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Dysphagia: Evidence

based treatments

International dysphagia diet

standardisation initiative

This framework creates a global set of

standards for testing of foods and
liquids and labeling them for safe

Supraglottic Swallow: Hold breath throughout swallow,
voluntarily cough once 1st swallow is complete, swallow a 2nd
time to clear residue
Super-supraglottic swallow: similar to supraglottic swallow, but
extra effort is used
Mendelsohn : Hold laryngeal elevation for several seconds
before completing the swallow
Effortful Swallow: Extra effort applied during swallow

Postural techniques
Chin Down
Head Turn
Laying Down
Chin Elevated
Head Tilt

Shaker Exercises: Start laying on back, lift head to look at
toes, opening up UES
Laryngeal Elevation: Lift and hold larynx in an elevated
Resistive Lingual Isometric Exercises: Provide lingual
resistance using a flat object
Masako (Tongue-hold): Hold the tongue forward between
teeth while swallowing

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