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Question 2

Sure, here are six points that discuss how Global Health Initiatives (GHIs) have had positive
and negative impacts on two health system building blocks, Health Workforce and Health
Care Financing, with examples:
Health Workforce:
. Positive impact: GHIs have provided significant funding and support for training and
deploying health workers in resource-limited settings. For example, the President's
Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has provided funding to train and support
over 290,000 healthcare workers in sub-Saharan Africa to provide HIV/AIDS services.
. Negative impact: GHIs have been criticized for creating a parallel system of healthcare
delivery, which can undermine the existing health workforce and infrastructure. For
example, the Ebola outbreak in West Africa highlighted the negative impact of GHIs, as
external organizations brought in large numbers of foreign health workers, leading to
tensions with local health workers and communities.
Health Care Financing:
3. Positive impact: GHIs have provided significant funding for healthcare services in
resource-limited settings. For example, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and
Malaria has provided over $45 billion in funding to support prevention, treatment, and care
services for these diseases in low-income countries.
. Negative impact: GHIs can create dependency on external funding and divert
resources away from other health priorities. For example, the focus on disease-
specific initiatives, such as HIV/AIDS, can lead to neglect of other important health
issues, such as maternal and child health.
Health Workforce and Health Care Financing:
5. Positive impact: GHIs have incentivized investment in health systems, including health
workforce and health care financing. For example, the World Health Organization's Global
Strategy for Human Resources for Health has called for increased investment in health
workforce education and training, which has been supported by GHIs.
. Negative impact: GHIs have been criticized for promoting vertical approaches to
healthcare delivery, which can undermine the integration of health services and
weaken health systems. For example, the focus on disease-specific initiatives can lead
to a fragmented and unsustainable approach to healthcare delivery, which can weaken
the broader health system.
Overall, GHIs have had both positive and negative impacts on health system building blocks,
including health workforce and health care financing. It is important for GHIs to take a more
comprehensive and integrated approach to healthcare delivery, and work towards
strengthening health systems as a whole. This requires collaboration and coordination
among various stakeholders, including governments, non-governmental organizations, and
local communities.

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