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Nigerian man is locked up after saying his an atheist

The 32-year-old Nigerian was Because of the allegations Allan was

arrested by the Nigerian declared delusional and was sent to the
Prison Hospital Boko Aram, in Abuja,
government forces, on June 21st of
for mental health care.
2012, for allegedly being an The Nigerian is been confined in Boko
atheist. Nigeria is a country where Aram for 12 years, during this time
Islam is the mandatory religion. Asad was beaten, tortured, and forced
into multiple conversation therapies.
Allan Asad suddenly stopped going to Asad can't have any visitors and does
the mosque, which alarmed the family not know anything about the outside of
who reported the situation to the the hospital.
authorities. Asad's parents haven't heard from
Boruc Asad, Allan's father, said, " My their son for more than 10 years.
Multiple associations around the world
son is lost, I can't recognize him, he has
have manifested their concern about
always loved Allah, and now he only
this situation.
talks about losing his fate. My son is
The director of The International
brainwashed, I had to denunciate him Religious Liberty Association (IRLA),
before he became another person". Maria Smith, has been a public
Allan was approached by the police defensor of Allan Asad's case, in a post
while coming from work on a Friday on her Instagram she said:
night and was taken for investigation.

During the time of the investigations,

"This is a shame. No man or woman should
Allan was locked up and tortured and
have to be forced into following a religion.
ended up admitting that he didn't have
Everyone is free to have their own beliefs
a religion and had no fate in Allah. Asad
without being called crazy. This is a
said he couldn't find hope in Islam
humanity problem.
anymore and while he was a Muslim he
always felt misunderstood.

Another organization that has had an active

role, in this case, is the International
Humanist and Ethical Union. The
organization has pressed charges against
the Nigerian government for violation of
basic human rights and also for giving
unnecessary medicine to a healthy man.
The process is still in course, and evidence
A picture of Mubarak Bala released by the International Humanist and is still being collected.
Ethical Union Fabiana Barbosa 12ºb
Ae Dr. Mário Fonseca

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