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Spy Disguise
The Premise
Each faction will select 2 candidates to act as an undercover team
attempting to pass through customs into enemy territory. The two
spies can be anyone from your faction, and there are no restrictions
on future game participation based on being selected for this activity.

Your task is to create both a convincing disguise that hides your true
identity AND a convincing backstory as to why the two of you are
traveling together.

Any and all material for the disguise transformations must be

provided by faction members, including: clothing, wigs, facial hair,
glasses, make up, hats, accessories, or anything else that can make
your factions spies unrecognizable as their natural selves. You
cannot share materials with other class periods.

All alterations can ONLY be done within that class period; the
selected spies must come to school dressed as they would on any
normal day.
Competition Rules
Each pair of spies must act as a covert team and develop a collaborative
false backstory which includes new names, birth places, shared family
members, occupations, and an interesting story about their relationship. Your
goal is to be familiar with your partners backstory as well as your own and
convince me that you are two completely different people.

Absolutely NO permanent or long term alterations are acceptable, including:

dying ones hair, cutting or shaving hair, body modifications, or dangerous /
questionable accessories.

You are not allowed to wear a mask as a part of your disguise, so if you do not
feel comfortable removing your mask in the classroom, please do not
volunteer to be a candidate for this activity.
How to Win
A before and after picture of each set of spies will be taken and used to
judge the disguise.  Factions will be judged based on the following

• Most dynamic / unrecognizable transformation

Che Guevara
• Originality and creativity

• Attention to detail and commitment to character 

• Most believable backstory, collaboration with partner, and ability to lie

under interrogation

The winning team of spies earns their faction 20 points

The best team across all 5 periods earns an additional 20 points Also
Che Guevara

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