Importance of Education

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Importance of Education

Education is the most important thing in our lives, this means that every

human being has the right to and hopes to always develop in education. Education

in general has the meaning of a life process in developing each individual to be

able to live and carry out life. So being an educated person is very important. The

first education we get in the family environment, school environment and

community environment. Education is a process that involves the transfer of

knowledge, habits and skills from one generation to another through teaching,

research and training. It can be in a formal or informal setting. Formal education

involves institutionalized learning based on a curriculum. In today’s society,

education and learning play an indispensable role in shaping the lives of

individuals and the society at large. The most effective way of boosting economic

growth, reducing poverty and improving people’s health is by investing in


Human labour is essential for economic growth. A highly educated labour

force further stimulates economic growth. Additionally, a highly educated labour

force can easily adapt to new working environments and conditions. In view of

that, it is evident that education serves as the driving force for innovation of new

products and services. Educated workers exchange ideas in the work place and
come up with new ideas that help in the growth of the economy. Education reduces

poverty in a number of ways. One way is by creating employment opportunities for

educated people.

Through employment, one is able to afford a decent living. Education helps

to increase economic security, create income opportunities and improve

livelihoods of the economical disadvantaged by providing sustainable

environmental management mechanisms. Education further alleviates poverty

through skills acquired in the learning process. Skills such as carpentry, plumbing

and masonry are relevant in non-formal economies. One can acquire these skills

through technical and vocational training. Educated people are health conscious

and live longer than their counterparts because they engage in healthy habits such

as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly and going for medical check ups. By

investing in education, one will also be investing in their health. Education serves

to create room for technological advancements in the field of medicine and

agriculture. Advanced technology used for conducting surgery has replaced

traditional methods. This has seen an improvement in people’s general health and

an increased life expectancy. Most developing countries have a low life expectancy

compared to developed countries. This can be attributed to high illiteracy levels

present in developing countries. This translates to poor health and poor eating

habits. In conclusion, education is the only means of alleviating poverty,

improving people’s health and increasing economic growth. Improving literacy

levels in marginalised societies will go a long way in improving human living

standards. Education is as important as the air we breathe. It is the most important

possession a person must have. Education is beneficial in many aspect of life

especially, personal and social it is the only possession that cannot be taken away

from us. Education is important because it will open up the windows of

opportunities. In this competitive world having a good education is as important as

the air we breathe because it is our weapon to conquer the world.

Education will help us grow as an individual because the more knowledge

we have the better understanding we will have in any given problem that will come

our way. It will give us self satisfaction and will boost our self confidence. As an

individual I know it will help me in a lot of aspects in my life. It will give me a

financial stability because I will be able to land a good job and a high paying

salary. I will learn how to spend my money and will learn how to invest it wisely.

The more education I have the more respect and acknowledgement I will get from

people. Knowledge is really important that is why we need to take it seriously. It is

the strong weapon we can have to conquer this complex world. If we have a good

education nobody can fool us and we will not tolerate any mistreatment from

people. It will give us a better views in life if we are well educated. In the social
aspect of my life education will give me a better understanding on how to

communicate to people effectively. I will understand what is happening around me.

For example voting, I will have enough knowledge to carefully choose the

candidate I will vote for. I will know what to consider in choosing the right

candidate to serve and protect our country. I will be able to understand the social

issues that our country is facing and will be capable to help in my own little way.

However, it is apparent in this competitive world that most of the successful person

have the proper education especially the higher position in society they have

proved that education will give us the edge in life.

Education is very important especially in today’s society. It gives us the

windows of opportunities and to pursue our dream. It will not only make us a

better person but it will also give us a better life. I believe that education should be

taken seriously because it is our only weapon to conquer the world. World will be

a better place if people are well educated. Education is one of the main components

of a country's development because education is the main way that gives people the

ability to think and develop. Most developing countries have education problems.

In my country (Indonesia), the problem of education takes various forms. For

example, graduate students always face unemployment because their educational

skills do not qualify them to work in high-ranking jobs. The first step to developing

education is to find out the causes of educational problems. In Indonesia, the

causes of education problems are ineffective teaching methods, poor school

infrastructure and unqualified teachers. One of the main causes of educational

problems in Indonesia is how to educate students with the curriculum. They are

dysfunctional because they rely heavily on rote learning, studying for exams only

and neglecting student activities. According to Bill Beattie, "The aim of education

should be to teach us more how to think, than what to think - not to improve our

minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, rather than load memory with the

thoughts of other men. " Unfortunately, the education system in Indonesia requires

students to memorize their curriculum well without understanding or giving an

opinion on the material.

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