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Pharmaceutical Biology, 2012; 50(1): 113–119

© 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

ISSN 1388-0209 print/ISSN 1744-5116 online
DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2011.634423

Research Article

Sedative effects of essential oils obtained from

Baccharis uncinella
J. Ascari1, S.L. Sens2, D.S. Nunes1, A. Wisniewski Jr.3, M.D. Arbo4, V.M. Linck5,
P. Lunardi5, M.B. Leal4, and E. Elisabetsky5
Pharmaceutical Biology Downloaded from by Hannah Marston on 12/20/12

Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Mestrado em Química Aplicada, Ponta Grossa, PR, Brazil, 2Centro de
Educação Tecnológica Irmão Mário Cristóvão, Curitiba, PR, Brazil, 3Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Departamento
de Química, São Cristóvão, SE, Brazil, 4Laboratório de Farmacologia e Toxicologia de Produtos Naturais, Depto
de Farmacologia, ICBS, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, and 5Laboratório de
Etnofarmacologia, Depto de Farmacologia, ICBS, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Context: Essential oils (EOs) have been reported to possess pharmacological properties, of which those related to
the central nervous system have been especially attributed to mono- and sesquiterpenes. Baccharis uncinella DC.
(Asteraceae) is used by the Laklaño Indians (Santa Catarina, Brazil) for sedative purposes. Interestingly, the species
For personal use only.

does not seem to be used medicinally elsewhere in Brazil.

Objective: This study was designed to compare the composition and sedative properties of B. uncinella EOs obtained
closer (BU-SC) and farther (BU-PR) to the Laklaño Indian Reserve.
Materials and methods: BU-SC and BU-PR obtained by hydrodistillation were analyzed by CG-MS. Mice treated
with BU-SC and BU-PR (50 and 100 mg/kg) were evaluated regarding pentobarbital-induced sleeping time, body
temperature, and locomotion.
Results: BU-SC presents a higher monoterpene/sesquitherpene ratio (0.31); α-pinene (6.42%), limonene (7.21%),
caryophyllene (26.13%), spathulenol (13.39%) and caryophyllene oxide (13.26%) were identified as major components.
BU-PR presents a low monoterpene/sesquitepene ratio (0.004); spathulenol (32.93%), caryophyllene oxide (27.78%),
viridiflorol (5.29%) and α-cadinol (2.42%) were identified as the main components. Both samples significantly (p < 0.05,
ANOVA) decreased locomotion and body temperature, as well as increased sleeping time. The hypnotic activity was
sensitive to the differences in monoterpene composition.
Conclusions: In comparison with a sample collected in Paraná State, B. uncinella EO collected closer to the Laklaño
Indians possess a composition that better justifies the claimed sedative properties. The study confirms the value of
traditional information to guide bioactivity assessment in medicinal plants, and gives notice to the ecological factors
that can interfere with the conclusions of such assessments.
Keywords:  Ethnopharmacology, Laklaño Indians, monoterpenes, sesquitepenes, hypno-sedative

EOs, the monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes seem to be
Medicinal plants present a variety of chemical constitu- the main responsible for central nervous system (CNS)
ents accumulated as byproducts of the plants secondary effects (Heuberger et al., 2010). For instance, the monot-
metabolism. Among these chemicals, a distinct class erpene (R)-(-)-linalool is recognized as the sedative/
is composed by essential oils (EOs), of which some are calming component of numerous traditional and com-
used in indigenous medical systems to treat various con- mercial plant preparations and/or their EOs (Elisabetsky
ditions including mental illnesses (Umezu et  al., 2001, et  al., 1995; Sugawara et  al., 1998; Kuroda et  al., 2005;
2006). From the dozens of components usually found in Shaw et al., 2007; Linck et al., 2009, 2010; Heuberger et al.,

Address for Correspondence:  Elaine Elisabetsky, Laboratório de Etnofarmacologia, Depto de Farmacologia, ICBS, Universidade Federal do
Rio Grande do Sul, Rua Sarmento Leite 500/202, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. Tel/Fax: 55 51 33083121. E-mail:
(Received 28 June 2011; revised 06 October 2011; accepted 19 October 2011)

114  J. Ascari et al.
2010). α-Terpineol is another monoterpenoid derivative State (locality of Vacas Gordas, altitude 1360 m) contains
identified as the active component of traditional seda- over 36% of monoterpenes (12.9% α-pinene and 9.9%
tives (de Sousa et al., 2007). limonene) but a low proportion of caryophyllene oxide
The phytochemical analysis of many Baccharis spe- (2.9%) and α-eudesmol (1.9%) (Ascari et al., 2009).
cies indicates the presence of flavonoids, diterpenes and Given the traditional uses and relevance attributed
triterpenes, which have been associated with antimicro- by the Laklaños to B. uncinella, the aim of this study was
bial, antinflammatory, antioxidant and gastroprotector to compare EOs obtained from two different areas of
properties (Heral et  al., 1998; Baggio et  al., 2003; Abad Southern Brazil in terms of EO composition and sedative
et al., 2006; Morales et al., 2008). EOs obtained from B. effects.
notosergila Griseb. (Cobos et al., 2001), B. latifolia Pers.
and B. prunifolia Kunth (Rojas et al., 2007), B. elaeoides
Materials and methods
J. Rémy and B. magellanica Pers. (Simonsen et  al.,
2009) showed antimicrobial properties. B. salicifolia Ethnopharmacological survey
(Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. produces volatile compounds with Ethnopharmacological data obtained for “vassourinha”,
insect repellent properties (Garcia et al., 2005). The EO Baccharis uncinella are part of a broader study car-
obtained from B. dracunculifolia DC. possesses antiul- ried out at the Laklaño Indians land reserves known as
Pharmaceutical Biology Downloaded from by Hannah Marston on 12/20/12

cerogenic properties associated with a high content of Terra Indígena Ibirama (State of Santa Catarina, Brazil),
E-nerolidol (Kloppel et  al., 2007). Additionally, caffeic between August 1999 and September 2001. The survey
acid and pectolinaringenin isolated from the ethanol was mainly conducted with three elderly native plant spe-
extract of B. uncinella showed anti-leishmanial effects cialists, Mr. Congó Patté, and the ladies Iocô Uvanhecu
(Passero et al., 2011). and Ngãvene Patté. “Vassourinha” tea is prepared with
Baccharis uncinella is used by the Laklaño Indians a handful of leaves in a litter of cold water to be slowly
(Santa Catarina, Brazil) as a sedative as well as to “regu- heated until boiling (decoction). The tea is to be drunk
late blood pressure”. The Shokleng Indians, who now for various days, by adults and the elderly, with the pur-
designate themselves as Laklaño, are recognized as a pose of regulating blood pressure and as a calming tea.
group since the XVIII century. Living in the valleys and
plateau borders in the South of Brazil since 1914, the con- Plant material
For personal use only.

tacted group (approximately 800 individuals) was more The leaves of B. uncinella were initially collected in the
intensively exposed to the dominant society at the State district of Ponta Grossa, State of Paraná, Brazil (sample
of Santa Catarina (Ibirama Indian Reserve). The inter- BU-PR, altitude of 1050 m, 25°06′23′′ South and 50°00′39′′
cultural exchange introduced the use of salt and alcohol West) in July of 2005. A second collection was done close
beverages (Urban, 1985), as well as diseases unknown to the Laklaño Reserve, at the locality of Pouso Redondo,
to the Indians; moreover, medicinal plants from several State of Santa Catarina, Brazil (sample BU-SC, alti-
sources and cultural backgrounds were introduced by tude of 440 m, 27°16′19′′ South and 49°49′60′′ West) in
local authorities and health providers (Santos, 1973). July of 2006. Voucher specimens were deposited at the
Mr. Congo Patté, recognized up to this day as a medici- Herbarium of the Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa
nal plant expert at the Laklaño Reserve, was yet to be born (HUPG-13105). Both collections were treated as follows:
when a 1932 census listed 106 Laklaño individuals living plant material was dried for 7 days at room temperature,
in the area (Henry, 1941). He speaks at easy of “heaviness the leaves separated and conserved at −18°C until the oil
in the head”, nape pain, nausea and discouragement as extraction procedure.
the symptoms indicative of high blood pressure; more-
over, he is ready to recognize the “cooking salt” as danger- Steam distillation and analyses of the EOs
ous to older people’s health and recommends the use of The EO samples were obtained by hydrodistillation
B. uncinella (known as vassourinha) tea to be used daily with the use of aluminum and glass equipment. Close
for various days. He remembers that during the tense to 1.2 kg of each milled leaves sample was submitted to
period marked by land dispute with loggers, he used to 4 h distillation, and the EO collected in ethyl ether. The
recommend that men avoid cachaça (Brazilian distilled organic solutions were dried with anhydrous Na2SO4,
alcohol from sugar cane) and frequently used the same with repeated filtrations and evaporations to yield 9.60 g
B. uncinella tea in order to calm down. of BU-PR and 10.32 g BU-SC.
CNS relevant components were identified in EOs The oil samples were analyzed in a Varian® CP-3800
obtained from B. uncinella leaves collected in the South Gas Chromatograph coupled to a Saturn® 2000 Mass
of Brazil plateau above 1000 m of altitude (Ascari et al., Spectrometer using the software Saturn® GC-MS
2009). Noteworthy, significant differences in the EOs Workstation 5.51, operating in the EI mode at 70 eV with a
composition were observed with different collections: mass range of 40–650 m/z and at a sample rate of 1.0 scan
while the sample from the Paraná State (altitude 1050 s−1. An apolar capillary column CP-Sil-8 CB Low Bleed/
m) presents low levels of monoterpenes (~2%) and a MS (30 × 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 µm) film was used with the fol-
high proportion of caryophyllene oxide (~16%) and lowing conditions: split ratio of 1/50, 250°C for the injec-
α-eudesmol (7.5%), the sample from Santa Catarina tor and 240°C for the interface. The oven temperature was

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Sedative effects of Baccharis uncinella essential oils  115
programmed for 60°C for the first 3 min, raising at a rate Hypothermic effects
of 5°C/min to reach 220°C, remaining as such for slightly Groups of mice (n = 6) were treated i.p. with 50 or
over 15 min. The retention indices (RI) were calculated by 100 mg/kg of BU-PR, BU-SC or controls (saline and
using the data from a series of n-alkane (C10-C26) injec- 1% Tween 80). The body temperature measured with a
tions in the same chromatographic conditions as those sensor probe of a digital thermometer (inserted at 1 cm
used for the oil samples (Van den Dool & Kratz, 1963). into the rectum) was recorded before treatments (time
The components were firstly identified by comparing the 0) and 15, 30, 60 and 120 min after drug administration.
obtained mass spectra with those of the equipment data Pentobarbital (50 mg/kg, i.p.) was used as the reference
bank, following by comparison of retention indices with drug. Results were analyzed by repeated measures
published data (Adams, 1995; Pherobase, 2010). Isolated ANOVA followed by SNK (Dallmeier & Carlini, 1981).
standards of heptanal, α-pinene, β-pinene, limonene,
linalool, caryophyllene, spathulenol, viridiflorol, gua- Locomotion
iacol, camphor, trans-anetol, safrol, thymol, eugenol The method was adapted from Linck et al. (2009). Activity
and tert-butil-hydroxytoluene were used to validate the cages (45 × 25 × 20 cm, Albarsch Electronic Equipments),
system and guarantee the reliability of the calculated equipped with three parallel photocells, automatically
indices. record the number of crossings. Animals (n = 8–10) were
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The relative composition of each oil sample was deter- individually habituated to an activity cage for 10 min
mined by using a Shimadzu Gas Chromatograph 14 B before receiving the following treatments (i.p.): saline,
with a Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID), an OV-5 col- 1% Tween 80, BU-PR and BU-SC 50 or 100 mg/kg. The
umn (30 m × 0.25 mm d.i. × 0.25 µm) under the following animals returned to the activity cages 30 min after treat-
conditions: N2 used as the carrier gas at a constant pres- ments and the number of crossings were recorded for
sure 80 kPa, a split ratio of 1/150, and an injection volume 15 min. Diazepam 1 mg/kg was used as positive control.
of 1 µL of the oil diluted in ethyl ether, with detector at Results were analyzed by means of ANOVA/SNK.
300°C, and injector at 250°C. The initial column tempera-
ture was set to 50°C for 3 min, programmed for heating up
at a rate of 5°C/min to reach final temperature of 270°C,
completing with an isotherm of 8 min. Chemical composition of the EOs
For personal use only.

Table 1 resumes the chemical analysis of BU-PR (over

Pharmacological assessment 1000 m altitude) and BU-SC (approximately 400 m alti-
Animals tude). As can be seen, BU-PR presents a lower monot-
Experiments were performed with 2 month old (35–45 g) erpene content; the only monoterpene identified was
male (CF1) albino mice, purchased from Fundação the oxygenated terpinen-4-ol (0.31%), resulting in a low
Estadual de Produção e Pesquisa em Saúde (FEPPS). monoterpene/sesquitepene ratio (0.004). The main com-
Animals were maintained in our own animal facility, ponents identified in this oil sample were sesquiterpenes:
under controlled environmental conditions (22 ± 1°C, spathulenol (32.93%), caryophyllene oxide (27.78%),
12 h light/dark cycle), with free access to food [Nuvilab viridiflorol (5.29%) and α-cadinol (2.42%). These oxy-
CR1] and water, for at least 2 weeks before the experi- genated compounds respond, therefore, for the majority
ments. All procedures were carried out in accordance (68.42%) of the sample.
with institutional policies on experimental animals han- In a clearly distinct manner, the BU-SC sample presents
dling, which follows de NIH guidelines (NIH Guide for a sizable monoterpene content as well as non-oxygenated
Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, NIH publication sesquiterpenes, resulting in a monoterpene/sesquither-
No. 85–23, 1985). pene ratio of 0.31. Only non-oxygenated monoterpenes
were identified (20.22%), of which α-pinene (6.42%) and
Drugs limonene (7.21%) are the major components. The non-
Diazepam and pentobarbital were acquired from Sigma. oxygenated sesquiterpenes identified comprise 38.63%
B. uncinella EOs (BU-PR and BU-SC) were diluted in 1% of the sample, with caryophyllene (26.13%) as the most
Tween 80. Drugs and vehicles were administered intrap- abundant component. The two oxygenated sesquit-
eritoneally, always as 10 mL/kg of body weight. erpenes identified in BU-SC are spathulenol (13.39%)
and caryophyllene oxide (13.26%), which are often the
Hypnotic activity major components of EOs obtained from Baccharis spp.
Mice (n = 8–10) were treated i.p. with saline, 1% Tween 80, (Agostini et al., 2005; Lago et al., 2008; Retta et al., 2009).
diazepam (2 mg/kg, positive control), or 50 or 100 mg/kg
of BU-PR or BU-SC. Thirty minutes later mice received CNS activity of the EOs
sodium pentobarbital (35 mg/kg, i.p.). The sleeping A significant increase (F4.51 = 16.2; p < 0.01) in sleep-
time (time elapsed between loss and recovery of right- ing time was induced by BU-PR at 100 mg/kg (but not
ing reflex) was recorded; a cut-off time of 180 min was 50 mg/kg); the effect of BU-PR 100 mg/kg was compa-
adopted. Results were analyzed by means of ANOVA/ rable to diazepam. BU-SC likewise produced a significant
SNK (Linck et al., 2009). increase (F4.50 = 39.7; p < 0.01) in sleeping time, at both 50

© 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

116  J. Ascari et al.
and 100 mg/kg; these doses had equal activity. At 100 mg/ BU-SC significantly and comparably decreased body tem-
kg, BU-SC was significantly (p < 0.05) more active than perature at 15 and 30 min post treatment, while at 60 min
BU-PR (Figure 1). post treatment only the hypothermic effect of pentobar-
Repeated measures ANOVA confirmed that the body bital was still at place. There was no significant difference
temperature was significantly decreased (F6.51 = 6.73; between the two doses of BU-PR and/or BU-SC.
p < 0.01) by all treatments in comparison to controls Figure 3 shows the results of treatments on locomo-
(Figure 2). The post hoc analyses showed that BU-PR and tion. A significant decrease (F6.56 = 17.5; p < 0.01) in loco-
motion was induced by BU-PR and BU-SC at both doses;
Table 1.  Relative compositions of volatile components of the
the differences between samples or doses of the same
two essential oils samples of Baccharis uncinella collected near sample did not reach statistical significance.
(BU-SC) or far (BU-PR) from the Laklaño reservation.
Component BU-SC % BU-PR % RI*
α-thujene 2.91 932
α-pinene 6.42 940 In agreement with the claims from the Laklaño Indians,
β-pinene 3.68 980 we provide evidence that EOs obtained from Bacharis
limonene 7.21 1032 uncinella possess sedative properties given that dimin-
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terpinen-4-ol 0.31 1180 ished locomotion, hypothermia and hypnosis is a classic

α-copaene 2.93 0.27 1376 triad indicative of hypno-sedative effects. Differences in
β-cubebene 0.32 1391 the composition of the samples BU-PR and BU-SC were
β-elemene 0.22 1393 reflected in differences in hypnotic activities. Though
β-caryophyllene 26.13 0.92 1419 the effects of EOs in blood pressure was not studied,
aromadendrene 0.51 1440 considering the relationship between blood pressure
α-caryophyllene 3.63 1456 and stress, it is arguable that the perception of the useful-
γ-gurjunene 1.81 1472 ness of B. uncinella in regulating blood pressure can be
β-chamigrene 0.25 1476 in part associated with its sedative effects. Nonetheless,
germacrene D 1.88 t 1480 for a clear and comprehensive pharmacological profile
of these EOs further studies, including additional animal
For personal use only.

α-muurolene 1.34 1499

γ-cadinene 2.30 1510
β-cadinene 4.06 0.44 1522
trans-calamenene 0.56 1529
α-calacorene 2.23 1550
spathulenol 13.39 32.93 1578
caryophyllene oxide 13.26 27.78 1583
viridiflorol t 5.29 1590
α-cadinol t 2.42 1654
Sample yielding (w/w, %) 0.86 0.80
Total identified (%) 85.50 79.90
Monoterpenes (%) 20.22 0.31
Sesquiterpenes (%) 65.28 79.59 Figure 2.  Hypothermic effects of Baccharis uncinella essential
Monoterpene/Sesquiterpene 0.310 0.004 oils (BU-PR and BU-SC, 50 and 100 mg/kg i.p.). Pentobarbital
*RI: mean of the retention indices of each component. 50 mg/kg was used as positive control. * = p < 0.05; ** = p < 0.01 vs.
t: trace amount, below 0.10%. control. ANOVA/SNK.

Figure 1.  Effects of Baccharis uncinella essential oils (BU-PR and BU-SC, 50 and 100 mg/kg, i.p.) on pentobarbital-induced sleep in mice.
Diazepam 2 mg/kg was used as positive control. Each column represent the mean ± S.E.M. (n = 8–10). * = p < 0.05; ** = p < 0.01 vs. control

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Sedative effects of Baccharis uncinella essential oils  117

Figure 3.  Effects of Baccharis uncinella essential oils (BU-PR and BU-SC, 50 and 100 mg/kg, i.p.) on spontaneous locomotor activity. Each
column represents the mean ± S.E.M. (n = 8–10). ** = p < 0.01 vs. control. ANOVA/SNK.

models and dose ranges, would be necessary. Though the It has been documented that EOs from aerial parts
activity cannot be related to components of EOs, sedative of B. uncinella obtained from Santa Catarina highlands
Pharmaceutical Biology Downloaded from by Hannah Marston on 12/20/12

effects were also seen with B. serraefolia DC. methanol (Ascari et al., 2009) and the state of Rio Grande do Sul,
extract, which was effective against strychnine- and Brazil (Agostini et  al., 2005; Frizzo et  al., 2001, 2008)
cardiazol-induced seizures, and increased sleeping time contain 3–60% of monoterpenes. The volatile metabo-
(Tortoriello & Santamaria, 1996). lites in Baccharis are likely to be influenced by ecologi-
The major components of the samples here studied cal and geographical factors as luminosity (Silva et al.,
are monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. As mentioned 2006), rainfall regime (Ferracini et  al., 1995), ground
earlier, among volatile terpenes of natural origin several mineral content (Silva et  al., 2007) and/or interaction
are known to be centrally active (Heuberger et al., 2010). with insects and predators (Damasceno et  al., 2010),
Some of these can be found in EOs from Bacharis spe- and the occurrence of chemotypes based on sesqui-
cies, such as α-pinene, limonene, linalool, myrcene, terpenes has been also reported (Frizzo et  al., 2008).
α-terpineol, and the sesquiterpenes eudesmene, α- and It is therefore arguable that the distinct composition of
For personal use only.

β-eudesmol, and caryophyllene oxide (Agostini et  al., BU-SC and BU-PR are related to ecological or genetics
2005; Lago et  al., 2008; Ascari et  al., 2009; Retta et  al., factors; it is to be expected that the differences observed
2009; Simonsen et  al., 2009). Monoterpenes identified in these samples CNS activities are consequent to these
in the EO samples here evaluated that can be related to differences in composition. The sedative effect is likely
hypno-sedative properties include α-pinene (Sayyah to be related to sesquiterpenes (e.g., carophyllene oxide)
et al., 2004) and limonene (Vale et al., 1999; 2002). present in both samples, while the more marked hyp-
In contrast, only a few volatile sesquiterpenes present- notic activity of BU-SC can be attributed to its higher
ing CNS activity are currently known. The sesquiterpenes monoterpene content (e.g., α-pinene, limonene,
caryophyllene oxide and β-selinene (= β-eudesmene) α-thujene). Given that the traditional preparation may
isolated from the hexane extract from Psidium guayava include compounds other than those found in the EO,
var. minor (Myrtaceae) Mattos leaves potentiated pen- the contribution from other compounds to the phar-
tobarbital-induced sleep and increased the latency for macological properties alleged by Mr. Patté cannot be
PTZ-induced convulsions in mice; additionally, blockade excluded before different extracts from B. uncinella are
of extracellular Ca2+ was observed in isolated guinea-pig properly evaluated.
ileum with the hexane extract and its fractions containing
both sesquiterpenes (Meckes et  al., 1997). β-Eudesmol
was found to be one of the volatile active principles of
the Chinese medicinal herb Atractylodes lancea DC. Clear differences exist in the phytochemical profile of
(Asteraceae) with antagonist properties useful against EOs obtained from the two collections, consistent with
organophosphorous anticholinesterase agents intoxica- the extensively documented effects of geographical/
tion (Chiou et  al., 1997). Experimental data show that ecological circumstances in EOs composition. The B.
β-eudesmol prevents convulsions and lethality induced uncinella EO sample collected closer to the Laklaño
by electroshock, but not those induced by PTZ or picro- Indians possesses a composition that better justifies
toxin (Chiou et  al., 1995). With a very similar chemical the claimed sedative properties. The differences in
structure, α-eudesmol protects the development of composition likewise may be associated with the lack
post-ischemic brain injury in rats by blocking ω-Aga- of use of the same species in the State of Paraná. It is
IVA-sensitive Ca2+ channels (Asakura et  al., 2000). The arguable that this is yet another study that confirms
structure resemblance of β-eudesmol and β-selinene is the value of traditional information to guide bioactiv-
likely to indicate relevant characteristic patterns com- ity assessment in medicinal plants. Moreover, the data
mon to these two compounds that are relevant for central give notice to the ecological factors that can interfere
nervous system activity. with such assessments if plant samples are collected

© 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

118  J. Ascari et al.
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