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Form 5 Unit 7 “THE PLACE I LIVE”




1. Послухай текст і напиши: True або False. Listening.

1) Pavlo has a grandmother.______________________________________________

2) She lives in Poltava.___________________________________________________
3) Pavlo and his grandmother visit Poltava in spring.___________________________
4) Poltava is famous for folk concerts and folk craft people. _____________________
5) In the centre of the town there is a big club.________________________________
6) You can see a library in the club._________________________________________
7) Pavlo likes to read books._______________________________________________

2. Склади розповідь про своє місто/село, використовуючи зворот there is/are:

I live in …
There is a library in my street.
There are many shops in the centre of it.
a school near the park.
a museum near the river.
many trees at the market.
a post-office
a cinema
a theatre
3. Прочитай. Дай відповіді на питання. Reading.
My Friend
My friend Ivan is 11. His family lives in a small town. He hasn’t got any sisters or
brothers but he has a dog. Ivan likes to walk his dog in the park. The park is situated near the
town museum. The museum is in the centre of the town. Ivan and his friends can ride a bike
and play badminton in the park. Ivan likes his town because it’s green and clean.
1) How old is Ivan?
2) Where does he live?
3) Where is the town museum?
4) What can you find near the museum?
5) What does Ivan like to do?
6) What can his friends do in the park?

4. Запиши речення в Present Perfect Writing

Example: We have done our English .

1. I ______________________ never ____________________________ (be) to Kyiv.

2. She _____________________________________________________ (visit) the museum.

3. My brother _____________________ not _______________________ (go) to the seaside.

4. _________________________ you ever __________________________ (be) to London?

5. __________________________ my friend __________________________ (play) tennis?

6. We _______________________not____________________________ (finish) the task yet.

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