Sexual Health in The Philippines Community Engagement Proposal

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SocSci 14 - E : Community Engagement Proposal

“Promoting Access to Sexual Health Education

and Services in the

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

SocSci 14: Politics, Governance,
and Citizenship

Submitted to:
TANGAR, Arthur Jr.

Submitted by:
COLOSO, Erika Gabrielle
ESGUERRA, Martina Julianna

Submitted on:
23 March 25, Saturday
I. Issue Engagement Proposal

The lack of access to comprehensive sexual health education and services in the
Philippines is a major public health challenge that affects individuals across the country
(Philippines Medical Association, 2020). To address this issue, stakeholders across multiple
sectors must work together to promote access to sexual health education and services for all
Filipinos. The goal of this issue engagement proposal is to do just that. Specifically it aims to:

● To increase awareness of the importance of sexual health education and services

among stakeholders, particularly the primary stakeholders.
● To promote the adoption and implementation of evidence-based sexual health
policies and programs at the national and local levels.
● To promote the provision of high-quality, affordable, and accessible sexual health
services, including testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, family
planning, available contraceptives, and counseling.
● To promote the integration of comprehensive sexual health education into the
curriculum at all levels of education, and to provide support and resources to
educators to facilitate effective delivery of sexual health education.
● To promote the reduction of stigma and discrimination related to sexual health,
particularly among marginalized populations.

There are six stakeholders in the implementation of the Reproductive Health Law in
the Philippines. The primary stakeholder are individuals who are in need of sexual health
services and education. They are followed by the two key stakeholders who are the
government and the Roman Catholic Church who each have significant power and influence
regarding the implementation of the RH Bill. And finally, there are the secondary
stakeholders which are the healthcare industry, educational institutions, and civil society
organizations. Each of these stakeholders has a crucial role to play in advocating for the
implementation of the law, and can take specific actions to promote reproductive health and
rights. To effectively engage these stakeholders, the issue engagement plan will utilize a
multi-pronged approach (U.N. Women, 2012), including advocacy and lobbying, public
awareness campaigns, and strategic partnerships.

The first step is to conduct a series of meetings and consultations with

representatives from each group of stakeholders (Clarity Partners, 2020) to build consensus
around the importance of promoting access to sexual health education and services. It is
towards this end that the organization can develop and disseminate evidence-based policy
briefs and advocacy materials (Evidence-Based Policymaking Collaborative, 2016) that
highlight the importance of sexual health education and services and make
recommendations for action. Then, engagement strategies will be employed that are
targeted for specific stakeholders.

Individuals in need of sexual health services and education can play a role in
advocating for the implementation of the Reproductive Health Law (VeneKlasen, et al.,
2007). Public awareness campaigns will aim to raise awareness among individuals and
communities about the importance of sexual health and education, and the impact it can
have on their overall health and wellbeing. This will involve using a variety of communication
channels, such as social media, traditional media, and community outreach activities to
disseminate information about sexual health and education (ThunderTech, 2020). They can
educate themselves and their peers about reproductive health and their rights while also
encouraging the implementation of the Reproductive Health Law by advocating for it with
their local government officials and healthcare providers.

The government has a responsibility to allocate sufficient budget for the

implementation of the Reproductive Health Law. Advocacy and lobbying efforts will primarily
focus on engaging the government and other decision-makers (Cullerton, et al., 2018) to
support and pass legislation that promotes sexual health and education, particularly the RH
Bill. This will involve building relationships with key officials and advocating for policies that
promote access to sexual health services and education. It will also push for the government
to conduct regular monitoring and evaluation to ensure that all government hospitals provide
family planning services and that reproductive health education is being taught adequately
(Cabral, 2013). Additionally, the government should ensure that reproductive health products
are included in the National Drug Formulary and that they are available and more accessible
in accordance with the original vision of the RH Bill.

The Church's involvement in this issue is complex and its position on sexual health
and education may not align with the views of other stakeholders (Robles, 2012). However,
inclusion of the Roman Catholic Church as a stakeholder in the issue of sexual health and
education is crucial, as it is a significant influence of social attitudes and values in the
Philippines (Harvard Divinity School, 2021). The obvious strategy to establish a dialogue
with its leadership and highlight the shared goals of promoting the well-being of individuals
and families, appealing to them using Jesus’ actions of helping those in need (Walker,
2020). Another strategy would be to provide a platform for individuals with different
perspectives to share their views on the issue, including those from the Church which can
ideally create an opportunity for constructive dialogue and mutual learning, as well as allow
for the recognition of different beliefs and values (Schmalz, 2022). Identifying sympathizers
from the Church itself as well as its following could possibly get real traction for the
organization’s goals. Through these strategies, the Catholic Church should ideally be able to
acknowledge the importance of reproductive health education and access to family planning
methods for the health and well-being of individuals and families. It might also encourage
Catholic health facilities to comply with the provisions of the Reproductive Health Law and
provide family planning services to those who need them or at least reach a level of
compromise (Zagano, 2021). Providing pastoral care and counseling to individuals and
families who are struggling with reproductive health issues is also important.

The healthcare industry can provide training to healthcare providers to improve the
quality of reproductive health care. It should also increase the availability of family planning
methods in health facilities, including rural areas, to make them accessible to all (The
Medical City, 2020). Collaboration with community organizations to conduct outreach
activities and provide information and services related to reproductive health is also an
effective measure they can take (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and
Medicine, et al., 2019).

Educational institutions have a responsibility to incorporate comprehensive

reproductive health education into their curriculums (UNESCO, 2023), in line with the
provisions of the Reproductive Health Law. They should ensure that teachers are adequately
trained to provide age-appropriate reproductive health education. Additionally, educational
institutions should provide access to reproductive health services for students who need
them, either through their own health facilities or through referrals to external providers
(DiSabito, 2014).

Civil society organizations can conduct information campaigns on reproductive health

to increase awareness and educate the public about their rights and the importance of
reproductive health as they are an effective platform for advocacies (ACTED, 2018). They
should also collaborate with local government units to advocate for the implementation of the
Reproductive Health Law and to ensure that it is being implemented effectively and provide
support to individuals who need reproductive health services, including access to
contraceptives and maternal care. On top of that, the organization can also work with civil
society organizations to promote community-based initiatives that promote access to sexual
health education and services, particularly among marginalized populations.

Each stakeholder has a crucial role to play in advocating for the implementation of
the Reproductive Health Law in the Philippines. Through these actions they can contribute to
the advocacy efforts in favor of the law. Ultimately, these actions should be monitored and
evaluated to ensure their effectiveness and to promote the reproductive health and rights of
individuals and families in the Philippines.

II. Communication Management Plan

The communication management plan for advocating sexual health services and
education, as well as the RH Bill in the Philippines, is critical for the success of the advocacy
campaign. The plan must include a comprehensive strategy for reaching out to the target
audience, including the different stakeholder groups, and effectively conveying key
messages. Specifically, it aims to:

● Increase public awareness and understanding of sexual health services and

education, as well as the RH Bill.
● Promote the adoption and implementation of evidence-based sexual health policies
and programs.
● Reduce stigma and discrimination related to sexual health.

In our attempt to promote the importance of Reproductive Health, the organization

are focusing on two things– to equip the citizens with sexual education and for the
government to provide the necessary contraceptives, especially for those who could not
afford them. However, in order for this to be a sustainable engagement, the first step is
funding, so it’s important that Reproductive Health program implementations are included in
the annual budget planning and is seen as a priority medical concern.

One of the strategies for the communication management plan could be to leverage
social media platforms to reach a wider audience. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, and YouTube can be utilized to promote key messages and create engagement with
the target audience (Manchester Digital, 2020). A website could also be created to provide
in-depth information about sexual health services and education, the RH Bill, and related
advocacy efforts. The use of hashtags, such as #SexualHealthPH and #RHBill, can help
increase visibility and engagement. However, the use of traditional media such as television,
radio, and print media can also be incorporated into the communication management plan
(Agrawal, S., 2020). Engaging with journalists and media outlets can help to increase media
coverage of the advocacy campaign, thereby reaching a wider audience and further
promoting key messages. And this doesn’t have to be limited to the media. The organization
can also engage with influential individuals and organizations, such as healthcare providers,
educators, policymakers, and advocates, to promote the adoption and implementation of
evidence-based sexual health policies and programs (Council of Europe, et al., 2014). And
on top of that, the organization should also take the opportunity to foster partnerships with
civil society organizations that advocate for the sexual health such as the Gabriela National
Alliance of Women’s Organizations in the Philippines and Akbayan Youth to support
community-based initiatives that promote access to sexual health services and education,
and work to reduce stigma and discrimination related to sexual health (Marcus, 2012).

As mentioned, the first agenda is to educate people (Population Media Center,

2022). And through educational institutions, the organization can input reproductive health
topics into their curriculum. Along with this, teachers must first be adequately trained in order
to properly educate the students–underlying these topics with facts instead of hearsay,
which is quite common nowadays. Since the organization will be focusing mainly on
educating sexual education in schools, primarily in the middle school and high school (World
Sustainability Organization, 2018), it would be best to put visuals on it in order for students to
better understand it in a manner that’s best suited for their age. This would include posting
infographics in their school boards which students see on a daily basis (VariQuest, 2021).
The information would include what their reproductive rights are; the available contraceptives
the Philippines provide and how it works, so that they know which one would best suit them;
and the possible effects of not practicing safe sex. Along with this, there would be a yearly
talk that would be held in school wherein the organization hired reproductive health
professionals or someone from the Department of Health who can talk about this topic, in a
more interactive level, through which students can ask whatever inquiries they have on the
spot. This helps professionals see how these students think, so that in the following year,
they would be able to know what more they should focus on.

Given that not all adults are informed regarding reproductive health, especially that
the reproductive health law was just implemented in the last decade, it’s still important to put
them in the picture, and help them be better informed regarding this issue. Now in
Barangays, the organization would conduct community-based events, such as health fairs,
seminars, and workshops, to educate the public about sexual health services and education,
as well as the RH Bill. This is also an opportunity for the organization to provide free
contraceptives, counseling, and even help those who have contracted sexual diseases.

In terms of promotional materials, infographics, videos, and social media graphics

can be used to visually communicate key messages in an easily digestible format. These
materials can be shared on social media platforms and the campaign website, as well as
used in presentations and events (Everything Branded, 2022). They can even be distributed
and assimilated in schools, as educational institutions are an audience that this plan aims to
tap. Now on the national level, what’s a better way of spreading information if not through
media–this includes social media, posters, or even television (Geraee et al., 2015).
Knowledge is power, and it’s important to let people know about their own reproductive
health and see it as a priority.

Overall, a comprehensive communication management plan that utilizes a variety of

strategies and promotional materials is crucial for advocating sexual health services and
education and the RH Bill in the Philippines. By effectively engaging with stakeholders and
utilizing various communication channels, the advocacy campaign can effectively promote
key messages and ultimately contribute to positive change in the country.

III. Capacity Checklists

General Checklist (Indeed Editorial Team, 2022)


Goals and Objectives (Atlassian, 2021)

Are the objectives and goals specific and clearly defined? ● ●

Are the objectives and goals tailored to the target audience? ● ●

Are the objectives and goals measurable? ● ●

Have metrics been identified to track progress? ● ●

Are there clear targets for each metric? ● ●

Are the objectives and goals achievable given available ● ●


Have any potential obstacles been identified and addressed? ● ●

Is the timeline realistic for achieving the objectives and goals? ● ●

Are the objectives and goals relevant to the issue at hand? ● ●

Do the objectives and goals align with the organization's vision ● ●

and mission?

Will achieving the objectives and goals have a meaningful ● ●

impact on the issue?

Is there a clear timeline for achieving the objectives and goals? ● ●

Are there specific milestones or checkpoints to track progress? ● ●

Are the deadlines realistic and achievable? ● ●

Have the objectives and goals been communicated clearly to all ● ●


Have all stakeholders agreed on the objectives and goals? ● ●

Are the objectives and goals aligned with the organization's ● ●
vision and mission?

Are the objectives and goals realistic given the available ● ●



Have all necessary resources been identified, including funding, ● ●

personnel, and equipment

Are the resources being used effectively and efficiently? ● ●

Are there any resource constraints that may impact the ability to ● ●
achieve the objectives and goals?

Is there a contingency plan in place in case of unexpected ● ●

changes or challenges?


Is there a clear and realistic timeline for achieving the objectives ● ●

and goals?

Are there specific milestones or benchmarks that need to be ● ●


Have the stakeholders agreed on the timeline? ● ●

Is the timeline flexible enough to accommodate changes or ● ●



Have roles and responsibilities been clearly defined? ● ●

Are team members aware of their individual responsibilities and ● ●


Is there a system in place to monitor progress and hold team ● ●

members accountable?

Are there consequences for not meeting objectives and goals? ● ●


Is there a communication plan in place? ● ●

Is there regular communication among team members, ● ●

stakeholders, and partners?

Are feedback mechanisms in place to receive input and ● ●


Are communication channels appropriate for the target ● ●

Is there transparency in the decision-making process? ● ●


Is there a plan for evaluating the success of the objectives and ● ●


Are there metrics in place to measure progress and outcomes? ● ●

Is there a process for adapting and modifying the plan based on ● ●

evaluation results?

Are stakeholders aware of the evaluation plan and process? ● ●

Are stakeholders involved in the evaluation process? ● ●

Issue Engagement Proposal Checklist (ODI, 2021)



Identify key stakeholders and establish partnerships and ● ●

collaborations with them.

Develop a clear plan of action for each stakeholder, outlining ● ●

their roles and responsibilities.

Ensure open communication channels among stakeholders to ● ●

facilitate collaboration and decision-making.

Establish regular meetings or check-ins to review progress and ● ●

address issues.


Identify policymakers and influential leaders who can support the ● ●

issue and advocate for it.

Develop a messaging strategy that outlines the key messages ● ●

and arguments to be used in advocacy efforts.

Establish relationships with media outlets and journalists to ● ●

generate coverage and increase awareness of the issue.

Conduct lobbying and advocacy efforts to influence policy ● ●

decisions and allocate resources to the issue.


Conduct research and analysis to better understand the issue ● ●

and its root causes.

Gather data on the prevalence and impact of the issue, as well ● ●

as potential solutions and best practices.

Use the research to develop evidence-based solutions and ● ●

strategies to address the issue.

Capacity building

Identify if some of the stakeholders need any specific skills or ● ●

knowledge to effectively in specific areas to address the issue.

Develop and implement capacity-building programs, such as ● ●

training, workshops, or mentorship programs, to improve
stakeholder capacity.

Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of capacity-building ● ●

efforts and adjust them as needed.

Monitoring and evaluation

Establish a monitoring and evaluation framework to track ● ●

progress towards achieving the objectives and goals.

Develop a system for collecting and analyzing data to measure ● ●

the impact of the strategies being used.

Regularly review progress and adjust strategies as needed to ● ●

ensure they remain effective.

Communication Management Plan Checklist (Lucidchart, 2019)


Target audience

Identify the target audience for the campaign and tailor ● ●

messaging to their specific needs and preferences.

Conduct research on the target audience to better understand ● ●

their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors related to sexual health
and the RH Bill.

Use the research to inform the development of messaging, ● ●

materials, and platforms for the campaign.

Messaging and materials

Develop key messages that effectively communicate the benefits ● ●

of sexual health services and education, as well as the
importance of the RH Bill.

Create a variety of materials to support the campaign, such as ● ●

brochures, posters, social media graphics, and videos.
Ensure that all materials are culturally appropriate and visually ● ●
appealing to the target audience.

Pre-test materials with the target audience to ensure that they ● ●

are effective and well-received.

Platforms and channels

Identify the most effective platforms and channels for reaching ● ●

the target audience, such as social media, television, radio, or
community events.

Develop a multi-channel approach to reach the target audience ● ●

through a variety of platforms and channels.

Utilize partnerships and collaborations with key stakeholders to ● ●

amplify the reach of the campaign.

Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of different platforms and ● ●

channels, and adjust strategies as needed.

Timing and frequency

Develop a timeline for the campaign, including key milestones ● ●

and deadlines.

Schedule messaging and materials to align with important dates ● ●

or events, such as World Health Day or Linggo ng Kabataan.

Ensure that messaging is consistent and frequent to maintain ● ●

awareness and engagement among the target audience.

Monitoring and evaluation

Establish a monitoring and evaluation framework to track the ● ●

effectiveness of the campaign.

Use data analytics to measure engagement, reach, and impact ● ●

of the campaign across different platforms and channels.

Regularly review the campaign and adjust messaging, materials, ● ●

and platforms as needed to ensure effectiveness.


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