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Take proper precautions and be well informed to protect yourself and take
care of those around you. Follow the recommendations of public health
agencies in your area.
To prevent the spread of COVID-19:
Wash your hands often. Use soap and water or an alcohol-based hand
Keep a safe distance from people who cough or sneeze.
Wear a mask when it is not possible to maintain physical distance.
Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
When coughing or sneezing, cover your nose and mouth with a flexed elbow
or handkerchief.
If you’re not feeling well, stay home.
In case you have a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, seek medical attention.
Call before contacting any health care provider to direct you to the right
medical facility. This way, you will protect yourself and prevent the spread of
viruses and other infections.
Masks can help prevent people who carry them from spreading the virus and
spreading it to others. However, they do not protect against COVID-19 alone,
but must be combined with physical detachment and hand hygiene. Follow the
recommendations of public health agencies in your area.
The National Advisory Council on Immunization (CCNI) met to review,
discuss and provide recommendations to the Ministry of Health to maintain
optimal vaccination coverage in the midst of the Covid-19 epidemic in the
Dr. Ida Berenice Molina, head of the IAP, mentioned that "We are working on
a document with different scenarios of the epidemiological situation for
sustained vaccination and the National Day of Vaccination-Deworming,
which is scheduled to begin at the beginning of May". He also mentioned that
the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) already has the guidelines
for sustained and massive vaccination, as well as for the surveillance of
vaccine-preventable diseases (PVS), which have been reviewed by
PAHO/WHO and shared with health regions.

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