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Browser Support PAM for

SAP S/4HANA 2021 &


September 2021

Browser Support PAM for

Table of Content

• SAP Browser Support Summary

• Desktop Browser Support Summary
• SAP Mobile Browser Support Policy
• SAPUI5 Browser Support
• Classical UI Technologies Browser Support

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SAP Browser Support Summary
Desktop Mobile
Microsoft Edge Browsers on reference devices
• New Edge (Chromium): Latest Release Cycle for Windows • Apple Safari on iPhone and iPad
• Google Chrome, latest version on Samsung Galaxy Tab/S
Mozilla Firefox
• Latest Extended Support Release Cycle (rec.) Devices and operating system versions
• Latest Rapid Release Cycle (w. conditions) • Supported for 3 years from vendor release date

Google Chrome Supported mobile UI technologies

• Latest Release Cycle for Windows • SAPUI5
• Web Dynpro ABAP
Apple Safari • SAP GUI for HTML
• On macOS latest 2 for 3 years from version release date • WebClient UI (tablet only)
• SAP Fiori app is only released for the form factors listed for that
app in the SAP Fiori apps reference library
Microsoft Internet Explorer
• IE11 & MS Edge running in IE11 compatibility mode:
no support in S/4HANA 2021 and newer releases

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Desktop Browser Support Summary

SAP Vendor-Synchronized Policy

• SAP support ends latest with end of support by the vendor
• SAP delivers fixes in the current available Support Package Stack1)
• SAP publishes exceptions from this policy, restrictions and required minimum support package
stacks in the Product Availability Matrix2)
• For further details see also Note 1728946 (SAP Browser Support Strategy).
o Chrome and Firefox: Latest released versions are supported from day one
o Safari: New version support within 3 month (SAPUI5: from day one)
o Edge (Chromium): latest stable version for selected SAP UI technologies
o Internet Explorer 11 support is removed including the support for Edge running in IE11
compatibility mode from S/4HANA 2021 and newer releases

1)or for the next SPS if the current SPS is not feasible. SAPUI5: also available as patch in maintenance SPS.
2) Information about the browser support for individual SAP products such as SAP ERP, SAP CRM, SAP SRM, or SAP S/4 might differ from technology information.
This information is available in the corresponding product availability matrix.

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SAP Mobile Browser Support Summary
Supported Mobile Browsers, Devices, and Operating Systems

▪ Available for SAPUI5, Web Dynpro ABAP, SAP GUI for HTML and WebClient UI (tablet only)1)

▪ Support via reference devices for 3 years from vendor release date. Support cases must be reproducible on
these devices:
o Safari versions on supported iPhones and iPads (latest recommended)

o Latest Chrome versions on supported Android OS version on Samsung Galaxy S and Tablet

o Optional with SAP Fiori Client (SAPUI5 only) 2) on iOS and Android

▪ SAP delivers fixes in the current available Support Package Stack 3)

▪ SAP publishes exceptions from this policy, restrictions, and required minimum support package stacks in the
Product Availability Matrix

▪ For details please refer to notes 1728946 (SAP Browser Support Strategy), 1716423 (SAPUI5 browser
support), 1935915 (SAP Fiori) and 2700517 (WD ABAP and SAP GUI for HTML )

1) Information about browser support for individual SAP S/4 applications might differ from UI technology information.
2) Other UI technologies are not supported by SAP Fiori Client.
3) or the next SPS if the current one is not feasible.
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SAPUI5 Browser Support
contained in SAP Fiori Frontend Server 2021, maintenance version SAPUI5 1.96

OS Windows macOS Android

OS Version / iPhone series Samsung Galaxy S Phones

Windows Desktop & Touch 1) Latest 2 major macOS versions
Reference Device iPad series Samsung Galaxy S Tabs

MS Edge
Browser Chrome 2) Firefox 3) Safari 5) Chrome 2) Safari 5) Chrome 2)
Chromium 4)

SAP_UI 7.56 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(SAPUI5 1.9x)

1) Windows: Desktop support for Windows 8.1;10; 11 & Touch support for Windows 10 & 11.
Windows 8.1 is supported only till 10. Januar 2023 (official end of support by Microsoft).
2) Latest stable release of Chrome is supported.
3) Latest ESR of Firefox is supported; Rapid Release version of Firefox is conditionally supported; see note 990034 .
4) Latest stable release of Microsoft Edge Chromium is supported.
5) Latest 2 major versions of Safari is supported.

SAP Fiori Client is supported on iOS, iPadOS & Android; it will be removed from App stores in Q1/2022; recommendation is to use the device browser; see Note:2992772 for details.

• This slide should be read in conjunction with the notes 2781622, 1716423, 1853087 and 2261419 which contain important information.
• For detailed support information, see UI5 Browser and Platform Support - 1.96 (For latest version: Go to “Change version” and select the latest 1.96.* minor version; Go to “Documentation”;
"Read me first“; Open "Browser and Platform Support”)

Recommended SAPUI5 Maintenance Version 1.96.x is available with SAP_UI 7.56 SP02.
• SAPUI5 1.90 is the innovation version (available with SAP_UI 7.56 SP00) with limited support lifetime.
• SAPUI5 1.96 is the maintenance version, available in higher SP; SAP_UI 7.56 SP02.

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Classic UI Technologies Browser Support

macOS Android 7)
OS Windows iPadOS 7) Linux
(Latest 2 major macOS versions) (Tablet)

MS Edge
MS Edge
Browser Chrome 1) Firefox 2) IE11 mode IE 114) 8) Chrome 1) Safari 5) Firefox 2) Safari5) Chrome1) Firefox 2)
Chromium 3) 4) 8)


User Interface Technologies

SAP_BASIS 7.56 ✓ ✓ ✓ -- -- ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Web Dynpro ABAP

SAP_UI 7.56 (EOM 31.12.2024) ✓ ✓ ✓ -- -- ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

SAP Business Client for HTML

SAP_UI 7.56 (EOM 31.12.2024) ✓ ✓ ✓ -- -- ✓ ✓ ✓ -- -- ✓

WebClient UI
S4FND 106 ✓ ✓ ✓ -- -- ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

1) See Chrome note 1655306 2) See Firefox note 990034. 3) See Edge on Chromium 2884143 4) See IE11/Legacy Edge note 1672817. 5) See Safari note 1634749.
6) Microsoft Internet Explorer: End of Support for Quirks Mode 7) See Mobile note 2700517.
8) Customer using IE11 should not upgrade to SAP_UI 7.56 or higher as loosing IE11 support in SAP_UI 7.56

These slides should be read in conjunction with the note 1728946.

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Theme Designer Browser Support

OS Windows iPadOS Android Linux
(Latest 2 major macOS versions)

MS Edge
MS Edge
Browser Chrome 1) Firefox 2) IE11 IE 114) Chrome 1) Safari 5) Firefox 2) Safari5) Chrome1) Firefox 2)
Chromium 3)
Theme Designer
SAP_UI 7.56
✓ ✓ ✓ -- -- ✓ ✓ -- -- -- --
(SAPUI5 1.9x)

See Chrome note 1655306 2) See Firefox note 990034. 3) See Edge on Chromium 2884143 4) See IE11/Legacy Edge note 1672817. 5) See Safari note 1634749.
These slides should be read in conjunction with the note 1728946.

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