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Nama : Robby Kurniawan

NIM : 048882378

Tugas 1 Bahasa Inggris ( MKWI4201 )


Soal No.1
1. Style of language used in the conversation is an informal language. It is because it's a
conversation between friends in a casual way.
2. The topic of the conversation is about Jane's experience at a job interview.

Soal No.2
This is my current workspace. I work as an editor in one of the well-known companies in
Jakarta. This room is very comfortable and clean, there are many tall buildings that are my view
from the large glass window. Not only that, what makes me comfortable here is having a good
partner and on the same frequency as me. I am happy to have the opportunity to work here, all
the employees are friendly from the bottom to the leadership, I have learned a lot not only
about work, but also the importance of solidarity and family.

Soal No.3
a) The memo's sender is John Smith, Manager from HR Department.
b) For whom the memo is for All Employees
c) The memo is about announcement of a farewell ceremony in honour of Jesse Carrillo,
Marketing Manager
Soal no.4
Dear Team My City Got Talent,

My name is Robby Kurniawan.

After seeing the post on Instagram, I plan to takr part in the My City Got Talent comoetition,
which will audition in Jakarta.
However, I coildn’n find registration information or an application from to download. Can you
send me a from or maybe advise me on how I can apply.
Thank you very much for your concern.

Best Regards,
Robby Kurniawan

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