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Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Literature Review on Leading Management Issues
Final Paper

School:  Over Sea    

Major:  Major    
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School of Management, NUPT


Literature Review on Leading Management Issues

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总评成绩 指导 2022.12.3
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1. Self study video course

2. Choose a keyword in the field of management
3. Search the keyword with Google
4. Search the keyword with academic
engines(,et) and sort out 20
relevant literatures,
5. Fill the literatures information into the table
6. Learn how to write five kinds of notes , Find parts
from 20 articles and try to write 5 kinds of notes
7. Sort out the 20 literatures. Write a literature review, it is
required that the literature should be listed logically, either
in chronological order or with different research contents.
Finally, please list the references.

Course assignment 1

1.1 Choose a keyword and search related literature.

Implementation of management

1.2 Use your keywords to search for related information:

(1) Use Google to search the keywords, paste the screenshot of the search page
(2) Use the databases to search the keyword for the articles ( no less than 20
articles)related to the keywords, list them in the following table
Thesis No. 1
paper title Hospital Management Information Systems In Increasing Efficiency: Mini Literature Review
author Nadifa Maulani Fadilla
Journal Name JATISI: Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi
Publication time  2021
Nadifa Maulani Fadilla. Hospital Management Information Systems In Increasing Efficiency: Mini
Citation format Literature Review. JATISI: Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi, 2021, 8(1).
Healthcare services are the main topic because of the high complexity challenges in the health
sector. The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of Hospital Information System
(HIS) in increasing the efficency of healthcare services. The method used in this article is literature
searches related to Hospital Information System. The writing arrangement based on the mind map
that is structured to answer scientific questions according to the purpose of this article. The results
showed that Hospital Information System can minimize the complexity of healthcare services by
increasing organizational efficiency through innovation in developing information system based on
business process management, service automation, reducing costs, improving hospital performance,
which aims to develop human resources, organizational development, and technological quality
abstract improvement to achieve efficency in healthcare services.

Thesis NO. 2
The Role of Human Resource Management "Recruitment, Selection, Competency and Training
paper title Systems" Against Competitive Advantage: Literature Review
author Novia Nour Halisa
Journal Name Adi Bisnis Digital Interdisiplin
Publication time 2020
Novia Nour Halisa. The Role of Human Resource Management "Recruitment, Selection,
Competency and Training Systems" Against Competitive Advantage: Literature Review. Adi Bisnis
Citation information Digital Interdisiplin, 2020, 1(2):14-22.
Globalization triggers the emergence of competition in various fields. With this competition, every
company seeks and is required to obtain appropriate and competent human resources to encourage
business success so that it is able to compete with other companies. This study analyzes the
influence of recruitment, selection, competence, and training systems on employee performance in
companies, considering the important role of human resources in a company's competitive
advantage. The purpose of this writing is to find out how far the development of research related to
this topic. The method used in this study is an exploratory approach by reviewing the contents or
identifying several articles from both national and international journals. The results of the study
show that both simultaneously and partially prove that the system of recruitment, selection, training
and competence has a significant effect on the company's competitive advantage. So that human
resource management plays an important role in the realization of employees who are qualified and
abstract have optimal performance.

Thesis NO. 3
title  Implementation of Management Information Systems at Al Ummah Integrated Islamic Junior High School Jombang
or  Solechan Solechan
me  Chalim Journal Of Teaching And Learning (CJOTL)
e  2021
Cita   Solechan, S. Implementation of Management Information Systems at Al Ummah Integrated Islamic Junior High
tion School Jombang. Chalim Journal of Teaching and Learning (CJoTL), 2021, 1(1):8-19.
 Information is an important thing in any place. No exception in the world of education. In an educational institution,
the existence of information can help and bring benefits in many ways, some of which include formulating policies and
determining programs that will be launched by schools. The existence of accurate information cannot be separated
from a good management system and is supported by qualified human resources in educational institutions. So as to
produce professional school governance. This paper will review how the implementation of management information
systems in SMP Islam Terpadu al-Ummah Jombang. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and
documentation. Analysis of the data used through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of this
research are 1. Application of Management Information Systems at SMP Islam Terpadu al-Ummah Jombang using
Dapodik data processing applications and information technology to support the learning process. 2. Factors that
support the management information system with the Dapodik system to collect data on educators, students, and
abst employees. The inhibiting factors for the implementation of the Management Information System are errors and delays
ract in providing data from each work unit.

Thesis NO. 4
title  Management of Natural Resource Governance Based on the Political Ecology Paradigm
or  Wasisto Rahardjo Jati
me  Politika: Jurnal Ilmu Politik
e  2013
for   Wasisto Rahardjo Jati. Management of Natural Resource Governance Based on the Political Ecology Paradigm.
mat Politika: Jurnal Ilmu Politik, 2013, 3(2):98-111.
  Developmentalism is still the dominant perspective in managing natural resources. Nature is strategic economic
assets that sparked the exploration and exploitation of natural wealth. The implication is massive environmental
damage in many places. Political Ecology emerged as alternative perspective in managing natural resources to build
abst synergy between nature and human relationships through local wisdom. This paper will review briefly the prospects
ract and challenges of political ecology as alternative paradigm in the natural resource management.

Thesis NO. 5
er   Literature Study of the Relationship between the Implementation of ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management Systems
title and Operational Performance and Organization's Performance in the Defense Industry
or  Hanafi & Dwi Soediantono
me  Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research
e  2022
tion   Hanafi & Dwi Soediantono. Literature Study of the Relationship between the Implementation of ISO 9001: 2015
for Quality Management Systems and Operational Performance and Organization's Performance in the Defense Industry.
mat Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research, 2022, 3(4):32 – 40.
abst   Currently, ISO 9001 has been adopted by various organizations around the world. Several empirical studies reveal
the importance of this quality management tool to continuously improve performance in organizations, to satisfy
customer needs and promote competitiveness in the market. Although the ISO 9001 standard has demonstrated its
usefulness for companies from various sectors, there is no consensus among practitioners and scholars whether ISO
9001 is very possible to improve performance. Thus, this study was undertaken to review the findings of empirical
studies, which examine the hypothetical relationship between ISO 9001 standards and different perspectives of
organizational performance, in order to present an aggregate picture of the role of ISO standards in enhancing
performance in organizations from different sectors. So, this study was designed to identify, select, and review
empirical studies that are relevant to the research objectives, and also published between 2018 and 2022. The results
of the empirical study found that ISO 9001 significantly influences internal business processes, correlating with
indicators of innovation and learning perspectives on significant level. And ISO 9001:2015 is recommended for
ract application to the defense industry.

Thesis NO. 6
title  Literature Review Management Information System Determination: Database, CCTV And Brainware
or  Mega Aswiputri
me  Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen Sistem Informasi
e  2022
for Mega Aswiputri. Literature Review Management Information System Determination: Database, CCTV And Brainware.
mat Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen Sistem Informasi, 2022, 3(3):312-322.
  The management information system has a close relationship with various components in the process of producing
an information system to meet their needs. This is consistent with the application of these components, where
information that is less accurate, less detailed, timely and less relevant will lead to errors in the company's decision-
making process. Therefore, it requires an in-depth understanding of management information components and systems,
especially databases, CCTV, databases and brainware to produce valuable, effective and quality, effective information
for companies. The purpose of writing this article is to build a hypothesis of the influence between variables to be used
abst in further research. The results are 1) The database has an effect on the Management Information System; 2) CCTV
ract affects the Management Information System; and 3) Brainware influences the Management Information System

Thesis NO. 7
er   Evaluation of the Implementation of the Semester Learning Plan (RPS) in the Kerinci IAIN Management Study
title Program
or  Pebi Julianto, Samin Samin, & Faizin Faizin
me  2022
e  Equilibrium: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Ekonomi
tion   Pebi Julianto, Samin Samin, & Faizin Faizin. Evaluation of the Implementation of the Semester Learning Plan
for (RPS) in the Kerinci IAIN Management Study Program. Equilibrium: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Ekonomi ,
mat 2022, 19(2).
abst   Semester Learning Plan (RPS) is a plan for the process of learning activities in courses that are prepared by the
lecturer independently for one semester. As a professional, every speaker must have certain abilities in order to carry
out his duties as a speaker as well as possible. The purpose of this research is to find out the constraints of the
lecturers of the Da'wah Management Study Program FUAD IAIN Kerinci in making the RPS, to find out the extent to
which the institution holds training or workshops providing workshops for lecturers, to find out the steps that must be
taken by the lecturers of the Da'wah Management Study Program at FUAD IAIN Kerinci so that the RPS can be
collected at the beginning of each semester. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach, meaning the
procedure (path) in which research is carried out systematically which is used to examine or study an object in a
natural setting without any manipulation in it and without any hypothesis testing. The object of this research is the
Lecturer of the Da'wah Management Study Program, Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab and Da'wah, the State Islamic
Institute of Kerinci. RPS made by lecturers have been able to accommodate students to be able to study actively and
independently. The RPS has been equipped with various components such as competencies, course descriptions, credit
scores, lecturers, module topics, learning experiences, educational media, learning resources, to the assessment
ract criteria used

Thesis No. 8
title  The Effect of Trust, Learning and Collaboration on Knowledge Management
or Eric Hermawan 
me  Jurnal Komunikasi dan Ilmu Sosial
e  2022
for   Eric Hermawan. The Effect of Trust, Learning and Collaboration on Knowledge Management. Jurnal Komunikasi
mat dan Ilmu Sosial, 2022, 1(1).
  The Literature Review article on the Analysis of the Effect of Trust, Learning and Collaboration on Knowledge
Management is a scientific article that aims to build a research hypothesis on the influence of variables to be used in
further research, within the scope of Human Resource Management. The method of writing this Literature Review
article is the library research method, which is sourced from online media such as Google Scholar, Mendeley and other
academic online media. The results of this Literature Review article are that: 1) Trust has an effect on Knowledge
Management; 2) Learning has an effect on Knowledge Management; and 3) Collaboration has an effect on Knowledge
abst Management. Apart from these 3 exogenous variables that influence the endogenous Knowledge Management
ract variables, there are many other factors including the Operational Strategy, Willingness and Motivation variables.

Thesis NO. 9
paper title Systematic Literature Review of Leadership in Library Management
author Resty Jayanti Fakhlina
Journal Name Jurnal Ma'arif
Publication time 2022
Resty Jayanti Fakhlina. Systematic Literature Review of Leadership in Library Management. Jurnal
Citation information Ma'arif, 2022, 2(2).
Leadership is an important component of library management. This study aims to collect and
systematically analyze literature on library leadership, so that libraries as information center can
provide the best services to users. The research method is a systematic literature review (SLR),
collected literature using Publish or Perish (PoP), then extracted using Preferred Reporting Items
for Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analyses 2020 (PRISMA2020), then analyzed using
VOSviewer. The results is the literature on library leadership was divided into 12 clusters with 244
keywords. The dominating keywords are style, diversity, assessment, staff, and framework. The
conclusion of this systematic literature review research on leadership in library management states
that the theme of library leadership is very interesting for researchers because library leadership
does not have to follow the right leadership theory, every library leader has a unique way and has
its own characteristics ranging from leadership style, assessment, diversity, and their own
abstract framework in approaching staff to achieve excellent service for users.
Thesis NO. 10
title  Telemedicine and Telenursing for Outpatient Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Literatur Review
or  Suara, E., & Retnaningsih, D
me  Jurnal Manajemen Asuhan Keperawatan
e  2022
for   Suara, E., & Retnaningsih, D. Telemedicine and Telenursing for Outpatient Management During the COVID-19
mat Pandemic: A Literatur Review. Jurnal Manajemen Asuhan Keperawatan, 2022, 6(2):60-67.
  Telemedicine is a public health emergency of international concern. Telemedicine and telenursing are effective
options to combat the COVID-19 outbreak by minimizing contact between patients and reducing staff exposure. This
literature review aims to identify the role of telemedicine and telenursing services in preventing, diagnosing, treating,
and controlling disease during the COVID-19 outbreak. Methods: This article is a literature review. The data search
was carried out by conducting a comprehensive literature review based on major international and national databases
(Pubmed, google scholar). The data search was carried out by reviewing journals from 2012 to 2021. The literature
review reviewed by researchers did not focus on randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and controlled studies only, but
all research related to the covid 19 pandemic and telemedicine and telenursing. Results: 11 studies met inclusion from
66 search results. Telemedicine and telenursing are certainly appropriate in minimizing the risk of transmitting
COVID-19. This solution has the potential to prevent all forms of direct physical contact, provide continuous care to
the community, and ultimately reduce morbidity and mortality in the COVID-19 outbreak. Conclusion: The use of
telemeicine and telenursing improves the provision of health services. Therefore, telemedicine and telenursing must
abst become important tools in care services while keeping patients and health care providers safe during the COVID-19
ract outbreak.

Thesis No. 11
title  Literature Review: Determination of Management Information Systems with Their Environment
or  Wahyudi, I.
me  Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Terapan
e  2022
for   Wahyudi, I. Literature Review: Determination of Management Information Systems with Their Environment. Jurnal
mat Ilmu Manajemen Terapan, 2022, 3(3): 347-353.
  The purpose of this study is to analyze and conclude the function of the Mnajamene Information System in its
environment. Based on the collection of research method journals, the development of management functions as a
systematic step to determine management decisions. When parts of a management information are collected in the
information sub-chapter, then all of this information is connected with an integrated system to make it easier for top
management to determine management decisions. This study contains an analysis of POAC implementation of
abst management information systems, design of management information systems, management functions of management
ract information systems.
Thesis NO. 12
Analysis of the Application of Laboratory Management for Polymer Chemical Engineering Study
paper title Program Polytechnic STMI Jakarta
Author Silvia Silvia & Fitria Ika Aryanti
Publication time 2022
Silvia Silvia & Fitria Ika Aryanti. Analysis of the Application of Laboratory Management for
Polymer Chemical Engineering Study Program Polytechnic STMI Jakarta. JURNAL TEKNOLOGI
Citation information DAN MANAJEMEN, 2022, 20(2).
A good laboratory has adequate laboratory management in order to set the goals/vision of the
laboratory. In this study, an analysis of the laboratory management of the Polymer Chemical
Engineering Study Program, STMI Jakarta Polytechnic was carried out. This analysis was
conducted to determine the extent to which laboratory management is implemented. This laboratory
is used to support student practicum, student and lecturer research. Data collection was carried out
by conducting literature studies, interviews and observations with the POAC (Planning, Organizing,
Actuating, Controlling) method approach. Data processing is done by qualitative descriptive
analysis. Based on the results of the research, it was obtained that the results of the planning aspect
were 85%, the organizing aspect was 33%, the implementation aspect was 50% and for the
monitoring aspect was 50%. Even though from the planning aspect it is good with a score of 85%,
for other aspects such as organizing, implementing and controlling it has a score of less than or
abstract equal to 50%.

Thesis NO. 13
title  Strategies and Barriers to the Management of Early Childhood Education Institutions
or  Eka, E., Nor Asiah, S., & Magfiratul Laili, L.
me  Dirasat: Jurnal Manajemen Dan Pendidikan Islam
e  2022
for   Eka, E., Nor Asiah, S., & Magfiratul Laili, L. Strategies and Barriers to the Management of Early Childhood
mat Education Institutions. Dirasat: Jurnal Manajemen Dan Pendidikan Islam, 2022, 8(1): 90–101.
  This study aims to determine the strategies implemented by Early Childhood Education (PAUD) institutions,
especially the Integrated Islamic Kindergarten (TKIT) Plus Al-Hidayah Tenggarong in implementing student
management. This study also aims to determine the obstacles experienced in the implementation of student
management. This is a field research conducted using a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. This study will
describe the strategies used by TKIT Plus Al-Hidayah Tenggarong in the implementation of student management, and
also describe the obstacles experienced in the implementation of student management. Data collection techniques used
in this study were observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that student
management can be a forum to improve the quality of child development. TKIT Plus Al-Hidayah Tenggarong carries
out a coaching strategy to improve the ability of students through small preachers (d?‘?) and ?u?? prayers in
congregation before carrying out learning and memorizing daily prayers and short suras that are easy to memorize.
The obstacle experienced is that student management programs, especially the little dai program, are difficult to
abst implement because the development of each child is different, and the frequent change of teachers also makes it
ract difficult to manage students.

Thesis NO. 14
title  Financial Management In The Company
or  Tri Agusnia Wati, Hanesya Putri Anjani, Latifah Rukmiati I.J, Lilyana Fransiska Sinaga, & Nashrum Minallah
me  Jurnal Manajemen Dan Bisnis
e  2022
for   Tri Agusnia Wati, Hanesya Putri Anjani, Latifah Rukmiati I.J, Lilyana Fransiska Sinaga, & Nashrum Minallah.
mat Financial Management In The Company. Jurnal Manajemen Dan Bisnis, 2022, 5(1):50-55.
 Financial management in this company discusses the understanding and concept of company financial management.
It also discusses the scope of financial management, the objectives of financial management and the principles of
financial management within the company, where the background of writing this journal is that the general public still
does not fully understand the form of financial management in companies. The main purpose of making this journal is
because I want to tell more deeply about financial management in companies and provide basic knowledge in the field
of corporate financial management to the public or a wide audience. Financial management in companies always
experiences developments starting from the understanding, concept, scope, as well as the goals and principles of the
company's financial management. The research method used in this journal is to use a descriptive method, namely
through literature studies and reference analysis. The results of this journal are financial management which is very
important to do in order to maximize profits for the company. This means that all financial actions and decisions taken
abst by a company will increase the company's revenue and profits and will also help minimize unnecessary or unwanted
ract expenses..

Thesis NO. 15
title  Effective School Management Management
or  Fathurrochman, I., Adilah, P., Anjriyani, A., & Yudha Prasetya, A.
me  E-Amal: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
e  2022
for   Fathurrochman, I., Adilah, P., Anjriyani, A., & Yudha Prasetya, A. Effective School Management Management. E-
mat Amal: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2022, 2(2):1363-1374.
  The importance of understanding school effectiveness is not only related to improving the quality of education but
also in line with the national policy, namely the decentralization of education in the context of implementing regional
autonomy. With this concept, the government does not only hope to improve the quality of education but also to achieve
equity, relevance and efficiency in the delivery of education. Experience in various countries shows that school
effectiveness studies have helped a lot in solving educational problems in relation to improving the quality of
education. The author feels it is important to discuss effective school management because not many schools are able
to manage schools effectively so that there are still many educational institutions that have not succeeded in achieving
the goals set by the school. An effective school is a school that can achieve its own set targets. In this study the authors
used qualitative research methods, and focused on research on effective school management. It is hoped that the
writing of this article can contribute to the concept of thinking about ways to carry out effective school management so
that schools are able to improve the quality of learning in schools that satisfy all interested parties. Based on the
results of observations of SMAN 03 Rejang Lebong which has succeeded in implementing effective school management
so that this school is able to produce good quality graduates even though this school is far from the city center and
abst there are still several obstacles in effective school management, this school is able to overcome the obstacles that
ract occur
Thesis NO. 16
title  Internal Audit Functions and Corporate Risk Management: A Literature Review
or  Zunaedi, Balqis Nagita Fillia, Hayyu Rachma Annisa, and Murdiyati Dewi
me  Jurnal Bisnis Dan Akuntansi
e  2022
for  Zunaedi, Balqis Nagita Fillia, Hayyu Rachma Annisa, and Murdiyati Dewi. Internal Audit Functions and Corporate
mat Risk Management: A Literature Review. Jurnal Bisnis Dan Akuntansi, 2022, 24(1):59-70.
 In this qualitative study, it became clear that an evolution towards a higher level of risk-based auditing is absolutely
necessary, if internal auditors are to play an important role in risk management. The implementation of effective risk
management is the key to the success of a company. This article aims to provide a literature review related to the role
of the internal auditor function in carrying out effective and efficient risk management. The explanation of this article
can add to the literature related to the role of internal auditors in implementing corporate risk management and can
assist company management in selecting internal auditors so that company goals can be achieved. Thus, the company
can have an optimal level of risk according to the company's risk appetite. Internal auditors are also required to
abst uphold the professional standards of internal audit in carrying out their duties so as to provide the best guarantee for
ract the company.

Thesis NO. 17
title  The Effect of Company Size on Earnings Management
or  Handayani, Rr. Sri & Agustono Dwi Rachadi
me  Jurnal Bisnis Dan Akuntansi
e  2018
for  Handayani, Rr. Sri, & Agustono Dwi Rachadi. The Effect of Company Size on Earnings Management. Jurnal Bisnis
mat Dan Akuntansi, 2018, 11(1):33 - 56.
  This study investigated size effect to earnings management. In this study, it is investigated whether medium and
large-sized firm more aggressive to use earnings management through reporting positive earnings to avoid losses
and/or earnings decreases by examining the earnings (change) frequency distribution and probit analysis. Docu-
mented is empirical evidence that small-, medium-and large-sized firms tend to report positive earnings to avoid
earnings losses. However, this study observed that firm size plays differing roles in earnings management. This study
abst found that medium-and large-sized firms do not engage more earnings management aggressively than small firms for
ract both avoiding reporting earnings losses and earnings decreases.

Thesis No. 18
pap  Student Management as an Effort to Achieve Educational Goals
or  Zainur Arifin
me  Dirasat: Jurnal Manajemen dan Pendidikan Islam
e  2022
for   Zainur Arifin. Student Management as an Effort to Achieve Educational Goals. Dirasat: Jurnal Manajemen dan
mat Pendidikan Islam, 2022, 8(1):71-89.
  Student management as a process that regulates all forms of student activity becomes a measure of success in an
effort to achieve educational goals effectively and efficiently. The purpose of student management is to regulate all
forms of activities that support the learning process so that students become orderly so that they have an impact on
overall educational goals. The success of education as a form of discipline among students in conditions that match
their attitudes and behavior with the values ??and rules of the madrasa. Madrasas need to do their best to enforce the
rules so that they can be a comfortable place for students to learn. To take disciplinary action, the teacher must
consider the psychological aspects of each student. With the library research method, this study shows that student
management produces activities that can support the development of student potential in the form of providing services
to students in an educational institution, both inside and outside of classroom learning hours; student development can
be carried out on new student orientation, discipline development by producing student attitudes, appearance, and
behavior in accordance with the order of values, norms, and applicable provisions; The realization of student
abst management has three main tasks that must be considered, namely acceptance of new students, learning progress
ract activities, and guidance and discipline development.

Thesis NO. 19
paper title Profit Management Determinants: Financial Leverage, Profıtabılıty, and Company Characterıstıc
author Millenia, Ellysia, & Fung Jin Tjhai
Journal Name Jurnal Bisnis Dan Akuntansi
Publication time 2021
Millenia, Ellysia, & Fung Jin Tjhai. Profit Management Determinants: Financial Leverage,
Citation information Profıtabılıty, and Company Characterıstıc. Jurnal Bisnis Dan Akuntansi, 2021, 23(2):243-52.
The objective of this research is to obtain empirical evidence about the effect of firm size, financial
leverage, firm age, audit quality, audit committee size, board size, managerial ownership,
institutional ownership, profitability, and firm growth on earnings management. The research
sample consisted of 122 non-financial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during
2017-2019 with 366 data tested using the multiple regression method. The results showed that
financial leverage and firm growth have effect on earnings management. On the other hand, firm
size, firm age, audit quality, audit committee size, board size, managerial ownership, institutional
abstract ownership, and profitability do not show any effect on earnings management.

Thesis NO. 20
title  The Effect of Good Corporate Governance and Leverage on Profit Management
or  Asitalia, Fioren & Ita Trisnawati
me  Jurnal Bisnis Dan Akuntansi
Pub  2018
for   Asitalia, Fioren & Ita Trisnawati. The Effect of Good Corporate Governance and Leverage on Profit Management.
mat Jurnal Bisnis Dan Akuntansi, 2018, 19 (1a-2):109-19.
  The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical evidence about the influence of good corporate governance and
leverage on earnings management. Good corporate governance in this study included managerial ownership,
institutional ownership, board size, audit committee’s size, and the proportion of independent commissioners. This
research used discretionary accrual as proxy of earnings management. The Samples of this research used 93
companies manufacturing sector which listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange during period 2013 to 2015, using
purposive sampling method. This research used multiple regression to test the hypothesis. The result of this research
showed that all component of the good corporate governance (manajerial ownership, institutional ownership, board
abst size, audit committee’s size, and the proportion of independent commissioners) had no effect to earnings management,
ract while leverage had a negative effect to earnings management.
Course assignment 3

Sort out the 20 literatures searched in assignment 1. Write a literature review, it is required
that the literature should be listed logically, either in chronological order or with different
research contents. Finally, please list the references.

The Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) is a subsystem in a hospital that

processes all information related to humans as users according to their respective rolesvR. Haux,
Ed., Strategic Information Management in Hospitals: An Introduction to Hospital Information
Systems, 1st Edition. Softcover version of original hardcover edition 2004. New York, NY:
Springer New York, 2010.. [1]. Hospital Management Information Systems play an important
role in supporting the entire process at the Hospital with information technology R.-F. Chen and
J.-L. Hsiao, ‘An Investigation on Physicians’ Acceptance of Hospital Information Systems: A
Case Study’, Int. J. Med. Inf., Vol. 81, No. 12, pp. 810–820, Dec. 2012, doi:
10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2012.05.003 [2]. The implementation of SIMRS is urgently needed to
integrate all services in hospitals, modern SIMRS is very comprehensive, integrated, and
specialized as an information system designed to manage administrative processes, finances,
clinical aspects of hospitals and health care facilities, which are an important focus as a basis for
providing information. care for patients and integration with external institutions such as health
insurance and other health service facilities that are interrelated in exchanging information A.
Ismail, A. T. Jamil, A. F. A. Rahman, J. M. A. Bakar, and N. M. Saad, ‘The Implementation of
Hospital Information System (His) In Tertiary Hospitals In Malaysia: A Qualitative Study’, Vol.
10, p. 9, 2010 [3]
Human resource management must be programmed and comprehensive. This means that
a human resource planning is carried out strategically and systematically related to forecasting
the supply of labor in the future in the amount and quality required, using the right information
sources V. Rivai, Human Resource Management 2013. [1].
Education in the current era of globalization which is marked by developments in
information and communication technology demands improvements to the education system.
For example, improvements to modern and professional education management with
educational nuances (Fajriana & Aliyah, 2019; Rony, 2021; Wardi et al., 2019). This is more due
to the fact that our human resources are still lagging behind in utilizing information technology
in the educational process (Fauzi et al., 2019). With the knowledge acquired, educational
institutions have come up with new concepts and strategies in providing services to education
users which are then applied in practice by several educational institutions that have the
opportunity to utilize these concepts and strategies (Rochaety, 2009). The use of SIM itself to
be applied to information systems within an organization including educational institutions
(Prasojo et al., 2017; Prasojo & AP FIP, 2010). Human resource management must be
programmed and comprehensive. This means that a human resource planning is carried out
strategically and systematically related to forecasting the supply of labor in the future in the
required quantity and quality, using the right information sources[1]. Meanwhile, according to
Dabic (2011) [2] the application of good human resource management is able to encourage
employee contributions to an organization.
The study of the idea of the curse of natural resources was introduced by several political-
economy scientists, including Terry Karl Linch (1997) and Palley (2003). The existence of this
special treatment requires monopoly power to extract these natural resources in the form of
income so that in this case the ownership of high capital and technological power is the highest
priority in natural resource management (Stiglitz, 2007). Vandana Shiva (1995) assesses that the
dimension of developmentism that takes place in third world countries is itself a continuation
of colonialism practices that occurred in the past. Shiva proposed the term "exploitation
syndrome" to criticize the view of developmentism that developed in third world countries.
Tragedy of the Commons is a term coined by Garrett Hardin (1968) regarding the conflict
between the consumptive needs of the human population and the availability of natural
resources in the environment.

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