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Jin knocks quietly on the door in response to Ms. Anderson's request.

He offers help and provides some information about the services offered at the

- May i come in, madam?

- Yes, thanks for coming so quickly.
- Certainly, madam. How can i help you?
- I'd like some fresh towels in the suite when i get back this evening.
- I'll get them immediately. Would you like me to also change the bed sheets?
- Yes, that would be nice. Could you also turn down the covers?
- Is there anything else i can do for you? Perhaps you have some laundry i can
take to cbe cleaned.
- Now that you mention it, i do have some clothes in the laundry bag.
- Very good, madam. I'll have them cleaned and folded when you return.
- You know, it gets stuffy in this room.
- I'd be happy to open the window while you are away. I'll make sure to close it
before you return.
- Oh, i can never find the light switch when i get back in the evening.
- I'll make sure to leave the lamp on the bedside table on after i finish cleaning
- Are you going to vacuum?
- Certainly, madam. We vacuum our rooms every day.
- That's good to hear. Well, it's time for me to see my friends. Today we're
visiting a vineyard.
- Enjoy your day, madam.
- Oh, i will... Just a second, could you also take out the trolley with this morning's
- Yes, madam. I'll take it with me when i've finished tidying up.

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