T2T3 U1 Readingworksheet

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1 Reading Worksheet

1. Read the party planning website. How can parents and family help with a party?

Plan the Perfect Party

You’re going to have to do a lot of preparation and you’re going
to need help from friends and family. You can’t do it all yourself.
The party theme Refreshments Other supplies
Choose Are you going to eat and drink Are you going to have a tablecloth,
your theme your favorite things? Ask your cups, and napkins to match your
carefully. parents to buy the refreshments. decorations? Ask your friends
Is it going to help you choose
to be black and then your
and white, parents can buy
Hawaiian, them online. It’s
or karaoke? quick and easy.

Invitations Decorations Clothes

Are you going to Are you going to decorate your You’re going to
send out the house? Ask your brothers and wear something
invitations by sisters to put up really special
hand or are you the decorations and new for
going to send and balloons. your party.
text messages? Remember to tell Make sure you
Send out your them exactly how go shopping
invitations two weeks before. you want it! with friends before the big day.

It’s going to be an amazing party and it’s going to be well organized! Enjoy!

2. Confirm a text’s content Circle T (true), 3. Scan for information Answer the questions.
F (false), or NI (no information), according 1. What party themes does the website suggest?
to the information in the website.
 It suggests black and white, Hawaiian, and
1. You’re going to have to plan
 karaoke themes.
and prepare lots of things before
a party. T / F / NI 2. When is a good time to send out your invitations?
2. You’re going to have to do
everything yourself to plan a party. T / F / NI 3. Who can buy the refreshments?
3. People prefer to receive
invitations by text message. T / F / NI
4. Why is it useful to buy the other supplies online?
4. It isn’t a good idea to decorate your

house for the party. T / F / NI
5. What does the website suggest you wear to
5. It can be difficult to find supplies
the party?
online for certain themes. T / F / NI

6. It’s a good idea not to buy a new
outfit for the party. T / F / NI 6. According to the website, what is the party
going to be like?

Teen2Teen Three   Unit 1: Reading Worksheet Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2015

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