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ee | FBI refuses to provide subpoenaed document on alleged Biden ‘criminal scheme’ The agency refused to provide the document Monday in a private meeting with the House Oversight Committee Q vrrees st rnin More fom Police Rep. James Comer: The FBI doesnt respect anyone in Congress ET soo PEP WK oT a CMO SAN Eels CesT RPT: FBI'S AWARE OF BIDEN BRIBE SCHEME ep “The Fadeal Bureau of investigation falled to tun over a document subpoenaed by House Republicans that allegedly details a brbery scheme from then Vice President Joe Biden ‘Te agency refused to provide the document Monday ina private meeting with the House ‘Oversight and Accountability Committee. The unclassified FD-1023 document detalis criminal allegations of a paytoplay scheme related to the Biden family business dealings, according toa whistieblower at the agency who spoke with Sen, Chuck Grassley, iowa ‘EBLEXPECTS CONGRESS TO BE SHEEP IGNORE ALLEGATIONS OF ABUSE WHILE BUREAU PLANS $48 NEW HO: TOP REPUBLICAN Rep. James Comer F-Ky, who chats the Oversight Commitee issued the subpoena to he wants to work with Senate Republicans te hold the Fas budget hostage" until the ‘agency gets new leadership or provides the document "They doit espect anyone in Congress: Comer said Monday on Fox News, ‘They've been able to getaway with tis fo along time. The mecia continues to turn a blind eye. The ‘Senate Republicans continue to fund the FBL. Why would you change your business model hen youre geting everthing you want?” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Cali, aid he hada cll with FBI Director Christopher Wray on Friday and is confident the agency will eventually provide the document. explained to the director that we wil do everthing in our power, and we have the |utiedietion over the FB, and we have the right to see this document” MeCarthy said ‘Sunday on Fox News, believe aftr thie call we wil get this document. AY PRO. (GROUPS, CATHOLICS WERE "TARGET OF THE Comer sad Monday he has spoken with MeCarthy about holding Wray under contempt he does not comply ‘CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP. ‘The Fal wrote a six paged eter to Comer on May 10 explaining its concems with the |ssued subpoena, which included claims thatthe wanted document is unverified and based on informants who must be ket private, Pre pre oa coy

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