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INVOICE | FACTURA Date (D, M, Y) | Data (Z, L, A) 02-12-2022

Invoice number | Numar factura: C-MKTP-2542542 Credited invoice no. | Numarul facturii creditate: C-MKTP

Supplier | Furnizor: Dante International S.A. Buyer | Cumparator: LUXURY MAKEUP SHOP S.R.L.
Registration number/year | Nr. ord.registru com./an: Registration number/year | Nr. ord.registru com./an:
J40/372/2002 J12/3495/2020
UIC (Unique Identification Code) | C.I.F.: 14399840 UIC(Unique Identification Code) | C.I.F.: 43247668
VAT No. | Cod TVA: RO14399840 Account | Cont: RO47BTRLRONCRT0573925501
Subscribed and paid capital | Capital social subscris si varsat: Bank | Banca: BANCA TRANSILVANIA S.A.
1.210.822 RON Country | Tara: Romania
Account | Cont: RO73INGB0001008199078940 Headquarters | Sediu: STR. EROILOR, NR.132, SC.2, ET.2,
Bank | Banca: ING BANK AP.25
Headquarters | Sediu: 148 Virtutii, E47, 060787, Sector 6,
Phone | Nr. Telefon: 40212005200

No. Products/Services Description U.M. Quantity Unit Value VAT Rate Value VAT Value
Nr. Denumirea produselor sau a serviciilor Cantitatea (without VAT) Cota Valoarea Valoarea T.V.A.
crt. Pret unitar T.V.A. -lei-
(fara T.V.A.) -%-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6(3x4) 7(6x5)
1 Commission for Buc -1 28,00 19 -28,00 -5,32
3_v1, according to contract | Comision aferent
3_v1, conform contract

The invoice is valid without signature and stamp according to Art. 319 paragraph 29 of Law 227/2015.
Factura este valabila fara semnatura si stampila conform Lg. 227/2015 Art. 319 alin. 29.
Payment term | Termen de plata: 0 zile

Total without VAT | Total fara TVA VAT | TVA Total | Total

-28,00 RON -5,32 RON -33,32 RON


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