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Phelps Phorum
Volume 8, Issue 7
March 2023

Filter of Hope
“Families living in poverty deserve access to clean
drinking water.”
During the month of March, Cru movements across
the country partnered with Filter of Hope (FOH)
over Spring Break to bring clean drinking water to
thousands of families. Cru at the University of
Wisconsin-Superior (UWS) was no different. Next
month you will hear from Ciara, a current UWS Cru
Student Leader, about how God moved on their FOH
trip to Guatemala, but for now I want to share more
about FOH. FOH is Nonprofit Organization that is...
Compassion-driven. God’s love motivates them to
“Every day 130,000+ filters produce up
help families struggling with water-borne illnesses
to 32 million gallons of clean drinking
and experiencing spiritual darkness. By offering
water for families in 70 countries.”
people clean drinking water and the Gospel, they
experience honor, dignity, and hope.
Mission-focused. Their goal is to see the end of the
global water crisis. Beyond even that, they desire to
see the fulfillment of Jesus’ Great Commission.
Partner-building. By linking arms with churches
and like-valued organizations, they maximize their
mission impact around the globe. Their in-country
partners help them bridge the cultural gap and work
more effectively in their communities.
Until next time! Please pray for the students and faculty
of Northland College (NC) as we seek to
Cody Phelps build our ministry on the NC campus.

4115 Gilliat Street ~ Duluth, MN 55804 ~ 701-330-2215 ~

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