White House 'Dug In' On Demands in Debt Limit Talks, McCarthy Told

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WHITEHOUSE. Pubehe 25, 20231202 EOT FOXY rescestrnance scommy Makes Watchlist Ueeie Releeate Tech ike Poets were EES EE White House ‘dug in' on demands in debt limit talks, McCarthy told House GOP: Source White House and House GOP appear far apart as they strive for a debt limit increase agreement ‘Speaker Kevin McCarthy told his conference thatthe White House was stil “dug non ts stance in debt limit negotiations despite @ Monday night meeting that both sides haled as “peadutve” according o 9 source famliar with this morning’ remarks, "Members were tld to remain flexible for next Weel” incase they have to return to vote for ‘new debt limit bil he source said McCarthy sid the White House s dug in on rising taxes and increasing] spending but bya smaller amount than they would ike: tines up with reporting that White House negotiators have countered Republicans! demand to cut spenting to 2022 levels and capit at 1% growth forthe next decade with an offer to freze current spending level int the next ical year, with caps fer one or two following years 1 spear ofthe Hoe Ken McCay [-A) opens to eer as beet rom House Repo ‘onfrence mastg on ay 2202 (ety nage) ‘According tothe source, McCarthy told members they have to "keep negotiating” and urged Houee Repubicane to “tick tog He didnot, however, offer fellow lawmakers any ‘points of agreement forged between the White House and House GOP negotiators, despite having roughly aweek unt the US. ‘governments likely to run aut of eash to pay al ofits obligations tes met it rsdn ne Bien Wht Hous an Monde evening ou de in (ety mage) “MeCarty later told reporters when he left the closed-door meeting that "weir not there yor” in terms ofa dal He and Biden held thelist bilateral meeting on the debt limit since February on Monday {evening with teams fr both getting together afterwards to continue working on a compromise. otha ty Rep. Pati Menry RAC alle te meeting rotate afer (Gy koe) ‘CLICK HERE TO GET-THE FOX NEWS APP. Butt appears both sides are stil far apart on Tuesday moming ~ though MeCarthy expressed optimism that deal coud stillbe stuck by June 1 "They still want to spend more money next yar than we spent this year. That's a redline? ‘the speaker said We could stl finch ths by June..we'e trying to condense everything in 8 short timeframe. The House passed the bil. The Senate never passed all Sonow its ‘more dificult because of what else we have to negotiate fom alot of ifferent Perspectives, But we can siliish intime” Ther Ofson contributed to this report Conversation 1% comments 3279 evog tree ls vor lar that Bion ct cart do arthing for 100 ay. lo lath Sowa was Inerete i maing any logan ne soni The camocrts hod no tenon o ong ‘ryeing stout cur do a nancial peeon, St, 3%; Ameren sy Joe og #2 Rb se tin Donates th debt wa tee cr goverment he wi ks mans ~ enh w fey ALL mands tense sod ecrly persone ee and we have uf mane fr fans (e938 Seemore 1 entcota oes can. Hey drt get what ay want he O wl tertonaly ave the bt een, "ha a te goundvor lane the Ror watever comes fh 8a tre 800 ah we wu stop cag tem ase xeon re purpose splemanng the shia 1 song COMPOSE MOE (COM) PASE RL) 20 (ses)

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