Everyone didn't answer Deon's question.
The maid standing at the back was covered by Sierra's back and could not see her
face, and Emily still had an expressionless face.
And Sierra's expression was hard to tell.
She watched Deon quietly with eyes that seemed to embrace both soggy and dryness.
"……I think you'd better get some more sleep."
Finally, Sierra clapped her lips, recited them small, and moved on.
Beth, who received her gaze, moved.
Deon slowly opened his mouth again, looking at Sierra's side face.
"Why did you bring me here?”
A long gaze was nailed to Deon's face.
Beth put the lit candle down on the table.
Eventually, Sierra left the room without giving a response to Deon.
The strong scent of sleep was mixed with the air inhaled and swept into the lungs
like a tide.
Being swallowed by an irresistible and intense humiliation, Deon slipped his
eyelids down.
……yes, the smell of the water, and the shackles that bind his body.
Maybe she brought him in for revenge.
It gradually became distant.
Deon closed his eyes without refusing a soft touch that pulled his body under the
deep water.

* * *

"I found it."

Noel's doll, Nicks, closed her eyes as if she savored the sweet scent at the tip of
her nose.
It was not until his mouth that a satisfactory smile came to his mind.
Gold hair, which seemed to be swollen by melting sunlight, fluttered along the
Where he stood was the top of a tree in the forest, soaring as high as it reached
the sky.
It was a height that no ordinary human could dream of, but Knicks climbed lightly
on it and stood on a thin branch.
The Knicks then lifted their eyelids.
His eyes were different in color on both sides.
Among them, as they focused their senses on the eyes with an amethyst-like glow,
the image of the inside of Fedelian in the distance came into view dimly.
The place where "she" was located was a garden full of fresh green light.
The red afterimage of the butterfly and the leaves of the green leaves made the
face invisible.
However, she was definitely Roxana Agri£e, whom Noel wanted.
Knicks left Vertium at Noel's request to find her.
He was then the first to stop by Agri£e to chase the scattered traces of Roxana.
But the place that followed from there was Fedelian.
This was quite unexpected.
Surely the two families weren't hostile?
Besides, Roxana and Agrice are the owners of the German butterfly?
Like a child on the verge of mischievous mischief on Knicks' face, a mischievous,
and at the same time, a strange, evil-feeling smile came out.
Sounds fun. I'll go tell Noel.
He disconnected the magenta-eyed Ma'an and jumped lightly from the tree.
After landing gently on the ground, the Knicks headed straight to Vertium.
I was really looking forward to the festival that will be held soon.

10. Mask dance night with dolls.

Before I knew it, the room was filled with dark darkness.
"Sigh…… yeah."
The wet sound rang out from the lips we faced.
A heated groan was raised like a sweet water as the movement of rubbing the weak
mucous membrane and twisting the tongue.
Roxana's hands were tangled between Cassis' silver hair.
The two were still entangled on the bed.
From day to late in the evening, I was exhausted by the storm of enthusiasm.
I didn't know how many hours had already passed and how many times I had already
accepted Cassis.
The sun, which had risen to the top of the sky when it was last recognized, is now
hidden and cannot be found.
It was bright daylight outside during the political affair, but neither of them
cared about it.
As soon as Roxana's arm, which was wrapped around Cassis's back, slid down, the
movement stopped.
Now neither of them was wearing a thread on their bodies.
When Cassis lifted his upper body slightly using his arm as a support, his upper
body with balanced muscles came into view.
On the neck of the Cassis, the traces of Roxana biting off the excitement were
Cassis was more severe than Roxana, so it was clear that her body would be worse
than that now.
A voice that sank low enough to make the back of the head tremble flowed into my
Her eyes looked down at her with a fever that had not yet faded.
Cassis washed and put Roxana's lower lip, which breathed with colorful breaths.
Then he swept her tangled hair and lowered his head to lick her earbuds.
In the meantime, clean energy flowed through the body in contact.
The series of acts were very affectionate and gentle, but I should not have been
As a proof, Cassis fixed Roxana's legs to make it wider, and this time washed her
neck thoroughly.
"You're gonna do whatever you want anyway...…, why would you ask…… oops."
A huge stimulus came back strong.
It's not like I'm giving you a bottle or a pill.
What do you do when you get your energy back? I'm pulling the camp out of that ship
When she was criticized for such an idea, a shallow smile spread over her face.
"That's true, too.”
After that, the body overlapped deeper than before, and Roxana breathed out a
suppressed breath.
Really, if you say you're tired, you're going to quit right now.
But that was all a lie. Already a few times, he was ignoring her intention.
I didn't know that she only finds and stimulates places where she responds to such
a topic like ghosts.
Even now, as soon as Cassis touched his body a little bit using his hands and lips,
a groan that was far from the meaning of rejection came out of his mouth.
Roxana fought back because the Cassis got a little disgusted.
Then Cassis' eyes were frowned at once. The harsh sound of the leak from him
scratched my eardrum.
Cassis, who was so ascetic and neat that he usually felt holy, was nowhere else at
this momentarily.
Only a man obsessed with lust looked down at her with a burning gaze and poured out
wild kisses as if he were going to eat her.
Eventually, she was released from Cassis only after she reached the apex of
pleasure once again.
Roxana was so exhausted that it was hard to lift a finger.
I looked out the window with a dim view.
The outside, which was revealed through the curtains, was as dark as if it would
not be visible.
I wanted to sleep without thinking about anything.
However, Cassis grabbed a slender ankle and chewed on the tender flesh as if she
had no intention of putting her to sleep.
It was the same part that I touched without realizing it when I was overwhelmed by
impulses when I put on a god to Roxana last time.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 97.

His eyes looked down at Roxana, leaving a tooth mark on his ankle, and there was a
dim glow.
It was still lacking.
I thought I could be satisfied only when I engrave my traces on Roxana's body from
head to toe.
"No more..." Ugh, do it."
Roxana couldn't stand it anymore, so she pulled her ankle out of Cassis' hand.
Of course, it was not until the beginning that Roxana enjoyed this activity,
showing similar activities as Cassis.
But in the end, she picked up the white flag first.
The completely out-of-control Cassis was really no joke.
On this topic, I had no idea how I had endured it until now.
When Roxana pushed out as if it was really too much, Cassis followed her intention
relatively smoothly this time.
Roxana's touch to let go of her ankle remained regrettable.
So far, Cassis has avoided contacting Roxana to the point of being somewhat
Of course, the contact was not merely a sign of meaning.
Until now, Cassis would always put her lips together every day to share her
vitality, and carry her in her arms as if she could not even allow Roxana's feet to
touch the floor.
However, except when she was really impatient and gave Roxana a rare deep kiss, she
has been extremely careful about contact with the meaning of sex.
The reason was that I thought it would be just like now.
Cassis had never thought in his life that he knew nothing of moderation.
However, such thoughts have been completely broken by today.
Cassis lay face to face with Roxana and swept the hair off her forehead.
A loving touch and eyes poured down on her.
Roxana's face was loosened up after feeling it.
Cassis's expression when he saw her tired became mysterious.
"Did I bother you too much?"
No, what do you mean you just realized...….
"You don't know that now?"
Instead of reflecting on himself, Cassis said with a shallow breath.
"I need to build up my stamina, too. It's too easy to get tired.”
…...are you crazy?
Roxana unknowingly opened her repulsive eyes and saw Cassis.
"It's not that I get tired easily, it's that you're not normal...….”
But I didn't even have the strength to argue.
So she just clapped her brain like that and buried her face in Cassis' chest.
Cassis also pulled Roxana closer and hugged her.
His hands gently swept up and down her head and back.
Soon after, Cassis called her name in a drowsy tone.
Somehow, I didn't want an answer, but I just felt like I was alone confirming that
the person next to me was her.
So Roxana didn't answer.
However, she seems to have been wrong.
He called her in once again.
So this time, Roxana also answered.
"Yes, Cassis...….”
Cassis' arms were big and warm as he lay in bed and hugged her. Maybe that's why my
eyes are closing.
But is it just my feeling?
It's okay that the hand that was sweeping the head went down a little bit, but
somehow it feels like it's moving strangely as it's going through the back of my
As soon as the slow-sliding touch stimulated the sensitive area, as if to outline
the body, Roxana trembled.
I didn't think it was her mistake. I suddenly fell asleep.
"Wait…. You're not going to do it again, are you?
Roxana asked because she didn't think it would be possible.
Do you mean you still have the energy to do you?
It was ridiculous. You've been doing that all this time.
No, of course, I've just shown my lingering attachment to her ankle, but...….
However, Cassis whispered as if Roxana was not mistaken, with her hair rolled up
and her lips clipped to her white neck.
"Just once."
No, that one time should be...….
However, as soon as the eyes met, there was no objection for some reason.
The Cassis of the night was full of deadly charm than of the day, and it seemed to
be a dream that came to fascinate her.
While Roxana was speechless, Cassis kissed her. It was a very sweet and elaborate
The mixed saliva quickly heated up as if it had become an addictive drug.
At that point, Roxana just doesn't know...I felt a sense of
So eventually she gave up rejecting Cassis and accepted the kiss.
The hands of Cassis, who swept his thighs strangely and dug deeper inside, touched
Roxana groaned small, then pushed Cassis' body and climbed on top of him.
The view was reversed, and this time Roxana looked down at Cassis.
Cassis grabbed Roxana's waist and looked up at her with his eyes slightly frown.
There was a faintly satisfying smile around Roxana's mouth.
As expected, it was a scene that I liked more here.
"This time, I'll do it up there. You are…."
Roxana's hand touched Cassis's eye.
Her hair flowed over the Cassis as she lowered her head. Gold and silver threads
were mixed in one place.
Roxana whispered arrogantly as if ordering Cassis to put his lips together.
"Just groan under my thumb."
At that moment, a hot flash passed through the eyes full of desire that was so dark
that it felt dark.
The golden eyes with regular salt seemed to sparkle.
Roxana really pulled herself in that state.
At the next moment, Cassis, who had pulled Roxana's back somewhat roughly,
hurriedly swallowed her lips.
Roxana enjoyed the reaction of the Cassis and began to move anxiously slowly.
Yes, so it was in a sense Roxana's own gain that eventually the affair that began
again did not end with just one time.

* * *

……maybe he was crazy for a moment?

I belatedly reflected on my carelessness and stupidity.
Cassis and I have been confined to our rooms for three days since.
Of course, it was obvious that we had done it all this time.
Except for the basic time of eating, sleeping, and washing, he seemed to have
forgotten all day and night and immersed himself in pleasure.
In the meantime, nothing else in reality has been able to intervene in the joys and
No matter how hard it is, it was a little too much.
I breathed out a shallow breath while sitting at the table and having a late
breakfast with Cassis.
"It's on me."
Meanwhile, Cassis reached out to me with a short recitation.
His fingers scanned my mouth.
I accidentally licked it.
At that moment, Cassis' hand stopped.
The eyes of the Cassis stuck in my face became thick in an instant.
"Oh, sorry. Mistake."
After saying so calmly, I tilted my head again to continue the meal.
But inside, I felt a little disappointed.
Because of the aftermath of the three days, I acted reflexively.
I swear to God, I never wanted to provoke Cassis here and lock him in his room.
Fortunately, Cassis pulled his hand clean from me.
Yeah, if you've fried it that bad, the Cassis will be enough now. It's not an
animal, it's a person.
"My mother sent you a letter this time.”
Cassis finished his meal before me and checked the sender of the paper envelope
that the user brought.
What? It wasn't Cassis. It was a letter for me.
But there was a part of Cassis' words that caught him.
'This time?'
I stopped moving my fork and asked back.
"You sent someone here a while ago."
"When is that?"
"Two days ago, while you were sleeping."
Cassis didn't open the envelope and put it down in front of me.
But it was a letter to me, so I thought it meant to check it out for yourself.
"Maybe he was going to invite you to refreshments. I sent you back because you
weren't feeling well.”
No, I mean...….
Does that mean you've even sent me back to the person who came to see me so that I
wouldn't be let out of the room?
"I know it was wrong to do what I wanted. I'm sorry if I offended you. I
Unlike when he deceived me with sweet words for three days and bothered me to the
fullest, this time he really seemed to reflect on himself.
I gazed at Cassis gently.
Until dawn, no one was anywhere who acted like a hungry animal.
Seeing that cold clear face made me not want to say anything.
It was not that he was angry with Cassis from the beginning.
It's just that his behavior was so unexpected that I was a little surprised.
"Don't do that next time."
"But you did well this time. It would have been hard for me to say no myself."
In the end, it meant that I liked being stuck in this room for three days and alone
with Cassis.
Cassis stared at me as if he had noticed the meaning.
There was a faint heat in his eyes. Maybe it's the same for me.
But Cassis and I had to do what we had been putting off from now on.
I thought I'd send a reply to Cassis' mother, Jeanne, after finishing the meal.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 98

* * *

As I felt last time, Jeanne was a lady of dignity.

The atmosphere she was achieving was calm and quiet.
Somehow she seemed to smell a delicate magnolia or flowers.
"I heard from Cassis. You weren't feeling well, right?”
I answered with a little conscience to John's question.
"It's not to the point of concern. I just took a rest because I was out of energy."
She looked into my face for a moment and opened her mouth again.
"I heard there was a commotion outside a while ago.”
Oh, you heard about Pandora.
Did he ask me to meet him because of that?
Of course, when I met him in front of Richel's office not too long ago, he asked me
to have tea with him later.
However, I think the reason was that he wanted to see me now.
It was hard to think that no one except Cassis or Orca noticed the existence of the
German butterfly that I called that day.
Above all, it was inevitable that Pandora would have been revealed in the process
of telling Fedelian what happened then.
There was a possibility that Orcado testified next to him. They're the same
Of course, it would be better for them to be a woman with a spell than a helpless
woman who Pandora tried to intimidate.
Cassis also mentioned it during breakfast today.
I put the teacup in my hand down on the table and said.
"I'm sorry for the disturbance in the mansion."
"Why are you apologizing? I heard the Whiperion did the rude thing first.”
"Because I was a little too much."
In fact, there was no need to eat Pandora's magic.
However, if I think about it now, I didn't react too much because it was a problem
involving Cassis.
In a way, it could be said that he overreacted.
However, Pandora once tried to cross the gate of Fedelian using an object.
However, as soon as the seized animal was returned, the responsibility for the
incident seemed to increase again in the fedelian.
Maybe that's why no one rebuked me for responding to her.
"I'm not Masusa, I don't know the details, but I've heard that a German butterfly
is a parasitic animal that grows as a host.”
Jeanne also knew that the animal I took out of the garden that day was a poisonous
"There's no such thing as Masusa in the Fedelians, but Isidor has a little insight
into it, perhaps because he's been around the border often. So I asked him, and he
told me that you've been suffering for three days because you've exhausted your
mind because of the beast."
Oh, yeah. Isidor had already seen my serpent butterfly three years ago.
"So I was more worried."
But this was unexpected.
Is that what other people think?
However, it was surprising that I did not suffer any damage from the poisonous
Rather, I felt that communication with butterflies was more active than before
because Cassis was recovering from time to time these days.
So even if I took out a butterfly, I felt comfortable.
Thanks to his energy while being attached to the Cassis for the past three days, he
was more vivid than ever, like a bathed lawn.
And most of all, I haven't been out of the annex with Cassis...….
Without further consideration, I decided to just save my words on that part.
Most of all, everyone said they looked at me in that way, but from my point of
view, I didn't have to take the lead in refuting it.
"Thank you for your concern."
So I pretended to be innocent and said,
"I'm sorry I've caused you a lot of trouble unintentionally. But Cassis took care
of me and I was able to recover quickly."
John stared at me with a glimmer.
In this way, the expression when I was immersed in something seemed to resemble
After a while, Johnny called me in a low voice.
"You, do you know what power Cassis has?”
I realized at that moment.
This is the point.
This was what she really wanted to say when she called me.
Then should I say I know or not?
I took off my lips after a brief hiatus.
"I don't think it' I can say I know."
It was an honest but vague answer.
Then the face I faced became a little blurry.
Somehow she seemed a little relieved or the other way around.
"Yes, you know."
In any case, it seemed difficult for me to define easily.
Soon after a small stream of words came from her, I closed my lips that I had tried
to open again.
"It once put Sylvia in danger."
Like before, Johnny stared at my face and looked at my reaction.
It was as if he was trying to determine whether he could continue his words.
"Silvia used to play dangerous games by herself because she's a tomboy like she is
now. So I went up to the statue in front of the garden by myself.”
Eventually, she quietly opened her mouth again, as if she had chosen to keep
"And when I fell down, I did something wrong and hurt my head. Cassis found it."
Jeanne's eyes were slightly blurred as if she were reminiscent of what happened at
that time.
"Cassis didn't know how to use his powers yet. But my sister's bleeding condition
seemed too dangerous, so I used that power."
After that, I could easily guess that nothing good had happened.
When Johnny said earlier, Sylvia was in danger because of Cassis' power.
"But then there was a reaction. Sylvia is…."
But what I heard was worse than I imagined.
"I was completely out of breath then."
"I blamed my foolish mother, Cassis. I don't remember what happened in detail
because it was so hectic, but I think I blamed him quite harshly."
Then a short silence fell around where she and I were sitting.
Soon there was a dusky smile on Jeanne's face.
"But even if I don't remember what I said at the time, I'm sure Cassis hasn't
forgotten yet.”
I couldn't easily figure out what to say to her, so I chose the horse for a moment.
By now, Cassis, who was meeting his father, Richel, passed through his mind.
"I'm constantly regretting it. I feel so ashamed and sorry."
"That kind of heart...… Did you tell Cassis?”
At my subsequent question, a distinctly different expression spread faintly on the
face I faced.
"Yes, since he returned from Agrice three years ago."
Oh... I see.
"Of course, I don't think I've done all I can with it. But if the worst had
happened, I wouldn't have been able to tell you this in my life."
Then maybe in the novel she never felt sorry for Cassis in her life.
Because Cassis never came back to Fedelian in that story.
Then, this elegant lady would never have smiled with such an old-fashioned face.
And I can't understand how Cassis feels, but...….
Still, it was thought that it would be better to listen to such a sincere saying
from your mother late than not.
When I thought about that, I was once again relieved that Cassis was in the
fedelian like this at this moment.
"I don't want Cassis to experience the same thing again. Of course, right now,
there's no one he can't save because he wants to."
At the next moment, Jeanne's straight eyes and eyes met.
"But I hope you live as healthy and as long as possible without being sick. More
than anyone else in the world. Your happiness will result in Cassis' happiness."
I listened quietly to her and soon slowly lowered my gaze.
"The last time I saw you, you were definitely standing in front of me, but somehow
it felt like you didn't exist. Just like a person who has empty shells left. So I
was a little worried...….”
Is being sharp a characteristic of the Fedelian people?
Perhaps, when I met him last time, he was looking through my condition.
"You look better now than the last time I saw you. I feel relieved.”
Her face, which she said so, contained a mildness.
Finally, Janne told me.
"Please take care of Cassis."

How to Protect the Heroine's Brother Episode 99

* * *

After a while, I thought about the conversation we had a while ago after breaking
up with Jeanne.
There was something else to think about in her words.
Most of all, Cassis' ability didn't seem to be much more green than I thought.
If it was the power to kill someone by reaction, on the contrary, it was in line
with the word "power enough to revive someone."
Of course, I've seen the power of Cassis before, and I've experienced it several
times in person, so I've known it to some extent.
He did not know that if he breathed in energy, the body would be warm and
energetic, and that the cut with a knife could heal and neutralize the poison in
the body.
But isn't there a level of maturity in everything?
So I've never thought that his healing ability was so unrealistic, apart from being
so great.
But if Cassis makes up his mind now, there's no one he can't find.
The word felt very significant.
Besides, didn't you say Sylvia was completely out of breath?
But she was alive and well now.
So how the hell did Sylvia come back to life?
Cassis said he failed at that time. Then, do you think it's Lee Shell, the head of
the Qing Dynasty?
Then again, Cassis's power was fedelian heredity.
Wait, so what Cassis is doing to me right now might not be just recovery...….
The thought that passed by suddenly made me move around my flinching eyes.
"Miss Roxana?"
Then at one point, a voice of beauty suddenly flowed into my ears.
I glided my eyes without agitation in the direction the voice came in.
"Oh, I haven't seen you in a long time. I heard you've been sick. Fortunately, now
you're all up, huh?”
Orca Whiperion's bright smile permeated the view.
It was a clear and transparent smile like glass, which seemed to disarm anyone.
Of course, it didn't work for me who knew what he was up to.
"You're a hundred horseman."
I let out a slow voice at him.
Behind me was Olly, who followed me from the annex, and behind Orca stood Isidor.
He was giving an ugly look at Orca.
There's no way he's escorting Orca. No matter how hard I look at it, it seems to be
watching Orca.
Perhaps Isidor played the role of following Orca and watching every move.
Until now, he had not done such a thing because he treated him as a guest, but it
seemed to have lost trust after Pandora's work.
"Oh, you know who I am? Well, that's what the prince of Qing called me."
Orca shined her eyes as if she were very happy that I knew her.
"Let me formally introduce you. This is Orca Whiperion. Please call me Orca."
"Well, I think the title of the white masquerade is enough."
Orca spoke in a friendly manner.
But I just smiled once and then refused.
Then, an exaggerated disappointment came to my face.
"Last time, I was rude. I hope you will forget my shameful remarks and actions."
It looked really plausible to apologize while pretending to be depressed.
Maybe it was because he looked so innocent, but if he didn't know that there were
about a hundred Neunggoongs in there, everyone would feel sorry for him.
"I don't care, so don't keep it in your mind. Did you come to me to say that?”
"Oh, I was taking a walk because the sun was nice. But I can't believe I ran into
Miss Roxana like this."
It was an obvious lie.
There's no way that a person who's smiling like that would have any plans.
The reason why Orca is so interested in me is because of the German butterfly.
Suddenly, the eager eyes I saw in the garden three days ago passed through my mind.
At that time, I also remembered the awkwardness I felt.
"If you don't mind, I'll bite people around me and have a good and pleasant
conversation with them."….”
"It's impossible."
"It's impossible."
"I want to share, but I guess it's not possible."
As soon as Orca started, Isidor and Olin simultaneously struck his words.
Orca didn't seem to have expected it in the first place.
Isidor and Orca, who made a gloomy face again, were staring on guard.
I felt a little subtle when I saw it.
As expected, I felt right to be branded as a vulnerable image by the people of
Since the first meeting, the situation has unintentionally passed by itself, and it
was also because Cassis treated me like a sick man without paying any attention to
other people's eyes.
But on the other hand, I couldn't say that I didn't have much will there.
Perhaps I was unconsciously showing them a military and pitiful image that might
appeal to them.
Still, it felt strange to be in such an open protected position.
"Because I'm not very good at calling myself a masquerade."
On the other hand, I also felt like giving them a place to go as they wanted.
"It would be more beneficial to have a conversation with Sir Winston behind you."
I looked back at Isidor as if Orca was unexpected.
"Sir Winston? Were you a masoo?"
Isidor didn't seem to understand why I said that.
I tilted my head sideways looking at him.
"I've heard from John that Lord Winston has a wide range of insight into the
"I don't have that much knowledge.If you'd like, we can be some contacts."
As soon as my eyes met, Isidor nodded softly and told Orca whether I read what I
Isidor seemed to think Orca might as well just use himself as a scapegoat rather
than bothering me anymore.
"Well, no, not really."
However, Orca refused, not hiding her nervousness.
I don't know, but while I was with Isidor, there seemed to be a lot of things that
could have been done to him.
"I want to have a conversation because I'm the owner of a German butterfly."
As expected, Orca was not out of expectation.
I've guessed, but it was the poison butterfly.
"No matter what I think, I'm curious. How you imprinted a hornet."
Isidor and Olin seemed to be just trying to talk as they were, as they were
unlikely to leave their seats.
Hagi, you even tried to break into the fedelian in search of a German butterfly, so
the enthusiasm must be great.
I also knew how much his tenacity and desire for magic was.
"For now, finding a habitat for a German butterfly is a matter of the stars in the
Originally, the German butterfly had to be his share as a product of the effort.
But I stole it in the middle of it.
Perhaps if Orca finds out about it, he would want to throw me into the water.
"And even if you're looking for eggs, you've had a hell of a hard time hatching
them in front of a lady. You have to put so much effort into it anyway, and isn't
it significantly unlikely that you'll succeed?"
Suddenly, I felt a little pity for Orca, so I thought I would listen to her for a
"And to imprint a horny butterfly that hatches like that is to pass through the
I think I was very lucky, too.
The poison butterfly and my imagination were better than I imagined, and I was in
an environment where it was easy to procure a large amount of poison.
And I was able to live a symbiotic life without being eaten by a German butterfly.
"But the greatest masterpiece is...….”
Orca kept talking on her own even if I didn't respond.
Already, what he said felt almost like talking to himself.
"And you raised it as a slaughtered butterfly.
Soon, Orca giggled as if she couldn't hold back her excitement.
His eyes folded thinly. A thin smile resembled a fox.
"Loxana, have you heard that all the owners of the German butterfly are missing?”
Of course I've heard of it.
"Do you know that the reason is that it was eaten by a German butterfly?”
At that moment, I felt Isidor and Olin flinching.
I closed my eyes slowly once without any agitation and then recited in a drowsy
"Do you think I don't know what you know?"
It was exactly what Orca said.
Although the owners of the German butterflies in the record were small enough to
count themselves, their ending was usually the same.
He was seen being eaten by a German butterfly, or suddenly disappeared one day
after disappearing.
Of course, the missing persons did not reappear later without a rumor.
Perhaps not witnessed by anyone else, but the end was the same as the hosts of
other poisonous butterflies, most mashers were guessing.
Although a German butterfly was not an object that could be imprinted just because
it wanted to, it was extremely rare for a magician to start imprinting a German
butterfly in the first time.
This is because the imaginable end is obvious.
It was the same reason why Rand Agrice didn't take the German butterfly's eggs from
me even though he gave me a greedy look.
In that sense, Orca in the novel was also an unusual man.
He was so eager to be a German butterfly that he eventually succeeded in imprinting
Orca already had a large number of top-notch moles, so there was no reason to hang
himself on a butterfly.
In addition, he was the successor to Whiperion. How can you make such a precious
body the host of a German butterfly?
It is not what I, the owner of the German butterfly, said, but it was not what I
was going to say in my right mind.
"Oh, that's so funny.”
The next moment, a voice in my ear that seemed to be funny and unbearable.


How to Protect the Heroine's Brother. Episode 100

A pear-flavored smile hung on the young man's beautiful face in front of him.
On the other hand, however, Orca's eyes were young with a precarious look.
It was seen as madness in some sense.
I was surprised for a moment whether Ollie saw it, too.
However, when Olin then took a step closer to me, raising the alertness from his
body, the dangerous light on Orca's face faded away like a wash.
"Loxana, I'm afraid you might misunderstand, but what Pandora did this time has
nothing to do with me."
Orca, who went back to smiling face without knowing it, said with a light attitude
as if she was flying away.
"If I had known that my sister would make such a big decision to Roxana, I would
have taken the lead and sent her back to her family. You don't believe me? Oh, I'm
When I narrowed my eyes slightly, Orca trembled.
Eventually Pandora returned to Whiperion.
Officially known as Pandora, the main culprit behind the use of magic objects to
cross the gate, she was immediately called by the head of the White House and
returned to Whiperion.
However, Orca chose to remain in the fedelian until he was monitored without
accompanying Pandora to the Whiperion.
It is said that he even returned the magic he possessed on his own.
So now Orca wasn't wearing any jewelry, unlike the last time we met in the garden.
Not all masusa were like that, but Whiperion was using the magic secretly handed
down from the family as a medium for imprinting on jewels.
It was to minimize the burden on the body when imprinting with the devil.
But I can't believe I'm still in the fedelian, taking them all off my body.
"I apologize for the mistake Pandora made to Miss Roxana. 'Cause that's why I'm
left in the fedelian."
You're lying with saliva on your mouth.
Perhaps the real reason why he still remains in the fedelian is because he couldn't
give up his lingering affection for the German butterfly, I thought.
"Of course I have a personal interest in Miss Roxana."
Orca paused there and stared at me gently.
The next thing that came to his face was a secret smile that apparently seduced me.
It was so blatant that Isidor and Olin, who openly knew about my relationship with
Cassis, crept their faces.
"So don't be so wary. Unlike Pandora, I'm a gentleman."
Orca insisted on her harmlessness in front of me.
It looked like a wolf hiding its sharp fangs and claws and luring sheep.
"There seems to be a misunderstanding.”
I opened my mouth looking at such an orca.
"I don't want to be acquainted with you apart from what I've done so far, White
Orca flinched at the monotonous voice that flowed out of my mouth.
Perhaps my eyes staring at him now were as emotionally dry as my voice.
"Why? Did I hate Miss Roxana for anything? Oh, if you're still keeping in mind what
I said to Roxana at the time.”
"I said I didn't care about that."
"Then why?"
I tilted my head obliquely, staring at the questioning orca.
"The reason is simple."
Then, he smiled by pulling up the tip of his lips.
"Because you're not interested in yourself at all."
At that moment, Orca's face became stiff.
A faint wriggle around his eyes was in sight.
"Unfortunately, I don't feel anything about meeting you. But isn't it your duty to
respond to it without your heart just because you're interested in me?”
Isidor and Olly seemed a little surprised.
They will never see me speaking in such a arrogant tone that I feel arrogant
because I am not arrogant in this way, nor have I seen such a ridiculous smile
without the virtue of humility.
"So I want you to pay more attention to me than you need to. Don't waste your time,
Mr. Baek."
Orca seemed to be embarrassed inside.
He had an expression on his face that he had never dreamed of hearing this from a
"Well……. I thought Miss Roxana and I would get along well."
Orca couldn't pick his words easily and stammered a little.
Looking at the response, it seemed to be the first time that I heard a direct
rejection in this way from the opponent who expressed interest first.
Isidor and Olin, who were next to me, looked somehow savory.…it wasn't just my
Orca looked at me with a strange look.
It was a complex look mixed with subtle displeasure, embarrassment, confusion, and
strange heat I saw in the garden last time.
After a while, Orca broke the silence by opening his tight mouth.
"Then I had something for Miss Roxana.”
Still, I don't know if Orca understood what I was saying, but he took something out
of his pocket.
It was Sylvia's ribbon that flew off the terrace last time.
I raised my hand and received what Orca put out.
I looked for a moment, but I didn't think I did anything strange with the ribbon.
"In this situation, it would be rude to stay in the Fedelian for a long time, so
I'd better go back to Whiperion."
Orca said with a smile as she twisted her mouth small.
"I see. It was a short meeting, but it was nice to see you."
I also said goodbye to him in a casual manner.
Orca, who thought he would be more persistent, stepped back more neatly than
But I felt a little more suspicious of it.
"I hope to see you outside the Fedelian next time, Miss Roxana."
Orca smiled back with a bright face as before.
However, the strange greeting he gave sounded somewhat significant, perhaps just in
his mood.
"Oh, how are you both?"
Then, Sylvia appeared.
I wasn't sure where I came from orca and I heard the news, or if I just bumped into
him while passing this road.
However, given that the spirit of her slender body was somewhat combative, it
seemed to be the former.
"Good afternoon, Roxana. And the white masquerade."
"Good morning, Miss Pedelian. You're as beautiful as ever."
Orca greeted with a smile in a casual manner as usual.
However, instead of flirting with his smooth tongue, he announced that he would
step down.
"I'd like to have a longer conversation with Miss Pedelian, but I have to get ready
to go back to Whiperion."
"Oh, you're going back to the White House now?"
"Yes, that's what happened. Then I have to stop by the head of the Blue House, so
please excuse me. Have a good time, both of you."
Orca really left after saying hello.
Isidor also made a small silent salute to me and Sylvia before following Orca.
"What's going on?"
Questions arose over Sylvia's face looking at Orca's back.
She seemed rather drained.
I came to the full-fledged position of battle at best, but the other person
disappeared so quickly that I felt a little lost.
"I'm afraid I've been greatly shocked by the rejection of Miss Roxana while ago.”
said Olin, who had been quiet beside him so far.
Somehow her voice seemed to be filled with the feeling of being able to shake off a
troublesome fly bug.
Sylvia's eyes opened round.
I smiled at her as if she were just nothing.
Sylvia seemed very curious, but she asked something else first.
"Oh, Roxana. Are you feeling better now? I feel like I'm half-faced."
I took a quick look at Sylvia's face looking up at me with worried eyes.
After that, it was almost impulsive to raise her hand and stroke her hair.
Sylvia's cheeks blushed in an instant.
"Can I have the ribbon you gave me then?”
There were not many strange traces left on the ribbon returned by Orca.
However, I felt uncomfortable and didn't want to give it back to Sylvia.
I needed to take the ribbon and take care of it just in case.
"Of course, as much as you want."
Sylvia smiled joyfully and clearly.
She was lovely and pretty not because she was the heroine of the novel, but because
she was Cassis' sister.
And strangely enough, every time I saw Sylvia like that, I thought of Jeremy.
It was so even though there was no resemblance between the two.
The number of times has become more frequent since I visited Richel's office last
The story I heard then came back to mind.
Jeremy said he remained in Agrice.
Therefore, I heard that instead of making Agrice disappear, he is moving to become
the representative of the family and reinstate her.

"If I were to..." Will you come back if I make Agrice a place where you can laugh?”

Did you really mean what you said then?

Apparently, I didn't give him any answer when he looked desperate.
Nevertheless, Jeremy remains in the ruins that I destroyed and is trying to do
something by himself.
I definitely thought I had thrown away everything I had that day.
But there was still something tied to me.
It used to feel like one of the many thorns that were tightening my ankle, but...….
It wasn't like that now.
Then it could be what Jeremy said. Not right now, but one day.
We still don't know exactly when it will be.
But maybe, not too soon.
Thinking so, I laughed dimly.
No wonder at this moment, I felt like I was patting Jeremy's head, not Sylvia.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 101

* * *

When I arrived at the annex, Cassis had not yet returned.

Come to think of it, didn't Orca say that he was going to the chief of Qing.
Then, it could have been because of Cassis, who was meeting Lischel first, that he
could not have achieved his purpose.
“My dear, excuse me.”
"come in."
Meanwhile, the owner knocked on the door.
As I answered, the woman with the tray walked inside. On her tray was a dark red
“A letter has arrived in front of you. The origin is Hwang's Bertium.”
After hearing the unexpected, I narrowed my eyebrows slightly.
Did Bertium write me a letter? How did you know I was here?
Of course, it wasn't even a secret that was desperately hiding outside.
But second of all, there was no reason to send me a letter from Bertium.
“Did you check the contents in Fedelianne?”
"no. I have only finished basic tests.”
When it comes to basic prosecutors, it means that they have checked whether there
is anything dangerous in the letter, or whether or not there is a wrong magic
I picked up a red envelope placed on a tray.
If it had been tested in Fedelian, there would be no other risk.
I returned the employee and sat down on the couch to open the letter.
There was a brief content of about four or five lines inside.
It was a plain and concise letter omitting all the lengthy narratives that are
usually put in front when sending a letter to someone.

[Ms. Roxana Agriche. With desperate desire to see you again, I send you something
you will miss.]

I wanted to know what this meant.

When I turned over the envelope, feeling doubt, something fell from within.
It was a small trinket with red jewels on top of a tassel made of gold thread.
I looked at it and frowned. After that, I even read the contents of the letter.

[The traces of blood and flesh seen in faraway places are even more special, so
they melt the frozen heart and make you feel deeply nostalgic. If you like my
gift, I look forward to accepting your invitation.]

As I read the words written on the paper, my mood gradually began to cool down.

[Then, we will be waiting with your precious person. -Noel Bertium.]

You're doing the same thing.

I read all the letters from Noel Bertium and smiled with a deep smile.
The gold sand in the jewelry he sent was someone's hair.
Traces of blood. And my dear one.
Noel Bertium was threatening me that he had my mother right now.
“This is pretty unpleasant.”
But I didn't think this was really my mother's hair.
She judged that she couldn't even be in the hands of the real Noel Bertium right
On the last day in Agriche, I sent Emily to order her mother to do whatever she
If she chooses to stay in Agriche, she intends to take shelter in a safe place in
the mansion.
Also, if she chooses to leave Agriche, that too has her preliminary arrangements
so that she can do what she wants.
The place I set up for her mother, of course, wasn't Bertium's territory.
What's more, after that, I wasn't getting a signal that made me known if something
happened to the two.
Even if not for that reason, my intuition was telling me this wasn't my mother's
So it must have been someone else's hair of similar color.
Last time, when I saw the bleeding nosebleed at the harmony meeting, I thought
there was still a naive side to my heart.
But you use these sneaky and nasty numbers.
Hagiya, wasn't Noel Bertium described in the novel hiding a clever aspect in a
childlike innocent face?
I put the papers and trinkets I had in his hand down on the table.
Noel might have done this trick because I was amazed and thought he would run to
him, but unfortunately, I wasn't impressed.
“… … .”
I looked down at the envelope I had laid in front of me and tapped my finger on
the armrest of the chair.
Still, there will be nothing bad to check.
There is a limit to the distance between which the butterfly can be communicated
with, so it was not possible to send a butterfly directly to the land of another
family right now.
So I contacted Grizelda instead.
The last time she saw in Agriche, she had said that she would stay near the border
of the neutral zone for some time to come.
At that distance, I could send butterflies.
This was the first time I had left Agriche and contacted someone like this.
Probably it wasn't long before she would give her an answer.

* * *

“I have to be away for a while.”

That evening, Cassis, who returned to the annex, told me.
I was thinking about the letter of Noel Bertium I had seen before, lying on my
Cassis approached and sat down on my bed.
I too moved his body to get closer to him.
As I put my head on his leg, Cassis swept my hair with a gentle touch.
Cassis said he should sooner or later attend a meeting of the 5 families.
I heard that Cassis should also show his face this time, as he was the leading
role in what happened at Agriche.
He thought that his conversation with Richell would be prolonged, but he thought
he had an important talk.
I glanced into Cassis' face.
In fact, I was entangled in most of what happened at Agriche.
However, very few people knew about it, and very few people had no intention of
putting me on the surface.
I regarded Agriche's destruction as the last task I had to accomplish.
So, nothing has been assumed since then.
This is because I thought that no matter how long my life was left after that, my
life would definitely end with Agriche.
But now the situation has changed.
Of course, no one urged me to do anything right now, but... … .
Obviously, I can't be alone in this position forever.
Thinking so, I laughed faintly at Cassis.
Cassis, who saw my smile, followed me and smiled.
Bertium sent an open letter to me in Fedelian.
So, the news must have reached Cassis' ears. But he didn't express anything.
As if I didn't first check with me if I heard anything about Agriche the last time
I went to Richell's office.
So I didn't explain to him either.
It was a little relieved for me.
Because if Cassis asked me something, he couldn't be sure he would have answered
“Your mother, she was a good person.”
Cassis' eyes changed a little at the words that I suddenly said.
Cassis looked down silently at my face.
It was as if I was trying to infer a conversation that I and his mother would have
had through my expression.
“Sylvia seems to resemble her mother a lot.”
“In terms of appearance. Her personality is not very similar.”
Fortunately, I couldn't find anything that bothers me on my face, and Cassis's
expression was slightly relaxed.
“Yes, her personality seemed to resemble your mother more than Sylvia.”
“This is my first time hearing such a word.”
Cassis' hand, which was sweeping my hair, moved to his face.
While scanning my forehead, my hand slid under the temple and slid along the line
of my face, raising my chin slightly.
Cassis, who dropped his head, kissed the softest ever.
It wasn't a rough and hasty kiss that seemed to eat it right now, but a rustling
and drowsy kiss that seemed to tickle with feathers.
And it was a kiss that was so emotional.
It wasn't long before Cassis, who raised his head, looked down at me from close to
A hand, taken from his chin, slowly touched my wet lips.
I opened my lips and bite his fingers. Then stick out his tongue and lick it.
As he did in the morning, Cassis' eyes quickly sank in darkness.
Without steaming, my lips overlapped again immediately.
His tongue, digging deep, cracked roughly in his mouth.
When I woke up, I was completely buried in bed by Cassis.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 102

After a while, my lips came off, making a wet sound.

A thin gift dangles between him and me.
The moment Cassis' eyes and eyes looked down at me, his back neck was thrilled.
It seemed that the golden eyes of the heat gathered all over me.
Cassis, who bowed his head deeper this time, buried his lips in my neck.
Before his eyes, his silver hair fluttered indulgence.
A small groan leaked out as the movement of grasping his chest, which was revealed
through his clothes, and sucking his neck in his mouth.
I was so tired of it for three days that I thought I wouldn't think of this for a
while, but it was completely wrong.
In a sense, I thought this might be a kind of conversation between Cassis and me.
Neither Cassis nor I knew whether they were feeling each other's existence by
sharing body temperature directly like this instead of words and questions that
couldn't be given to each other.
Perhaps that's why Cassis and my touch, touching each other, always felt
desperately somewhere.
Cassis' hands and lips gradually descended.
Then Cassis put it in my thigh, which I had been squeezing for a while, just like
last night.
"Ah… … hurt."
The voice in my ear was sinking very low.
Cassis slowly licked his tongue a little while ago, as if soothing.
But he soon bite into the soft flesh next to him as if he couldn't control it
After all, Cassis' attitude was very different from day to night.
I sighed, and then reached out his arm, almost snatched Cassis' fat, grabbed him
and pulled him closer.
Then he opened his mouth and bite the nape of his neck, which was revealed through
the open collar.
And it sucked in so strongly that it was mine.
You did the same to Cassis with the feeling that you would be beaten, but it was
of little use as it did for the last three days.
Rather, Cassis seemed to replace my pain with excitement.
… … In fact, to some extent, I did.
Like we did last night, Cassis and I rolled up and down and rolled together on the
bed until dawn.

* * *
Then, after the blazing fire extinguished without knowing the end, Cassis
undoubtedly pushed the energy into my drooping me.
I was always tired first, and I was secretly overwhelmed by that fact.
But… … okay.
If you think positively, it's better than having the person get tired out of bed
first before I'm satisfied enough.
“Isn’t it that every time you use your strength in this way it hurts you?”
I looked up at Cassis' face and asked.
Then Cassis stared at me for a moment.
Soon he whispered, burying his lips on my cheek.
"no. So you don't have to worry about that.”
I focused my attention on Cassis to see if his words were real.
It seemed like he wasn't lying to me.
I was forced to close my eyes and open my eyes, feeling a sense of relief in my
“I would be tired, but sleep.”
A friendly gaze and a kiss fell on his face.
The soft whispers in my ears sounded like a lullaby.
As he said, my whole body was working hard.
I fell asleep as it was being held by Cassis.

* * *

A few days later, Grizelda was contacted.

Her letter she sent contained the information I was looking for.
I still think I wouldn't, but... … .
In one case, if it was true that Noel Bertium sent me her mother's hair, and that
he threatened me by using her mother as an excuse… … .
No matter what, he would surely make me regret this.
With my cold heart, I opened her letter to which Zelda sent her.
Only one name of someone was written in it.
“… … !”
I couldn't figure out what I was seeing.
Suspicious of his eyes, he again checked the name on the paper, but it did not
I forgot to breathe for a moment.
Suddenly, a sparse heat from inside grew like poison.
The surrounding noise disappeared at once.
The black letters in front of me roamed around, dancing dizzyingly as if laughing
at me on white paper.
All kinds of thoughts floated in my head like a storm.
They wandered in me without hesitation, and then finally bumped into each other
and shattered.
Sharp debris stabbed me in without reason.
After some time, I took a deep breath.
Then he slowly spit it out, slowly calming the noisy mind.
The letter Grizelda sent was already crumpled in my hand.
The inside crumbled coldly, as if it was a castle.
Noel Bertium.
I had to meet him in person, even to confirm.

* * *

"let's go?"
It is the day that Cassis leaves Fedelian.
"I will be back."
Before he left the annex, we greeted shortly.
I looked at Cassis quietly, then quietly called him.
Then Cassis stared at me quietly as if waiting for his words to follow.
I looked at his face and opened my mouth.
“As you say, if the person who found me that day was someone else, I might have
It was an answer to what Cassis said to me one night.
“But if it wasn't for you… … .”
Cassis didn't dare ask me for an answer, but I wanted to tell him before he left.
“I’m glad I didn’t die then and I’m alive now, I wouldn’t have thought that way.”
At that moment, Cassis' eyes changed.
Shallow rippled golden eyes contained only me in them.
“So in the end, I would have hated it unless it was you.”
I looked at Cassis' face and slowly lowered my eyelids.
“I just wanted to tell you.”
And he shouted in a careless tone.
As if what I said now doesn't mean anything.
Then I looked at him again and laughed.
“Then go well.”
Cassis stood by the door and stared at me without even moving.
Soon there was a soft voice from his lips.
Just like I did a little while ago, this time Cassis called my name.
Then he again opened his lips to talk.
“Even if I hadn't met you that day, I must have found you.”
A voice with a firm tone of conviction echoed in my ears.
His eyes, facing me, were just that straight.
“In the future, if you disappear before my eyes, I'll search the whole world to
find you.”
Eventually, Cassis moved from his place.
He came close to me and moved, looking down at me.
“So you do whatever you want.”
His body struck tightly.
Cassis hugged me shattered and whispered quietly, putting his lips to my ear.
“I will do that too.”
It seemed like the hot stigma was pressed.
The warm warmth wrapped around my body.
I didn't know if Cassis knew something and said this, or if he just gave another
answer to what I said a while ago.
I didn't know... … .
'Oh yeah. I don't think I can't be a person now.'
As if a fine wind blew through a small gap in the window that was open without my
knowledge, such thoughts soaked into my heart as if suddenly.
Soon I raised my arm and held him tightly, just like Cassis.
I didn't mean to leave him in the first place... … .
Again, the place I had to return was next to this person.
Stronger than ever, I was convinced.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 103

* * *

This was the first time Cassis has been away from this position since coming to
It was the same that I was separated from me so long.
Perhaps that's why Cassis has been stuck with me for almost all day since a while
ago and breathed life into it.
Thanks to that, my body was the best of the best.
Probably, it was clear that at least he could live without problems until Cassis
So Cassis could have left Fedelian without me.
So Cassis left, and the promised time came.
I finished preparing to leave the annex and left the room.
Olin came to see me.
“Are you going on a walk?”
After Whiperion's guests left, Olin no longer had to guard my terrace.
Still, she did not return to her original mission again, but at Cassis' command,
she stood by my side.
“No, I’m going to go far this time.”
“What if you say far?”
The eyes we faced opened wide, as if startled.
“I was invited.”
I have already communicated the situation to Jeanne.
Fedelian's head Lischel and Cassis left for Uggdrasil together.
So, I had to inform her, her hostess, of the news about her.
Of course, that couldn't tell me the content of the letter from Bertium or the
real purpose of my decision to go there.
So I just explained the situation in the sense that I was invited by the head of
Bertium and decided to make a short visit.
It could have been enough to leave secretly, but I decided not to use that method.
If I disappeared silently, the people in Fedelian would be quite upset and
Above all, I didn't want to make Cassis think I had left him.
If I recall the attitude Cassis showed me before leaving the annex... … .
He seems to have been thinking that maybe I might leave this place without
Still, he told me to do whatever I wanted.
Of course it never meant to let me go.
Cassis said he would definitely pick me up wherever I was.
Cassis said that... … Even though I thought about it a few times, each time it
made me incredibly full.
On the other hand, when I recalled the contents of the letter sent by Noel
Bertium, a fishy laughter rose from within.
“Then I will serve you.”
“No, it doesn't. People will come from Bertium.”
Olin said he would accompany him, but he had no intention of taking the Fedelian
people to Bertium.
But despite my refusal, Olin didn't give up easily.
I left the annex with Ollin, who encouraged me to take myself again.

* * *

"Hello. It is said that it is Danterra, the heart of Noel Bertium, the head of
That afternoon, a group of people arrived in Fedelian.
“Welcome, Bertium's Lion.”
Not only me, but Jeanne and Sylvia were also present.
Jeanne, Fedelian's hostess, greeted people from Bertium in front of him.
“Is Bertium not going to attend this meeting of Yggdrasil?”
“Yes, the head of our company has no relationship with such an official position.”
The white-haired young man, who seemed to be the representative of the group,
greeted us politely and said.
Lischel and Cassis are on their way to Yggdrasil for a meeting of the five
families, but as Hwang's chief leisurely invites me, Jeanne may have doubts.
However, seeing Dante's words and prompt acceptance, it seems that Noel Bertium
wasn't able to show his face to such meetings.
Dante moved his gaze to me after a brief greeting with Jeanne.
“Thank you very much for accepting the invitation, Miss Roxana. We will take you
to Bertium comfortably and safely.”
Seeing that she wasn't calling me Miss Agriche, she seemed to have noticed the
His face looked familiar.
The man who introduced himself to Danterra was the one who appeared in the banquet
hall with Noel Bertium during the last reconciliation meeting in Yggdrasil.
Ah. However, when I think about it now, he had face-to-face once more than that.
I think he was the man who came and handed me flowers before he left Yggdrasil
that day.
However, at that time, he was so keen on the work of Agriche, so he immediately
forgot about it after receiving the flowers and turning around.
I can't remember it, but at that time it seemed that this man had said to me that
he was "the chief's gift."
What, then you mean it was Noel Bertium who gave me the flower?
“I am very pleased with Bertium's invitation.”
But I lifted the corner of his mouth without outwardly expressing what he was
thinking inside.
“It is not enough for the head of Hwang to write a personal letter to reveal the
intention of the invitation, so it is so grateful that he even sent a close
hospitality in advance.”
Dante's eyes, when he saw my smile, tapped.
No wonder he knows there are thorns in my words.
In fact, the situation now would have been very different from what Noel Bertium
had initially expected.
In the beginning, Bertium wanted to meet me in secret.
According to the plan he conveyed, I had to get out of the Fedelian, and contact
the people I sent from Bertium, in secret without anyone else knowing.
But what am I supposed to do with what they want?
Although I decided to visit Bertium because I had something to confirm from
Grizelda's letter, it was a big mistake if I thought that I would follow their
First of all, I made Bertium's invitation official, contrary to Noel's wishes.
This was what I asked Noel Bertium to send people directly to Fedelian.
He seemed embarrassed by the unexpected attitude I had shown.
I would have thought I would follow his opinion unconditionally, but rather than
that, it was worth it because I had asked for something first.
However, when he strongly said that he would not go to Bertium if he did not
follow my wishes, Noel quickly responded that he would know.
It was a reply in a somewhat gibberish tone, giving a distinctly impatient feeling
to the extent that he might be a different person from the person who wrote the
previous letter.
He expected it from the time he was threatening, but he seemed to want to bring me
to Bertium.
“In addition, you prepared a precious gift for me, right? I'm looking forward to
So, Noel officially sent a person to Fedelian, where I was, and welcomed me as a
I still said to Dante with a smile.
But it was clear that my gaze at him would be cooler.
Dante politely bowed his head to my words.
“You probably won't be disappointed.”
It should be.
Noel did a pretty big job. It made me feel like moving myself after a long time.
So, if he disappointed me, I would be quite upset.
“Roxana. Wouldn't it be better to accompany you when your brother comes?”
Sylvia, who was out to see me off, looked at me without worrying.
Even the voice whispering to me was filled with concern.
But she couldn't take Cassis there.
This was my personal affair, and I didn't want to bother him and the people in
Fedelian because of me.
I smiled and said to Sylvia, as if to be relieved.
"OK. It won't come in that long.”
Sylvia said she hadn't given up yet and she snapped her lips again.
But Dante's words were faster.
“Sorry, Ms. Fedelian. The only person our chief invited was Roxana Yang.”
At that moment, Sylvia's eyebrows wriggled.
As if to persuade me, she turned her face in a pathetic light to Dante and opened
her eyes fiercely.
In the meantime, I had only a gentle face in front of me, so I didn't know, but
looking at this, it seemed that Silvia wasn't just as gentle.
She did, she said she was a tomboy since she was a kid.
“Then I'll be back.”
I left her last greeting to Jeanne and Sylvia before leaving.
“She is also a valuable guest in Fedelis, so she believes she will treat her well
at Bertium during her stay.”
Dante bowed her head saying she knew what Jeanne said.
Before lowering his head, I witnessed a young glance of perplexity in his eyes.
It was clear that this would limit my actions, whatever I wanted from Bertium.
Then it will be difficult to do crap.
I was cynical in the heart and got on the wagon prepared by Bertium.
So I left Fedelian for a while without Cassis.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 104

* * *

The road to Bertium was quiet.

I thought it was a fuss because Orca, the beast of the white, left behind a
message just before he left Fedelian.
There was no problem with Bertium's procession even after passing through the
Fedelian's gate and out of the Fedelian's land.
So, I was able to soak up my thoughts on my own without being disturbed by anyone.
Even if Orca was interested in me because of the poison butterfly, what on earth
was Noel?
On the day of the reconciliation meeting, it is not enough to see me and spill a
Even then, he was struggling to invite me to Bertium.
As if a child wanted to meet me somehow.
That part was weird.
In The Flower of Hell, Roxana Agriche said that while Lande tried to seduce
Sylvia's men, she failed fiercely.
But now, even if I don't do anything, I didn't really understand why it was
twisted like this.
Of course, the identity between the characters in the novel and the real people
has not been proven.
But anyway, it was unwelcome from my point of view.
Be bothered with this one or that one.
Thinking so, I lowered my gaze looking out the window.
Even though I had just left Fedelian, I already wanted to go back.
I missed Cassis, who had just been separated.
Perhaps if he knew my purpose to go to Bertium, he would never have sent me alone.
But this was me and Agriche. So I shouldn't let him intervene here.
If so, I should finish my work at Bertium and return as soon as possible.
Before Cassis came from Yggdrasil.
I looked at the swaying curtain and closed my eyes.
When I opened my eyes again, I thought it would be nice to be a Fedelian with
* * *

"Im here."
Finally reached Bertium.
The moment I opened the door of the carriage, the smell that was so sweet that my
nose was so sweet first stimulated my five senses.
Next, white petals flew through the open door.
As I pushed the door a little wider, I could see the flowers in full bloom
fluttering like snow in the air.
All over the place were flowers, like a paradise on earth. A distant scent flowed
through the flowers in full bloom.
I stepped on the petals laid like a thin carpet on the floor and stepped down.
After all, I thought there was a big difference in this appearance between
If Agriche was somewhere in the dark and closed, Fedelian was a calm and neat
On the other hand, Bertium had a different splendor from Agrichena Fedelian.
“Welcome to Bertium, Miss Roxana.”
As “Welcome to visit.”
When Dante talked to me first, Bertium's warriors who had approached me quickly
bowed a and bowed to me.
The atmosphere of the people was also warm and lively to match the scenery of
But as I looked at them, I frowned.
“You will be tired from a short journey, but first take a rest.”
“I would like to say hello to Hwang’s chief first.”
“In the evening, there will be a welcome banquet for Miss Roxana. The chief said
that he would greet him formally.”
Dante spoke to me.
“Also, he told us to talk about what was written in the letter at that time.”
When I heard that, I decided to step back now.
As I nodded a little, Dante glanced at the people next to him.
“Our maids will guide you to the room.”
“Come this way, lady.”
“Then, please have a comfortable time.”
Dante stepped behind her, and instead three women came to me.
Like the rest of the people here, they too were smiling friendly.
They were all extraordinarily beautiful, and they all had a subtle sense of
I walked along them without saying anything.

* * *

At a glance, they guided me to a room where I thought, ‘It was very elaborately
To be more honest, I felt like I was vomiting because of the extravagance.
However, I didn't intend to stay here for long anyway, so it didn't matter what
the room was.
After the people withdrew, I called in the butterfly.
I don't know which way, but Noel Bertium found out quite quickly that I left
Agriche and was in Fedeli.
So I thought maybe I could know that I am the owner of the poison butterfly.
However, seeing that the earring did not respond, it seemed that he did not do
anything weird in the room.
I was wearing earrings on my left ear that reduced the effect of magic by a
certain amount.
If you were going to Bertium, you might need it, and Grizelda sent it.
She was the one who helped me even while in Agriche.
Grizelda's personality was peculiar if he was peculiar, and odd if he was odd.
The reason was that it would be simply fun for her to help bring Agriche down.
Again, Gri Zelda was very interested in her work with Bertium.
Probably by now, she too must be hanging out near Bertium with me.
Anyway, it was convenient for me.
I sent poison butterflies very secretly all over Bertium.
You're so anxious to meet me, and you're going to show your face at a dinner party
or something?
In the meantime, I was thinking of finding out what I was trying to do.
Also, about the bait he used to bring me here.
I wasn't sure if Bertium knew about my poison butterfly, so I thought I'd be
careful with both of them in mind.
I walked a little wider across the glossy purple curtains and looked out the
It was still a beautiful scenery outside, even if it was Mureungdowon.
But my feelings of looking at it were still cold.

* * *

Noel Bertium was dressed up in his room.

He said he took out and put on and off almost hundreds of clothes, and he was
literally making a torch to cultivate Dante and the people who had just returned to
Bertium to choose the best suit for him.
Knowing that I didn't want to know much through poison butterfly, I crumpled my
After that, I focused my attention elsewhere.
In what appears to be a banquet hall, as Dante said earlier, the welcome banquet
seemed to be in full swing.
However, all the people there were wearing masks on their faces.
Butterflies who had searched elsewhere showed me the same sight.
Masks were placed on the faces of everyone in the mansion, except those in Noel
Bertium's room.
After checking it, I twisted my mouth and laughed.
Okay, don't you think about getting to know it easily?
This seemed enough, so I collected butterflies.
Just in time, I heard a knock on the door.
“Dear, excuse me. I'm here to help you organize the banquet.”
"come in."
Soon the door opened, and the maids entered the room in a row.
Their hands were full of fancy dresses, jewelry, and shoes.
Are you going to play dolls?
I criticized myself and left myself in their hands.
The number of clothes they brought was similar to what we had seen in Noel
Bertium's room. The number of trinkets was even greater.
Of course, I had no intention of seeing all of it all over my body.
So, in the end, the first white dress I tried on was sold immediately.
The users were unwilling to notice, but my cold attitude forced them to give up.
Perhaps that's why they seemed to pay their attention to jewelry.
“Then I will change the earrings to match the necklace.”
I replied with a monotonous voice to the words of the owner in charge of wearing
the jewelry.
Soon her hand touched my left ear.
At that moment, I frowned and groaned.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 105

The employee immediately knelt and apologized.
Red blood was dripping from my ears where she touched her.
I looked down at the man at my feet with cool eyes.
Even the people who were choosing shoes and gloves were surprised by the sudden
I cried coldly.
“At Bertium, it looks like you're serving guests this way, right? I couldn't
change one trinket straight and hurt her body.”
The woman holding her head apologized again for my words.
“You are wrong, lady. I was immature and hurt my precious body. Please forgive
me... … .”
"done. Give me something to wipe the blood.”
The owner who was arranging the accessories next to her quickly handed over her
I pressed the bleeding ear with it to stop bleeding.
In fact, this was a wound I deliberately inflicted so that if I touched my ear, I
had no intention of condemning them any more.
“It’s cool. Let's do this.”
I woke up from my seat with an expressionless face.
In my words, I quickly removed the earrings and bracelets that the users had not
yet worn.
"It's okay for anything else, and if you have any gloves you've chosen beforehand,
give it to me."
“Yes, I have it ready.”
After I put on her gloves, I told her maid who was in charge of wearing her
“This is a mistake, so I'll just skip it. Be careful next time.”
“Thank you for forgiveness, lady.”
She expressed gratitude as if relieved of my words.
There was joy and reassurance in the face of her hair curling and looking up at
The same was true of the other users around.
But the moment I saw it, the strange sensation that I felt outside passed by me
I left the room with a slight frown.

* * *

“I will take you to the banquet hall, Miss Roxana.”

Dante was waiting for me outside the room.
He, like me, changed into a formal suit suitable for the banquet.
Dante's face was more distinctly Parisian than she had previously seen.
He looked very tired and exhausted.
I was silent after recalling what I had seen in Noel Bertium's room.
“Bertium is a pretty fun place.”
After a while I opened my mouth and said to Dante.
"Is that so? If you hear Noel, you will be happy.”
“Yes, I've never seen a place that is so tightly intersected between the hull and
the thread.”
Dante's gaze, walking next to me, fell on my side.
Lee Chae was young in his eyes.
Dante seemed surprised by my words, and he also seemed a little embarrassed.
“Of course, the gift prepared for me is not an illusion, right?”
As I looked at him, I lifted the tip of his lips and smiled.
Even though I was smiling like this, the content contained in the words was close
to a warning, and Dante must have noticed it through my cold eyes.
“I'm looking forward to this a lot, but if the things I've seen are fake, the
disappointment would be great.”
"that's… … .”
Soon Dante replied by opening her tight lips.
“It seems to be a problem that you have to judge directly from Roxana's eyes.”
So he and I exchanged eyes silently for a moment.
"Yes. I judge myself.”
Then I first turned my head away from him.
Dante and I headed to the banquet hall without any conversation.
When I got to the hall's huge door, Dante greeted me politely, letting go of my
escorting hand.
“I am only allowed to here. Then I hope you have a good time inside, Miss
After that, the massive door opened silently.
I stepped into the bright light, leaving Dante behind.
As I stepped inside, the door shut quietly behind my back.
I saw the sight in front of me and stopped walking.
In the banquet hall, cheerful music and bright laughter were mixed, and it was
raging like waves.
The hem of the lace, shaking brilliantly in time with the beat, was like a white
foam that was struck by a rock.
In front of me, dozens of pairs of men and women were dancing brightly in pairs.
They were all wearing masks on their faces.
Yes, a masked ball was being held here.
“Welcome to Bertium's Masquerade!”
At that time, someone who approached me with fluid movements like dancing sat down
in front of me with one knee bent.
“A gift to the beautiful lady who is the main character of the day.”
The shape and the words recited one after another were all exaggerated humorously
as if in a play.
He was a man wearing a black tailcoat and a parrot mask over his head.
What he puts out to me, as if it were true, was a butterfly mask placed on a red
velvet cushion.
Unlike the man in front of me now, it was a form that had only the front half of
the face covered.
I smiled and lifted it up.
Then the man in the parrot mask got up from his seat and greeted him with
exaggeration, and disappeared, wrapped in a wave of people as before.
I pressed the urge to break the mask and put it on my face.
The reason I fit into this uninteresting skit is that I, too, had something
curious about Noel Bertium.
Otherwise, I wouldn't have set foot in such an unpleasant space.
Bertium's castle was as beautiful as a paradise, but there was a strange sense of
incongruity in it like a fog.
It was silently twisting from the inside of Bertium and leaking out of the
distorted crack.
I had already guessed what the incongruity was.
Most of the people in this castle were dolls.
Almost all of the people who welcomed me, the people who helped me decorate, and
the people who are now dancing in this masked ballroom are almost, maybe not all.
They certainly looked like humans to the extent that they were goosebumps, but
they were wearing some strange unnatural appearance.
The reason I felt uncomfortable with the expressions of the users I saw was the
same. The same was true of the people dancing in front of me now.
In my eyes, they seemed to do their best to'imitate people'.
People who had been dancing with excitement for a long time began to split in
front of me one by one.
It was like giving me a way.
I walked toward the person at the end of the road as they wished.
In the middle of the hall, where the dancing man and woman were completely divided
on both sides, a man in a black goat mask stood in the center of the hall.
“It’s really nice to see you again like this. I don't know how much I've missed.”
Wearing a white tailcoat, he opened his arms towards me.
“Welcome to my kingdom, Bertium!”
There was overwhelming joy in the voice of my voice.
The man who soon took off the mask was, as expected, Noel Bertium.
His bright orange hair shimmered like honey flowing under the light of a
Even her bright green eyes, close to yellow-green, were filled with emotions like
those in his voice.
I tilted my head and asked.
I wasn't mistaken to see that my name was properly written on the letter.
Then, have you been calling me like that on your own? Like giving names to your
dolls at will?
Besides, Noel's attitude toward me was very comfortable.
I was annoyed by it.
It was clear that my glances at him would have been sinking in colder cold.
But Noel was so excited that he didn't seem to notice my condition.
“Oh, really. I don't know how much I've been looking forward to this moment.”
He was unable to control his feelings and hurried to me and grabbed his hand.
I didn't know because of the boy-like face, but seeing it so close, I was quite
“Yes, first of all, I’ll show you my gift I prepared for you!”
I tried to shake off his hand, but soon stopped moving at the word that poked in
my ear.
“I heard from Dante that you were looking forward to a lot while coming. I am so
happy that you like my gift.”
Unlike when I first sent the letter, Noel didn't seem to be intimidating or
putting me on top of it anymore.
He smiled brightly, saying he would give me a gift he had prepared in advance.
Then Noel turned his head and called someone.
The sound of the music that had been reverberating in the hall stopped cleanly.
“Noel is also true.”
Someone appeared among the gorgeous men and women who were standing together like
a prepared audience.
He was a man wearing a parrot mask that came to me earlier.
“Because my turn is the last one. What kind of fun do you have for the rest of
the welcome party if you turn over all the cards you already have?”
“But Luna is curious! So come quickly and take off me if you go.”
“Well, I can’t.”
At the end of Noel's words, the man in the parrot mask laughed lightly as if he
couldn't help it.
Subsequently, his hand moved.
because… … .
As he shook his hair finely, the wavy blond was slightly matted.
His face with a faint smile was very nice and beautiful.
The eyes were magenta on one side and a clear blue like a lake on the other.
It wasn't unfamiliar with the delicately woven features and the gentle atmosphere
spreading all over the face.
No, to be precise, it was very familiar as it was engraved on the retina.
because… … .
Because that was the image of Asil that I saw every time in my dreams.
“Hello, Roxana.”
He said with a smile that nostalgic enough to make my heart tingle for a moment.
“I wanted to meet, my sister.”
At this moment, if Land Agriche had been alive before my eyes, it would have been
clear that I would have tore and killed him with my own hands.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 106

11. Nyx, a picture of a twisted night

Orca did not return directly to Whiperion, but was hiding at the Fedelian border.
“I think you have started by now.”
He was waiting for Richell and Cassis to leave Fedelian.
Orca also heard of the fact that the five family members are scheduled to gather
at the Yggdrasil sooner or later.
Of course, Whiperion's liaison had given him the news to bring him into the
However, Orca had no intention of attending the meeting of Yggdrasil, nor was he
willing to return to Whiperion.
So he pretended to be leaving Fedelian, hid around him and was looking for an
However, he had already been left without work for a few days, so he began to get
itchy with boredom.
However, compared to when he was struggling to explore the monster habitat, this
did not require too long patience.
Besides, usually, sweet rewards await after waiting.
Of course, no matter how thoroughly the plans were made, it was almost impossible
to cross the Fedelian city gate.
However, it was worth a try at least once Lischel and Cassis were away.
Of course, it was Roxana that Orca was trying to do something dangerous like a
fire moth.
The owner of the poison butterfly he was searching for so much.
Until now, Orca used to do without hesitation to kill its owner to get the monster
he wanted.
But he didn't want to do that this time, even if he said it was possible to kill
and take away.
Yes, Orca was feeling a tremendous interest and charm in the woman herself,
“Roxana, the owner of the poisonous butterfly,” she had never had with humans
When I recalled Roxana's poison butterfly in the garden in Fedeli, her back was
These were the feelings Orca had usually felt only with demons.
Unbelievable to himself, he wanted not only the poison butterfly, but also the
woman who was its owner.
However, she is a woman of Qing's nobleman, so her opponent was not good.
'Even though I seduced myself by using a beauty class openly, I didn't blink an
A wrinkle appeared in her eyebrows as she recalled her conversation with Roxana
before leaving Fedeli.
She just said that she wasn't interested in him. It was unpleasant to think
But Orca was a man who had to have what he wanted to have.
To do that, he first had to pull Roxana out of Fedeli.
'To meet the schedule of the meeting, I wonder if at the latest, we will leave for
the Yggdrasil until the sun sets. Then I will move around in the evening.'
Orca chewed on the dried jerky and recalled his plan.
Then, after a while, he crumpled his face and spit on the floor what he was
“Ah, just throw your mouth away. After tasting the seafood from Fedelian, I can't
eat it.”
Orca refreshed his appetite, recalling the dishes he had eaten in Fedeli.
Suddenly, a strange sensation passed by behind him.
Like… … It felt like something was standing behind him.
For an instant, the downy hair of his whole body stood sharply and a goosebumps
grew on his forearm.
But it couldn't be. I certainly didn't feel any signs... … .
The moment he turned his head and tried to confirm, a dull force struck his back
neck without any reason.
Orca lost consciousness without even being able to cheep.

* * *

Orca, who was unexpectedly struck by a vital spot, fell to the floor without a
Cassis looked down at him with cold eyes.
As he rolled Orca's body with his feet kicked, a face with his eyes closed came
into view. He was completely stunned.
Cassis' eyes glanced around for a moment.
Jewels with simple techniques were drawn in a round circle around Orca.
“Are you a shaman who erases your spirit?”
Rather, it would have been more useful in the current situation to use magic that
detects creatures approaching a certain distance.
Cassis stomped on the jewel at his feet.
Cassis' gaze toward Orca was consistently cold.
Even if it wasn't, Orca continued to do something that bothered Cassis' eyes all
the time.
However, he discovered that this time he was secretly hiding in the border, so the
planting of Cassis could be fierce.
In fact, Cassis didn't believe him even when Orca offered to return to Whiperion
He was Orca from the start trying to access the annex where Roxana was located.
In addition, it was not enough, and Isidor also told me that Cassis had been away
from the side for a while, and that he struck out with Roxana.
So, the reason why Orca was pretending to return to Whiperion and hiding in the
Fedelian border this time was obviously an unwarranted purpose.
Cassis stared into his eyes, aiming for the time he was away.
“I have been generous and let go of it, and I'm not afraid.”
Cassis looked down at Orca with cold eyes, then leaned over.
After that he moved his hand without hesitation.
The jewels of the ornaments removed from Orca's body were brutally broken in
Cassis' hands.
Glittering pieces of jewels and powders fell on the blades of grass.
The engraving between Orca and the monsters was cut off at once.
It was something that any Masusa would flag and shed bloody tears and wail.
The medium for engraving inscribed with magic played a role in reducing the
physical burden of the beast, but it carried a different risk.
That was the fact that if an object used as a medium is damaged as now, there is a
problem in connection with the monster.
Of course, as much as that, it is basic to select a medium that will not break
This gem used by Whiperion was also specially crafted.
Therefore, there was generally no risk of damage due to external reasons.
As an internal factor that could damage a jewel, a representative case was the
destruction of the magic engraved on the jewel due to the disappearance of the
engraved monster.
But Cassis smashed all Orca's jewels with his bare hands. It wasn't too difficult
to put some strength into his hand.
The precious monsters that Orca had successfully engraved with difficulty regained
their freedom one by one in Cassis' hands.
Had Orca remained conscious, Cassis would have been left with a bubble and stunned
by Cassis' brutal brutality.
At last, even the jewels that hung on Orca's last trinket became fine powder and
fluttered in the air.
Cassis shakes his hand and gets up from the seat.
If you know from Perion, his body trembled, and even though he committed a heinous
act that left him swearing for being a shame, there was no shade on his face.
So far, Cassis has also had restrictions on behavior in Fedelian.
Of course Orca seemed to think the opposite was true, but if Cassis had put
everything aside and acted as he pleased, Orca would not have left Fedelian with
such a fine smile.
It was his own work that Orca became this way now.
If Orca had gone back to Whiperion, he wouldn't have encountered Cassis here right
Still, he hadn't crossed the dangerous line yet, so he decided to finish at this
But, if it bothers me more than this, then Cassis couldn't guarantee the future.
Cassis glanced down at him at his feet, feeling the urge to throw Orca into the
monster habitat.
Then he finally reached out again.

* * *

After a while, Cassis came out of the forest.

"No, isn't that a white warrior?"
Isidor, who was waiting outside the forest at Cassis' order, asked in surprise.
Isidor's face was mixed with embarrassment and embarrassment.
Orca had his limbs tightly tied, drooping, and wrapped around Cassis' shoulder
like a pack.
“It was hiding in the forest.”
Richell first started for Yggdrasil.
Isidor didn't care much about it when Cassis said he would scout around the border
He originally looked at the boundaries because it was a regular thing.
However, there is no way a white beast will pop out from there.
Cassis threw Orca at his men and ordered him to be transported to Whiperion.
"Tell me that he was on his way to Uygdrassil and he accidentally found himself
lying down and protected it inside Fedeli."
"Yes, I understand."
It was obvious that Cassis was doing that, but the subordinates pretended not to
know and followed his order.
“Shall we stop leaving?”
At Isidor's words, Cassis moved his gaze for a moment and looked somewhere.
His gaze was in the direction of the Fedelian mansion.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 107

Cassis' eyes sank shallowly.

He had already been told by reports that Bertium was moving toward Fedelian.
Not long ago, he did not know that Roxana had received a letter from Hwang's
chief, and that he sent a poison butterfly to the neutral zone immediately
Obviously, she intends to visit Bertium without Cassis.
Cassis knew that Roxana was not as weak as her appearance.
However, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.
It wasn't that she hadn't thought that Roxana would do nothing like this and that
she wished she would be kept safe forever in his arms.
But she certainly felt that Roxana wouldn't want her that way.
If Cassis knows her, even if he blocks it, she will somehow carry out her will.
After a while, Cassis cut off his gaze from the distance and walked away.
“It’s better to hurry as it’s been delayed.”
Cassis, too, has taken measures in case of emergency in its own way. So it will
probably be fine.
But even though he thought so, Cassis was once again reaffirming that he had to
finish his work at Uygdrasil as soon as possible.

* * *

“… … 'My brother'?”
Roxana whispered sweetly to her lips.
The words I said in a quiet voice echoed in her ears, dizzy.
As soon as Roxana took off her lips, her surroundings became bizarrely quiet.
Everyone in the banquet hall was watching them without even breathing.
“That means, do you mean you really know?”
The boy in front of him looked exactly like Asil, who died at the age of 16.
A gorgeous, wavy gold hair. A straight white forehead. The arched eyebrows and
clear blue eyes underneath.
The delicate features embedded in the slim face and the peculiar soft smile draped
over it were similar to the acquaintance in the memory, which was creepy.
So it was difficult to tell whether the tooth in front of me was a doll or a
It seemed as if he existed in a paused time alone.
To Roxana's question, a boy with her Asil's face replied with a smile.
“Noel raised my dead body.”
It was an answer to her question, but in its essence it was a misleading
“Unfortunately, I do not have any memories before death.”
The boy said Roxana turned her water subtly without her answer to her own source.
But she was Roxana and she could instinctively know.
He must know, but not.
As if his name is'Nix', not Acyl.
Nevertheless, he was drawing her children's rhymes from her to the extent that she
could not but be surprised by her roxana and even herself.
Roxana's lips, as she stared quietly at her face as she faced her for a while,
finally opened again.
“To bring the dead body back to life, it must be the realm of the necromancer, not
the puppeteer.”
“Oh, not that. The principle itself is different between puppetry and necromancy.
If you're curious, I'll explain in detail, Luna.”
Noel interrupted, who was happily watching the meeting between Roxana and Nicks.
“But do you know the old nickname? After all, the nickname is more suitable than
such a polite name.”
He had a face that seemed to feel proud of her siblings' long encounters.
The eyes that looked at the two were innocent and bright.
“By the way, seeing them standing together like that, they seem a lot more alike
than I thought. Really cool. It's a perfect picture!”
Noel's exhilarating voice spread through the hall like a song.
A while ago, while dancing around the hall, the people who split on both sides
spit out as if they were united.
Then they started clapping one by one, as if they were very impressed.
Clap clap clap clap clap!
A thunder-like noise poked through the eardrum without any reason.
It was like an audience who praised the actors on the stage.
Really... … It was a skit that wasn't even funny.
Roxana closed her eyes as if covering her smiling Asil's face from her sight.
“Noel Bertium.”
Her eyes, which appeared again after that, were cleared of the remnants of
emotions that had been left before.
His gaze at Noel was as cold as the ice sea.
Noel, who faced it face to face, halted her hand, which was enthusiastically
clapping her.
“I think it would be better to end today's banquet at this point.”
It was a one-sided notification, not a solicitation or seeking understanding.
“I'll share the story I can't say right now.”
After saying so coldly, Roxana turned around.
Again, again.
The sound of her shoes hitting the marble floor resonated in the hall.
The hem of her white chimes and long dangling gold hair left an afterimage like a
She walked straight out of the banquet hall without looking back.
Noel stared at Roxana's back, but she woke up belatedly and stupidly opened her

* * *

Her welcome banquet for Roxana was dug earlier than expected.
“Yes, Noel.”
The fun music stopped, and the audience that was filling the banquet hall also
escaped like a low tide.
Noel stood alone in the middle of an empty banquet hall that felt enmity.
She said that only an hour ago, she sang her song that she was finally meeting
Luna, and it seemed somehow colorless that she had been elaborately dressed up.
“Describe how this happened.”
Noel's voice calmed down.
His face, which I glanced at, was the same.
Dante glanced at the Knicks.
He sat down on a table in the corner of the banquet hall, leaning his glasses on
his own.
Under his feet, the ridiculous parrot-shaped mask he was wearing was laid like a
As the eyes met, Nicks folded his eyes and laughed at Dante.
Seeing it, Dante frowned at her and kicked her tongue small.
It has always been, but the Knicks didn't help either.
“After saying that, I have been out there all the time, so I don't know the
Normally, I would have been a little more aggravated, but now I felt that Noel was
not feeling well, so I refrained from doing it.
She only knew that Dante, she just knew that Roxana she had entered the banquet
hall had come out much faster than she expected.
And the feeling of her biting cold breeze coming from her just passing by her
Then, the dolls filling the banquet hall poured out the door.
Dante saw it and she came inside.
Noel was looking at it that he couldn't understand how it happened.
“When Luna spoke again tomorrow, she did, and she went back to the room.”
Seeing that serious face, Dante tilted her head to the side.
“I guess I was tired because I was less tired.”
“No! I thought I was angry.”
Noel finally raised his voice in response to Dante's reaction, which seemed to
take the situation insignificant.
Anxiety grew slowly in his face.
“I looked at me with incredibly cold eyes.”
“Oh no.”
“I just introduced the Nyx, but suddenly the chills blew away, as if she wasn't
necessarily a goddess of the moon, but a goddess of winter or frost... … .”
Dante frowns her eyes when she hears Noel explain her restless and hard work.
No, as it was, would she have been planning to show the Knicks at the end of the
Unfortunately, she said that Dante seemed to be able to find out why Roxana left
her place before she had even ripened the atmosphere in the banquet hall.
However, Noel chewed her lips anxiously and then suddenly raised her eyes toward
“Did you not make any mistake with Luna?”
"Yes? Why does my child become a spark for me?”
“You have been by your side since Fedelian. Besides, you have a good idea to
upset people even when you are still.”
“What kind of unfair words… … .”
“Honestly, I’ll forgive you, so I’ll just speak without hiding now.”
“Speaking of Miss Roxana, it didn't look pleasant before I arrived and said hello
to Fedelian.”
"okay? So Fedelian is the cause? Dare not to go against Luna's planting...
… .”
“But, of course, isn't it because of Noel-sama that Miss Roxana is not feeling
Dante's words made Noel dazzle.
"What? What are you talking about? What am I doing?”
He was an expression he didn't really understand.
We prepared her gift for Luna and even held her welcome banquet.
Dante opened her mouth, staring at Noel as though she saw her poor rebirth.
“Think with common sense. First of all, the letter from Noel will remain
“Why is the letter I sent?”
“No matter how much I wrap it, it's not a blackmail letter in the end. Where in
the world would there be someone who would like to receive it.”
“Tong, blackmail, I, I intend to… … .”
Noel stuttered to see if he was speechless.
Like a clear water surface, the embarrassment was clearly revealed on his face.
Dante looked at Noel with her eyes full of humiliation and annoyance.
I didn't listen to it when I dried it so much next to me, but now I feel like I'm
regretting it.
Suddenly, Noel opened her eyes again fiercely at Dante.
“Look, it’s also because of you!”

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 108

Naturally, Dante was embarrassed.

“Why you bet me again… … .”
“Because you wrote the first letter you sent!”
“I'm just rewriting what Noel-sama was about to write in a more elegant and
elegant way. As you know, Noel’s writing skills are young… … .”
Dante frowned at first, recalling the messy letter that Noel had shown him three
days and nights.
The content was also the content, and the handwriting was also very awesome.
Besides, there was one more reason why Dante was shy.
“And since it was said, why do you put human hair into a bunch of letters? It's
not a curse letter, it's creepy.”
It was fortunate that Dante ordered a dexterous doll to transform it into a
Otherwise, Roxana would have seen her bundles of hair pouring down as soon as she
opened her envelope.
On such a subject, Noel told Dante without a single point of shame or reflection.
“Because Nix's hair is a pretty moonlight color like Luna! So when she sees it in
person, she just thinks that Luna will be able to recognize the existence of the
Knicks at a glance.”
Dante thought that even dumb things like this were sick.
It was a very bitter and ruthless idea to evaluate her master.
When he faced Noel, he had a sudden feeling of fatigue as he always did.
“Puck will notice that he takes off one of his hair and sends it. I would rather
not know if I would send a more characteristic body part.”
Rather than when Noel was so vivid, I thought that it was much better to be in a
non-dreamy state because of lack of sleep because of making dolls overnight.
“For example, those blue eyeballs, or the left hand with scars… … .”
"What… … ! That's too cruel to do that! This evil one!”
“Honestly, it was a miracle that Miss Roxana saw the letter and decided to come
this far as Noel-sama hoped.”
Dante whispered.
Then, what he was thinking, Dante smiled at Noel.
“In any case, you must have failed to win Loxana's favor? Oh, it will be very
Noel's face was crumpled.
He seemed to be pilling at Dante's words.
Then Noel ordered as if he could not admit it.
"Bring her kids who attended Luna's service."
Upon hearing him, a servant who remained invisible in a corner of the banquet hall
immediately moved her body.
Dante sighed, seeing Noel, thinking that it was the beginning again.
After a while some maids entered the banquet hall.
“You guys, was there anything wrong with Luna?”
“If you say something special… … .”
“I wonder if she had anything to do to offend Luna.”
At that moment, the maids who were shaking their heads in front of Noel stopped.
Noel did not miss the reaction.
“Is there anything on your mind?”
Light green eyes flashed for a moment.
"What? Go ahead and tell me.”
Noel saw it.
As Roxana thought, the maids who served her were dolls.
And the dolls didn't know the lie.
The puppets ordered by Noel explained what had happened in the room.
“While helping with the dressing for the welcome banquet, I accidentally inflicted
a small wound on her body.”
"What? She hurt Luna's body? Where and how?”
“While changing her earrings, it was bleeding as if she had a scratch... … .”
“You mean even bleeding?”
“But she said, the lady forgave me.”
"okay? Did Luna forgive me?”
Noel's eyes, which had been sharpened for a moment, softened again.
“If so, that’s good. So, was it not in the mood to enjoy a banquet because her
mind was still less relaxed?”
He felt cool to know the cause only now.
“I was so restless, like Dante said, maybe because of me.”
Relaxation and gentleness returned to Noel's face.
"Thanks. I feel at ease because you tell me honestly.”
The smile overlaid on her face with a clear and pure light was warm and sweet like
the spring sun.
However, Noel's subsequent actions were not moderate at all.
“But how will you be responsible for ruining the reunion with Luna because of
Each time the goat mask in Noel's hand was swung, the dolls' flesh crushed and
blood splattered.
Noel's eyes as he watched it were ruthless.
He didn't have an order to move, so the dolls didn't move.
“I'm sorry, master. We are inexperienced and make mistakes... … .”
In the meantime, they voicelessly begged Noel for forgiveness.
It was because he knew that even in such a situation, Noel would be more angry if
he begged or appealed by imitating human emotions.
“Master, wrong… … Please forgive me... … .”
“Ah, it’s noisy. It doesn't hurt anyway.”
Noel was annoyed as if he didn't want to hear the puppets' apology.
“You go back to the room where you stop, Nicks.”
Dante looked at the sight in front of her, frowning her face, then turned her head
to Nyx, who was still sitting on the table.
Then Nix laughed and stepped onto the parrot mask and stepped down.
“Are you worried that fire will bounce on me?”
“You know, but it’s not because you are pretty.”
Dante's voice was still nasty and chilly, as she always did when dealing with the
The Knicks didn't change his smile even when he saw Dante.
“Then you know that I can’t be quiet to obey you.”
However, the ensuing behavior of the Knicks was a direct contradiction to Dante's
Nyx's hand, stretched out gracefully like a dancer, placed the empty glass in the
A sharp noise echoed in the banquet hall.
At that moment, Dante flinched and narrowed his brow.
Noel's hand was stopped while beating the dolls.
“Stop calming down, Noel.”
Instead of leaving the banquet hall, Nyx passed Dante and approached Noel.
At last, Noel's light eyes reached Nix, the source of the noise.
"Come to think of it… … .”
Noel opened his mouth as if he suddenly remembered it.
“I didn't notice that Luna was happy with you more than I thought.”
Unwilling to act on the puppets anymore, Noel dropped the mask he had in his hand
on the floor.
The Bloody Goat rolled over the marble floor with its mask almost broken.
The dolls in front of Noel fell to the floor and were twitching.
It wasn't the trembling caused by fear or pain, it was just the reason for the
body defect caused by physical damage.
“Aren’t you very close to the master of this body in your lifetime?”
At Noel's question, the Nix shook his head.
"That's not right. The moment we met our eyes, a rhyme that could not be hidden
came to me.”
However, the Knicks soon added calmly.
“Well, seeing my brother, who thought he was dead, is living and moving so well,
he deserves to be confused, right?”
Of course, it's only the shell, and the contents of the Knicks were completely
different from the people she originally knew, but she said.
“I just need her time. You have to understand that.”
Seeing the smile of the Nix, Noel gradually opened a stiff face.
"do not worry. Eventually everything will be what you want, Noel.”
Sweet whispers wrapped around my ears like honey.
Noel had a face that was clearer than before, as if Boon was almost released.
But in her ear, Sumi listened to the Nix and Dante crumpled her face against Noel.
“Now, then it would be better to go back to my room today and rest. Your Luna
said to talk again tomorrow? If you want to see her in her best condition, you
should get enough of her rest.”
“Yes, you are right.”
Noel returned to her innocent face again, as if when she had changed fiercely, and
she gently shook her head at the words of the Knicks.
Soon Noel and Nyx started walking together towards the door of the banquet hall.
As if the Nix was saying hello, he turned his head and laughed frantically at
At that moment, a cool glow rose in Dante's eyes.
'So, on the subject that is defective, it's pretense... … .’
Then Noel stopped and looked back at Dante.
"Oh. Dante.”
“Take those dolls out of sight. It's a failure.”
Noel walked out of the banquet hall without giving a glance to the broken dolls
scattered on the floor.
Dante, who was left alone in the spot, sighed without anyone knowing.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 109

* * *

Roxana sat alone in a dark room without the lights.

After she got out of the banquet hall, she had been keeping her silent all the
time without changing her clothes.
An expressionless woman's face was reflected in the mirror in front of her.
However, her mind was not as calm as it seemed.
The face of the boy she had seen in Bertium's banquet hall a while ago was
overlaid on the mirror.


At first she saw the name in her letter from Grizzelda, and couldn't understand
what she was seeing right now.
Apparently Roxana thought that the person she referred to in Bertium was her
That's why she just asked Grizzelda for information on her to confirm.
She replied that Gri Zelda, who also claimed to be Roxana's helper in Agriche,
would be willing to recognize her.
But why did Asil's name come up in this situation?
But soon after, the pieces of the puzzle that had been scattered so far gradually
came to their place and felt like they were being put together.
A strange link that felt to exist between Agriche and Bertium.
Land Agriche was obviously interested in Bertium's puppetry during his lifetime.
Of course, Roxana has yet to know the details behind this.
But she seemed to be convinced that at Agrich she somehow had somehow involved in
the part of Bertium's puppetry.
So she was Roxana and she had accepted Noel's invitation.
She really wants to see with her own eyes if she knows this place.
<flashback><i>“Hello, Roxana.”</i></flashback>
But the moment I see him, who really looks exactly like you know... … .
Even though he was already anticipating his existence, he couldn't help his
fluctuating mind.
<flashback><i>“I wanted to meet you, my sister.”</i></flashback>
While reminiscing about what was happening in the banquet hall, Rok Sana's red
eyes reflected in her mirror became incomparably colder than ever.
Roxana sat hungry for a while after that, and she soon moved her hand slowly.
She took off her gloves and took off her own accessories one by one from her body.
She said that the employees would serve, and she came to visit, but she wanted to
be alone and sent them all back.
Suddenly, Rok Sana felt her subtle incongruity and raised her hand.
She touched her hand on her left ear, where she had seen my blood on her
deliberate wounds.
But, for some reason, I didn't feel any pain.
She couldn't do it, so she touched her hand directly like this, but there was no
tingling sensation.
Roxana felt her strangeness and looked into the mirror.
Then it came into her eyes that the wounds on her ear had been healed.
At first she thought that her room was dark so she was mistaken, but it wasn't.
Her Roxana's eyes fluttered finely.
Like this, she said her wounds disappear without a trace in a short period of
time. Whatever she thought was unnatural.
Of course she was Roxana and she was with someone who made this possible just a
while ago.
But now Cassis was not with her. But why... … .
“… … .”
After a while, Roxana picked up one of her trinkets from her head and stabbed her
sharp tip against her finger.
In her natural procedure, red drops of blood formed on her fingertips.
But after some time, the acute pain felt at the tip of her finger disappeared.
As she rubbed her fingertips to wipe off her blood, it came into her eyes that she
had healed the wound that had just been washed away.
“Cassis… … .”
Roxana, she used a small gap in her lips, and she dubbed the name of the person
she passed by in her head now.
While she was with her, I remembered Cassis, who had not wasted her moments and
gave her her own energy, and gave her a lavish breath.
Then I felt as if the traces of Cassis were still filled in her body.
Roxana hugged her flirting heart and closed her eyes.
Somehow, at this moment, I felt like Cassis was next to her.

* * *

“It's been a long time, the blue scion.”

When she arrived at Ugdrasil and headed to her conference hall, Cassis met a man
who wasn't very happy.
It was Jeremy.
He stood leaning against her corridor, looking as if he had been waiting for
“It’s surprising.”
Cassis' pace stopped.
He stared at the person in front of him and opened his mouth.
“I didn’t know I would really show up here.”
“Now I am the head of Agriche, and if I fall into such an important position, I
use it.”
Jeremy said confidently, but in fact, Agriche's position among the current five
families was very poor.
On the other hand, the position of Fedelian, who made Agritche into a sackcloth,
was not even shaken.
Of course, other families have attempted to put pressure on Fedelis on the
occasion of this incident, but the leader, Richell, was too strong.
It was true that the Fedelian movement this time was quite surprising. But there
was enough justification.
It was not acceptable for any reason to devise a scheme to murder another family's
Moreover, the other families also did not know that Agriche was already a boil
that was festering and decaying.
In addition, Fedelian's righteous appearance and their upright beliefs that have
long been shown were not a qualities that could be easily ignored.
For that reason, it did not require a long discussion to decide this time to
condone what had been done to Agriche in Fedelian.
In the meantime, with Jeremy Agriche's blue, who came in with his head down, the
Black Clan was only allowed to remain in shape.
“You seem to like your seat very much, Jeremy Agriche.”
The cold smile that appeared on Cassis' face could only be said to be a ridicule
wherever he looked.
Jeremy snarled and revealed his teeth.
“Yeah, so every time I say hello, I call you the head of the black.”
Because the place wasn't so good, I just swallowed up the swear words that were
automatically attached to the end of the words and tried to pop out.
Jeremy felt her body twisting as she wanted to swear her at Cassis.
After all, this guy is as unlucky as Deon.
He doesn't like that a man who thought he died a long time ago appeared like a
ghost and drowned the human soul.
However, no matter how much I thought about it, it was clear that it was Roxana's
will that saved Cassis.
So, of course, Jeremy was going to get more annoyed by Cassis.
But still, thinking of Roxana, Chimi pressed her curse from her throat.
Besides, he had a question for Cassis.
“Blue dog… … scion. Have you ever heard of any other Agriche other than me
Jeremy has been looking for Roxana's whereabouts.
She, of course, will not force her to meet if she doesn't want to.
But she still wanted to know if Roxana was in good shape with her, and she wanted
to know where she was staying now.
However, she seldom did what she wanted.
As she pursued Roxana, she only found traces of the beloved Emily and Sierra.
Of course, it was useless information for Jeremy.
On that day, Roxana apparently seemed meant to leave her with everything.
That she couldn't have been to where Emily and Sierra were.
Then she suddenly thought about it, and Jeremy was going to think of Cassis today.
If it is Roxana's will that Cassis Fedelian did not die three years ago, and if it
is part of Roxana's plans that he took the lead in destroying Agriche a while
ago... … .
The imagination alone was a huge annoyance, but she had doubts that Cassis knew
where Roxana was located.
But Cassis said without changing his face.
“I don’t know who I’m talking about.”
“Literally, have you ever seen anyone?”
"Isn't there anyone looking for someone?"
“Would you like to answer the questions you ask?”
Jeremy struggled to suppress her irritation.
Looking at him, Cassis said in a passing tone like spitting out.
“You ask me, a family member, about the work inside Agriche. Isn't it ineligible
as the head of the world.”
"this… … .”
Sparks splattered from Jeremy's eyes.
However, he chewed and swallowed the curse that popped out of the teeth, raising
her patience to the maximum.
City, I'm struck again forgot the motherfucker.
Cassis looked at Jeremy with a somewhat unexpected look at her, holding back her
However, Jeremy took a deep breath and extinguished her fever, so she didn't
notice it.
“Yeah, I don’t know anything about you. I wasted my time for nothing.”
After saying that, Jeremy turned around first.
Of course, his last glance at Cassis was fierce.
However, Jeremy didn't argue with Cassis anymore, and she shut her mouth tight and
she first entered the conference hall.
Cassis watched it for a moment, and before long, Jeremy took her step.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 110

* * *

“It was a waste of time.”

On the way out from the meeting, Richell cried out.
Cassis, who was next to her, agreed.
This meeting was prepared to discuss ways to reinforce the unity between the five
However, after a long period of time, the results were quite inconsequential.
Jeremy Agriche was also exiting the conference hall with an acute expression.
“Stop going back.”
Richell said to Cassis, kicking her tongue out of her tuck.
Just then, a person walking from across the corridor caught the eye of Cassis.
Cassis recognized at a glance that he was the lion of Bertium.
Noel Bertium did not attend family gatherings very well, but instead sent the
meeting results to important meetings like this.
Cassis' gaze instantly reached the man passing by, after he was silent.
After a while Cassis stopped his pace.
“I have a place to stop by, so I will move separately from here.”
At his words, Lischel also stopped and looked back at Cassis.
A piercing glance stayed on Cassis' face for a while.
After a little more time, finally Richell took a look at Cassis and turned back
and began to take her steps.
“Come not too late.”
Richell didn't ask Cassis to explain the katabuta, she just said so and she left.
It was possible because I believed in her son.
Cassis also turned away from where he stopped. Isidor followed Cassis.

* * *

After a while, Bertium's lion appeared in front of him again.

As he walked through the corridor, he was holding the sealed envelope in his arms.
Cassis appeared from behind his pillar and hit his vital spot the moment the man
had just left the corridor and stepped on the lawn.
Just like in the time of Orca, a man who was attacked by surprise made a cry of
‘won’, and then collapsed.
Cassis took hold of the man's body.
“I think I often see people lying in the middle of the street these days.”
Of course, both Orca and Bertium's lion in front of him were all stunned by
“There are so many people who are weak in mind and body, isn’t it something to be
concerned about?”
But Cassis quietly cried out as if what had happened a while ago.
“Weak mind and body… … is it."
Cassis' blatant remarks, Isidor asked with trembling.
Still, Cassis didn't even move.
“It seems that Bertium’s lion has been running a long way, so we are tired. It
would be better to give them a little rest if they were able to lose consciousness
with all their energy.”
It was after Isidor also noticed Cassis' intention, so he just resigned and struck
“Yes, I think so. However, it is not a good idea to convey to Bertium as soon as
possible about the important discussions that took place today at Uygdrasil.”
“Then it can't be helped.”
Cassis nodded a little at Isidor's words, then looked into the arms of the
unconscious man and pulled out the sealed letter.
Then Cassis left him to Isidor, as if he had nothing to do with the man anymore.
Isidor picked up the man without saying anything.
“We go to Bertium instead.”
After saying so, Cassis took the lead.
Isidor handed over the Bertium's lion to the attendants of Uygdrasil, whom he
encountered while walking.
They were surprised and embarrassed by the sudden encounter with the heads of
other families on the way.
Cassis and Isidor left Yggdrasil straight away, leaving the fussies behind.
Of course, the destination was Bertium.

* * *

The next day, Noel, who was fully prepared for her meeting with her Roxana, could
not see her in the end.
“Wake up, Noel. The sun has already risen in the middle.”
“Ms. Roxana, whom Noel looked forward to meeting her so much, is waiting in her
“Drowning… … .”
Noel had yet to get out of his dreams despite Dante's efforts.
Finally, she was thrilled that Roxana was coming to Bertium, so she stayed up all
night for a few days in the aftermath.
Yesterday, due to Nix's persuasion, I still wanted to go to bed early for some
Noel, who was inherently vulnerable to lack of sleep, was asleep coolly with his
taste buds.
“Noel. Noel?”
No matter how much Dante was concerned about her, no matter how hard she tried,
Noel's eyes couldn't even open.
Eventually, she had blood on Dante's forehead.
“Stop wake up, human!”
“Well… … .”

* * *

“That’s why I came.”

So it was Knicks who eventually entered her parlor with Roxana.
Roxana stared at the smiling Nix with her cold eyes.
Of course, Dante said he was terrified, but the Nicks first agreed to entertain
Roxana himself.
At the same time, he said that it was okay because Noel had been instructed to
some extent.
In response, Dante was forced to let the Knicks inside.
Of course, if it were just the words of the Knicks, she wouldn't have followed his
will, even if she took doubt.
However, Dante had already heard from Noel that the role of the Knicks was very
important in this matter.
“You stepped in vain. I have nothing to say with you.”
Of course, Roxana tried to get up from her seat without hesitation.
It was the voices of the Knicks that held her ankle.
"okay? I thought I would be able to talk comfortably because Noel wasn't there.”
Red eyes slipping silently again touched Nyx's face. However, the Nix was
consistently resolute.
“Does that mean you'll be more honest than Noel Bertium?”
In time, a soft voice leaked from Roxana's small lips.
“Maybe, because it’s'me', there may be something to answer.”
Nicks smiled at Roxana. Roxana sat in her chair and watched him silently.
She was still cold-eyed, but still she didn't hit the nick.
The Knicks accepted her Roxana's silence with her unspoken permission.
“I didn't know what my taste was so I prepared the best car in Bertium.”
Knicks attended the car directly next to her Roxana.
Seeing that the movement was so natural, it seemed familiar to me.
However, to regard his role in Bertium as a slave or a servant, his sight was too
elegant and graceful.
The Knicks felt relaxed, and his attitude didn't feel obedient.
Roxana's gaze rested for a moment on Nyx's right hand, laying the teacup down on
the table.
To be more precise, it was the scar on the back of Nyx's hand where her gaze
“Do you like sweets? I hope so.”
Following the tea cup, various tea foods on the tray were on the table. There
were especially many types of cakes that looked sweet just by looking at them.
“Try it. I made it myself, but the taste is guaranteed.”
Roxana quietly looked down at what the Nix had to give her a try.
“You said you made this yourself?”
"Huh. While I was in Bertium, I happened to learn it.”
Then Nix sat down across from Roxana.
“Originally, Noel should be here, but this is the situation.”
As if saying'so it's unavoidable', the Nicks laughed.
His smile had a strange corner somewhere.
Unlike other Bertium dolls Roxana saw, Nicks' smiling face looked natural like a
real person.
Maybe it was because she was looking at his face and unconsciously recalling her
memories, recalling Acil.
She didn't even know that so she was thinking of such an unreasonable idea.
Roxana lifted the mug in front of her eyes and took a sip of the liquid in it.
After that she criticized her relentlessly.
“Sugar lump tea and sugar lump cake. I have a bad taste.”
The Knicks opened her eyes wide as if Roxana's words were unexpected.
"okay? Sorry. I thought you would like sweets for some reason. I guess I was
“I don't know where the idea came from, but it's ridiculous.”
At Nix's words, Roxana tilted the teacup silently.
Surely the person in front of her had a nostalgic part of her.
She still remembers her when she was a child because she is still doing this with
From an early age, Agriche's children had to consume poison to develop tolerance
according to the family wind.
Her mother and her acile would give her little bit of her poison in sweet cakes
like this one or drinks with honey, for her little one.
Looking at the Knicks now, I suddenly remembered what happened at that time.
Reflexively, a shallow longing rose, but that was all.
She knew best than anyone that she knew she wasn't in this position right now.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 111

Then, a friendly voice called her name.
Roxana quietly stared in the face before her eyes.
“I feel a little weird because we look at each other so closely.”
Indeed, as he said, the Nicks had an awkward look somewhere.
It was too lively to be a doll's.
Roxana's eyes sank slightly lower.
She, too, was in her mood.
Like this, she never even imagined that she could actually see Asil in action
She said she dont have seen her Acil's illusions only once, when she evaluated her
fifteen-year-old monthly.
However, at that time, he was not such a fine figure, and at the very least, he
was an illusion, not a real being.
The doll in the form of her acile opened her mouth again toward Roxana.
"Okay. It feels like I've met someone I've known for a long time.”
At that moment, a shallow laughter spit through her lips.
“To talk about a doll subject as if you know people’s feelings… … .”
A clear, mockery smile bloomed on her face, resembling Nyx.
“This is also funny.”
Roxana leaned a little deeper into her chair in cold arsenic.
“Would you even argue that not only that body but also her soul belongs to you?”
No matter what sweet words the Nix lures, she won't believe it.
She thought, though, that she would laugh at it if she dared to put her crap out.
Knicks glanced at her Roxana without a word for a moment.
Her crystal clear blue eyes encapsulated the face of her Roxana with her chilly
“Well, to be honest.”
Shortly thereafter, the Nyx showed a light embarrassment and dazzled her lips.
“I've been ordered from Noel to pretend to be your brother and somehow hold you to
Bertium for a long time.”
Should I say it as expected?
Noel's flimsy slogan struck me with cynicism.
Perhaps it was because they knew that Roxana would not believe no matter what kind
of remarks they made, and the Knicks unexpectedly frankly confessed Noel's plans.
“As I said, my memory starts when I open my eyes from this body. So no matter how
much you ask me to pretend to be your brother, you don't even know what to do.”
“Sure. Because you don't know.”
“Actually, I don’t know well when I hear it because it’s too complicated to say
“puppetry” So I don't even know the source of how I became who I am. So, I don’t
have anything to explain about it even though I want to answer it.”
When Roxana listened to the added Knicks, she bit her mouth.
“But the moment I saw you, I felt very happy. Strange story, but it is.”
Her Nyx's eyes, looking straight at her, seemed really true.
What he said now felt far from lying.
“It's true that I said yesterday at the banquet hall that I wanted to meet you.”
Roxana was able to cut off her Knicks' words, but she didn't.
“I came here today, not to obey Noel's orders, but because I wanted to meet you
His frosty eyes looked at the faces he faced, as if trying to sort out the lies.
“I was curious to hear about you from Noel.”
Then Roxana's eyes flinched at the voice piercing her ears and moved slightly.
“Yeah, curiosity for a doll, don’t you think it’s ridiculous?”
The Knicks smiled calmly as if they understood Roxana's reaction.
“But really. I've been curious from the time I opened my eyes with this body.
What kind of person was “I” before coming back to life?”
Roxana bite her mouth firmly.
“Because my life began with this body. So, you may think it's not worth it, but I
feel that this body is completely mine.”
Her face, looking at the Nix, was hardened like thin ice on her water surface.
“This body is not growing at all the way it was 8 years ago when I opened my eyes.
Needless to say, that must be proof that I am a doll made by Noel.”
As he said, the man in front of Roxana's eyes now, or her doll, was keeping her
asyl as it was before her death.
A detailed explanation should also be heard from Noel, but it was proof that he
wasn't really human, as Nix said.
No matter how much the Nyx's vessel was a real human body, the body could no
longer be said to be a complete human, as long as the eyes were reopened by Noel's
“But, unlike other dolls, I feel emotions, and the real heart restored by Noel is
definitely beating inside me.”
The Knicks' words were unexpected, and that was quite surprising.
Obviously, dolls do not feel human emotions.
The other Bertium dolls Roxana had been through seemed to simply mimic human
Their smiles were obviously beautiful, but somehow unnatural, and their actions
were strangely rigid, giving off a hard feeling.
“Dante said I was a defective product.”
But obviously the Knicks in front of her right now looked different from them.
“When you see me, I think I'm close to humans or dolls?”
“… … .”
“And if I say that Asil, the master of this body, is my source, how many percent
of the elements that make up me today is what Asil occupies?”
Nix asked Roxana, looking straight ahead.
“I'm not sure. How about you? Can you answer here?”
A doll who has doubts about his identity.
It was certainly unprecedented.
Roxana, who didn't know how to hear this story, kept her silence and looked into
the eyes of the Nix.
There was stillness in the room.
Roxana stared at Nyx with an unknown face she was thinking.
Finally, the Nix looked at Roxana and smiled lightly.
“I don't think it would be bad to stay here for a few more days and observe me.”
Instead of a voice with a strong appeal like a while ago, a soft, beautiful voice
tickled my ears as if the spring breeze fled.
“If you accept Noel's invitation, you also have a desire to learn more about me.”
‘Is that right?’ and the Knicks tilted her head.
“There will be explanations I want to hear from Noel anyway.”
There seemed to be no cheating or sneaking on that beautiful face.
In his eyes, he felt the pure goodness that seemed to be reconciled to white, just
by touching his fingertips.
Roxana still stared at such a nick with her untouched eyes.
“It was a more interesting topic than expected, but… … .”
Then finally she put down the teacup she was holding.
“It wasn't so informative enough to take the time on purpose.”
Then Roxana woke up.
“Let’s get up first.”
Leaving Nyx alone, she walked toward her door to Roxana.
There was no regret or regret on her back.
But just before she left the door, she said Roxana as if she was passing towards
the Knicks.
“Tomorrow, bring another car. It’s not my taste that the tongue is so sweet as it
is now.”
In fact, it was an indirect acceptance of the Knicks' recommendation.

* * *

“Is there some harvest?”

After Roxana left her parlor, she asked Dante came inside.
Nicks was still sitting at the table.
He slowly sat with his chin in his hand, picked up the teacup in front of him, and
replied, sipping tea at ease.
“Well, as expected. I decided to stay a little longer.”
“Noel will be pleased.”
“Is it so?”
Then, all of a sudden, Nix burst into laughter.
“Anyway, humans are really stupid.”
When he heard the controversial words, Dante, the only human being here, narrowed
his eyebrows.
“They pretended to be uninterested, cold, and eventually shaken by a few words and
actions made up. What is this up to the skin, up to this body, and so on?”
Around the table and chairs in the parlor, there were shamans with soundproof
So, even if Roxana's poison butterfly came, it was clear that the Nicks wouldn't
be able to hear her now.
However, Dante's words standing outside the shamans had the potential to get into
her ears.
Knowing that, Dante saved unnecessary words.
Of course, sitting across the vacant Nyx would make it easier to talk, but he
didn't like that, so it was Dante's stubbornness.
“I think the original owner of this body and that woman had a very strong
friendship between siblings during their lives. Thanks to that, I have a chance to
dig into it. It will be easier than you think.”
Nix said so and put the empty cup on the table.
What he showed to Roxana a while ago was intentionally imitating Acil.
Of course, the Knicks didn't know what his Asil really looked like.
However, there was something I heard indirectly, so I was able to vaguely portray
what kind of person this body was.
In fact, when he went out of Bertium to find Roxana at Noel's command, he had met
another member of Agriche.
It was when he first stepped on Agriche's ground to pursue the trail of Roxana.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 112

At that time, Agriche was helplessly destroyed by Fedelian, and for that reason,
there were many who decided to leave in search of their own way of life.
The Knicks peeked for an opportunity and caught one of the poorest-looking men who
came out.
That said, he was kidnapped.
He initially thought he would ask about Roxana's whereabouts. But the man was
surprised to see the Knicks and faint.
Hearing the story, he said he was one of Roxana's half brothers.
It seems that her age is the same age as Roxana, and it seems that she is one year
younger. Other names seem to have been heard at first glance, but I forgot all of
them because they are not very important.
In any case, the Knicks got interested in the man's reaction to recognizing the
owner of the body, and attempted a deeper conversation in order to hear about him.
Of course, the method that the Knicks tried was the fastest and most effective
body conversation. It was torture.
However, no information was as useful as expected.
Agriche said that there was little exchange between his family and he had no
detailed knowledge of his other half brothers.
Moreover, Asil died early and had no more known information.
Still, the harvest wasn't exhausting at all, so the Nix was able to find out that
Acyl was a very sweet and friendly character.
Of course, that means that when you say it in a good way, and when the Nix thinks,
Acyl was a weak and pathetic human being.
For reference, the man the Knicks tortured didn't know about Roxana's whereabouts.
So, with regret, Nix had to find her own traces and move around.
He, of course, did not forget to give eternal rest to the man he had had a good
time with before he left.
Based on the information he had heard at that time, Nix tried to imitate the
appearance of Asil he had imagined until now in front of Roxana.
The results didn't seem too bad.
It was a trivial, trivial work, but it was also deliberate that she offered Roxana
a sweet tea and sweet cake.
A close brother and sister with age. Her brother is a good and friendly character
who cares very much for her younger sister.
Of course, young children will like foods that contain a lot of sugar.
Roxana could not have the memory of receiving even her candy from her brother.
As expected, when the Knicks invited her to pick up her refreshments, I could see
her hardened Roxana's eyes relaxed very slightly.
She may be denying herself, but she must be because Roxana came here because she
could not completely abandon her regrets.
Whether it's her vain hope or her modest self-comfort.
It seemed in the same vein that she decided to abandon her initial stubborn
attitude and remain here a little more.
Obviously, it was a stupid expectation.
“That's why I prepared poison. I think I can put in more tomorrow.”
Knicks wanted to see her classical face stained with disappointment and sadness,
and she laughed.
“It is good to proceed with care, but the amount prepared today was too small.
It's so absurd to say that even one drop takes effect immediately. Didn't you see
that girl walk out on foot?”
“But then if you make a mistake.”
The mistake meant, first, that Roxana became aware of her poison, and second, that
ingesting more than a dose of poison resulted in side effects.
“It’s not that there are so many opportunities anyway. To do what Noel wants, she
can't help it.”
Noel liked Roxana more than the Nicks thought.
So the Knicks planned to give him what Noel wanted.
Then, when Noel stood at the pinnacle of happiness, it seemed fun for her to
destroy what was held in his hand.
Perhaps Noel is very angry and frustrated.
Oh, what will Noel look like if he smiles in front of him when he sees it?
A playful smile like a child appeared on Nix's face.
She was the very expression Dante hated terribly.
I couldn't figure out what the Knicks were thinking and laughing like that, but
for some reason, his back was wrapped up.
Dante stared at the Nyx with her frown, and she soon spit on her heart because she
couldn't stand it.
“Probably the one inside you is the devil.”
“Thank you for the compliment.”
Knicks got up from his seat with a big smile.
“But be careful with your words, Dante.”
Drool, the gaze of the Nyx flying behind the sound of the chair being dragged
around Dante like a viper.
"While Noel's beautiful Luna is here, I'm her good brother, Asil."
As if dancing, Nyx approached Dante and patted him on the shoulder with a tender
After that he first got out of the parlor.
Dante looked at the back of the Nyx with a crumpled face.

* * *

“Luna, I’m so sorry!”

Noel woke up until evening.
As soon as he woke up, he wasted to visit Roxana.
“Originally, I was going to visit you early in the morning! But I stayed up all
night preparing to greet you at Bertium, and I forgot to sleep without knowing
what! But because Dante didn't wake me up until this time!”
If Dante listened, she would remain in resentment and hold her back.
Noel repeated her apology and excuses to Roxana, feeling embarrassed as her author
Roxana watched Noel as if he were searching for a moment.
She felt at the time of correspondence and even at her yesterday's welcome
banquet, but he noticed her quite a bit.
At some point he didn't seem to want to make her planting uncomfortable.
His unscrupulous attitude or title was very annoying, but it was useful for
identifying a person named "Noel Bertium."
Roxana decided on her attitude toward Noel without worrying too long.
“Why apologize? The promised day hasn't passed yet.”
A voice that seemed to have melted sugar penetrated Noel's eardrum.
He stared at Roxana blankly. And the smile of Roxana she saw for the first time
opened her mouth to her hee.
Contrary to Noel's concern, Roxana didn't look angry or unpleasant.
A soft, sweet, creamy smile welcomed Noel.
Noel has forgotten at this moment that Roxana was so cold at her banquet hall
Unlike her previous years, she was unaware that Roxana quickly narrowed her
distance without using her engineering college.
“Finely welcome. Even if not, I was thinking about your doll.”
A voice like a lark singing hovered in her ears.
“Uh, ah, that… … . My doll? What is that... … . Oh, the Nicks?”
Noel seemed to be turning her head for a moment. He had a hard time conceiving
the nickname.
“I have a question about him.”
Roxana reached out her hand as if to come closer, whispering her softly to Noel.
“Yes, yes, ask anything! If Luna wants to know, I'll tell you everything...
… !”
Then Noel came up with a red, reminded face.
Grasping her Roxana's hand, he sat down with her knees bent in front of her.
It looked like a dog panting at its owner and waving its tail.
At first glance, Jeremy's face passed over Noel.
The two people seemed to resemble a little, but nonetheless, the spirit of Noel
did not go away. It was natural for Roxana.
Still, she concealed her cool feelings and laughed at her Noel.
As his delicate touch touched his cheek as if playing an instrument, Noel smirked
almost as if he was drunk.
“I hope you can explain in detail how you came to make the Knicks.”
Sweet whispers flowed down into the air like melted honey.
“Well, at the time, I was studying that part because I was curious if I could make
a doll with a real human body and subordinate it.”
Like a man possessed by something, Noel began to hesitate to explain the way
Roxana wished.
“Oh, in the original Bertium, we studied the components that make up the real
human body, and combined them as closely as possible to make a doll.”
Roxana nodded a little to signify that she was listening to Noel.
Encouraged by her encouragement, Noel became more excited and continued his words
as if he had wings in his mouth.
“But no matter how much you make a real body, isn't it a perfect human body?
Maybe that's why my dolls weren't perfectly beautiful. I was always sorry for
“In the meantime, Land Agriche approached Bertium's puppetry with interest.”
At that moment, Ichae passed by Roxana's eyes.
“I kept bothering to meet you, so I gave myself time, but um… … . I don't
remember what the black chief said to me when we met. He refused to give me
something. Ho, isn't this the important part? I've been drowning in what he said
at that time... … . Shall I ask Dante if he remembers it?”
“No, I don't need to explain that.”
"Oh yeah? I'm glad. Anyway, then a quick glance came up about my ongoing
puppetry research, and Land Agriche said he would help me. I remember this
clearly. So after that, he gave me a body for my study.”
The more he listened to Noel, the more a soft wind blew through her Roxana's
She said, "In Agriche terms, did she say that she is'to be disposed of'? Such
bodies were also carried to some of the Bertiums.”
She also knew that there was a doll in the form of Asil, and it was not different
from what she had guessed.
The fact that the Nyx's body is not a fake body modeled after Acyl, but that the
body itself is the real Acyl's, was a part that Roxana also admitted.
If his body was fake, he would not have had to move from the original Asil body to
the damaged part.
For example, his left eye with a scar left on his right hand, or his left eye that
suffered a major injury during his last monthly evaluation just before his death.
So in conclusion, it was the story that Land Agriche had thrown the bodies of dead
children into Bertium for experimentation on disposal.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 113

As Land, who was interested in the Corps of Immortal Dolls, was likely to be
interested in Noel's new research.
Or maybe he was just trying to match the assortment appropriately using the
obsolete corpse as a trading tool for roasting Noel.
It looks as if you are pretending to patronize someone else's garbage that cannot
be recycled.
Either way, Land Agriche was truly a disgusting human.
“Actually, I didn't expect much when Land Agriche offered to rescue me a beautiful
body that suits my taste, but when I received it, it was amazing than I thought.”
But what Roxana really wanted to hear from Noel wasn't just about the donors of
her body.
“Especially the Knicks were really beyond my imagination. As soon as I saw it, I
fell in love at first sight.”
The moment Noel added with her vague voice, Roxana's eyes flashed with a different
chill than ever before.
At the time, it wasn't until Asil died that Land and Noel met to talk about the
study of dolls.
Because Agriche does not store the discarded bodies.
if so… … In one case, is there any possibility that Rant killed Asil to rescue
Noel's favorite beautiful body?
Or is it possible that Noel first fell in love with Asil, who was alive and asked
Landt for his body?
“Noel Bertium. you… … .”
Roxana's hand gradually slipped and touched Noel's nape.
“Have you ever seen him while you were alive?”
There was still a smile like the spring sun on her face, staring at Noel.
However, there was a clear murderous intention in the hand that gently roamed his
Then, at the moment when her fingertips became upright as if breaking the flesh
that touched them right now and digging deep into it... … .
"no. All I saw was the body in the coffin.”
Noel answered with a regretful face.
“I just opened the lid, and I don't know how surprised it was that an angelic
person was inside it. So I wanted to see my eyes open, so I tried harder!”
Noel looked at Roxana like a child hoping for praise.
Roxana's red eyes sharply pierced her face, as if trying to grasp her true
Until then, the hand that lurched silently behind Noel's throat finally slowly
okay. No matter how much Land Agriche was interested in Bertium's puppetry, he
would not have deliberately killed his children to prepare a body for Noel.
Of course, the reason was not believed to be because Landt had such a minimal
human conscience.
It was simply because the profitability wasn't right.
That wasn't the way Land Agriche would try.
It would have been much easier and simpler to find excellent off-white boys and
girls through kidnapping or trafficking.
It would have been a bonus to put the discarded children there.
Of course, it wasn't that there was no intention there as it was a sour land.
Maybe later, if there was a chance, I wondered if I was going to use it as a
pretext to do a trick on Noel.
However, Noel was also a very amazing human being like Land.
As her Roxana knows, Noel was about the same age as her.
So Noel at the time when he was handed over from Landt meant that he thought of
getting his hands on experiments with human bodies at such a young age.
Hwang's family was famous for being short-lived from generation to generation, so
Noel is known to be headed at a fairly young age.
Landna, who tried to cook such a child early for his own desires, and Noel, who
succeeded in tearing the body for study from him, were both truly extraordinary.
Listening to her Noel's words, Roxana felt her chest cooling off gradually in many
She then had another part of her mind that she was forced to ask.
She said, “When I say that there is not one body provided, does it mean that there
is another entity like this?”
"no. The only thing that succeeded was the Knicks. Well, I also succeeded by
accident, so I couldn't do it twice anyway. Still, it's the Nicks that succeeded,
so I'm really, really lucky.”
Looking at his expression, it seemed that everything he said was true.
Noel also explained the principle of puppetry that Roxana did not bury.
Awakening the body of a doll made by hand and making it a bell was a method of
magic that was passed down only to Bertium's successors.
It was said that dolls made in this way have the ability to perform orders as the
owner wants.
Among them, the things that became strong in subordination were said to be
possible to communicate like a real person, so it was really surprising.
However, they said they couldn't feel emotions because they weren't real humans,
their five senses weren't perfect, and they didn't even have a heart in their
At the same time, he was excited to explain the difference between puppetry and
necromancy that he said yesterday.
Noel seemed to have forgotten even trying to capture Roxana, pretending to have
resurrected Asil who died using the Nyx.
Then he asked Roxana as if he suddenly remembered Noel.
“Oh hey, you said you met Knicks while I wasn't there? Did you two have a
Looking at his face, it seemed that it was after hearing the story from the Nix
“I heard he decided to stay at Bertium a little longer. I'm a great welcome,
Luna! You can stay as long as you want! Just like this, let's live here with me
Noel was terribly disgusted, grabbing Roxana's hand and shining her eyes.
Red eyes glanced into Noel's face.
He was looking up at Roxana with anticipation.
"Two days."
After a while, Roxana naturally smacked Noel's hand off and smiled thinly.
“I will only stay two more days before leaving. No more than that.”
Noel shook her eyes as if greatly disappointed by Roxana's words.
“Yes, yes. Then let's have fun with me even for two days.”
But he soon said, struggling with his heart.
Roxana looked at him with an expressionless face that was different from before.

* * *

The spring scenery of Bertium, where flowers are in full bloom everywhere, was
definitely a superb view.
"You mean Bertium, isn't it really beautiful?"
But when someone said this, I wanted to refute it.
So I said boringly.
“Well, it just looks like a common and missing landscape.”
Then they looked at me and smiled white, as if Nix was saying that.
A doll that feels beautiful by looking at the scenery. I had to say it was
I still looked at the Nix, who was serving my car today.
Today, I was spending refreshment time outdoors, not in the living room.
This time, only the two of us were in this position, Knicks and I. It was me who
asked for it first.
Noel was more willing to do so than expected, but it seemed a little dissatisfied
in my heart.
In his eyes looking at the Nyx, there was an invisible feeling of jealousy.
It must have been Noel's tactic to use the Knicks to hold me in Bertium, but when
it comes to such a situation, he is jealous. It was quite funny.
Still, there was something promised to eat together at dinner, so Noel stepped
“That left eye doesn’t look like a real human eye.”
I opened his mouth while watching Knicks pouring tea into the teacup placed in
front of me.
“Then is that a bill?”
The white flowers that bloomed in the flower trees on the ground looked like
jewels with grains.
Between the petals fluttering like feathers, Nyx looked up and stared at me.
His right eye was blue, resembling his mother, and his left eye was magenta,
resembling a flower on his back.
"Huh. When I came to Bertium, it was said that my body was already damaged and
incomplete. So, there was a need for recovery in several places.”
As Nix said, Asil died wounded.
Eventually, he was pierced heartily by Theon, but he had seriously injured his eye
in his last monthly assessment, which he took just before his disposal.
“When I searched for the best match among the eyes that Noel had at the time, the
colors of both eyes eventually became different.”
Whether you know something and do it deliberately, or just accidentally overlap,
the Nicks were often reminiscent of the dead Asil in front of me.
So, on the contrary, while I was with the Knicks like this, I meant to find out
the differences from Acyl one by one in him.
“I hope the car fits in your mouth today. This time I was more concerned.”
Sitting across from me, Nicks smiled kindly and offered me a car.
I silently lifted the teacup in front of him as he wished.
The tea I tasted after that was definitely less sweet than yesterday.
And, like yesterday, there was a faintly foreign taste in it.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 114

Yesterday and today, after two days of checking, I was convinced.

It was a poison that temporarily blocked the five senses of the body, as you might
guess from the peculiar subtle scent of the tongue.
Of course, it didn't work for me, who was poison-tolerant.
But I opened my mouth calmly as if I didn't express anything and knew nothing.
“Are you all preparing for refreshments?”
“Yes, I want to entertain you with my own hands.”
As I drank tea and seemed to be okay, the Nicks became confused for a moment.
But soon, a natural smile appeared on his face.
Following the laughing Nix, I also smiled at my mouth.
It was something I couldn't even imagine until now that Asil's face could look so
“Well, I've been curious about it from before, can I ask?”
Then, the Nyx came up with luck with a careful tone.
I looked at him as if to tell.
“Why are you dead?”
At that moment, my hand with the teacup stopped knowingly.
“I heard that the piercing wound in the heart seems to be a cause of death. I
heard it was scrapped by Agriche, but I was curious about the reason.”
Subsequently, the Nix laughed lightly and added with a passing tone.
"I'd rather die, wasn't I so useless?"
It was obvious that the words were spoken with the intention of provoking me.
As evidence, the person in front of me now refers to Asil as'I'.
However, it was true that he had Asil's face anyway.
For that reason, for a moment, I was forced to feel the traces of Acil from him.
“It wasn't useless.”
After a while, I opened my lips and shouted quietly.
“You know… … .”
His two different colored eyes were staring at me.
“My brother wasn't useless.”
I whispered to him once again.
There was no one in the world that I wanted to say. So now this was just my self-
Asil's body right in front of me was still as it was at the age of 15, just like
in my memory.
Unlike me, who grew up over time, he still retained his boyhood.
In the future, that fact will never change.
It was natural, so I didn't feel sick.
I put down the teacup in his hand and woke up.
“The tea I drank today was terrible.”
A white petal flew into the empty teacup and gently settled down.
The Nix was looking at me with some kind of mysterious look.
“The time I can give you is until tomorrow.”
I looked down at him and said in the end.
“I look forward to not disappointing you in the end.”
In addition, I was planning to make a final decision tomorrow.

* * *

“Dante. Would you like to try this?”

Dante frowned upon seeing the Nyx come out.
“No matter how much you poison me, Noel will forgive me.”
It was a car with poison that came in front of him.
Dante pushed the teacup from the Nicks with a somewhat annoying touch.
Not only the tea in Nyx's hand, but also various tea foods on the tray contained a
small amount of poison.
“Regret it. You are the only human who can die here, so it would be nice if you
eat and check the effect.”
"what? It's a very insulting statement to be a human being who can die?”
"The only humans in this building are you and Noel, but that doesn't mean you
can't feed this to Noel?"
“So I can eat this?”
With the Knicks' blatant words, Dante had to feel his back goal pulling.
“Let’s just find another way now.”
The poison prepared by the Nix was famous for being effective even with a small
But for some reason, it didn't work for Roxana.
It was very curious and embarrassing for the Nix.
“That woman, you are with Noel right now?”
"Yeah. This is the way to come after confirming that we are going to the flower
garden together.”
Roxana was with Noel now.
So, Dante and Nyx were chatting comfortably without having Roxana's poison
butterfly in mind.
It was because he thought that if he was alone in the room, he would not take out
the poison butterfly while he was with another person.
They knew that Roxana had her venomous butterfly through the Nyx's Ma'an, but she
was unaware of it.
So she noticed that Roxana was also paying attention to them while she was in
Bertium not to be noticed by the poison butterfly she could call her weapon of her
So, she couldn't show the appearance of demonstrating openly when someone else was
next to her.
Of course it was their wrong idea.
It was a simple task to plant poison butterflies in advance to avoid the eyes of
But Dante and Knicks didn't know that.
On the one hand, it was natural.
The poison butterfly was a particularly rare monster, so there was little
information known to the public.
Therefore, it wasn't until Whiperion's people who were good at demons that they
didn't know much about it.
Anyway, so Nyx and Dante talked, thinking that there would be no poison
butterflies around now to overheard their conversation.
“It's weird. I poured in poison almost twice as much as yesterday. Why is it so
Nix looked down at the tea cups and tea foods on the tray and fell into trouble.
He thought that he would not immediately kill the man he had met near Agriche last
time, but rather dig up some other information about Roxana.
At that time, the Knicks only asked him about Roxana's whereabouts and her
acquaintances he was curious about at the time.
That point was belatedly disappointed.
Then, finally, the Nicks picked up the cookie on the plate.
“I’ll go to sponsorship for a second.”
"Yeah? Why are you there suddenly... … .”
Dante turned her head, frowning at her.
But the Knicks were already moving away from him.
“Wait, Nicks!”
Despite an urgent call, the Nyx jumped lightly and quickly disappeared from
Dante's view.
Sense of her suspicion, Dante hurriedly pursued him.
But he couldn't catch up with the nimble Knicks.
Eventually, by the time Dante found him again, he was already on the verge of
passing out his breath to his chin.
Then, when he saw the sight that came into sight, he closed his eyes tightly.
"Wow, wow."
“Well, there is no response yet. I have to wait a little longer. Or would you
like to try one more?”
Nyx's clear voice gleamed in the white sun shining over his head.
The Knicks grabbed a man's fat and forced the poisoned cookie into his mouth.
The man struggled not to eat it, but in front of the wicked power of the Knicks,
he had no choice.
Soon the focus was released on the man's eyes. To escape from the Nyx, the body
that used the dragon began to lose strength.
The eyes of the Nyx who saw it shimmered and glowed.
“What, isn’t it so good?”
However, the side effects were also difficult.
The man bit a bubble in his mouth and begins to writhe.
“What are you doing!”
Just then, an angry voice came from behind the man and poked. Nyx's gaze followed
the sound and turned forward.
When the Nix let go of his hand, the man who had been held by the flesh became
weak like a straw.
"you… … ! What the hell were you fed!”
It was covered by a flower tree, so it was not usually visible, but at the end of
the road connected to the patron, there was another small building.
People who found the Nyx and got out of it gathered in a murmuring.
After that, they saw the man lying on the floor and, in amazement, opened his
“I just had something to lightly check.”
The Knicks said nothing with his speechless face.
Contrary to those who were agitated and angry at what the Knicks had done, the
Knicks were in a clear state of being frustrated by the effects of poison.
So he explained it kinder than usual.
"OK. It's not a dying drug. Well, if you do it wrong, you might be an idiot.”
Of course it was kindness by the Knicks standard.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 115

Dante, looking at the figure from a distance, felt her head fell out.
When I thought about how to deal with this, I was in a very troubled way.
Currently, Bertium was divided into two areas.
People who inherited the blood of Bertium lived in this place connected to the
Originally, they were those who lived in the main building where Noel was.
However, from some point onward, Noel began to pour a leaner affection on the
dolls he made rather than her relatives through her blood.
As a result, to this day, other Bertium people were pushed by more and more
puppets and moved to the building in the backing.
“You guys say that now… … !”
“You dare try to poison us, and if Noel knows about this, he won't let you go!”
"right! We will never just go over this time!”
As a result, the feelings for dolls among them now are of course not good.
However, among them, the Nyx, who almost monopolized Noel's favor, did this, so
the turmoil could not be easily subsided.
“Huh? What if I just don’t go over it?”
“I will ask you to destroy you right away!”
When asked by the Nyx, people got up like bees and started shouting as if they
were under evil.
“Yes, something like you should be disposed of right away!”
“You're a bad guy. Of Noel's dolls, I haven't particularly liked you since
“Do you dare to climb up to the top of your head without knowing the subject?”
Primary swear words poured out as if waiting for the size of the old emotions that
were usually suppressed.
However, the Nyx's face was calm.
Then finally a light laughter burst out of his mouth.
“Yes, I am a doll. You are great human beings.”
But what followed was a clear ridicule on Nyx's face.
“But it's also really weird. Why aren't you so good-looking that there's no
better part than me?”
"What… … !”
“You stupid humans. No matter how well you pretend to be, arrogant and trembling,
you are a failure made by God. I'm Noel's success story.”
An eerie glow ran through Nix's eyes.
The people who saw it were sullen, and I was swaying without knowing.
The Nicks laughed and shouted at them.
“Unfortunately, Noel cared me a lot more than things like you. I don't think I'm
going to do anything about killing a human being who didn't have a lot of
“You only do that, Nick.”
Dante, deciding that it couldn't be anymore, came over and blocked the people of
the Knicks and Bertium.
He threw his cool gaze at Nyx. It was a warning not to stimulate people anymore.
“Okay. Do it this way, well.”
Looking at it, Nicks shrugged his shoulders, as if what had happened a little
while ago, and pulled the tail of his mouth.
“Then I'll leave the clean up to you, Dante.”
As if encouraging, he touched Dante's back lightly, and then walked lightly.
The enemy's young, intense eyes flew into the back of the Nyx.
In a moment, Dante felt like 10 years old and groaned low.

* * *

“Somehow, the atmosphere seems a little messy.”

The shaded red eyes slid sideways.
"Huh? okay? I'm not sure.”
Noel questioned Roxana's words.
Currently, the two were walking through Bertium's flower garden together.
It was because Noel strongly insisted that he wanted to show Roxana the beautiful
It wasn't empty words, Noel seemed to haven't really noticed that the air waves
had changed a little while ago.
The moment Roxana and her eyes met, his face was shaky again.
Roxana took the step where he stopped first.
“After that, I saw that there is a road on the sponsor side as well.”
At the same time, Noel stopped at the words passing by.
“There… … .”
“There seems to be a building there too.”
“Yeah, it's a place other people use, so I rarely go.”
Noel replied innocently without lying.
Roxana did not stop there, adding.
“I was curious because the promenade in Fuwon seemed to be well organized.”
As soon as the words fell, Noel was visibly embarrassed.
I felt anxious that Roxana would ask me to go to the sponsorship.
“No, it's not where I manage it, it's not as pretty as here, and there's not much
to see! Luna, don't do that, let's go over there!”
Noel blatantly distracted him, struggling to get Roxana's attention elsewhere.
Seeing the reaction, Roxana's eyes widened for an instant.
“Yes, let's do it.”
But she soon took her steps as Noel led her as if she wasn't deeply interested in
her patronage.
Seeing such a Roxana, Noel looked at ease.
They again walked through the flower gardens in full bloom.
“Hey, Luna.”
Noel, who glanced at Roxana for a moment, suddenly approached.
Then she touched her hand as if it was past her ear.
A little while ago, the red flower in Noel's hand revealed a prominent presence
among Roxana's golden hair.
Noel laughed at Roxana with a flower in her ear.
His, yet unretracted hand, slowly tangled her hair, drooping over her shoulder.
“Of course, even these flowers do not even reach your toes in your beauty.”
Her thinly lined lips and her eyes, which gave a damn gaze, gave off a distinctly
different feeling from before.
I was a little surprised because he was a pretty adult man.
Had it not been for the present situation to have a somewhat artificial smell, it
would have been.
“Somehow, it’s a gift that I really feel.”
“Flowers go well with beautiful people.”
“It’s really pretty.”
“Seeing you are side by side like this, you two are so good together.”
As if the patrons who followed without a sense of presence until now waited for
them, Noel and Roxana were repeatedly praised.
Clap clap clap clap!
As it was in the banquet hall, a throbbing applause poked through the eardrum.
Noel put them on his back, making a subtly proud expression.
Roxana seemed to know her Noel's taste for sure now.
“Come on, Luna. I have a seat on the inside.”
As Roxana approached the hour he decided to leave Bertium, Noel noticed her
So he was struggling to somehow win the heart of her Roxana.
Part of it was to call in beautiful dolls to support her Roxana.
“Sit over here. I made a place under the shade.”
“It’s a little strong today. If it's hot, I'll fan it.”
“It is a rare fruit of Bertium that can only be enjoyed this season. Please try
“Can I bring you a cool drink? I put lemons pickled in honey and put petals on
top. If you like hot tea, please tell me.”
“I have prepared the orchestra in advance. Do you have any songs you would like
to apply for?”
“If you allow me to touch my body, I will do a massage.”
Surrounded by her beautiful dolls and treated hospitably, Roxana was really like
the Queen of Bertium.
She was even more so because she did not look awkward or unnatural at all.
As for Roxana, she was left alone in the hopes of seeing one by one.
However, Noel smiled pleased to see if she thought she liked this one.
“Luna doesn't have to lift her finger. Whatever she wants, she just tells me.”
Roxana listened to her and leaned her head.
It was like seeing a second-generation tycoon male protagonist wielding a bundle
of money that I saw in the media in the past.
But she wasn't vigilant as Roxana rated Noel as she looked.
“After that, I can't see the maids who served me at first.”
“Yes, I heard that I made a mistake, so I replaced it.”
To Roxana's question, Noel said casually.
"okay? It wasn't a big deal.”
Likewise, Noel paused for a moment at Roxana's voice that she let go.
“If they liked it, would you send it back?”

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 116

Even if it wasn't, she had heard at first glance that Roxana wasn't entrusting her
dolls to the detailed service.
In the meantime, listening to her speaking out now, she wondered if the new dolls
were sent to her because she didn't like it.
The dolls that were on the market first were already damaged, but it was not
difficult to repair them again.
If it seemed that it would take a long time to recover, it was possible to fix
only her face first and then send it to another doll.
Anyway, all the dolls on the market were very hard.
Roxana looked at her Noel's reaction, but she soon refused.
“You don't have to do that. It's troublesome for nothing.”
“It's not a hassle at all. Anything Luna wants, it can do anything.”
“I'm leaving tomorrow anyway.”
At that moment, Noel's mouth was shut.
Roxana moved her hands and swept her hair behind her ears as if she couldn't feel
her gaze on her own face.
Her little earrings sparkled beneath the red blossoms Noel had previously put in.
Noel's gaze stayed there for a while.
“Are all the people working here dolls?”
"how did you know?"
Then, Roxana's question followed Noel's eyes.
“Does it appear so much?”
The dolls that caught his attention laughed lightly. It was also a smile that
felt very arbitrary.
But Noel tilted his head as if he really didn't know.
“Everyone’s hands are as cold as ice.”
Noel fluttered, as if he hadn't thought about it.
The doll, which rubbed Roxana's arm, lifted her hand. The other dolls that were
serving her next to her began to be extra careful not to reach her with her hands.
Noel wondered if she wondered if that was the reason Roxana refused to serve her
new dolls, so she became gloomy.
“Okay, then from now on, I'll study to make a doll with body temperature.”
Noel burned her will so much, but she drank the drink placed in front of her in a
careless manner, as if Roxana had nothing to do with it.
Still, unlike the car that the Knicks brought out, there was nothing in it, so she
managed to eat.

* * *

Roxana was already aware of Bertium's situation.

It was to show his reaction that she spoke in front of Noel about the building on
her patronage.
Bertium was right here for Noel's kingdom.
She sent a poison butterfly to look at, and as she knew beforehand, the Bertium
was divided into two large spaces.
Now, in this building, Noel, his heir Dante, and puppets lived, and all the other
Bertium people were living in the outbuildings in the patron.
It was a very interesting situation.
Noel always said that his gasols were behind the scenes.
So, among them, complaints about Noel and his doll were growing day by day.
According to what I learned in advance, that's why there is sometimes friction
between the two groups.
It could be said to be the back side of Bertium, which looks just as peaceful and
Another thing, too, Noel seemed to know about Roxana's poison butterfly.
On her first day when she came here, she could have guessed from looking at the
crew who wore her masks as if she was trying to hide the existence of the Knicks
before the welcome banquet.
Moreover, as a result of her observations so far, the people and dolls in her main
building, including Noel, were careful about her actions even where she wasn't
Of course, that doesn't mean that she knows the poison butterfly very well, and
she sometimes made fun of her mouth.
Roxana twisted her mouth while she walked through the flower gardens with Noel
when she heard of the poison butterfly who had planted the conversation that Dante
and Knicks had in advance.
She also confirmed what happened between the Knicks and others in the outbuildings
at the backing.
Perhaps the conflict between them was deeper than Roxana expected.
A while ago, the people of the sponsor asked Noel to talk to Noel through Dante,
but Noel refused as if annoying. He persuaded him a few times, but after failing,
Dante turned around and didn't look good.
The people on the sponsor side who heard the story from Dante also showed
It was a good thing for Roxana.
Lok Sana, who quietly stared at the scenery outside the moonlit window, struck her
curtain and turned around.
It seemed that she could go ahead with the plan tomorrow.

* * *

“Today is already the last day.”

A liquid with a fragrant odor was poured into a white gold-rimmed mug.
“It would have been nice if I had time to talk a little deeper, but I'm sorry.”
Nix, who said so, had a gentle face unchanged today.
He was preparing his last refreshment with his own hands.
“Today I prepared with special care. I hope you like it.”
Meanwhile, Sana suddenly laughed so that her smiling face was so different from
what she saw through her poison butterfly yesterday.
Yesterday's gaze of Noel Bertium at the flower garden was also felt in her eyes,
as well as the behavior of Nicks, who steadily burned her poison in the car that
came to her.
They have never shown her coercion on the surface of her, except when she first
sent her blackmail letter.
But that won't be true.
Right now, she's acting as if she'd let her go, but after a while it was easy to
guess that her story would be different.
Soon after, Roxana did not drink the tea that the Knicks gave her, and struck the
teacup with a slow gesture.
Knicks was looking at her while she still looked at her smiling and her face. It
was better than the owner, Noel, who showed no impatience or shaking.
Roxana puts the sugar cubes in the glass bottle in front of her into a teacup, as
she stayed up longer than yesterday.
One, two, three… … .
The more the number of sugar cubes dissolved in the tea water, the deeper the
silence between the two.
“If you have any last words you want to say, it’s okay.”
After moving his gaze to Roxana's hand for a while, the Nix finally whispered in
kind words.
"the thing I want to say?"
Roxana's eyes were staring at the melting sugar cup. The eyes of the two met.
“Am I to you?”
“Because my appearance is the same as you know anyway.”
On her monotonous back door, the Knicks put a deeper warmth on her face.
“Because it was a fairly sudden death, there must have been a word that my brother
could not tell before he died. So it means you can think that you know me.”
A soft voice added from her smiling lips.
“Like yesterday.”
The face reflected in the field of view and the voice in the ear were very
However, it was a clear malice that was silently embedded in it.
She was Roxana and she could be sure that he was enjoying the situation now.
It also seemed to be trying to keep her in her place following her wishes of her
master Noel, but that alone couldn't explain all of her Knicks' behavior.
Whenever she looked at him, she thought she knew clearly what was going to be
From the time she first met, the Knicks used to induce Roxana's nursery rhymes and
watch her reaction.
As if he himself became a puppeteer who controlled marionette dolls with strings.
He was a tribe who had to climb to the top of a person's head and play with the
opponent without a circle.
Lok Sana's lips, staring at Nyx without her words, finally widened.
“Do you know why I decided not to leave Bertium right away and watch you a little
The Knicks opened her mouth as if to say anything, but in the first place she
didn't need his answer to Roxana.
Before the Knicks spoke, her low voice followed.
“Is it because you became interested in you, who has an Asil body? So, looking at
you living and moving like this, trying to get some kind of comfort?”
Like a beast wandering near the prey, the slender fingers crawling slowly over the
teacup stopped moving.
As soon as a convincing smile entered his field of vision, Nyx's face froze.
“To decide whether to kill you or leave it alone.”
It was a voice and gaze that did not even doubt that the life of the person I am
facing is in my hands.
It poked deep into a part of the Knicks' heart.
“What does that mean?”
But he did not know what Roxana's words meant, and drew embarrassment on her face
between her words.
“Why do you suddenly say that? Oh, have you ever been offended by my words just
Roxana easily agreed.
“So stop acting like you know you know. She doesn't fit anyway, just because
she's the same.”
Her biting words poured out of her lips with her chilly smile.
“Acting, why do you think so? This is my original appearance.”
Still, the Nix looked embarrassed as if he didn't know English.
The face gradually faded was quite plausible. If someone who didn't know how cool
saw the current Knicks, he might have thought it was a shame.
The cold smile drawn on Roxana's lips grew deeper.
“You speak well on the subject that brought out tea.”
She lifted the mug and poured the contents of it onto the table.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 117

Horse tea water wet the white cloth. But it wasn't the only thing that poured out
of the teacup.
Seeing something scattered on the damp tablecloth, Nicks hardened his face.
A black lump of only sugar or salt particles.
A little while ago, the sugar that Roxana put in and the poison that caused a
chemical reaction had become a solid state and were clustered.
The poison the Knicks prepared today was different from yesterday.
Yesterday, after confirming the efficacy of the sponsor directly on humans, for
some reason, he changed the type after knowing that only Roxana was not poisonous.
However, it wasn't a year or two that Roxana had been with her poison. In
addition, today's poison is more familiar to Roxana than yesterday's poison, so I
was able to determine what kind it was just by smell.
However, after all, it seems that the Nix was only interested in the performance
of the poison he obtained, seeing the barely exposed traces in front of him, and
stiffening his eyes.
“You are very good at lying on the subject of dolls. Indeed, it is like a unique
doll that has no place in the world.”
A smile, close to ridicule, ruthlessly sniped at Nyx.
“No, would the word “failure” match more than the word “unusual doll”?”
At that moment, Nyx's eyes changed.
Roxana's words got stuck in the part where she stabbed a while ago.
“… … It's a failure? I?"
"okay. You yourself seem to believe that you are special.”
A thick poison began to leak out of the open hole.
“But well. As far as I can see, you're just a mutant, or variant, born of Noel
Bertium's mistake.”
It spread slowly and eventually covered the Nyx.
Finally, a sharp laugh burst out of Nick's mouth.
“Until now, no human being has been fine even though I was shouting in front of me
without fear.”
His face, facing Roxana, was also completely different from before.
The densely filled cold flew into Roxana sharply like an awl.
“When did you know that I prepared poison?”
Nyx's face, showing its true color, did not seem to resemble Asil in memory at
Roxana was finally satisfied.
“From the beginning.”
Of course, it was still unclear whether Noel was behind it.
Other dolls must have acted only as directed by their owners, but the Nicks were
different from them. So he might have figured out her way alone, in the hopes of
holding Roxana here.
But if it was the Nyx's master who prepared the poison, Noel Bertium was a far
more mean human than Roxana thought.
It means that her Roxana pretended to respect her in front of her, pretended to be
innocent of her, laughed off her softly, and did her tricks on her back behind her.
Maybe when things went wrong, she didn't know that she was going to hand over all
the responsibility to the Knicks and be consistent with it.
“This time I ask. Is this your master's order, or is it your arbitrary choice?”
“You guessed it yourself. Like I pretended to be good a while ago.”
But instead of answering Roxana's question, the Nix bite her mouth full.
“Yes, you made the decision to kill me or not?”
Somehow, what Roxana said a little while ago seemed to stimulate him properly.
“Is arrogance a kind of your humans? I'm so excited to think that it's possible
for you to kill me.”
The Nix laughed sharply, sarcastically, as if you could be.
"And even if you succeed in killing me, do you think you can get out of this place
However, Roxana was consistently relaxed.
After hearing the scornful voice digging through the eardrum, the Nicks did not
feel the need to bear more.
"then. I don’t think it’s that difficult?”
Ah, yes.
Let's flatten the nose of this cheeky human in front of you right now.
Thinking so, Nicks laughed lightly.
“Are you sure you believe in that one earring?”
Nyx's hand moved so fast that it was invisible to the naked eye.
The knife on the table instantly cut through Roxana's ear and hit the wall.
Her broken earrings and red drops of blood dripping over her shoulders.
Roxana's face was consistently calm, and his gaze at the Nyx was cool.
Knicks laughed to reveal her teeth as she looked at her like her.
"Is it because of that the poison didn't work?"
The Knicks were early on that Roxana's earrings weren't commonplace.
“That's how the weak human beings aren't able to discern the world and are able to
It was natural that I had been wearing the same earrings all the time since I came
to Bertium.
It was easy to understand because I felt suspicious and observed the puppets that
had been attended by her at the banquet hall.
“The only thing you have is those insignificant earrings and a swarm of
butterflies, right?”
The only force that I have is the only thing that I dare to kill on a subject that
has only one monster.
Moreover, I had no more hesitation because I removed those earrings that seemed to
be the only means of protecting my body.
“I didn't want to use radical methods because Noel said he hated hurting your
Nyx's eyes flashed brutally. He revealed his teeth and laughed.
“When I think about it, I think Noel will be satisfied as much as he regrets, even
if he gives only your body.”
Nyx triggered her Ma'an before Roxana called out her poison butterfly.
Shamans emerged from the magenta eyes.
“Keep… … !”
But the next moment, it was Nix, not Roxana, who broke her waist with her blood
Red blood wet the white tablecloth and clothes.
In an unexpected situation, he closed his mouth and opened his eyes.
It was then that Roxana kicked her table in front of her.
Quaang! Wow!
Nix grabbed a burning ship and hurried away.
He thought the attack would follow immediately, but Roxana just got up quietly.
"no wonder… … .”
The sound of a small shoehorn hovered in my ear.
She stepped on the broken pieces of glass and stepped on her leisurely, so
graceful that her figure was out of context.
Her fluttering hem, gently undulating like her shallow waves, finally covered her
slender ankles and sat down.
A classical voice pierced toward Nyx, who was straining her body while standing
against her wall.
“I thought it was weird because there was no device in the room, but you were a
variable. The eye itself was a medium.”
The Knicks still kept vigilant and spit blood that had accumulated in his mouth on
the floor.
This was a reaction when his witchcraft failed.
But why?
“Oh, that’s a surprised expression.”
On the other hand, unbelievably, she was standing still and staring at Roxana.
A little while ago, when the Knicks blew a knife, her hair was cut off and her
ears were cut, but it looked like she hadn't suffered anything other than that.
“What was this one earring so easily alert to you?”
In time, her red lips struck a sensational laugh.
“Did you think you discovered this because you were smart in the first place?”
At that moment, fire splattered in the eyes of the bloodshot Sun Nix.
"You're welcome. Unless you're an idiot, you should definitely notice this. I
meant to do it in a prominent place.”
Roxana was willing to appreciate her appearance with her open mind.
The whispering tone was gentle, but the content was not.
“Because the real thing that blocked your attack is hidden from view. But you
believe in what I showed you, and there will be more. How stupid too.”
It wasn't just earrings that Roxana got from Gri Zelda, which reduced the
influence of her magic.
Items that reflected the influence of magic in reverse were hidden secretly
invisible to others.
At the welcoming banquet, she deliberately prevented the owner from changing
earrings, so she may have been suspicious of that.
They were dolls, and that's why she thought that even the smallest things like
this would go into Noel's ears.
So, the current Knicks must have pushed her boundaries just by removing her
Of course, I had no intention of explaining that to the Knicks now.
"you… … This girl... … .”
It was only then that the Knicks realized that Roxana had been tricked.
He glanced at Roxana's face in a serene glow that felt charitable at first glance
with her venomous right eye.
“At this point you will be curious. Why is this uproar and no one comes into the
And in the whisper that followed, the Nix suddenly sensed something strange.
“Don’t you think it’s strangely noisy outside? Ah, wasn't that excited about my
words and didn't even get into your ears?”
I didn't want to admit it, but it was exactly what Roxana said.
As I was sober and paying attention, I felt strangely cluttered outside.
Even though it's such an explicit noise, you haven't noticed so far.
The Knicks grappled when he noticed that this was also involved in her number.
Just then, a red bow appeared next to her Roxana. Knicks reflexively raised her
body upright.
“Oh, don't be scared. I'm not going to use it for you.”
Roxana smallly stirred her hand to carry out her orders and let her return her
“So, what did you say to me earlier? Did you say I wouldn't be able to kill you
without poison butterflies?”
Roxana laughed finely, closing her eyes as she heard a funny joke.
“Be funny. After all, you can't figure out the subject.”
However, her eyes sticking to Nyx were similar to those of raptors.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 118

A cold voice pierced her ears like frost feet.

“I bet you, Nicks, you are weaker than me. I don't even have to bring out the
poison butterfly to kill you.”
"Do not be ridiculous."
As the poison rose, Nix was stunned by Roxana's words. His head was running busy.
Damn, what the hell has happened outside so no one is interested in this?
It was news that Dante, who should always be looking at the reception room at
Noel's order, was uncontrolled.
What's fortunate is the fact that while doing this, the inside of her wounded
stomach is gradually sinking.
The Knicks stared at the woman who made him like this.
“Yes, those eyes.”
The next moment, Roxana shouted in a quiet voice like a self-talk.
"I don't like it either."
Soon after that, Sana Rok, who took her place, was moving so fast that the Knicks
couldn't notice her coming. It really happened in a moment.
Roxana, approaching in no time, reached out to Nix.
Merciless red eyes pierced him from the front.
At the same time, her hand was cut into the Nix's left eye.

* * *

It was around the time Roxana and Knicks had just started talking in the parlor.
The air drifting among the people staying in the outbuildings in the backing was
very dark and heavy.
Not only that, there was a strange sense of tension, and if someone blows in a
light breeze, it seems that it will burst with a huge explosion sound.
Noel eventually refused their repeated requests for conversation.
The antidote was delivered yesterday evening to a man poisoned by the Knicks, but
that was all.
The Knicks weren't getting any punishment and was still holding his head around,
and Noel seemed to just condone this.
Even Noel expressed no regret to them for yesterday's events.
Of course, Dante, a spokesman for Noel, said he was very sorry for this, and that
he would punish the Knicks as well.
But no one knew it was a lie.
I couldn't even know that Noel, the head of them, was distracted by the dolls and
didn't care about them as much as gasol.
Therefore, the doll of Noel, who is not very arrogant, could be installed and
carried without fear.
Moreover, yesterday's work rang a new alarm on them.
How dare dolls try to poison people!
In particular, unlike other dolls, the Nyx was a doll that could move arbitrarily
without Noel's command.
At the same time, he was a dangerous being who did not have human moral ideas.
When I remembered yesterday's Nyx, who laughed casually in front of a person who
had fallen after being poisoned, I felt a goose bump on his skin.
Eventually, some people left the annex to once again ask for a meeting with Noel.
However, their steps soon stopped.
Someone who was half-hidden under the shadow of a flower tree also found them and
looked back.
Those who saw the beautiful shaded face twisted their faces harshly.
"you… … !”
“Why will you be here again… … .”
But they couldn't talk any more.
Several pairs of pupils flew into something in Nyx's hand and red blood spots
scattered like camellia flowers beneath it.
It was one of the people staying in the annex that was held in his hand and
stretched out like a corpse.
The rapidly frozen air vibrated sharply.
Nyx's smile, like a spring flower that slowly bloomed in the middle, was the only
thing that suits the season.
“Oh my God. I caught it.”
A clear, singing voice disturbed my ears like a swarm of roaming bees.
That was the decisive catalyst.
At that very moment, the deep-rooted resentment that had accumulated so far
exploded in an instant.
Red butterflies, formed like drops of blood on the dazzling white blossoms, were
watching the situation silently.
The Knicks first escaped his patronage, pulling the body in his hand.
The resentful people turned openly and followed him.
However, the illusions that the butterflies had already shown disappeared, and
only the anger of those who had nowhere to come and go became an uncontrollable
flame and swept wildly around.
When they entered the main building where Noel was, they began to smash all the
visible dolls.
“Where did the Knicks hide? Give him right now... … !”
A fierce flame of emotion that will not be easily extinguished by anything.
That was the conflict and confusion that Roxana wanted.

* * *

“Has it started? It’s a little noisy inside.”

Gri Zelda glanced over the wall as if she were going to see through it.
As Roxana expected, she was approaching just outside the gates of Bertium.
But she also had nothing in her sight because of the thick wall draped in front of
her eyes.
“Once I came because it seemed to be fun, I wonder if there is room for me.”
Gri Zelda was hiding using her magic.
She didn't hear much from Roxana inside.
Then suddenly a man came into her eyes.
He was moving very nimble.
He could be said to be a seasoned assassin, seeing the appearance of moving
silently while hiding himself in the greenery around him. If Land Agriche was
alive, he was a very coveted person.
Grizelda observed him closely.
The man seemed to be looking around and looking for something.
However, he paused for a moment to see if there was any achievement, and the man
who narrowed his eyebrows finally opened his mouth.
“… … Is there a Miss Grizelda Agriche nearby?”
Gri Zelda flinched at her own name popping out of her stranger's mouth.
She looked more carefully at the man's face in the distance.
Upon closer inspection, the man with an eye patch on one of his eyes was a man he
had seen from a distance just before he left his mansion on his last day in
'You're a Fedelian person.'
Recognizing the identity of her man, Gri Zelda finally stepped out of her magic
gin, which was hiding her figure.
“You, Cassis Fedelian sent it?”

* * *

Dante was the first to notice the incident.

While waiting outside the parlor, he was called by a doll and made haste.
He moved shortly before he noticed a loud noise coming from a distance. Dante
hurriedly looked out the window in the hallway.
And he witnessed a terrifying sight.
“Where is the Knicks!”
“Get the Nyx right now!”
Suddenly, people who were pushed from the sponsor side were randomly beating the
dolls in front of them.
“You let Noel know the situation right now!”
Dante, who gave orders to the doll, soon began to run down the stairs in a hurry.
The doll who received the order also moved to visit Noel.
"come in!"
He couldn't be still in one place, and he was going back and forth in the room
with a restless seat. Noel's place was one of the vacant rooms located near the
“Why, did the Knicks send it?”
Noel ran in as soon as the doll came into the room. It was because if there was
any news, we had decided to send a doll to let them know.
But the doll shook his head.
“No, it was sent by Dante.”
"uh? Why?"
“Noel-nim's relatives from the sponsor have been looking for the Nyx and attacking
Unlike the calm voice that came out of her fine lips, the content in it was
Noel puffed his mouth for a moment, feeling his speech blocked for a moment.
“Why are you looking for the Nix?”
I asked it reflexively, but in fact, it wasn't without a guess.
Just yesterday, people who stayed in the outbuildings had talked about the Knicks
and roasted him sweetly.
Dante already knew that the Knicks had poisoned them.
But that's the story he gave you the antidote, isn't it over already?
“I don't know so far. But they were very angry faces.”
Noel was restless and asked the doll again.
“What about Dante?”
“You are going down first.”
“How many kids are broken?”
“From my last check, it seemed to be about 50 pitches.”
“Oh, that’s it already?”
Noel's eyes wide open.
Soon afterward, he couldn't do this or that a little while ago, and distorted his
face as if it was a lie.
“These bad guys! You wield such unilateral violence against noncombatant kids!”
It seemed like I had forgotten that I had broken the dolls served by Roxana just
three days ago with my own hands.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 119

A hot snoring spurted out of Noel's nose. He whispered quite angrily and ordered
the doll.
“You, go to warehouse 2 and get all the kids out there.”
All the dolls there were combat dolls.
However, I was not sure of the performance because there was no work to be used
normally and it has been quite a while since no maintenance work has been
Still, because of his temper, he couldn't stay still.
In addition, before Roxana knew about this, he had to resolve the commotion.
She was the prey that she might have misunderstood the beautiful Bertium if this
happened to her ear. That was something that should never be.
Noel groaned and grabbed her doorknob. And she wondered if she could hear a sound
in the drawing room nearby, so she opened the door as quietly as possible and went
Perhaps because of my mood, I seemed to hear a cluttered sound.
Noel's heart became more urgent.
We couldn't let the mob come to this place where Roxana was.
At any cost, I'd get the job done before I could do that, but in one case, it'll
be fine because there's a nick here.
The Nyx wasn't a combat doll, but he had a fairly good force.
He is a doll that he loves so much, so adding this and that function gave him a
reason that his stats were superior to other dolls.
Then, this time another doll came to him.
“Noel, Dante is injured.”
Noel cried out loud without knowing it. It was fortunate that it was already
somewhat far from the reception room.
Flames fluttered in Noel's eyes when he said that Dante was hurt.
“Go ahead and get a doll with healing skills! Dante shouldn't die!”
He forgot the reason he had been quietly moving the corridor so far, and began to
run down the stairs.
A new doll called him again.
“Noel, Dante… … .”
“Okay! I'll go right now!”
Noel seemed to have no time to waste even a second, swiping past his doll and
running to the place where the fuss came.
The doll tilted his head as he looked back at Noel, who started to move away in no
Since there was no other order from the owner, the doll went back the way he came
back to do his job.
However, the place he headed was not a place where dolls and people were roughly
intertwined, but in the direction of Bertium's main gate.
After a while, the doll said with a painted smile at the man who appeared in front
of him.
“Noel said he was coming right now.”
Cassis heard that and tilted his head.
What the doll was trying to convey to Noel was not news related to Dante's injury.
Contrary to Noel's thoughts, the words that the doll couldn't come up with
was'Dante-sama wasn't there, so I inevitably came to deliver the news to Noel.'
Originally, the order was engraved on the dolls to tell Noel, the head of the
family, what he deserved to know, to speak to his henchman Dante instead. It was
because of Noel, who bothers everything.
However, Dante couldn't be seen now, so he went straight to tell Noel the news.
There was no reason not to bring the people who came to deliver the contents of
the meeting of Yggdrasil, so the puppets immediately opened the door of Bertium to
Cassis took his gaze away from the smiling doll and fixed his gaze at the distant
Strangely distracting air was flowing to him.
“Then come this way. I will guide you... … .”
“I don’t need guidance.”
Cassis' steps moved in a different direction from the direction the doll was
trying to guide.
“Because I think I know where I am.”
Of course, it wasn't Noel Bertium he was looking for.

* * *

“Would you like to talk a little more like before?”

Half of my vision was red.
A sore pain was creeping up through my nerves, as if being worn by a heated
“Suddenly it became so quiet, not fun.”
The voice spreading far in the blossoms raised his gaze.
The image of the woman who made him like this was reflected through the white
fluttering petals.
Red blood was dripping from Roxana's hands hanging down her.
Of course it wasn't her blood.
Her Roxana's hand held Nyx's magenta eyes, which had just been removed.
She gave strength to her grip and broke it all at once.
Her heartless red eyes staring at Nyx at the classical figure were like a demon
descending from the fallen earth.
“If you kill me, your position would be very difficult.”
The Nix groaned, wrapping his bloody left eye with his hand.
His blue eyes were staring at Roxana fiercely.
“This is not just a blackmail. I am a doll owned by Noel, and you are a guest at
Bertium at Noel's invitation.”
Roxana Agriche wasn't an ordinary bet.
As she said, he didn't really need a poison butterfly until he got him here.
Of course, it wasn't just the Nyx that was hurt by the workshop that continued
from the reception room.
But for some reason, she was still moving limp as if Roxana wasn't affected at all
by her injury.
Is it because it is not a fatal wound?
The Nix had been eager to find a gap in Roxana.
However, for some reason, she couldn't see any chance to dig into her.
So I was about to get out through the terrace as a later method.
He looked for other dolls to be used as a liaison and shield to communicate the
situation to Noel and Dante, but somehow, a shadow was not noticed. This was
clearly unnatural.
“If you hurt me at Bertium, not anywhere else, you will never be able to skip it.
With that in mind, Noel will try to hold you in any way.”
As he turned around and moved to a place where the noise came, the Nix heard the
voices of those looking for him.
The voice, which was exaggerated, certainly belonged to those in patronage.
Hearing the clamor, the Knicks were forced to stop.
All of them were looking out for the Knicks.
I was getting tired of the clear malice handed down from afar.
Far from getting help, even if you go there, it will only increase the risk that
you are inflicting on yourself.
Suddenly, the words Rok Sana said in the parlor passed her mind.
She couldn't figure out how the hell had done the trick, but she seemed to be
convinced that that was her job.
“And after all, you're a guest through Fedelian.”
Noel and Dante seemed to have their feet tied over there. It was evident that
dumb dolls were also mobilized to stop the humans of patronage.
Otherwise, there was no way he would not linger near one ant cub like this.
That meant that the Knicks had to get out of the woman's hands on her own without
any help.
“Then, isn't it even more embarrassing? Your defeat might even hurt Fedelian.”
“That's not something you worry about.”
Rolling her head and whispering cunningly, Roxana's face didn't get any shade.
“I think it’s you who have to face the situation more straight ahead than me.”
One after another, the cold smiles reflected in his sight, and the Nix suddenly
hardened his face.
“Officially, you'll be dead at Bertium's hands today.”
At that moment, the Knicks clearly realized the purpose of Roxana's widespread
'Isn't it going to kill me right now and then charge the people who don't support
Seeing the grim red eyes as if on thin ice, Nix was convinced that he was right.
In Nix's mouth, abusive language was spit out.
An eerie, cold smile appeared on Roxana's face.
“By the way, seeing you chatter like a rattling rat in a corner, it seems that
unlike other dolls, your lives are not multiple?”
At that moment, the Knicks instinctively escaped.
However, Roxana immediately followed up and attacked him without hesitation.
In her hand was one of the daggers Nyx had on her body.
It was her snatching what her Knicks had thrown to ostracize her when she walked
out of her through her terrace earlier.
Crushing liquid!
Some of Nix's golden hair was cut off by a sharp blade.
Roxana again reached out to the Knicks, who turned her head up.
It was an elegant movement, as if she was dancing in a ballroom.
The images of the two people reflected in the fluttering petals look beautiful out
of context, and I might have admired it without knowing if someone had witnessed
But at the end of the step I took lightly forward, red blood surely splattered.
Each time the hand moved without mercy, drawing a sharp trajectory, the flesh
cracked and bleeded.
The Knicks weren't just getting hit either.
However, with the exception of the blood stains left on her, the traces of the
wounds on Roxana's body quickly disappeared.
Nyx didn't know, but her body was recovering automatically.
On the other hand, the Knicks were all full of scars.
However, despite the fact that he wore a few things that could be called fatal
injuries, he persevered alive.
But the limit certainly existed, and the Nyx finally fell on a pile of flowers
piled up like snow.
While Roxana's wounds were steadily recovering, the Nicks were getting more and
more serious injuries, so it was natural.
'A strong bitch.'
The Nix was half-desperate and shouted.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 120

It was the first time I had been injured so much.

It seemed like a beggar, but he hadn't given up yet.
Noel will be able to fix quite a few things if you have only breath.
still… … .
“Damn, damn it hurts… … ..”
Unlike the dolls who do not know the pain, he felt pain.
It was one of the damn shortcomings of this body.
Roxana stood in front of Nyx and stared down at him acutely.
The murmuring sound was getting closer and closer.
The Nyx's resistance was stronger than expected, and it was delayed longer than
“Your purpose is to stop this body completely, right?”
Cool luck, Nix, who trembled and vomited a bloody cough, said to Roxana.
“Then broke my heart. Because what holds my soul is the magic engraved on it.”
Roxana could see that she wasn't lying.
As Nix said, it was clear that no other fatal wound had a decisive effect on him.
Then it was right to attack the heart, the weakest point in the body.
In the end, it meant killing the Nyx in the same way that Asil died.
White blossoms fell from the flower tree above her head.
Light and flowers blended and fell over the bloody Nyx. For a moment, my gaze met
in the air.
'I shouldn't take my eyes out.'
Seeing Nyx lying on a pile of white flowers, Roxana regretted a little for the
first time.
Nyx, whose alien magenta eyes disappeared, reminded me of him more than when he
was intact.
Still, Roxana moved her hand to take his last breath.
At that moment, Nyx's lips became small and sweet.
“It's Sana.”
Roxana's hand stopped at the moment when a whisper soft enough to feel sad was
mixed with the wind and spread to his ear.
It was just a moment's hesitation that seemed like an instant.
Nix's hands flooded between those moments.
But it didn't reach Roxana.
“Where are you reaching those dirty hands now?”
Blood splattered from Nix's hand, which was running straight toward Roxana, and a
soft voice flew into her ear.
Shortly thereafter, a familiar hand grabbed Roxana's body and pulled it.
As I raised my head reflexively, the face of the person I had missed reflected in
my view.
Everything happened unexpectedly, so Roxana couldn't even question why he was
After getting a reasonable distance from the Knicks, Cassis once touched her body
with her gaze, as if to check her condition of her Roxana.
When he found the blood spot, his eyes cooled.
However, there was no big wound on her, and Cassis turned her gaze forward again,
thinking to deal with the obstacles in front of her.
"This… … .”
It was at that moment that Cassis' face instantly changed the temperature.
It was shortly after she confirmed the Nyx's face resembling Roxana.
"Ahh… … .”
The Knicks groaned holding his hand past the dagger thrown by Cassis. Blood was
running out of his half-cut hand.
Ironically, he, a puppet, seemed more susceptible to suffering than humans.
Roxana kept her gaze away from the painful face.
In her eyes, there was not even a warm feeling in her eyes.
But what Cassis found in Roxana's sore face, she lowered her hand, no longer she
attacked Nyx.
“Nix! Miss Roxana... … !”
At that time, someone's shout stuck in my ear.
It was Dante.
He managed to get out of Abi Gyu-Hwan first, and his forehead was torn, and his
face was covered with blood.
Dante, who found Cassis, stumbled.
“Cassis Fedelian… … Why are you here now?”
He seemed to be embarrassed to see the sudden appearance of Cassis.
As a result, Cassis' deep blue gaze flew into Dante's face.
“I think the question should be. How on earth has this happened?”
Dante, who received a sharp glance from the front, hardened her body.
“Why is Roxana being threatened at Bertium?”
“A threat... … .”
“I saw with my own eyes that the man was attacking Roxana.”
Dante's glance flew to the side.
As he said, there were minor wounds on Roxana's body.
The Knicks were worse than that.
'Damn it. What happened while I was away for a while.’
Without knowing the details, it was clear that the Nyx's strategy of feeding
Roxana with her poison and binding her to Bertium had failed.
However, I was wondering why it was here, not the reception room.
If I had been quietly inside the building, I would never have encountered Cassis
In addition, Cassis Fedelian couldn't figure out why he came to Bertium at such an
unfortunate time.
“Besides, that face resembles Roxana in an unpleasant way.”
Dante was compelled to flinch at the sharp points that followed.
I saw Noel running from there.
It seemed that he succeeded in completely subduing the people of patronage by
using battle dolls.
Making dolls in the corner of the room every day was a job, so he seemed to be
overwhelmed with just moving his body.
Noel, who ran out gasping with dolls behind him, opened his eyes when he saw
"What is this! Are you hurt? It's bleeding!”
The other people next to me seemed to have no concern.
The chill in Cassis' face grew stronger when he saw Noel clinging to Roxana and
making a fuss.
Roxana smacked Noel's hand outstretched without hesitation.
Then, finally, Noel's eyes reflected the Nix behind Roxana.
“Oh, Nick!”
Dante quickly grasped the atmosphere.
As long as Roxana is alone, I don't know about it, but as long as there are nobles
of Qing, the current situation is not good.
Once there was an eyewitness, it was impossible to cover the atrocities of the Nix
who attacked Roxana.
“Nix, did you really attack Miss Roxana?”
The gaze of Nyx, who was groaning as a man, reached Dante.
Dante looked down at the Nyx and shouted.
“I knew it, but it's really out of remedy.”
Shortly after Dante took off his gloves and stretched out his right hand, the
Knicks slid forward.
He wasn't dead, he had stopped functioning.
Considering that Nyx's body wasn't that of a normal doll, he could have stunned
From the gleaming pattern on his right hand for an instant, Dante seemed to have
similar powers to Roxana's thug, Emily.
“Nee, Nicks!”
Noel looked at the Nyx lying on the floor and looked like the sky had collapsed.
It was such a terrible face that anyone thought the Nyx would die.
“You've made a great excuse, Miss Roxana.”
Dante's hand grabbed Noel's arm as he tried to run to Nyx.
“He is a doll, not a human. That's why it's incomplete. In very rare cases,
there are cases where it breaks down. So unexpectedly, such a big accident
When he heard him, Cassis said in a cold voice.
“Are you talking about it now? Quite poorly for an excuse.”
“I have nothing to say except to say sorry.”
While listening to Dante's words, Roxana's eyes also sunk cold.
“We will dispose of that broken doll properly.”
He was going to go as if everything had been the Knicks' dogmatic act.
A cold smile spread over Roxana's face.
“To entrust my service to such a dangerous doll... … .”
Yes, if so, I was willing to use it here as well.
“I felt it since I was invited, but I wonder if Bertium always treats guests in
this way.”
Her cold words confused Noel and opened her mouth.
He stuttered, anxious, afraid that Roxana would get angry.
“Ah, no, Luna. That's a misunderstanding... … .”
“Don’t call me anything like that.”
A gaze like a piece of glass pierced Noel's face.
At that moment, Noel stopped breathing, as if his heart had been locked.
Subsequently, Cassis and Roxana's eyes met.
Cassis' head moved small. As if he had to do whatever he wanted.
“Dante. You told me a little while ago you did a great excuse for me.”
Roxana turned her attention this time to Dante.
“If so, is it okay to assume that Bertium also feels deep regret for what that
doll was doing?”
Dante's face hardened shallowly as her eyes demanded an answer.
But he couldn't be silent forever, so he finally opened his mouth.
“… … That's right."
“Wouldn’t it be good to show sincerity?”
Dante bite her lips again.
Somehow, she felt that things were going unexpectedly.
However, Noel, unaware of Dante's pace, just hurried to soothe her Roxana mood and
hit her.
“Well, then! Of course you have to mark your surname. If you want anything, tell
me... … .”
“That doll.”
However, the ensuing demands of Roxana forced Noel to blush her mouth.
“I want that doll.”

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 121

Originally, Roxana intended to kill Nicks after making her infight on Bertium.
In the end, however, her original purpose was unsuccessful, and it was
unreasonable to kill the Nyx, which belonged to Bertium, in front of them as long
as Dante and Noel were holding on.
Besides, at first I was simply thinking of killing him, but now my mind has
changed a little.
“In the first place, that’s my brother’s body, so it’s enough to get it back.”
And now, next to her was Cassis, Fedelian's successor.
From Bertium's point of view, he had no choice but to be conscious of his eyes,
which can be said to represent another family.
The situation was different from when Roxana was alone at Bertium.
“Even if not for that reason, the Knicks are the dolls who attacked me invited to
Bertium as a guest, so he thinks I have the right to ask for his recruit.”
Roxana's red eyes sharply looked at Noel and Dante.
At that moment, Dante's eyes trembled.
It was because Roxana pinpointed the fact that he was secretly paying attention
not to speak in front of Cassis by mistake.
In Bertium's point of view, a more serious matter than the Nix attacking Roxana
was the fact that his body was human.
Dante was shamelessly seized as if it wasn't even possible to lure Roxana with the
Knicks in the first place.
In the beginning, there was no clear explanation or designation for the Nyx even
in the invitation that could be evidence, so I thought I could take off the
“Miss Roxana. I understand that you are angry, but there is a misunderstanding.
The Nyx is just a doll made to resemble Roxana Yang by chance... … .”
“Well, that can't be! The nicks were given to me by Land. He might have been
your brother before, but he's my doll now. Now it's mine. No matter how Lunara,
the nicks... … .”
However, Dante's lies were blocked by Noel's gossiping words.
It was a stupid thing he couldn't even imagine, so Dante stopped speechless.
Oh, this man is really... … .
I wondered if I could not do this even if I couldn't figure out the situation.
He wouldn't be able to fit, but Dante wouldn't have a tantrum like this if it was
a little bit different.
If you can't help, I'd rather keep your mouth shut!
“What does that mean?”
As expected, Cassis' subdued voice hit the ear.
“The story of using the human body as a material for Bertium's puppetry is very
Dante realized that the work was getting bigger and he felt the headache again.
“I think there is a need to clarify this part in Bertium.”
Cassis took out a crumpled letter from Yggdrasil and handed it over to Noel.
Noel picked it up and narrowed his eyebrows.
“It is finally decided that on the first day of the month, all five families will
gather in Yggdrasil.”
It was then that Dante realized what was the reason Cassis visited Bertium.
It was the first news that Roxana heard.
“At that time, I will formally request Bertium for a detailed explanation of this
matter. If that doll's body really belongs to humans, it's not easy for other
families to pass it over.”
Dante soaked low.
But Cassis' words didn't end there.
“Until then, I will keep the doll here.”
“That’s not possible.”
Dante refuted, hardening his face.
“Isn't there any evidence that the Nyx's body belongs to humans? There is no
reason to follow such one-sided demands at Bertium.”
“It was already testified through your cahieftain's mouth, is it denied?”
"that is… … Our chief confuses the memories.”
Although it was an excuse and it was hard to say, there was nothing else to say.
“It's a memory confusion. Did Bertium's chief have such a force?”
A smile, half mixed with sarcasm and ridicule, passed by Cassis' face.
At that moment, Noel couldn't figure out the situation again, but Dante stopped
“Besides, the Nyx's body is now on the verge of being destroyed. Without Noel's
puppetry, we will never be able to recover.”
"right! Take it now and the Nyx will die!”
Noel, acting as if he had not yet figured out what was going on, shouted at
Dante's words, changing his eyes.
While Dante was eager to avoid taking the body of the Nyx, which is evidence of
human material, Noel was worried about dying because he couldn't fix the Nyx as it
“If you're worried about that, you don't need it. There are technicians like that
in Fedeli.”
“That makes no sense… … .”
Dante refutes, but Cassis ignores him and steps away.
The next moment Cassis fell to the floor and lifted the bleeding Nix. It happened
before Noel and Dante could even stop him.
“Stop going back.”
Men Cassis said, looking back at Roxana, holding the Nix on his shoulder.
Seeing those two, Noel puffed his mouth.
"awhile! Who are you going to take Luna and Knicks with?”
Soon afterward, a bright blue glance stood in Noel's eyes.
His eyes, full of hostility, were pointing towards Cassis.
The battle dolls waiting behind him began to prepare for attack.
Quaang! bang… … !
At that moment, an explosion sound that was clearly distinct from the noise up to
now covered the whole Bertium.
It was a huge roar enough to shake the goal.
Dense dirt arose from the back of the main building.
At the same time, the sound of something falling apart and breaking filled the
“What is suddenly?”
“What is this!”
Noel and Dante were terribly surprised.
At first, I thought the people in the outbuildings that were suppressed were
trying to riot again and destroy Bertium altogether.
But soon a lightning-like enlightenment ran past Dante's head.
A sharp glance flew into Cassis's face and stuck.
“Do you have any company with you?”
Cassis asked calmly.
“I have one, why do you ask that?”
“I’m surprised, but where is he now?”
“Here you are.”
But as if Dante was waiting for him as soon as he finished speaking, a thick voice
rang in his ears.
“According to the situation, I was preparing to go back as it was not an
atmosphere to stay for a long time.”
At Isidor's words, Cassis nodded as if he had done well.
When he heard that, Dante crumpled his face.
Kwaang Kwang!
Again, a thunderous sound ripped through the air.
The explosion was quite simultaneous.
In Roxana's opinion, this seemed to be Grizelda's work.
“That way!”
Then, something worried happened.
As if there was a gap due to the explosion a while ago, the people of the patron
who had their feet tied up by making dolls broke through the line of defense and
were running toward this side.
Quaang... … !
“Noel! I won't let you go!”
“You treat us like this!”
“The Knicks are there too!”
Perhaps because of the fact that they were relentlessly suppressed by battle
dolls, people who were even more frantic than before, pouring a curse on Noel,
Even those who had been quietly in the outbuildings of the patronage heard the
turmoil and joined, and the number of personnel was huge.
Dante had to feel like he was really going to change.
Noel felt serious too, and his face turned white.
Noel hurriedly glanced at the rushing men like crazy bulls and the Nyx on Cassis'
shoulder with shaking eyes.
In this situation, even if the Nyx was not taken away, it seemed that it could not
be protected from the people in the sponsorship.
If I didn't see the Knicks dismantle in front of him, that would be good enough.
“As the situation is like this, it will be difficult to see you off. Let's see it
in Yggdrasil.”
Cassis said so and turned around.
There was no reason to be here anymore, nor had the time to do so. Dante urgently
tried to stop him.
Roxana had no more to see Bertium, so he turned without hesitation.
In time, a quiet groan flowed from Noel's mouth. Eventually he clenched his teeth
and ordered the battle dolls to attack.
“… … Stop them!”
But what they blocked was the people of patronage who were close to the front.
“Noel! Are you really going to let them go like this?”
Dante also screamed incredibly at Noel next to him, stopping those attacking him.
“Then what? In this situation, even the Nyx cannot be protected! Besides, the
walls are falling apart now!”
“But still!”
Dante was amazed by Noel's long-awaited common-sense judgment. But that was it,
and this was this.
Getting the Knicks out of Bertium like this... … .
But soon there was no room to waste time in this way.
Following the walls, the roaring of the building and the shouts of people struck
the eardrums.
Eventually, Dante couldn't afford to worry about anything else anymore.
The explosion continued until the guests who visited Bertium crossed the gates.
Bertium, who was as beautiful as paradise, became a mess with this incident.
Although they managed to suppress the raging mobs, their anger had already
deepened beyond help.
Even in a distracted situation, a doll was sent to search for the explosion, but
there was no human shadow there.
He just found the faint traces of magic that couldn't be known behind it.
Of course, no evidence was found that it was Fedelian's work, so Dante was forced
to quietly shout.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 122

* * *

Although I had been at Bertium for only a few days, it seemed that a fairly long
time had passed.
The huge noise I still heard there seemed to be a loud buzzing in my ears.
As I moved out of Bertium, I kept thinking differently.
The warmth suddenly touched my cheek, which was indulged in thoughts.
As I lifted my gaze, Cassis' face staring at me came into my sight.
The place where his hand passed was where he was attacked and scratched by the
Nicks at Bertium.
The wound was already healed, but it seems that blood stains still remained.
Cassis moved his hand as if wiping it off.
Subsequently, his hand touched the previously cut ears and other minor wounds.
My Nyx's blood-soaked hands were also cleaned by Cassis.
I looked at him quietly and finally opened his mouth.
“Lant, who killed you?”
Cassis' hand, who had touched me with a still question, suddenly stopped moving.
Suddenly Cassis' eyes had changed a little.
His gaze clashed in the air.
Soon he took his hand away from me and his lips that had been closed.
Cassis' voice that followed was so low that it was felt without an accent.
“I killed it.”
I wasn't surprised to think that either Deon or Cassis would have killed Rant in
the first place.
I asked again.
“How was that person's end?”
Maybe this was something I shouldn't say to Cassis. But… … .
I couldn't swallow up the poison that had spread deep into my heart, so I spit out
the sincerity of this moment.
“I wish that person's end was very painful.”
Cassis wrapped my hands on both cheeks. Then he looked into my eyes from the
Then, a quiet question, close to a whisper, ran over me.
“If there's anything you want me to do, tell me.”
It was a straight and sincere look as if I would do anything I wanted without
It was clear that he, too, easily inferred the reason for this through the
conversation within Bertium.
I closed my eyes in case my heart would be read by him.
I want to kill Rant Agriche, who has disgraced Asil until his death.
I want to kill Noel Bertium, who had to raise Asil's body and hinder his rest.
And at the last minute, I hesitated like a fool and want to kill me who couldn't
kill Nix.
The fiercely raging flesh stabbed like a thorn.
When I thought about the Nyx, who would be loaded like luggage at the back of the
wagon, a faint chill spread in his chest.
"Please hold your hand."
So I asked him what he needed now.
It might seem a bit absurd, but Cassis immediately reached out his hand to me.
But instead of holding his hand at my request, he pulled my body and wrapped it in
his arms.
Warm warmth oozes from his tight body.
While I was in Bertium, I felt my bones ache, but I felt warmth in my body because
I was attached to Cassis like this.
Cassis' arms tightly clamped my waist.
Slowly, the slow hand sweeping down his back slowly returned to his peace of mind.
I foreshadowed that the time of peace that I had been fully enjoying for a while
in his arms was over.
With the things I wanted to do and things to do, it was clear that I would be busy
again in the future.
I leaned my cheeks against my head as Cassis asked me to speak at my slow call.
“I will be Roxana Agriche again.”
Cassis' hand, which had been slow for a moment, supported my neck.
After that, a feathery kiss fell on my forehead.
"okay. Do whatever you want.”
Cassis said he would not let me go no matter what, and I trusted him.
I didn't mean to give up either.
“You keep by my side too.”
So, when I greedyly demanded, the power of Cassis that embraced me became even
Again, Cassis was willing to tell you what I wanted to hear.
“I will do that.”
I also hugged Cassis more tightly.
Unlike in the past when I was alone, I was fortunate to have him next to me.

12. Another transition

“How long will you be staring like that?”

The stillness, which was heavily crushing the surroundings, was finally broken.
A sparse gaze strove across the shattered remains of silence.
“I would rather try to stab me with that knife in my hand.”
Deon stared at the woman who had already been sitting by her bed for a while.
Sierra was sitting in her chair without moving, looking at Deon in front of her.
His lowly screaming voice did not contain any emotions.
Looking at the dryness, it seemed that the current situation had nothing to do
with him.
It's been a while since Deon was confined in this narrow space with the freedom of
his body suppressed.
In the meantime, he continued to live with the three women strangely.
The three women were, of course, Roxana's mother, Sierra, Roxana's heirs, Emily,
and Sierra's maid, Beth.
Deon was resistant to quite a bit of poison, so he wasn't very affected by the
terrible scent of sleeping in his room.
But he stayed silent as Sierra wanted.
Sierra used to visit Deon every day, as it is now, to guard his bedside.
Deon knew that it was not the purpose of nursing him.
Her eyes, staring at him, were always opaque, as if covered in a thick veil, and
her touch of occasional daggers in her sleeves had a faint murderous touch.
Finally, Sierra's lips were wide open.
“Yes, I've imagined stabbing you hundreds of times.”
A calm voice tickled Deon's ear.
Sierra did not deny Deon's words.
When Deon was in Agriche, he thought it was surprising to see her like this that
he had never witnessed.
Maybe she didn't feel it because she didn't have such a long face-to-face with
Sierra at the time.
Whatever the case, the Sierra now drew inspiration from Deon, unlike before.
But as the days passed, Deon thought that the man in front of his eyes was stupid.
She has had so many opportunities for her so far, but she never touched Deon
She still thought that before she got out of Agrich, she showed Landt her
unexpected look and she was a little surprised.
However, wasn't that weak personality a property that could change quickly?
“If you could harm someone with just your thoughts, you would have already been
But she was simply too far-fetched to think so.
Sierra put her dagger, which she was holding, on her lap.
Deon's gaze flew into the sharpened blade and stuck.
“Aren’t you courageous?”
“The courage to hurt people or the courage to get my hands dirty?”
Their voices were consistently calm and quiet.
Both of them seemed to be unaware of their relationship, woven by resentment, or
the special situation now in which one of the two limbs is bound.
“Look in my eyes. Whether I didn't or didn't.”
The apparently suppressed side was obviously the Deon side, but there was no
feeling of tension or contraction from him.
Even Sierra was naturally accepting it.
Only Emily, who stood on her wall, was still watching Deon.
Sierra wanted to talk to Deon alone, but she, as usual, was opposed by Emily.
But she was, in fact, that she already knew that Sierra wouldn't make much
difference in dealing with Deon wherever her Emily's position would be.
Perhaps she doesn't even know that Emily.
But she was still faithfully fulfilling her master's command to keep Sierra's
Knowing that, she hadn't convinced Emily.
“I have been curious about it all the time.”
Sierra, while she lived in Agriche, she faced Deon's face, and what she wanted to
ask a few times, she took out of her mouth.
“What did you think of when you killed him?”
Her brief answers followed one after another after a moment that was so short that
she would laugh in vain compared to her hesitating time.
Deon said right away without any worries or hesitation.
It was still a dry voice, and no emotion was felt in it.
Sierra wasn't upset because she had already expected it.
But she asked him something else this time.
“How did you feel when you tried to kill Rant?”
“That too, nothing.”
“What if Mary dies before your eyes?”
“You keep asking for meaningless things.”
It was a consistently dry voice.
Deon's eyes and expressions looking at Sierra were not very different.
So she could see him in the Sierras without shaking.
“You are the monster that Rant made up.”
A silently frozen voice broke through the eardrum.
“I hate and despise you so terribly.”

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 123

It is true that she cannot cheat blood, and Sierra's face now resembles Roxana
very much.
This was especially the case with his disgusting cold eyes staring at Deon.
However, the words that followed were not in Theon's prediction category.
“But I pity you that much.”
At that moment, Deon's expression, which had never changed until now, moved very
Sierra was like that to her words without stopping towards him.
“Maybe I'm the only one who sympathizes with you in this world.”
That was the first word I heard of Deon's birth.
“And I deserve to despise you and to sympathize with you.”
Who dare to pity him so far?
“You’re funny.”
Moreover, that opponent is Sierra. While she was alive, she had never imagined
“There have been times when I have been suspicious, but are you really insane?”
A ridiculed cynicism arose in Deon's mouth.
“Then, did you mean that you saved me because of that little compassion?”
But she didn't shake at all who drew her change from him.
“I'm not trying to say anything like forgiving you. It is impossible even if I am
born again.”
Like Deon just a while ago, this time Sierra shouted in an unfeeling appearance.
“But I… … .”
And with the added words, the more intense anticipation in Deon's eyes was young.
"okay. Because I know you who killed my son could die for my daughter.”
“It really turned. You're talking crap like that.”
“No, it's not bullshit, you're really Sana's faithful dog. If you bark, you will
bark, and if you die, you will pretend to die. You don't seem to know it
After leaving Agriche, Sierra seemed to have lost her fear.
“In any case, the reason why I didn't let you die is no different. Because you
still have use for my daughter.”
Otherwise, I couldn't put him in front of him like this and spit out without
“People who are useful survive. It's Agriche's way.”
If that's the reason why Deon was saved, it couldn't be helped.
“It's all that far to make fun of your mouth without fear. It's getting harder to
Deon coolly warned Sierra.
“Do you think it would be a great grace to bring me and heal me in Agriche instead
of leaving me alone? Well. I don't think it's enough to be able to live a life
even with a shout.”
At that moment, Emily, who was standing against her wall, stepped forward.
It was clear that he realized that the energy that exuded from Theon's body had
But even if it is, did you dare to stop him with your own strength?
Deon's smile was covered with thin ice.
“It makes me look ridiculous for being belittled by thugs.”
He moved his hand to break the shackles that covered his wrists and ankles.
“Let’s finish the uninteresting game at this point.”
Until now, it was Deon's own unsuitable tolerance that had matched her rhythm to
Deon waited patiently for her to stab him with that knife now on her lap.
Perhaps there was a very faint expectation melted in that waiting.
However, she did nothing and consumed all the opportunities Deon had given her.
This was enough to pay for her life.
But she, as Sierra argued, that if she said from the beginning she had no
intention of killing him, she wouldn't be too disappointed in her position.
“Yes, go to my daughter.”
Sierra also seemed to know the worthlessness of the tools that bound the Deon.
She was not at all surprised or embarrassed by the current situation. The same
was true of Emily, who was next to her.
“Go to my daughter... … .”
Deon stepped down on her floor and looked down at Sierra sitting on her chair.
“Anytime I die for that child. Because it is the life that saved me.”
The gaze from the top was eerie and sharp like a blade.
However, Sierra seemed to feel no fear.
It seemed that her sad eyes would stab her like that at once.
Eventually, however, Deon ran past her without touching her finger on her Sierra.
Their curious time that was kept so over time was over.
In the meantime, there was no time to be aesthetic as much as I had consumed more
days here than I expected.
Deon immediately left the neutral zone and moved to Agriche.

* * *

Agriche, who returned after a long time, still has traces of the past.
As time passed, from late winter to early spring, the landscape of Agriche was
still desolate.
Deon briefly captured the appearance of the mansion that had a much more secluded
feeling than his memory.
That way.
Finally, his steps continued inside the mansion.
Deon returned to where he first stood after going through several rooms and places
where he had a battle with Land Agriche.
In the meantime, I didn't meet anyone because Deon killed the miracle to avoid the
However, it was also because the number of people staying in the mansion decreased
to an incomparable amount.
“Wait, what are you there?”
About the time Deon was about to leave the mansion, the first person to find him
Deon's gaze slid in the direction of the sound.
“Huh, Deon?”
The man who recognized his face took a breath.
He was one of Deon's half-brothers, and of course he was outside Deon's interest
until now.
So, without delay, Deon turned his expressionless face back to the front.
“What, it’s Deon?”
“Is that really?”
The voice I spit out a while ago was quite loud, and I could hear other people who
heard the sound groaning.
There was certainly no Roxana in the mansion.
In fact, although I thought it was unlikely that she would be here, he had only
seen it because he thought it was worth checking.
He had done what he intended to do, and he had no reason to stay here.
“Oh, wait a second!”
Deon left the voice calling for him and stepped out without hesitation.
He suddenly disappeared this time, just like when he first entered Agriche's

* * *

"What? Who came?”

Jeremy's eyes were crumpled like a sheet of paper.
He had just returned from Yggdrasil.
But as soon as he passed the door of the mansion, he heard some bullshit in his
“It was Deon, really.”
“I haven’t seen one nose peep until now, what’s going on?”
“But as soon as I came, I just went. I guess I just stopped by.”
“What the hell is going on?”
“I know that?”
The surroundings quickly became noisy.
Everyone was busy telling the story of Deon, who disappeared after a brief
There was a mixture of positive and negative reactions, but surprises and wonders
were in common.
For an instant, a sharp glow passed through Jeremy's eyes.
I don't know where or what the hell he did, but it was most likely that Deon came
to Agriche because he was looking for Roxana.
Everyone stopped by the mansion for a surprisingly short time and then disappeared
again, so the credibility increased.
There is no reason for Deon to be interested in Agriche other than Roxana.
With Roxana in between for a while and watching Deon up close, Jeremy was also
keeping a close eye on him.
'By the way, why is this cub being quiet for a while and then suddenly popping out
and fucking? It will just be buried and woven anywhere as before.'
Still, not only Jeremy, Deon seemed to have found Roxana yet, so I liked that.
However, as I remembered Deon's face in my mind, I could feel the irritation that
was under the hem of his chest even if it was not.
Jeremy took out of her mouth what had made her planting uncomfortable all the time
from the time she got out of the Uygdrasil.
“Everyone knows that because there will be a social gathering in the Yggdrasil
sooner than that.”
"What? social?"
"okay. All five families are finished talking to attend.”
Everyone looked at Jeremy as if it was what it was like to eat grass.
“We have to go there too?”
Strictly speaking, it was natural to say that the reason for planning this
uninteresting social gathering was the antagonism between Agriche and Fedelian.
They roared loudly enough to get their ears sore.
The majority of opinions were why we should do such annoyance.
Of course, Jeremy agrees with it.
A social gathering, what doesn't it mean to be funny?
The result of the meeting where the heads of the five families discussed head-to-
head was only at this point. It was a job to grab a boat and laugh.
However, what was already decided was decided, so it could not be helped.
Jeremy headed for her stairs, leaving behind her brothers, who were all obsessed,
and still mumbling.
“I would rather have Deon become the leader… … .”
It was then that a small murmur, like self-talk, pierced the eardrum.
At that very moment, Jeremy's feet, who had just stepped over her stairs, stopped.
“… … What did you say now?”
A voice that was so low that it felt so humid scratched the floor.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 124

Jeremy turned around.

The curious glance was precisely flying towards the person who muttered a while
In an instant, the silence subsided.
I felt a sense of tension, like thin ice, seeping into the air like poison.
Still, everyone knew how to grasp the mood, and everyone was shut.
However, as a result of a quick look, I could see that it wasn't the only one who
was talking about the same thing.
A twisting laughter leaked out of Jeremy's mouth.
To let these cubs roll down... … .
I felt very dogmatic and fucking.
Of course, it wasn't for them that Jeremy felt like this, but he was persevering.
So, they didn't have to recognize Jeremy's hard work.
But what made her feel dirty was dirty.
“It’s not even wrong.”
Suddenly, a small voice came out from somewhere.
“When I think about it, I made a decision too hastily. I did it because there
wasn't a situation, but if you look for more, there might be someone who can do
better than you?”
It was her half-brother who had been aiming for Jeremy's place since Agriche was
Knowing who had cleared up the situation to this extent, it was quite ridiculous
to reveal it like a monk when the light on her instep went out.
“Why don’t you really bring Deon?”
"right. Deon will be able to overcome such nasty situations.”
“If we unite, wouldn’t we be able to press all other families?”
One by one came a person who opened his mouth to her first arousing remarks.
All these idiots seem to believe that they can destroy other families with the
power of a cotton bat one by one with the power of a bat on the subject that has
been stubborn.
It was clear that everyone had a stone on their head, not a brain.
Moreover, even if it was possible, it was far from Jeremy's ideal.
So, it was obvious that if Deon or anyone had such a rash, he would have plucked
the throat with his hand.
“Yeah, I think it would be better to have the evaporated Deon cubs here than me
who have been rolling out of bones for you.”
A slow voice ran out of Jeremy's mouth.
The quick-noticed person felt the ominous energy lurking in it and shut his mouth,
but the one who didn't stop stopped and teased his mouth.
“No, rather than necessarily… … .”
“Jeremy, you're young too. Isn't it too much for you to carry your family?”
“Yes, since the words of Lee Wang came out, how about deciding the head again?”
“Or, decide the turn and do it all together.”
So, in the end, this was the main point.
He took out the name of Deon, made him feel like he was, and uttered a lengthy
introductory note.
In the end, it wasn't long before he revealed such a shallow inside.
“It’s fun.”
Jeremy's head twisted to the side.
The dark hair, which was a little longer than last winter, distorted the shape
following the movement.
People's gaze again came to Jeremy at the kicking, and the sound of laughter.
“You guys, I look stupid.”
There was a thick smile on her handsome face.
As her seasons changed, she had lost a little, so her Jeremy's face had a bolder
line than before.
So the smile on his bite looked even more prominent.
“Yes, it is worth it. Come to think of it, I've been quiet for a very long time.
Right, huh?”
It was a voice that felt kind at first, but it was a subtle life that rose in it.
Come to think of it, she hasn't had time to properly rebuild her room because
she's been busy dealing with the outside work.
All that are here now were wild beasts.
Land Agriche, who was holding them down, disappeared and Jeremy took over, but it
was a period that wasn't enough to engrave it deep into the bone.
So you can easily see him in this way and talk about that kind of thing without
But on the other hand, it makes sense for them to do this.
Before Agriche became this way, Jeremy had a control device called Roxana, because
he only acted according to her will.
However, there was no more Roxana here.
“I'm a real idiot too.”
If so, what else is the reason to be patient?
"okay. Fuck everything, just.”
Jeremy, who gained her enlightenment, smiled brightly.
Shortly thereafter, his new brother, who was in front of the stairs, quickly
disappeared from view.
The very next moment, a loud noise thundered through the mansion.
Patter... … .
In a blink of an eye, Jeremy, moving among the people across the street, loosely
grabbed and pulled up her hair, which had been groaning in her hand.
Then the man's head was raised on the broken marble floor.
He had already lost his consciousness without even screaming out of the dead.
“Yes, it would be okay to show who has the upper hand in this character.”
His spine was so chilly that his gaze slowly ran past the astonished center.
Jeremy casually threw her hairpin in her hand to the side.
After that, Jeremy raised her bent legs and stood up from her seat, and everyone
tense her body and watched him.
“After all, there is a limit to what a person treats nicely. right?"
However, Jeremy, who was confronted alone with a large number of personnel, was
still in a relaxed manner.
He laughed again, pulling up the tail of his mouth with his hands hanging down.
“Okay, you want that so I’ll kill everyone here today.”
The division that has begun once begins to grow in size as time passes, and
eventually, whether it is late or early, is bound to cause anger.
If so, before that happens, it's better to take the initiative and show clearly
who's on top of them.
If you can't admit him, you can only make him admit.
According to the logic of the power of the weak flesh and spirit embedded in
Agriche, according to the law of the simple, ignorant, and naked beasts.
“Who are you now crawling without fear?”
Jeremy's blue eyes flashed eeriely.
“Look with your eyes open.”
Today, he was to be the true owner of the loose beasts.

13. Immediately after conversion

After leaving Agriche, Deon looked around to find the traces of Roxana.
However, the time had already passed, and it seemed that it was too late to find
what he wanted.
At first, there were too many traces from outside.
In addition, the people of Agriche had a habit of erasing their own traces, and
especially Roxana was too adept at such work.
“… … .”
Suddenly, Cassis Fedelian, whom I had seen on my last day at Agriche, came to

<flashback><i>“I was told that I was chasing Rant from the underground prison, and
I tried to give you a chance, but was it not enough?”</i></flashback>

Deon's eyes sank unparalleledly cold.

I thought maybe that day Roxana and Cassis Fedelian had met and left Agriche
But… … .
Recalling the last Roxana I saw in Land's office, it was thought to be impossible.
She didn't know that it was only to provoke Cassis Fedelian's name from time to
time in front of Theon.
If Roxana had been going to go with Cassis, he would not have brought Fedeliyan to
Agriche that day.
Deon raised his body, which had been bowing, with one knee on the floor.
Then he rubbed his fingertips and scattered the dry dirt into the lukewarm air.
Deon decided to follow the most obvious method.
It was a refusal to waste any more time on unclear things.
He changed his target and began to pursue Grizzelda's trail.
Even while in Agriche, she was Roxana's hidden ally.
Although she was actually a ally to call her, she was, somehow, a faithful helper
of Roxana and a useful intelligence network.
If Deon knew that Zelda was Grizzly, she certainly had a foreboding that in the
meantime, she would somehow find Roxana's whereabouts and pursue her.
Thus, Theon moved on the very faint traces of Grizelda.
Soon after, he arrived at the border of the neutral zone.
Even in the same neutral area, the land was so large that the distance from where
Sierra was staying was considerable.
Moreover, it wasn't the place where the city was, but the outskirts.
Perhaps Grizelda stayed here for a while and then moved to another place a while
The direction that followed this time was the southwest.
Deon's gaze turned to the lush forest where Grizelda's footprints continued.
Just then, his name, which someone called out loud, struck my ear.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 125

As she turned her head to her familiar voice, it was Mary who came into her sight.
She wore her dress as elegantly as when she was in Agriche and stretched out a
However, Maria was running toward the side where the deon was in a hurry, so I
wondered if her high heels were broken.
The hem of her rich chimat spread like petals following the violent movement.
“You really are!”
Maria, who confirmed Deon up close, exclaimed in an exhilarating voice.
“Where and what have you been doing so far?”
On the other hand, Deon's face was still insensitive.
Even life and death were not confirmed with each other.
However, Maria was used to such deon, so she accepted it casually.
She glanced through her eyes from the tip of her head to the toes of her son in
front of her.
Deon also looked fine without any burnt place.
A look came to Maria's face that she thought it would.
“Are you with Sana?”
Mary asked, looking up at Theon again.
She figured out her answer from his dry face and before she even heard the answer.
Immediately a second question followed.
“Then have you seen Sierra?”
The speed of her questioning was so fast that she wondered if the reason she was
glad to see Deon was actually to ask this.
“I think the mansion was cluttered that day and Sana sent it out in case Sierra
was injured. I can't find where it went.”
Maria spoke as if she couldn't waste a minute.
“Aren't you with Sana until the end that day? Don't you tell me where she sent
Deon looked down at Mary silently for a moment.
He remembered Sierra, who had stayed in the same space not long ago, and then
opened his closed lips.
“To the east.”
Deon left that one word and started walking past Mary.
"East? East from here?”
Maria shook her head as if she knew it, and then she started walking with Deon on
her back.
So, a short reunion ended in no time.
Maria and Deon had no more conversations than with Jeremy.
However, neither of them thought it strange, nor did they even care about it.
Deon went into the forest and moved for a while.
Then finally, at the end of the forest, his foot stopped high.
If it's a place that leads in this direction... … .
A soft voice crossed through the light that swept in the woods.
Just like the eyes of the person Maria was looking for, the sky was endlessly
Deon did not know of course what would be waiting for him at the end of his path
from now on.

* * *

The wagon stopped at a point completely outside of Bertium's realm.

Isidor was the only one who accompanied Cassis, but there were two other
attendants who managed the carriage. They moved to do their own work during the
Cassis and Roxana also got off the carriage.
As soon as it flew, I could see the hawk landing on Cassis' arm.
He seemed to be flying the entire West towards the Fedelian.
Roxana also called the butterfly and sent it away. The destination was Grizelda.
No matter how much I thought about it, the explosion at Bertium seemed to be
Grizelda's job.
How did she know she could help her so timely?
Is it just a coincidence?
The explosion sound was still being heard until exiting Bertium, but it was
probably the triggering of the shamans that had been drawn in advance.
So, it was thought that Grizelda would have escaped Bertium safely.
When Roxana was so briefly immersed in other thoughts, Isidor came to the side.
“Sir Winston.”
“Well, at Bertium… … .”
He opened his mouth as if he had something to say to Roxana.
However, Isidor suddenly stopped talking, frowning his eyes, and seemed to be
anguish for something for a moment, then shook his head.
"no… … it's nothing. If you are going to check the condition of the doll in the
luggage compartment, go with me.”
But being so blatantly spoken, Roxana opened her lips to ask why.
“I’m done with my business, so I can go with you.”
Then Cassis came.
He seemed to have sent the hawk that was with him.
Isidor was about to stop talking to Roxana while trying to tell her about meeting
Grizzelda at Bertium.
Of course, Cassis didn't order to keep the matter a secret, but I suddenly
wondered if it would be okay to speak out at will.
"Yes, I understand. Then I will step back. If you have anything to say, please
call me.”
So, when Cassis appeared, Isidor stabbed for nothing and quickly nodded and
stepped back.
It looked very natural, but it wasn't enough to escape Cassis's and Roxana's
animal sixth sense.
Both of them felt suspicious of Isidor's appearance.
Besides, somehow, Isidor's gaze, who last briefly stayed with Roxana... … .
Roxana narrowed her eyes, feeling subtle.
Looking at it, Isidor used to look at her from time to time before her with the
same eyes she is now.
What should I describe in those eyes?
If I have to describe it, should I say that it seems like seeing a person who has
been cheated by a scammer and mortgaged his life... … .
Well, of course, it wasn't exactly the same, and this description seemed
exaggerated, but it was a bit similar.
Even now Isidor seemed to be hiding something from her that she couldn't say.
"What is it? Do you have anything to say to Isidor?”
Roxana's gaze to Isidor
Asked Cassis, who noticed her stay.
His gaze followed Roxana to Isidor.
Somehow Isidor seemed to avoid Cassis' gaze.
“I’m just grateful for your attention.”
Roxana smiled and said as if nothing.
After that, she calmly led Cassis to the Knicks.
However, I did not forget the unnaturalness that Isidor had seen a while ago.
It seemed like I had to ask Isidor separately later what he was trying to say.

* * *

Agrilyche's mansion was filled with a heavy silence.

There was blood on the floor. There were also red spots on the wall.
It was a sign of a fierce battle that took place a while ago.
“The nerds.”
A slender voice echoed in the quiet lobby where the tense air sank like debris.
A girl with her rose-red hair fell on her floor and looked at her half-brothers
groaning with pathetic eyes before moving her steps.
As I followed the blood-stained footsteps on her floor, the familiar back quickly
came into view.
Jeremy, feeling her presence, looked back.
“What, did you follow because you wanted to be like them?”
The bright blue eyes were clearly visible even in the dark.
“Then come on.”
It was a ferocious air current that seemed like if she took one more step in front
of her, she would run at it and bite her throat.
Jeremy also suffered minor injuries after a one-on-one fight. But he still seemed
to be full of goodwill and blood
"done. I don't want to go out and bite.”
Charlotte frowned at Jeremy as she began to reveal her ugly energy.
“Then why are you crawling out and groaning? I will wipe my feet and fall asleep
as I did.”
Even with Charlotte's words, Jeremy still responded sharply.
Something with her other siblings a little while ago, and Jeremy's poor feelings
didn't make any sense at all, and Charlotte didn't get upset.
She just noticed that she was so uncomfortable to plant that she thought she was
good at hiding her figure until the turmoil subsided.
She had been caught between her other brothers for no reason, and she almost
couldn't escape the filth.
“Roxana, where are you?”
At her next moment, Charlotte's question in her ear squeezed Jeremy at the tip of
her finger, which had been drooping down her.
“Did you know?”
Charlotte said that Jeremy would know Roxana's whereabouts, and she had no doubts.
It was different from the facts, but she didn't have to tell.
Jeremy reacted shyly without showing off.
“If you know what.”
"Just curious."
Charlotte looked at Jeremy like that and made a "as well" expression.
“I make Agriche like this, and where and what I do now.”
“Why is Agriche made this way?”
Jeremy's face frowned.
He was unfaithful to her Charlotte's words.
Of course it was a lie, but she didn't have to point the arrow to Sana at this
point where she dared to reveal the truth.
But Charlotte, how did this clever girl know that?
Even when she pulled Lant out of the headroom before invading within Fedeli, it
was Deon that made her name publicly, and Roxana never came to the surface.
But she seemed to be sure she was already convinced that Charlotte was behind all
that and that she had Roxana.
She asked Charlotte in a subtle tone.
“Of course not.”
Jeremy replied as if it were a polite sound.
"okay? Then not.”
She thought it would bite more and stretch, but unexpectedly, it was a plain
Charlotte convinced that she just knew what Jeremy said.
“I was just curious and tried to ask. I don’t want to tell you.”
After saying so, Charlotte turned around.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 126

Jeremy stared at her back with narrow open eyes.

What is it? She stepped back more gently than she thought, and she felt rather
With her sharp eyes for a moment, Jeremy, who looked at Charlotte's back and
weighed something about her, eventually stepped out of her seat.
The place where his steps were headed was where Charlotte was.
Charlotte turned around, feeling the popularity she was getting close to.
Shortly thereafter, she hurriedly evaded her body from an attack shot at her.
Her long red hair fluttered in the air, and Jeremy's hand broke through the wall
instead of her target.
“Ah, why are you suddenly attacking and frantic!”
A blade-like gaze reached at Charlotte, who reflexively pulled out her whip and
“When I look in the back of your head, I feel like I'm talking bullshit to other
"no it's not?"
It was this time that Charlotte got her nervous, crumpling her face.
“It's been annoying since before. She doesn't get along with her, as if she's a
chick of any kind, Roxana smacks behind her sister. I really vomit.”
The reason Jeremy is setting the blade for her now was so obvious.
Anyway, from the past, Roxana, Roxana.
Charlotte expressed her irritation, recalling Jeremy, who had been following
Roxana's back to the point where she was jingle since childhood.
“I don’t need your understanding.”
Jeremy screamed at her Charlotte and then attacked her again.
At the same time, Charlotte stepped back on her back, swung her whip and tied
Jeremy's hand flying at him.
After that, Charlotte was sarcastic.
“What, he said that what I said was wrong. Because of this, my brother seems to
be punctured and sensitively.”
"not really? It’s just because your face is annoying today.”
Jeremy grinned as if it were the same, and pulled violently at her whip around her
A sharp shim embedded in black leather tore his palm.
However, there was no hesitation in Jeremy's movements, as if she couldn't feel
her pain. Charlotte looked at him with a tired look.
Due to the difference in her strength and weight, Charlotte was forced to be
dragged by Jeremy.
She rather used her inertia to attack Jeremy, but even blocked it.
“Madam, you don’t say anything weird!”
Just before Jeremy smacked her, Charlotte cried out in her really unfair voice.
"It's not a lie! I was really just wondering where it was, so I asked! I wasn't
sure about Roxana's sister before, but you know I'm not!”
At that moment, Jeremy slowed down her arm.
“How quiet have I been since I was beaten by her when I was a kid!”
Charlotte's cry full of resentment was even gruesome.
When she listened, it was correct, and Jeremy stopped her movement for a moment.
Of course, her Charlotte's character has remained the same.
However, she did not attack Roxana at some point.
In her old days, she quickly climbed up on her and smacked Jeremy watching from
her side.
So Jeremy said she did and she guessed she did when he wasn't witnessing and she
was blown up once by Charlotte Roxana.
She was afraid that she was nothing anyway. Like that, when my sister looks at
me, I'm sure it's going to be quiet.
Even now, Jeremy's thoughts were the same.
Yes, after all, people will climb if they do well.
Just like the cowardly guys he took care of a while ago.
I also felt a little proud as I thought that I was good at applying them now.
But all of a sudden, Charlotte's speech was annoying.
"Hey. What's the title of “that woman” to my sister, it's anti-lock.”
In the end, Charlotte, who was beaten by Jeremy, screams for her.
Still, unlike when I dealt with other brothers who had made a super carcass
earlier, it was a weak hand that looked at the situation in its own way.
“I will tell you everything when Roxana comes!”
Charlotte sharpened her poisonous eyes.
In this case, the personality like a poison frog was the same as before even when
I got older.
“I'll tell you how much her brother trembled and acted on her tyranny without her
Charlotte provoked Jeremy openly, not even being friendly with Roxana enough to
rush to her in that way.
Because she knew he couldn't move with Roxana.
But at that moment, Jeremy stopped in a different sense than her Charlotte
Her Charlotte's words were a tone of no doubt that Roxana would come back to
Of course she doesn't know the details, so she might think so, but still… … .
“Yes, yeah. When Sana's older sister comes.”
The air surrounding Jeremy suddenly loosened a little.
Charlotte was determined to be hit by her one more, but she was rather nervous
about his reaction, which was different from what she thought.
However, Jeremy removed her hand from her for not intending to punish her
Then he turned back with a face that felt better than before.
At first, she wondered if there was a different one, but Jeremy really started
walking with her Charlotte behind.
'what. Are you just going like this? Really?'
She couldn't believe it, but it was true.
Charlotte had no choice but to look at Jeremy as she fell away with her eyes mixed
with her doubts and her suspicion.

* * *

Whiperion's air was muddy.

The reason was Orca.
After Pandora, Orca, who returned to Whiperion, has been sprinkling dark energy
for more than a week.
“I'm ruined… … . This life is ruined... … .”
Even today, he was sitting by the window, staring out the window, muttering gloomy
All the agony and heartache of the world seemed to sit down on his shoulders,
weakly drooping below him.
There was even a bottle of alcohol in his arms.
“Do it moderately.”
Pandora saw that and kicked her tongue.
Just looking at Orca's back in the head has conveyed his demise and frustration.
“How long will you be so fascinated?”
With her uncomfortable mind, Orca turned to her at the words of Lin Pandora.
“Sister, isn’t it too much?”
His expression was saying,'How can you say that?'
The expression that even felt betrayal made him speechless for an instant.
“Because my sister is also a demon, you know better than anyone how deeply I am
feeling lost!”
It was.
Pandora knew why Orca was doing so like the man who lost her soul.
And he even understood the mind very well.
So she almost avoided Orca's gaze without even knowing it.
However, Pandora had a mission of his own, assigned to him by the chief.
“Yes, you don’t know your heart because it’s me? However, just because you are
stuck in the corner of the room does not make the disappeared monsters come back.”
The reason Orca behaves like a man who has taken out her soul is because she lost
a lot of the monsters she had in the morning.
He left Fedelian one step later than Pandora, who was forcibly sent to Whiperion.
The news, of course, reached Whiperion. After that, there was no contact from
Orca for some reason.
So I wondered if Orca had an accident somewhere else, and the people of Whiperion,
including the chief, were feeling ominous and anxious.
Eventually, the head of Whiperion did not see Orca and left for the meeting of
Then Orca, who had lost contact with him, returned to Whiperion.
However, he was picked up in a carriage inside Fedeli and returned home.
The Fedelian messenger said that he had found Orca lying in the open field while
traveling to Yggdrasil and brought him there to protect him.
I was curious about what had happened, but Orca seemed to have no mind to explain
the situation in detail.
Even Orca had the stupidest face ever.
She was and she was dressed in unconventional mode.
Pandora felt a question and asked where he had sold all four trinkets.
Then Orca replied with her face full of collapse.
Incredibly, Orca said that he had lost all the trinkets he had on his body,
namely, monsters.
When he heard the news, Pandora opened his mouth with a flag.
Yes, he's been doing something stupid, so it's natural that he has a stupid look!
Only then was Pandora convinced.
Of course, in addition to the accessories that I had at the time, there were more
gems engraved with the monsters in Whiperion.
However, no matter how much I have lost all the monsters I have always cherished
enough to carry on my body at once, it will not be a big blow.
So Orca fell into such a deep disappointment and was spreading a dark energy in
all directions.
“So, how long will you be so dull?”
Pandora thoroughly read Orca.
“You said you should go to Yggdrasil soon. For the rest of the time, you can
catch new beasts and tame them and change your mood.”

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 127

The head of Whiperion decided that he could no longer overlook Orca's indulgence.
So, at this social gathering, he was going to take him at any cost.
Before that, it was Pandora's mission to somehow help Orca regain his energy.
Pandora wanted to say “Why am I?” but she also had a mistake, so he couldn't help
It was quite inconsiderate even now that she did her rudeness and expelled from
inside her Fedeli.
Pandora used to kick his blankets every night in the intense shame and
embarrassment that comes every time he recalls it.
Somehow, so the head of Whiperion took his work at Fedelian as a reminder and
entrusted Pandora to work with Orca.
She had actually left her a job that no one else would have done.
Still, this time Orca reacted differently than before.
“I told you yesterday! Are you closing your ears again?”
As if she remembered something she had forgotten, a twinkling light flashed in
Orca's eyes.
“Sister, do you know the list of attendees coming to Yggdrasil?”
But somehow, it wasn't a lively look, but a flickering look, so I felt the steamy
feeling of Pandora.
“How do I know that.”
“Then do you know your uncle?”
Suddenly, Orca showed the enthusiasm that had evaporated as if washed for a while
and lifted her body from her window sill, which had been sitting on her astride.
He casually put down the bottle of liquor he had in his chest and began to head
toward the chief's office.
Following Orca's flying steps, his long light blue hair, tied together, shook like
a blue bird's tail feathers.
Pandora looked at Orca's back with an ambiguous feeling.
'Anyway, I haven't put in much effort yet, but I feel like I've gotten up right
Thinking so, Pandora stepped out of her seat to move back to her room.
However, for some reason, she was forced to look back at the place where Orca had
disappeared because of an unknown sense of anxiety that she climbed on her back.

14. Princess and Prisoner

It took several days to travel from Bertium to Fedelian.

So, by the time I arrived in Fedelian, I had completely regained my composure.
The somewhat serious Knicks injury was almost healed by Cassis over the coming
His half-cut hand and bleeding left eye were now neatly repaired. Of course, that
didn't mean that the lost eyeballs didn't come back.
I asked if I could just hold my breath, but Cassis healed Nyx until there were no
visible scars.
Although the kernel has changed now, I felt that the body was still my brother,
Asil's, and that he was giving respect in its own way.
When arriving in Fedelian and taking out the Nyx in the luggage compartment,
Cassis moved directly without leaving him to Isidor or others.
He lifted the Nyx over his shoulder as he did at Bertium.
"brother! Roxana!”
After hearing the news of our return, Sylvia ran out after a month.
“I've been waiting since morning, but now... … uh?"
She looked at the drooping Nyx over Cassis's shoulders, and opened her eyes.
Although he healed the wound, his blood remains intact, and Lanix is now bloody.
On the other hand, I had been struggling with him at Bertium, and Cassis purified
me, so I had a neat way to go without any blood stains.
This is the reason why Cassis said that he would treat him'in his own way'.
Cassis only healed Nyx's wounds, but did not provide any convenience for anything
Because of Cassis' personality, it would have been possible to pay close attention
to this part.
But seeing that it didn't, I didn't seem to like the Knicks that attacked me very
“What, who is it? Why are you so hurt? Oh, and it turns out, why is Roxana's
clothes ripped? No, now I see her hair cut off too!”
Sylvia launched an offensive of questions.
She had her clothes ripped here and there, so she borrowed Cassis's clothes to
wear them, but Sylvia noticed my accident with her hawk's eyes.
Her hair was only slightly cut off the side of her ear, so I thought she wouldn't
be spotty, but I thought it was my own thought.
“It's okay, Silvia. I am not hurt.”
First, I reassured Sylvia. Then she opened her mouth again to explain the
nickname she was curious about.
“And this man… … .”
“Ugh… … .”
Just then, a small moan tickled my ears.
The sound flowed over Cassis' shoulder.
All of us who were at the table turned to the place where the groan had been
The Knicks, who had been unconscious all the time, were trying to wake up at this
"What… … Hey… … .”
He slowly blinks his unfocused eyes, wriggling his body.
However, the Nyx's body was tightly tied with strings and could not move as
His eyes suddenly opened up as if the Knicks realized it too.
At that moment, Sylvia took her breath and took her step back.
As far as I can see, the appearance of the Knicks right now seems to appear in
horror movies.
He had a bloody body, one open eye, and a glimmering glance in the other, still
"what… … ! Where are you! Where did you bring me!”
Besides, what about that venomous Goseong?
Nyx screamed, struggling with him.
Of course, Cassis is holding him tight, so he couldn't get out of where he is now.
It was obviously quite annoying though.
Nix's struggling, twisting vigorously with his limbs tied, looked like his
fluttering shrimp drowning in boiling oil.
He was sprinkling ashes on the image of Asil that was left in my memory.
Naturally, I felt very poorly.
“It's noisy, so shut up. No, I'm just quietly fainting until I allow it.”
After working coldly, I struck Nyx's neck hard and knocked him out at once.
If the stomach had been exposed, he would have stunned him by hitting the
myeongchi, but he couldn't because the Nyx's position was prone.
Suddenly Isidor, who was behind Cassis, infiltrated.
“After all, wealth… … Is there anything in between... … .”
He muttered to himself he didn't know the meaning. His voice was so small that he
couldn't hear everything he said.
However, Cassis raised his eyebrows to see if he knew what Isidor's words meant.
Somehow, his expression didn't look bad.
“I think I should lock it up before I wake up and start a riot.”
“Let's put it in jail just as I said yesterday.”
After briefly discussing the treatment of Cassis and Knicks, he turned his head
and saw Sylvia opening his mouth wider than before.
She was looking at me with open eyes.
At first I wanted to know why, but soon I could see why.
Oh, it's because of your attitude toward the Knicks. Come to think of it, I had
never seen anything like this in front of Sylvia.
The moment she tried to open her mouth, wondering if she was surprised, Sylvia
said first.
“Can I call her an older sister?”
I stopped at unexpected words.
Perhaps because of her sunlight, Sylvia's golden eyes were shining more intensely
than ever.
“I want to call you her sister. Can't it?”
When I didn't answer, she asked again in a voice that felt so earnestly.
When I looked around, it came into view that Cassis was staring at my sister with
strange eyes.
I looked back at Sylvia and allowed it.
"no it's okay. Call it whatever you want.”
Immediately there was a bright smile on her face.
“Yes, then I’ll call you an older sister. happy!"
I felt weird because she seemed to really like it.
Suddenly, I could see Richelle and Jeanne approaching behind her on Sylvia's back.
“You are here.”
"I'm home."
Richell narrowed the eyebrows after taking a look at us and the Knicks.
“It looks like something complicated happened at Bertium.”
After Jeanne, she asked a little with her stiff face.
“Both of you, where did you ever get hurt?”
"It's okay now. Thank you for your concern.”
Her gaze stayed at me for a long time, so I replied with a small smile.
“Who is that? Somehow the feeling is strange.”
Richel's eyes toward the Nyx were sharp. Cassis explained to him.
“This is Noel Bertium's doll. They say the body belongs to a real man. I will
explain in detail inside.”
At that moment, Richell's face stiffened.
“It’s a doll made of human flesh?”
His eyes became sharper than before.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 128

Richell looked at the Nyx like a new one.

The only thing she could see was the back of the Knicks and the back, but
Richell's eyes seemed to see something more than that.
“It feels different from other dolls I've seen before,” she said.
Finally, Richell narrowed her eyes and let out her heavy voice.
“Come in. I think we should have a long talk.”
After that, she took Nix to jail, and she again met Cassis's family, this time
We described what happened at Bertium.
As the story continued, their faces hardened.
“Yes, certainly this is not something you can just pass over.”
Lissell whips her chin. He, too, didn't seem to be thinking of taking this job
We decided to share a longer story about the Knicks and Bertium again tomorrow.
Cassis's family returned to the room saying that they would be tired after
traveling a long way because it was too late.
So we returned to the annex together.
“Are you here!”
Ollin greeted me first.
Having heard the news that Cassis and I were back, she stood waiting for us from
the entrance of the annex.
“I’m glad you came back safely.”
Ollin seemed to have been worried about me a lot.
Of course, her face was still close to expressionless, but it was a feeling that
her eyes and voice were slightly elevated than usual.
"It's been a while, Olrin."
I also greeted her face to face. At that moment, her Olin's face was slightly
flattened, and she soon hardened again.
“Are you hurt?”
This time, Olin's gaze touched the place where Sylvia's gaze passed by.
"no. OK. It's just the clothes torn.”
"But… … .”
Cassis covered my shoulder and said to Olyn.
"Afterwards. Now she needs a break.”
At his words, Olin receded straight away. Cassis led me inside.
"Thank you for your concern."
I told her before passing her Olin.
Then she looked her head down as Olin slightly relaxed her stiff face like her
Finally Cassis and I completely entered the annex building.
Even while we were not there, the owners were well maintained, and the annex was
not empty.
It was time for the sun to set, and the reddish yellow sunlight was leaking from
the windows in the hallway.
Cassis, who stopped in front of the door, quietly raised her hand and touched my
I looked up at him, leaning her face at an angle to Cassis's hand, gently sweeping
her cheeks.
“First wash and come out. The users must have prepared it in advance.”
In fact, Cassis has consistently used the cleansing ability to keep it clean.
"okay. See you a little later.”
However, there was a problem with my mood, and even if I didn't, I wanted to have
time alone, so I nodded silently.
So we broke up for a while.

* * *

As I entered the bathroom and soaked in the bathtub, my thoughts again shifted to
Nyx, who is now trapped in a Fedelian dungeon.
Cassis, guarding the prison front, said he'd let you know as soon as the Nyx wakes
But, he said, looking at his condition, he wouldn't wake up at least until the sun
rises tomorrow morning.
As he recalled what had happened at Bertium, a faint fever ran into his head.
He said that sooner or later, all five families will be gathering at the
There would also come Noel Bertium, whom I had seen a while ago.
On the way home from Bertium and back into Fedeli, I suddenly remembered the news
of Gri Zelda that she had received from her poison butterfly.
After all, she had escaped from Bertium.
Grizelda left a short message to me.
[See you at Yggdrasil.]
Grizzly, Zelda seemed to have heard about this meeting.
In the name of “Roxana Agriche,” I was planning to visit the Ugdrasil again, where
I started last winter.
Certainly the people of Agriche, represented by Jeremy, will also be present.
So, I will be able to meet Jeremy and her face again after a long time there.
Even if Bertium and the Knicks hadn't worked, Jeremy was thinking of contacting
Jeremy sooner or later.
If the child I knew, it was clear that she would wait for me forever, even if she
had no promise.

<flashback><i>“If I… … Will you come back if I make Agriche a place where your
sister can laugh?”</i></flashback>

She never gave up on me, who didn't answer me in the end, as if she was holding
Agriche alone like that.
So this time it was my turn to visit him first.
I suddenly escaped from the lukewarm water.

* * *

Now the sky was purple.

As soon as I saw the sun outside the window almost set, I realized that I had been
in the bathroom longer than I thought.
Hagiya, I recognized it from the time the water in the bathtub cooled down like
"come here."
Cassis, washed out before me, came to my room.
When I saw me in the room, I got up from the seat where Cassis was sitting.
“Simply eat anything.”
As he said, the table was ready for a meal.
While moving from Bertium to Fedelian, I also had a simple snack, but it wasn't
the right meal.
“Have you been waiting a long time? I think I came out pretty late.”
“No, I just came.”
It seemed not for some reason, but Cassis replied so.
I didn't want to worry about him either, so I sat down as Cassis led me.
However, I didn't eat much because I didn't have an appetite. Cassis only looked
at me silently, and he did not force me to feed me anything more.
“My hair is still wet.”
After calling the staff and organizing the table, Cassis instructed one of them to
bring a towel.
Then he sat me at an angle on the side of the sofa and dried my hair with a towel
When I listened to Cassis, I raised my arm and put my hand on his head.
Fine-grained hair wrapped around my fingers. As expected, it was a very soft
“Then you are all dry. You waited a long time, right?”
As he said that, he turned his head and made eye contact with Cassis. He made
excuses, frowning around his eyes.
“My hair is shorter, so it's natural to dry it first.”
The white towel again covered my view.
Cassis's gentle touches closed her eyes.
It was a feeling that the mental fatigue that had accumulated unknowingly was
relieved little by little.
“I see, Cassis.”
Then I opened my mouth as the thought passed by.
“The wound on my body heals by itself even if I didn't treat it separately?”
It was a very new point now.
Then it turned out that I was focused on other things at Bertium, so I naturally
skipped this part for some reason.
Of course, while I was here, Cassis checked my body again and told me that I was
okay too.
But Cassis didn't say anything else, and I, too, became distracted by the Nix, and
even when I felt doubts about this matter, I never even asked him about it.
I looked at Cassis, asking for explanation.
Then Cassis glanced at me for a moment, then put his towel down and stroked my
face with his hand.
No, I didn't turn my head to touch it right now, but just answer... … .
But somehow, the air flowing around Cassis and me was very green and tickled, so I
was hesitant to break the atmosphere.
… … Am I weak in this atmosphere?
I don't think this is the first time I have been shutting my mouth like this in
front of Cassis for some reason.
When I was in such a boring question, Cassis' hand slipped and tickled my ear.
His thumb gently rubbed his auricles, and the other fingers moved as if repeating
the round shape of his ears.
Along the way Cassis' hand flowed, there was a harsh sensation that was difficult
to explain.
Then, finally, he touched my earlobe. He was originally wearing an earring, and
it was the very part that was cut by the Knicks.
Cassis' touch at me and his gaze at me were kind and tender.
However, Cassis's words were not recited.
“When I first found you at Bertium, if you hadn't looked at the doll and made that
look, I would have killed him right there.”
As he said, the life emanating from Cassis facing the Nyx at that time was
enormous. For a moment, I felt like suffocating there.
It was also evidence that Cassis was thinking about me.
Soon Cassis whispered, looking in my eyes from the front.
“That doll can't hurt you.”
It was a very straight and solid voice.
It was a firm voice without agitation, and it was that firm voice.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 129

I realized it wasn't difficult what Cassis meant to say to me.

"I know."
So, I also covered his cheek with his hand and said without shaking.
“I know he's not known.”
It wasn't simply saying empty words or lies that weren't in my heart to reassure
“So you don't have to worry. OK."
For a moment, the thing that showed a gap to the Nix was overflowing even once.
So I will never tolerate it twice.
I knew that what Cassis was concerned about was hurting my heart.
Cassis knew what Asil was to me.
When I was in Agriche, I had to hide the acyl that remained inside me from being
undetected, and I myself did not want to show it to others.
But now I was able to share all these feelings with Cassis.
It seemed fortunate, and on the other hand, I was a little happy.
I didn't want to show my weakness to Cassis before. But now, I could naturally
reveal that part to Cassis.
“I'm glad you came.”
That doesn't mean I'm weak, I just know that I don't have to deal with all my
grief alone anymore.
Whispering like that, I first touched Cassis's lips with my lips.
The sense of breath and breath being mixed into one was sweet.
I breathed in his scent deeply as if coveting the breath that was stuck deeper.
Cassis did not push me away as if he would be willing to give me anything, but
rather moved his hand from my face to his back and pulled it tightly.
Soon he dig deep into his mouth.
While kissing, I suddenly felt as if I had forgotten something, but it soon
disappeared because of an incomparable, intense stimulus.
Suddenly I was sitting on Cassis' lap.
I didn't know if Cassis pulled me or if I came first.
Whose will came first, what does that matter?
Cassis' hand, flowing down suddenly, gently swept over the outline of my body.
Then, the moment his hand touched somewhere, a brief groan leaked out of my mouth.
At that moment Cassis stopped moving.
It seemed to me that I had just noticed that the sound I was making was slightly
different from usual.
The lips that were in contact fell.
When I lifted my eyelids, Cassis' eyes, staring at me from close, came into view.
“No, it’s not because I’m hurt.”
As I said, Cassis' expression did not change.
“Isn’t it really?”
He checked again.
I don't believe it's really okay.
It seems Cassis thought that the source of the sound I made right now was the
injury suffered from Bertium.
I stroked Cassis's eyes, which were slightly harder than before, with his fingers.
Then, looking at him, he folded his eyes small and laughed slowly.
"If you're really worried, would you like to check it yourself?"
At that moment, Cassis' breath stopped.
Still staring at Cassis, I grabbed his hand and pulled it.
I was dressed as I wore a robe after bathing.
I had Cassis hold a string that was loosely tied between his chest and waist.
Cassis' eyes narrowed in an instant.
His bones and tendons bulged slightly from the back of Cassis' hand, which was
close to my hand.
His eyes, staring at me, also sank.
The air flowing between Cassis and me seemed to be a little thicker.
But the overlapped hands moved slowly together.
As the loosely knotted strings loosened slowly, the fastening of the gown became
A thin hem flowed slightly under one shoulder.
I moved Cassis's hand again, grabbing the overlapping part in the front and making
it open.
The gap in the gown was wider than before, and my inner skin that was hidden
inside it was also revealed.
At that moment, Cassis' hand stiffened, holding my robe.
At the place where the movement stopped, my breath, which was a little smaller
than before, flowed lower.
His eyes, finding something in my body, stayed in one place.
When I saw Cassis, I tilted my head and explained.
"It's a magic spell, but there's no other place where you can't be seen by
The only thing Cassis touched my body a while ago and unwittingly touched me was a
red jewel the size of his nails.
As the Bertium told Nix, other than the earrings that Grizelda had given me, I was
holding them in close contact with piercings in an invisible place.
However, now that he has returned to Fedelian, and the magic was about to end, it
was no longer useless. So I thought to take it off my body.
Cassis looked at her white skin and contrasting red jewels, making no movements or
saying anything for a moment.
Then finally, his slowly moving hand touched the surface of the jewel.
As I moved my body a little, Cassis opened his lips and let out a soft voice.
It didn't hurt. It was just a little, my sense of touch became sensitive.
As the healing power of the body improved, it seemed that he healed better than I
thought without a temporary place.
uh? Come to think of it, I was originally talking to Cassis about this issue.
But soon Cassis' hand began to slowly swim through the sensitive area, and other
thoughts began to push away.
Cassis touched my skin with an irritatingly weak force.
Cassis' eyes were also stuck in the places he was touching.
After a while, Cassis covered his face with his hand, which he had removed from
A fierce gaze turned to me over the hand that swept away from his eyes to his
The heat that could not be hidden from the eyes that flew to me came.
“… … I didn't intend to do this today.”
The voice of scratching the eardrum was dull. It was so clear what he wanted.
“What should I do?”
I saw that cassis and pulled up the tail of his mouth shallowly.
“I'm thinking like this.”
Then he bit the lower lip of Cassis.
A repressed sound leaked out of his throat.
Immediately Cassis hungryly swallowed my lips.
The tongue, piercing through the open lips, grabbed my tongue and rubbed it
strongly. A stiff fricative rang in my ears.
At the moment, the body floated into the air. Cassis held me up.
Now that we were sitting on the sofa, we wanted to go to bed.
But the place he put me down was a table just two steps away.
As he was seated there, his legs naturally spread, and Cassis' body came in
between them.
I was a little surprised at the unexpected seat selection.
But Cassis swept up my thigh exposed under the gown as if it was a waste of a
minute and a second.
"Sigh… … .”
After a while, the sticky tongue was released.
Cassis sucks my upper and lower lip alternately, bites his chin, and goes down.
Shortly thereafter, his hand grabbed the robe that had half-covered my body and
peeled it completely under his shoulder.
A heated breath of unknown who belonged flowed over the steep air.
The sensation of the hot hand sweeping the inside of the thigh was clear.
At the same time, Cassis' lips, biting my skin and lowered down little by little,
touched the part of the sofa he had touched with his hand.
“Ah, Cassis… … Om.”
Cassis sensitively began to slowly lick the heat.
Carefully tickling around the red jewel, finally, groaning burst into his mouth at
the stimulating feeling.
His waist bent and his upper body leaned backwards without knowing it.
I felt his hair, flowing behind his shoulders, drooping on the table.
However, Cassis's arms were tightly bent around his waist and back to support him,
so he couldn't escape the stimulation he gave.
“This is… … Ugh, is that your taste?”
I intertwined my fingers between Cassis' hair and asked a question with breath
mixed in the field.
It was a reaction beyond expectations, and it was surprising and strange, and it
was also a feeling of wanting to make fun of it a little.
Eventually Cassis pulled my back and hugged me, placing me completely on my back.
“It’s just you, so you’re pretty.”
His hand was pulling down the last piece of cloth that had been left on my body.
All of those actions were less relaxed than at other times.
“I think I’m excited because it’s you.”
Golden eyes, flowing with intense radiance, looked at me.
When I heard that, it seemed that my body temperature was rising more than before.
Cassis' hands gently touched every corner of my body, as if playing an instrument.
The moment Cassis finally entered me, I put my nails on his back without knowing
I didn't even know that the back crushed on the table was painful because the
pleasure was so great that it swept me like a flood.
But after a while, Cassis, who found the opposite sex before me, hugged me and
The night was deep and deep as if it would never end like this.

How to Protect Female Protagonist's Brother Episode 130

* * *

The next day, I opened my eyes to the feeling of someone moving next to me.
As I lifted my eyelids, bright sunlight broke into my view.
In the meantime, I could see Cassis' back.
The radiance from the window made him feel as if his body was spontaneously
shining. Cassis' fine silver hair also shimmered in the clear sunlight.
He got up before me and got dressed.
He was in a position that turned back from me, so Cassis's back was visible at a
It was a pretty muscle even after several times. He felt it since he was in
Agriche three years ago, but Cassis was even handsome in his back.
But on his back, which was like a piece of marble, there were long nail marks that
I scraped last night.
Soon, a white shirt covered Cassis' back, and the red marks were obscured from
"That, can't you get rid of it?"
Cassis looked back at the voice I let go.
"Woke up?"
Cassis, who took his steps and approached me, put himself on the bed.
“Did I wake up? You can sleep more.”
A friendly hand rubbed my hair and tickled my ears.
His eyes toward me were warm and soft like the sunshine from Sumi outside the
Soon, Cassis, with his upper body bent, put his lips down on my shoulder, which
was revealed over the flowing blanket.
The damp warmth stayed on my body briefly and then disappeared.
“It looks like it's stinging marks on the back. Why don’t you heal it quickly?”
I told him again, recalling what I had seen a while ago.
It seems that it was not only today but also last time.
With Cassis, I would be able to get rid of scratches and cracks in no time.
But in the morning, Cassis was always wearing it on his body.
Not only in the morning, but also when we check back the night, and the next
day... … .
“I just like it the way it is.”
Cassis said, looking at me with a clean face.
“Because you left it.”
The tone was so cool and straightforward that I lost something to say for a
It wasn't that I wasn't thinking about it, but that was true.
Rather than that, this person speaks casually and embarrassingly.
But what makes me feel better there.
“Cassis. Come here.”
I lie still for a moment, look up at Cassis, and then lift my upper body halfway
Then I reached out to him, and Cassis silently drew his upper body at my request.
I pulled his neck and kissed him. It was just a light kiss that touched his lips
for a moment and then fell off.
"Good morning."
Then he closed his eyes and whispered.
At that moment, the eyes of Cassis, who he was facing, changed slightly.
Cassis raised his hand and wrapped my hand in contact with him.
Slightly higher body temperature has been transmitted from the entire back of his
hand and from the hand covering his wrist.
A conflict was felt in Cassis. I woke up in bed before he put my weight back on
“I have to go wash.”
As he sat straight on his back, the hair that had been messed up on the seat
spilled over his body.
Because she wasn't wearing anything, she felt the texture of her hair on her back
and chest.
The gown Cassis took off yesterday would have fallen under the table.
I got out of bed and headed for the table.
While walking, Cassis' gaze was felt behind my back.
I picked up a gown that had fallen on the carpet and turned my head, and suddenly
a familiar hand touched my body.
“I'll bring you.”
Cassis, who had approached, hugged my body.
“Can I go alone?”
“Because I was on my way anyway.”
Before I could say anything more, he walked with me holding me.
Oh, it seems that the fire was unintentionally lit.
no… … But did I really have no intention of that?
Although I was a little suspicious of myself, I just pretended to know nothing and
leaned over Cassis.
That morning, the time passed extremely quickly.

* * *

As time passed, Cassis and I left the annex.

Now we were heading to the dungeon after hearing the news that the Knicks had
“As soon as I woke up, I tried to destroy the prison, and now I am silent.”
Isidor told me what happened in the dungeon next door.
Olin, who followed from the annex, was also with him.
“Although it's a human body, the drug didn't work. I was given a sedative but did
not respond.”
Nyx's body was clearly human.
However, as Noel's puppetry was inhabited, there would have been a part that was
fundamentally different from the normal human body.
So, you shouldn't think of the Knicks like a normal person.
Cassis, listening to Isidor's words, looked at me. I nodded his head small
towards him.
“I have to go and see it myself.”
“I will go in with you.”
Cassis was firm. I had no intention of stopping him either.
So we stepped into the dungeon with the Nyx.

* * *

The sound of the opening of the iron door pierced the eardrum sharply.
Of course, I've never been to Fedelian's dungeon for the first time.
The sight reflected in the sight seemed to be similar to that of Agriche, but the
atmosphere was felt differently.
This is a bit of a saying, but is it because there is no torture device.
Besides, Fedelian's prison overall was a little more pleasant and neat.
So, the Nyx, which was in a bloody state inside the iron fence, stood out more
"you… … !”
As soon as Nyx, who was leaning against the wall, saw my face, he jumped up from
his seat.
The chains of shackles that held his wrists and ankles shook greatly.
In the closed space, an unpleasant sound resounded.
“Hi, Nicks. I saw your face for a moment yesterday, remember? Still, it's been a
while since I've been saying hello like this.”
I greeted him gently.
I could see Nyx's eyes distorted at the softly flowing voice.
“Now you and I… … I don't think it's time for a conversation or conversation
like this?”
Contrary to his older look, the Nicks didn't express their feelings to me right
He seemed to grasp the situation for a moment.
Now I was not alone.
The keen gaze of the Knicks first flew to me and stuck, then slipped one after
another at the other three people next to me. But at the end it was fixed to me
I was talking towards such a nick.
“I'm glad you looked good. I thought maybe you were broken beyond repair.”
Of course, I wasn't really worried about the Knicks.
“You, you were injured a lot that day.”
At the gentle whisper, Nix shut her lips tight.
The eyes that stare at me were more intense.
It was obvious that I had noticed that I was scratching my nerves on purpose.
I lowered my eyes and smiled sadly toward him. Then he whispered quietly as if
savoring past memories.
“The texture of your left eye that broke out in my hand that day, and the screams
that rang in my ears every time your flesh was torn are still vivid.”
"Shut up… … !”
Reminiscent of the work at Bertium, which had been in crisis because of me, a
crackling sound leaked from the mouth of the bitten Nyx.
Cassis' cool gaze fell on such a Nyx.
But Cassis was just holding his place and he didn't move forward.
Before he entered the dungeon, he had something to say in advance.
So I was the only one having a face-to-face conversation with Knicks.
“You, what the hell is your purpose?”
After a while, the excitement subsided, Nix asked me.
Just an hour ago, the Nix was quite calm, as it was false to say that he had
rioted in prison.
“What was the purpose of bringing me and putting me in a place like this?”
But in his eyes, I found an afterimage of young emotions like a misty fog.
Although pretending to be calm, he looked a little nervous.
At that moment, an enlightenment suddenly passed through my mind.
The Knicks had been unconscious from an early age, so it was natural that he did
not know why he left Bertium and was here.
Besides, he wouldn't have heard the conversation between Noel and us afterwards.
If so, the last thing the Knicks remember is whether Dante, who heard Cassis,
showed a cold attitude and stunned him.
I looked at the face I encountered silently for a moment.
As my silence got longer, the little shallow ripples in Nyx's blue eyes were
getting bigger and bigger.
“For the purpose… … . Well."
Deliberately responding unclearly, the Nyx sprinkled a deeper chill.
“Don’t play with words and say what’s right.”
I tilted my head and looked down at him.
“What are you so afraid of?”
Then he nodded a little as if he knew soon.
“Hey, is it natural that there are things you did at Bertium?”
At my words, the Knicks crumbled. As I looked at it, I pulled up the tip of my
“Now the situation is reversed. Of course I'm not going to poison you like you
did. I know that doesn't work for you anyway.”

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