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= Sa : 2 BS Dep 4 mayne” the Tntey nee, 3. 9 ks Uses. Histoay off Sntemet. Snteaner and intemet : v Tntenet sbeqime amet yy. Definer “The Jnteinet vs a globad Ayrtem of Networked Computers together usith there usesy and deca. “ ” Thtener repens geo the global an formation agotem that x ts Mogicatty tinked stoyetren by & giebaley vniqne addzess Space boved “on the Xhternet Probeol Cxred ox Jtt Subsequent eadension §| bellow — ons % Us ole to Support Commun iteation® osing tre ARaumision Control Protocol / Enteunet Pro tocol CTech Le). provides , Uses o* moke Accessible > eter publichy o privately, high teyed Aervices Layered om ee communitatons and sutared Sh prostraciuse desi bed sheneine Benefits of Trtemek :- % Speed * Shasing x Kase *~ Plalabitity bE Tntemer picky 4 Lgsentiagd to the Untewnes Concepts was parker Switch, da whia, dota vto be wheanimitted ss divided into Bmalt packets Ob informatio n and Labeled to adenrtiby dhe Bender and Keupient Tre packed we Bent over O networ |e and then Heacsembled ak neler destination « Th Oey parker did not Hive or wos not dnta, Fhe originag Aenden wos osked oo wierd the pare. Pricey te packet Awitdhing 5 the hey efficent pxuit Switdyay metvod oly date aransrission wos Wed a 1 ARPANET, 1969 A jvanced Resear Project ayates department Of Defense- 5 Agency ebwor K | x The militenu created ARPA saper— computing 7” power. sy nodes (oF hosts) compsied dhe v Viakly 9 only ARPANET . “the ARPANET fat betqame known a4 ache Snteanet. 2 Twenty — three nodes 7 1192 nbtunodional, with node wo By faz, athe ARPANET wet London, Eng land 5 urope at the univers ity college sh mm the nehvosis ws up to 28 The Number oly nodes rot number tO And the deend would be er double every yeor prom then on. Roy “Tamlinsons who worked m BBN» davened email. 35 Tors/rP - 1983 cee je be used pos olf ARPANET hosts, Since ToPIIP war distri bud of 10 Change , dhe Internet became whos Js Cotlted On oper dystem+ This cowed the Antenner Fo grow opickty ° 4y world-wide web 1991 raw was cased by Tim Berner) ~ Lee at CERW) Ysa Ainple way fo puslish Un lornation and make fb auilable om the Snteanet. ) Java 1495 6) Groagle 2001 Pitan enna Jo allow seseaurher cto Shane (S70 ARSE AE SS “To begin oun dictuston of ee Jdentily dome of sthe benegits of networks Jngenerel, Conveniente Con backup hele files over the Compucters Can, shame suowrcea , sur ag disky tote Commuynitodions One ans\ou at flee promote. Commun iiadion Q Provide srebiabilety pout of A nekwosk is down, Useful work may ox d tygenent netuesk pecth. sii] be possible using @ Amplty keodob ility Oy us sue tock! vely Cao nehwosk- do add more Computes do an enisting J Nekworks Gnd Communi tection uted Lay wor King oF Thternek # K Te ankownet dg essentially a networks Olf netwo weg And sts Success depend yon Coo) eheon? % This Cooperation Jy actomplished by % Common Ak Of poorolols « The pxotocols Brot determine, tov Compute Conner , dtr and stewive ho mmation on cthe Stover So Tee | ze TCR |TP thos been desuribed cy the “& ” ‘ 4 2 Lone uye the Gren neh? Sree dn the Tee) Te Auite OF TR perwee o Varios sas Communication pee! pres how gnternet, while If Compusten ko Computes dota Js faded ftom se gBimple Mail “Teansjer protocol CSMTFS is wed fox your email message 5 and Hyper Text Veansper (arte) & we fee gous web Pye Aug Hest. Pro-tote | * T@ITe sopwou ss Jnstatted on wenn Com putes. The infpemrotio > cho be Atnt Sto TP Packets CoWed — garkets for Ghost, And trantmittied OVO Hae “Drkeaner- Sy The advantages of Paukeds Ont on fpllows* @ Sores Herovery > Sy o packet ges courupied , only sthos Conate) packet reed fo be earn, rot ths eutee message. ® Lead distribution Ty we cua ob neswosk a6 wy Henwuted cto Hers busy Oneas. @ Frenibibity ry dhe netuorle exposes pails Sn ore faced, patkeh Can be Senouted. Congeattd packets Lan be os Usruptin necenary SO Send he ever Oven tre (Aime network woue. Eh packets asudve out off Oden OF Gen by the Acqumee nunlet Can be used sto PAU ee Swicthing, J Packet Switthing4—- Th ug not clcta Packet dn Atgpunciat orden , ov SRS: ak ren age. using t- Dntenet > hosts Ly Phy SitoL Components 4 phys ioe component as Server, sroudttis and Thteaner dnuluder a hust ok wee, A s nese Components dnddude whe hetwouk te msedves, Powers - Bewou aue computers that answer Sag pars fox BEAU Atrvices » Author Lut Atrver, mail And mews Servers Routers t- pp swutOr ds a peat — purpare Computen that disets Shak patkett along dhe netwosles Rowers Con detect whether part of othe netwuosk dy coo, Os congerted and Can senouse Fraiyic. Netuow KSi- Networks nuude de basic Physical means cto Feansport perkets OF Snfpormation , Ly pottowtas mrediym osu Wed :~ O Copper wine whith transmit messoyy an etechitog Uimpulse @ Pker-optic coblep , white We Ait waves HO taansmit intra @ Radiowaves , mmeowwaver inpuared Ligh whith alt ee] mm entges Fhseyle air. ett CULTUUUrreen Difftence beaween Internet and Unt@ined 4 snet with a Capitar “I”? veep cto the Cntfve wht Snrennet ( meaning the biggest éo\euton Of “ehvosks tn the planet). ttn aq Hower Core aeyrr Happs to any cet Oy retwosks thet one Conneckd togethen. 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Stands por world wide nema of networks web \ _ malt = © rprxeines is a meant OT used wide web Which ws | ~~ connecting @ computer Jo a Colleton Ol dinfpormaktos | a ~ any other Com puter anywhere which wsaccened via the rr in dre world Tht oinet WF rtowet ts % Sapesee * wow ds a subset Ava \ Fm wow Trter net = wethe pr version Ol wiv xy) In dhe beptoning ww wes | a Tnteanet wos Known 04 known os NEFNET- si = APRA NET. \ ~~ 3 =a ~ Toten we TP www wes HTTP, ae crddrs 44 | L meh WEB ~ Bwowsen 4 L Browser vis a Soptwort Pplitodion trad suns % Computer ox other Snteunet — Capable xough which ue Can Mehieve, Wews and 0 web — bored muttimedio Content duchy a. WES Pajed 5 images 908 Videos vo Mosaic was dhe pisst web browscn dntroduud wh wos dhe fy 1993 by Meus C Ande ess en J A Ucn Stagpers a web page pom o poetinbony website, cthe web browsen vuetrtevers the newisany Content ftom o web Seavey and then displags 4 dhe page o7 Fhe wens dove. “= __-} > senver 2 ZR “2 € uv S -—_ Pe table Mobile — The browser Hewives Sinfosmedion thw ugh Atte prorowl. Th whid teantmitsion of deta vis defied, When dhe browser nealved data fom the emu, Qnad dn forrotion dis playe d om tte device Sineau, wrendowd by HTNL to Wet swadable foo = a Some Popular. web Browiens ~ @® (orgie Chrorne 2 @ Mozilla Fre hex a ~ @ Safed ek. c Can Keep stra uk off Fie file, a web Server next Hee you WiKi a Parbeud, J eu Aco Hee Cookies flee , motion Spostd Shere - The purpae of putting shfermatton sh are. Cookies on your dik s do sudum dhe Uorating a speuibre Gokre. 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Tr provide Aenuiceo tu othe he Sn tenner Programs Called ients | #0 A826) He documents "The web browsex sHequsts % The web Serve. actepe, che SAVER Lox the web Gi proues valid evatard! =o 0 ht Hagues & made b aie a dotumenks and Aenvices. The day web browsed for = Cr web deiument ov Serutems > BP The web bowser act as an FH The web serven is a Sofware WH ineupace between tne OF 4 Sgtkemn which mainteda seven Gnd che client Ahe web applitadions., generone dnd dplays & web document tusfonte And acsep tition ~~ dota WS to tre tent. : r~ Phe web browser sends an The web Server ga HTTP Tarr p weqped and Jes Or | seagunt and Send HTTP | wtuponte , HTTP sea porse ees Pe exter any processing HK Mee eatst three types | mo dep fox ~the web browsex PEocering mod ef [rox web SCH VCH. se. Process - bared, Thread bed Ghd Hy bed 1] Stowe Phe Cookieg HF web Servers provide Qn Ase 40 Ltu¥e Gnd oFganire the beweb browser Poye of the weesite | pes difyowk websites [_————————_—____——- Do bea " s tnstauted™ The web server Cam DeThe web browser ot 4 Jumobe mathing plated on She Went Computes ok the othen side op yen network oF ever on Rie | end th dhe nglobe o iain gown Vey oom porn Comp user ettb » bib et hat us TeP/ Le - Explain Consol, Protocol Cormunicat om 1 that enobles opp i tackion programs and computing ~ ands hor Transmission to exchange message Over a network devices % Tk vs ome of Ahe most Conmonly used protools and Crivee within digital networls Communitadion £ end-steend dotu delivery: % Wp organize data So’ trot jt Con be transmitted between a Senver and a Went. Tt guarantees cre Sntegeity oy the dota being Communitaded Oltn O network Beyoxe St heanemits dato 5 €e Ter establishes & conne Hon desttnodion, whith fetweenadource and tts te engune eralns Live Util Communitaton begins. Sipe tea brea Lge amount oy dota ~fnto Amatien packers, while ens ustng deta —-& Pntegrity as tn plate thsoughout tres (fSee- et protocols that need 0 rrppdd ddd dddd x ASO nett » -high te tsanimit doto coll We TCP Protouwl Fox expi- @ File Trancy Protocol CFTP > Secame shell Cars and Telrer poebPd ag fm obsennative to TEP fs cine sen Datagram Protkol Cov P> , whieh ts used ato extablrsh Lown Comedtion berween opplication and deeuwore bras muons Bre. Tor low be expensive nehworl toot A te : UnUnde eluent or covbupted paueets and protert dota dblivers + atenuy f ~ a NR y% Re dnbeunet Protocol (LP) “8 the method poy sending prom one device ste another acwots eae eee device 104 TP addeern that unisyaely Fd enctifpieg tL and evables s4 to Communicate with and conne ted to Cm chan F je data with other devices etre Sd nteined * TP us satsponsible fue degining show Applications packets of data with, Cau frteaner Protocol Luite Protocols thot And devices extharge othen, Tt does through She Ctr /rPd » agree ol Communication Cee Spite Unto for abetravtton Lays: se LP is dre main paotacol within Ane inden ned Bagger oy TCPITP. 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