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Bulk and Retail Petroleum

Module 1


January 2021

Uncontrolled copy for training purposes only

Measurement Canada Bulk and Retail Petroleum

Health and Safety Disclaimer

Please be aware that examination procedures and practices taught in this course do not
address health and safety rules or elements. All procedures must be performed in adherence
with the requisite occupational health and safety (OHS) rules that may be in effect. Authorized
service providers and their organizations are responsible to provide the necessary health and
safety instructions or guidance and to ensure that they are respected. Measurement Canada will
not be held responsible for any incidents that may occur related to unsafe work practices that
may arise during the execution of the relevant examination procedures.

Environmental Disclaimer
Please be aware that examination procedures and practices taught in this course do not
address environmental concerns. All procedures must be performed following company,
municipal, provincial and federal environmental rules and regulations that may be in effect.
Authorized service providers and their organizations are responsible to provide the necessary
environmental protection instructions or guidance and to ensure that they are respected.
Measurement Canada will not be held responsible for any incidents that may occur related to
inappropriate work practices that may arise during the execution of the relevant examination

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Measurement Canada Bulk and Retail Petroleum

Table of contents
Health and Safety Disclaimer...................................................................................................2
Environmental Disclaimer.........................................................................................................2
Course Objectives....................................................................................................................4
Course Schedule...................................................................................................................... 5
Overview of Measurement Canada..........................................................................................6
Background.......................................................................................................................... 6
Mission................................................................................................................................. 6
Mandate............................................................................................................................... 6
Services................................................................................................................................ 7
Role and Organization.............................................................................................................8
Regions and Districts...............................................................................................................8
Measurement Canada Training Program.................................................................................9
Maintaining Authorized Service Provider Status.......................................................................9
Enforcement actions, suspension and revocation of authorized service provider status..........9
Role, Responsibilities and Limitations of Individuals Performing examinations (inspections). 10

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Measurement Canada Bulk and Retail Petroleum

Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to provide students with the necessary knowledge to examine
and ensure that the Weights and Measure legislative requirements are met.

This course does not address theory of operation or technical aspects relating to design of the
devices. Participants are expected to have a thorough working knowledge of the devices for
which they are seeking accreditation or registration prior to receiving this training module.

Participants are expected to have adequate mathematic and language skills to enable them to
complete this course.

Participants are expected to familiarize themselves with the general contents of this manual
prior to the course.

This training session will last 5 days and will cover applicable sections of:

 the Weights and Measures Act and Regulations

 Policy Bulletins (GEN & VOL)
 Approvals
 Specifications
 Inspection Procedure Outlines & Standard Test Procedures
 Care and Use of Standards
 Enforcement policy for authorized service provider

Students will be quizzed on a daily basis to ensure they have a thorough understanding of the
material covered. A theoretical evaluation will be administered the following day, verify your
invitation to know date, time and location. Students that have successfully completed the
theoretical portion of the training will then be required to pass a practical evaluation designed to
assess their ability to inspect devices. Students must achieve a 70% passing grade on both the
theoretical and practical evaluations. In the latter, a 70% passing mark is required in each

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Measurement Canada Bulk and Retail Petroleum

Course Schedule
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Module 1: Module 6:
1Introduction Weights and Module 10:
8:00 – Module 4: Measures Module 7: Standard
10:00 Overview of Approvals Specifications Bulletins Test
Measurement Procedures
Canada (SVM-1)

Module 6:
Module 5:
Weights and Module 10:
Module 2: Weights and
10:30 – Measures Module 7: Standard
Weights and Measures
12:00 Specifications Bulletins Test
Measures Act Regulations
18 to 295

Module 6:
Module 5:
Weights and Module 8: Module 11:
Module 2: Weights and
13:00 – Measures Care and Enforcement
Weights and Measures
14:30 Specifications use of policy for
Measures Act Regulations
standards ASP
18 to 25

Module 3: Module 5:
Module 9:
Weights and Weights and
14:30 – Module 7: Standard Review and
Measures Measures
17:00 Bulletins Test Questions
Regulations Regulations
1 to 17 18 to 295

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Measurement Canada Bulk and Retail Petroleum

Overview of Measurement Canada

Measurement Canada was created from two closely related sub-activities, Electricity and Gas
(E&G) and Weights and Measures (W&M). Both sub-activities have a long history of service
within the federal government. The first Gas Inspection Act was established shortly after
Confederation and was followed by the Electric Light Inspection Act. Weights and Measures has
been in existence since Confederation, with the first Weights and Measures Act receiving
assent in 1871. All industrialized countries have a government organization responsible for legal
metrology (legal trade measurement), demonstrating the importance societies place on the
accuracy and integrity of measurement to a nation’s economic health and prosperity.

Both sub-activities have resided within a number of federal departments during their long
history, including the Department of Trade and Commerce and the Department of Consumer
and Corporate Affairs.

Services provided by Measurement Canada are intended to ensure the fair and accurate
measurement of goods and services in the Canadian marketplace. The Agency operates under
one of the most stable and consistent mandates for service in Canadian federal government

On August 6, 1996, Treasury Board approved the establishment of Measurement Canada as a

provisional Special Operating Agency (SOA) within Industry Canada. The Agency is confident
that SOA status will enable it to foster a more business-like culture that will respond more
efficiently and effectively to the needs of its clients, while furthering the Government’s priority of
jobs and growth.

To fulfill its legislated mandate, the Agency has developed the following mission:

Measurement Canada’s mission is to ensure equity and accuracy where goods and services are
bought and sold on the basis of measurement, in order to contribute to a fair and competitive
marketplace for Canadians.

The Agency plays an important role in Industry Canada’s marketplace services framework, by
contributing to consumer, business and investor confidence in the fair and efficient functioning
of the marketplace.

The Agency’s credo is “Fair Measure for All”.

Measurement Canada administers and enforces the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and the
Weights and Measures Act through the exclusive constitutional authority of the Government of

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Measurement Canada Bulk and Retail Petroleum

Measurement Canada meets its statutory obligations and delivers its services through the
following lines of business:

Calibration and Certification of Measurement Standards: Standards to measure mass, volume,

pressure, temperature, length and various electrical quantities are calibrated and certified in
accordance with a legislated schedule to achieve and maintain uniformity of measurement in
domestic and international trade. These standards form the basis of all trade measurement in

Trade Measurement Governance: This line of business is delivered through four primary

 Trade Measurement Standards and Requirements: Legislative standards and requirements

for measuring instruments (including scales, electricity and gas meters, and gas pumps)
and goods and services traded on the basis of measurement are continually evaluated and
amended to ensure they are relevant, reflect changing technology and new business
practices, minimize regulatory burden and the costs of legislative compliance, and provide a
positive environment for business growth, consumer and investor confidence, trade and
innovation. This activity provides a regulatory framework which supports fair and accurate
measurement of goods and services, enhances Canadian businesses' global
competitiveness and opportunities for growth and export, and provides businesses and
consumers with a source of knowledge and expertise regarding domestic and international
trade measurement standards and requirements and measuring instrument technology.

 Trade Measurement Protection and Surveillance: Prototype measuring instruments

intended for trade use are evaluated for compliance with legislated requirements to ensure
they are capable of measuring accurately under normal conditions of use and throughout
their service lifetime and are approved for retail and/or commercial use. All approved
measuring instruments must be examined before use in commerce begins, and are
examined thereafter to ensure they continue to measure accurately and are not used in a
fraudulent manner. Goods and services traded on the basis of measure are also examined
to ensure that they are measured and priced accurately.

 Dispute and Complaint Investigation: Buyers and sellers of goods and services, including
purchasers and vendors of electricity and natural gas, who are dissatisfied with the results
of their measurement transaction may request to have the matter investigated. This activity
provides consumers and businesses with an avenue of recourse if they feel they have
received inaccurate measurement.

 Alternative Service Delivery: Private sector partnering arrangements are sought in the
delivery of legislated services currently the exclusive responsibility of Measurement
Canada. This activity includes the establishment of standards and criteria for organizations
seeking delegated authority to provide services that would otherwise be provided by the
Agency, accreditation of private sector organizations to provide these services, and
auditing, by Agency officials, of accredited organizations to ensure they continue to meet
established standards of performance. It provides for trade measurement accuracy and
equity with less direct government intervention, and gives the Agency the opportunity to
focus its resources on the delivery of services it is best suited and positioned to provide.

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Measurement Canada Bulk and Retail Petroleum

Role and Organization

Measurement Canada is a national agency comprised of headquarters staff (located in Ottawa)
as well as operations, inspection & administrative staff distributed in 15 district offices across
three regions - Western Canada Region (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba,
the Yukon, N.W.T and Nunavut), Ontario Region, and Eastern Canada Region (Quebec,
Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island).

MC Headquarters is responsible for alternative service delivery programs, program

development, program monitoring and evaluation, regulatory reform, consultation and liaison
with business and consumers, as well as the provision of functional and technical direction for
regional staff. Headquarters also examines and approves weighing and measuring devices for
use in trade, calibrates and certifies government and industry standards of mass, length,
volume, pressure, etc., and coordinates Canada's participation in the Organisation international
de la métrologie légale (OIML). Measurement Canada also participates in international
metrology forums such as the U.S. National Conference on Weights and Measures,
International Standards Organization (ISO) and the Asia Pacific Legal Metrology Forum

Regions and Districts

Western Canada Region:
 Vancouver District
 Calgary District
 Edmonton District
 Winnipeg District
 Saskatoon District

Ontario Region:
 Central Ontario District
 Northern & Eastern Ontario District
 Southern Ontario District

Eastern Canada Region:

 Montreal (South)
 Montreal (North)
 Quebec
 Atlantic

Regional staff, situated in three regions across Canada, plan, manage & coordinate activities
with authorized service providers, as well as conduct device and commodity/service
examinations to ensure compliance with legislative requirements.

Some standards of mass, length and volume are calibrated and certified by regional staff for
their use and for use by service providers. Additionally, regional staff (directors, specialists &
district managers) participates in policy, regulatory and program development, as well as
prepare & coordinate the delivery of technical training. Field staff (inspectors, enforcement
officers) also maintains dialogue with both public and industry clients on most matters relating to
interpretation and enforcement of the legislation.

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Measurement Canada Bulk and Retail Petroleum

Measurement Canada Training Program

The authorized service provider is required to demonstrate that the personnel performing
examination and test activities have the appropriate knowledge and skills to perform the duties
of an inspector on behalf of the Government of Canada. The organization must ensure that the
authorized individual has successfully completed the appropriate training course(s) delivered by
Measurement Canada. Under certain conditions, accredited organizations may provide training
internally. In all cases, Measurement Canada is responsible for the assessment of trainees, by
means of theoretical and practical evaluations. When advised by Measurement Canada, the
organization must ensure that authorized individuals attend refresher courses as regulatory or
procedural changes occur.

All technicians shall be assessed theoretically and practically by Measurement Canada prior to
being recognized. The organization shall ensure that selected technicians to be recognized to
perform examination activities intended to meet the requirements of this standard shall have the
appropriate experience and training.

Maintaining Authorized Service Provider Status

To maintain its authorized service provider (ASP) status, an organization must be able to
demonstrate that it meets the conditions set out in the agreement signed with Measurement
Canada. Through various monitoring activities, Measurement Canada ensures that device
examinations, conducted by recognized technicians from ASPs, comply with the applicable legal

Enforcement actions, suspension and revocation of authorized service

provider status
When a violation or nonconformity is identified, Measurement Canada will require that the ASP
take prompt action to correct the situation.

If the breach is serious or if the corrective actions taken do not produce the expected results, an
organization’s ASP status may be suspended or revoked.

An organization whose power to conduct examinations has been suspended or revoked by

Measurement Canada may apply for reinstatement. However, it will need to provide suitable
evidence that it has implemented effective corrective measures to remedy all noted
nonconformities or violations and that it will comply with all applicable requirements moving
forward. Measurement Canada will conduct a comprehensive review to determine whether
recognition as an authorized service provider can be reinstated.

Module 1 — Introduction — January 2021 9

Measurement Canada Bulk and Retail Petroleum

Role, Responsibilities and Limitations of Individuals Performing

examinations (inspections)
The organization must ensure that its recognized technicians have the knowledge,
competencies and training required to examine devices that are intended for use in trade

Only recognized technicians who are employed by an ASP registered with or accredited by
Measurement Canada may conduct examinations (inspections) in accordance with the scope
indicated in Schedule A of the agreement with Measurement Canada.

Recognized technicians do not have the same powers as Measurement Canada inspectors
attributed under subsection 17(1) of the Weights and Measures Act. For example, they cannot
demand to enter a specific place, seize and detain anything in that place or direct any person to
put a piece of equipment into operation or to cease operating it.

Measurement Canada reserves the right to monitor recognized technicians at any time. If it is
determined that a technician no longer has the required knowledge or competencies,
recognition may be suspended.

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