Report Curve

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1. Introduction

2. Objective

3. Equipment

4. Procedures

5. Data and analysis

6. Discussion

7. Conclussion

8. References
Curves are regular bends provided in the lines of communication like roads, railways
etc. and also in canals to bring about the gradual change of direction. They are also
used in the vertical plane at all changes of grade to avoid the abrupt change of grade
at the apex.
Curves provided in the horizontal plane to have the gradual change in direction are
known as Horizontal curves, whereas those provided in the vertical plane to obtain the
gradual change in grade are known as vertical curves. Curves are laid out on the
ground along the centre line of the work. They may be circular or parabolic.

i) simple
A simple curve consists of a single arc of a circle connecting two straights. It has
radius of the same magnitude throughout. In fig. 11.1 T1 D T2 is the simple curve
with T1O as its radius.
ii) compound curve
A compound curve consists of two or more simple curves having different radii
bending in the same direction and lying on the same side of the common tangent.
Their centres lie on the same side of the curve. In fig. 11.2, T1 P T2 is the compound
curve with T1O1 and PO2 as its radii.
iii) reverse (or serpentine) curve
A reverse or serpentine curve is made up of two arcs having equal or different radii
bending in opposite directions with a common tangent at their junction. Their centres
lie of opposite sides of the curve. In fig. 11.3 T1 P T2 is the reverse curve with T1O1
and PO2 as its radii.Reverse curves are used when the straights arc parallel or
intersect at a very small angle. They are commonly used in railway sidings and
sometimes on railway tracks and roads meant for low speeds. They should be avoided
as far as possible on main railway lines and highways where speeds are necessarily
iv) deviation curve
A deviation curve is simply a combination of two reverse curves. It is used when it
becomes necessary to deviate from a given straight path in order to avoid intervening
obstructions such as a bend of river, a building, etc. In fig. 11.4. T1 EDFT2 is the
deviation curve with T1O, EO2 and FO2 as its radii.

 To differentiate between the different types of horizontal and circular curves.

 To understand the terminology and geometry of circular curves.
 To calculate through chainage values along the centre lines of circular curves.
 Design curves of constant radii to join straight section of for example a road
 Set out the centrelines og circular curves.
1. Thedolite

A precision for
angles in the
horizontal and
vertical planes.

2. Tripod
To support any
one of a number
of surveying
instrument, such
1 as theodolites,
total stations,
level or transit.

3. Mini prism Accurate and

stakeout, and
1 nodal point
prisms and
assemblies are
available in a
wide range of
formats, colors,
and mounting

4. Prism pole can be used to

measure the
elevation of a
specific ground
point by using a
sight level,
which is
important if you
want to get
accurate results
and many of
them can be
adjusted to a
specific height.

5. Arrow The marking

pins that are
mostly used in
chain surveying.
They are used
7 to mark the end
of the chain
lenght if the
length of the
line to be
measured is
more than a
chain length.
6. Measuring tape

1 For measuring
i. Locate the points T1, C1,C2,C3,C4,C5 and T2.
ii. Measure equal distances, say any meters along the tangent from T1.
iii. Set up theodolite at point T1 and the horizontal angle reading as 00°00’00”.
iv. Turn the theodolite to the right side with the horizontal angle reading at 0°47’21”
and measure 5.51m distance from point T1.
v. Mark arrow at C2. Continue the process until the apex of the curve is reached.
vi. Set out the other half of the curve from the second tangent.
vii. Turn the theodolite at the last point by horizontal angle 12°00’02” and measure
83.78m from T1.

θ = 24°00’00”
R = 200m
Point, I = 222m
Chords = 6m
Point Chainage Long chord (m) Individual deflection Cumulative of
angle derlective
T1 179.49 -
C1 185 5.51 0°47’21” 0°47’21”
C2 191 6 0°31’34” 1°38’55”
C3 197 6 0°51’34” 2°30’29”
C4 203 6 0°51’34” 3°22’3”
C5 209 6 0°51’34” 4°13’37”
T2 263.266 54.24 7°46’25” 12°0’2”

T = [ R tan (θ/2)] T2 = T1 + L
= 42.51 = 179.49 + 83.776
= 263.266
T1 = I - T
= 222 - 42.51
= 179.49

L = (R π θ/180)
= 83.776m

Curves are regular bends provided in the lines of communication like roads,
railways and canals etc. to bring about gradual change of direction. They enable the
vehicle to pass from one path on to another when the two paths meet at an angle. They
are also used in the vertical plane at all changes of grade to avoid the abrupt change of
grade at the apex.

There are two types of curves, vertical and horizontal curves. Curves provided in
the horizontal plane to have the gradual change in direction are known as horizontal
curves. Curves provided in the vertical plane to obtain the gradual change in grade are
called as vertical curves. Vertical curves may be circular or parabolic and are
generally arcs of parabolas. They are laid out on the ground along the center line of
the work. Horizontal Curves used in horizontal planes to connect two straight tangent

This fieldwork taught me on how to get deflection angles that we used to create the
curve path.Also in this fieldwork we apply our knowledge on our pace factor, this
helped me to know the use our own pace factor on farther distances. I also improved
my knowledge on using the breaking the tape method which made our fieldwork
easier.This fieldwork is very challenging for us especially we encounter many
First, since we had a hard time in finding a position for the vertex since we
need a large area that has fewer obstacles, this consumes us time since we need to
pace the distance to make sure that it will be enough for the fieldwork. Next is the
error that cannot be control which are the error due to sag, temperature and pull
that will have a very small discrepancy in the data. And lastly is the computation, we
had a mistake in solving for the incremental chord of the station PC - PT that had an
effect on the measurement of the actual length of the chord when we measured.
Some recommendation to make sure that the data will be accurate. First is to
pace the needed distance to make sure there will be no obstacle in doing your
fieldwork. Second, make sure that the theodolite is set-up properly and balance to the
ground. This will help to get an accurate data. Third, it is also better to use the
breaking the tape method in measuring large distances especially to avoid the
error due to sag and pull that will affect the data gathered. Fourth, to make sure that
you are still on the correct path, you can use the range poles to verify if you are on the
straight line or you can use the theodolite to sight if your position is correct on the
deflection angle needed. Fifth, before starting the fieldwork make sure that you
understand and know what to do in the field already and make sure you are on the
right track. It is also advisable to solve the unknowns beforehand since the needed
data are already given before the fieldwork.


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