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PHENOLOGY (otherwise known as penal CORRECTION criminal or the convicted person will go

science) under rehabilitation, under bars while the

The branch of administration of criminal
community based treatment or non-
A science that deals with the study of justice or the (CJS) criminal justice system
institutional treatment is he is serving his
punishment for crimes or criminal charged with the responsibility for the
sentence or his or her punishment on the
offenders. It is also includes the study of custody, supervision, reformation, and
community with supervision of a certain
control and prevention of crime through rehabilitation of convicted offender. This is
person that is the difference of institutional
punishment of criminal offender (Classical the (Positivist Doctrine Influence)
treatment and community-based treatment.
Doctrine Influence)
 Okay going back to the classical
PENOLOGY doctrine influence punishment or
crime is to punishment that is the
It is actually a division of criminology it is
classical doctrine of influence 13th century- securing sanctuary
just a division of criminology that deals with
 Well the positive is doctrine of in
prison management and the treatment of In the 13th century, a criminal could avoid
doctrine influence it is crime and the
offenders and concerned itself with the punishment by claiming refuge in a church
philosophy and practice of society in its for a period of 40 days
 On the classical crime and
effort to repress criminal activities.
punishment on the positive basis it is ENGLAND (1468) - torture, as a form of
is part or a little part or some part or a the crime and criminal, in the punishment became prevalent.
division of the study of criminology and it classical criminal are is a rational
being that know how and what they 16TH CENTURY- Transportation of
includes or it focuses or its concern is
are doing. In the positivist doctrine criminals in England was authorized. At the
under the treatment of offender in the
influence criminal is just a sick end of this century, Russia and other
prison management as well as the study of
person so that is the difference of European countries followed this system.
the punishment for the offender.
positivist doctrine influence and the This practice was abandoned in 1835.
Penology derives from two words: PENO classical doctrine influence. 17TH TO 18TH CENTURY- death penalty
and LOGY.
TWO FORMS OF CORRECTIONAL became prevalent as a form of punishment.
The term “PENO” was derived from Greek TREATMENT OF CRIMINAL  Going back on your uh introduction
word “POINE” as well as from Latin word OFFENDERS to criminology on the 17th to 18th
“POENA” both terms means punishments.
 Institutional treatment/ correction century is still under the classical
“LOGY” was derived from the Latin word  Community base treatment or the school of thoughts. in the 18th
“LOGOS” that means science. non-institutional treatment century you are now on the
enlightenment period under cesar
institutional correction or as well as known lombroso which is the
as institutional, treatment is the convicted enlightenment period so in the 17th
18th century still death penalty calculating if he will benefit from it or 2. CHARLES MONTESQUIEU (Charles
became prevalent as a form of not that is Louis Secondant, Baron de la Brede et
punishment.  The classical school of thought de Montesiquieu 1689-1755)
while on the 18th century on the age
GALLEYS (transportation in the 16th -A French historian and philosopher who
of enlightenment under Cesar
century) analysed law as an expression of justice.
Lombroso we says that criminal is a
Long, low, narrow, single decked ship sick person and they are not rational -He believed that harsh punishment harsh
propelled by sails, usually rowed by being that can think boy that can punishment would weaken morality.
criminals. think that they are doing the right
thing but they are the sick person 3. Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet, 1694-
a type of ship used for transportation of  this 18th century recognizing human 1778)
criminals in the 16th century. dignity and thanks to Cesar -He believes that fears of shame was a
THE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT Lombroso for introducing this one deterrent of crime. He fought the legality
that's why he is the founding or the sanctioned practice of torture.
18th century it is a century of change. It is father of the modern criminology so
the period of recognizing human dignity. 4. Cesar BECCARIA (Cesare Bonesa,
It is the movement of reformation, the Marchese de Beccaria, 1738-1794)
 In the 17 in the 18th century 17th to period of introduction of certain
18th century that penalty is reforms in the correctional field by -He wrote an essay entitled “an essay on
prevalent why because People certain person, gradually changing the crimes and punishment”. This book
crimes and punishment or crimes old positive philosophy of punishment became famous as the theoretical basis for
and punishment when it is crimes to a more humane treatment of the great reforms in the field of criminal
and punishment we are under prisoners with innovational programs. law. This book also provided a starting
classical school of thoughts what is point for the classical school of criminal law
the perspective or an impact and criminology.
classical school of thought THE PIONEERS -He was the primary advocator of the
 that a person commits a crime
1. William Penn (1614-1716) doctrine of free will and regarded as the
because he is a rational being he go
father of criminology.
under pressure and pain principle
-He is the first leader to prescribe
he go under utilitarianism principle -It presented the humanistic goal of law.
imprisonment as correctional treatment for
he go under philisific calculus
major offenders. -Father of old criminology Cesar Beccaria,
principle that a person can think
whether or not he whether or not he -He is also responsible for the abolition of father of modern criminology that is Cesar
is doing right or wrong and he is just death penalty and torture as a form of Lombroso
5. Jeremy bentham- (1748-1832) It is John Howard he is also known as the crime was a moral disease, and the
greatest prison reformer belief that criminals were “victims of
-the greatest leader in the reform of
social disorder”.
English criminal law (adopted in After his findings on English prison he
Philippines criminal law) recommended the following: Enoch Cobb Wines
-he believes that whether punishment 1. Single cells for sleeping -Conducted a national prison survey and
designed to negate whatever pleasure or organized the npa (he is the one who
2. Segregation of women
gain the criminal derives from crime, the organized the national prison association
crime rate would go down. 3. Segregation of young
-The NPA is now known as the American
-the proponent of the hedonism theory.(this 4. Provision of sanitation in the facilities Correctional Association (ACA)
said that your hedonism theory is the
5. Abolition of the fee system by which American Correctional Association- is the
calculation of pain and pleasure principle
jailers obtain money from prisoners largest corrections association in the world.
that a person will commit a crime if he
Founded in 1870, as the national prison
knows that the pleasure that he can get is 7. Benjamin Rush association, this organization of prison
greater than the punishment that it costs
He voice two concerns professionals had a prison reform
pain and pleasure principle.
JEREMY BENTHAM 1. Punishment should not be public event
and 1. Take note: ALEXANDER
-He introduced also the ultimate MACANOCHIE
panopticon prison- he devised the ultimate 2. Reformation of offender could be
achieved through punishment that -He is the superintendent of the penal
Panopticon Prison- a prison that consists
encouraged colony at Norfolk Island in Australia during
of a large circular building containing multi
(1840) who introduced the mark system
cells around the periphery but it was never
that became the blueprint of modern day
-also known as the inspection house.
-The reformatory movement featured this mark system or the modern day parole
6. John Howard (1726-1790) the indeterminate sentencing, parole, this parallel is what we given to those
“greatest prison reformer” classification by degree of individual person or offender or criminal offender
reform, rehabilitative programs, and serving their sentence inside the prison,
-the sheriff of bedsfordshire in 1773 who
separate treatment for juveniles. they behave good and they behave by the
devoted his life and fortune to prison
bounded by the rules and regulation of the
reform. -The philosophy of this period was founded institution that's why they are given
-father of prison reform on the NPA (National Prison Association) deduction of sentence and that is the
declaration of principles, the view that modern day in parole.
Who introduced the Marx system? He is
-Alexander Macanochie he is the
superintendent of the penal colony at
Norfolk Island in Australia during the year
(1840) who introduced the Marx system
that became blueprint of modern parole.
-Considered as the father of modern
penology because of his smart system.
-A progressive humane system in which a
prisoner is required to earn a number of
marks (say you are required to earn a
number of marks based on proper
department labor and study in order to
entitle him for a ticket for relief alright or
conditional release which is similar to the
parole. that is mark's system the smart

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