mcbn121 Pcnov2018

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Requirements for this paper/Benodighede vir hierdie vraestel: Resources/Hulpmiddels:

Answer Scripts/ Multi-choice cards (A4)/

Antwoordskrifte: X Multikeusekaarte (A4)
Attendance Slips (Fill-in Paper)/ Graph Paper/
Presensiestrokies (Invulvraestel): X GrafiekPapier
Scrap Paper/ Calculators/
Rofwerkpapier Sakrekenaars X
Multi-choice cards (A5)/ Laptop (Power not provided)/
Multikeusekaarte (A5) X Skootrekenaar (Krag word nie voorsien nie)

Type of Assessment/ Exam Opportunity:1 Duration/ 3

Tipe Assessering: Tydsduur:

Paper Number/ Maximum Marks/ 100

Vraestel Nommer: Maksimum Punte:

Module Code/ MCBN121 Date/ 2018/11/03

Modulekode: Datum:

Examiner(s)/ DR AA WILLIAMS-PC;DR JF Time/

WENTZEL-PC; 09:00:00
Eksaminator(e): Tyd:


External Moderator(s)/
Eksterne Moderator(s):

Submission of answer scripts/Inhandiging van antwoordskrifte:

Details of student / Besonderhede van student:

Title/ Initials/ Surname/

Titel: Voorletters: Van:
University Number/ Contact Number/
Universiteitsnommer: Kontaknommer:


Examination Instructions / Eksamenvoorskrifte

1. Students are allowed into the venue in the first half hour of a 1. Studente mag in die eerste halfuur van ‘n sessie tot die lokaal
session, but no extra time is granted. toegelaat word, maar geen ekstra tyd word toegestaan nie.
2. No student is allowed to leave the venue before half an hour of 2. Geen student word toegelaat om die lokaal te verlaat binne die
the examination session has elapsed. eerste halfuur van die eksamensessie nie.
3. Students bring bags to the venue at own risk, and must put them 3. Student bring sake na lokaal op eie risiko, en moet dit voor in die
in front of the room. lokaal neersit.
4. Students may not have cell phones/electronic devices with them 4. Studente mag nie selfone/elektroniese toestelle by hulle hê en/of
and/or handle them. hanteer nie.
5. No refreshments are allowed in the examination venue. 5. Geen verversings word in ‘n eksamenlokaal toegelaat nie.
6. Students may not leave the room for a smoke break. 6. Studente mag nie die lokaal verlaat om te gaan rook nie.
7. Write on both sides of each page. 7. Skryf op beide kante van die bladsye.
8. Write in black or blue ink only. 8. Skryf slegs in swart of blou ink.
9. No pages may be removed from the answer scripts. 9. Geen bladsye mag uit die antwoordskrif verwyder word nie.
10. Students may not have unauthorised material with them during a 10. Student mag nie ontoelaatbare materiaal by hulle hê tydens ‘n
session, e.g. notes and/or objects that contain notes. sessie nie, bv. Notas en/of objekte wat notas bevat nie.
11. No items may be borrowed during the session. 11. Geen items mag tydens die sessie geleen word nie.
12. Students may not attempt to assist another student, or attempt to 12. Studente mag nie ‘n ander student probeer help or probeer om
obtain assistance. hulp te kry nie.
13. Students must hand in their answer scripts to invigilators before 13. Studente moet hul antwoordskrifte aan toesighouers oorhandig
they leave the venue. voordat hulle die lokaal verlaat.
14. The attendance slip on the back cover that also serves as an 14. Die presensiestrokie op die agterblad, wat ook as onderneming
undertaking, must be completed and handed in. geld, moet voltooi en ingegee word.
Vraag / Question 2 [10]

Antwoord die volgende afdelings in die antwoordskrif. / Answer the following sections in the
answer book.

2.1) Die polymerase ketting reaksie (PCR) was ‘n revolusinêre tegniek in molekulêre biologie /
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was a revolutionary technique in molecular biology.
2.1.1) Noem die drie PCR sikluse op / Name the three PCR cycles (3)

2.1.2) Watter tipe DNS polymerase word in ‘n PCR reaksie gebruik en wat maak dit uniek?
/ What kind of DNA polymerase is used in a PCR reaction and what property makes
it unique? (2)

2.2) Geneties gemodifiseerde organismis word algemeen gebruik in wetenskaplike navorsing en

die produksie van goedere / Genetically modified organisms are widely used in scientific
research and the production of goods.
2.2.1) Noem drie verskillende toepassings van geneties gemodifiseerde organismis en hul
voordele bo konvensionele tegnieke / Name three different application of genetically
modified organisms and their advantages over the conventional techniques

2.2.2) Wat is die hoof verskil tussen “knockin” en “knockout” muis modelle? / What is the
main difference between “knockin” and “knockout” mice models? (2)

MCBN 121: Paper / Vraestel 1 | Exam 1st opp/Eksamen 1e gel | Full-time/Voltyds 3/12
Vraag / Question 2

Antwoord die volgende afdelings in die antwoordskrif. / Answer the following sections in the
answer book.

Skryf die woord of frase wat elke stelling die beste voltooi of die vraag beantwoord. / Write
the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

2.1) Selwande van bakterieë (domein Bakterieë) bestaan gewoonlik uit ________, 'n netwerk van
polisakkariede molekules verbind deur polipeptied kruisverbindings. / Cell walls of bacteria
(domain Bacteria) usually consist of ________, a network of polysaccharide molecules
connected by polypeptide cross-links. (½)

2.2) Buite die proteïenskede het baie virusse 'n (n) ________ van proteïen, lipied en koolhidraat.
/ Outside the protein sheath, many viruses have a (n) ________ made of protein, lipid, and
carbohydrate. (½)

2.3) Virusse kan slegs ________ nadat hulle 'n gasheersel ingevoer het, en slegs deur die
gasheer se sellulêre masjinerie te gebruik. / Viruses can ________ only after they have
entered a host cell, and only by using the host's cellular machinery. (½)

2.4) ________ besmet die CD4 + T-selle, wat benodig word vir normale immuniteit. / ________
infects the CD4+ T cells, which are required for normal immunity. (½)

2.5) Swamhyphae waarin twee geneties verskillende soorte kerne saam voorkom, word genoem
________. / Fungal hyphae in which two genetically distinct kinds of nuclei occur together
are said to be ________. (½)

Vraag / Question 3

Onderskei tussen / Differentiate between

3.1) Antigeen, teenliggaampies en epitope / Antigen, antibodies and epitopes (3)

3.2) Opkomende virus en viroid / Emerging virus and viroid (2)

3.3) Die twee linies van verworwe immuniteit. / The two lines of adaptive immunity (4×½=2)

Vraag / Question 4

4.1) Hoekom is infeksie deur meeste patogene nie noodlottig nie? / Why is infection by most
pathogens not fatal? (2)

4.2) Op grond van u begrip van swamme, stel ‘n hipotese daar vir waarom antibiotika nie in die
behandeling van 'n swam infeksie sal werk nie. / Based on your understanding of fungi,
hypothesize why antibiotics won’t work in the treatment of a fungal infection. (2)

4.3) Jy vergelyk spore produksie van die basidiocarp Cryptoporus volvatus groei op spar bome
deur 'n vlekvrye staal tregter onder die swam te plaas om spore te versamel en te tel wat
geproduseer is tussen 1 Junie en 1 September. Een van u monsters het 'n oppervlakte van
1.10 cm2 en het 'n totaal van 1.31 × 108 spore gekonsentreer met 'n sekonde met 'n 8.37 cm2
oppervlak wat 6.87 × 109 spore geproduseer het. Maak 'n kwantitatiewe stelling oor die
relatiewe hoeveelheid spore produksie per vierkante sentimeter in die twee monsters. / You
compared spore production of the basidiocarp Cryptoporus volvatus growing on fir trees by
placing a stainless steel funnel under the fungus to collect and count spores produced
between June 1 and September 1. One of your samples had a surface area of 1.10 cm2 and

MCBN 121: Paper / Vraestel 1 | Exam 1st opp/Eksamen 1e gel | Full-time/Voltyds 11/12
produced a total of 1.31 × 108 spores contrasted with a second with an 8.37 cm2 surface area
that produced 6.87 × 109 spores. Make a quantitative statement about the relative amount of
spore production per square centimeter in the two samples. (1)

4.4) Hoe verskil T-sel reseptore van Tol-agtige reseptore? / How are T-cell receptors different
from Toll-like receptors? (2)

4.5) Hoekom kon ons pokke virus uitwis deur 'n entstof te gebruik, maar nie griep nie? / Why were
we able to eliminate smallpox virus using a vaccine but cannot eliminate influenza?
4.6) Teken en dui duidelik die belangrikste strukturele eienskappe van 'n teenliggaam aan. Maak
seker om die funksie(s) van hierdie strukturele eienskappe te verduidelik. / Draw and indicate
clearly the main structural features of an antibody. Be sure to explain the function(s) of these
structural features. (7×½=3.5)

Vraag / Question 5

5.1) Illustreer met behulp van 'n figuur die terapeutiese opsies vir MIV / VIGS. / Illustrate using a
figure the therapeutic options for HIV/AIDS. (10×½=5)

5.2) Verduidelik kortliks die tipiese immuunrespons teenoor 'n ekstrasellulêre patogeen. / Explain
briefly the typical immune response to an extracellular pathogen. (5)

5.3) Gestel jy aanvaar ‘n loopbaan in die bemarkingsafdeling van 'n skoonheidsmiddel

maatskappy. Altyd op soek na 'n mededingende voordeel, het die adjunkpresident van
bemarking besluit om die nuwe velroom te adverteer as immuunverbeterende effekte. Die
room word geproduseer uit sekresies van 'n plant wat uiters waterige, alkaliese vloeistof
vrystel. Verduidelik hoe jy hierdie produk as 'n immuunversterker sal bemark. / Suppose you
take a job in the marketing department of a cosmetics company. Always seeking a
competitive advantage, the vice president of marketing has decided to advertise the new skin
lotion as having immune-enhancing effects. The lotion is produced from secretions of a plant
that releases extremely watery, alkaline fluid. Explain how you will market this product as an
immune-enhancer. (3)

5.4) Jou nuwe katjie krap jou kamermaat. Haar vel is rooierig en voel warm en seer met aanraking;
Sy dink sy het 'n soort dodelike infeksie gekontrakteer. Om haar woede te demp (sy is beslis
nie 'n katpersoon nie!), Probeer jy haar vertel oor die aktiwiteite van die aangebore
verdediging. Verduidelik wat eintlik met haar vel aan die gebeur is. / Your new kitten
scratches your roommate. Her skin is reddened and feels warm and sore to the touch; she
thinks she has contracted some kind of fatal infection. In order to deflect her anger (she is
definitely not a cat person!), you try telling her about the activities of the innate defense
system. Explain what is actually happening to her skin. (5)


MCBN 121: Paper / Vraestel 1 | Exam 1st opp/Eksamen 1e gel | Full-time/Voltyds 12/12

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