Isavasya Summary

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Essence of the Isavasya Upanishad by Swami Sivananda: By a Devotee

*The knowledge of the Upanishads destroys ignorance, the seed of Samsara.

Do constant selfless service to humanity with Atma-Bhava. Then alone will

Atma-Jnana dawn in your heart.

The Atman is the common consciousness in all beings. It is the same in the
king and the peasant, the saint and the sinner, the cobbler and the barber, the
ant and the elephant, the tree, and the stone.

How can that freed soul who rests in his own Atman and who has an exalted
cosmic consciousness shrink from any being or object with a feeling of
repulsion? How can he dislike anything? How can he hate anything?

The three knots of the heart (Hridaya-granthi), Avidya (ignorance), Kama

(desire) and Karma (action) are torn asunder by the knowledge of Brahman.
The knower becomes absolutely-free. Even the heaviest sorrow cannot shake
him a bit.

This Atman is without the physical body, astral body, and causal body. It is
independent, never depends on another. It is beyond the reach of the senses
and the mind.

Behind the breath, the senses and the mind, there is the supreme Brahman or
the Absolute. By the light of Brahman alone do the mind, the Prana, and the
senses function.

Brahman cannot be attained by mere logical discussion.

When one attains knowledge of Brahman, Avidya or ignorance which is the

seat of bondage and the cause of Karma performed for the attainment of
objects of desire, is destroyed totally.

Brahman is the ear of the ear, the mind of the mind, the tongue of the
tongue, the speech of speech, the life of life, and the eye of the eye.

Having abandoned the sense of I-ness in these, and rising above sense-life,
the wise becomes immortal.

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