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School of Technology & Engineering

Subject: Chemical Process Calculation-II (T2430C6)
Semester: 4
Unit-I - Introduction of Process Calculation
1. Draw a process flow diagram and material balance for following:
(1). Distillation (2). Evaporation (3). Absorption (4). Extraction (Liquid-Liquid), (5) Drying (6)
Filtration (7) Mixing/Blending (8) Crystallization
2 What is the difference between recycle bypass.
3 Discuss the different steps involved while solving material balance problems.
3 Write a note on “Importance of Chemical Process Calculations in Chemical Industries”.
4. How many kilograms of carbon are present in 64 kg of methane?
5 How we measure the average molecular weight and density of gas mixture.
6 For an ideal gas, prove that Mole% = Volume% = Pressure%.
7 Derive the relation for density in case of ideal gas.
Examples: 3.1 to 3.18, 3.24,3.25, 3.28 to 3.30, 3.43
Unit-II - Material balances with Chemical reaction
1 What is meant by :
(a). Limiting Reactant, (b). Excess Reactant and (c) Conversion (d) Percentage Excess (e) Yield (f)
2 Write a short note on Energy Balance.
3 Discuss about by Purging operations.
4 Explain:
(a) Recycle ratio (b) Combined feed ratio (c) Purge Ratio
Examples: 4.1 to 4.20
Unit-III - Energy Balance Calculations

1. Define the following:

(1). Sensible Heat (2). Heat Capacity (3). Standard Heat of Reaction (4). Heat of formation
(5). Heat of combustion (6). Adiabatic flame Temperature (7). Heat of solution
2 Explain the effect of temperature on heat of reaction.
3. Derive the relationship between CP & CV for an ideal gas.
4. Define the following:
(1). Hess’s Law of constant Heat summation
(2). Effect of temperature on Heat of reaction.
(3). Latent heat of sublimation
5. Examples:6.1 to 6.11, 6.15, 6.18, 6.19, 6.26 to 6.51.
Unit-IV - Stoichiometry and Unit Operations
1. Write note on:
(1). Distillation (2).Gas Absorption (3). Crystallisation (4). Extraction and Leaching
(5). Humidification
2. Define the following:
(1). Dry-bulb Temperature and Wet bulb Temperature.
(2). Dew Point
(3). Absolute humidity and Molal Humidity
(4). Relative Humidity and Saturation humidity
(5). Adiabatic Saturation Temperature
(6). Percentage Humidity
Examples:7.3, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.13,7.14

Note: For all solved examples:

Refer to Introduction to Chemical Process Calculations by K A GHAVANE, Nirali


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