2014 09 Niacin Brain

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The B3 Story: The Brain

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March 2014 Volume 10: Issue 3

Introduction sician. The doctor was called away to Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D., con-
another examination room while the ducted the very first double-blind, pla-
Abram Hoffer estimates that half
boy was being examined. The patient cebo-controlled studies in the history
the homeless in North America are
read his chart and learned he had been of psychiatry. The studies showed that
former mental patients. When Hoffer
diagnosed with schizophrenia. Not vitamin B-3 could cure schizophrenia.
was about 15 he went with his parents
knowing what the condition was, he Hoffer wrote, “For schizophrenics,
to visit a cousin who suffered with
looked up the word in the dictionary the natural recovery rate is 50 percent.
mental illness. Everyone was im-
when he returned home. The dic- With orthomolecular medicine, the re-
pressed with the entrance to the hospi-
tionary defined schizophrenia as “a covery rate is 90 percent. With drugs,
tal and the impressive waiting room.
hopelessly incurable disease.” The it is 10 percent. If you use just drugs,
The family waited an hour or more
boy promptly shot himself. Hoffer you won’t get well.”
before their cousin was brought to the
expained to the boy that the condition Abram Hoffer became convinced
waiting room to meet with them.
was not hopeless and could be treated. early in his career that intake of nia-
The long wait puzzled Hoffer until The boy eventually recovered from cin through diet was not optimal. He
years later when he made the acquain- the disease. wrote, “I have been convinced for a
tance of Dr. Humphrey Osmond at the
Reference: long time that if we were to add 100
same hospital. Osmond explained that Hoffer, Abram, Healing Schizophrenia, Toronto, mg of vitamin B3, in niacinamide
at that time conditions in the wards Canada: CCNM Press, 2008, 9-12. form, to our diet, there would be a
were so bad that the public was not
Mental Illness major decrease in the incidences of
allowed to see them. They would
The use of vitamin B-3 to treat schizophrenia, as well as many other
first give a patient a bath, take off
schizophrenia can be traced back to diseases, such as hyperactivity and
their dirty and torn clothes, and dress
Joseph Goldberger. He set the stage learning and behavioral disorders in
them up in clean clothes before they
for the fortification of foods with vi- children.”
were allowed to meet with family and
friends. The clothes were removed tamin B-3. About half the people in Hoffer was not close minded. As
and they were returned to their ragged mental institutions went home when time went on he came to realize that
garb until the next visitors came. Re- vitamin B-3 or niacin was first added other factors in addition to B-3 de-
form did not take place until the wards ficiency could contribute to schizo-
were opened to the public. phrenia. Hoffer wrote, “...schizophre-
nia is not a single disease as we once
Schizophrenia has long been treat-
thought: it is a syndrome with each
ed as a hopeless and shameful condi-
syndrome caused by different fac-
tion. In the early 1960’s Hoffer was
asked to care for a young boy with
schizophrenia who had shot himself, In addition to niacin deficiency
missing his heart by about one inch. Hoffer found other complicating fac-
The boy had been institutionalized tors for the disease including brain al-
several times previously. After being lergies, vitamin and mineral deficien-
released he had visited his family phy- to flour. cies, toxicities and mineral excesses,
and conditions caused by drugs such

Copyright © 2014 by Jim McAfee. All rights reserved. 1

as hallucinogens. anese prisoners of war who suffered who used quantities of adrenaline
References: with chronic anxiety and fear, heat sprays to control his asthma. “He had
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/ar- and cold intolerance, and debilitating colored visions with his eyes shut and
chive/2012/10/21/pellagra-causes-violent-crimes. arthritis. feelings of unreality.”
Hoffer, Abram, Healing Schizophrenia, Toronto,
GP asked Hoffer if he could try the Professor Duncan Hutcheon of the
Canada: CCNM Press, 2008, 13. niacin so he could explain the flush to University Medical School in Saska-
Hoffer, Abram, Saul, Andrew, and Foster, Har- the patients. Two weeks after he be- toon suggested adrenochrome, a deg-
old, Niacin: The Real Story, Laguna Beach, CA.: gan the high dose niacin he was free radation product of adrenaline was
Basic Health Publications, Inc., 2012, 101.
Hoffer, Abram, Healing Schizophrenia, Toronto,
of all his symptoms. He suffered a re- the culprit. Adrenochrome is similar
Canada: CCNM Press, 2008, 15. lapse one time when he forgot to take to mescaline and was related to every
his niacin. hallucinogen then known.
Vitamin Dependency
Hoffer concluded that extreme de- Hoffer followed by Humphrey Os-
Understanding Abram Hoffer’s
privation of nutrients early in life can mond took adrenochrome. Osmond
concept of vitamin dependency is a
result in an acquired dependency for saw the ceiling change color and a
natural starting place for comprehen-
a larger amount of some of these nu- brightly colored pattern of dots formed
sion of the role of vitamins in condi-
trients later in life. These individuals themselves into fish. Osmond felt like
tions such as schizophrenia.
might appear superficially healthy, but he was under water with a school of
Two thousand Canadian soldiers they could not enjoy optimal health fish. When he was given a self-portrait
were sent to defend Hong Kong at the until supplied with optimal doses of of Van Gogh it came alive.
beginning of World War II. The Japa- the nutrients they required to make a Osmond experienced similar sen-
nese attacked and these soldiers were full recovery from the damage caused sations for an extended period after
imprisoned for forty-four months. by their previous malnourished state. taking the drug. The sensations ap-
Conditions were so severe that one
References: peared about 15 minutes after stress.
in four died and the rest were per-
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/ar- Hoffer and Osmond found that
manently impaired. Nutrition was so chive/2012/10/21/pellagra-causes-violent-crimes.
poor that survivors had lost one-third aspx inhaled adrenochrome or adrenolutin
of their body weight. Hoffer, Abram, Saul, Andrew, and Foster, Har- could trigger schizophrenic symp-
old, Niacin: The Real Story, Laguna Beach, CA.: toms including emotional outbursts,
Dr. Abram Hoffer estimated that Basic Health Publications, Inc., 2012, 34-38.
delusions, and suspiciousness.
every year in prison camp had aged
The Adrenochrome Both the adrenochrome and ad-
these soldiers by five years. They suf-
Hypothesis renolutin derivatives of adrenaline
fered with the diseases of aging at an
early age. Their afflictions included Abram Hoffer developed the ad- proved highly unstable until Hoffer
arthritis, blindness, heart disease, de- renochrome hypothesis of schizo- found a way to stabilize them.
terioration of the nervous system, and phrenia in 1952. The theory suggests Interest in adrenochrome as a hal-
depression. that many cases of schizophrenia are lucinogen was killed for a time as a
associated with adrenalin which has result of Dr. Max Rinkel who used ad-
In 1960 Hoffer began a project
oxidized into adrenochrome and ad- renochrome semicarbazide (stabilized
to study the effects of niacin on ag-
renolutin. Both of these compounds adrenochrome) to decrease bleeding
ing patients. George Porteous, one of
have halucinogenic properties similar in surgial patients. He found no hallu-
these prisoners of war, was director of
to LSD. cinogenic properties. He subsequent-
the institution housing Hoffer’s pa-
tients. Porteous was one of these Jap- The origin of the adrenochrome ly admitted that he had made an error
hypothesis can be traced back to in assuming tthat the two compounds
Smythies and Osmond in 1952. They had identical properties.
pointed out a structural similarity be- Hoffer and his associates pursued
tween adrenaline and mescaline and the idea that excessive adrenaline
their hallucinogenic properties. Dr. production could lead to too much
John Smythies had experimented with adrenochrome and its toxic byprod-
mescaline and noted that the experi- ucts such as adrenolutin. These toxic
ence resembled that of some schizo- byproducts could lead to the physi-
phrenics. ological and biochemical changes in
These researchers also noted psy- schizophrenia.
Adrenochrome chological changes in an asthmatic Based on this hypothesis Hoffer
Copyright © 2014 by Jim McAfee. All rights reserved. 2
suggested that decreasing the amount er and Jeannette Dulay lends some
of adrenaline would reduce the bio- credence to Hoffer’s use of vitamin
chemical inclination toward schizo- B3. These researchers found that a
phrenia. high-affinity brain receptor for niacin
Hoffer gave his schizophrenic pa- was decreased in the anterior cingu-
tients generous quantities of vitamin late cortex of individuals suffering
C because antioxidants such as vi- with schizophrenia. The researchers
tamins C, E, and glutathione inhibit chose to examine this part of the brain
free radical oxygen activity. Oxidized because “it is a key region...thought to
adrenaline compounds appeared to be disrupted in psychosis.”
be the source of the hallucinogens in These researchers also note that
schizophrenia. Hoffer did not mention schizophrenics have a much more Vitamin B3 may benefit anxiety.
carotenoids which have the most po- blunted flush when they take niacin Dr. Jonathan Prousky discusses nia-
tent activity against free radical oxy- than do age-matched controls. The cin at length in his book Anxiety. He
gen. high-affinity niacin receptor is respon- points out that both niacin and niacin-
sible for the flush experienced when amide have sedative activity and inter-
Hoffer began using niacin for a
an individual takes niacin. Through act with the benzodiazepine receptor
couple of reasons. Firstly, niacin slows
this mechanism niacin causes the re- site. Benzodiazepines have powerful
the production of adrenalin reducing
lease of tissue hormones which cause sedative, anti-anxiety, muscle relax-
its downstream metabolic products
dilation of the capillaries in the skin. ant and sleep inducing properties.
as well. Hoffer’s main reason for us-
ing niacin with schizophrenia was the A study by Craig Hudson and associ- Niacin also upregulates produc-
similarity between the disease and ates found that 12 of 28 schizophrenic tion of serotonin. Pharmaceutical
pellagra. He wrote, “Many psychia- patients did not vasodilate in response medications used to treat depression
trists are no longer familiar with the to supplementation with niacin while and anxiety disorders usually focus
clinical manifestations of the vitamin all controls responded with a flush. on increasing serotonin availability.
deficiency disease known as pellagra, Finally, Miller and Dulay suggest Niacin also decreases lactic acid
but when the older literature is exam- looking for substances that stimulate levels in the blood. This compound is
ined, it is clear that the best model of these receptors as a potential treat- produced in the muscle when exerciz-
schizophrenia is pellagra.” ment for schizophrenia. One possible ing. Accumulation can cause burning
Hoffer goes on to say, “It would mechanism of stimulating these recep- in the muscles during exercise. Stud-
appear that pellagrins suffer from a tors is the high dose niacin untilized ies of individuals prone to panic dis-
vitamin B-3 deficiency disease, while by Hoffer. The authors suggest that corder can be triggered with infusions
schizophrenics suffer from a vitamin Hoffer’s work should be “...re-eval- of sodium lactate. Control subjects did
B-3 dependency disease. People with uated in the context of the limitation not respond to the infusions with pan-
schizophrenia need more vitamin B-3 imposed by a deficient receptor...” ic attacks. Lactate sensitive individu-
to restore their biochemical balance als respond positively to niacinamide
than people with pellagra or any ‘nor- which converts lactic acid to pyruvate
mal’ person.” which does not trigger anxiety.
Osmond, H., and Smythies, J., Schizophrenia: A
Recent research by Christine Mill- new approach, J. Ment. Sci., 1952; 98:309. Reference:
Hoffer, Abram, The adrenochrome hypothesis of Prousky, Jonathan, Anxiety, Ontario, Canada:
schizophrenia revisited, Orthomolecular Psychia- CCNM Press, 2006, 39-60.
try, 1981; 10(2): 98-118. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benzodiazepine
Hoffer, Abram, Healing Schizophrenia, Toronto,
Canada: CCNM Press, 2008, 107. Alzheimer’s
Miller, C.L., Dulay, J.R. The high-affinity nia-
cin receptor HM74A is decreased in the anterior Vitamin B3 appears to be a nutri-
cingulate cortex of individuals with schizophrenia, ent with wide-ranging benefits for
Brain Res. Bull. (2008), doi:10.1016/j.brainres-
bull.2008.03.015 brain function. Kim Green and her as-
Hudson, Craig J., et al, The niacin challenge test: sociates published an article in 2008
clinical manifestation of altered transmembrane sig- showing that niacinamide enhanced
nal transduction in schizophrenia? Biological Psy- memory in mice bred to manifest the
chiatry, 1997;41:507-513.
characteristics of Alzheimer’s disease.
The researchers concluded, “In sum-

Copyright © 2014 by Jim McAfee. All rights reserved. 3

1271 High Street, Auburn, CA 95603
Phone (530) 823-7092 order line (800) 359-6091
E-mail: mail@imageawareness.com
Visit our website! www.ImageAwareness.com

mary, the results presented here sug- board of AA International resented with omega-3 fatty acids.
gest that nicotinamide has potential Bill’s promotion of vitamins. Reference:
as a novel, safe, and inexpensive AD Wilson died of pneumonia on Jan- Rudin DO, The Major Psychoses and Neuroses
(Alzheimer’s Disease) therapy...” uary 24,1971. Had he lived longer the as Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency Syn-
drome: Substrate Pellagra, Biol Psychiatry, Septem-
Reference: importance of niacin would have been ber 1981;16(9):837-850.
Green, Kim N., et al., Nicotinamide restores better known in the alcoholic commu-
cognition in Alzheimer’s disease transgenic mice
nity. Wilson inaugurated a chain reac-
via a mechanism involving sirtuin inhibition and
selective reduction of Thr231-phosphotau, The tion of B-3 use among A.A. members
Journal of Neuroscience, November 5, 2008; in 1965 “when I recommended the Web Resources
28(45):11500-11510. vitamin to a few friends I knew to be www.imageawareness.com
Alcoholism continually plagued by depression, www.yourbodyssignlanguage.com
Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alco- tension, anxiety and lack of energy. www.jimmcafee.com
holics Anonymous and popularizer Those who received marked benefits Disclaimer
of the program, was introduced to from B-3 made conscientious efforts This publication contains the opinions
niacin by Abram Hoffer in 1960. Bill to brief fellow sufferers.” and ideas of its author. It is intended to pro-
W began to take 3 grams of the vi- References: vide helpful and informative material on the
tamin in divided doses each day. He Hoffer, Abram, Hoffer’s Laws of Natural Nu- subjects addressed in the publication. It is
trition, Ontario, Canada: Quarry Press, 1996, 143-
had suffered with depression and fa- 144. provided with the understanding that the au-
tigue since giving up alcohol, but the Wilson, Bill, The Vitamin B-3 Therapy, February thor and publisher are not engaged in render-
niacin alleviated these symptoms. 1968, Bedford Hills, New York, 3. ing medical, health, or any other kind of per-
Bill W. tested 30 of his friends in Final Thoughts sonal professional services in this newsletter.
AA on niacin. Ten were free of de- The B complex in general and vi- The reader should consult his or her medical,
pression, anxiety, and tension within tamin B3 in particular are appropriate health or other competent professional before
one month. Another ten improved in for a trial in a wide variety of abnor- adopting any of the suggestions in this news-
two months. malities involving mood and behav- letter or drawing inferences from it.

Bill W. became a zealous propo- The author and publisher specifically dis-
ior. Donald Rudin points out that the
nent of the use of vitamin B3 and claim all responsibility for any liability, loss,
omega-3 fatty acids are the substrate
other nutrients as a treatment for ad- or risk, personal or otherwise, which is in-
for the functioning of the B vitamins
diction. He put together private com- curred as a consequence, directly or indirectly,
including vitamin B3. Rudin found
munications to the medical commu- of use and application of any of the contents of
that he could lower the threshold for
nity informing them of the value of this newsletter.
the niacin flush in schizophrenics
niacin. The medical members of the dramatically by supplementing them
Copyright © 2014 by Jim McAfee. All rights reserved. 4

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