Toddle-Grade 5 - South Africa in 3D Assessment

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Grade 5 Digital Literacy

Innovative Designer, Computational Thinker
and Global Collaborator

You will have an opportunity in your Digital Literacy lesson to create a group of nine members.
Please do not ask to work alone or only with your best friend, the answer is no. Each of you must
work in your own Minecraft Education world. In the table below, list the names of those who will be
making up your group for this build.

This booklet belongs to: Zethembiso Zungu_______________________________

and I am in Grade: 5W_______

Student Name Province Material

1 Holly Mpumalanga Cobblestone
2 Emihle Limpopo Smooth stone
3 Bandile Gauteng Sandstone
4 Carter North West Red Sandstone
5 Destine Free state Nether Wart Block
6 Oratile KwaZulu Natal White Concrete Powder
7 Harrison Eastern Cape Terracotta
8 Daniele Western Cape Green Concrete Powder
9 Shivalin, Jaiden, Northern Cape Lapis Lazuli Block

Group Planning Process:

My group had a Was there anything
discussion about this difficult about this
task or about how to discussion?
complete this task
Who is creating which province and are you
certain of which province you are creating?
Yes / No Yes because people
were arguing over
which provinces to do

What material should be used to build the

province you are building?
Yes / No Lapis

- Name of each province to be built in 3D (see

Yes / No
Personal Planning and Research

You must now research your province and identify one item that is unique to that province
and build this attraction in large scale with a fair amount of detail
Example: Western Cape - Table Mountain

Gather your research below as proof that you completed this step
Name of your chosen Province Northern Cape

Area of your chosen Province 372889 km2


Provincial Coat of Arms

(Must be researched)

Is your province land locked

or coastal? Coastal
What is the major Economic Mining diamonds and farming
Activity of your chosen

What are the provincial

attractions of your chosen The big hole (Kimberly)
province? (list the various ones
to be found)

Name the neighbouring

provinces/countries to your Western cape. Namibia
chosen province. Free State. Botswana
North West
Eastern Cape
The Provincial Attraction I The big hole (Kimberly)
will be building is… (Choose
one from your list above)

Attraction Build Planning

Name of Province Northern Cape

Material to be used
Materials for Feature Material to be used
attraction Edges leading in Stone and smooth stone

Grass, hills and trees Dirt grass blocks and wood

Inside hole Water, vines

Under water Sea, grass fish

Formative Rubric – South Africa in 3D
Total Achievable Mark – 21

0 1 2 3
Evidence of Student has not Student has submitted Student has submitted Student has submitted
Completed submitted any partially completed research partially completed research completed his/her research
evidence of research and has included inaccurate and has included inaccurate process and has included
Province for his/her selected information about his/her information about his/her accurate information about
Research province. chosen province or has chosen province or has his/her chosen province.
provided less than half of provided more than half of
the aspects needing the aspects needing research
research. but not all aspects required.
Evidence of Student has not Student has submitted Student has submitted Student has submitted clear
group discussion submitted any inconclusive evidence of a inconclusive evidence of a evidence of a collaborative
evidence of a group discussion relating to group discussion relating to group discussion where
and initial collaborative group the achievement of the end the achievement of the end decisions were reached
collaboration discussion having goal of the assessment – goal of the assessment – towards the end goal of the
process taken place ahead of group has therefore not group has therefore missed assessment.
the task. begun their building the deadline for the group
process. section.
Provincial Build Student has not Student has not completed Student has completed the Student has completed filling
filled his/her his/her filling of the filling of his/her provincial of his/her provincial template
province template. provincial template. template but has done so with with borders neatly completed
the incorrect material and has on the inside of the border
left out or inconsistently template
placed borders.
Province name Student has not Student has manually built a Student has successfully Student has successfully
in 3D completed a 3D province name not printed his/her province name printed his/her province name
print of his/her suspended at the prescribed using code builder but has using code builder and has
province name. height or the province name done this with an incorrect done this with setting the
has been built flush on the setting of the height. height at between 15 and 30
province. blocks high
Provincial Student has not built Student has begun but has Student has begun the build Student has completed the
Attraction Build a provincial failed to complete the build. of his/her attraction which build of his/her attraction
attraction. No bears little to no resemblance which bears some to complete
submission made. of the actual attraction. resemblance of the actual
Fly over Video Student has not Student has completed a fly Student has completed a fly Student has completed a fly over
submitted a fly-over over video of his/her over video of his/her province video of his/her province with
video of his/her province but has included but has included more than voice over and has pointed out
completed province less than half of the aspects half but not all aspect
- Borders
in 3D. required. required. - Area size
- Close-up of the province name,
the attraction - external & internal
view and has explained what
he/she built as the attraction
Time management Student has Student has met less than Student has met only half of Student has met more than
consistently missed half of all deadlines with all deadlines with completed half of all deadlines with
all deadlines with completed work as required work as required or with completed work as required
either partially or with partially completed partially completed work. or with partially completed
completed/complete work. work.
d work as required.
Summative Rubric – Group Video & Presentation
Total Achievable Mark – 6

0 1 2 3
Video Group has not Group has submitted a single Group has submitted a single Group has submitted a
Submission submitted a single video of less than half of the video of more than half but not single video all of the nine
video of all nine nine provinces required. all of the nine provinces provinces required.
province fly overs. required.
Video Stitching Group has not Group has only stitched video Group has only stitched video Group has stitched their
and Editing submitted a single together without the use of together with the use of either video together with the use
video of all nine transition effects and without transition effects or the of transition effects and the
and credits province fly over a credits roll at the end. inclusion of a credits roll at the inclusion of a credits roll at
rendering this end but not both. the end.
section unable to be


5C, 5R, 5A, 5W
Assignment Introduction 4 May 2022
Group Formation 4 May 2022
Group Discussions and decision making 4 May 2022
3D Print in Minecraft via Code Builder 17 May 2022
Lesson (first 30 min)

Begin Province Research (Last 30 min)

Begin Province Build

Complete Province build & Add 3D 31 May 2022
Province name

Begin Provincial attraction build

Recordings & Editing 13 June 2022
Submission Due Date 17 June 2022

(You do not have Digital Literacy on this day but your task must
be in no later than the same date)
Please use time in between contact time to get through your work – i.e.
there is homework.

Make time to READ through your material and UNDERSTAND what

is required of you.

MANAGE YOUR TIME well by using a diary or digital calendar and

keep yourself accountable so you do not fall behind. Enlist the help of
your parents if needed for time management.

Due dates have been generated according to your term planner and
forecasted contact time.

Ask for help where you do not understand.

When tempted to use a shortcut, please be careful that you do not leave
out important steps.

Have fun, learn and grow through this creative process.

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