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1st Semester, 2022-2023Academic Year

Final Assignment

Course System Evaluation Method


Student ID F20110109

Teacher’s Name LIU HONG (刘虹)


December 25th,2022
There are four Parts in this final assignment, write down your answers
under the corresponding questions.

Score Part I. (Full Score: 20Points)

The administrative department wants to evaluate the sustainable
d e v e l o p m e n t o f 3 t o u r i s t. 2a t it nr ap cuttiso na sn d 2 o u t p u t s
measures are used. The Input variables are: (1) wage, cost (2) tourist attractions
m a i n t e n a n c e c o s t . T h e o u t p u t s v a r i a b l e s i n c l u d
( 2 ) r e v e n u e . T h e i n p u t a n d o u t p u t v a l
are as follows:
tourist Inputs Outputs
attraction Input1 Input2 Output1 Output2
QiLake 300 500 3000 1200
XuanRiver 400 600 3500 800
DaLong 520 320 2200 500
a) F o r m u l a t e a n o u t p u t - o r i e n t e d V R St oeenvva el luoa pt m
e et nh te m o
performance of QiLake.

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b) F o r m u l a t e a n i n p u t - o r i e n t e d C R S e n v e l o p m e n t
performance of XuanRiver.

Score Part II. (Full Score: 20Points)

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To e v a l u a t e t h e e f f i c i e n c y o f 4 P l a n t F a c t o r i e s , 3 i n p u t s a n
involved in the table below.
Plant Factories Input1 Input2 Input3 Output1 Output2
Meigui 220 2500 50 6600 6200
Yueji 330 3200 60 3500 5000
Lianhua 440 4100 50 7500 3500
Rose 550 6500 45 6000 5500
a) Formulate an output-oriented CRS multiplier model to evaluate the efficiency
of the Plant Factory Yueji.

b) Formulate an input-oriented VRS multiplier model to evaluate the efficiency

of the Plant Factory Rose.

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Score Part III. (Full Score: 40Points)
Xiangwei Market has six branches, each with 2 inputs and 1
output as given in table and figure below.
branches input1 input2 output
A 1 8 20
B 2 3 20
C 3 2 20
D 4 2 20
E 5 5 20
F 6 2 20

a) Figure out theefficiency statusof each DMU (E-fully efficient;

efficient; IE-inefficient)

DMU Efficiency Status

A E-fully efficient
B E-fully efficient
C E-fully efficient
D WE-weakly efficient
E IE-inefficient
F WE-weakly efficient

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b) For the weakly efficient DMU, are there any slacks? If so, figure out whether
it has input1 slack or input2 slack.

c) Fo r t h e i n e f f i c i e n t D M U , c a l
input1 and input2 of the frontier projection.

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Score Part IV. (Full Score: 20Points)
How to tackle with the negative data in DEA models?
Explain it using the content we have learned

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