Management Case Study Class 12 Business Studies

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Above Par : The issue price of a share which is above its face value
Accountability : Responsibility for an action or result
Actuating : Motivating and incentive to achieve target
Administrative Expense : Expenditure incurred on administration and staffs
Appraisal : Evaluation of performance
Apprenticeship : Period of acquiring skill at the workplace
Aptitude : The potentiality to learn or acquire a skill
Buying foreign exchange etc in the one market and
Arbitrage :
selling in other to earn profit
At Par : When the selling price of a share equals its face value
The work not completed and thus pending at a
Backlog :
particular time
The standard in reference to which other things are
Benchmark :
Bid Price : The price offered to buy something
A company with a history of good return on
Blue Chip : investment and thus highly recommended for
Generation of innovative ideas through discussion in a
Brainstorming :
Broker : A person who arranges deal between two parties
Brokerage : The commission charged by a broker
Buffer : The stock held to meet unforeseen demands
An individual who buys or sells in anticipation of
Bull :
price rise
Mental stress and exhaustion due to excessive pressure
Burnout :
of the job
Buzz Word : Frequent but unwitting us of any term
A situation where a new product snatches a major
Cannibalisation : share of market from the existing product in the same
Charge hand : A co-worker who enjoys supervisory power as well
The natural gift of attraction and power to influence
Charisma :
An organisation which collect, verifies and
Clearing House :
disseminates information on particular interest
Client : Customer
A company with 5 or fewer shareholders and having
Close Company :
less than 35% stake of the public.

Think Plus Education, D.No: 45-56-3/5/4, Near Axis Bank, Narasimha Nagar, Akkayyapalem, VSP-24 1
The method of s selling something by making contact
Cold Calling : on telephone, by post or in person without any prior
Commitment : Loyalty towards the organization
A group of companies or individtal involved in the
Consortium :
same venture
Constellation : A team that is assigned a work to execute together
Consumer Durable : Consumer goods to be used fora long term
A movement meant to protect the welfare of the
Consumerism :
Aperiod when trade-unions or employer is forbidden to
Cooling-off Period :
enforce stoppage of work
Corporate Management : Overall management of an organisation
The level of satisfaction drawn from the money spent
Cost Effectiveness :
on an item
The ability of an organisation or individual to pay back
Credit Rating :
Customnisation Strategy : The marketing plan in a specific area or country
Damages : Compensation for loss or harm
A stock of interrelated information meant to serve
Database :
various purposes
Dead Stock : The stock that has no longer any demand
Debug : To trace and remove fault from a system
Delegate : To entrust responsibility or authority to a person below
A graphic representation of relationship between price
Demand Curve :
and demand
The loss of one's identityy in an organisation because
Depersonalisation :
people are treated simply as means of production
Diffusion : The incidence of spreading of a new product
The act of selling products directly to consumers
Direct Marketing :
without intermediaries
The power of quality of a person to make decision on
Discretion :
Dissolution : Act of closing down a business
Diversification : Spreading business into new field.
Act of transferring ownership of the company to
Divestment :
another firm.
Dividend : The payment of share of profit to the security holders.
Payment of partial amount for a product with the rest
Down Payment :
amount to be paid according to agreed term.
A short strike intended to attract the attention of the
Downer :
management towards demand.
Drive : A strong and recurrent wish.
Dumping : Selling product at a lower price in a foreign market.

Think Plus Education, D.No: 45-56-3/5/4, Near Axis Bank, Narasimha Nagar, Akkayyapalem, VSP-24 2
Efficiency : The ratio of output to the input deciding effectiveness.
The change in demand by customer on changing the
Elasticity :
Embargo : Prohibition by Government on a trade.
The salary and various other allowances, benefit:s and
Emolument :
incentives accruing in lieu of one's labour.
Encumbrance : Any sort of liability that lowers the value of a property.
Authorising or validating signature on the back of the
Endorsement :
Enterprise : A business organisation.
A person who is the founder, owner and manager, is
Entrepreneur :
innovative and venturesome.
Any plan, often organisation, where people work
Establishment :
together to accomplish any goal.
Ethics : Morals, codes of conduct and just behaviour.
Executive : Manager in the higher level.
Ex-gratia Payment : Payment as gift not under obligation.
Face Value/Nominal Value/ Par
: The amount minus interest on maturity.
An intermediary who transact business of another on
Factor :
A company which acts as a wholesaler or agent of a
Factoring Company :
The study of profitable prospect before starting a
Feasibility Study :
Feedback : Performance report for the sake of improvement.
Research conducted directly and personally in the
Field Research :
A person who brings together a buyer and a seller for a
Finder :
Float : To launch a new company.
The step taken to guarantee smooth functioning after
Follow-up :
sale has been completed.
The act of paying or giving something as penalty or
Forfeiture :
Free lance : A person who works independently.
Fringe benefit : Facilities and rewards apart from the basic payment.
Unethical manipulation of a system for undue
Gaming :
The brand name of a product so popular that it is often
Generic Name :
used as the product itself.
The period during which a plan or idea takes full
Gestation Period :
Attention and enthusiasm of the members towards a
Goal Orientation :

Think Plus Education, D.No: 45-56-3/5/4, Near Axis Bank, Narasimha Nagar, Akkayyapalem, VSP-24 3
Payment and benefit given to an employee on his
Golden Handshake :
premature leaving of the job.
Goodwill : Reputation and good name of a company.
The period after the lapse of the due date during which
Grace Period :
services continue and no penalty is charged.
Information based on informal medium such as rumour
Grapevine :
The degree of attachment or proximity of the members
Group Cohesiveness :
towards the group.
Group Dynamics : The interaction among the member of a group.
Hard Sell : Aggressive promotional or marketing policy.
The grading of personnel in an organisation on the
Hierarchy :
basis of their ranks.
The ability or skill of the workers taken as capital of an
Human Capital :
Broad proposition that is to be proved or refuted on the
Hypothesis :
basis of research.
A promotional approach intended to increase
Image Building :
saleability of a product or goodwill of a company.
The act of buying the goods that the consumer does not
Impulse Buying :
actually need nor has the prior intention to buy.
Financial or other rewards to workers for their
Incentive :
achievement more than the decided level.
Increment : Increase in the scale of pay.
Indemnity : Security or compensation against logs or damage.
Introduction of a new employee to the job and the
Induction :
Development of new ideas or concepts or style of
Innovation :
The process of appointing people in an organisation
Intake :
during a period.
Intelligence Quotient : Mental age divided by living age.
Interaction : Relation or communication between individuals.
A group that forms lives and survives in respect to a
Interest Group :
particular interest.
The different services provided to workers within the
Intramural Services :
Inventory : Stock of all kind available in hand.
The process of making a job challenging, fruitful and
Job enrichment :
an opportunity to grow oneself.
Businesses that are in financial difficulties and are
Lame ducks : surviving only because of financial help of the
The satisfaction and related attitude derived from a
Job Satisfaction :
Think Plus Education, D.No: 45-56-3/5/4, Near Axis Bank, Narasimha Nagar, Akkayyapalem, VSP-24 4
Kaizen : Continuous improvement.
A bribe and inducement money given to someone who
Kick back : gets a particular work of business done using his
Know-how : Any special or technical knowledge or skill.
Depending mainly on labour for production as opposed
Labour Intensive :
to capital intensive.
The philosophy of no or minimal interference of
Laissez-faire :
government in economic affairs.
Lay-off : Reduction in the labour force.
Liability : Amount owed by someone.
A claim or liability on a property decided by
Lien :
Property that is in the form of money or can be quickly
Liquid assest :
converted into money if required.
Logistics : Detailed planning regarding allocation of resources.
The worker who oppose introduction of new
Luddite :
philosophy or equipments into mode or production.
Manpower : Human resource i.e. working people.
The act of promoting sale of or selling the goods
Merchandising :
directly by the manufacturer.
Marginal Cost : The extra or additional cost of production.
Market Force : The forces affecting demand and supply.
Market Niche : The scope of a product available in the market.
The increase in the sale of a product by its increasing
Market Penetration :
adoption by consumers.
Marketing : Sales and distribution.
Merger : Assimilation of two companies by exchange of stocks.
The incidence of a single seller controlling the entire
Monopoly :
market in the absence of any substitute.
A sense of orientation enthusing person to try fully to a
Motivation :
particular goal.
Needs : Deficiencies experienced by an individual.
Negotiate : To try to reach to an agreement.
Niche Marketing : A system's search to a new market.
Niche : The portion of the market that can be targeted safely.
Standard of individual or grounal hehaviour developed
Norms :
over a period of time through interaction.
Objective : Target.
Oligopoly : A market controlled by a few sellers.
Operatoinal Planning : Planning regarding day-to-day functioning.
Optimum : To the fullest extent maximising profits.
The behaviour and attitude of people in an
Organisational Behaviours : organisation/the behaviour of an organisation as an
Think Plus Education, D.No: 45-56-3/5/4, Near Axis Bank, Narasimha Nagar, Akkayyapalem, VSP-24 5
Outlays : Total estimated expenditure.
Output : The result of a process.
Those expenditures of an organisation that do not vary
Overhead :
over a period of time.
Peg : Normal exchange rate of a company.
Performance Appraisal : Systematic and periodic evaluation of the performance.
Personnel : People working in an organisation.
Management concerning every aspect of human
Personnel Management :
A trial study of the market conducted on a few before
Pilot Study :
launching full-scale study.
An investment in securities by a company simply for
Portfolio Investment :
financial gains.
A speculator who tries to make quick profits by
Punter :
transactions in quick successions.
The range of related products offered by a
Product Line :
Prospecting : The act of identifying probable customers.
Protocol : Formal and standard procedure.
A planned effort to establish connection between
Public Relation :
organisation and public.
Exaggeration of positive aspects of a product in
Puffer :
Rapport : Friendly understanding between persons.
Reciprocity : The principle of equal and mutual response.
Someone's dismissal because of shrinkage in job
Redundancy :
Lack of initiative, rigid obedience of rules and
Red Tapism : regulation and delayed decision on the part of the
Remuneration : Payment in money for the work.
Change in the product's name, design, quality and
Repositioning :
marketing strategy to improve its prospect.
Rider : A condition or clause that decreases or spoils any offer.

Think Plus Education, D.No: 45-56-3/5/4, Near Axis Bank, Narasimha Nagar, Akkayyapalem, VSP-24 6

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