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Thralled in Elysian:: Kiss of Brine

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Category: F/M, Multi
Fandom: Original Work
Character: Minthe the Mermaid, Ezekiel Wolf
Additional Tags: Dark Urban Fantasy, Supernatural Fantasy - Freeform, Dark erotica,
Sexual Slavery, Human Trafficking, Slave auctions, Collars, Forced
Orgasm, Sexual Assault, Magically Silenced, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat,
heed the tags, Toxic Relationships, Power Imbalance, No happy
endings, No Beta, Tags to be edited, Master/Slave, Master/Pet,
Breathplay, Blood Drinking
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2021-08-08 Updated: 2021-08-09 Chapters: 4/? Words:

Thralled in Elysian:: Kiss of Brine

by ElysianCreature


The Elysian Gardens is a vast estate located on the edge of the country of Eri. The
sprawling palace is the birthplace, home, and graveyard of countless "Thralls". Beautiful
creatures groomed to perfection to the wealthy and twisted, they await a Master or Mistress
to claim them. Any who enter these hallowed halls can expect to find pleasure and mystery
around every corner... Whether they want to or not.

Enter Minthe a mermaid captured and meant to be presented as part of the castle's "wild"
collection. A group of unique and untrained beauties to bewitch and entertain. The
memories of her first night are hazy and heated but one thing shines out in her mind's eye
more than anything: a pair of gray eyes and chocolate hair. This is a man who has haunted
her dreams... her nightmares. His name is Ezekiel Wolf and she will be the key to his
triumphant rise to power in their world of men and monsters, or his damnation back to


WARNING: This is a work of fiction and in no way condones the actions within. As a
work of fiction it is a fantasy meant to entertain readers. Inside this story there will be:
graphic depictions of violence, non-consensual sexual encounters, and character death. This
is not a romance, it is dark erotica. If any of these topics are sensitive to you please consider
pursuing a different work.
This is my first attempt at writing dark erotica. I’m sure it will be chock full of tropes and
mistakes. Care to learn with me? I’ll try to make sure ya’ll have fun~
Chapter One

This Chapter Contains: Minor Blood, Bondage, Captive Unable to Talk, Unwanted Touching, and
Mentions of Eating People.

The mermaid dreams. Her body is encased in the cold depths of her home, the taste of brine against
her lips like a chilled kiss. Yet, she pushes herself deeper and deeper still. She forsakes the
glimmering gold and green of surface waters for tranquil, cold and safe inky blackness. And yet,
no matter how hard or far she swims that abyss of sanctitude is out of reach.

The mermaid dreams. Golden digits reach out for the darkness like the claws of a wild animal:
eager for the safety of its burrow with the hounds on its tail. But, it is not hounds that pursue this
creature of the deep. It is man. She has never encountered humans like this before. These men are
wild and strong, their ship is heavy and it cuts through the waves like a blade through flesh.
Eventually nature itself gives and makes way for the beast of a vessel. If she could just reach the
depths, away from the grasp of their nets and harpoons she could be free!

Ariel is waiting for her. Soren will be back with the hunting party. She can't die like this. She won't
die like this!

A sharp pain pierces the mermaid's tail, it is as though a tongue of fire is lashing along the length
of her limb. It is an exquisite agony that she cannot put words too, it is all consuming. Darkness
overtakes her vision as she manages to look up at the world of fading light. A strange silver-shafted
arrow is sticking out of her tail. Shimmering scales have caught the surface's light, trailed by
ribbons of blood as they part from her flesh. With fading strength she rips the object from her body
and stares bewildered at the white rose embossed on the side of the shaft. Could this be...?

"Elysian..." The mermaid whispers as all goes dark.

The mermaid dreams of the day of her capture, of the salvation of darkness just out of her reach.
She longs to start that day over, but there is no going back. Time is merciless, it can only go

Her name is Minthe. She was once a powerful creature that lured men to their deaths and made the
seas into an almighty kingdom. Now, she is about to become something else.


Minthe awoke with a start, a terrible pounding in the back of her skull. In one instant, her world
was thick with darkness and silence. And the next? Everything erupted into a babble of chatter, her
nose is assaulted by an array of perfumes, cologne, sweat, food, alcohol and sex. It made a heady,
nauseating cocktail to her enhanced senses. But worst of all, as she attempted to blink and recoil
from the overload, she found that the darkness remained and her body was immobile. Confused and
enraged, Minthe opened her mouth to scream.

HELLO?! What is happening?!

Wait. She screamed just now. She opened her mouth and felt the air whistle through her throat as
the vocal cords vibrated. But... But... all was silent.

What had they done to her? Minthe writhed in her bonds, her sore and drugged body slowly
coming to terms with the strange predicament that she found herself in. She was hung upside down,
her tail wrapped and chained around some sort of metal object. She could feel that her hair was
loose, hanging free below her. Each twitch of the mermaids body made those long golden locks
drag against the floor. The chains continued down, criss crossing over her bare abdomen and chest
to lash her wrists behind her back. Lastly, they looped around her bare throat. But the chains were
not tight enough to strangle her, the panting, panicked breaths in her breast told her as much. No,
something else was going on. Something worse.

Minthe attempted to cry out again but each fresh wave of air pushing through her lungs came out as
little more than a gasp. She gnashed her teeth and swayed in her bonds. The mermaid was spitting,
yowling, and howling silently amidst the strangers that surround her. None of her cries left the
prison of her own mind as a new terror settled deep into the blonde woman's belly.

If they silenced her voice then they had taken one of her greatest weapons: her songs. Without
them, there was little power for her to hold outside of the water. But, there was more for the
mermaid to worry about than just her lack of voice. Finally, it seemed as though one of the
strangers had noticed she was awake.

A pair of soft-soled shoes tapped lightly against the floor beneath her. She could only just pick
them up over the din of the crowds as those shoes came to stand right before her. The scent of his
cologne washed over her next: citrus and spice. It was warm and clean, acting like a balm to her
over stimulated senses. Was someone going to release her? The tiniest bubble of hope rose in her
chest, the dying gasp of a swimmer looking towards the surface. She knew it was futile to hope but
could not help it. This was an instinctual reaction after being lost in darkness and dreams for so

"Are you finally awake little guppie?"

The man that spoke had a deep, lightly accented voice. She cannot place where it is from, in spite
of her many years in the sea and the countless men drowned by her hand... wherever he is from, it
most be land locked. Minthe was only guessing, clinging to the bits of information that she could
gather in the darkness and forced silence. But it didn’t really matter. The bubble had burst, this
stranger was no friend. Each word is dripping with sick, mocking amusement.

Minthe flinched as fingers slip under her chin, pressing her mouth closed once more. But they don't
stop there. Long, strong digits encircle her jaw, pressing in and holding it closed before forcibly
tilting her head so that he can look into her blindfolded face. "You shouldn't gape like that, it makes
you look like a drowning fish."

The stranger's fingers left her jaw, allowing her head to flop back down. If she had a proper voice,
Minthe would have groaned in pain as the motion made her head throb once more. His touch
trailed upwards, a single finger tracing a razor-thin line along the hollow of her throat, to her
collarbone and down her sternum. It finally stopped in the valley of her bare breasts, leaving a
blazing trail of goose flesh in its wake. Minthe gasped in outrage as his wide palm encircled her
right breast and squeezed, fingers digging into the supple flesh. She wanted to scream, wanted an
outlet for her pain, but there was none. All she could do was buck her body as much as possible
within the confines of the chains that bound her. It hurt!

He didn't stop. His fingers continued to drag torterously up the swell of her breast until his thumb
and forefinger pinched her nipple like a vice. Minthe's breast felt like it was on fire, like each of his
fingers had left a line of magma in its wake. Against her will, her chest heaved and heat burned the
back of her eyes.

No! She would not cry. She would not give this man, whoever he was, the satisfaction. Never. But
the pieces were falling together. The white rose on the arrow, the way she was bound. She had
been taken to the Elysian Gardens, Eri’s dirty little secret: the trade of flesh. And surely, surely, the
man before her was a buyer.

Or perhaps he was more than just a simple man? The stranger twisted her nipple, earning another
gasp from the trapped creature. Minthe heard him kneel down on the hard floor and felt the fingers
of his free hand thread through her golden tresses. They yanked a tight hold right against the base
of her scalp and dragged her head up into an uncomfortable position. She could feel his breath right
against her lips, almost close enough to kiss. When he spoke, the scent of blood and careon washed
over her, drawing another hitching breath from the mermaid. This man was a true monster! He was
not human! Or at least, not a sane one. With a scent so fresh he must have just consumed
something live and wriggling. Like the countless fools who had found themselves in her depths.
Was this jolt of fear the same for them? Was this what it felt like to be prey?

"Oh trust me, little guppy. You will be giving me that satisfaction and many more. One way or
another." The stranger murmured against her lips. What did he mean by that? She could feel him
hesitating, practically hear the wheels in his mind turning as his assault on her nipple continued and
his lips hovered over her own. What was he going to do next? Minthe was certain she was going to
throw up if he kissed her. “I am going to make you into something glorious and terrible. I am going
to make you mine.”

Minthe took a long breath, she had to calm down. She had to find a way out of this before his
fucking lips touched hers! She had to...

"Ezekiel, I see you are ogling our wares before anyone else gets a chance to. As usual."

A second, masculine voice interrupted the sea of sound that surrounded them. Minthe breathed a
sigh of relief as her flesh was finally released. Still, the stranger did not leave her side, merely
standing as someone else joined them. Another man, he wore no cologne and only smelled of soap
and faintly, car oil. Peculiar... But it was another light scent to ease her traumatized senses. She
tried to focus on their conversation. Even if she was prey, Minthe would not make easy quarry for
the mad men that surrounded her.

"Hm. Well you did string them up so nicely." Ezekiel, the citrus-scented stranger, replied, a bite of
scorn in his voice. Those damned fingers soon started to dance along her side, moving up to trace
where scale met skin. "But... A little cliche don't you think? Hanging her from a hook?"

The unnamed stranger merely laughed and Minthe heard something whistling through the air
before a smack sounded sharp above her. Ezekiel gasped and his unwelcome touch quickly

"I thought it was fitting. Perhaps if you one day ascend to the throne, you can do things differently.
For now... why don't you pray you make a winning bid and keep your hands to yourself?" The
second stranger's voice was thick with authority and irritation. Clearly he was in some position of
power over Ezekiel but he was still not an ally to the mermaid hanging from a hook. Just another
enemy, a fount of information to be studied and destroyed the second she had a chance.

”Wait for the bidding like everyone else, Ezekiel. As for you girl... Back to sleep, it’s not time to
start the show yet~"

The second man laid his hand against the mermaid's belly and she felt a strange sense of calm
spreading through her every cell. She was sinking back into the darkness once more and fought
hard against it. But, even though she panted and strained, her energy was fading. Dimly, she was
aware of Ezekiel exchanging a few final words with the man touching her.
"As you wish Sovereign White."

Then all was dark. The mermaid was once again lost to her dreams, waking only with the fateful
cry of: "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Elysian Gardens’ Christmas Gala. For your bidding
pleasure, we would like to present you with our Wild Collection."
Chapter Two
Chapter Summary

Minthe is bought and forced to experience just what sort of hell awaits her before the
entire Winter Galla...

Chapter Notes

WARNING: This is a work of fiction and in no way condones the actions within. As a
work of fiction it is a fantasy meant to entertain readers. Inside this story there will be:
graphic depictions of violence, non-consensual sexual encounters, and character death.
This is not a romance, it is dark erotica. If any of these topics are sensitive to you
please consider pursuing a different work.

This Chapter Contains: Physical Abuse

The world exploded in light and applause as Minthe's blindfold was ripped away and she was
forced to observe the horrors that awaited her. The Elysian Gardens were a terrifying place: a hell
on earth that dripped with gold and glamour. Every inch of the grand ballroom that Minthe found
herself hanging in is covered in gold, black and white marble. And the roses, now that she had
been hoisted high above the ground she could see them. White roses everywhere and the delicate
scent coats every breath she takes. It is nauseating.

Minthe found herself suspended in the air at the end of the long room. The walls were painted
white and covered in various decorations, namely gold ribbon, sprigs of pine, and black and white
orbs hanging in bunches. The ceiling was a dome of glass and gold, displaying the clear midnight
sky above. And at the far end, beyond the sea of people was an impossibly tall pine tree. It was
decorated with the same baubles as the walls, more ribbon and strings of pearls. The decadence on
display as she hung in the air, about to be bid upon like prized cattle, was nothing short of
terrifying. Had she a voice, Minthe was certain that she would have been screaming. This was a
nightmare. Whatever brace promises she had made to herself wavered now that she could see the
hellish reality before her. This was a nightmare and she wanted to wake up!

Oh little guppie, this is no nightmare...

The voice that filled her head caused Minthe to jerk in her bonds. She swung lazily, drawing a
wave of fresh murmurs from the crowd as they realized she is awake. Ezekiel. Unbidden, the
blonde found her eyes drawn down until they were locked upon a single man amidst the throng.
The only one waiting to make eye contact with her.

He is was tall, rising up above many others in the crowd with a broad but not bulky frame. Now
that the blindfold is removed she could see that his hair is heather brown and slicked back upon his
head in a stylish manner. But that is not what forced her eyes to remain fixated upon the bastard to
dare lay hands on her. It was his eyes. They were cold and blue, digging into her with an
uninhibited desire. From within a dragon shaped domino mask they shone, rimmed by fierce
golden scales and pitch black horns. The pressure of his presence in her mind merely affirmed her
earlier suspicion: he was not a mortal man. And nor was he of the merfolk.

What was he? What sort of beast drank blood or ate flesh and could speak within a stranger’s

Minthe's brow furrowed as she felt the pressure of his mind upon hers. It was almost unbearable. It
felt like he was dragging his fingers through every inch of her brain, seeking something.

In time you will learn exactly what I am. Tonight in fact. I simply have to wait for this pathetic
display of an auction to be over. And then, you will be mine. All mine.

She tore her gaze away, breath panting in her chest as she fought to push his presence from her
mind. The blonde wearily shook her head as though she could physically dislodge him. And at last,
her eyes landed on someone else. A woman. She had been so distracted and disgusted by the want
in Ezekiel's eyes that nearly everyone and everything else had been blocked from her mind. Now,
she found herself drawn to a woman pressed right up against the monster who had assaulted her.

The woman was tall, willowy and slender with hair of flaxen blonde. It was almost silver in the
dim lighting of the ballroom. She too had cold, ice blue eyes but the expression on her face, just
visible through a mask of silver lace, was nearly unreadable. The woman on Ezekiel' arm was
merely staring at her. And while Minthe could understand pieces of the man's gaze: the hunger,
lust, and bloodlust; this woman was a mystery. There was something open and yawning in the
depths of her pupils. Cold and empty. It made a shudder run down Minthe's spine. She squeezed
her eyes shut, desperate to be rid of them both.

But this was a nightmare that would never end. New terrors simply arose from the ashes of those
that she banished. Down below, man's voice was ringing out over the crowd. It was a low,
authoritative timbre that carried out into the room in spite of the other noises. "Ladies and
gentlemen, now that you have feasted your eyes upon these wild beauties are you ready to start

The crowd cheered and Minthe could not help opening her eyes once more. The man who was
speaking now held the voice of the one Ezekiel called Sovereign White. This man was tall, pale,
with gaunt features hidden behind the mask of a skeleton. He was wearing a simple, pitch black
suit with a white tie. And he carried a cane. Yet, in spite of his older form, Minthe knew that there
was power deep within him. Everyone in the room was hanging off of his every word. They were
practically salivating for what he had in store. Which meant her and... who else?

For the first time since she awoke, Minthe became aware of the presence of another hanging beside
her. She blinked irritated eyes that still welled with unspilled tears before looking to her left. Two
other women were hanging in the air beside her. The one closest to her looked like an average
human. Though she was trussed up against a latticework of bamboo stems and seven tails were
fanned out around her, tied to the bamboo with red silk rope. Around her neck hung an iron bell
that thumped weakly between her small, pale breasts. A Kitsune.

Minthe had heard of their kind: shape-shifting foxes who gained pleasure by tricking others out of
their wealth. How had she gotten caught? She almost opened her mouth to ask if the other woman
was okay before remembering that her own voice had been stolen. Fuck. And then a glimmer
beyond the fox woman caught Minthe's eye. What other poor creature was going to lose its
freedom tonight?

The third captive was held in a cage made of glass and gold, not unlike the ceiling above. It was
filled with light, leading the mermaid to believe that the Elysian had captured a fairy of the
Summer Sidhe. But then she saw the flutter of wings against glass; feathered wings. Minthe's heart
nearly stopped. An angel! The Elysian were going to put up an angel for auction. It was impossible
and yet... as more and more looked upon the captives the cheers rose to a deafening volume.

And somehow, above it all, Sovereign White's voice called out: "Let's get started shall we? Who
wants to take this lovely lady of the sea home with them?"

Her fate was sealed. In a matter of moments, the mermaid would be presented like a pet to its new
owner. Not for the first time that night did she wish she had her voice. She would make them all
eat glass through their eye sockets.

Surprisingly, the bidding was done with quicker than she could have ever imagined. The man
below called out prices and in the crowd someone would wave a blood red handkerchief to signal
their interest. The hanging woman watched with trepidation and disgust as the dragon masked fiend
flashed his own scrap of sanguine cloth at the price of five thousand. At his single motion at least
five of the other interested parties dropped out. Ezekiel' amusement was almost palpable. Seeing
his smirk, even from her position above the crowd, Minthe spit. Her aim was true but the bastard
took a single step to the side and her saliva landed on the marble floor with a resounding smack.

This seemed to spur Ezekiel into action. He stepped forward, out of the crowd, flashing his red
handkerchief twice in quick succession. Several members of the crowd murmured quietly and the
white-masked monster below chuckled lowly. "Master Wolfe has just signaled that he wishes to
double his last bid. Do I have any takers of eleven thousand?"


"Going once... twice... sold!"

Cheering erupted from all around as Minthe tumbled down through the air, her fall was filled with
the ringing of empty chains and fear. Her tail flopped uselessly below her, quickly being filled to
the brim with the sensation of pins and needles as blood rushed back to the poor appendages. And
just like that, her body felt hard into the waiting arms of Ezekiel Wolfe. The mermaid sucked in a
sharp breath through her teeth, nearly tasting the orange in his cologne. For one moment, her vision
was filled by a pair of icy, grinning eyes behind a mask before she went into action. Minthe might
be considered little more than a slave in the Elysian Gardens but back home and for most of her
life... she had been a warrior and a leader. She would not go down without a fight.

Ignoring the pain in her tail, Minthe swung the limb as hard as she could. Her movements were
slower on land than they would have been in water, but any movement, any show of defiance was
well worth it. She struck out hard with her fist. The bastard's face was close enough that missing
was impossible. They'd bitten off more than they could chew trying to hang her from the end of a

Minthe's fist froze less than an inch away from the oh-so-breakable jawline of the mad man who
held her. Her heart seemed to stop in her chest too as every inch of her body was frozen. Even her
chest seemed to heave with breath slower than normal. Minthe was suddenly aware of an all
encompassing pressure squeezing along every inch of her body. Fuck... what the fuck was he

Wordlessly, Ezekiel dropped his prize onto the pristine marble floor. His grin was wide and feral,
like that of the Cheshire Cat's, a hint of madness lingered there. It was difficult to hear his words
over the ringing in her skull. "Are you sure you really ought to be naming this bunch Wild,
Sovereign?" The teasing tone of his voice walked the line between playful banter and
insubordination. "I think I can bring her to heel easily enough."
The crows around them laughed along with his words, adding to the flush of shame that decorated
the blonde's golden skin. If she could move an inch,she would have been grateful to lift her head
enough to glare at him. Perhaps spit upon those polished shoes. Oh, how Minthe hated this
monster with every inch of her being. And he'd only laid hands upon her twice. He was making a
mockery of how powerful she was meant to be. What good was a body that had trained for years in
the art of combat if she was pinned by an invisible force? What good was a voice that could
subdue a nation and its king if one simple loop of gold around her neck would silence her all
because of a handful of chicken scratch upon it? Fuck this. She hated every single moment of it.
And once she was free... She and Soren would lay this entire castle to waste.

"Are you paying attention sweetheart?"

Ezekiel's shoe was pressing against her neck now, nearly grinding her into the floor. Against her
will, a small gasp of pain left the mermaid as she could imagine hearing the vertebrae of her spine
grinding together under the weight of his body and his psychic power. She wanted to buck him off,
desperately. But just like her voice: she had been rendered powerless. The only place she still had
sway over was her mind. And that place a wash with hatred and vitriol for the entire room.
Thoughts that seemed to amuse the beast towering over her.

"Well at least your mind seems to be an entertaining place." The wait over her neck grew
impossibly painful as the man knelt over her before blessedly lessening as his other knee took the
weight of her body instead. Long fingers wove themselves through her blonde tresses as he
mechanically yanked her head around so that one eye was staring straight up into his smirking face.
"Oh, I'm sure you'd love to split me in half and feed my guts to your sharks down below. But that
will never happen guppie and the sooner you learn that the better."

Ezekiel removed his mask and allowed her to see his face in full. A long, shapely nose, high cheek
bones, and hair the color of heather that hung into frigid eyes. Had she been one of her own,
perhaps she would have marked him as heartbreakingly handsome. As it was, all she saw was the
black pit that was his soul shining through a transparent pretty wrapper. He removed his foot from
the back of her neck and his fingers slipped free of her hair, but the other pressures pinning her
stinging and sweating to the marble floor did not let up. The other guests of the Christmas Fete
were quiet, enjoying the show that this man was going to put on for them. They wanted to see the
mermaid react. They wanted to see her brought low, Minthe could taste their excitement in the air.

"Lets get started shall we?"

Chapter Three
Chapter Summary

This is her first lesson in a never ending nightmare. He will teach her with fingers and
fangs. It will be a wonderful sight for their audience.

Chapter Notes

WARNING: This is a work of fiction and in no way condones the actions within. As a
work of fiction it is a fantasy meant to entertain readers. Inside this story there will be:
graphic depictions of violence, non-consensual sexual encounters, and character death.
This is not a romance, it is dark erotica. If any of these topics are sensitive to you
please consider pursuing a different work.

This Chapter Contains: Abuse, Breathplay, Forced Orgasm, Blood Drinking

"Lets get started shall we?" Ezekiel stood up straight and the pressure suddenly lifted from
Minthe's body. He clapped his hands together, the grin on his face growing more and more
maddening by the second. "Little guppie, you will swear your allegiance to me in front of these
witnesses. Split your tail and spread your legs. Present yourself: body, blood, and soul to your
Master and he shall provide his whims unto you."

Minthe rolled her eyes, reaching up to touch the loop of gold that lay around her neck. He wanted
her to swear allegiance? As if, she'd rather cuss him out. But... her fingers found bare skin instead
of warm metal.

Ezekiel laughed softly, withdrawing an open collar from his suit pocket. "My first present to you.
Now, split your tail and let me look at you."

Did he really think that it would be so easy? That she would be all bark and no bite, submitting to
his whims just because they had an audience? A wicked, vengeful display of teeth filled the blonde
woman's visage. He was a monster unlike any she had encountered with his bizarre powers of the
mind. But she was no helpless maiden.

Minthe launched herself forward, using her tail to propel herself into Ezekiel' legs. They fell down
a short smattering of marble steps. It satisfied her to no end to hear his body smack painfully into
the hard surface. She felt the air leave his lungs as her attack surprised him enough to keep him
from lashing out with that paralyzing pressure. Grinning, the mermaid lunged for the throat. Even
if these fools killed her for attacking at least she would drag this bastard down to hell with her. In
that moment, she could think of no other pleasure than sinking into his flesh and letting his putrid,
feted blood pool beneath them.

But she never got that pleasure, no. Instead, in an instant, Ezekiel vanished, leaving her to crash
down on that last marble step. A pained cry, the first noise that she had made in hours, seemed to
split the very air in the room as her chin collided hard with the pointed edge of the step. She felt
the skin split and her teeth dig into her swollen upper lip. Howling in rage and pain, the mermaid
thrashed about, looking around for her would be victim. Around her, the crowd was laughing and
jeering. They cheered Ezekiel and condemned her rebellion, it really was nothing more than a
show to them. She wanted, needed, them to shut up!

Minthe opened her mouth, the enchanted words right on the tip of her tongue when a hand
encircled her throat. Somehow, Ezekiel had come right up behind her. He knelt behind the lady of
the water, grip tight and merciless as her air was cut off. Gaping like a real fish, his free hand found
a home twisting entire chunks of her locks between her fingers. With a harsh yank, blue eyes were
able to take in every inch of her rage filled expression. And that maddening grin had never left his
lips, not once. "I think that's enough of a show don't you?" Ezekiel purred, his words coming to her
thick and slow as her lungs pleaded for relief. Just what sort of monster was this? How much
power did he have?

The heavy weight of his body sank down onto the steps behind her. Ezekiel spread his legs and
maintaining a grip on her throat, lifted her body with the other. Minthe felt her own body betray her
as her tail split from spending so long in contact with land as she was pulled unceremoniously into
his lap. Still, she fought him. Limbs flailed and her nails scoured every inch of him that she could
manage before that psychic pressure once again settled over her body. Against her will, each limb
arranged themselves. Her arms crossed at the wrist behind her back and her legs hitched over each
of his knees. Minthe's body was spread wide for the enjoyment of everyone in the Elysian Garden's
grand ballroom. A pit opened up deep in her stomach as the golden lights and shimmering ceiling
above began to grow fuzzy and fill with gray.

Just when she thought that she was going to pass out, Ezekiel released her from both physical and
mental grasp. But only for an instant. Jerking on instinct as she gasped for air, his hands quickly
found purchase against her throat and around her wrists. The crowd around them continue to laugh
and jeer at her struggles as the monster maintained a hold of her arms and a torturous pattern of
gripping and releasing her throat. There would be bruises come morning, if such a thing ever came
for her again. Perhaps, with luck, Ezekiel would squeeze too hard or for too long and she would
perish here. It would be a humiliating way to go: spread wide in the lap of the enemy. But it was
far preferable to completing this terrible little game that he was playing with her.

Squeeze. Release. Gasp. Squeeze. Release. Exhale. Repeat.

Slowly, the world shrunk to the sensation of his hand on her throat and his cool breath against her
ear. The smell of blood filled her senses and somewhere, in the back of her mind, a tiny voice cried
out: you cannot win this. Minthe blinked once as the ballroom swam before her eyes. Now, no
matter if she gasped or not, the world was not regaining it's color. Everything was fading and her
struggles in both mind and body were growing weaker. Ezekiel chuckled against the shell of her
ear, placing a disturbingly tender kiss to the lobe before catching it between his teeth. "Are you
ready to become mine now, little guppie?"

His fingers peeled away from the column of her throat and even then, it felt like they were still
trying to burrow their way beneath her skin. Minthe took two deep breaths, willing color back into
her world. The gray was fading but each inhale felt like a torrent of knives swirling in her lungs.
Ezekiel jostled her and it was perhaps the most frightening moment of her life to feel reality itself
dip and sway, swirling with her body's inability to handle the sudden motion after its prolonged
abuse. "Well?"

"Go... fuck yourself."

Ezekiel laughed heartily, along with anyone in the crowd who managed to catch her raspy words.
"If I could do that, what the hell would I need you for?" His taunting grin was audible, it weighed
upon her like the chains that had bound her to the hook. "But I grow bored of this. If you will not
say the words than I shall encourage you."

Minthe wanted to ask what he meant, wanted to demand release, and she wanted to fight. But none
of those things happened. Instead, a terrible pain slashed at the side of her throat ripping a strangled
scream from her weakened lungs. The air hurt just as much going out as it had coming in. Minthe
wailed in the lap of Ezekiel Wolf, her legs spread wide on either side of him as he revealed himself
to the captured woman. Ezekiel was a vampire, one of great skill and power if their little tussle
proved anything.

As he drank deep from the weakened woman, Minthe became aware of something else. Even after
her near strangulation this lethargy in her limbs shouldn't last. Now that he was focusing more on
feeding from her than holding her, shouldn't she be fighting back? But, even the thought of lifting a
finger against the monster feasting upon her blood was taxing. Minthe's eyes fluttered and she had
to fight to keep them open. She forced her hateful gaze to burn into the jeering crowd that
surrounded them. Several were enthralled with the spectacle, watching with looks of ill-disguised
greed and lust. Others were turning their attention to the two women still suspended in the air,
waiting eagerly for their chance to bid on another wild beauty. They were waiting for the
intermission of Ezekiel's feeding to be over.

At long last, he withdrew from the fragile column of her neck. A twin pair of ruby ribbons lace
their way down Minthe's throat, over the hill of her collarbone and down to the valley of her
breasts. She could barely think, let alone shiver in revulsion when the vampire dragged his tongue,
still hot with her blood along the length of her nape. Her head fell back, resting against the smooth,
cool fabric of his suit as the scent of citrus and spice enveloped her from head to toe. The fight was
draining out of her but the humiliation was not over yet. No, Ezekiel wanted to make an example of
the woman in his lap and she was already spread so prettily for the crowd.

The touch of his fingers against the lips of her pussy seemed to act like an electric shock to the
mermaid in his grasp. "N-" Any refusal was cut off with the return of his other hand to her throat.
Weakly, her now free hands scrambled against his own, plucking in vain at their vice like pressure
around her throat and against her clit. Ezekiel buried his nose against her long blonde locks
breathing in sweat, salt, blood and arousal. Her body would not be able to hold out against him, not
in this state.

The mermaid's lust smelt sweet, filling the air with its cloying scent and bringing even the most
disinterested of guest's attention back to the couple on the steps. Ezekiel loosened his grip on
Minthe's throat just enough for her to suck in sips of air as he flashed the crowd a smile. Her
struggles were so weak now that her nails were dragging against the backs of his hands like the
touch of a kitten's paw. Pathetic and small and soon to cease. His fingers left her clit to dip down
between her folds, feeling the engorged flesh swelling with need. Even though her eyes had
fluttered shut, Minthe could feel his smirk against the shell of her ear as he crooned terrible,
disgusting things to her. His fingers were petting at the mouth of her womanhood, but never
entered. Instead they teased and stroked, encouraging it to open wider, winking in need before
returning to that traitorous bundle of nerves above.

"Come now, my siren. Show them how ready you are to accept your Master." Ezekiel purred

Her arms were hanging limply at her sides and her head was still nestled against the crook of his
shoulder. The fight was draining out of Minthe and there was nothing she could do. Her mind had
been invaded, her blood stolen and now her body was going to be claimed next. The heat in her
stomach was building at a slow, torturous pace. And yet, the peak was inescapable. She panted and
meweld into the open air of the ballroom, terrifyingly aware of how silent it had become. Everyone
was paying attention to the display she was making now.

No. No. No!

But there was nothing to be done. Under an onslaught of stimulation, her body reacted. Minthe
screamed as she orgasmed before the lecherous crowd, in the lap of a man who had every intent to
rape her, to use her as nothing more than an object. Never before had she felt so helpless. And to
make matters worse, the growing scent of her own spending invaded her senses as his fingers lifted
to dance along her slake mouth. They pushed in, another invasion of many to paint her tongue in
musky fluid.

"Do you see now? This is the reward that I shall bless you with. Once you are properly trained."
Ezekiel murmured, hot and heavy against her ear still. There was not a drop of spark inside of
Minthe now. She was no longer here, being humiliated and objectified. This was nothing more
than a dream, a terrible, terrible nightmare. Seemingly satisfied with how pliable his slave was,
Ezekiel forced her limbs into position once more, forcing her own fingers to spread her pussy lips
wide. He pushed them inside, letting her to feel just how much of a mess she had made. "Now,
repeat after me."

Minthe felt her lips move and wait whistle against her vocal chords once more. This wasn't real. It
couldn't be. Or else the words would not be tumbling past her lips:

"I... Minthe, swear to obey Ezekiel Wolfe. His whims are my law, my body his offering. There is
no salvation but the satisfaction of my master. I am a slave, I am his, I am Enthralled."

The grand ballroom erupted into cheering once more and Minthe closed her eyes, willing the world
to end.
Chapter Four
Chapter Summary

Ezekiel consummated his role as Master.

This Chapter Contains: Rape, Spanking, Degradation

Minthe lay in the arms of Ezekiel, her eyelids felt heavy and threatened to close. Yes. The thought
lazily rolled through her mind. She wanted nothing more than to lose consciousness for a few
hours at least , to sink into the blessed oblivion of sleep. But the vampire at her back had other

“Minthe, that’s a lovely name. I think I’ll let you keep it.” She felt his arms slip around her, not
caring about the way her trembling, bloody and sweat soaked body was pressing against the fabric
of his pristine suit. Once again, those chilled lips found the shell of her ear. “But we’re just getting
started. Don’t you dare pass out on me.”

A small part of her wanted to ask what else he could do to her. She’d been strung up like a bit of
meat at market, purchased and humiliated in front of a crowd. Just how low did he want to bring
her? But one should never ask about the devil’s intentions. Ezekiel chuckled again and there was a
sudden rush of air. A quick and cold gust that made a shiver run over every inch of her exposed
skin. And then it was over and the only thing that she could hear was her own soft pants and felt
softness pressing into her back, letting her sink down, down, down…

Against her better judgement, the mermaid opened her eyes. She saw that she was surrounded by
white and though every inch of her body was starting to ache and her head was pounding with
blood loss, Minthe sat up. The mermaid looked around what appeared to be an extravagant
bedroom. The walls were decorated in white and gold, the typical colors of Elysian, she guessed.
And in the middle of it all was a grand bed where the vampire had dropped her. It was wide and
soft with a duvet so thick that her body seemed to sink into it, wanting to drown her in the white.

But, she was not given a moment to rest. The bed dipped with a second weight as Ezekiel climbed
on top with her. He had discarded his jacket and was undoing the top couple buttons of his shirt. A
shock of adrenaline rolled through Minthe’s sluggish limbs as she attempted to launch herself off
of the bed. Ezekiel was faster. He gripped her ankle and yanked hard, dragging her down along the
duvet towards himself. There was something dark lurking in the depths of his blue eyes. “Now,
you didn’t think that we were done did you?”

Minthe felt something cold and sharp slide into the pit of her stomach. His hands were like iron
clamps as he flipped her over. Long fingers laced themselves through tangled, golden locks before
pulling tight into a fist. He’d fashioned himself a nice leash from her tresses and yanked harshly,
forcing her neck to arch with his every whim. The violent movement made the bite wounds along
her nape sing with fresh agony. “Get off of me!” Min hissed through a throat sore from use and
stress. “Get off!”

That blade of panic had taken root in her stomach now and was beginning to spread through the
rest of her body. Ezekiel was unshakable. The vampire mounted her from behind, his hips pressed
firmly against the swell of her ass, letting her feel every inch of his length through the crisp fabric
of his pants. Her agonized please fell upon deaf ears as his free hand wandered the length of her
body. “I couldn’t take my time in front of all those fools. You were embarrassing me with your
resilience and your attempt to fight. Wild or not, I’m going to teach you everything you need to
know about your place in life now.”

Minthe thought she would vomit as she felt his hips grind against her backside. She bit her lip,
choking on a groan of discomfort as his free hand, which had wandered down to her hip, dug in
painfully tight. He pulled her impossibly close, not caring if his nails broke her sun kissed skin.

“This is your purpose now: my whims and pleasures. I am your god.” Ezekiel purred low in his
throat as he dropped himself over her back. He didn’t release her hair and Minthe found herself
pressed hard into the thick duvet, nearly smothered in its silk. She squirmed in vain but his grip
was unrelenting, pinning her to the bed with one hand and his body weight. His other abandoned
her hip for the buckle of his pants, the sound seeming to echo in her ears.

No, this could not be happening. Not for the first time this night, Minthe wished that the world
were nothing more than a nightmare. And once again, she was proven oh so wrong.

Minthe bit down harder on her lip, knowing that she was close to breaking the skin but not caring.
The vampire behind her had managed to fish his length from its prison and was dragging the head
of it against her slit at a torturous pace. He wanted to drag this out, he wanted her to react. Fuck
that. If she was trapped here, if she was going to be forced into this the last thing she was going to
do was make noise. There would be one rebellion from which she would rise triumphant, and it
would be this. And that was a lone comforting thought in this new nightmare world.

But, her thoughts were no longer safe. A sharp nip to her ear brought a quick inhale hissing
through her nose. Ezekiel grinned against her skin, “Do you really think that I won’t be able to
make you scream? Do you really think it is wise to test my patience?”

He held her there against the duvet. Half of her vision was smothered in white while the other was
fixated on the pristine white and gold wallpaper that decorated the empty horizon beyond the bed.
The mermaid tried to fill her mind with memorizing each little curve and line of the ornate pattern.
Anything to distract herself and act as a barrier against his presence.

CRACK! The blow was unexpected and succeeded in loosening the death grip her teeth had on her
lower lip in exchange for a keening yelp to tumble out of her throat. Had he just? Crack! Ezekiel’s
palm struck hard against the soft flesh where rump met thigh. From the way his touch lingered, she
guessed that he enjoyed the slight hum of heat that was growing upon her skin. Two more fell in
quick, sharp succession and earned him another grunt of discomfort.

The cool press of his lips moved from her ear, along her neck, to her shoulder. “I don’t like to use
my hands to mark my girls. It’s tacky. But since my patience is waning, I could just bite you again.
What do you think?”

Minthe remained stubbornly mute even though her mind was singing with fear of his bite. The
memory of its euphoric effects was still fresh and left her trembling. She did not want to feel so out
of control ever again. Ezekiel responded to her thoughts, dragging his fangs lightly against the
gentle curve of her shoulder. The pints were twin threats to her sanity. “It doesn’t have to be like
this my wild guppy.” His tongue laved at the welts left behind by his teeth. “I told you downstairs:
you obey my whims and I’ll make you feel far better than you ever thought possible. My venom is
just a taste of what I can do.”

She didn’t doubt him, but clung desperately to her silence. It was her last hold out against the
onslaught that he had laid against her mind and body. Ezekiel sighed as though he were the one in a
difficult position, “Have it your way then.”

And with that, his fangs once again sank into the smooth column of her neck. She would have a
twin pair on each side of her throat. Minthe trembled as his venom began to take effect. She knew
what it was now and could feel the world slip away as wave after wave of exhaustion beat against
her like the ocean during a storm. It was less than ten seconds before she was swept away.

Her body went slack against him, senses quickly numbing to the weight of his body and her
repulsion at his presence. The vampire shifted himself over her, drinking in soft, slow drags that
almost made her toes curl. She’d always had a weakness for when lovers sucked at her neck. Now
this bastard was making a mockery of one of their most intimate moments. Even with his draining
bite, Minthe still felt the exact moment he penetrated her. There was the press of pressure against
her slit before he thrust into her, invading her with a terrible, sudden movement. Ezekiel groaned
lowly as he buried himself to the hilt inside of her. And she didn’t even have the will to give him
the strength to release him the scream that he so wanted.

The vampire set a punishing pace, snapping his hips hard against hers once his teeth pulled free of
her sun-kissed flesh. He maintained his grip in her hair, half smothering her against the duvet as his
body moved over her. Minthe groaned weakly as the sting of his bite faded to a dull ache. Bearable
but terrifying all the same. She had been reduced to nothing but a piece of meat for him to use for
pleasure. Once again her eyes slid shut as she was forced to do nothing but take it.

He filled her to the brim, the girth of his length almost too much in her unaroused state. While her
body was relaxed her folds were free of arousal, not nearly slick enough. Each push of his length
inside of her was accompanied by an unpleasant burn that drew fresh whimpers from her throat.
Ezekiel might not get his scream, but he had finally broken down the last barrier of her resistance.
Minthe’s rebellion crumbled as she began to whimper and groan in distress. There was nothing
pleasurable about this act.

But, the vampire did not care in the slightest. He was claiming his prize and to him: willful
behavior meant no pleasure during their copulation. A fitting punishment as well as the first of his
teaching tools. This collection was meant to be wild and he would bring the siren to heel one way
or another. So far. She was simply subdued by his bite. But, that would not last forever. Not
without severely impacting her health. Already, Minthe felt the world spinning and dipping with
each breath she took. Far too much of her blood had been drained.

And she did not have to wait long. Above her, Ezekiel’s breathing became uneven as his orgasm
built in the depths of his body. The grip in her hair, which had been unrelenting since he had first
pushed her into the mattress, seemed to tighten even more. He yanked her up, back arching
painfully as she was pressed against his chest. Forced to rest her weight on her knees as he pounded
into her, Ezekiel’s lips found her ear once more. Of course it couldn’t be as simple as waiting for
him to come. Nothing about this night had been simple. There would be no reprieve from this
humiliation. Not until he was fully satisfied.

Minthe’s eyes fluttered open, baby blues dancing along the ornate wallpaper as she waited for the
man who had proclaimed himself her Master to speak. “Tell me who is your Master, Guppy.”
Ezekiel growled into the shell of her ear, “Tell me.”

His hips snapped harder into her, earning another pained groan from her throat. “Go on. Say it! Tell
me!” The vampire hissed, his hand finally slipping from her hair to join its twin at her hips. His
nails bit into her flesh almost as cruelly as his teeth. And without his support, she fell forward,
catching herself on her elbows. Minthe’s face was once again buried in the white duvet but she
didn’t have the strength to lift her head. Her vision was drowning in white speckled with crimson,
evidence of his fresh feeding. And there, in the mess of bedsheets, she finally began to cry. Tears
fell down her cheeks as hot as lava before they sank into the white oblivion around her. At least the
thick fabric absorbed her sniffling.

Above her, Ezekiel was growing impatient. So much for wanting to take his time like he claimed.
He gripped her hips harder than ever, tight enough that she swore she could hear the bones grind
together. “Tell me who you belong to!” Ezekiel snapped before he lost himself inside of her.
Minthe flinched as she felt his cock twitch in her depths, semen spilling itself into her depths. Yet
all she felt was exhaustion. She just wanted everything to end: this moment, herself, the world.
Falling into oblivion forever seemed like the most wonderful thing at the moment. As the tears fell
thick and fast, Minthe caved to his whims for the first time. One single word left her lips as the
darkness of sleep mercifully welcomed her into its embrace, “You.”

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