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Les Desserts Francais

How do desserts reflect culture?

I can identify traditional French desserts.

Qu’est-ce que c’est comme dessert? What type of dessert is this?

C’est …... It is ……...

● la mousse au chocolat ● a sweetened dessert with

whipped cream as a base, often
stabilized with gelatin and
chilled in a mold

● la crème brûlée ● a custard that has been

sprinkled with sugar and placed
under a broiler until a brown
crust forms on top.

● les crêpes ● Thin pancakes

● les éclairs ● a finger-shaped cream puff,

filled with whipped cream,
custard, or pastry cream, often
coated with icing.

● les madeleines ● a small shell-shaped cake made

of flour, eggs, sugar, and butter
and baked in a mold

● les macarons ● a round, colored cookie

consisting of a ganache or
buttercream filling between two
halves made from beaten egg
whites mixed with sugar and
ground almonds

● le profiterole ● a small cream puff with a

sweet or savory filling, as of
cream and chocolate sauce.

● la mille feuille ● a pastry consisting of thin layers
of puff paste interlaid with a
cream or custard filling

● la fondue (chocolat) ● a dish of hot liquid chocolate in

which small pieces of fruit or
cake are dipped

● le soufflé ● A chocolate souffle is basically

chocolate mousse that’s been
baked. The texture is unlike
anything other, so describing it as
a cross between a mousse and

● la tarte ● a small pie filled with cooked fruit

or other sweetened
preparation,usually having no top

● le clafoutis ● a tart made of fruit, especially

cherries, baked in a thick, sweet

I can give basic information about desserts.

I can describe the desserts.

Comment est ________? OR How is __________?

_______________ c'est comment?

● sucré sweet

● acide tart

● crémeux/crémeuse creamy

● riche rich, full of flavor

● friable flaky

● de beurre buttery

● croustillant crunchy/crisp

● moelleux/moelleuse spongy

● enrobé coated

I can say what people typically eat for desserts in France.

En France, on mange ……. In France, one eats. OR

In France, ___________is eaten.

I can give my opinion about dessert.

Pourquoi? Why?

A mon avis, je préfère ... In my opinion, I prefer _______.

parce que because

mais but

et and

J’adore (manger) I love (to eat)

J’aime (manger) I like (to eat)

Je préfère (manger) I prefer (to eat)

Je n’aime pas (manger) I do not like (to eat)

Je déteste (manger) I hate (to eat)

I can ask and answer questions about various desserts.

Qu’est-ce que tu aimes manger?

Qu’est-ce que tu préfères (manger)?

Qu’est-ce que tu veux manger?

I can identify ingredients in traditional French desserts.

Il y a ________ dans ________. There is/are ________ in ________.

● du lait (some) milk

● du sucre (some) sugar

● du beurre (some) butter

● des œufs (some) eggs

● de la crème (some) cream

● du chocolat (some) chocolat

I can compare desserts.

I can compare American desserts to French ones.

Comment est ________? How is __________?

Je préfère ____ plus que ____ . I prefer ____ more than ____.

Je préfère ____ moins que _____. I prefer ____ less than ____.

Je préfère _____ aussi que _____. I prefer ____ as much as ____.

I can participate in a taste test.

I can taste some typical French desserts.

C’est délicieux. It’s delicious.

C’est pas mal. It’s not bad.

C’est bon. It’s good.

C’est dégoûtant. It’s disgusting.


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