Procedural Text Tips

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Tips for writing an impressive

speech: Procedural Text
This time we will focus on procedural texts. A procedural text is any piece of
writing that gives step-by-step instructions on how to do or make something.

The main purpose is to give directions on how to do or make something.

Examples: recipes, directions, rules of games, making any craft

1. Make sure to grab the attention of the audience.
2. You can ask a question, tell a short story or share an interesting fact about
the topic.
Example: Have you ever wondered what you can do with 3 kilos of cheese.
Well, this recipe is for you.

1. List of Materials: You must include the necessary things to create your
2. Numbered Steps: in a list, write the steps of how to carry the procedure.
3. Time Phrases: including “first”, “next” and “then” set an order to the actions
so the reader can understand which steps to follow first.
4. Verb Starters: Steps often start with a verb to tell the reader to do an
action. Examples: “cut”, “take” or “hold”.
5. Second Person: Second person nouns such as “you”, “your” refer to the
reader directly to carry out the steps.

For the ending, you can make suggestion or give advice about
the creation.

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