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Action Plan Week 24 ( week 4 month 6):

Day 1
● Study Duolingo for 20 minutes.
● Answer this forms:

Day 2
● Study Duolingo for 20 minutes.
● Weekly verse memorization:
○ “The Lord said: If as one people speaking the same language
they have began to do this then nothing plan to do will be
impossible for them” Genesis 11:6
● Questions about your today’s auditive experience:
○ How does the speaker feel as they sit in their quiet room?
○ What was the speaker's initial reaction when they felt the call to
leave Brazil?
○ What were some of the challenges the speaker faced while on
their mission?
○ How did the social project the speaker started in the needy
neighborhood impact their experience?
○ What is the speaker's attitude towards the challenges they may
face in the future?

Day 3
● Study Duolingo for 20 minutes.
● Answer the quiz below to practice what we saw in class today.

Conteúdo licenciado para Ariana Cristina Novaes da Silva - 017.780.291-08

Day 4
● Study Duolingo for 20 minutes.
● Choose a song in English that you like and write the lyrics while you
listen. At the end, go back to the original lyrics to correct and see your

Day 5
● Study Duolingo for 20 minutes.
● Choose a movie or an episode of a series and follow the steps below:
○ Write down any new vocabulary words or phrases that you
encountered while watching/listening to it.
○ Use a dictionary or online resource to look up the definitions of
these words and write them down.
○ Try to make new sentences using the words and expressions you

Conteúdo licenciado para Ariana Cristina Novaes da Silva - 017.780.291-08

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