TruongVanDiep Fundamental-in-IT Assignment2 1st

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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Computing Fundamental

Date Received 1st

Submission date 9/4
Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date

Student Name TRUONG VAN DIEP Student ID BH00666

Class CF02.03 Assessor name NGUYEN THANH TRIEU

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism.
I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Student’s signature

❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Lecturer Signature:

Table of Contents
I. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
II. Content ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1. Describes the Internet’s addressing system. Why divide Internet address into classes? ....................................... 3
a, What is a Internet’s addressing system ? ........................................................................................................... 3
b, The parts of your IP address .............................................................................................................................. 3
c, How do IP addresses work? .............................................................................................................................. 4
d, Why divide Internet address into classes .......................................................................................................... 5
2. Convert the following 8-bit binary values into their denary (base 10) equivalent. You must show your working
out? ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
a, 00110111 ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
b, 10101111 ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
c, 11010110 ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
3. Convert the following denary (base 10) values into their 8-bit binary equivalent. You must show your working
out. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10
a, 31 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
b, 104 ................................................................................................................................................................... 11
c, 210 ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
4. Write an Essay Are Computers Good or Bad for Today's Youth. ....................................................................... 13
III, Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
IV. Reference List ....................................................................................................................................................... 16

Table of Figures
IP Header Classes: ........................................................................................................................................................ 5

I. Introduction
Internet is a global communication system that links together thousands of individual
networks. It allows exchange of information between two or more computers on a network.
Thus internet helps in transfer of messages through mail, chat, video & audio conference,

It has become mandatory for day-to-day activities: bills payment, online shopping and
surfing, tutoring, working, communicating with peers, etc. Internet was evolved in 1969,
under the project called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) to
connect computers at different universities and U.S. defence. Soon after the people from
different backgrounds such as engineers, scientists, students and researchers started using
the network for exchanging information and messages.

In 1990s the internet working of ARPANET, NSFnet and other private networks resulted
into Internet. Therefore, Internet is a global network of computer networks’ . It comprises
of millions of computing devices that carry and transfer volumes of information from one
device to the other. Desktop computers, mainframes, GPS units, cell phones, car alarms,
video game consoles, are connected to the Net.

II. Content

1. Describes the Internet’s addressing system. Why divide Internet address into

a, What is a Internet’s addressing system ?

• IP address stands for “Internet Protocol address.” The Internet Protocol is a set of rules
for communication over the internet, such as sending mail, streaming video, or
connecting to a website. An IP address identifies a network or device on the internet.
• The internet protocols manage the process of assigning each unique device its own IP
address. (Internet protocols do other things as well, such as routing internet traffic.) This
way, it’s easy to see which devices on the internet are sending, requesting, and receiving
what information.
• IP addresses are like telephone numbers, and they serve the same purpose. When you
contact someone, your phone number identifies who you are, and it assures the person
who answers the phone that you are who you say you are. IP addresses do the exact same
thing when you’re online — that’s why
• There are two types of IP addresses: IPv4 and IPv6. It’s easy to recognize the difference
if you count the numbers. IPv4 addresses contain a series of four numbers, ranging from
0 (except the first one) to 255, each separated from the next by a period — such as

• IPv6 addresses are represented as eight groups of four hexadecimal digits, with the groups
separated by colons. A typical IPv6 address might look like this:

b, The parts of your IP address

• An IP address has two parts: thE network ID , comprising the first three numbers of the
address, and host ID , the fourth number in the address. So on your home network —, for example – 192.168.1 is the network ID, and the final number is the host

• The Network ID indicates which network the device is on. The Host ID refers to the
specific device on that network. (Usually your router is .1, and each subsequent device
gets assigned .2, .3, and so on.)
• You may not always want the outside world to know exactly which device and network
you're using. In this case, it’s possible to mask your IP address from the outside world
through a Virtual Private Network (VPN) . When you use a VPN, it prevents your
network from revealing your address.

c, How do IP addresses work?

• The post office uses your physical address as a marker for the real-world location of a
person, residence, or business. It’s how mail is routed. It’s where you reside. It’s how
others know where to find you.
• All of these descriptions apply to an IP address, in a digital way. An IP address is where
a computer resides, in a virtual sense. IP addresses may identify your own computer, a
favorite website, a network server, or even a device (such as a webcam).
• IP addresses are especially important for sending and receiving information. They route
internet traffic where it needs to go, and they direct emails to your inbox.
• The important thing to remember is this: Every active device on the internet has an IP

d, Why divide Internet address into classes

IP Header Classes: 1

• IP addresses are divided into classes so that they can be assigned to a particular
business, government or other entity based on size and need. There are five IP classes
plus certain special addresses:
o Special addresses:
▪ Default Network - The IP address of is used for the default
▪ Loopback - The IP address is used as the loopback address. This
is used by the computer to send a message back to itself, usually for
troubleshooting and network testing.
▪ Broadcast - Messages intended for all computers on a network are sent as
broadcasts. These messages use the IP address
o Classes:
▪ Class A - These are reserved for very large networks, like a huge
international company. Class A networks account for half of the total

available IP addresses. The first set of numbers in the IP address for this
class are 1-126.
▪ Class B - These are reserved for medium sized networks, like a university
(𝑎𝑛 )𝑚 = 𝑎𝑛𝑚
▪ 191.
▪ Class C - These are typically used for small businesses. The first set of
numbers in the IP address for this class range from 192 to 223.
▪ Class D - These are used for multicasts. A multicast enables a message to
be transmitted to a group of hosts, instead of having to address and send
the message to each group member individually.
▪ Class E - These are used for experimental purposes.

2. Convert the following 8-bit binary values into their denary (base 10) equivalent.
You must show your working out?

a, 00110111

= (0 × 27 ) + (0 × 26 ) + (1 × 25 ) + (1 × 24 ) + (0 × 23 ) + (1 × 22 ) + (1 × 21 ) + (1 × 20 )
= 32 + 16 + 4 + 2 + 1
= (55)10

b, 10101111

= (1 × 2⁷) + (0 × 2⁶) + (1 × 2⁵) + (0 × 2⁴) + (1 × 2³) + (1 × 2²) + (1 × 2¹) + (1 × 2⁰)
= 128 + 32 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1
= (175)₁₀

c, 11010110

= ( + (1 × 2⁶) + (0 × 2⁵) + (1 × 2⁴) + (0 × 2³) + (1 × 2²) + (1 × 2¹) + (0 × 2⁰)
= 128 + 64 + 16 + 4 + 2
= (214)₁₀

3. Convert the following denary (base 10) values into their 8-bit binary equivalent.
You must show your working out.

a, 31

• When 31 is divided by 2, the quotient is 15 and the remainder is 1.

• When 15 is divided by 2, the quotient is 7 and the remainder is 1.
• When 7 is divided by 2, the quotient is 3 and the remainder is 1.
• When 3 is divided by 2, the quotient is 1 and the remainder is 1.
• When 1 is divided by 2, the quotient is 0 and the remainder is 1.
• Write the remainders from bottom to top.
(31)10 = (11111)2

b, 104

• When 104 is divided by 2, the quotient is 52 and the remainder is 0.

• When 52 is divided by 2, the quotient is 26 and the remainder is 0.
• When 26 is divided by 2, the quotient is 13 and the remainder is 0.
• When 13 is divided by 2, the quotient is 6 and the remainder is 1.
• When 6 is divided by 2, the quotient is 3 and the remainder is 0.
• When 3 is divided by 2, the quotient is 1 and the remainder is 1.
• When 1 is divided by 2, the quotient is 0 and the remainder is 1.
• Write the remainders from bottom to top.
(104)10 = (1101000)2

c, 210

• When 210 is divided by 2, the quotient is 105 and the remainder is 0.

• When 105 is divided by 2, the quotient is 52 and the remainder is 1.
• When 52 is divided by 2, the quotient is 26 and the remainder is 0.
• When 26 is divided by 2, the quotient is 13 and the remainder is 0.
• When 13 is divided by 2, the quotient is 6 and the remainder is 1.
• When 6 is divided by 2, the quotient is 3 and the remainder is 0.
• When 3 is divided by 2, the quotient is 1 and the remainder is 1.
• When 1 is divided by 2, the quotient is 0 and the remainder is 1.
• Write the remainders from bottom to top.
(210)10 = (11010010)2

4. Write an Essay Are Computers Good or Bad for Today's Youth.
Computers have been a prevalent part of our lives for many years. They have revolutionized
the way we communicate, work, learn, and play. However, the use of computers by today's
youth has led to debates regarding their benefits and potential harms. In this essay, I will
discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of computers for the youth and ultimately
argue that like any other technology, computers have both positive and negative effects on
the life of young people.

On the one hand, computers can be an excellent tool for education. With the help of the
internet, young people can access an infinite amount of information on any topic they are
interested in. This can greatly improve their knowledge base and enrich their learning
experiences. Also, schools now incorporate computer-based instructional programs and
digital resources into their curriculum, which allows students to learn more interactively and

Moreover, computers have significantly expanded the entertainment opportunities available

to young people. They can play games, watch movies, or listen to music whenever they want.
This entertainment can serve as a source of relaxation and enjoyment, which can be
beneficial for the mental health of youth.

On the other hand, computers also have negative effects on the lives of today's youth. One
of the most significant concerns is the potential for addiction to video games or social media
platforms. Excessive use of electronic devices limits the amount of time young people spend
in outdoor activities or physical interactions, leading to adverse physical and psychological
effects. Also, cyberbullying is now rampant, which can harm a young person's self-esteem,
confidence, and social skills.

Furthermore, the use of computers can lead to the development of a sedentary lifestyle.
Spending most of the time sitting in front of the computer can cause obesity, diabetes, or
other health problems.

In conclusion, computers have both positive and negative effects on the lives of today's
youth. Computers can offer many benefits such as improving education, enhancing
entertainment, and increasing connectivity. However, excessive use and the risk of addiction
can lead to negative consequences. Hence, it is vital to strike a balance between the use of
computers and other activities that promote physical, social, and mental well-being for youth.

III, Conclusion
Network operation quality has been analyzed for Internet Protocol (IP), Multi-Protocol
Label Switching (MPLS), and Ethernet technologies. Network operation quality is ensured
by implementing network resource and fault management. Resource management allows
limits to be fixed regarding packet loss, delay, and jitter. Fault management determines the
network’s availability level.

The amount of protocols described in this book might suggest that the topic has been
comprehensively addressed. A certain lag can be observed, however, between the
publication of standards and actual deployment in public or private networks.

Fault management constitutes the most straightforward part. It is currently obtained in an

implicit manner, through other mechanisms that are necessary to the proper running of a

– for IP and MPLS networks: routing protocols allow routing tables to be

automatically populated and simultaneously carry out network reconfiguration;

– for Ethernet network: STP and RSTP enable the construction of a logical spanning
tree to limit the circulation of frames, and also fulfill the function of securing the

Attention is currently focused on the network reconfiguration time. The aforementioned

solutions do not satisfy public operators, who recall the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
(SDH) network’s performance (50 ms reconfiguration time). Such a value may be
considered too low, as it generates significant traffic in the network. A value ranging from
200 to ...

IV. Reference List
1. Describes the Internet’s addressing system. Why divide Internet address into classes?

Write an Essay "Are Computers Good or Bad for Today's Youth


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