Teaching Strategies For Limited Face To Face Classes

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Title: Teaching Strategies for Limited Face-To-Face Classes


 To identify the teaching strategies classifications

 To discuss positive approaches to learning
 To create teaching strategies intended for limited face-to-face classes

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a massive shift in the way we work, learn and connect with others. It
influenced more than only medical health; it also impacted business, leisure, and education. Many
companies have closed, there are fewer fun activities, and the school system has shifted from face-to-
face classes to online, modular, and blended learning. However, as we fight this pandemic, more people
are getting vaccinated and some facilities are reopening to serve the public.

Furthermore, among the recent wins against the pandemic is the return of in-person learning with the
Philippine government’s go-signal for the limited face-to-face classes in low-risk areas for the virus. The
Department of Education’s proposal of the pilot run in the 100 public and 20 private schools was
approved by President Rodrigo Duterte last Sept. 20, 2021, as stated on the department’s official release.
DepEd also explained that the limited face-to-face classes will be done every other week which is
properly scheduled and strictly monitored.

In connection, to continue and enhance more the learnings of students in new normal teaching strategies
and innovation for limited face-to-face will help students begin to understand the process of learning and
help students to bypass their areas of weakness and to perform at the level at which they are capable.
Below explains teaching strategies classifications:

Teaching methods are the stimulation, guidance, direction, and encouragement for learning.

Teaching Strategies Classifications

 Teacher controlled teaching (monologue, autocratic teaching)

 Interactive procedure of teaching (Democratic, dialogue teaching)
 Learning controlled teaching (self study, lassies-fair teaching)
 Group controlled teaching (Action-oriented, democratic teaching)
 Clinical teaching method

Innovative Teaching Methods

1. Social media

The different social media platforms can be used wisely to teach science to make the science
classrooms more interesting and engaging. For instance, students can be asked to follow
scientists on Twitter and share their new thoughts and findings in class or to use Feedly for
improving the content of their research projects.

Students can also use Vine to document and share science videos, a Pinterest account for sharing
images for research projects or writing prompts, or a WordPress class account for peer-to-peer
2. Word walls
Science word walls in classrooms can stimulate the interest of students in the subject and an
opportunity for them to illustrate different concepts. In an advanced technique, a more in-depth
understanding of different scientific terms can be made possible with pictures that accompany
the words.
This is also an option to help them better understand words with multiple meanings. Teachers
can design creative word walls or ask students to contribute to the idea weekly or monthly.

3. Computational thinking

This is an advanced technique to improve thinking and problem-solving skills. The method
comprises decomposition i.e. breaking large problems into small units and pattern recognition-
related problems to the ones which were already solved successfully in the past.

Computational thinking skills also cover algorithms-step by step approach to reach a solution;
abstraction-neglecting unimportant details and debugging-refining these steps.

4. Projects

This can be an individual activity or group activity that helps students to showcase the application
side of what they learned through theory.

This method involves choosing the idea, building a plan, executing the plan and finally evaluating
it. When students pass through these stages, they can improve their skills to express ideas,
problem-solving, overcome challenges, do teamwork and do self-assessment.

5. Multimedia Approach

This method is a blend of text, audio, animation, video, still images, or interactivity content forms
to teach diverse difficult to understand concepts in science.

The educator can convey vast information using advanced media, devices and techniques, and
involve a wide range of activities to provide a meaningful learning experience.

6. Documented Problem Solving

In this method, the teacher insists students record their thought processes when solving a
problem. They are asked to explain their reasoning for reaching the particular solution rather
than simply presenting a solution.

This kind of documented problem solving helps them to have a deeper understanding of their
process and gives an option for self-analysis.

7. Science at home

As scientists say, science starts from home. Encourage your students to discover science at home
from elementary classes themselves. Ask them to find out a specific science concept application
at home as assignments and let them discover science on the go.
There are fun science activities at home that involve parents and kids such as measuring Earth’s
circumference with a shadow, creating underwater fireworks with chemistry, building a balloon-
powered toy car, and a lot more.

Other Classroom Activities


The reversal method takes a given situation and turns it around, inside out, backward, or upside down.
Any situation can be “reversed” in several ways. Looking at a familiar problem or situation in a fresh way
can suggest new solutions or approaches. It doesn’t matter whether the reversal makes sense or not.

Example: If a room is dark, look for ways to make it lighter. Instead of looking for ways of adding light,
look for ways to remove the dark — for example by putting mirrors or white paint in darker corners.

Maze Game Benefit: The maze game is a fun way to practice math problems. 

Direction: Get about 20 (or as many problems you want students to practice) pieces of computer sized
paper. Write out the 20 problems in big print ALL in the same color so that students will be able to see
the problems from their seats. Write “start here” on the first problem. Students will solve the problem on
their paper. The answer they find will tell them what problem to solve next. They look for the answer in a
different color marker on the top left-hand corner of the next problem they should solve. Then, they
solve that problem, identify the answer, and find the next problem to solve. The maze ends when they
solve the final problem in which the answer is written on the “start here” problem. This strategy is also
great in making sure that students are not practicing problems incorrectly because they cannot move on
in the maze until they find the correct answer.


Laddering or the “why method” involves toggling between two abstractions to create ideas. Laddering
techniques involve the creation, reviewing and modification of hierarchical knowledge. In a ladder
containing abstract ideas or concepts, the items lower down are details or sub-sets of the ones higher up,
so one moves between the abstract and concrete. Laddering can help students understand how an
expert categorizes concepts into classes and can help clarify concepts and their relationships.

How: Beginning with an existing idea, “ladder up” by asking, of what wider category is this an example?
“Ladder down” by finding more examples. Then “ladder up” again by seeking an even wider category (big
picture) from the new examples obtained from step 2. Generally, “laddering up” toward the general
allows expansion into new areas while “laddering down” focuses on specific aspects of these areas. Why
questions are ladders up; so-what questions are ladders down.

Assumption Busting

Assumption busting is particularly effective when one is stuck in current thinking paradigms or has run
out of ideas. Everyone makes assumptions about how the world around us, which in creative situations,
can prevent seeing or generating possibilities. Deliberately seeking out and addressing previously
unquestioned assumptions stimulates creative thinking.
How: List assumptions associated with a task or problem, for example, that a solution is impossible due
to time and cost constraints; something works because of certain rules or conditions, and people believe,
need, or think of certain things. Then ask under what conditions these assumptions are not true,
continue the process of examination as old assumptions are challenged and new ones are created.

Virtual Journal Writing

Instead of daily journal entries on paper, encourage virtual journal submissions through an online platform
like Google Docs.

Free Writing/Minute Paper/Question of the Day Exercise

These are activities that prompt students to write a response to an open question and can be done at
any time during a class. Writing activities are usually 1-2 minutes and can focus on key questions and
ideas or ask students to make predictions. These activities allow students to organize their thoughts or
can be collected by the teacher to gain feedback from the students. Advantages include developing
students’ abilities to think holistically and critically, and improving their writing skills.

Here are some different studies made by the other researchers which are related to teaching strategies
that will engage learners in the limited face to face classes:

Teaching Method Used by English Teachers during Covid-19 Pandemic and New Normal Era
Marni Bawawa, Seli Marlina Radja Leba, Rezky Uspayanti


Teaching method selection is one of the factors in achieving learning objectives. This study aims to find
out and analyze the use of teaching methods used by English teachers of Senior High School District
Merauke. Some English teachers were the subject of this research that was taken from 4 Senior High
School District Merauke. Selecting the sample used purposive sampling. This study used qualitative
descriptive analysis. In collecting the data, researchers used interviews. Based on the
result of the interview, the English teachers used a variety-teaching method in the teaching and learning
process both online and offline learning. The teaching method was used by the teachers namely blended
learning method, project-based learning, learning and playing, Audio Lingual Method, Total Physical
Respond, Grammar-Translation Method. Furthermore, the English teacher also used applications from
google such as GC (Google classroom), GM (Google meet), and GD (Google Docs). In teaching during a
pandemic covid-19 and new normal, English teachers also used picture media as a tool in the teaching
and learning process. This study focused on the use of teaching methods used by the English teacher
district Merauke both online teaching and offline teaching in the learning process during pandemic covid-
19 and the new normal era. The data of this research was taken from October until December 2020 in
four Senior High Schools in District Merauke.


From the research that has been done by the researchers, the data were gotten from interviews with 5
English teachers in Senior High School District Merauke. The interview was given related to teaching
methods during pandemic covid-19 and the new normal era. Based on the result, the teaching method or
the way English teacher deliver the material namely in SMK 1 Merauke, English teacher used Whatsapp
group and google classroom, used direct method, project-based learning. The project-based learning
used by the teacher namely asking the students to make the video. To support the data below is the
teacher’s statement based on the interview as the sample that has been translated into English.

I usually implement the project method, I ask the students to write the list of V1, V2, V3 on the big
board. Thus, I also asked to make traffic signs in English..............(English teacher of SMK 1 Merauke,

During pandemic covid-19, I give more explanations and assignments. (English teacher of SMK 1
Merauke, 2020).

Therefore, for giving the evaluation during pandemic covid-19 the teacher asked the students to listen to
the video, memorize vocabulary, used and make a video. (English teacher of SMK 1 Merauke,

Therefore, the data of the interview also was given to the English teacher in Senior High School 1
Merauke. Two English teachers in Senior High School 1 Merauke have been given interview questions.
Based on the result of the interview in Senior High School 1 Merauke, the teaching method used by
English teachers namely Audio lingual Method, TPR, GTM, project-based learning (making video
presentation), use of image media. Furthermore, during the pandemic covid, teachers in teaching online
using several applications namely google doc, some applications from google such as GC (Google
classroom), GM (Google meet), GD (Google Docs), GA to send material, provide explanations,
evaluations, and absences also use Microsoft documents, powerpoints, and PowerPoint videos to
anticipate memory kink. The explanation can be supported by teachers’ statements from the result of the
interview that has been translated into English below:

In teaching during a pandemic, I used the Audio lingual Method, TPR, and GTM. (English T
eacher 1 of Senior High School 1 Merauke, 2020)

I used some applications from google such as GC, GM, GD, GA to send the material, explain, and
evaluate. Thus, for the attendance list, I used Microsoft document, PowerPoint, PowerPoint video to
anticipate memory kink. (English teacher 1 of Senior High School 1 Merauke, 2020).

For methods in teaching and learning, I used media, picture media, that was implemented in online
teaching. (English Teacher 2 of Senior High School 1 Merauke, 2020).

Thus, in both online and offline teaching, English teachers in SMA YPK Merauke also used variation in the
teaching and learning process. The method used by the teacher namely the combination between online
learning and offline learning or as known as the mean blended learning method. Therefore, in SMA YPK
consisted of indigenous students and newcomers students, especially for indigenous students were
needed studying and learning method. The statement can be proofed by the result of the interview

Teaching and educating Papuan children, especially in Merauke, is a unique challenge because if children
in other parts of Indonesia can be taught and educated by ordinary methods, otherwise Papuan children.
It requires a merger of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor processes where the focal point is

Based on the results of the interview, it can be concluded that the method used in learning is teachers
using the project-based learning method. Thus, the use of a blended learning system is the merger
between online learning and face-to-face learning, etc. For SMAN 1 Merauke, for teachers 1 mostly use
image media both in online and offline learning, and for Whatsapp teachers, the teacher uses it in terms
of information sharing. For teacher 2, she used Audio Lingual Method, TPR (Total Physical Responses),
Grammar-Translation Method. Thus, the English teacher also used applications from Google such as GC
(Google classroom), GM (Google meet), GD (Google Docs), and GA. Furthermore, in teaching during a
pandemic, English teachers also used picture media as a tool in the teaching and learning process.
Furthermore, for English teachers in SMAS YPK Merauke, consisting of indigenous students and
newcomers students, especially for indigenous students were needed studying and learning method.
Thus, the blended learning model is mostly applied in the teaching and learning process. For online, the
teacher mostly used Whatsapp application as a communication tool in learning English. In Suggestion,
based on the result of the study, English teachers used a variety of teaching methods in teaching both
online teaching and offline teaching during the pandemic and new normal era. This research result will
give information for the readers, teachers, or lecturers especially for English teachers about the suitable
method in the teaching and learning process. Therefore, for the next researchers, not only find out the
teaching method of teacher but also strategy, technique, model, and approach during the teaching and
learning process.

Being a Professional Teacher in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0: Opportunities,

Challenges and Strategies for Innovative Classroom Practices

This paper discusses how professional teachers in Indonesia can maintain their professionalism in a
rapidly developing world due to the developments caused by the information technology revolution in
relation to the industrial world which has led to the rise of so-called industrial revolution 4.0 (IR4.0).
Some characteristics of the IR 4.0 era are digitalization, internets of
things, internet of people, big data, iCloud data, and artificial intelligence. All of these new
developments have brought about disruption in various sectors of life, including education. The IR 4.0
can be negative, as it can threaten the existence of schools and teachers. Yet, it can also be positive
because it brings many opportunities for innovative research and classroom practices
which can subsequently accelerate and optimize teachers' productivity and student learning
outcomes. Therefore, professional teachers must be aware of and adapt themselves to this
development. Teachers of this digital age, for instance, should be teachers with the 21st-century
learning mindset, possess digital literacy, keep learning new things, and should be able to make use
of opportunities provided by the IR 4.0 for their better teaching. Integrating classroom activities
with some online platforms through blended/hybrid learning is a highly recommended teaching
strategy for today's teachers. In short, if they are carried out consciously and systematically, all
developments in the IR 4.0 will certainly have a positive impact on the achievement of our
national education goals in the future.

Classroom Practices
Purnomo (2017) describes several approaches that teachers should do in the era of the era of
digitalization in the RI 4.0 as follows:

a. Student-centred
The development of learning in class should use a student-centered learning approach. While the
teacher has more roles as a learning facilitator. Students are placed as learning subjects who
actively develop their interests and potential. Students are no longer required to listen and
memorize the subject matter provided by the teacher, but try to construct their knowledge and skills,
according to their capacity and level of development, while being invited to contribute to
solving real problems that occur in the community. Some learning models such as
inquiry learning, project-based learning, scientific approach, or problem-based learning are among the
learning models that teachers can use in the context of implementing student-centered learning.
b. Contextual learning.
Learning material needs to be linked to students' daily lives. The teacher develops learning
methods that enable students to connect with the real world. Learning should be directed at
formulating existing problems rather than just answering problems. The teacher helps students to
find values, meaning, and confidence in what they are learning and can apply them in their daily lives.
The teacher conducts student performance appraisals that are associated with the real world.
Problems-based learning and contextual learning are among the approaches that can be used in
this case.

c. Community integrated learning

Similar to contextual learning, the teacher must try to prepare students to be responsible citizens.
Therefore, learning should be able to facilitate students to be involved in their social
environment. For example, holding community service activities, where students can learn to
take roles and perform certain activities in a social environment and can do specialist works.
Learning is directed to train analytical thinking (decision making) rather than mechanistic
thinking (routine).

d. Collaborative learning
Students must be taught to be able to collaborate with others. Collaborate with people who differ
in their cultural setting and values. In exploring information and building meaning, students need
to be encouraged to be able to collaborate with friends in their classrooms. In working on a
project, students need to be taught how to appreciate the strengths and talents of each person and
how to take roles and adapt themselves appropriately. In this context, teachers must apply the
principles of cooperative learning more during the learning process.

e. Technology-based learning
As the characteristic of IR 4.0 learning that is synonymous with the internet of things, the
internet of people, iCloud, big data, connectivity, and digitalization, it is highly important for
teachers now to integrate their learning and teaching activities with the latest information
technology developments. They, for example, need to combine offline learning mode with online
(blended learning/hybrid learning). They can make use of several online learning applications,
such as Google Classroom, Ruangguru, quipper, zenius, and other similar applications to enhance
students’ learning. They can also plan to make use of social media platforms such as Youtube,
Instagram, Line, and many others as some of the learning media. In this context, teachers also need to
maximize the use of sophisticated devices such as smartphones in the classroom for learning. In
short, the integration of learning with the internet and/or network will greatly affect the
effectiveness and acceleration of the achievement of learning outcomes in this digital era.

Concluding Remark
The Industrial Revolution 4.0 has brought many significant changes in human life. It has
fundamentally changed the way people move and has a big influence on many aspects of human
life, including in economy, security systems, politics, and education. The IR4.0 has brought positive
influences on the effectiveness and efficiency of resources and production costs in many industries. Yet, it
also has an impact on reducing employment, and the emergence of several new challenges which are not
necessarily easier. In the education sector, in particular, today’s educator is obliged to make self-
adaptation and certain changes to successfully utilize all the potential benefits brought by the IR 4.0 era.
Otherwise, they will be left behind, and it's not impossible 'die'. Among the adaptations and changes that
the teacher must do is shift the mind about the role of the teacher and the learning process. They also
need to conduct adaptation programs, such as adjusting curriculum content with content that will prepare
students with 21st-century abilities, and also choose and apply various current learning models suitable
for millennial generation students. This includes practicing blended learning and making use of social
media for teaching and learning. In this way, hopefully, we can take maximum advantage of the
opportunities brought by the RI 4.0 era for the future of our national education.

Activity: Discuss and design at least 3 classroom activities that are in line with your subject area(s) that
you can utilize during the limited face-to-face classes.

http://ejournal.unp.ac.id/index.php/eltar/article/view/102675/101032, Being a Professional Teacher in
the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0:

Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies for Innovative Classroom

Faculty of Teachers Training and Education (FKIP), Universitas Riau

Face-To-Face Classes Guidelines This Pandemic, https://www.camella.com.ph/face-to-face-classes-

guidelines-this-pandemic/ December 9, 2021
https://www.camella.com.ph/face-to-face-classes-in-the-philippines/, All You Need To Know
About The Limited Face-To-Face Classes In The Philippines

  October 12, 2021

https://www.slideshare.net/rdhaker2011/teaching-method-ppt, Rahul Dhaker

Asst. Professor
Jul. 07, 2017, teaching method ppt

Teaching Method Used by English Teachers during Covid-19 Pandemic and New Normal Era
Marni Bawawa, Seli Marlina Radja Leba, Rezky Uspayanti

Department of English Education,Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Indonesia Country

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